I should add, for my distribution I also copied the GNU licence text
from the diffutils installer into a text file and included it in my
dist/ folder - although I was only testing this build process and not
actually distributing my package I wanted to make sure I followed the
rules in case it should ever be passed around within or outside our

On Apr 16, 3:24 pm, David Ball <da...@ball1.net> wrote:
> Raghu,
> I can't help with bulk user loading, but on item 1....
> Once you have a working installation of post-review, you can use the
> py2exe to create a windows executable which can be distributed to
> staff (I'm assuming your users are working under windows).
> I couldn't find a detailed explanation in the ReviewBoard archive, so
> here's a step-by-step of how I did it (Windows XP Pro SP3, Python
> 2.5.4, Review Board 1.0 alpha 2)
> 1) Take as your starting point a working post-review.py script on a
> Windows machine.
> 2) Download the py2exe package "py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.5.exe" 
> fromhttp://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=15583and
> install.  (I assume you can use easy_install instead, but I can't make
> it work with our web proxy)
> 3) Make sure there are no ".egg" files in the Python site-packages
> folder (C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages). These are zipped and py2exe
> can't handle them. They must be unzipped into folders of the same
> name. If there are do the following:
>     3a) Rename by adding a ".zip" extension after the ".egg" extension.
>     3b) Unzip the extension to a folder with the same name as the
> original ".egg" file.
> 4) In the same folder as post-review.py create a setup.py script
> containing exactly the lines below. This will use py2exe to generate
> the executable:
>         from distutils.core import setup
>         import py2exe
>         setup(
>                 options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}},
>                 console = ['post-review.py'],
>                 zipfile = None,
>         )
> 5) Run the setup.py script:
>         prompt> python setup.py py2exe
> 6) The distributable package (comprising two exes and a DLL) can be
> found in the new dist/ subdirectory.
> The dist folder contents can be copied to client PCs. The
> post-review.exe program works in exactly the same way as the original
> python script it was generated from.
> 7) post-review requires GNU diff (at least it does when you're using
> Perforce as I am). Download the GnuWin32 package
> "diffutils-2.8.7-1.exe" 
> fromhttp://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm
> 8) Run the diffutils installer. Accept the default options except
> where prompted for documentation, which should be deselected as not
> required.
> 9) Copy the following files from C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin to the
> post-review dist/ subdirectory:
>         diff.exe
>         libiconv2.dll
>         libintl3.dll
> 10) Rename the dist/ folder to something descriptive, then ZIP it up
> and distribute to users - alternatively, I was able to build a simple
> Windows installer at no cost using NSIS and HM NIS Edit.
> David
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Raghu Kaippully <raghu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been evaluating review board to see if we can use it within our 
> > organization for code reviews. The initial reaction was very good and we 
> > are nearing the end of a pilot phase where we'll roll this out to a large 
> > number of users. I had a couple of questions:
> > 1. Our development/build environment is perl based and nobody has python 
> > installed in their machines. This is going to make it hard for installing 
> > post-review. Has somebody thought about creating an installer that  bundles 
> > python, setuptools, all required modules, and post-review into one package? 
> > I tried creating a Windows installer using NSIS and found it quite simple. 
> > Can I conribute that to review board?
> > 2. Is there a way to bulk-load all users and groups into the database? If 
> > we do not do that a requester will not be able to add a reviewer in the 
> > review request till the reviewer has logged in at least once.
> > Thanks in advance for the help,
> > Raghu
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