The symlinks was mostly a shot in the dark. They're often useful when you need synonyms.

The --fuzzy: I believe once handles different names and the second one adds different locations.

I have thought about using it for issues I have reorganizing collections of media files, but never got around to actually testing it.


On 06/08/2015 03:40 PM, Gionata Boccalini wrote:
Thanks Joe for the reply:
1) why do you say to use fuzzy twice? Do you mean in both directions?
2) I have to mention that the remote system is a Synology NAS, which for whatever reason (I can't think about), doesn't support symlinks, even in the same disk volume or "share"!

    But I could make some symlinks in the local system (archlinux) and
    user exclude filters to remove the directories I don't want to

But still there is no way of doing this with rsync options alone?

Gionata Boccalini/

2015-06-07 19:28 GMT+02:00 Joe < <>>:

    I'm sure one of the experts will have a better answer, but two
    things come to mind as options to explore:
    1) Use --fuzzy twice so files which are the same but possibly with
    different names and locations are synced
    2) Use some sort of symlinks on the destination so the names
    actually match (these could be added and removed right before and
    after the rsync respectively if you don't want them around later.)
    Symlinks are tricky with rsync. You have to set the options right,
    so I'm not sure of the exact details.

    On 06/07/2015 12:38 PM, Gionata Boccalini wrote:

        Hello everyone,

        I'm new to this mailing list but I have been using rsync for
        some years up to now.
        I'm trying to synchronize two directory trees, but I want a
        special behavior that I didn't find on the net nor in the
        manual (or maybe there is a combination of options to get what
        I want but I couldn't find it).

        Tree A is like:


        And tree B (on a remote filesystem) is like:


        I have to synchronize everything in one rsync run, like
        rysnc  -arv  A/  B/

        but I want FolderA to be synchronized with FolderB.
        They must contain the same files but have a different name! I
        want something like a "directory name translation" in the
        rsync run...
        Is it possible? Do you see any another way of doing this? (A
        part of using two rsync runs....)
        Please let me know if I didn't explain the problem correctly
        or you need further information.
        Thank you for your attention and time.
        Best regards.

        Gionata Boccalini/

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