Shawn Walker wrote:
>>>Doug Scott wrote:
>> The appropriate ioctl
>> KBD_CMD_BELL and KBD_CMD_NOBELL are already in
>> sys/kbd.h.
>>Those ioctls don't make it so the bell doesn't
>> sound
>> in the future - they
>>are used for sounding the bell.   In the X server,
>> to
>> make a 100ms beep,
>> we do:
>>      kbdCmd = KBD_CMD_BELL;
>>      ioctl(fd, KIOCCMD, &kbdCmd)
>>      sleep for 100ms
>>      kbdCmd = KBD_CMD_NOBELL;
>>      ioctl(fd, KIOCCMD, &kbdCmd)
>> You'ld need to add new ones to make a keyboard bell
>> disabling command.
>>h, this would confirm my testing issues so far. My
>>confusion comes from the wording (below) in the file
>>common/io/conskbd.c. Looks ioctls commands like
> I don't think I'd mind the bell so much if there were some way to control the 
> volume of it! The bell exists on other operating systems at the console, but 
> I don't remember being nearly as loud as it is in Solaris. I don't suppose 
> there is already a way to do that, or a way that could be finagled in with 
> this, is there? :)

Actually it is a long standing RFE:
4421990 allow changing keyboard bell frequency

As I know, Aaron.Rui at Sun.COM is working on it.


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