Hey Christian,

thanks for your super-fast response!

> Right now, we don't have anything in the code to enforce policies such as
> requiring two "ship its" before you can close out a review request. Since
> Review Board doesn't actually commit reviews, we can't enforce anything like
> that.
Yep, that was a slight misunderstanding. We neither need such a policy
to _enforce_ something.

> When you talk about a global "status" for a review, what exactly do you
> mean? Can you describe how this would best work for you?
OK. Currently, we have a mailing list for posting patches to, and as
said, we require two "+1"s - at least one from a core developer. Now,
many patches are still "lying around" as it sometimes takes a lot of
time to review complicated changes.
Currently, it is basically impossible to get a list of issues which
still need one review - or a list of issues which are ready to commit.
What I mean with "global status":
- In a basic version, it would be nice to display the summed-up
ranking of a feature in the summary of the feature - and as a column
in the overview.
So, if a feature has 3 times "Ship it", it should display "+3" (or
something similar).
- In an advanced version, it'd be nice to implement own strategies (as
a Python module f.e.) for calculation of this "Status" value - so I
could have a strategy which also implements the above-described

> Again, since Review Board doesn't commit changes, this has to be enforced
> internally anyway.

> We can certainly try to help where we can, though. My thoughts on the "-1"
> is to give administrators the ability to specify a list of states. By
> default, there could be "Ship It" and "Don't ship it," but companies could
> add such things as "Wrong direction" or "Hold off for now." Each would have
> a weight, and we'd reflect that in the dashboard and on the review request.
That'd be really perfect!

> > - Is it possible to have a default "diff base path" depending on which
> > repository you select? (We require all diffs to be made from a certain
> > directory). Thus, our "diff base path" is in most cases /.
> We certainly could use a better default. There is none right now.
OK - I'd just need to add this default in the Models.py, right? Or
would you make it configurable?

> What I'd strongly recommend is using post-review to handle creating review
> requests and updating diffs. It will hide the whole base path from you, and
> makes it much easier to work with Review Board. 
> Seehttp://www.review-board.org/docs/Using_PostReview.
Thanks, I'll look at this.

> - Is it possible to have default reviewers selected depending on the
> > Repository selected?
> Sort of. We have support for default reviewers for file paths, but they're
> global across repositories. We could expand this for the next release,
> unless someone wants to do the work for this one.
I could again do that, but I am quite unfamiliar with Python - so I
doubt I'd get it right in the first place.
Essentially, it would be enough to have a second field which is called
"Repository RegEx", which is checked as well if non-empty.

> I hope you do. :)
Me too!

> Review Board's pretty much a part-time project of David Trowbridge and mine,
> and we're in general quite busy, with a large to-do list, so I can't promise
> we'll get to all of those right away. Many people who use Review Board and
> need new behavior contribute patches, which is the fastest way to get such
> things in the code base. I should also point out that we're entering a
> feature-freeze period soon for our 1.0 release, so we'll soon start pushing
> new features back.
Yep. When do you enter it? It'd be nice if some stuff (like the
summation of "Ship it") could already enter trunk :-)

> If you can use Review Board without the "-1" support and with using
> post-review for now to get a better feel for your needs, file bugs/feature
> requests, and maybe continue posting more useful e-mails like this, then
> that would help us to design these features for the next release.
Thanks a lot :-)

Btw - I tried post-review on Mac, and it does not find simpleJSON.
Does someone have a mac here, as well, and knows how to make it work
with the shipped python?

Thanks a lot for your response,
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