on 7/13/00 7:42 AM, Jeffry C. Nichols at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> With all this talk of compression, speed, different drives, etc.,
> would it be possible for someone at Dantz to set up a database that
> Retrospect users could contribute to with the purpose of documenting
> the different systems and their performance?
> At a minimum, it could include backup computer type, backup device
> used, connection type (SCSI, USB, Firewire), typical backup speeds as
> reported in the log file, and most importantly, footnotes to
> problems/solutions that people have tried or used to improve their
> own backup.
> As an example, I'm currently fighting the problem of several backup
> clients which run faster via Appletalk than TCP/IP.  Also, I'd like
> to know, as someone else mentioned, would it be advantageous to get a
> SCSI-2 or SCSI-3 card, or am I limited by the speed of the backup
> device itself?
> Just my $0.02.
> Jeffry C. Nichols, PhD
> Instructor/Lab Coordinator
> Rice University
> Biochemistry Department
> Houston, Texas

Here is a condensed version of last nights log. It is meant as an FWI only.
I've changed a few things to make it easier to understand. The items in the
(...)'s represent the computer type and the items in the ***...***'s
represent the type of data being backed up. All backups (except one) are
done over a 100-B-T switched network. The NT 2000 files are mounted on the
the destinations desktop. Others use retro client over TCP/IP.

    Retrospect version 4.2

+    Normal Backup at 7/13/2000 1:00 AM
    To (MAC G4/500,9G. HD)

-    7/13/2000 1:00:21 AM: Copying ***ACCOUNTING DATABASE*** (PII
        Completed: 1374 files, 501.4 MB, with 71% compression
        Performance: 137.3 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 1:04:02 AM: Copying ***TIME CLOCK DATABASE*** (PII
        Completed: 715 files, 103.3 MB, with 33% compression
        Performance: 101.5 MB/minute

+    Recycle Backup at 7/13/2000 1:05 AM
    To (MAC G4/500,9G. HD)
    7/13/2000 1:05:22 AM: Recycle Backup: the backup set was reset
-    7/13/2000 1:05:22 AM: ***FILEMAKER DATABASE*** (MAC G3/300)
        Completed: 91 files, 1.4 GB, with 53% compression
        Performance: 168.6 MB/minute

+    Recycle Backup at 7/13/2000 1:14 AM
    To (MAC G4/500,9G. HD)
    7/13/2000 1:14:03 AM: Recycle Backup: the backup set was reset
-    7/13/2000 1:14:03 AM: ***VARIOUS USER FILES*** (MAC G3/266)
        Completed: 2821 files, 325.9 MB, with 32% compression
        Performance: 117.0 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 1:17:13 AM: ***VARIOUS USER FILES*** (MAC G4/500)
        Completed: 7763 files, 2.1 GB, with 44% compression
        Performance: 189.9 MB/minute

+    Recycle Backup at 7/13/2000 1:29 AM
    To (MAC G4/500,9G. HD)
    7/13/2000 1:29:07 AM: Recycle Backup: the backup set was reset

-    7/13/2000 1:29:07 AM: ***WEB SITE FILES***  (MAC G3/266)
    7/13/2000 1:29:39 AM: Execution completed successfully
        Completed: 101 files, 15.8 MB, with 0% compression
        Performance: 36.2 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 1:29:40 AM: ***VARIOUS USER FILES*** (MAC 7600/120)
    7/13/2000 1:38:08 AM: Execution completed successfully
        Completed: 1420 files, 443.8 MB, with 20% compression
        Performance: 53.7 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 1:38:09 AM: ***VARIOUS USER FILES*** (PII 400/NT2000)
        Completed: 4474 files, 365.1 MB, with 40% compression
        Performance: 102.3 MB/minute

+    Recycle Backup using Off-Site Wednesday at 7/13/2000 1:42 AM
    To (MAC G4/500,2G. JAZZ DRIVE)

    7/13/2000 1:42:13 AM: Recycle Backup: the backup set was reset

-    7/13/2000 1:42:13 AM: ***FILEMAKER DATABASE*** (MAC G3/300)
        Completed: 80 files, 1.3 GB, with 52% compression
        Performance: 95.9 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 1:55:34 AM: ***ACCOUNTING DATABASE*** (PII 400/NT2000)
        Completed: 1492 files, 550.8 MB, with 70% compression
        Performance: 98.9 MB/minute

-    7/13/2000 2:01:12 AM: ***TIME CLOCK DATABASE*** (PII 400/NT2000)
        Completed: 715 files, 103.3 MB, with 33% compression
        Performance: 56.2 MB/minute

Kyle Putzier

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