On Sat, 2007-01-27 at 01:58 -0800, Travis Snoozy wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 17:52:27 +0900, Erik Grinaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Actually, from 0.5.0 I will be using tags instead of folders - then
> > you'll just be able to tag your google account with web and email for
> > example, and it will show up on both searches.
> I'm not too keen on this tagging stuff, myself -- but I'll give it a
> try. Will the tags at least have the ability to have a taxonomic
> relation to one another? E.g., can I say that all IM tags count as
> Communication tags, or that all Multiservice tags count as IM, E-mail,
> and Hosting tags?

Not likely, it seems kind of overkill. But you could just tag email
accounts with both communication and email, and they'd show up in both

I'm also planning on setting up account browsing in much the same way
epiphany does bookmark browsing (automatically creating a tree based on
tags and their relationships).

> As an aside, this would adequately solve my "default list" issue.

Good point - just tag it favorite :) 

> > > Great work so far; thanks for taking on a utility like this, and
> > > for supporting such a wide variety of password manager file formats.
> > 
> > Thanks, glad you like it - feel free to make other suggestions as
> > well :)
> Oh, well, if you insist...
> It would be kind of nice if I didn't have to toggle the "show all
> passwords" to get the password generator to show me the password it
> made. Go View -> Password Generator and generate a password to see
> what I mean. :)

Well, this is due to user requests - people want to be able to generate
passwords when people are looking over their shoulder. But I could
include a checkbox in the dialog to show/hide the password, opened a
ticket for this (#209).

> Also, the tooltip for "Open a file" seems to stick sometimes -- I
> haven't tried for a consistent repro yet, but the general flow is that
> I pick up a password from Revelation (double-click) alt-tab to the
> browser (maximized), then ctrl-alt-(arrows) to switch to another
> desktop. Sometimes, the tooltip pops up on the other desktops, and
> remains in the same position on all desktops until I bring focus to
> Revelation again. It's always for "Open a file", even though I never
> hover over that icon when actually using Revelation.

Hm, ok - I'll look into it. Seen the same issue with some other apps too
(most notably Epiphany), so might be something in GTK.

> Until the automatic password history gets implemented (and not a bad
> feature in any case) would be to rotate the old keyring file before
> saving the new version, similar to the way that FPM does. Naturally,
> you could make this configurable, but default automatic backups tend to
> be a Good Thing with a tool like this.

Well, from 0.5.0 the file will be automatically saved on any change, as
I'm doing away with the whole explicit open/save thing. This would mean
making a new backup on every change, which is kind of useless (you could
just use undo/redo instead).

> While I'm on the topic of defaults, it would be nice if Revelation made
> a default keyring on first startup -- this was the only thing that made
> it feel like it couldn't just go out-of-the-box for me.

Yes, this will be done from 0.5.0. No more New/Open/Save file, it will
use a hidden file in your homedir.

> Finally, the "updated" data is a nice touch, but it would be even
> better if it reflected the last time the password changed, not just any
> element of the account.

This will probably be better handled through the password history.

Erik Grinaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of
life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be
enthusiastic about."
                                                  -- Albert Einstein

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