On 5/4/09, Bonnie Corwin <Bonnie.Corwin at sun.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I updated the request-sponsor table today with Dtrace putbacks from Chad
> Mynhier, sponsored by Rafael Vanoni.
>  These putbacks bring the total contributions via the Sponsor Program to
> 400.

When was the sponsor program created? How does this number compare to
the number of contributions to other operating systems like Linux and
      ,   _                                    _   ,
     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
.----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at gmail.com   \-`\-'----.
 `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
      /\/\                                     /\/\
      `--`                                      `--`

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