Re: Security of Mac Keychain, File Vault

2009-10-27 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Oct 24, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
The article at  
claims that both are easily broken.

Shrug. He doesn't explain what 'broken' means to him or under what  
threat model, and dammit, security without a threat model is like  
motherhood without apple pie. I can "easily break" a bank vault by  
putting an MP5 to the head of the guy with the key, but that's hardly  
the vault's fault, now is it?


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Re: FileVault on other than home directories on MacOS?

2009-09-23 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 22, 2009, at 5:57 AM, Darren J Moffat wrote:

There is also a sleep mode issue identified by the NSA

Unlike FileVault whose keys (have to) persist in memory for the  
duration of the login session, individual encrypted disk images are  
mounted on demand and their keys destroyed from memory on unmount.

TrueCrypt on the other hand uses AES in XTS mode so you get  
confidentiality and integrity.

XTS certainly doesn't provide cryptographic integrity. It provides  
different ciphertext malleability characteristics than CBC, in that  
you can only randomize an arbitrary 16-byte block of plaintext instead  
of being able to flip an arbitrary bit (and screw up the previous  
block). However, this comes with other costs inherent to seekable  
narrow-block encryption, so I think it's hard to argue XTS provides  
"more" integrity than CBC. Or were you referring to something else?

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Re: FileVault on other than home directories on MacOS?

2009-09-22 Thread Ivan Krstić


On Sep 21, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

Is there any way to use FileVault on MacOS except on home directories?

FileVault is essentially just the name for a plain encrypted disk  
image which happens to have some voodoo associated with it to get  
pivoted in as your homedir at login. This to say, you can make  
arbitrarily many encrypted disk images with Disk Utility and use them  
as individual encrypted (non-homedir) folders. If you're asking  
whether you can turn on encryption for existing system folders, the  
answer is no; HFS+ itself offers no encryption facilities.

I suppose I could install TrueCrypt (other suggestions or comments  
on TrueVault?), but I prefer to minimize the amount of extra  
software I have to maintain.

TrueCrypt is a fine solution and indeed very helpful if you need cross- 
platform encrypted volumes; it lets you trivially make an encrypted  
USB key you can use on Linux, Windows and OS X. If you're *just*  
talking about OS X, I don't believe TrueCrypt offers any advantages  
over encrypted disk images unless you're big on conspiracy theories.


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Re: Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-16 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 15, 2009, at 4:12 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The ideas used in Tahoe are useful tools that can be used to solve  
important problems.

Yes, and I'd be happy to opine on that as soon as someone told me what  
those important problems are.

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Re: Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-15 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:57 PM, Brian Warner wrote:
I've no idea how hard it would be to write this sort of plugin. But  

pretty sure it's feasible, as would be the site-building tools. If
firefox had this built-in, and web authors used it, what sorts of
vulnerabilities would go away? What sorts of new applications could we
build that would take advantage of this kind of security?

What you're proposing amounts to a great deal of complex and  
complicated cryptography. If it were implemented tomorrow, it would  
take years for the most serious of implementation errors to get weeded  
out, and some years thereafter for proper interoperability in corner  
cases. In the meantime, mobile device makers would track you down for  
the express purpose of breaking into your house at night to pee in  
your Cheerios, as retaliation for making them explain to their  
customers why their mobile web browsing is either half the speed it  
used to be, or not as secure as on the desktop, with no particularly  
explicable upside.

It bugs the hell out of me when smart, technical people spend time and  
effort devising solutions in search of problems. You need to *start*  
with the sorts of vulnerabilities you want to do away with, or the  
kinds of new applications you can build that current security systems  
don't address, and *then* work your way to solutions that enable those  
use cases.

It's okay to do it in reverse order in the academia, but you seem to  
be talking about real-world systems. And in real-world systems, you  
don't get to play Jeopardy with cryptography.


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Re: password safes for mac

2009-06-28 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 27, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Does anyone have a recommended encrypted password storage program for
the mac?

System applications and non-broken 3rd party applications on OS X  
store credentials in Keychain, which is a system facility for keeping  
secrets. Your user keychain is encrypted with your login password, and  
items in it have application-level ACLs ("this credential can only be  
read by these applications"). The definition of "application" for the  
purpose of Keychain ACLs is derived from OS X code signing, so if  
someone tampers with one of your apps on disk, the resulting  
application won't get access to Keychain until you explicitly approve  

You can inspect and modify your keychain with the Keychain Access  
application, which also allows you to add your own items.

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Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-04 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 3, 2009, at 6:38 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

So, the court is not going to pay the least attention to your
elaborate claims that you just like storing the output of your random
number generator on a large chunk of your hard drive. They really
don't give a damn about claims like that. Actually they do
care. They'll be pissed off that you're wasting their time.

You miss the point.

Re-read the link I provided that explains how TrueCrypt implements  
hidden volumes. A hidden TrueCrypt volume is *completely  
indistinguishable* from empty space in a regular TrueCrypt volume.  
That's what makes it hidden!

As I implied in the 2004 message in the context of political  
dissidents, a good use for hidden volumes isn't to distract your  
prosecutor with kittens and sunsets. That's just plain stupid,  
regardless of whether you're dealing with a US judge or someone whose  
preferred method of communication involves a pair of pliers and a  

The idea is to present an alternative but *plausible* set of  
information that's far less incriminating than the real deal, such as  
only mildly illegal material or legal material that the owner would  
still plausibly wish to keep secret for social reasons. I gave you a  
concrete example: hardcore or fetish porn (legal, but plausibly not  
the kind of thing whose possession you wish to advertise) provided to  
investigators to mask a secret volume with kiddie porn.

If you give me the benefit of the doubt for having a reasonable  
general grasp of the legal system and not thinking the judge is an  
automaton or an idiot, can you explain to me how you think the judge  
can meet the burden of proof for contempt in this instance? Surely you  
don't wish to say that anyone using encryption can be held in contempt  
on the _chance_ they're not divulging all the information; what, then,  
is the other explanation?

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Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-03 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 3, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

If it is obvious to you and me that a disk has multiple
encrypted views, then you can't expect that a court will not be able
to understand this and take appropriate action, like putting you in a

Why do you think it'd be obvious to you and me that a disk has  
multiple encrypted views? Contempt carries a burden of proof. If the  
guy has two encrypted volumes, one with a bunch of hardcore adult porn  
and the other with a bunch of kiddie porn, how does his unlocking the  
first one give you a 'preponderance of evidence' that he's obstructing  
justice or disobeying the court? It becomes a he-said-she-said with  
the CBP agent, your word against his.

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Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-03 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 3, 2009, at 1:08 PM, Adam Fields wrote:

Is there any disk encryption software for which this is common

In terms of fairly widely used software, yes, TrueCrypt offers hidden  


I asked the same original question on this list in 2004, and some  
other software is mentioned in the replies:


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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Feb 15, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Rene Veerman wrote:
Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question  
has arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web- 

What's the threat model?

users[user_id].user_login_hash = onewayHash(user_login_name +  

That you're hashing the username suggests you're worried about  
eavesdroppers identifying the user at login time. But without SSL,  
it'll almost certainly be trivial for an eavesdropper to identify the  
user _after_ they login. What's the threat model?

//checks since when [browser IP] has last received a new challenge,  
if < threshold : make a new challenge. else return old challenge.

It is incorrect to rely on a bijection between IPs and users.


What you're calling a system hash is usually referred to as salt.

// walk through all the records in users table, for each, calculate:

This is a completely broken approach, and prohibitive for applications  
with more than a handful of users.

I suggest you start by trying to write down a clear, brief and  
coherent threat model. Once that's done, you can solicit feedback  
until you're satisfied with the definition of what you're trying to  
build. Once you can focus on implementation, I suggest looking at  
things like bcrypt, PBKDF2, and SRP as background reading.


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Re: Obama's secure PDA

2009-02-02 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 29, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Ivan Krstić wrote:
I'd find mobile e-mail just as useful if it went through a proxy  
that stripped out _everything_ that's not plaintext. I open  
attachments on my phone about once in a blue moon, and wouldn't miss  
the ability if it were gone.

As a postscript, it appears this type of proxy is exactly what's been  
set up:

"To minimize the risk, the government technology gurus
 have made it impossible to forward e-mail messages from
 the president or to send him attachments, people
 informed about the precautions say."
 -- <>

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Re: Obama's secure PDA

2009-01-30 Thread Ivan Krstić

Multiple responses inline:

On Jan 26, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
I too would like to hear more information on this, particularly the  
crypto that is known to be used on the Edge.

See sections 'Secure Speech Processing' and 'Interoperability' of < 
>. The standard suites are used, as one would expect.

On Jan 26, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
The FAQ, indirectly, answers the your previous question of why only  
Secret for email:  Data-at-rest is encrypted using AES, which is  
only approved for Secret, not Top Secret, data.

This isn't the case; AES is approved for Top Secret with 192- or 256- 
bit keys, per <>.

