[FairfieldLife] Re: David Icke on Coast to Coast-Youtube video.

2008-10-24 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Luke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> This clip is a little over an hour long and I think that 99.9% of you 
> you are really going to like this one a lot.

I must be the 0.01%

> Go to page 2 in my favorites.
> http://www.youtube.com/user/havoctrend
> Have a great weekend each and all.

[FairfieldLife] 'An Olden Irishi~ Tune'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
Now, send that Sarah Palin, and send her back to the Sea.
Send her back, that sweet, sweet witch of the sea.
The deep sound of the calling waves, back in the colden air.
Fresh and pure. Alaska calls: come back home, girl!

Now send our Sarah, send her back to the sea...
Send our Sarah Palin, now send her back to the sea...

She was once a mermaid, as fine as fine could be.
She was once a mermaid, as fine as she could be.

Now send that Sarah Palin, Now send her back to the Sea.
Send her back, send her back, send her back...
To The Sea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > The last poll casual pole I took amongst townspeople in FF was 
> that 
> > Obama
> > > would suffer the same fate as Lincoln, only a whole lot sooner.
> > > 
> > > Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
> >  (snip)
> > No, no, no, just say NO!
> > Because we have seen that movie before, many times...
> > It cannot happen this way again...it's not in the cards.
> > Barack Obama is protected by the Celestial Realms.
> > Jesus was also protected by the same force, as are many other's 
> > destiny.
> > The difference is: at that time, the cards were different, and 
> > angels pulled back...and so the crucifixion took place...and a 
> as 
> > innocent as Barack Obama, 
> > Was murdered (in a most horific, torturous, barbaric way, by the 
> > elitist Romans, and Jews of the time)
> > And why?... because they were afraid of him and mocked his 
> > This is 2,000 years later.
> > And, we have evolved as a race of humanoids, on the planet 
> > Thanks to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who in his life plan, decided to 
> > pass onto Mahasamadhi on the 'Super Tuesday'...
> > On that day, a torch was passed to a New Generation.
> > On that day, Senator Barack Obama, surprised the Status Quo,
> > By overturning the tables, in the Temple.
> > R.G.
> >
> Robert, how many drugs did you do in the '60s?
I did some drugs in the sixties...
The pot was good from Columbia.
The hashish was best from Afghanistan and Lebanon.
Tried some other drugs, but found them to be poison...LSD, Opium, 
Meth...they are killers, and thank God, I knew it, but where I grew 
up was real bad...not an excuse, just how confused I was in those 
This was all before I cleaned up my act, and began meditation and 
healed from all that crap.
The music supported rebeliousness and drug taking.
Especially from people like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, 
Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Janis Joplin(mostly alchohol), Mick 
Jagger, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Sly and the Family Stone, and 
It was a bi-polar time; not such a happy time for me.
I lived in a dark part of Philadelphia, where there was a lot of 
violence, drugs and Viet Nam sisters, who were real angry...
Many black folks were ready to 'kill whitey'.
Not a happy time, dispite what you hear about it.
At least not from my perspective, at the time.
We paid the dues in the Sixties, that make the transition that is 
happening now, to be possible.

