Re: mass format changing?

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: mass format changing?

Audacity should be able to do this as well, though it may take some care.There is a built-in mp3 conversion macro already, and you should be able to create others:tools->macros->apply macro to files.You might also look up pazera audio extracter: it's aimed at pulling audio tracks from video files, but it should be able to do audio to audio conversion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

This is a great opportunity to take advantage of nvda's on-the-fly python availability, presuming that what you're dealing with here are plain text files.If that's the case, the script below should do what you want: copy everything from the line starting with def to the bottom of my post (it'll end with the line saying the file was saved), fill in the quotes as directed, paste it into nvda's python console (nvda->tools->python console), and press enter so it puts you back at a command prompt.Then, just type addtext() and hit enter.If all works correctly, you'll promptly get a notification that the new file was saved, and you're good to go.The only thing to remember is that you need to give absolute paths as your file names, for exampleoriginal="c:\users\me\documents\dictionary.txt"I hope this helps - and if any of the python-using folks on here want to write a better version, please do feel free (and I'll remove the worse one).def addtext(): original=""#fill the quotes in with the full path to the file you want to modify newfile=""#fill the quotes in with the full path of the file you want to create prefix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the start of each line suffix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the end of each line f=open(original,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() if(lines[-1][-1]!="\n"):  lines[-1]+="\n" f=open(newfile,"w") for line in lines:  f.write(prefix+line[:-1]+suffix+"\n") f.close() print(newfile+" saved.")


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

This is a great opportunity to take advantage of nvda's on-the-fly python availability, presuming that what you're dealing with here are plain text files.If that's the case, the script below should do what you want: copy everything from the line starting with def to the bottom of my post (it'll end with the line saying the file was saved), fill in the quotes as directed, paste it into nvda's python console (nvda->tools->python console), and press enter so it puts you back at a command prompt.Then, just type addtext() and hit enter.If all works correctly, you'll promptly get a notification that the new file was saved, and you're good to go.The only thing to remember is that you need to give absolute paths as your file names, for exampleoriginal="c:\users\me\documents\dictionary.txt"I hope this helps - and if any of the python-using folks on here want to write a better version, please do feel free (and I'll remove the worse one).def addtext(): original=""#fill the quotes in with the full path to the file you want to modify newfile=""#fill the quotes in with the full path of the file you want to create prefix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the start of each line suffix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the end of each line f=open(original,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() if(lines[-1][-1]!="\n"):  lines[-1]+="\n" f=open(newfile,"w") for line in lines:  f.write(prefix+line[:-1]+suffix+"\n")#if somebody wants to rewrite this with format strings, go for it and I'll remove the slower version f.close() print(newfile+" saved.")


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

2020-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: add characters at the beginning and end of many lines in a text

This is a great opportunity to take advantage of nvda's on-the-fly python availability, presuming that what you're dealing with here are plain text files.If that's the case, the script below should do what you want: copy everything from the line starting with def to the bottom of my post (it'll end with the line saying the file was saved), fill in the quotes as directed, paste it into nvda's python console (nvda->tools->python console), and press enter so it puts you back at a command prompt.Then, just type addtext() and hit enter.If all works correctly, you'll promptly get a notification that the new file was saved, and you're good to go.The only thing to remember is that you need to give absolute paths as your file names, for exampleoriginal="c:\users\me\documents\dictionary.txt"I hope this helps - and if any of the python-using folks on here want to write a better version, please do feel free (and I'll remove the worse one).def addtext(): original=""#fill the quotes in with the full path to the file you want to modify newfile=""#fill the quotes in with the full path of the file you want to create with the modifications prefix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the start of each line suffix=""#Fill the quotes in with the text you want at the end of each line f=open(original,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() if(lines[-1][-1]!="\n"):  lines[-1]+="\n" f=open(newfile,"w") for line in lines:  f.write(prefix+line[:-1]+suffix+"\n")#if somebody wants to rewrite this with format strings, go for it and I'll remove the slower version f.close() print(newfile+" saved.")


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

2020-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

Alright, I've uploaded the script.Again fair warning here: this is hacky and ugly and not all that pollished, but if all you want is a list of duplicates, it'll get the job done.If you have the same piece of music in two different formats, that is *not* a duplicate, because the file contents are different.I'll leave the script up for a couple days.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

2020-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

My script searches by hash, which basically means content. If two files are exactly the same (copies of each other) it will flag them for you.It's meant as a generic duplicate finder, so won't look through music tags or anything in that realm - but if you want a copy, let me know.You can also try cCleaner, as I know that has a duplicate finder in it as well, though I haven't tried it myself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

2020-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: good and accessible duplicate file finders?

I hacked one together a while ago; can you give some more information about what exactly you want?My script takes a source directory, processes everything in it, and either spits duplicates out in dialogs or to a log file of your choosing.It's not pretty and was never meant to be, but it does the job pretty well if all you want is a big list of duplicated files.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Nuking thousands of messages in Gmail

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nuking thousands of messages in Gmail

I had to try and do this with my sent box, though I was comparatively lucky with only a couple thousand messages.The best way is a mail client - if you can actually get it to empty out your all mail folder as well (because the emails will just sit there if you don't). The alternative if you want to stay in Gmail itself appears to be, unfortunately, set page size to max, select all, delete. Repeat forever.If you do want to keep the emails somewhere else, a mail client will be able to move them to a subfolder quite simply, as well.Finally, your last ditch desperation option is to make a new gmail account, switch to that, and just delete the old one - though I'm struggling to come up with a really good reason for doing so.Even today I have the sneaking suspicion that I missed some "delete everything" button in my research, but said research happened in numerous fairly thorough sessions, so I'm confident enough to be willing to post the results here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: i need a free data recovery tool

2020-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i need a free data recovery tool

Really good description of trim there, Jack.I can confirm this as well - if you delete something from an ssd, it's almost certainly toast. If you have a mechanical disk recuva is a good option, as long as you get to it quickly. If you wait, the system may overwrite part or all of the file, and then it's essentially useless.Flash drives you may or may not be able to get something - but I wouldn't bet anything at all on it.As the saying goes: "Data you do not have backed up is data you do not want to keep."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how to set up in ftp clyeint

2020-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to set up in ftp clyeint

