On Dec 8, 2006, at 09:10 , Scott Ferguson wrote:

> On Dec 8, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Rob Lockstone wrote:
>> Environment: Windows 2003 Server, Resin Pro 3.0.21, OpenSSL 0.9.8b,
>> Java 1.4.2_12
>> More information on what caused the JVM/Resin to spontaneously
>> reboot. I get these fairly often (multiple times per month).
>> They're not always the same exact thing. Often the stack trace
>> references one of the SSL DLL's, but other times, like this one, it
>> references the JVM DLL.
>> In any event, since the "Java frames" section references some
>> Caucho JNI calls, I'm sending this in. Scott, let me know if you
>> want an official bug filed.
> That would be great.

Ok, I reported it. Looks like Mantis took it twice. The first time,  
it complained that the file I was trying to upload wasn't valid. So I  
created a new report. But once I submitted that one, it took me to  
the list of issues and I saw that it had created two entries for the  
same bug.

The numbers are 1499 and 1500. Feel free to remove one of them as a dup.


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