
Where it says: "NOTE: Trial versions are currently available only for the
platform." it means that we only have a demo on the Windows side for the
actual server.  You should have no problems logging in a Mac client using
the demo Windows Server.  The thing to remember is that Windows can only
communicate via the TCP/IP protocol.  If the Mac does not have TCP/IP
enabled or the Retrospect Client is loaded as an AppleTalk client, then the
Windows server will NOT be able to see that client.  Look at the client
control panel and make sure it says "TCP/IP" and not "AppleTalk".

If it does say TCP/IP, double-check the TCP/IP control panel and make sure
everything is correct and that "Load only when needed" is NOT checked.
Also, try pinging the Mac client from the Windows machine to see if you get
a reply.

If you are still having problems, I'd recomend calling Dantz Technical
Support at 925.253.3050.

Chris Kast
Dantz Development

-----Original Message-----
Of Jay
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 12:42 PM
To: retro-talk
Subject: Re: Retrospect Demo

I thank you for responding to my message.  On Dantz's demo website, it
claims  "NOTE: Trial versions are currently available only for the Windows
platform."  Does this mean that we are incapable of adding Mac volumes to
Retrospect Backup Server without already having a third party software like

With this trial, I installed Retrospect Clients on both my NT and MAC.
When I open the Retrospect NT Client, the status portion reads "Waiting for
first Access".  When I open up the Client on the Mac, it reads the same
thing on the status portion, (on the top note, reads appletalk 4.2v.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Gee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: Retrospect Demo

> >The problem I am
> >>having is, the Mac volumes cannot be seen on the NT.
> There are two different clients for the Mac, one for AppleTalk and
> one for TCP/IP. If you have the TCP/IP client installed, then the
> NTServer should be able to back up your Macs with no further software
> required.
>  From the Retrospect Server you connect to the client just like you do
> for the Windows clients -- you backup via the Retrospect Client, not
> via file sharing.
> Does the installer for the demo version on the Mac ask you which
> client you want? (The release installer asks which client, but the
> demo version might not.)
> --
> John Gee                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dunedin, New Zealand            Programmers live in interesting times...
> --
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