I've got a getting started guide for File Zilla here: … ction.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

It's definitely an ugly process. Whoever sits down and spends the weeks needed to both figure out braille conversion and then reverse engineer the keyword formats will have done the community a big interoperability favor.In the meantime though I've got an apex available, and am happy to convert documents until the cows come home. I'd also be able to pull info out of databases if folks want (excel can do the planner by the way), but you'll have to be alright with me looking at the filenames at least, since each database has to be exported individually.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

@KenshiraTheTrinity:I did not get your message; please do try the contact form.@Dardar:If you're going to try translating them, start with text files, not braille (and more power to you).You will probably need a hex editor, since traditional text editors can't (or don't) see the first 600 bytes or so of the files. When working in braille, you'd have the additional complication of translating the representation back into text, before attempting to reverse engineer the actual file format itself.If you really want to work with braille, get some brf files to translate first, since they're the braille equivalent of plain text (with the only complication being determining what braille grade they're written in).It's possible to rip most of the meaningful content out of the files with care, but that's really not a method suitable for anything other than desperation on a personal level, since (in my experience) you'll get a fairly raw and unformatted text stream.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

You can open them, but much of the formatting will be lost.You can probably do the same with braille files (you certainly can with brf), but since they're rendered in computer braille they'll only be partially readable.This is why I'm offering to translate: there is no publicly available conversion utility for traditional computers, and writing one of acceptable quality would be difficult without the specification for how documents are created in the first place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

You can open them, but much of the formatting will be lost.You can probably do the same with braille files (you certainly can with brf), but since they're rendered in computer braille they'll only be partially readable.This is why I'm offering to translate: there is no publically available conversion utility for traditional computers, and writing one of acceptable quality would be difficult without the specification for how documents are created in the first place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

Haven't yet received an email, just fyi.In case you tried sending it through the contact form, I've temporarily rescinded the no links rule: feel free to give it another shot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

Haven't heard from you, are you still looking for help with this?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help out science by lending unused computer resources

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help out science by lending unused computer resources

World community grid uses Boinc, which is fully accessible on both Windows and Linux with only minor fiddling (use simple view on Linux, and advanced on Windows). I can't speak for other projects, but essentially the premise behind WCG is that researchers are able to obtain computer power faster than they otherwise would (it runs about 500 years of computing a day), since traditional supercomputers have long wait times. You can find more information on their currently running projects at: … rojects.doCurrently the list includes climate research (predicting rainfall in Africa for farmers), two different cancer-related projects, a search for AIDS drugs, an examination of the human microbium, and a study of TB.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

I can convert them for you. Contact me via the forum email, or (without a download link - messages with links get dropped because of bots) at can be considered an open offer to anybody else reading this, as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for keyword to text conversion tools

I can convert them for you. Contact me via the forum email, or (without a download link - messages with links get dropped because of bots) at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem in opening the audiogames archive

2019-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem in opening the audiogames archive

This is a known issue, and there's not a lot we can do about it.Google safe browsing has flagged the site, probably because it thinks a number of games are viruses, and there doesn't seem to be an appeals or removal process.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

2019-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

There are three points worth making here.First, while I wouldn't put it nearly as harshly, I'm in agreement with 14 here. When I first heard about this lawsuit last weekend, the first thing I did was go online, and run through the order process. For the record, while not perfect, it is accessible if you take a few minutes to figure out where all the prompts are appearing on screen (they usually show up at the bottom, but without moving your cursor or announcing anything, so you need to jump back to the start of the order section repeatedly). After my first few runs, I suspect it would be faster for me to use their website than to call in on the phone.Second, is that if the chain did blatantly dismiss a request for help, frivolous or not, then my sympathies for them are going to be reduced quite a lot. Whether or not you choose to make all avenues accessible (I've seen the def using voice conferencing via voice recognition, for instance), throwing an arrogant denial at somebody basically signs you up for trouble, and at least partially deserved trouble, at that.Third and finally, is that there are way too many of these lawsuits going on right now. This is not the first time I've heard of somebody getting sued for accessibility, gone on their website, and done exactly what the plaintiff claims they couldn't... usually in under five minutes. I'm aware that there are different levels of screen reader and internet familiarity out there, and that different people will have different amounts of trouble with certain websites, but the sheer number of legal complaints about issues that aren't nearly as bad as the plaintiffs describe gives our community a bad name and image. As a member of said community, I'm more likely to find myself embarrassed than supportive when I read yet another article about somebody suing yet another company over their website, when there's far, far worse accessibility in massively mainstream products that we could all benefit from (can anybody site me to a fully accessible and commonly used piece of personal finance software?)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: quietstream and mousecat, maybe at least one person's solution?

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: quietstream and mousecat, maybe at least one person's solution?

I'm definitely going to bookmark that link, because disabling a touchpad can be a pain depending on the laptop in question, and this will be another useful thing to try.Ironcross, instead of uninstalling the driver for your mouse, try updating it to something else, such as a hid compatible mouse instead of a ps/2 mouse. This will require you to reboot every time you want to enable or disable it, but at least on my current system, does a very good job shutting it off.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Intel Compute Stick

2019-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Intel Compute Stick

Raspberry pi 4 now has up to 4gb ram. Especially if you run Linux, this might be a viable (and much cheaper - I'd estimate about $80 for the 4gb version with a decent SD card) option.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: make bard files braille-display-friendly

2019-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: make bard files braille-display-friendly

I have a c compiler for Windows, but am not willing to contact a random email address directly for multiple reasons.If you have distribution rights to the source code, or the dev is looking for somebody to compile this, I can be reached at:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reading Tables with JAWS/NVDA in Jarte

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reading Tables with JAWS/NVDA in Jarte

Jarte has full rtf support - images, tables, the works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keywoard braille (.kwb) readable on braillenote touch

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keywoard braille (.kwb) readable on braillenote touch

If this is a serious issue for folks, I have an apex and can convert these files to something else for you.Get in touch with me via we can figure something out (be aware that due to spam the page will not allow you to enter links directly).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reading Tables with JAWS/NVDA in Jarte

2019-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reading Tables with JAWS/NVDA in Jarte

Another Jarte user, epic!Unfortunately tables (and other advanced formatting) is its major shortfalling. I have not found a way to accessibly read or edit them. You'll have to use word or libre office for that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: software to rip audio stream out of video files?

