On Oct 11, 2016, at 01:13 , John Cremona wrote:

> On 11 October 2016 at 01:03, Victor Shoup <sh...@cs.nyu.edu> wrote:
>> First, you are definitely wrong about punch cards. I started programming
>> with Fortran on punch cards in the 70s.
> Punch cards?  They were a great  advance on paper tape which is what
> *I* started on.   To correct a typo in your program you had to  read
> the whole tape in, make the correction, and punch out a whole new
> tape!  Cards were so much easier as you could just replace one card.
> That was 1970 I think....

Paper tape?  Man - if only I had that when I started.  *I* had to use lights 
and switches on the console to do I/O back then.  That was on a UNIVAC 1103A, 
if I recall correctly...that was in 1957.

When I advanced to punch cards, and handing in decks to get a run in, I would 
sometimes get the deck back with a pink slip on top saying "Caution: your deck 
may be out of order!".  I eventually discovered that the last 8 or so columns 
could be used to serialize the deck.  The sorter was my friend after that...

Just had to add to the confusion!  :-}

As you were...


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
I'm beginning to like the cut of his jibberish.

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