Hum ok.
I'll try that but I really prefer as a first approach avoir the svn prop
because collegue will tell.
"What the f### are you modifying!" :)
So a less intrusive method is prefered until they'll be totally converted to
reviewboard ;)
I've modified the python script to accept another name, ans i will first try
to the make webui fully work... until i dont get it work it is painless to
try to make  post-rview work I think.

2009/3/20 Vinay Venkatesh <>

> I apologize in advance for the stream of consciousness nature of this
> email.  But hopefully, it helps.
> You can set the reviewboard:url property by doing"svn propedit
> reviewboard:url ."
> inside the directory for the repository using cygwin.  When you run
> post-review you'll want to be inside that directory.  Make sure that you
> also have the repository set up in the review-board admin ui (
> )
> I am not a windows user, so I am unaware of any "gotchas" with Cygwin, but
> from reading your emails I gather the following information.
> The cleartool error that you're getting is not the problem.  It sounds like
> you are using a svn server.  And post-review is unable to find the
> reviewboard url and your current working directory (when you run
> post-review) isn't inside the repository.
> /Vinay
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Christian Hammond <>wrote:
>> You must set either the REVIEWBOARD_URL variable within .reviewboardrc or
>> set the "reviewboard:url" property on your SVN directory for the project.
>> The property is preferred, and there are instructions for this within the
>> post-review script.
>> The repository URL provided by running `svn info` is what you must use in
>> Review Board itself in the repository entry.
>> Did you create a Repository entry in the admin UI in Review Board, and
>> what is it set to?
>> Christian
>> --
>> Christian Hammond -
>> Review Board -
>> VMware, Inc. -
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:37 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Just another thread because this is not related to the exception
>>> handling.
>>> It seems that I misuse post-review.
>>> I was thinking that I had to launch it (wherever I was), and it would
>>> ask me what was my SVN repos, what was my diff file, ans it would send
>>> the update to the server.
>>> Seems it does no do that. It seems it is looking for some info about
>>> the repos.
>>> Does it took the info from REVIEWBOARD_URL = "
>>> reviews"?
>>> If yes, admitting I have misconfigured my server (because it does not
>>> detect the SVN repos. How can I check my repos config?
>>> In fact I've also tried to declare a review via the web interface
>>> sending it a .diff.
>>> But trying to see diff, it show me a blank page. So what, Snv repos
>>> declaration is misconfigured. If yes, where could I find a log to
>>> check this?
>>> I must admit I'm a little bit lost. For the moment I haven't set the
>>> svn properties, just using .reviewboardrc but it doesn't seems to have
>>> any effect.
>>> So what, more a server repos misconfig?
>>> Laurent
> >

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