2019-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: software to rip audio stream out of video files?

Pazera audio extractor: … extractor/This will do exactly what you're looking for (though I'm going to look at t-encoder as well).Pazera is also portable,if that's important to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

I'm going to double post here because this topic is pretty active, and I don't want this to be lost in an edit.This attacker has done your friend a favor by contacting them via text message. Save every one of those messages, because they are evidence you will need. Keep records of the texts, and if it can be done safely, record other interactions with the individual (keeping in mind that recording can get you into some sketchy legal areas yourself).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

I'm going to double post here because this topic is pretty active, and I don't want this to be lost in an edit.This attacker has done your friend a favor by contacting them via text message. Save every one of those messages, because they are evidence you will need. Keep records of the texts, and if it can be done safely, record other interactions with the individual.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with hazing issue (may get controversial)

I am very much with everyone whose saying to take this to the appropriate authorities, since attacking this individual directly will likely get them to escalate, and unless your friend is (a) a trained fighter, or (b) able to keep someone (or multiple someones) around them 24/7 as backup, they're going to get hurt, possibly badly.That's obviously not what you want to have happen, so going against the attacker directly isn't your best option. Taking the texts to as many people as possible is. This includes parents, school officials, police, and maybe even the media if the issue persists.Also, you probably want to make sure that multiple groups see the messages at once. If the school ignores you, your (or your friend's) parents may not.Additionally, presuming this is in the U.S (other countries are probably similar), I feel it important to point out that at least one, and likely multiple crimes *have* been committed here. Assault and battery (two different things) for sure. If a weapon was involved (I sincerely hope not), it could even be aggravated battery, which is a felony. I'm not as up on my digital crimes and hate speech law, but both of those are possibilities.No matter what you decide to do, do it carefully. Your friend is definitely in physical danger, and you and your other friends may be as well. Think before you act, and make sure you're prepared to handle the consequences of whatever action you take.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible drive cloning software?

2019-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible drive cloning software?

I'm going to presume that you're dealing with windows on both ends of the copy here, and that your new drive is as large as or larger than the source *partition* you're copying. If it isn't, shrink the partition first (diskpart or windows disk management), and then keep reading.I have two software options and one hardware, depending on if you have access to eyeballs or not, enough to read you a few bios-like screens.If you do, the simplest method to clone a drive (I've done this - it's pretty much effortless) is to make a system image, take out your old drive, put in the new one, and use a system repair disk to restore the image to the new drive. It'll take maybe half an hour and you're done.The next option I'd look into is a piece of software called Drive Image xml. It's free for home use, and can copy any partition you want. Especially useful if you don't have access to eyeballs.Finally, if you look around, you can find hardware bridges designed to let you connect multiple drives, some of which will have copy abilities: you connect both drives (in the proper order), and press the copy button.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Screen reader users: What's your preferred web search engine?

2018-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screen reader users: What's your preferred web search engine?

Three cheers for Duckduckgo.One particularly nice feature is that you never need to navigate to the next page of search results. Just reach the end of the list, and another batch will load automatically for you.If you're struggling with location-based info, try specifying your location in the search field, for instance "x UK".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up and using PGP, ETC

2018-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up and using PGP, ETC

https://protonmail.comIf you want secure email, you could do worse than to start there. The advantages of PGP, and you don't have to do all the work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

2018-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

@Jace:I'm not arguing that Mate isn't usable. I'm arguing that its a lot more difficult than windows, and not as intrinsically workable.Were I to grade the applications I've tried using, it'd be about two thirds as accessible as windows, and not always cut and dry (bleachbit, for instance, looks accessible but then you can't actually select any of the checkboxes for what you want it to clean). I could point out a couple more examples of software I use on a regular basis that didn't work under mate for similar reasons. This doesn't mean there aren't solutions, because there are. They require more research and work to figure out, which is not user-friendly if you're new to the OS, and especially so if you just converted a primary machine, because some of the aforementioned challenges are in web browsers.@Angel:Which processes are using up your CPU? If you can detect those, you can figure out how to get rid of them, which should fix your machine. The symptoms you're describing are clasic "I'm-doing-to-much-at-once" complaints. Do you have AVG, Norton or MCAfee antivirus installed? If so, removing them may solve the problem (windows 10 comes with defender, and multiple antivirus products installed at the same time can cause conflicts).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

Based on what I'm reading in this thread, it seems as though the problem isn't windows so much as it is some piece of software running constantly and hogging your resources.I'd advise trying to resolve that problem first before you attempt an OS switch. Moving to linux is not going to be easy. The installation is the simplest part of the process by leaps and bounds,.You should probably bring up task manager (ctrl shift escape), select the details tab and the "show processes from all users button), sort by CPU and or ram usage, and figure out whose using up your resources. Once you know that, we can start helping you resolve the issue.It is technically possible to use a linux machine for daily computing tasks as a VI/blind person. It is quite a bit more painful, and you will be doing massive amounts of research to figure out simple things (like where to find flash drives once plugged in for example).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Urgent! major problem with Internet explorer

2018-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Urgent! major problem with Internet explorer

And this is why we shouldn't download cracks.You should be quite glad you only got a broken browser. It'd have been equally simple for whoever wrote your crack to include ransomware in it, and you'd be reinstalling windows from scratch (or buying a new computer).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

2018-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

Here's wishing you luck in your search.I really wouldn't mind helping out if you need; I can't guarantee immediate turnaround times, but 24 hours or better would probably be workable. Its a pretty easy conversion process.I may also look into a (extremely) rough converter for windows; something is better than absolutely nothing, and a basic "guessing" brf to txt program might be a fun experiment.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

There's not a lot of easy ways, since you need a system that's able to read .brf files and there just aren't a lot of those around.Specifically, I do not believe that there is a *free* application for windows capable of doing the job. You'd think it would be fairly simple to write, but since Braille has so many small rules and corner cases, even the programs that do exist aren't 100% perfect.Math makes this even harder, especially if you're dealing with complex symbols (multi-character ones, for example). If you're creating these documents, your best bet is to create them in a text-based format to start with (using a laptop, for example).If you don't have any other option than to use brf, I've got a braille note here that can convert between brf and rtf/doc/txt, and would be happy to run files through it for you. Text should come out alright, but I make absolutely no promisses about math.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Converting from .brf to .doc or .docx

