On OSX I don't feel comfortable recommending anyone to run a script as root 
so homebrew can barf random files into the filesystem. For security and 
maintainability we really need to be able to install Sage without having 
unsigned and effectively unversioned dependencies.

My suggestion would be to replace the toolchain packages with a local conda 
install, i.e. keep the part where our configure checks if a suitable 
gcc/gfortran/... is installed. If not then pull down miniconda and install 
a working toolchain into $SAGE_LOCAL/conda, instead of trying to compile 
it. That way we can easily offload the toolchain maintenance effort, and 
keep all the benefits.

On Friday, September 24, 2021 at 12:17:29 AM UTC+2 dim...@gmail.com wrote:

> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32532 
> <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32532#comment:21> proposes to remove 
> these packages as not needed, and a huge time sink for everyone involved.
> Rationale: nowadays every platform that Sage supports has said tools (or 
> their equivalents - e.g. clang/clang++ in case of macOS and FreeBSD) 
> available, if not outright as a system package, but surely with a very 
> minimal effort.
> There is no need to carry this baggage forward.
> Moreover, it seems that Sage  is the only Python library/platform around 
> which (potentially) vendors gcc/g++/gfortran. 

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