On Jan 26, 2009, at 9:26 PM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
Quite simply, voice offers one service -- voice.  Data offers many  
services, and hence many venues for data-driven attacks: email  
(which includes many MIME types) and probably clicking on URLs, web  
(which includes HMTL, gif, jpeg, perhaps png, and almost certainly  
Javascript), and perhaps data files including pdf, Word, Powerpoint,  
and Excel.  Any one of those data formats is far more complex than  
even compressed voice; the union of them makes me surprised it can  
handle even Secret data... Note especially that HTML involves  
IFRAMEs and third-party images, which means inherent cross-domain  

I've thought about this, but I don't buy it. I'm a heavy user of  
wireless e-mail, but I use it as nothing more than a SMTP-addressable  
SMS service without a length limit. In other words, people can send me  
messages from a computer and not just from a mobile handset (true in  
the other direction, too), and I can read and write more than 160  
characters at a time.

I'd find mobile e-mail just as useful if it went through a proxy that  
stripped out _everything_ that's not plaintext. I open attachments on  
my phone about once in a blue moon, and wouldn't miss the ability if  
it were gone.


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Obama's secure PDA

2009-01-26 Thread Ivan Krstić
As I'm sure many of you've heard by now, after some initial hesitation  
due to legal requirements regarding the preservation of presidential  
records, Mr. Obama has been allowed to continue using a wireless e- 
mail device after assuming the presidency. There are still conflicting  
reports about whether the hardware is an altered RIM BlackBerry or a  
different device, though the most likely contender for the latter  
option appears to be the General Dynamics Sectéra Edge, which features  
a "trusted [secondary] display" and two buttons used to switch between  
classified and unclassified operation. Some details from Declan  


Manufacturer site and (not very detailed) specs:

I know next to nothing about the state of the art of secure cell  
devices; do list members have any (public) knowledge or informed  
speculation about the mechanism behind the unclassified/classified  
switches? Are we talking two entire separate CPUs with a mutex-shared  
screen/keyboard? Or just offload of classified processing to a  
separate on-chip security domain (ala ARM TrustZone)? Similarly, the  
manufacturer lists separate class/unclass memory chips and separate  
class/unclass USB ports. Are these sitting on two physically separate  

Finally, any idea why the Sectéra is certified up to Top Secret for  
voice but only up to Secret for e-mail? (That is, what are the  
differing requirements?)


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Re: very high speed hardware RNG

2009-01-04 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Dec 30, 2008, at 5:11 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
This is a highly chaotic process, and after a short time, you see a  
completely random-looking dispersion of dye through the liquid.   
Present this to someone and any likely test will say this is quite  
random.  But ... if you slow turn the inner cylinder backwards -  
"slowly", for both directions of turn, depending on details of the  
system - the original line of dye miraculously reappears.

(Laminar flow: <>.)

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two bits of light holiday reading

2008-12-26 Thread Ivan Krstić


Jonathan Zittrain's[0] latest book, 'The Future of the Internet and  
How to Stop It', is available as a free PDF licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA:


While not dealing with cryptography per se, it does focus on the wider  
implications of the worsening situation in modern computer security,  
and what it means for the new computing platforms we're seeing now and  
in the future. Zittrain is one of the foremost cyberlaw thinkers on  
the planet; given a number of discussions on this list, I thought the  
book would be of interest to subscribers.

[0] <>


The DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies recently  
released a report titled 'Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency'  
written by a number of influential authors:


Of most interest to this list, the report suggests going on the  
offensive with regard to identity management, proposing to restrict  
bonuses and awards of US federal agencies not using strong digital  
credentials for employees in sufficient numbers (logical pp. 61-65).  
Maybe, uh, it'll work this time around?


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Re: e-gold and e-go1d

2008-11-29 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Nov 29, 2008, at 9:18 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

The algorithm is to map all lookalike glyphs to
canonical glyphs

The definition of lookalike glyphs depends on the choice of font and  
variant, and Unicode wraps the whole problem in a lovely layer of  
hell. If I had to do this, I'd investigate rendering both strings in  
the (same) target font and then quantifying the amount of overlap in  
the bitmaps, as e.g. SWORD does for TLDs:


The above is proprietary; NIST's Paul Black has Python code available  
for a slightly enhanced Levenshtein distance:


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Re: Judge approves TRO to stop DEFCON presentation

2008-08-09 Thread Ivan Krstić
On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 17:11:11 -0400, "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Las Vegas - Three students at the Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology (MIT) were ordered this morning by a federal court
> judge to cancel their scheduled presentation about vulnerabilities
> in Boston's transit fare payment system, violating their First
> Amendment right to discuss their important research.

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Re: On the "randomness" of DNS

2008-07-30 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:
Oh, and I should say that number of ports and standard deviation are  
not a GREAT way to test for "randomness". For example, the sequence  
1000, 2000, ..., 27000 has 27 ports and a standard deviation of over  
7500, which looks pretty GREAT to me. But not very "random".

I boggled a bit at the abuse of simple descriptive statistics, too.  
For those interested in actual statistical tests of randomness,  
there's a good literature survey at < 

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Re: The wisdom of the ill informed

2008-07-02 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jul 1, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

My experience with European banks is quite limited -- my consulting
practice is pretty much US centric. My general understanding, however,
is that they are doing better, not worse, with login security.

As a data point, the largest bank in Croatia used to mail customers  
pre-printed TAN lists. Some number of years ago, they switched to (non- 
SecurID) tokens which require a 4-digit PIN to turn on, and then  
provide two functions: a login OTP and a challenge/response system for  
authorizing individual transactions. Your username is simply the  
token's serial number, though it's not clear if these are in fact  

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Re: The wisdom of the ill informed

2008-07-01 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 30, 2008, at 7:22 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

One of the most interesting things I find about most fields is the
fact that people who are incompetent very often fancy themselves
experts. There's a great study on this subject -- usually the least
competent people are the ones that feel highly confident in their
skills, while the people who aren't have more doubts. One sees this
very phenomenon on this very list, and not infrequently.



How security non-experts screwed up security in systems like WEP and  
PPTP is no mystery to me. How, on the other hand, a real expert at  
_anything_ feels comfortable entering another hard technical field  
without screaming for assistance is something I don't get at all.

That a roomful of network experts designing 802.11 didn't hold hands  
and all together chant "bring us a good cryptographer" with such  
maniacal monophony as to rival any Gregorian choir makes me highly  
suspicious about their supposed expertise with _networks_.

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Re: A call for aid in cracking a 1024-bit malware key

2008-06-11 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 11, 2008, at 10:04 PM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

Let's put it like this: suppose you wanted to use all of your
cryptographic skills to do such a thing.  Do you think it could be
cracked?  I don't...

Exactly right. After Storm, I don't think anyone reasonable still  
believes that there's no talent in the black hat community. So even if  
this particular piece of malware has implementation issues, the next  
version won't. And then what?

Focusing on the crypto is just missing the point entirely, although I  
suppose it grabs headlines. But the problem at hand has nothing to do  
with crypto, and  everything to do with the fact that our desktop  
security systems are fundamentally broken[0]. There is _no_ _reason_  
that a piece of malware executing silently in the background should  
have access to the user's files without interaction or approval from  
the user. And you can't maliciously encrypt files you can't access.

We know how to build systems that are both drastically more secure and  
more usable than the ones in use today[1]. I wonder if a proliferation  
of headline-grabbing threats like cryptographic ransomware will help  
overcome the OS vendor inertia.

[0] See first half of < 
>. Note: I'm no longer affiliated with OLPC.

[1] E.g. <>, < 
>, <>

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Re: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-01 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 1, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Victor Duchovni wrote:

Not much demand for this yet, so I don't expect mature offerings any
time soon. We'd have to build a boutique service for cipher-punks.

I doubt there'll ever be much demand. The tinfoil hat crowd will be  
bothered by the n-1 hops (and however many Narus boxes in between)  
being traversed unencrypted, while most everyone else seemingly  
doesn't care and uses GMail/Hotmail/YahooMail, forfeiting any  
expectation of privacy right from the start.

The easiest thing for people who _do_ care is still running their own  
mail server. The emergence of reasonably priced VM hosting providers  
(e.g. makes it fairly uncomplicated, modulo initial  

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-26 Thread Ivan Krstić

On May 25, 2008, at 6:02 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

I meant: how good are the PRNGs underneath them?

Not a direct answer to your question, but somewhat relevant as context  
is Michal Zalewski's analysis of TCP/IP sequence number predictability  
across operating systems:


It's several years out of date, however.

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New result in predicate encryption: disjunction support

2008-05-03 Thread Ivan Krstić
This is fairly interesting: AFAIK the first generalization of  
predicate encryption to support disjunctions. I find the result mostly  
interesting mathematically, since I expect we won't be seeing  
predicate encryption in widespread use anytime soon due to complexity  
and regulatory concerns. --IK

"Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctions, Polynomial Equations,  
and Inner Products"

Jonathan Katz and Amit Sahai and Brent Waters

Preprint: <>

Abstract: Predicate encryption is a new paradigm generalizing, among  
other things, identity-based encryption. In a predicate encryption  
scheme, secret keys correspond to predicates and ciphertexts are  
associated with attributes; the secret key SK_f corresponding to the  
predicate f can be used to decrypt a ciphertext associated with  
attribute I if and only if f(I)=1. Constructions of such schemes are  
currently known for relatively few classes of predicates.
We construct such a scheme for predicates corresponding to the  
evaluation of inner products over N (for some large integer N). This,  
in turn, enables constructions in which predicates correspond to the  
evaluation of disjunctions, polynomials, CNF/DNF formulae, or  
threshold predicates (among others). Besides serving as what we feel  
is a significant step forward in the theory of predicate encryption,  
our results lead to a number of applications that are interesting in  
their own right.

