Re: [android-developers] unsubscribe

2012-02-28 Thread Phill Wiggin
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On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Brian Chae  wrote:

> unsubscribe
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Re: [android-developers] Re: Layout Question

2011-04-04 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Jake Colman  wrote:

> No takers on this question? Any reason why word-wrapped text won't honor
> the layout_centerInParent directive?
I haven't used centerInParent and I'm not at my desk to try, but that sounds
like it's trying to center your TextView inside the parent Relative
Layout... Not center the text in the TextView. Try android:gravity="center".

Not sure if it'll work when your text wraps (since your text isn't "smaller
than the view").


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Mandriva aapt: /lib/ using latest SDK update

2011-03-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
When I see that aapt/ error, it usually means I have a syntax error
in my xml files. I've no idea why it gripes about a missing lib file, but
that's never been the actual problem for me.

If all of your source files are without error, you could try going to the
menu bar and selecting Project -> Clean, then select the project and click
'OK'. Then try to rebuild.  That seems to fix some of these sorts of errors
for others.


On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 8:10 PM, Nanard  wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the answer.
> The error message in Eclipse/Android :
> [2011-03-20 21:09:37 - DrawIt] /home/bsegonnes/to_burn/DVD_sauvegarde/
> download/Google_Android/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/aapt: /
> lib/ no version information available (required by /home/
> bsegonnes/to_burn/DVD_sauvegarde/download/Google_Android/android-sdk-
> linux_x86/platform-tools/aapt)
> [2011-03-20 21:09:37 - DrawIt] ERROR: Unable to open class file /home/
> bsegonnes/to_burn/DVD_sauvegarde/bsegonnes/EclipseWorkspace/DrawIt/gen/
> bse/drawit/ No such file or directory
> --
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Re: [android-developers] Re: Mandriva aapt: /lib/ using latest SDK update

2011-03-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
It'd probably help if you included the actual error you're seeing.


On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Nanard  wrote:

> I was on Mandriva 2010 Spring 32 bits. Tried to install more packages.
> No results.
> I've tried Ubuntu 32 and 63 bits: both don't install on my laptop.
> I'm now on Mandriva 64 bits + JDK 64 bits + Eclipse 64 bits. The
> Android emulator starts OK... but I still have this error msg when
> compiling. Even after installing libc libz etc ...
> Any idea to solve it ?
> Hopefully, I am doing Android app for 'fun' and little money.
> It would be a HUGE issue if it was for a real company/work...
> --
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Re: [android-developers] Re: hah! so *thats* how they do it!

2010-09-18 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Chris Stratton  wrote:

> What exactly is the "it" that they are doing?
> Running android on top of a bsd-derived kernel?  Sounds plausible if
> they are careful to check and honor licensing for or rewrite if
> necessary anything kernel mode like binder or ashmem brought over from
> linux android.
> Doing something unrelated to android?
> What is this system?
> On Sep 18, 9:12 am, Stephen Ridley  wrote:
> > navi-two:tools s7ephen$ say -v "Cellos" "droid";
> > navi-two:tools s7ephen$ uname -a
> > Darwin navi-two.local 10.3.2 Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.2: Wed Mar 17
> 14:55:00 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.5.30~3/RELEASE_I386 i386
I think he's pointing out that the Verizon "Droid" commercial/vocals are
done on a Mac.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: limited distribution

2010-09-12 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Lance Nanek  wrote:

> Maybe he comes from the iPhone world. There are some sort of limits
> there. 100 specifically provisioned device IDs, 50 promo codes after
> app acceptance, etc. - stuff like that, I think.
> I suppose technically we do have a limit in the Android world as well,
> because AT&T forces some phones to not support applications installed
> from unknown sources. So you have unlimited non-market distribution
> for most phones, but 0 distribution for those AT&T phones, heh.
That's not entirely accurate.  Anyone with the SDK installed can sideload on
AT&T phones (without rooting).  Also, the nice folks at have put together a simple Windows application (they
have Mac/Linux too) they call the "Android Central Sideload Wonder Machine
that allows _anyone_ to sideload even without the SDK.

