----- "Justin Brodley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, our main point is we need to be able to have Customers in the
> system and requestors as internal employees who are requesting on
> "behalf" of the customer. I'm really just trying to find out if anyone
> has done work like this already, or if this is something we'll need to
> build from scratch. Were currently solving the problem with Custom
> Fields but were concerned about the qty of CF values, and we also have
> some additional needs for escalation scripts that require additional
> data be stored with each custom field. 

So, in essense, what you've got is:

Requestor: your employee working at the customer interface
Owner: your employee actually doing the work
CF-Customer: the name of the customer

What you'd really need is the ability to add a custom "role" to your tickets, 
so that you'd have:

Requestor: the name of the customer (since he's the true originator of the 
request, right?)
Account Manager (you pick): your employee working at the customer interface
Owner: your employee actually doing the work

Am I on to something here?

It seems to me that customizing roles could be a useful feature for RT in 
general, not just your case. Have the standard "Requestor, Cc, AdminCc" in as 
default, but let people add new and perhaps even rename the old.

Now, it seems to me that from a technical (database) point of view, new roles 
could be added without modifying the schema. However, I don't know what this 
would imply to the rest of the system. Something for RT4 perhaps?

- Mikko

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