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Re: defending against evil in all layers of hardware and software

2008-04-29 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Apr 28, 2008, at 12:58 PM, John Denker wrote:

Of course we should insist on an open-source boot ROM code:
The boot ROM should check the pgp signature of each PCI card's
BIOS code before letting it get control.  And then it should
check the pgp signature of the operating system before booting
it.  I don't know of any machine that actually does this

The OLPC XO-1 laptop has an open-source bootloader (Open Firmware)  
which checks the operating system signature before passing control to  

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Re: defending against evil in all layers of hardware and software

2008-04-29 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Apr 28, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I'm pretty sure we can defend against this sort of thing a lot of the
time (by no means all) if it is done by quite ordinary criminals. If
it is done by really good people, I have very serious doubts.

I think you just described all of security.

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Re: "Designing and implementing malicious hardware"

2008-04-27 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Apr 25, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Leichter, Jerry wrote:

I remember seeing another, similar contest in which
the goal was to produce a vote-counting program that
looked completely correct, but biased the results.
The winner was amazingly good - I consider myself
pretty good at analyzing code, but even knowing that
this code had a "hook" in it, I missed it completely.
Worse, none of the code even set of my "why is it
doing *that*" detector.

I was reminded of the same contest[0]. The winning date-agnostic  
entry[1] was by Michał Zalewski[2], and is nothing short of evil. I  
spotted the problem after staring at the code intensely for about a  
half hour, knowing in advance it was there. Had I not known, I don't  
think I'd have found it.

[0] <>
[1] <>
[2] <>

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Re: [p2p-hackers] convergent encryption reconsidered

2008-03-31 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 31, 2008, at 6:44 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
Better still, have a limited supply of tickets that enable one to  
construct the convergence key.  Enough tickets for all normal usage,  
but  not enough to perform an exhaustive search. [...]

If you give the ticket issuing computers an elliptic point P, they  
will  give you the corresponding elliptic point k*P.  If, however,  
you ask for too many such points, they will stop responding.

This isn't a good design. It's incompatible with Tahoe's present  
architecture, introduces a single point of failure, centralizes the  
otherwise by-design decentralized filesystem, and presents a simple  
way to mount denial of service attacks. Finally, since the  
decentralization in Tahoe is part of its security design (storage  
servers aren't trusted), you run into the usual quis custodiet ipsos  
custodes problem with the ticket-issuing server that the present  
system nicely avoids.


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Re: [p2p-hackers] convergent encryption reconsidered -- salting and key-strengthening

2008-03-31 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 30, 2008, at 9:37 PM, zooko wrote:

You can store your True Name, credit card number, bank
account number, mother's maiden name, and so forth, on the same
server as your password, but you don't have to worry about using
salts or key strengthening on those latter secrets, because the
server doesn't run a service that allows unauthenticated remote
people to connect, submit a guess as to their value, and receive
confirmation, the way it does for your password.

Tahoe doesn't run this service either. I can't use it to make guesses  
at any of the values you mentioned. I can use it to make guesses at  
whole documents incorporating such values, which is in most cases a  
highly non-trivial distinction.

To make such guesses, I need to account for at least:

- file formats, since an e-mail message has a different on-disk
  representation depending on the recipient's e-mail client,

- temporal and transport variance, as PDF documents generally
  incorporate a generation timestamp, and e-mail messages include
  routing headers (with timestamps!),

- document modifications due to variables other than the one(s) being
  guessed, e.g. names, e-mail addresses, customized unsubscribe links.

I would be interested to see an actual real-world example of how a  
document would fall to this attack. It strikes me as a cute threat in  
theory, but uninteresting in practice.

 *** Convergent encryption exposes whatever data is put into it to
the sorts of attacks that already apply to passwords.

Sometimes, under highly peculiar circumstances, etc.

Convergent encryption had been invented, analyzed and used for many
years, but to the best of my knowledge the first time that anyone
noticed this issue was March 16 of this year

FWIW, I have discussed this threat verbally with colleagues when I was  
asked for possible designs for OLPC's server-based automatic backup  
system. I dismissed it at the time as 'not a real-world concern'. I  
might even have it in my notes, but those weren't published, so it's  

Now PBKDF2 is a combination of the first two defenses -- salting and
key strengthening.  When you first suggested PBKDF2, I -- and
apparently Jerry Leichter -- thought that you were suggesting its
salting feature as a solution.

Yeah, sorry, I wasn't being clear. I should've just said "a key  
strengthening function" rather than naming anything in particular.

This would have a performance impact on normal everyday use of Tahoe
without, in my current estimation, making a brute-force/dictionary
attack infeasible.

Adding, say, 5 seconds of computation to the time it takes to store a  
file is likely to be lost as noise in comparison with the actual  
network upload time, while still making an attacker's life  
_dramatically_ harder than now.

The trade-off is actually worse than it appears since the attacker is
attacking multiple users at once (in traditional convergent
encryption, he is attacking *all* users at once)

Again, is there a real-world example of the kind of data or documents  
that would show this to be a serious problem? While it's technically  
true that you're targeting all the users in parallel when brute  
forcing, note that if you're not actually hyper-targeting your attack,  
you need to brute force _all_ the variables I mention above in  
parallel, except in pathological cases -- and those, if you know of  
some, would be interesting for the discussion.

economy of scale, and can profitably invest in specialized tools,
even specialized hardware such as a COPACOBANA [1].

The OpenBSD eksblowfish/bcrypt design can't be bitsliced and generally  
doesn't lend itself well to large speedups in hardware, by design.


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Re: [p2p-hackers] convergent encryption reconsidered

2008-03-30 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 30, 2008, at 3:12 PM, Leichter, Jerry wrote:

How would that help?

Unless I'm misunderstanding Zooko's writeup, he's worried about an  
attacker going from a partially-known plaintext (e.g. a form bank  
letter) to a completely-known plaintext by repeating the following  

1. take partially known plaintext
2. make a guess, randomly or more intelligently where possible,
   about the unknown parts
3. take the current integrated partial+guessed plaintext, hash
   to obtain convergence key
4. verify whether that key exists in the storage index
5. if yes, you've found the full plaintext. if not, repeat from '2'.

That's a brute force search. If your convergence key, instead of being  
a simple file hash, is obtained through a deterministic but  
computationally expensive function such as PBKDF2 (or the OpenBSD  
bcrypt, etc), then step 3 makes an exhaustive search prohibitive in  
most cases while not interfering with normal filesystem operation.  
What am I missing?


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Re: [p2p-hackers] convergent encryption reconsidered

2008-03-30 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:42 PM, zooko wrote:

   They extended the confirmation-of-a-file attack into the
   learn-partial-information attack. In this new attack, the
   attacker learns some information from the file. This is done by
   trying possible values for unknown parts of a file and then
   checking whether the result matches the observed ciphertext.

How is this conceptually different from classic dictionary attacks,  
and why does e.g. running the file through PBKDF2 and using the result  
for convergence not address your concern(s)?

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Re: presentations about encrypted storage

2008-03-30 Thread Ivan Krstić
On Mar 28, 2008, at 5:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
I've got two presentations I've given on encrypted storage  

On a similar note, list readers might enjoy the detailed writeup of  
Tahoe, the secure distributed erasure-coded filesystem built by Zooko  
and the folks at


Perry forwarded the Tahoe 0.9 announcement to the list, but it didn't  
include a link to this writeup, which might not have existed at the  
time. As an unrelated bonus and since it doesn't merit a separate  
post, here's a (well-sung!) crypto take on Harry Belafonte's Banana  
Boat Song:



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Re: cold boot attacks on disk encryption

2008-02-22 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Feb 21, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

i think in most cases tamper-resistant is sufficient

Er, what do TPMs have to do with this at all? TPMs are not tamper- 
proof hardware FDE devices. They're somewhat tamper-proof (in  
practice, I wouldn't depend on it) non-volatile storage for small  
amounts of sensitive data, such as encryption keys. But as long as  
it's software that's driving your FD encryption, you need to have your  
keys in RAM.

So, either:

* The TPM is used in 'basic' mode, where its only purpose is to
  provide a measure of tamper-resistance to the boot path, and as
  long as no boot-time tampering is detected, the FDE key will be
  loaded into RAM automatically,


* The TPM requires explicit authentication (e.g. by password or
  smart card) before releasing the key, in which case a successful
  authentication will load the FDE key in RAM.

If the machine is running and the FDE in use -- which is the entire  
premise behind this attack -- both TPM use cases are just as  
vulnerable. TPMs are a red herring in this discussion, unless the FDE  
was actually offloading the crypto operations to it. This is not a  
supported mode of operation for any widely-deployed FDE system that  
I'm familiar with.

