On 2009-03-30 11:34, meik michalke wrote:
hi finn,

am Montag, 30. März 2009 (11:16) schrieb stfs:
It complains that it can't find kde4-config.

yes, i guess that's because the kde4 binaries are not in path by default. to compile rkward on ubuntu 8.04 you must
 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/kde4/bin
first, then kde4-config will be found and package building should work.

viele grüße :: m.eik
Compiling now works. I compiled again into a .deb package and from svn.
Everything now works but there may be a problem with the .deb that I will try to explain.

I first installed it the '.deb' way (ie. making the deb and double click it). Rkward could be started from command line but not from menu. Menu had no icon.
I believe the reason is that /usr/local/bin/rkward does not exist.

Then I installed from source. Rkward could now be started from menu (and still from command line). Menu still had no icon (Perhaps some setting is cached by the system or not overwritten as it should).

Then I deleted the menu because I thought if it was missing it would be reinstalled. It didn't help now the menu was completely missing and it didn't turn up when installing. Finally I found the 'deleted' menu as an xdg-file in ~/.local/share/applications/ as soon as I deleted it from there it turned up in the menu with an icon and working too.

Right now I think there may be a problem with the .deb (it does not appear to create /usr/local/bin/rkward).
This file was created by source install instead.

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