Dear Can,
Your argument would hold if the objective of the project was to support edge 
cases by coding legacy support to eliminate the need for other people to 
modernize their infrastructure. Is this what ReactOS wants to achieve as its 
main goal?

I would get your argument if ReactOS was even remotely usable in the real 
world. But what you're supporting right now with your argument is to support an 
edge case in an operating system which cannot support general cases yet.
It is for this reason that not only I disagree with you, but I expressely 
oppose to your argument, for I think it would be harmful for the project to 
proceed with such mindset, which, as we've seen in the past (it is for this 
reason that I referenced the previous discussion on the target NT version) is 
not limited to this specific topic.

Sorry, but I just don't see how "WoW16" can make sense among items such as 
DirectX, AMD64 support, SMP, better translation support, etc.

Also, I think you didn't fully send point #2, but I can imagine where you were 
going, and I probably already gave an answer to that too.

Best regards,
Riccardo Paolo Bestetti

From: Ros-dev [] On Behalf Of Can Tasan
Sent: 17 March 2017 12:48
To: ReactOS Development List <>
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] New ideas added to GSoC Ideas list

Dear Ricardo,

Firstly, Win16 application support doesn't interrupt our project. It 
strengthens us. On technical view, supporting them doesn't make any design 
change to NT architecture, apps won't be able to access hardware directly. Like 
any app, they'll obey the rules.

Secondly, there are a number of reasons to support Win16:

1) Many people and corporations still use DOS and Win16 apps today, thus their 
system can't be upgraded easily. Most of the cases, DOSBOX will do the job but 
what if any problem occurs, or integration with system is needed? With Win16 
support out of the box, people will get much more technical support and 
security updates.

2) Many apps released in 90s have 16 bit setups, even they are actually 32-bit. 
In this

-------- Orjinal mesaj --------
Kimden: Riccardo Paolo Bestetti 
Tarih: 17.03.2017 14:13 (GMT+03:00)
Alıcı: ReactOS Development List 
Konu: Re: [ros-dev] New ideas added to GSoC Ideas list
Sorry for the non-developer intrusion, this is the point of view of an IT 
technician that would happily substitute Windows machines with ReactOS machine 
in an hypotetical future.

To me, this looks like an extension (and a perilous one) to the "which NT 
version should we target?" discussion, which at some point was interrupted and 
so a decision has never been made.
I understand that seamless 3.1 support would be "cool", but would it be of any 
use? If you can already get it working albiet in a non-seamless way, it seems 
more than enough to me, and I don't think that resources should be allocated to 
this if the objective of the project really is (as I understand) to create a 
viable replacement for Windows.

Just my two cents as a real-world user.


From: Ros-dev [] On Behalf Of Can Tasan
Sent: 17 March 2017 05:40
To: ReactOS Development List <<>>
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] New ideas added to GSoC Ideas list

Wine still maintains and even improves Windows 3.x support! I hope they don't 
give up!

Can we use Wine code while implementing WoW16?
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