That's not true. NTVDM is not WoW16. NTVDM is just DOS support. In order to
support 16bit (windows 3.1) applications, a whole other system is needed.

On 16 March 2017 at 23:37, Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo <
> wrote:

> "-Implementing WoW16 support. I suppose that'll draw attention." -->
> NTVDM, already done :)
> "Working on DirectX support: bringing new features, fixing bugs,
> optimising, if possible fixing some driver issues..." ---> ReactX, would be
> great!
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:28 PM, Thomas Faber <>
> wrote:
>> I can tell you some possible next steps:
>> - x64: implement PAE support in the 32 bit kernel
>> - SMP: Implement resource translators and arbiters (I have some initial
>> work for this somewhere)
>> - Also SMP: build a CONFIG_SMP kernel (with some hack to use the regular
>> HAL) and debug any issues coming from broken spinlock usage
>> On March 16, 2017 5:50:39 AM EDT, Colin Finck <> wrote:
>>> Am 16.03.2017 um 00:03 schrieb Huw Campbell:
>>>>  SMP or 64 bit processor support would be great. Too hard?
>>> I think that's too much for a single GSoC student. But we also keep
>>> saying this for a long time... The result is that everybody is afraid of
>>> those "big topics".
>>> What we need is some kernel dev looking into these topics and giving a
>>> rough overview what needs to be done and in what places. Then we can
>>> have a roadmap and split the work up into smaller tasks that are even
>>> doable by GSoC students.
>>> If nobody makes this first step, we will never have SMP or x64 CPU
>>> support. People also kept saying that full printer support is too much
>>> for a 6-month bachelor thesis, and they were right, but nevertheless I
>>> was able to build the foundations and documentation in that
>>> time.
>>> And now I could guide everyone interested how to continue on achieving
>>> full printing support.
>>> - Colin
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