There's not a lot of easy ways, since you need a system that's able to read .brf files and there just aren't a lot of those around.Specifically, I do not believe that there is a *free* application for windows capable of doing the job. You'd think it would be fairly simple to write, but since Braille has so many small rules and corner cases, even the programs that do exist aren't 100% perfect.If you'd like though, I've got a braille note here that can convert between brf and rtf/doc/txt, and would be happy to run files through it for you. I can't guarantee quality, but the files should be readable, and if you have a large number I can absolutely leave it running over night.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

Apologies for the delayed response all. For some reason I've been unable to access the forum over the last several days.@NicklasMCHD:While I could write up something to do the encoding from ascii braille like Cae listed above, I'm curious what in particular you'd be looking for it to do.A basic mapping between characters only takes a few minutes to write, so if that's all you want, you can probably make it yourself faster than you can respond to this post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

Yes, that should work fine. The problem is getting ascii braille in the first place. For me that meant a note taker, and I've yet to find any free software that can do it on Windows.If folks are really interested I can put a bit more work into the encoder and post it, but in its simplest form its about 5 lines of code (with two huge hand-typed arrays).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@NicklasMCHD:I did write this, of a sort. The challenge is that it was designed to convert from braille (.brf) files, not traditionally entered text, and the only way I'd be able to make it convert from traditional text would be to write a full piece of braille translation software, which isn't exactly a small undertaking, especially given the idiosyncrasies of the language.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Green gables:The only php code in either of the pages is the hit counter at the bottom.I'm glad you folks seem to have had fun with this. It was an interesting experience running the challenge, so I hope it was also for you working on it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

As of this morning, the challenge has officially closed and the solution is available.Anybody whose interested in continuing to hack at it is more than welcome to do so, and I'll of course continue to answer questions.There were no successful solutions that I'm aware of, though I suspect that a few people got pretty close.The solution can be found at: for playing!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Green Gables Fan:You can find info on the challenge at:


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Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

Unfortunately I've suffered a rather nasty system crash, and as a result, am going to have some issues writing up the solution for the challenge by the end of today.Therefore, I'm extending it until Monday, when I should have some time to finish up the final details.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Rocky:The encoding is two-way, and lossless. The examples can be shifted either way as many times as you want and will end up with the same results.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

This is just a quick update to note that the challenge will be closing in about a week.If anybody has last-minute ideas or concepts you'd like me to verify, drop me a line via the contact page or post here.I'll be adding the solution on the last day of November.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

Hi folks,I just went to put together a third sample of text, and discovered to my horror that my encoder had a small glitch that was causing it to omit a character. Since this character never appeared in the section I'd done by hand, it looked like everything was fine when I reversed the process.Let this be a warning to everyone: do not develop software hastily. It will come back to bite you.I've repaired the encoder and re-processed both the existing long sample and my new one, which is about 2.5 times longer. Because of the nature of the glitch, a sizeable portion of the messages have changed slightly. The underlying scheme has not, however, and the changes should be easily noticeable and may even give you some clues.I'm very sorry for the mixup; hopefully having the longer text and ability to cross-reference against the old example will make up for the loss of time.All the examples are on the site at: I add more text, I've been considering creating a zip file of "resources", including files for each sample. If anybody would like to see this, let me know.


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Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Cae:Review the larger sample again. Your post above is missing something.I'm considering posting another sample to the site (and maybe making them downloadable). If I do, keep an eye on this thread at the start of november.Does anybody have a preference as to the way in which samples are delivered (in-page only, downloadable, both)?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Aprone:You're getting closer, that's for sure. I did say this isn't a shift. I didn't say there wasn't a character-to-character mapping (not that there is or isn't, but I wanted to clarify my meaning).I find the "t is a line break" theory to be really interesting on a couple of levels, but until its solved or the challenge ends, I'm keeping those to myself.I'm really glad you guys are having fun with this, and will admit to wondering if you didn't come up with the answer and dismiss it during that chat session.Some quick stats:So far the challenge page has received 72 hits, and the only known activity is here on the forum (surprisingly I haven't received a single email via the site's contact page).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

There's not much I can say without giving way too much away. Again though, don't think encryption. Seriously. Don't think encryption, don't think hashing. The first sentence takes less than 10 minutes to encode by hand without a calculator of any sort (I could have used paper just as easily as a computer).If you go down any form of encryption road, you're overcomplicating things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Aprone:Your post details exactly why I'd be horrible at figuring something like this out myself. Writing up a pattern matching program is something I just hadn't considered at all. I'm really glad you seem to be enjoying this. A couple repeated hints ahead, so if you'd rather avoid potential spoilers stop here.We're not dealing with encryption here at all, so you're right to disregard Cesar cipher-style shifts and hashing.Also, remember that the first example was encoded and decoded (more than once) entirely by hand, and that I came up with the algorithm the day I posted the challenge.I don't want to say more than that for fear of tipping you off to what exactly you've got right or wrong so far, but I'm seriously impressed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Aprone: I'd been planning for people to work together a bit, but hadn't thought of the spoiler angle. I am pretty curious what you've come up with, but if you feel like its telling too much, feel free to just use the contact page or shoot me an email.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Aprone:I'll guarantee the accuracy of the smaller chunk of text, as I encoded and decoded it a couple different times to test various things.I won't swear by the second, but the program that created it did correctly create the first section, so I feel pretty confident that everything was accurate.Some stats:So far, the page has registered 55 hits (45 this morning). The only activity I've seen is here, on the forum. This of course doesn't mean other places haven't been active, just that I don't know of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

Update: I've added a little more info and a second (about 10 times larger) set of text to work on.Has anybody actively started hacking on this? If so, how is your experience so far?This is my first attempt making a challenge like this, and while I want it to be somewhat difficult, I'd also like to avoid needless frustration for people.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Little Decoding Challenge

@Aprone: I can certainly work up some more content and will post it at some point today.@TJT1234: Not really, especially because I'm not good at the "decoding other people's algorithms" part myself.What I will do is include additional content as Aprone requested, and add another (vague) pointer to the hints section.


