I should describe the problem more in details, but I believe this is off
topic for this list.
The FolderA is named "Musica" (in Italian) because.. I like it that way..
and is in my home folder.

PC # /home/gionata/Musica

FolderB MUST be named "music", in my home folder on the NFS filesystem,

NAS # /volume1/homes/gionata/music

*because the synology media parse service only indexes the directory name
music in the user home dirs!* (Damn Syno...)
So I have different name on different system for the same folder! I could
change the name on my home, do it in two runs or do some symlinks.. but I
was just wondering if a more elegant solution could be found within rsync.

Anyway I can login with ssh as many time I wantm with RSA key pair. Even
multiplexing is not necessary, but thanks anyway for the info.

I hope now the problem is more clear. Is not even a real problem.. :)

*_______________Gionata Boccalini*

2015-06-08 22:18 GMT+02:00 Michael Johnson - MJ <m...@revmj.com>:

> Thought I would chime in here.  To the best of my knowledge what you are
> trying to do cannot be done in a single run.  I supposed --fuzzy might work
> for you but I've never used that option and it sounds scary to me.  Perhaps
> if I spent some time and learned the methodology it uses I would be less
> concerned.  If a feature like this were to be added, it seems like it would
> make sense to add it as a new "filter" type.
> But mainly you've piqued my curiosity.  The requirement that it be able to
> happen in a single rsync run seems very odd.  Is this just a desire, or is
> there really something that bad that would happen if you did one pass
> syncing A to B excluding FolderA and FolderB and then a second pass syncing
> FolderA to FolderB?
> The most likely scenario I imagine is that you are running this by hand
> and manually enter the SSH password.  Given the process take a long time,
> you don't want to enter the password again mid stream.  If this is the
> case, you could set up SSH keys to allow this to happen without a manually
> typed password.  You can find how to set that up here:
> http://www.chainsawonatireswing.com/2012/01/15/ssh-into-your-synology-diskstation-with-sshRSA-keys/
> <http://www.chainsawonatireswing.com/2012/01/15/ssh-into-your-synology-diskstation-with-ssh-keys/>
> If you don't want to do ssh keys w/o a password, you could use ssh agent
> with keys.
> Finally you could also utilize ssh multiplexing (it looks like that should
> work with the synology nass).  You can find information about this option
> here:
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH/Cookbook/Multiplexing
> The other (very unlikely) scenario I can imagine is that there is
> something that prevents you from logging in more than once every X
> hours/days like a time lock safe.  multiplexing would help here as well.
> But this scenario seems unlikely, it was probably silly to even mention it.
> If there is another case I have not considered I would be very interested
> to know where this requirement comes from.
> Thanks!  Hope there was something useful for you in all this.  :)
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Gionata Boccalini <
> gionata.boccal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm new to this mailing list but I have been using rsync for some years
>> up to now.
>> I'm trying to synchronize two directory trees, but I want a special
>> behavior that I didn't find on the net nor in the manual (or maybe there is
>> a combination of options to get what I want but I couldn't find it).
>> Tree A is like:
>> A
>>   *
>>   *
>>    FolderA
>>   *
>>   *
>> And tree B (on a remote filesystem) is like:
>> B
>>   *
>>   *
>>   *
>>    FolderB
>>   *
>>   *
>> I have to synchronize everything in one rsync run, like
>> rysnc  -arv  A/  B/
>> but I want FolderA to be synchronized with FolderB.
>> They must contain the same files but have a different name! I want
>> something like a "directory name translation" in the rsync run...
>> Is it possible? Do you see any another way of doing this? (A part of
>> using two rsync runs....)
>> Please let me know if I didn't explain the problem correctly or you need
>> further information.
>> Thank you for your attention and time.
>> Best regards.
>> *_______________Gionata Boccalini*
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> --
> Michael Johnson - MJ
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