The thread about the Sideload Wonder Machine is at


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Re: [android-developers] Error: Application not installed

2010-09-08 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:54 PM, venkata raidu wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I was getting the error "Application not installed", when I tried
> to download a simple application(developed by me).
> Here is the process I followed:
> 1. I created a simple application
> 2. Using eclipse, I exported it as an unsigned application package.
> (Android Tools/Export as an unsigned application package). This
> resulted in a .apk file.
> 3. Using keytool, I generated a keystore, with which I signed the
> application using jarsigner.
> 4. Using zipalign tool, I aligned the package.
> 5. I linked the apk file to my website, where I can download the app.
> I verified all the above processes.
> When I download the app, and tried to install, it says "Application
> not installed".
> I am not knowing what resulted in this error.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks.
Is your application already on your phone?  I've seen this happen when I
tried to install over top of an already-installed app.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Paid vs Free, My Early Experience

2010-08-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
Wow. You sure do read a lot into what people say.

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 6:46 PM, TreKing  wrote:

> This discussion has gotten rather nebulous. Let's bring it back to basics.
>> You primarily seem to be saying:
>> "I want to be able to have > 325 Characters in order to throw more
>> information at people.
>> Whether I provide too much information should be my choice.
>> My apps will sink or swim based on my decisions."
> Change "in order to throw more information at people" to "in order
> better describe and promote my app" and you've got it about right.
> And you seem to be saying "

> An arbitrary limit of 325 characters is sufficient to describe any app.

I didn't say that, nor did I imply it.  My point was: It's all we've got, we
just have to make the best use of it we can. (And it's been working for apps
so far.)

> If you can't adequately market your product in this space, you're doing
> something wrong.

I didn't quite say that either. I said a person who knows how to use the
space correctly will get along fine.

> I know how all users think and the small descriptions is what they want.

Wow, I *never* said that.  I believe I noted that the 99% and 1% numbers
were "pulled out of my rear". And I also only claimed that the folks that *I
* talked to wanted/didn't want certain things.

> I know better, trust me, so all developers should do as I think, no need
> for any freedom or options.

Again, I at no point did I come *close* to saying that.

Marketing principles used in selling products that have no restrictions work
> just as well with restrictions in place."
> You know what?  No one's disagreeing with you.
> You could have fooled me!

Here's the crux of all your long response.  We apparently _did_ fool you.

At least my summary, you say I got 'about right'. Thanks for that much at

I'm just sorry you weren't able to read my post for content. So far as I
could tell, my response did not contain any statements of "I am perfect, do
as I say" and my tone was far from condescending.

Oh well, you obviously want to have the last word, so I won't reply to you
further.  Fire away! =)

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Paid vs Free, My Early Experience

2010-08-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 4:23 PM, TreKing  wrote:

> Treking what YOU are not getting is that for the VAST majority of
>> consumers too much information is BAD for sales.
> Believe me, I get that. What I guess I'm not getting across is the simple
> DESCRIPTION. THAT'S IT. Why is this so complicated?
It is not complicated, we're not drooling morons. No one (recently) is
arguing that we couldn't use more space.  We're discussing how to live with
it and why it shouldn't be a big deal if your description is targeted

But I'd dearly love a "changelog" section Who couldn't use one of those?
> =)

> Not me ... I have a website for that ... I wouldn't want to "overload" the
> "typical user" with "too much technical information" ... >=)

Droll. Very droll. What's the first thing that people do when an app comes
up as 'available for update'?  Everyone I've asked (techie and non-techie
alike) says "So, what's changed this time?"  Thus, changelog is a happy
thing for everyone (that I've asked).

You are thinking like a tech/developer and that IS BAD MARKETING...

> I AM a tech/developer! I'm also a user of the Android Market and I HATE
> seeing links in the description, etc, etc.

But what you're not seeing is that 99+% (a number pulled out of my rear, of
course) of Market users are _not_ developers.  What *you* love or hate is
immaterial to the "best" manner in which to use your 325 (or 325k)
characters.  If you had your 100% best TreKing-approved (developer-friendly)
description on the Market, it'd be targeted at < 1% of the user-base.  (Yes,
it should be your choice to do it if you wanted to. We're not arguing that
either.)  What we've been trying to say is that level of detail would
alienate an awful lot of people and we (at least I) posit that the number
you'd lose from information overload would far outweigh those you'd gain
from having all that info up front.