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A Little Decoding Challenge

2017-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


A Little Decoding Challenge

Sometimes we all get bored. Sometimes we play games, but sometimes we don't have computers handily available. Those times, we have to get creative.Thus, I challenge you all to a little contest.I've come up with (as far as I know) a new method for encoding basic text, and I'd like to see how long it takes for people with bigger brains than mine to figure it out.The details and a sample of encoded text are at: official challenge will run until the end of November, depending on interest. At that point, I'll either extend the deadline, post the algorithm, or, if nobody seems to have taken it up, do nothing.If you have questions or want me to verify a guess, you can either use the contact page on the site, or post here.Happy decoding!


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Re: How to turn off screen in windows 10?

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to turn off screen in windows 10?

As far as I know, it cannot currently be done.All available options turn the screen off, but as soon as you press a key, it comes back on.If this is something you're seriously interested in, please vote for it at:https://microsoftaccessibility.uservoic … way-to-comSo far there's 4 votes (including mine) and one additional commenter.


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Re: I need help with storage.

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with storage.

You might try Backblaze b2, at:'ll pay $0.005 per gb per month, so for 2tb that's about $10.You get unlimited storage, and only pay for exactly what you use. You also get a certain amount free, including storage, uploads and downloads.B2 is substantially cheaper than most if not all other cloud providers out there, so if you want archiving capability on the cheap, this may be for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: WannaCry

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: WannaCry

You are awesome!Clarification much appreciated.I shall now go figure out how to remove smb.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: WannaCry

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: WannaCry

Patch... where!I've been monitoring network usage on my machines - and other than one of them pulling some updates for microsoft antimalware, I'm not seeing any patches.In other news, I also can't find a way to disable SMB, at least in services.msc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas for things for me too develope?

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas for things for me too develope?

If you're serious about going for a large project, a truly accessible audio editer would be huge.A lot of different programs are usable, but - at least in my experience - require functional eyeballs for sizeable portions of the work. Things like redrawing portions of the audio waveform to get the most accurate edits seem to be entirely visual, for example.An editor is an absolutely massive project though, so if you're just starting out, I'm with the rest of this thread - find something small (Dark's idea is a great one) and work up to bigger projects.I'd expect that something like an audio editer would take multiple years and a lot of background research to complete.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: microsoft-espeak-forked tts

2017-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: microsoft-espeak-forked tts

I can't say I'm a particular fan of this idea on a couple grounds.Firstly, is the fact you're talking about microsoft doing this.Microsoft is a large commercial company. They aren't an open source community. That means that if they do make a synth out of espeak, its not going to be open source, and its not going to be moddable like espeak is.In addition, the synth is almost certainly only going to work on windows 10 (just like you can't get the windows 10 voices for 7 or xp). I'm not starting the os debate again, but am going to point out that most of this community probably won't be able to use it in the near future.I'd also like to respond to your mention of Android.I'm really not sure why you'd think Microsoft would make their synth available for Android (or any other competitor). You're more likely to get a windows specific patent than you are a cross-platform program.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Coolest Little Computer!

2015-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Coolest Little Computer!

[I began writing this, checked out the specs and came back to write more, so the below is a bit messy.]This appears to be a device intended to work with tvs, not a standalone computer. The description page doesn't say where it gets its audio output from, or for that matter what its power requirements are. I suspect the power draw, especially with radios on, is going to be more like 10 watts once you start working with it - certainly small for any laptop (which can usually draw up to 50 or 60), but not unremarkable. That also doesn't include any USB devices you have connected.An above post mentioned the portability of it as well, and I've got to agree. A bluetooth keyboard is probably going to be large, and frankly that's going to kill the "tiny computer" aspect rather handily. Some other notes follow:*An external hard disk can be expected to draw 2.5w (we're talking the 2.5" disks here - not the 3.5" ones that require 
 a separate power supply) via USB, especially once it starts working on something.*Its actually 256 gb of storage, which is really more like 230 real gb after the manufacturer conversion. Either way, that's a solid ssd. Disable the swap file, use it, and forget about it. You're not going to kill that unless you try darn hard. I'd recommend bring a flash drive for file transfers as needed or just to store work you need to be able to access anywhere; there's no need to bring a whole hdd for storing word files, and you're probably at more risk of physical damage than with a flash drive.*I did some amazon searching for external batteries, and it looks like there are actually some pretty large "charger packs" out there. They appeared to check in at $30-$50 (I was skipping over pricing for the most part though). If our 10w estimate is accurate and the devices run on standard 5v USB (I couldn't find voltage listed on the product pages), yo
 u might be looking at more than 8 hours of runtime from a full charge (one of the larger ones advertised 16000mah, 16000*5v=8mwh=80wh by my rough math), which should be more than enough to keep you happy.Overall this is certainly interesting, and I wish you luck with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible java environments

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible java environments

I'd personally recommend command line with the text editor of your choice.Use a batch file to run javac and java, and pipe them to the log of your choice:javac > logpath.txt 2>&1 && java %1Replace/add paths to javac and java and the logfile as needed, do not remove the "2>&1" section as you want standard error piped (that's where compiletime errors go).For nvda, use a portable copy on a flash drive, problem solved.You can also make the jdk portable, but this process is slightly more annoying, and I'm working under the presumption that your machine already has the jdk up and running in some form or another.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How to Get Android X86 Working in VM Ware Player

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to Get Android X86 Working in VM Ware Player

Go into your host's power options and change the setting for power button to something else."Do nothing" would be the best for obvious reasons, but I suspect "sleep" would also work.This will probably only work if you're supposed to press power on the host - if you have to do it on the vm, you may have to get creative (does your keyboard have a power button on it? Can you map something to power for the vm?).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some free sound recordings my wife made for anyone to use.

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some free sound recordings my wife made for anyone to use.

