On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:38 PM, RJ Atkinson <rja.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I'd like to probe for consensus on 2 general statements,
> which are listed below.
> 1)  This is a personal note, so results are neither official
>    nor binding on anyone.
> 2)  Edits, corrections, and discussion are all out-of-scope.
>    (The RG Chairs might choose to hold an official poll later,
>    on this or some other set of statements; that choice is theirs.)
> 3)  This is a call for an up/down unofficial & non-binding straw poll.
>    - "Yes" to a statement means "I agree this is approximately true"
>    - "No" to a statement means "I think this is entirely 100% wrong."
>   For now, "waffle" votes of the form that this is partly true and
>   partly wrong just aren't helpful.
> A) "The Internet continuing down the current architectural path,
>    whereby site multi-homing increases the size/entropy of the
>    DFZ RIB/FIB is not believed to be scalable or viable."
>    [ x ]  YES
>    [  ]  NO
> B) "There is no reason to believe that a scalable solution for
>    site multi-homing will appear in the future so long as the
>    Internet proceeds with current architectural approach to
>    site multi-homing."
>    [ x ]  YES
>    [  ]  NO
> Yours,
> Ran
> PS:
> (I believe both A and B are approximately true, of course.)
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