So, is anyone else as amused as I am that Apple can release an EFI  
firmware update to zeroize MacBook Air memory at boot-time, turning  
the heretofore widely-decried inability to upgrade that laptop's RAM  
-- due to the chips being soldered to the motherboard -- into an  
advantage, and making the Air the laptop of choice for discriminating,  
fashion-aware, security-conscious professionals the world over?

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-02-06 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 31, 2008, at 10:32 PM, Richard Salz wrote:
Developers working in almost any field should know the history and  
practices -- is PGP's original "bass o matic" any more important  
than the
code in a defibrillator? -- but this is not the way our field works  

now.  Compare it to something like civil engineering or architecture.

I think this misses the point. Security is different.

In 2008, I can learn to build pretty good suspension bridges by  
learning the state of the art of bridge-building. After that, as long  
as I live, I run almost no risk of Newtonian mechanics being shown to  
be wrong for any value of wrong that would make me go "well, wow, I no  
longer understand how to build bridges".

In other words, people who build bridges these days can give you a  
convincing presentation, based on solid physics and a highly-complete  
threat model (soil erosion, material failure, etc) that their bridge  
will do its job. They can say "this bridge will work because it  
satisfies well-understood and reasonably immutable laws of nature".

People who attempt to build secure systems have no ultimately well- 
understood (let alone immutable!) requirements to design against. A  
good approximation is "a secure system is one that survives all  
relevant attacks that people in our field have come up with thus far",  
but it's clear that a system successfully meeting that goal can simply  
cease to meet it any given day. Thus unlike with bridges, you  
fundamentally can't evaluate the quality of a security system you  
built if you're unfamiliar with the state of the art of _attacks_  
against security systems, and you can't become familiar with those  
unless you realize that these attacks have each brought down a system  
previously considered impregnable. And if by the time you've gone  
through dozens of broken systems and their corresponding attacks you  
still think you're smart enough to write a new system by yourself,  
you're either very brave or very daft.

Neither of those mean you're a bad person, but both mean you shouldn't  
be designing security systems.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: TLS-SRP & TLS-PSK support in browsers (Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-06 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Feb 1, 2008, at 9:34 PM, Ian G wrote:
* Browser vendors don't employ security people as we know them on  
this mailgroup [...]  But they are completely at sea when it comes  
to systemic security failings or designing new systems.

I don't know about other browsers, but Mozilla's CSO-type is Window  
Snyder who I'd easily describe as a pretty top-notch "security person".

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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-01-31 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 31, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Guus Sliepen wrote:

I hope that in the future, if you see an application doing something
wrong, you don't immediately give the developers the soundwave  

The wider point of Peter's writeup -- and of the therapy -- is that  
developers working on security tools should _know_ they're working in  
a notoriously, infamously hard field where the odds are  
_overwhelmingly_ against them if they choose to engineer new solutions.

With such understanding, no competent developer should ever set out to  
build new cryptosystems unless he can explain, point by point, why his  
needs cannot be met by existing, vetted systems. That explanation  
should ideally be made public for dissection by the community.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken

2008-01-29 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
However, you should be very skeptical when someone claims that they  
"need" to use a home grown crypto algorithm or that they "need" to  
use a home grown protocol instead of

a well proven one.

I'm beginning to suspect that more often than not, this nonsense is a  
result of market forces rather than idiot technologists. In my  
experience, senior decision-maker types outside of the computer  
industry (and even within it, but perhaps a tad less so) are  
sufficiently non-technical as to never have heard of Kerckhoffs'  
principle -- and to disbelieve it when they do, since it opposes their  
intuition of what makes for secure systems. Various companies (or  
departments) then emerge peddling their home-grown crypto and  
trumpeting the fact that it's proprietary as a feature, commonly going  
hand in hand with stupidly large key sizes.

Some number of these muppets approached me over the last couple of  
years offering to donate a free license for their excellent products.  
I used to be more polite about it, but nowadays I ask that they Google  
the famous Gutmann Sound Wave Therapy[0] and mail me afterwards.

I've never heard back.

[0] Last paragraph,

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2008-01-07 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 5, 2008, at 3:47 AM, Alexander Klimov wrote:

It sounds like: we cannot make secure OS because it is too large --
let us don't bother to make a smaller secure OS, just add some more
software and hardware to an existent system and then it will be
secure. Sounds like a fairytale

I don't think this is really being said. In fact, I've been pretty  
concretely saying "here's an OS not designed from scratch, but with  
certain pieces modified, that's likely to be extremely resistant to  
viruses, malware and other pests", in regard to the OS being designed  
for the OLPC. We're still implementing large chunks of the security  
system, but my spec[0] has been public for a year, our security  
working group contains a number of people from this list, and no one  
so far has claimed that this design won't successfully resist most --  
though not all -- classes of attacks we've seen or can presently  
imagine seeing in the desktop security realm.


Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Question on export issues

2008-01-06 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jan 3, 2008, at 10:47 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

That's because there's nothing much to publish:
In the US, notify the BIS via email.

Our outside counsel -- specializing in this area -- thought this was  
insufficient. That said, thanks for all the feedback in the thread --  
I'll pass the information back and try to figure out what the  
difficulties were, posting here if anything interesting becomes  

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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2008-01-03 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Dec 31, 2007, at 4:46 PM, Bill Frantz wrote:

My favorite virtual machine use is for the virus to install itself
as a virtual machine, and run the OS in the virtual machine.  This
technique should be really good for hiding from virus scanners.

It's not, and despite the press handwaving about hypervisor rootkits  
being the death of all security as we know it, this attack is largely  
uninteresting in practice. Repeat after me: it's not a real problem,  
and it's unlikely to become a real problem.

A walkthrough with pretty pictures, courtesy of the Matasano folk:


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Re: Question on export issues

2008-01-02 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Dec 31, 2007, at 3:32 PM, Sidney Markowitz wrote:

I find that very strange considering this from a BIS FAQ
What hoops did you have to jump through?

Here's one relevant excerpt from an internal e-mail exchange, as  
written up by a colleague:

"1) Encryption is a dual-use technology under the Wassenaar Agreement.
This means that it is illegal to export products containing
cryptographic technology without first satisfying the requirements of
the EAR (the export regulations).

2) There are several ways to satisfy the requirements of the EAR. Of
particular interest are the "Technologies and Software - Unrestricted"
(TSU) licensing exception, the "Encryption commodities and software"
(ENC) licensing exception, and the "mass market encryption" designation.

3) Our software contains both "Open Cryptographic Interfaces" and is
designed to be cryptographically extended by the end user. These two
features prohibit us from qualifying for either the 'ENC' licensing
exception or the mass-market encryption "No License Required" (NLR)

4) Essentially all open source projects use the TSU licensing exception.

5) Essentially none of them publish the details of their experience of
the process of satisfying the export control requirements.

6) I have not been able to locate any example responses to the
Encryption Questionnaire against which I can judge what level of detail
is required and how the 'third party components' question (no. 8) was

We encountered other hassles. I intend to ask our legal intern, who  
did a phenomenal job rounding this all up, to write up the process in  
some detail.


Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2007-12-31 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Dec 29, 2007, at 6:37 PM, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

Virtualization still hot, death of antivirus software imminent

My, that sounds awfully familiar:

I note that, come the January OLPC software update, I will be using my  
XO laptop for all my e-banking and related needs. It provides a  
drastically more secure platform for doing so than any mainstream  
computer I know exists.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Question on export issues

2007-12-31 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Dec 30, 2007, at 12:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

never be permitted to export to the embargoed country
list (Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, North Korea, and Libya).

Not Libya. See 15 C.F.R §740Spir[0], country group E: Cuba, Iran,  
North Korea, Sudan, Syria.

Interestingly, 15 C.F.R. §746.8[1] also lists Rwanda: "an embargo  
applies to the sale or supply to Rwanda of arms and related matériel  
of all types and regardless of origin, including weapons and  
ammunition." I am not a lawyer, and cannot tell whether this applies  
to encryption.

We've recently had to jump through the BIS crypto export hoops at  
OLPC. Our systems both ship with crypto built-in and, due to their  
Fedora underpinnings, allow end-user installation of various crypto  
libraries -- all open-source -- through our servers. It was a  
nightmare; the regulations and paperwork appear to be designed for the  
use case of individual applications that utilize a handful of  
primitives and attempt to keep the user from examining or modifying  
the utilized crypto. Trying to fit a Linux distribution into this  
model proved, er, challenging. (We also found that projects that we  
expected would know the drill cold, such as Fedora and Mozilla, were  
actually not very familiar with the processes involved.)



Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: Full Disk Encryption solutions selected for US Government use

2007-11-01 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Oct 30, 2007, at 5:12 AM, Hagai Bar-El wrote:

A great product, but not an FDE one.

Right -- I was unaware that Windows actually had any real (pre-boot)  
FDE solutions before about the time of BitLocker. But I only  
peripherally have any idea about Windows crypto solutions, so I  
wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong. Cheers,

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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Re: Full Disk Encryption solutions selected for US Government use

2007-11-01 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Oct 29, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Hagai Bar-El wrote:

Are there at all any open source FDE products for Win32?