Downloading now! Thanks!You can never have enough sound effects.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Appology and other things

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Appology and other things

I'd also like to offer my support - if you want to leave, then that's your call and nobody elses.If people decide they want to insult you because of this decision, then I think they're pretty much providing more evidence to back you up.Best of luck to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Distancing myself from the blind community

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Distancing myself from the blind community

I'd also like to offer my support - if you want to leave, then that's your call and nobody elses.If people decide they want to insult you because of this decision, then I think they're pretty much providing more evidence to back you up.Best of luck to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the old versions of jaws are gaun

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the old versions of jaws are gaun

At some time within the next week or so, I'll try to get all the old versions via anybody has a particular version you need just shoot me an email or post here and I can upload it to dropbox.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Life skills being failed by the tasc test and common core

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Life skills being failed by the tasc test and common core

This is an interesting question, but I really don't feel I can answer it without having more info about the questions that were asked.If possible (and I understand if you can't or don't want to for whatever reason), would you mind posting some examples of the questions you're talking about?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How accessible is microsoft office 2013?

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How accessible is microsoft office 2013?

@Mike: did you just use the terms "jaws" and "affordable" in the same sentence?@simba:Don't do it! Save yourself countless headaches, and just don't do it.Office 2013 is usable. Barely. Its not for accessibility reasons - you can navigate controls just fine, but because the layout has become an agony. Stick with 2010 if you have it.Disclosure:This post is written by somebody who runs office 2000 and 2003, and is quite happy with them and their menus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there anywhere I can download IE6?

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there anywhere I can download IE6?

Just FYI, it may be impossible to have multiple versions of internet explorer installed at the same time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 7 and 8 Now Getting The Spyware Treatment

2015-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 7 and 8 Now Getting The Spyware Treatment

Just wanted to say thanks for the update, My machine is removing the updates as I write this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: btsync folder with lots of music

2015-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: btsync folder with lots of music

I would suggest you do some research into a company that used to be called napster before you consider this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: flac(lossless) vs mp3 (320 bitrate) - music files

2015-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: flac(lossless)  vs mp3 (320 bitrate) - music files

I for one don't notice the difference between wav audio straight from cd and 128kbps mp3 at all.The only time I'll get any kind of an issue is when down converting a recording of a game or something like that, where the mp3 will distort. For music ripping though, I've never noticed even the slightest difference.Given that a flac cd requires 150+mb (iirc a 44.1/16 cd was 300mb or so), I'm quite happy with my mp3s.Personally, I'm of the opinion that those folks who try to start using flac on their tablets/phones/other devices with 8-16gb of storage are in for some fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

I personally use windows live mail 2009.Its a really easy to use interface (mail folders in a tree on the left, tab to the list of messages on the right, tab again to read the message). Its got support for pop3, imap and http (microsoft hotmail). Its also a great feed reader (though some figiting may be needed for some sites).The reason I specify 2009 in particular is that its got menus, as opposed to those blasted ribbons. In order to get a hold of it you'll want to do some googling (windows live 2009 full setup is what I used), as its no longer the official version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

I could sware I had a copy of the setup and manual somewhere, but after checking they're nowhere to be found.Have you tried


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my parity of radioactive

2015-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my parity of radioactive

[[wow]]. That was, as you said, pretty cool indeed.Any chance you could post the full lyrics? I think I caught most of them, but some of the chorus gave me a little trouble.Great job!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Have I just killed my Apex?

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Have I just killed my Apex?

I've had a similar thing to this happen to my apex, though granted not while updating.I'll go through all possible steps, some of which you've already done:soft reset (probably impossible at this point) just press reset and let it run.hard reset (power off) hold down reset for 5 seconds until it beeps, release button and let it boot. Same as removing battery, and you've already tried it.jkl/456 reset: hold down the keys, press reset (or hold it until beep), release reset button. Hold keys for a bit (I do until the percentage changes), then release.sdf/123 reset: same as above, accept using different keys. This is a different form of reset than the jkl, but how I'm not exactly certain. It has something to do with deleting settings or clearing other data.service reset does not exist anymore (that's only m power/earlier), at least as far as I know and have been able to find out.As a final conclusion, I will say 
 that its extremely, extremely difficult to really break these things either by accident or intentionally. That said, you really might be stuck. If the tech on the phone shut you down quickly I'd almost advise you to try calling again and see if you get a more forthcoming person, as most of the ones I've dealt with will give you more data than you seem to have received.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: using speedfan with nvda

2014-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: using speedfan with nvda

Keep in mind that if your fan speed is going up, its probably doing it for a reason. Entombed, as I recall, was not exactly processor friendly, and it does not take much to make a laptop want to cool off. If when you first turn the machine on the fan is not at full blast, then its operating properly. Its important to remember that a laptop processor can go over the boiling point; you really don't want to turn the fan down unless you know for an absolute certainty its not because of the machine simply heating up as it works. If you do mess with it and your chip overheats, you're running a risk of damaging the computer (I have heard of processors literally melting themselves into the motherboard).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using Seagate Backup Plus as internal drive?

2014-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using Seagate Backup Plus as internal drive?

I have a backup+ drive, and will give you info based on that, but don't take it as the holy grail; I don't know much about external drives being converted, other than its possible.My drive is in two pieces: the hard disk enclosure, and a small device on the bottom of the drive where the power cable and usb cable plug into.This bottom device can be removed from the enclosure (though it may take a little bit of pressure/force), and is actualy functional for any standard sata drive.This leads me to believe that what you've got is a standard internal hard disk, which would of course have normal sata data and power cable connectors.You'll need to crack the enclosure open, somehow remove the drive, and then hook it up using normal cables (presuming, of course, your model is the same as mine).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is this hard drive dead?

2014-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is this hard drive dead?

This post is really random, so heads up.I think you're probably looking at a disk that could (and likely will) fail very, very shortly.Were I you, I'd run a data recovery program like Piriform's recuva (if you can get it to work for that drive anymore), get everything you can off, and consign it to whatever place you have for dead disks.I'll try to answer a couple of your questions though:As far as bad sectors goes, once you get bad sectors on a disk, its pretty much toast (or about to be so). The hardware itself is failing. You can't do something like mark some spots bad and keep going; with an hdd, its literally a piece of the material going bad somehow. The basic idea is: bad sectors=get a new disk.Its probably stuck formatting because something in between the drive and machine's having issues, or maybe because the drive itself is toast already and the self monitoring stuff doesn't realize it yet. I'm really
  not sure what could be causing the issue, but you can try to diagnose it.If you really, really want to try to get this disk to work, connect it directly into a desktop, and try and see what you can do. Cut out the middleman of the usb to whatever connector that its using, and see if that helps you access it.In the end whether or not you can use the disk really depends on what got damaged; if its something in the external drive case then the disk itself may be fine and perfectly usable. On the other hand, a hard disk spins a little metal disk around at either 5400 or 7200 rpm. If the heads crashed into that disk from the impact, its basically going to annihilate the platter. Given that something as small as a fingerprint can horribly corrupt a drive, if you've got physical damage done to the data storage area, its all over.In the end, even if you do get this working, I'd hesitate to store anything important on it, at least not for a while. I've seen 
 a disk warn it was failing, run just fine for another week ish, and then simply cut out and never spin up again. That said, if you manage to install the disk and it works fine for an extended period of time, it was probably something in the external case and the disk is safe to use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Demons

