Just a quick correction, I forgot to say that I had put a dot ('.') at
the end while setting:

> svn propset reviewboard:url http://myreviewboard.mydomain.edu .

I think I forgot to mention that. I find this useful to add so that
will not think that I made a mistake there.

Thanks in advance.


On Aug 19, 9:30 am, Code Review <review.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Christian. I grabbed and installed the latest tgz file:
> RBTools-0.2beta2.dev-20090819.tar.gz<http://downloads.review-board.org/nightlies/RBTools-0.2beta2.dev-2009...>
> and gave a "sudo python setup.py". I think everything went
> smoothly.
> Now, I am having problem with setting the repository configuration.
> I would appreciate if you could help me on this. Here is
> what I do:
> 1. Get the most recent working copy with
> > svn cohttp://myrepository.mydomain.edu/svn/myproject
> 2. Change directory into the top directory of my project
> > cd myproject
> 3. I want to do a post-commit review. So, I issue:
> > post-review --revision-range 122
> > Unable to find a Review Board server for this source code tree.
> OK. Then, I follow the instructions here:
> http://www.review-board.org/docs/manual/dev/users/tools/post-review/
> Particularly, I look under the configuration section. While I am in
> the top directory of my project (myproject), I issue:
> > svn propset reviewboard:urlhttp://myreviewboard.mydomain.edu
> > property 'reviewboard:url' set on '.'
> Note that this address is the address of the front page of my reviewboard
> site.
> I again issue:
> > post-review --revision-range 122
> Error creating review request: The repository path specified is not in the
> list of known repositories (code 206)
> However, I had indeed created this repository in my Review Board site.
> Then, I see the next line in the configuration section 
> ofhttp://www.review-board.org/docs/manual/dev/users/tools/post-review/
> It says:
> "You can set the repository URL in .reviewboardrc file in any directory.
> This must be a directory in the user’s checkout path to work."
> So, without changing anything I also create a .reviewboardrc
> (under the top directory, myproject)
> > vi .reviewboardrc
> As a single line, I enter
> REVIEWBOARD_URL = "http://myreviewboard.mydomain.edu";
> I try again:
> > post-review --revision-range 122
> > Error creating review request: The repository path specified is not in the
> list of known repositories (code 206)
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Kyle
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Christian Hammond 
> <chip...@chipx86.com>wrote:
> > Hi Kyle,
> > Can you grab the latest nightly from
> >http://downloads.review-board.org/nightlies/and give it a try? This may
> > be fixed.
> > Christian
> > --
> > Christian Hammond - chip...@chipx86.com
> > Review Board -http://www.review-board.org
> > VMware, Inc. -http://www.vmware.com
> > On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Kyle <review.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> hello -
> >> I would appreciate your help on this problem.
> >> I receive the following error when I issue:
> >> post-review
> >> (pre or post commit)
> >> *****
> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>  File "/usr/local/bin/post-review", line 5, in <module>
> >>    pkg_resources.run_script('RBTools==0.2beta1', 'post-review')
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 448,
> >> in run_script
> >>    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1173,
> >> in run_script
> >>    exec script_code in namespace, namespace
> >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/RBTools-0.2beta1-
> >> py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/post-review", line 2313, in <module>
> >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/RBTools-0.2beta1-
> >> py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/post-review", line 2295, in main
> >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/RBTools-0.2beta1-
> >> py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/post-review", line 2009, in tempt_fate
> >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/RBTools-0.2beta1-
> >> py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/post-review", line 2009, in tempt_fate
> >> ........
> >> ........
> >> ........ (repeats the last line many times)
> >> ........
> >> ........
> >> ........
> >> ........
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 124, in urlopen
> >>    return _opener.open(url, data, timeout)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 383, in open
> >>    response = self._open(req, data)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 401, in _open
> >>    '_open', req)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 361, in _call_chain
> >>    result = func(*args)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 1130, in http_open
> >>    return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 1102, in do_open
> >>    h.request(req.get_method(), req.get_selector(), req.data, headers)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 874, in request
> >>    self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 911, in _send_request
> >>    self.endheaders()
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 868, in endheaders
> >>    self._send_output()
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 740, in _send_output
> >>    self.send(msg)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 699, in send
> >>    self.connect()
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 683, in connect
> >>    self.timeout)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 502, in create_connection
> >>    sock = socket(af, socktype, proto)
> >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 182, in __init__
> >>    _sock = _realsocket(family, type, proto)
> >> RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python
> >> object
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