Hello everyone,

I'm new to this mailing list but I have been using rsync for some years up
to now.
I'm trying to synchronize two directory trees, but I want a special
behavior that I didn't find on the net nor in the manual (or maybe there is
a combination of options to get what I want but I couldn't find it).

Tree A is like:


And tree B (on a remote filesystem) is like:


I have to synchronize everything in one rsync run, like
rysnc  -arv  A/  B/

but I want FolderA to be synchronized with FolderB.
They must contain the same files but have a different name! I want
something like a "directory name translation" in the rsync run...
Is it possible? Do you see any another way of doing this? (A part of using
two rsync runs....)
Please let me know if I didn't explain the problem correctly or you need
further information.
Thank you for your attention and time.
Best regards.

*_______________Gionata Boccalini*
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