2014-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Demons

I read this topic earlier and it keeps coming back to me, so I feel like I aught to, in the spirit of things, offer what advice/thoughts I can.Please take this in the spirit its written; I intend no insult/disrespect to anyone.Rach Rach, you spoke a lot of having a logical side and an emotional side in conflict, and that's what I'd like to try to answer to, if I can.At least for me, there's often times no answer for logic to give; we are, for better or worse, creatures of emotion. That's just the way things are, and it gives emotion a hideous edge over anything else. Its incredibly easy to fixate on something, to let emotion dominate everything. It doesn't have to be triggered by something obvious; thoughts can just creep up out of nowhere and leave us incapable of considering anything else.Personally, I realized a while ago that logic wouldn't cut it for me, and that if I wanted to succeed with my goals, that I needed to have 
 something to fall back on when logic (often) failed to make any headway. My solution was this:Firstly, I decided which way I wanted things to go. For some folks this might take the form of balancing a checkbook style analysis, but I'm certain others would have other ways of making the decision. The important part is that, at the end of the process, you've got the direction you'd prefer to travel firmly in mind. You understand the costs and the gains, and why you chose the way you did.Next, I took that direction, and said that it was the direction I was going to take, period end of story. Take an oath, write it down, do whatever makes sense, as long as you do something that's meaningful to you, sealing the decision in stone. Make your choice immutable, unchangeable, as factual as 2+2=4, as rooted in the world as gravity or the passage of time.Now, whenever something challenges the direction you've chosen, simply remember that you chose befor
 e, and that choice hasn't changed. Don't fight for a logical reason, don't fight because you think whatever you're fighting is wrong or strange. Fight simply because the fight is what you chose; make the act of fighting for what you decided the reason to keep going. Whenever you're tempted by something, remind yourself that you made a choice, and that you made that choice for a reason.    I'd like to say more, to try to offer something else, but I think much of what I could has already been said, in ways far better than I could manage. Thus, I'll leave with this:I'm amazed at the level of personal strength it took to come and make these posts, to stand up in front of thousands of people and show your challenges to the world. It takes a lot of fortitude to do that, especially considering that there's no way to predict how your messages would be taken. I hope that, in some way, I can contribute to the tales told here,
  even if its just in some little fashion.I wish you the best of luck, whichever path you choose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a pc problem

2014-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a pc problem

Disclaimer!!Some of the advice I'm about to give you has the potential to make recovery from computer issues extremely difficult, if not impossible.Further, a couple things will disable features of your computer that you may want to use.I take no responsibility for crashes/problems that occur later; follow at own risk.With that out of the way, here's what's probably hogging your space:I'm going to presume you've got a pretty large disk (>500gb) and a few gb of ram (4 or >). If any of that info's wrong, let me know.If you're running windows 7, scratch 15gb right now for the os alone.Compressing the windows folder can help with this, but you probably won't get back more than a couple gb.If you're running windows xp, its 2-4 (maybe more, but no more than 10 if you have a whole lot of stuff installed) and again, compression may give you 20-30% back if you're lucky.The items yo
 u're not seeing in c: are these:*pagefile*hiberfile (hibernation file)*system restoreFirst, let's work on the pagefile. Before you do anything with this, make sure you have more than enough ram to keep your os happy on memory alone. This means:*windows xp: 1gb or more, 2gb highly recommended*windows7: at least 4gbIf you don't have this much, you're likely to see performance issues and possibly crashes if you disable or shrink the pagefile.Pagefile is equal to your ram (if you have 4gb ram, 4gb disk space is used.)You can change the pagefile size (or disable it entirely) by doing the following:go to control panel>systemin windows 7, go to change settingsgo to the advanced tab, and select the virtual memory button.You'll have a list of all the drives on your computer, and what their pagefile status is.To change this, select c:, tab over and set it to custom size.Warnin
 g! if you disable the pagefile on all drives you'll get the most space, but you may cause your system to become unstable, and if it crashes, you won't have debugging information.In custom size, set it to something like 32-512 mb (min-max).That'll give you a sizable chunk of disk space back, but we're not done.Next up is system restore. Exit out of the pagefile dialog, choosing ok until you're back at the system properties window. Do not reboot yet.Make your way to the system protection (or system restore) tab.The instructions for configuring system restore varry from os to os, so I'll cover them individually.For xp:If you'd prefer to disable system restore completely, simply check the "turn off system restore on all drives" box. This will however, prevent you from using system restore to recover later, so I'd advise against it unless you want to reformat every time there's a problem.To change the amount of space used:Tab over to the list of drives, and select c:press tab, and select settings.Now simply move the slider around to control what percent of your disk can be used by system restore.If you have a large disk, its perfectly fine to set this to 1 or 2%.Press ok, apply and get out of system properties. Do not reboot yet.for windows 7:Again, from the system protection tab, do the following:Tab over to the list of drives, and select c:tab over to configure, and select it.You now have the option to either disable system restore (see above for warnings) or to move the slider to to change the percentage of disk used.Again, if you have a big disk, 1-2% is perfectly fine.Once you're done, exit out of system settings, answering no to reboot prompts.This should give you an extremely large pile of disk space back (up to whatever percentage the slider was at). System restore can hog 5
 0gb in very little time at all.Finally, we're going to work on the hiberfile.Hiberfile, like pagefile, is as big as your ram is.If you don't use hibernation (or hybrid sleep on windows 7) you can go ahead and disable this, and reclaim some space.To disable hibernation (any os):press windows r to open the run dialog.type cmd and hit enternow type the following:powercfg /hibernate offexitand reclaim another pile of disk space.You'll need to reboot for these to take affect, so go ahead and do that, and enjoy a nice, free drive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