The points that I (and others) have been trying to make are:

1) We're trying to help you to see that you're not looking at this from a
"typical" user's perspective, and if you don't, "your" (read: typical) app
uptake may suffer. (Yes, yours apparently are doing quite well
*With*the 325character limit. It sounds to me like more characters
could only
*hurt* your apps! ;))
1a) You're looking at the market through a developer bias. Most people don't
look at it that way.
2) I never claimed we couldn't do with more space. I was just saying that we
can make do with what we have if we have to.
3) We've been trying to explain this to you through analogy... Sadly, rather
than recognizing parallels, you've focused on the specific ways they
differ.  Things don't have to be completely the same to be able to have
enough similarities that they are relevant as points of comparison.

This discussion has gotten rather nebulous. Let's bring it back to basics.
You primarily seem to be saying:

"I want to be able to have > 325 Characters in order to throw more
information at people.
Whether I provide too much information should be my choice.
My apps will sink or swim based on my decisions."

You know what?  No one's disagreeing with you.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Paid vs Free, My Early Experience

2010-08-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
For the record, I (at least) am not opposed to adding more space.  I just
see from your primary argument that you're not looking at the situation from
a consumer's standpoint.

>> I wouldn't be surprised to find that most of that demographic react
better to short bursts of information and taglines (e.g. effective
marketing), rather than 100% accurate app descriptions.

> I wouldn't either, but what is the harm in giving people the option?

Most consumers aren't as detail-oriented as developers are; they don't
respond well to "too much" information.

Look at how many people buy iPads.  They don't _care_ what it's full
potential is. They don't _care_ what all the features are. Frankly, when you
try to explain all the features, their eyes glass over and they retreat...
They walk away because you're explaining too much for them.  (I've worked
retail in the past, and I've seen this exact situation in my extended family
even recently.)

You say "Yes, and the majority of people that you referred to that don't
have the attention span to read more text won't bother, won't see the full
potential of your app, and will just move on. "  Whereas, if (in your
descritpion) you tell them _why_ they should care and what 1-2 killer things
your app does, that may convince them to try it out if they don't have to
read a treatise dealing with all the features you packed into your app.

I'm just saying that information overload is a bad thing for non-technical
people, (likely) the vast majority of the app consumers.

(Locale) "And do you suppose their description would be that short if it
didn't need to be?"
Yes, I believe their description is best served by being short. As much as
Locale does, their market description is short, succinct and includes links
to further information.  It clearly states what the purpose of the app is
and doesn't get overly verbose. It's just about the perfect amount of
information to pique someone's interest.

> As a user, it would be nice to have the OPTION to read as much as I wanted
to determine if an app was worth my time without having to navigate to a
website or download the app and try it out to find out if it does what I

Yes, but _you_ "as a user" aren't a typical user.  If you want to target the
group that matches _your_ methods of finding apps,  you're going to be
targeting a minority of the market's user-base.  That's really the point I'm
trying to get across.

The poster who was comparing prices of boxes of cereal to the text on them
is looking at it from a marketing prospective. And even if you don't agree
(or think it's stupid, base-less, hare-brained...etc) the fact is: effective
marketing sells products.  There are a lot of stupid products on the market
that people buy because the Marketing is good.  And there are awesome
products on the market that die a quick death because their marketing is
bad, mistargeted, or ineffective.

I'm just saying that Locale did a good job of using that limited amount of
space in promoting their product. So, if we (as developers) are creative and
succinct, we should be able to live with that space constraint until/unless
Google decides to give us more.

But I'd dearly love a "changelog" section Who couldn't use one of those?

--Phill W

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Paid vs Free, My Early Experience

2010-08-20 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 11:44 AM, TreKing  wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Bret Foreman wrote:
>> There's a reason why advertising copy is short. Research going back more
>> than 50 years has shown that shoppers spend only a few moments evaluating a
>> product.
> OK - so every single shopper ever only takes a few moments? None of them
> want the option to read more and make a more informed decision.
Maybe not "every shopper", but typically the majority of people that are
looking for apps

> Common sense going back to the beginning of humanity has shown that users
> like options. Some users might like the option to read more.

> An application that costs no more than a box of cereal should not have any
>> more descriptive text than a box of cereal.
>> An app that costs as much as a DVD should not have more text than you see
>> on a typical DVD box.
> The logic behind those statements is so stupid I'm not going to justify it
> with an answer.

