Fwiw, I just restarted a server and got three of these SSL-related crashes in a row. It's just really, really bad when you try to restart a server and add it to a pool of active servers and it starts taking requests. Just awful.

Again, I'd like to request that, at least for Windows, Caucho includes its own "we trust this build of OpenSSL DLL's for use with Resin". The constant crashing is painful to watch. And since I'm the "resin guy", even though I'm not a sysadmin, I get blamed when everything goes to pot. It's not fun. :-(


Attachment: SSLdllCrash.log
Description: Binary data

On Dec 8, 2006, at 09:10 , Scott Ferguson wrote:

On Dec 8, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

Environment: Windows 2003 Server, Resin Pro 3.0.21, OpenSSL 0.9.8b,
Java 1.4.2_12

More information on what caused the JVM/Resin to spontaneously
reboot. I get these fairly often (multiple times per month).
They're not always the same exact thing. Often the stack trace
references one of the SSL DLL's, but other times, like this one, it
references the JVM DLL.

In any event, since the "Java frames" section references some
Caucho JNI calls, I'm sending this in. Scott, let me know if you
want an official bug filed.

That would be great.

I'm attaching two files to this email since the emailer likes to
reformat stuff into unreadable chunks. One is the weird
SSL_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION error I have never seen before and reported
a few minutes. The other is the top portion of the JVM crash log
where the jvm.dll was the source of the crash and Caucho JNI
routines are being called.

Btw, whenever the crash log mentions an SLL DLL as the source of
the crash, the "Java frames" section is always something along
these lines:

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  com.caucho.vfs.JniStream.readNative(J[BII)I+0
j  com.caucho.vfs.JniStream.read([BII)I+43
j  com.caucho.vfs.ReadStream.readBuffer()Z+53
j  com.caucho.vfs.ReadStream.waitForRead()Z+12
j  com.caucho.server.port.TcpConnection.run()V+181
j  com.caucho.util.ThreadPool.runTasks()V+187
j  com.caucho.util.ThreadPool.run()V+85
j  java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
Which is similar to the attached JVM DLL crash. What's up with
com.caucho.vfs.JniStream.readNative ?

readNative itself should be solid.  We've run it for days under very
heavy load (CPU load around 40 on multi-cpu systems) with no issues.

But there has been less time stressing openssl, so there might be
something odd there.

-- Scott




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