I would like to note that nvda does perfectly fine with pdf files, better than jaws in many cases.Also, as part of that proposal, make it so that we can modify computer hardware without having to re-activate?Any, and I do mean literally any, change to a machine's "internal" hardware makes you re-activate, which is especially rediculous when you're either replacing a hard disk, upgrading an old computer (you don't buy a new one so you can afford the jaws upgrade price) or just working on hardware in general.It'd be awesome to see something more like GMA's product registration. Its still locked to a machine, but you can go right ahead and put in that new disk, that extra memory and the games still play happily.Not that any of this'll actually happen, but may as well throw it out there for the discussion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

I would like to note that nvda does perfectly fine with pdf files, better than jaws in many cases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

I'm not familiar with the specific device, but I'd say its highly unlikely that it would be trying to use a sapi voice you have on your computer. Mp3 players don't exactly have high-capacity processors or ram, so I'd be shocked if it lets you just go ahead and install any voice you like (and if it does, expect it to be slow). The realspeak voices take up a lot of system resources even on a computer, let alone a device like an mp3 player.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jaws 16 beta: death of screen reader innovation illustrated

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jaws 16 beta: death of screen reader innovation illustrated

My responses, following the same order:1: can't comment specifically. I've been using nvda for a long time now and haven't looked back. I'd say though that this is somewhat pointless, as if they have anything like a propper manual (which iirc they do) keystroke lookup is easy.2: No clue what this does, but the whole line just makes me want to sigh at them. Give us a propper portable version and maybe then we'll talk improvement.3: no comment.4: ah, but the ocr was so bad before, so utterly horribly bad. Any improvement is worthwhile.5: Good for you. Don't upgrade. Its a pain in more ways than I could possibly explain.6: no comment, not sure what the issue they're fixing is.7: Good. More people will use it than you think, because a lot of people don't bother to do the research required to find those better apps.8: Cool. They need to make research it better (how's about more search results than 5!) because they're getting smashed to bits on the extra features front by nvda. I.e: the only one jfw has is research it. Nvda has a whole community addons website full of seriously handy extras (go balloons history, go dropbox, go system monitor).9: No comment. Seems like a generic improvement.10: Nvda's braille support list (and I quote the manual):All Focus and PAC Mate displays from Freedom Scientific are supported when connected via USB or bluetooth. Both the ALVA BC640 and BC680 displays from Optelec are supported when connected via USB or bluetooth. NVDA supports all displays from Handy Tech when connected via USB or bluetooth. The Lilli braille display available from MDV is supported.Several Baum, HumanWare and APH displays are supported when connected via USB or bluetooth. These include: •Baum: SuperVario, PocketVario •HumanWare: Brailliant, BrailleConnect •APH: RefreshabrailleThe hedo ProfiLine USB from hedo Reha-Technik is supported.The hedo MobilLine USB from hedo Reha-Technik is supported.The Brailliant BI and B series of displays from HumanWare, including the BI 32, BI 40 and B 80, are supported when connected via USB or bluetooth.NVDA supports Braille Sense and Braille EDGE displays from Hims when connected via USB or bluetooth.NVDA supports the SyncBraille Display from HIMS.The Seika Version 3, 4 and 5 (40 cells) and Seika80 (80 cells) braille displays from Nippon Telesoft are supported.Papenmeier BRAILLEX Newer ModelsThe following Braille displays are supported: •BRAILLEX EL 40c, EL 80c, EL 20c, EL 60c (USB) •BRAILLEX EL 40s, EL 80s, EL 2d80s, EL 70s, EL 66s (USB) •BRAILLEX Trio (USB and bluetooth)Papenmeier Braille BRAILLEX Older ModelsThe following Braille displays are supported: •BRAILLEX EL 80, EL 2D-80, EL 40 P •BRAILLEX Tiny, 2D ScreenNVDA supports the BrailleNote notetakers from Humanware when acting as a display terminal for a screen readerBRLTTY11: I use it for... uh... one game? On one computer?12: No clue what this is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dvd to video converter?

2014-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dvd to video converter?

I'm going to presume that you own all the dvds you're trying to rip, as otherwise its pretty much against copyright to copy them. This does include rented movies; if you don't 100% own it, don't mess with it at all. If you do own it, once you have it on the computer, don't distribute it.With that out of the way, there are a number of programs out there to do what you're looking for. The mainstream one is handbreak, which has both a graphical interface and command-line. That said, its hardly accessible graphically, and I personally found the command-line to be  highly confusing. If you can get it to work though, handbreak will both decrypt and convert the dvd for you.Otherwise, you'll have to get multiple programs. One to decrypt the video, and one to convert it to a format you want to use. A google search of free dvd decrypter will turn up a functional product from dvd video soft, which will be able to get the job done. Its not 100% perfect accessibility wise though, and only does decryption. That said, its easy to use and works pretty well.My personal favorite is a small program called dvd decrypter, which will decrypt videos, burn iso images, and a number of other things. Its completely accessible with a review cursor, has a simple command line interface, and will happily run three or four copies of itself at once without hogging your processor time. Unfortunately when I just checked, the website for the program seems to be down. I've uploaded it to dropbox, and will leave it for about a week: … crypter.7zOnce you have a decrypted dvd (each one will take about 8gb) you need to convert it. From what I've seen, pretty much any video converter will allow you to convert dvd movies. I use free dvd to video converter from dvd video soft, which works pretty well, and will make videos in several formats (I use mp4 and end up with about 1gb final products). That said even after decryption there are some movies you won't be able to convert, and for those there's nothing I've found that works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: any recommendations for website hosting that isn't paid?

2014-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any recommendations for website hosting that isn't paid?

There are a couple options that come to mind:First, if you're willing to fiddle around, there are google sites. They have a bit of stuff at the top of each page, but they're workable.Secondly, and I would personally say much better, is to just use dropbox. You're site will have a wierd link, but there's nothing easier than simply editing all of your files on your computer and having them instantly up and ready to go. Just put your site in your public folder, and give the link to index.html and you're good to go. The only problem with this approach is that you get slightly limited bandwidth (20gb/day for free, 200gb/day for paid).


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