If you happen to be using subversion, I have created a csharp post
review app that integrates into explorer nicely. I'll open source it
soon as I get a chance to clean the code up and stub out future vc
functionality. You can try the binary out by downloading from
blog.bennyland.com. (I'd give you the exact link but I'm on my phone
right now.. It's one of the last 3 posts though)

On Apr 16, 11:20 am, David B <da...@ball1.net> wrote:
> I should add, for my distribution I also copied the GNU licence text
> from the diffutils installer into a text file and included it in my
> dist/ folder - although I was only testing this build process and not
> actually distributing my package I wanted to make sure I followed the
> rules in case it should ever be passed around within or outside our
> company.
> On Apr 16, 3:24 pm, David Ball <da...@ball1.net> wrote:
> > Raghu,
> > I can't help with bulk user loading, but on item 1....
> > Once you have a working installation of post-review, you can use the
> > py2exe to create a windows executable which can be distributed to
> > staff (I'm assuming your users are working under windows).
> > I couldn't find a detailed explanation in the ReviewBoard archive, so
> > here's a step-by-step of how I did it (Windows XP Pro SP3, Python
> > 2.5.4, Review Board 1.0 alpha 2)
> > 1) Take as your starting point a working post-review.py script on a
> > Windows machine.
> > 2) Download the py2exe package "py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.5.exe" 
> > fromhttp://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=15583and
> > install.  (I assume you can use easy_install instead, but I can't make
> > it work with our web proxy)
> > 3) Make sure there are no ".egg" files in the Python site-packages
> > folder (C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages). These are zipped and py2exe
> > can't handle them. They must be unzipped into folders of the same
> > name. If there are do the following:
> >     3a) Rename by adding a ".zip" extension after the ".egg" extension.
> >     3b) Unzip the extension to a folder with the same name as the
> > original ".egg" file.
> > 4) In the same folder as post-review.py create a setup.py script
> > containing exactly the lines below. This will use py2exe to generate
> > the executable:
> >         from distutils.core import setup
> >         import py2exe
> >         setup(
> >                 options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}},
> >                 console = ['post-review.py'],
> >                 zipfile = None,
> >         )
> > 5) Run the setup.py script:
> >         prompt> python setup.py py2exe
> > 6) The distributable package (comprising two exes and a DLL) can be
> > found in the new dist/ subdirectory.
> > The dist folder contents can be copied to client PCs. The
> > post-review.exe program works in exactly the same way as the original
> > python script it was generated from.
> > 7) post-review requires GNU diff (at least it does when you're using
> > Perforce as I am). Download the GnuWin32 package
> > "diffutils-2.8.7-1.exe" 
> > fromhttp://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm
> > 8) Run the diffutils installer. Accept the default options except
> > where prompted for documentation, which should be deselected as not
> > required.
> > 9) Copy the following files from C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin to the
> > post-review dist/ subdirectory:
> >         diff.exe
> >         libiconv2.dll
> >         libintl3.dll
> > 10) Rename the dist/ folder to something descriptive, then ZIP it up
> > and distribute to users - alternatively, I was able to build a simple
> > Windows installer at no cost using NSIS and HM NIS Edit.
> > David
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Raghu Kaippully <raghu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have been evaluating review board to see if we can use it within our 
> > > organization for code reviews. The initial reaction was very good and we 
> > > are nearing the end of a pilot phase where we'll roll this out to a large 
> > > number of users. I had a couple of questions:
> > > 1. Our development/build environment is perl based and nobody has python 
> > > installed in their machines. This is going to make it hard for installing 
> > > post-review. Has somebody thought about creating an installer that  
> > > bundles python, setuptools, all required modules, and post-review into 
> > > one package? I tried creating a Windows installer using NSIS and found it 
> > > quite simple. Can I conribute that to review board?
> > > 2. Is there a way to bulk-load all users and groups into the database? If 
> > > we do not do that a requester will not be able to add a reviewer in the 
> > > review request till the reviewer has logged in at least once.
> > > Thanks in advance for the help,
> > > Raghu
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