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Re: Seagate announces hardware FDE for laptop and desktop machines

2007-10-05 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Oct 3, 2007, at 4:39 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:

But this exhibits an issue with disk-based encryption: you can't
really know what they are doing, and if they are doing it right.
(Given countless examples of badly-deployed cryptography, this isn't
just paranoia, but a real concern.)

Precisely. If you're keeping secrets from your nosy siblings and  
coworkers, hardware FDE is more than adequate. If you have reason to  
believe someone skilled and resourceful might really want your data,  
you almost certainly have no business using a blackbox encryption  
system operating in a way that's not publicly documented -- even if  
the system is buzzword-compliant -- and implemented by a company  
(hard disk vendor) where crypto is about as far from their core  
competency as you can get.

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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Nash Foster wrote:

Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
qualified to judge.

If the affected software is doing DH with a malicious/compromised  
peer, the peer can make it arrive at a predictable secret -- which  
would be known to some passive listener. But hey, if the peer is  
malicious or compromised to begin with, it could just as well do DH  
normally and explicitly send the secret to the listener when it's  
done. Not much to see here.

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-16 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 12, 2007, at 7:06 AM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
Sounds like an interesting idea - using SRAM state as a source of  
randomness. Any of the folks here willing to comment on this?

If you care about your randomness, you don't want to be making the  
assumption that a source is random because "it sometimes looks that  
way, sort of". You want to be using a source that's assumed random  
because, as far as you know, it's very hard for it to be any other way.

Clearly, SRAM state falls into the former category, and there are  
lots and lots of variables keeping it firmly outside the latter. This  
means the usual wisdom applies: if you really need the extra entropy,  
mix some of these SRAM state bits into your pool, but make sure  
you're also feeding the pool from at least one source about whose  
randomness you can reason strongly.

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Re: MC Frontalot sings about encryption

2007-09-15 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 14, 2007, at 8:36 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

"Secrets From The Future", MC Frontalot's song about crypto

Lyrics: <>

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Re: Seagate announces hardware FDE for laptop and desktop machines

2007-09-07 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 6, 2007, at 6:14 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

other known good implementations of AES128 (CBC? I'm not

Plain AES-CBC is not a great choice for FDE. You can do whatever  
you'd like to the bits of a given block at the cost of garbling the  
previous block, which makes binaries a plausible target. Given the  
size of modern OSes, it might even be an easy one.

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Re: New DoD encryption mandate

2007-08-19 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Aug 19, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

On if MS provided some way to manage them centrally. Using a encrypted
DB to manually store the keys in it, is simply not feasible.

Your argument just went from "TPMs are bad for volume encryption with  
BitLocker because they can't be centrally managed" to "Microsoft  
should provide tools to centrally manage key recovery files because I  
find doing it myself too hard". Which are you actually arguing? I've  
tried to show you that the first argument is _wrong_; the second  
argument has nothing to do with TPMs. You have a choice when it comes  
to how you approach the recovery keyfile problem. You can build tools  
for it, or any company that perceives a market need can do so.

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Re: New DoD encryption mandate

2007-08-19 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Aug 18, 2007, at 3:30 PM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

One of the functions provided by the TPM is to wrap/bind and store the
bulk encryption keys. Now let's us say the mother board or the TPM
goes bad on your notebook or you simply want to upgrade the computer.
You need to be able to restore+transfer the information stored in the
TPM to your new computer. This is where you need TPM management suite
that support key backup/restore and transfer.

I still don't follow. BitLocker explicitly includes a (optionally  
file-based) recovery password. If you want central management, why  
not centrally manage _that_?

Alex Alten wrote:

Agreed, for most requirements.  Sometimes one may need to keep keys
in trusted hardware only.

The reason the TPM is used to wrap the BitLocker key is not because  
people don't want the key to be available outside of hardware -- at  
least I've never heard of that requirement going hand in hand with  
central key backup/migrate. Instead, TPM key wrapping is used so the  
early-boot checks can be enforced. I don't see how a hardware-only  
key that you can migrate to another TPM centrally is any more secure  
than keeping a key in hardware but falling back on a centrally- 
managed spare for enabling data migration.

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Re: New DoD encryption mandate

2007-08-17 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Aug 16, 2007, at 8:30 AM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

The other problem is that it lacks any centralized management. If you
are letting TPM manage your Bitlocker keys you still need a TPM
management suite with key backup/restore/transfer/migrate capabilities
in case your computer goes bad.

How so? If your computer goes bad, you need a *backup*. That's  
entirely orthogonal to the drive encryption problem. Bitlocker uses  
the TPM to provide assurance that your drive -- really, volume -- is  
locked to your computer, and that the early boot environment hasn't  
been messed with. When either check fails, you use the BitLocker  
recovery password (either on a USB stick or entered manually) to  
recover your data. This holds in the event that you take your drive  
out and stick it in a different machine. In other words, the TPM is  
not a single point of failure, so I don't understand why you think  
you care about TPM backup/restore/transfer.

The third problem is that it is software based encryption, which uses
the main CPU to perform the encryption.

Security is never free, but in 2007, we can afford the cycles. What's  
a better use for them? Drawing semi-transparent stained glass window  

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Re: improving ssh

2007-07-19 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jul 14, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Ed Gerck wrote:

1. firewall port-knocking to block scanning and attacks
2. firewall logging and IP disabling for repeated attacks (prevent  

block dictionary attacks)
3. pre- and post-filtering to prevent SSH from advertising itself and
server OS
4. block empty authentication requests
5. block sending host key fingerprint for invalid or no username
6. drop SSH reply (send no response) for invalid or no username

None of these are crypto issues. The OpenSSH dev list (http:// would almost certainly lend itself to a  
more productive discussion of these concerns. Cheers,

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-30 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 29, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

It's very valid to criticize today's products, and it's almost
obligatory to criticize over-hyped marketing.  As I said, I don't  

today's products are useful anywhere, and the comparisons vendors draw
to conventional cryptography are at best misleading.  But let's not
throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The problem I have with QC is that, as others have amply pointed out,  
there is a lot of bathwater but not much of a baby to speak of. If  
someone created a protocol that does a DH exchange at the beginning  
and then throws away the secret and performs the rest of the  
communication in plaintext, we'd hardly call the resulting system a  
"cryptographic protocol". Really, we'd be hesitant to use any form of  
the word cryptography in the description.

"QC", however, does something exactly analogous: it performs a  
quantum key exchange and then falls back on classical primitives.  
It's at best confusing, fallacious and disingenuous to refer to such  
setups as quantum cryptography, though I understand "classical  
encryption with quantum key exchange" has less of a marketable ring  
to it.

So, by all means, let the QKD and related research continue. It's  
interesting, it's cool, it's *important* work. But when the folks  
behind it are talking to those of us who understand and work with  
cryptography every day, they need to do a much better job at not  
letting their own imprecise and almost deceitful terminology paint  
themselves in a corner and trigger our snakeoil detectors. I deeply  
support Jon's proposal of renaming the whole thing "quantum secrecy",  
in which case I'd get off my snark horse and show more respect for  
the whole thing.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-29 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Jun 22, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

This brings up another issue.  Quantum crypto is exceptionally
expensive, and is virtually undeployable. To provide security that, in
a practical sense, is no better than what you can get from high key
length conventional ciphers, you spend vast amounts on end system
equipment, rent a dedicated dark fiber link between two locations that
can't be arbitrarily far apart, and in the end, you have two machines
that can talk securely in a world where one needs thousands or
millions of machines to talk securely to any one of the other

I wrote a reply agreeing violently with your sentiments, and then  
realized I sent the same e-mail to this list two years ago:

"I have to agree with Perry on this one: I simply can't see a compelling
reason for the push currently being given to ridiculously overpriced
implementations of what started off as a lab toy, and what offers - in
all seriousness - almost no practical benefits over the proper use of
conventional techniques. Besides, any of the ultrasecret applications
that *might* (I remain very skeptical) call for such a level of
confidentiality - things like military communication or diplomatic
message exchange between a country and its ambassadors - are all too
likely to be out of the range currently offered by these QC setups (last
I read, if I'm not mistaken, it was about 50 km or ~30 miles). Fine, the
range might improve - but I doubt that the amount of money and hassle
required to set these up will."
 -- from

Later in the thread, I opined that:

"[t]he way I see this is that there are two options: consumers can  

the security of their data to physics they don't understand, or
mathematics they don't understand. One of the fundamental differences is
that the former *no one* understands, and its price reflects that. With
the latter, well - quite a few people understand the math behind crypto,
and silicon is cheap these days. So what are people waiting for? Why
doesn't everyone concerned for their link security have a pair of cheap
strong crypto devices at both ends?"

I can't say I understand this fascination with photons for any  
practical cryptographic purpose any better now than I did back then,  
but I'm certainly more amused by it. May I coin "quantum  
craptography" as a better expansion of the abbreviation QC?

