This gets stupider as I go. libao-devel needed libportaudio. 'yum list
libportaudio*' says no such package, but I found an RPM for it. RPM
says need jack, which I'm not interested in because this machine is a
virtual server and has no hardware audio connections on it, but I
tried it anyway. The RPM for jack says it needs libasound and
libasound-alsa, which brings me back to the fact that there aren't any
real audio interfaces on this machine, so why all this extra nonsense?
I have one top-level dependency, libao/libao-devel, which cannot be
installed without several other multi-level dependencies I can't use.
Did I perhaps accidentally allow something in the Liquidsoap build
that requires libao that I don't truly need and which should be
commented out of PACKAGES?

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