On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 2:09:23 AM UTC-7 Samuel Lelievre wrote:

> d. Moving to GitHub because a lot of software development 
> has moved there does not seem a relevant argument to me.

No, Samuel, this comment trivializes what has been said regarding the 
benefits of a big network.

The scale of it really matters. 

Not only are there network effects between open source projects. Because of 
its dominance, virtually every potential new developer is familiar and 
skilled with GitHub. Talk to any young people. They have been growing up 
with GitHub. Students use it for their homework projects, for their hobby 
projects, everything. Moving to GitHub completely eliminates the current 
friction with making a first contribution to Sage. Spot a typo, fix it? 
It's done in 30 seconds total. No reading of our developer's guide is 
needed, no navigating of an obscure system that looks & feels like 
something from their computing history class.

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