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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> I've seen all sorts of *claims* of TPM support, but try going out and buying a
> PC with one

Of the 25 business laptop models that HP offers on its site right now,
only 5 don't have a TPM installed.

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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
> the way in that IT depts ensure that don't turn 'em off 
> (as I understand it) is they set the BIOS admin password on their "assets" 
> (computers) before their give them out.

Right, but I think people's fears about Active Management are mostly
related to personal machines. If you're using a work-issued laptop,
you're already more or less at the complete mercy of your IT admins. AMT
gives them the ability to make the chokehold they already have over your
machine stronger.

The really troubling question that I see is how we can ascertain that
AMT can't be enabled remotely on an arbitrary machine. Let the
conspiracy theories begin.

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Re: Blackberries insecure?

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
[Perry -- I have no connection to Nokia whatsoever and am thrilled with
the phone in question, but the message below sounds like an
advertisement so please reject from the list if inappropriate.]

[Moderator's note: this is off topic, but there were a couple of "what
is that phone" messages to the list so clearly enough readers want to
know where to get a phone that runs real ssl and ssh. No followups,
please -- the list has been off topic enough lately already. --Perry]

James A. Donald wrote:
> What is your phone's model number?

Nokia E61i, an update of the E61:

It's not available directly from service providers in the states who
only sell the E62, which is a crippled E61. It has wifi, Bluetooth,
takes additional microSD storage, exposes its drive (and SD card) as a
standard USB hard drive, has a decent music player and built-in zooming
web browser, runs Acrobat reader and Opera, can sync with Google
calendar with a third party program, runs putty as an ssh client,
supports viewing Office documents and has all the other features you'd
expect from a business phone (e.g. timed profiles and phone ACLs --
instead of turning off or muting your phone at night, you can, for
instance, specify that only certain people can call you.)

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Blackberries insecure?

2007-06-22 Thread Ivan Krstić
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> That's a bit puzzling.  My understanding is that email is encrypted
> from the organization's (Exchange?) server to the receiving Blackberry,
> and that it's not in the clear while in transit or on RIM's servers.

Doesn't this run into the common problem of "supposedly it's secure, but
they're not offering the source", just like with e.g. Skype, TPM RNGs,
all commercial hardware security modules that I'm aware of, etc?

Personally, I found a SymbianOS phone with a full keyboard that's
lighter, thinner and more stylish than the Blackberry, runs Python and
exposes most of the phone functionality to it through a set of APIs, and
is happy to grab my mail via IMAP+SSL. With an unlimited data plan, who
cares if it's pull instead of push e-mail?

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-21 Thread Ivan Krstić
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> [...] a register article saying Intel released its new platform Centrino Pro
> which includes Intel Active Management 2.5. An article with some more info is
> here:

It appears Active Management is a setting that can be disabled normally
from the BIOS, like with TPMs today:

I couldn't find a conclusive statement one way or the other, but I
expect it'll also be turned off by default for consumer machines. That
still leaves a slew of open questions, but makes it less initially
alarming, I'd say.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-05-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> it would be really great to make it an excuse to move away from offline
> paradigm to real online operation ... getting totally rid of the need for
> domain name certificates ... DNS serving up both ip-addresses and public
> keys in single operation.

That can't happen until we make sure you can trust DNS, which in turn
can't happen until we get a concrete proposal that has clearly defined
goals and isn't braindead. As has been amply pointed out, it's not clear
that DNSSEC will cut it anytime soon.

(These days, the complaints even come with illustrations:

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Russian cyberwar against Estonia?

2007-05-22 Thread Ivan Krstić
Bill Stewart wrote:
> - Some teenage hacker who got annoyed at some other teenage hacker
> because they got into an argument on WoW or Myspace
> and decided to DDOS him

Some years back, I was on the receiving end of this type of scenario
bringing down connectivity for a small European country, and it was a
larger one than Estonia.

Out of curiosity, does anyone have information on how fat Estonia's
external pipes are?

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: 0wned .gov machines (was Re: Russian cyberwar against Estonia?)

2007-05-19 Thread Ivan Krstić
Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> What is interesting to me is that, even though things have nearly
> gotten as bad as they could possibly get, we still have seen very
> little real effort made to improve systems security (at least in
> comparison with what is necessary to make a big dent).

I think it's anything but surprising. There's only so much you can do to
significantly improve systems security if you're unwilling to break
backwards compatibility -- many of the fundamental premises of desktop
security are fatally flawed, chief among them the idea that all programs
execute with the full privileges of the executing user.

One Laptop per Child is breaking application backwards compatibility for
a number of reasons, one of which is security. As a result, I'm
earnestly hoping that our systems security platform, Bitfrost[0], will
be an improvement on the scale you're talking about. But time will tell.

(Sidenote: I'm giving a keynote at AusCERT tomorrow about exactly this,
titled 'Everything you know about desktop security is wrong, or: How I
Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virtual Machine'. Any list members
who are at the conference should mail me if they want to play with an
OLPC laptop and commiserate about desktop security over beer.)

[0] Summary at with full spec at

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Re: 128 bit number T-shirt?

2007-05-02 Thread Ivan Krstić
Fearghas McKay wrote:
> Which has a wider range of extra artwork.

But all the artwork is just ugly numbers in a monospace font. Someone
needs to rope in a designer to make a tastefully designed shirt with my
favorite new color scheme, called 'append c0':

Original by O. Day can be found at by searching
for 'append c0' (Flash needed).

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Re: More info in my AES128-CBC question

2007-04-20 Thread Ivan Krstić
Aram Perez wrote:
> The proposal for using AES128-CBC with a fixed IV of all zeros is for
> a protocol between two entities that will be exchanging messages.
> This is being done in a "standards" body (OMA) and many of the
> attendees have very little security experience. 

We don't let a bunch of random people design airbags. How on earth is it
a good idea to let a random bunch of people design crypto protocols? Is
this the same bunch of people that will be shocked, just SHOCKED when
someone demonstrates that their design is idiotic and doesn't protect
anyone or anything?

No, really, that people with "very little security experience" feel
comfortable doing this kind of work just boggles my mind. Please
congratulate everyone involved, and remind them to always use their PPTP
VPN over their WEP-protected wireless.

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Re: Failure of PKI in messaging

2007-02-13 Thread Ivan Krstić
Ian G wrote:
> Actually, there are many problems.  If you ask the low-level crypto
> guys, they say that the HI is the problem.  If you ask the HI guys, they
> say that the PKI concept is the problem.  If you ask the PKI people,
> they say the users are not playing the game, and if you ask the users
> they say the deployment is broken ...  Everyone has got someone else to
> blame.

This is, in my experience, exactly right. I'm trying to take some steps
for the better on the OLPC: all e-mails and IMs will be signed
transparently and by default, with the possibility of being encrypted by
default in countries where it's not a problem. This'll help with privacy
and message integrity, but it's not designed to stop phishing or

Phishing is less of an immediate problem for us, as there's little
incentive to phish 6-year olds in developing countries. But it will be a
problem eventually, and by then, it might be extremely difficult to
introduce sweeping changes in the security and HCI model to remedy the

One tremendous advantage we have now with OLPC is the ability to ignore
backwards compatibility for a number of things, so if we had a really
good model for dealing with phishing and the like -- even if it required
new assumptions or approaches -- we could probably do it. So maybe it's
time (for us, perhaps) to organize a workshop on this? Is there a better
way to do it?

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-09 Thread Ivan Krstić
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Just a general thought, it seems like the OLPC security design is a real-world
> implementation of Bill Cheswick's "Windows OK" proposal.  See for example
> for more on this (modulo
> the comments on "feature starvation", which don't apply to the OLPC design).

The systems are similar in their desire to offer no-frills protection,
but I think the similarities end there. If I had been trying to simply
lock the machines down, as is the essence of Cheswick's proposal, my
task would have been extremely simple. The resulting security model
would also have gone against everything OLPC's educational principles
stand for.

I think you'll find that moving (even mentally) from "protection by not
running untrusted code" to "usable protection _while_ running untrusted
code" involves a few trips through a labyrinth sitting on top of a mine
field, with the exit guarded by a killer rabbit. It's also certainly
possible I'm not smart enough, and other people find this to be an
easier problem.

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-09 Thread Ivan Krstić
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> What about unprotected, frequently-running web browsers?

I don't follow. How do you hop from one browser to another, if you want
to use one as your spread vector? Browsers don't accept inbound connections.

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-08 Thread Ivan Krstić
[Perry -- this is a very interesting discussion, but please feel free to
tell us to bugger off to the OLPC security list if you find it too

Nicolas Williams wrote:
> It tends to make me think that if an
> application wants to do something that I've not enabled it to do ahead
> of time then it fails. 

If an application wants to do something for which _it_ didn't request
permission ahead of time, it fails. The difficulty is in creating the
permission set with the proper mutual exclusions, and in such a way that
it's very hard to request a permission set required to do something
malicious. At the same time, it has to be easy for most applications to
request the permissions they need to get their work done. I've tried to
strike a decent balance.

> I'm imagining BitFrost as something like OpenBSD's systrace facility + a
> small number of well-profiled apps.  If this is a good analogy, please
> confirm it.