No need to be rude.

>From a marketing standpoint, those statements aren't far off.  Then again,
Marketing rarely has much to do with logic

>> My vote for best marketing of an Android app goes to Locale. Here's
>> the entire pitch, about 150 characters:
>> "In March 2005, Judge Robert Restaino jailed 46 people when a mobile
>> phone rang in his New York courtroom and no one would admit
>> responsibility.
>> So we invented Locale. Problem solved."
> So Locale is what, an app judges use to identify the person who's phone is
> ringing in their courtroom?
I expect your question is rhetorical... But considering the results, the
Marketing is sound.  In their case, it was better to deliver a shocker that
drew people in rather than explain the technical details of their app.

In the end, the important thing is: Know your audience.  The majority of
app-store shoppers are a certain demographic.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that most of that demographic react better
to short bursts of information and taglines (e.g. effective marketing),
rather than 100% accurate app descriptions.

Besides, full details of your app should be found on your website. So,
anyone that _really_ wants to know what you've got to offer will probably be
willing to open the browser and see all you have to say Whether that's
325 characters or 325k.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: New to android finally leaving Windows !!!

2010-08-18 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 4:48 AM, String wrote:

> On Aug 4, 8:51 pm, "Tommy"  wrote:
> > Why should a user have to go out of the way to
> > figure out how to use ADB to do this.
> A user shouldn't have to. I absolutely agree with you, and think it's
> pretty crappy of AT&T to have done this.
Well, even though AT&T removed the settings option, they didn't actually
disable sideloading entirely. I've used the Android Central Sideload Wonder
Machine with the Captivate and it works great. (As long as you're using .Net



(Don't let the irreverence of the name deter you. It was a name that came
out during one of their podcasts and stuck.)

However, the OP asked about a dev phone, and [as a dev] he will be
> using ADB already. This wasn't a discussion about end-user experience,
> hence I felt inclined to post my counterpoint. Not trying to start a
> fight, just trying to stay on topic. :^)
> String

--Phill W.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Connecting to AT&T Samsung Captivate Galaxy

2010-08-18 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Stephen  wrote:

> I have this experience with older usb_driver when Nexus one first out.
> It is simple,just need to update the android_winusb.inf,but make sure
> you have the android_winusb.inf backup.
> Add the your device Hardware Ids to the original android_winusb.inf
> 1)  Get the Ids, go to Device Manager, there should be a an exclamation
> mark for the device. Right click- ->properties-> Details, select
> Hardware Ids
> 2)  There should be at least 2 lines of ids
> The longest one is the Composite AdbInterface
> The other one is SingleAdbInterface
> %SingleAdbInterface%= USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB
> %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB&MI_01
> add the lines above with the new device’s Hardware Ids and install the
> usb driver again.
> And I dont think is operator dependents, all do with the device
> itself.
> Regards,
> Stephen

I didn't have to do any of that to get Windows to recognize my Captivate.
The only thing I had to do was install the Samsung USB drivers.


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Re: [android-developers] Connecting to AT&T Samsung Captivate Galaxy

2010-08-18 Thread Phill Wiggin
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:42 PM, john brown wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone have experience connecting to a AT&T Samsung Captivate
> Galaxy (Samsung SGH 1897). It runs Android 2.1. I have "USB debugging
> connected" and "USB connected" on the phone but I cannot get the
> desktop computer to recognize the sdcard via Windows Explorer or get
> the devices recognized with "adb devices".
> I have successfully connected to my Motorola Droid. I was in the same
> situation with it yesterday but, thanks to this very helpful list, I
> am now in control of that device. (and my app runs on it!)
> Many thanks, John Brown
> (P.S. My beta tester insisted on the AT&T phone because he already has
> his family plan working with AT&T. One device, one version, 
> that's just a dream.)
Samsung, in their infinite wisdom, has some weirdness going on with their
USB port.  From what little I looked into it, the USB port is actually a
multi-function device, and not just a standard USB interface (as is on most
other Android devices).

You'll need to install the drivers for it from samsung's website:

Linux is apparently a bit harder to get working (I haven't tried yet), but
Windows works fine for me after installing those drivers.

--Phill W.

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