
>       We are having problems backing up G4s over the network. Basically, they get 
>part way through the backup and then Retrospect looses the connection. The problem 
>seems to be at the G4 end as once this has happened they have lost network 
>connectivity until the next restart (sleep and waking seems to restore it as well). 
>This seems to be the problem that was addressed by the "Ethernet Update 1.0" and our 
>network does seem to come close to the type of network described in the Apple TIL on 
>the subject. HOWEVER, installing the Ethernet Update doesn't fix the problem, 
>although it may have made it a little better (the backup SEEMS to get a bit further).

Disable the OT AutoPush extension and try again - worked for us!

Have you got TCP/IP set as active and "Load only when needed" unchecked - I thought 


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