Think high-level systrace, with each application providing the policy at
install time, and the user being able to amend it at any time.

> In a world where web-based applications are all the applications you
> need, this attitude towards the browser leaves BitFrost with a big hole
> in it.

Protecting the browser is not in the scope of _system_ security. I'm
working on it separately, and want to see how to make it better, but to
the system security platform, a browser is just another application. To
that end, if the entire application is compromised, Bitfrost provides
very strong assurances about what an attacker can('t) do to the rest of
the system.

> I think you have to think of each site as a separate application, and
> profile that, if I understood BitFrost correctly.

No, the platform is too low in the security stack to have any idea about
what tabs and sites are. It sees a process, or some number of processes,
which are the browser.

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-08 Thread Ivan Krstić
Hi Paul,

Paul J. Morris wrote:
> If a worm can propagate to every OLPC laptop it must
> have network access in some form, this means it could use the entire set
> of OLPC laptops to perform a distributed denial of service attack on a
> target.

Sort of. The worm would still be subject to connection rate and
bandwidth throttling, so the laptops are not _that_ useful as a DDoS
launchpad. But it's all a big hypothetical scenario, because finding
invariants to infect across all OLPC systems is likely to prove
extremely difficult; only applications that the user sometimes runs
generally listen on a port and act as a server. There aren't going to be
unprotected, constantly-running servers to exploit.

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-08 Thread Ivan Krstić
Hi Nico,

Nicolas Williams wrote:
> If this means pop-up dialogs for every little thing an application wants
> to do then the result may well be further training users to click 'OK'.

It really does help to read at least the introduction to the document in
question before hitting 'reply' to an e-mail :)

Here are two of the four guiding principles for Bitfrost, stated in the
first chapter of the spec:

>  * No reading required 
>  Security cannot depend upon the user's ability to read a message from the
>  computer and act in an informed and sensible manner. While disabling a
>  particular security mechanism may require reading, a machine must be secure
>  out of the factory if given to a user who cannot yet read.
>  * Unobtrusive security 
>  Whenever possible, the security on the machines must be behind the scenes,
>  making its presence known only through subtle visual or audio cues, and never
>  getting in the user's way. Whenever in conflict with slight user convenience,
>  strong unobtrusive security is to take precedence, though utmost care must be
>  taken to ensure such allowances do not seriously or conspicuously reduce the
>  usability of the machines. As an example, if a program is found attempting to
>  violate a security setting, the user will not be prompted to permit the 
> action;
>  the action will simply be denied. If the user wishes to grant permission for
>  such an action, she can do so through the graphical security center 
> interface.

Summary and other principles:
(borrowed directly from the full spec).

> As for browsers, you'd have to make sure that every window/tab/frame is
> treated as a separate application, and even then that probably wouldn't
> be enough.  Remember, the browser is a sort of operating system itself
> -- applying policy to it is akin to applying policy to the open-ended
> set of applications that it runs.

The browser is an environment, which makes it an edge case. Even so,
Bitfrost provides guarantees on what happens if you take over the
browser: it's very hard to violate the user's privacy, you can't harm
the machine in any way, you can't get unauthorized access to the user's
documents. From a systems security point of view, that's all I could
hope for. Security within the browser cannot lie in the scope of the
spec. (Not to say that I don't care about it, though -- I'm meeting with
Mozilla's CSO later today to talk about what we can do to make the
browsing experience more secure.)


Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-08 Thread Ivan Krstić
Hi, Steve. Thanks for your thoughts; comments inline.

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> That firewalls should be omitted is no surprise.  A firewall is a 
> device for centralized policy enforcement; it's useful when policy to
>  the "outside" -- whatever that is -- is different than policy for
> the "inside".  If you don't have a well-defined "inside" and
> "outside", they're not very useful. 

The "no firewalls" thing is really a journalistic misrepresentation.
There are no *personal* firewalls, in the
keep-popping-up-messages-and-prompts sense. P_NET filtering, described
in the spec, is implemented exactly by using a firewall -- standard
Linux netfilter. Because each program executes in a VM of its own,
enforcing network access policies on it becomes very simple: it's a
matter of choosing to NAT or not NAT packets from/to its virtual IP,
with any applicable restrictions.

But it's no longer something the user has to know or care about, which
has been one of my fanatical focuses in designing Bitfrost. I firmly
believe this is how most security systems should be designed regardless
of the target audience, but with 6 year olds in the mix, it's no longer
a belief or convenience, it's an absolute necessity.

> Even if the crypto authentication succeeds, all it means is that some
> process on the other machine has access to the credentials; it says
> nothing about whether or not the human in front of that machine wants
> to connect.

Is this a general comment, or are you talking about some particular
crypto authentication on the OLPC?

> It would take a fairly radical OS design to 
> prevent a user-level worm from spreading.

Is it really a big deal if a worm spreads to every OLPC laptop, but
can't do anything particularly malicious once it's there?

> Thought experiment:
> explain what OS facilities would have prevented the 1988 Internet
> worm from succeeding.

If you said "spreading," I'd have a different answer. But let's talk
about the worm succeeding. It "succeeded" in bringing down the Internet
because it -- accidentally, from what we know -- kept creating running
copies even on previously infected machines. Eventually there were too
many processes, and the machines buckled under the DoS. The Morris worm
amounted to a self-propagating forkbomb.

Bitfrost would keep the Morris worm from "succeeding" in any interesting
sense. Assuming the worm managed to spread despite the other
protections, once it landed on a user's machine and the processes
started multiplying, they'd just get throttled back -- to no more than
10% CPU use -- for the combined lot of them -- if the user doesn't have
the worm's window in the foreground of the UI. (What window? Exactly.)

Decoupling user permissions from process permissions and integrating
explicit assent into dealing with the user's documents get you a long,
long way towards a usable and reasonably secure system, I think. If I'm
wrong, I'll have 10 million reasons to not sleep next year.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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One Laptop per Child security

2007-02-07 Thread Ivan Krstić
Earlier today, I publicly released the architecture-level specification
for Bitfrost, the security platform on the One Laptop per Child machines:;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=bitfrost.txt

This is a complete but non-technical spec, with its technical complement
scheduled for release sometime in late March (there's a pile of crypto
powering various choice bits of the system). Comments are very much invited.


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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Ivan Krstić
[I prefer to keep discussions on-list where possible. CCing the list.]

Beryllium Sphere LLC wrote:
> Bruce Schneier pointed out years ago that it's trivial for a virus
> or Trojan to add a new trusted CA to the browser's list of trusted
> roots. At least one "advertising support web accelerator" installs
> itself in the browser configuration as a peer of Verisign and can
> then proxy SSL without any warning to the user.

Right. I was talking about the kind of MITM where an attacker is
physically between your machine and the SSL destination, such as sitting
on your network's egress. MOYM (man on your machine) attacks are a bit
of a lost cause with most modern OS environments, though I've been
working pretty hard to try and change that on the One Laptop per Child

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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Ivan Krstić
James Muir wrote:
> It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks, so
> I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar
> with SSL/TLS could comment.
> Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should
> detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the user?

There's nothing new or interesting about this; SSL MITM tools have been
around for a long time. When you're connecting to a website via SSL, you
have no out of band knowledge of the certificate that the server is
supposed to use (e.g. you can't query DNS and get the certificate
fingerprint). SSL clients generally do three checks on the server cert:
they verify it's still valid on today's date, that the name in the cert
matches the server you're connecting to, and that you trust the CA that
issued the cert.

An SSL MITM proxy can trivially satisfy two of those three checks. If an
attacker had sufficiently strong incentive and a specific target site,
presumably he could satisfy the third as well (get a "trusted" CA to
sign a bogus cert for the server in question -- remember Microsoft from
a few years back).

So yes, in the general case, the web browser will notice the MITM, and
inform the user that two checks pass and one fails. And almost all users
will hit "continue" and not care, because they don't understand SSL or
the risks involved. They shouldn't have to, either; it's for this reason
that I think SSL is just altogether broken in the way we use it on the
web. It passes the technical requirements, but utterly fails at being a
usable security technology.

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Re: more on NIST hash competition

2007-01-24 Thread Ivan Krstić
Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I'm completely unfamiliar with the way NIST operates, but I've been
wondering for years why they haven't organized this competition already.
Do we have a list veteran who can shed some light on why it took them
this long? My curiosity demands to know.

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MS responds to Gutmann's Vista paper

2007-01-20 Thread Ivan Krstić
[Perry -- had a clause in there that made no sense; I shouldn't send
mail minutes after waking up. Please discard previous mail and send
along this one.]

[Moderator's note: Too late, sorry. --Perry]

Aside from admitting to increased CPU utilization, which seemed pretty
incontestable anyway, they're disputing [0] many of the points made in
the original paper [1]. Ignoring the hand-wavy arguments, I find most
interesting their claims that a) there will be no move away from unified
drivers, b) that HFS doesn't depend on driver-related video chip
features, and therefore won't impact (the creation of) open source
drivers, and c) that video quality is degraded only for specific premium
content rather than globally. Assuming all three are true, this would
downgrade the Vista content protection system from "cataclysmically
braindead" to merely "extremely braindead" -- a welcome downgrade, given
all of Peter's other points.


Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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MS responds to Gutmann's Vista paper

2007-01-20 Thread Ivan Krstić
Aside from admitting to increased CPU utilization, which seemed pretty
incontestable anyway, they're disputing [0] many of the points made in
the original paper [1]. Ignoring the hand-wavy arguments, I find most
interesting their claims that a) there will be no move away from unified
drivers, b) that HFS doesn't depend on, and therefore won't impact, open
source drivers, and c) that video quality is degraded only for specific
premium content rather than globally. Assuming all three are true, this
would downgrade the Vista content protection system from
"cataclysmically braindead" to merely "extremely braindead" -- a welcome
downgrade, given all of Peter's other points.


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Re: (Short) Intro and question

2007-01-08 Thread Ivan Krstić
Allen wrote:
> One of the questions that I have been raising is trust and how to ensure
> that that it is not misplaced or eroded over time. Which leads me to my
> question for the list: I can see easily how to do split key for 2 out of
> x for key recovery, but I can't seem to find a reference to the 3 out of
> x problem.

Read Shamir's original paper:

and the Wikipedia page:

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Re: Can you keep a secret? This encrypted drive can...

2006-11-02 Thread Ivan Krstić
Adam Shostack wrote:
> Just a nit:  as I understand things, Bitlocker is available, but not
> on, by default.  Someone needs to actively flip a switch to make it
> go.

Ah, okay. The notes I jotted down from MacIver's talk at HITB in
Malaysia indicate he said it was on by default in the upper versions,
but I could well have written it down incorrectly. Thanks for the

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Re: Can you keep a secret? This encrypted drive can...

2006-11-01 Thread Ivan Krstić
Saqib Ali wrote:
> Well for one thing, any software based FDE is extremely slow, doubles
> the file access times, and is a serious drain on the laptop battery.

Here's the relevant excerpt of the Elephant paper [0]:

"A typical desktop machine today has a 3 GHz P4 CPU and a hard disk that
can read at about 50 MB/s. That means that the CPU has 60 clock cycles
for each byte that the disk reads. Laptops have slower CPUs, often
around the 1 GHz mark. Laptop disks are also slower but not by nearly as
much. (For example, the Seagate Momentus 5400.2 laptop drive can read
data at almost 50 MB/s.) Our data shows that laptops tend to have fewer
CPU clock cycles per byte read from disk, down to 40 or even 30 cycles
per byte. We cannot predict what the CPU/disk speed ratio will be for
the actual hardware that BitLocker will run on, but these numbers are
the best guidelines we have.

If decryption is slower than the peak data rate of the disk, the CPU
becomes the bottleneck when reading large amounts of data. This is very
noticeable, both because of the reduced performance and because of the
reduced responsiveness of the UI when all CPU time is being used to
decrypt data.2 Therefore, decryption, including all overhead, must be
faster than the disk to get an acceptable user experience.

BitLocker is carefully designed to overlap the reading of data from disk
with the decryption of previously read data. This is only possible to a
limited extent, and when the disk finishes reading the data, the CPU
still has to decrypt (some of) the data. Thus the decryption time
increases the latency of the disk request and reduces performance
accordingly. This obviously argues for a fast decryption algorithm.

A software implementation of AES runs in around 20–25 cycles per byte on
a P4 class CPU.  (Synthetic benchmarks can achieve somewhat higher
speeds, but they exclude various overheads encountered in real system
implementations.) Other overhead adds around 5 cycles per byte for a
total of 25–30 cycles per byte.

Based on this data, our performance analysis concluded that a single
pass of AES, for example using AES in CBC mode, would have acceptable
performance. An algorithm twice as slow as AES (45–55 cycles/byte) would
be on the edge of being unacceptable, and a high-risk choice given the
many uncertainties in the analysis. Anything slower than that would be

> What if the encryption key for the Seagate's HDD can be managed using
> TPM, i.e. wrapped, bound and stored on the TPM. The user will just
> have to authenticate to the TPM, using a Token or a static password,
> then the FDE encryption key will be available to the HDD Will this
> solve the problem?

I don't think so. The key thing to recognize is that BitLocker, in its
least secure setting (no hardware tokens or USB keys), still improves
security dramatically, while requiring no setup whatsoever. Hardware FDE
does approximately the same thing security-wise, not nearly as flexibly,
and requiring a lot of up-front setup (and that's assuming your TPM does
rekeyable hardware tokens at all). And if we've learned anything from
the negligible global uptake of encrypted e-mail and FDE suites such as
PGP Drive, it's that security only works is if it can be engaged without
requiring anyone -- that's the user, the system administrator, and all
the way up to the CIO -- to think. The exceptions are exceedingly rare.

But maybe I'm just a cynic.

[0] Ferguson, Niels. AES-CBS+Elephant diffuser, A Disk Encryption
Algorithm for Windows Vista.

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Re: Can you keep a secret? This encrypted drive can...

2006-11-01 Thread Ivan Krstić
Saqib Ali wrote:

Notably, none of the three articles mention Vista's BitLocker, which
provides FDE in software and establishes trust via a TPM chip. (For
those who haven't heard about it, BitLocker also uses a clever diffuser
that Niels Ferguson designed specifically for the FDE scenario.)

The problem I see with hardware FDE is the same one that prompted
Poul-Henning Kamp to design GBDE some time back: the "lose a password,
game over" model doesn't work in corporate environments. People forget
passwords all the time. They don't see this as an irrecoverable failure;
it's something that the IT people are supposed to be able to fix with a
wave of their tricorder. Once that assumption flies out the window, the
cost of a lost password becomes so high that it's more convenient to
disable the encryption altogether.

On the other hand, Vista is shipping with BitLocker enabled by default
in the upper editions (Enterprise or somesuch), and doesn't rely on
passwords at all; it actually brings the user, without any interaction,
to the standard Windows login prompt, where the user can reach for a
smart card, or use a fingerprint reader, or do any other kind of
authentication Windows supports. Optionally, a hardware token or USB key
can be required during boot, and those can be made rekeyable by the IT
department, if I understood one of the engineers who worked on it correctly.

Seagate's technical solution isn't compatible with the social problem
it's trying to solve. I think Microsoft's is, surprisingly enough.

As a sidenote, I wonder if Seagate will release full details and code
for their FDE (and AES) implementation, or if we're supposed to take the
"no backdoors" clause on faith, as we do with TPMs.

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Re: TPM & disk crypto

2006-10-13 Thread Ivan Krstić
Kuehn, Ulrich wrote:
> Who is "we"? In the case of my own system I payed for (so speaking
> for myself) I would like to have such a mechanism to have the system
> prove to me before login that it is not tampered with. The TCG
> approach does not provide this. 

What does "prove" mean here? Does having a hash of the system state for
visual inspection before boot do it?

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Re: TPM & disk crypto

2006-10-13 Thread Ivan Krstić
Alexander Klimov wrote:
> Since a regular installation
> should not change ``reported OS hash,'' TPM will not be able to detect
> the difference. Am I missing something?

You're missing the marketing value of saying "this piece of hardware,
that you probably wouldn't otherwise want in your machine since it makes
sure that the machine can be trusted /against/ you, is great! Because it
protects you against trojans! And everyone wants to be safe from
trojans, right?".

> Btw, how the TCG allows to regularly change the kernel for security
> patches and still keep the same ``reported hash''?

The Microsoft guy presenting BitLocker at HITB last month mentioned
this, but glossed over it without explaining. He did seem to indicate
that they had some solution, but didn't provide details, IIRC.

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Re: TPM & disk crypto

2006-10-13 Thread Ivan Krstić
Travis H. wrote:
> I can validate everything else, but as long as the BIOS is
> motherboard-specific and closed source, I don't see why I should trust
> it.  We need to get rid of this legacy crud.  LinuxBIOS is a good step
> but unfortunately it is only supported on a few motherboards. 

We're shipping LinuxBIOS on the One Laptop per Child machines.

> I know of has a semblance of security, given temporary physical access
> to the machine.

I came up with a scheme that lets us do a "secure BIOS" without a TPM;
bypassing it without a PLCC would be extremely difficult. I'm not yet
certain if we'll end up shipping a PLCC socket on the final hardware,
but if not, I suspect you'd be hard-pressed to do much to the BIOS
protection even with physical access, short of un-soldering and
re-soldering a different SPI flash chip to the motherboard. That was
explicitly not part of my threat model.

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Re: secure key storage APIs

2006-09-11 Thread Ivan Krstić
Travis H. wrote:
> Does anyone know of any OSS OS facilities for managing keys?

Take a look at the GNOME Keyring:

In addition, various frontends exists to GnuPG, e.g. KGPG. It's not yet
clear, but I might have to write something from scratch to satisfy our
needs at OLPC (

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Re: secure key storage APIs

2006-09-11 Thread Ivan Krstić

please merge with my previous message; I hit 'send' by mistake.

Also, the following are of general interest:

Henson S., `Netscape certificate database info`:

Henson S., `Netscape key database format`:


Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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