[FairfieldLife] 'Zionist Messiah Definition' ~Obama/Biden '08

2008-10-24 Thread Robert


Messiah (Hebrew - "Annointed One") -
1.  In Jewish tradition, a person of the line of King David (a "ben yishai" - 
son of Jesse, father of David) who will return the Jews from exile, rebuild the 
Temple in Jerusalem and initiate a period of prosperity and peace. In that 
sense, belief in Messiah was simply belief in restoration of Israel and an end 
to present troubles. The Messianic idea became prevalent and gained adherents 
in times of extreme desperation, such as the conquest of Judea by the 
Babylonians, the Roman conquest, the rule of Hadrian and various periods in the 
Middle Ages. Additional beliefs associate the messiah with the resurrection of 
the dead, supposed to occur at the end of days, and with supremacy of Judaism.  
2. An "Ephraitic Messiah" - that is a forerunner of the true Messiah, son of 
David, who foretells the coming of the Messiah. This concept existed in ancient 
Judaism and the Book of Zerubavel, written in the Middle Ages apparently, tells 
of a woman, named Hephzibah, who accompanies Messiah ben Joseph into war with 
the enemies, where he is killed. After his death, she will save Jerusalem in 
anticipation of her son's, Messiah ben David's, rule. In other traditions, the 
prophet Elijah will announce the coming of the Messiah. 
3. In Christian tradition, the Christ, a divine personage who will initiate the 
kingdom of God on earth. 
4. Any of numerous Jewish false pretenders to the messianic crown, such as 
Shabbetai Tzvi, David Alroi, Isaac Luria and his disciples and in our own time, 
the deceased Rabbi of the Lubavitch (Chabad) Hassidim, who is worshipped as 
The concept of Messiah is not part of biblical Judaism and developed as an 
informal folk tradition with many variants and different understandings. 
Messiah is the subject of numerous folk tales and Hassidic songs. One concept 
of the Messiah is given by Maimonides  (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon), in his 
commentary on tractate Sanhedrin, of the Babylonian Talmud:
"The Messianic age is when the Jews will regain their independence and all 
return to the land of Israel. The Messiah will be a very great king, he will 
achieve great fame, and his reputation among the gentile nations will be even 
greater than that of King Solomon. His great righteousness and the wonders that 
he will bring about will cause all peoples to make peace with him and all lands 
to serve him Nothing will change in the Messianic age, however, except that 
Jews will regain their independence. Rich and poor, strong and weak, will still 
exist. However it will be very easy for people to make a living, and with very 
little effort they will be able to accomplish very much it will be a time 
when the number of wise men will increase...war shall not exist, and nation 
shall no longer lift up sword against nation The Messianic age will be 
highlighted by a community of the righteous and dominated by goodness and 
wisdom. It will be ruled by the
 Messiah, a righteous and honest king, outstanding in wisdom, and close to God. 
Do not think that the ways of the world or the laws of nature will change, this 
is not true. The world will continue as it is. The prophet Isaiah predicted 
"The wolf shall live with the sheep, the leopard shall lie down with the kid." 
This, however, is merely allegory, meaning that the Jews will live safely, even 
with the formerly wicked nations. All nations will return to the true religion 
[monotheism, although not necessarily Judaism] and will no longer steal or 
oppress. Note that all prophecies regarding the Messiah are allegorical - Only 
in the Messianic age will we know the meaning of each allegory and what it 
comes to teach us. Our sages and prophets did not long for the Messianic age in 
order that they might rule the world and dominate the gentilesthe only 
thing they wanted was to be free for Jews to involve themselves with the Torah 
and its wisdom."
The understanding of the "End of Days" in Isaiah is more ambitious: 
ISA 2:1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and
ISA 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the 
LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be 
exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
ISA 2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the 
mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of 
his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the 
law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
ISA 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and 
they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning 
hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn 
war any more.
While Isaiah does not mention a Messiah in that passage, a later passage does: 
ISA 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us

[FairfieldLife] Ha Ha Shemp.....I'm just burnin' posts for fun.

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

Ha Ha  Shemp.I'm just burnin' posts for fun.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ha Ha Shemp.....I'm just burnin' posts for fun.

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

Ha Ha  Shemp.I'm just burnin' posts for fun.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ha Ha Shemp.....I'm just burnin' posts for fun.

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

Ha Ha  Shemp.I'm just burnin' posts for fun.


[FairfieldLife] Ha Ha Shemp.....I'm just burnin' posts for fun.

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

Ha Ha  Shemp.I'm just burnin' posts for fun.


[FairfieldLife] Ha Ha Shemp.....I'm just burnin' posts for fun.

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

Ha Ha  Shemp.I'm just burnin' posts for fun.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , FFL PostCount
> Fairfield Life Post Counter
> ===
> Start Date (UTC): Sat Oct 18 00:00:00 2008
> End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 25 00:00:00 2008
> 721 messages as of (UTC) Fri Oct 24 23:26:55 2008
> 50 raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 50 TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 50 Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 49 authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 38 "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 37 Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 35 "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 31 shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 28 enlightened_dawn11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 28 Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 26 curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 25 off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 20 I am the eternal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 19 Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 16 bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 13 cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 12 gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11 lurkernomore20002000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11 Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  9 yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  8 ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  8 Alex Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  7 "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  6 The Secret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  5 nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5 feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  5 bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  4 Richard M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  3 amarnath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 mainstream20016 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 guyfawkes91 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 aztjbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2 Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 wayback71 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 uns_tressor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  1 pranamoocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 oscarz55 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 george_deforest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Richard Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Marek Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Lee Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Jonathan Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Jamshad Ghanbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

>  1 Eustace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  1 Brian Horsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Posters: 57
> Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
> =
> Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
> US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
> Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
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> US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
> Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
> For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com


[FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...sums up Barack Obama's candidacy quite nicely, I think:
> "I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize
> for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living
> memory.">>

Except maybe GW Bush who served less than 2 terms a a governer, not in
Washington like Obama, has a low education, was  a drunk, and
subsequently bankrupted the country with his personal vendetta against
Saddam who his father supported under Reagan.


> From Charles Krauthammer at http://tinyurl.com/6gbc5r


[FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > The last poll casual pole I took amongst townspeople in FF was 
> Obama
> > would suffer the same fate as Lincoln, only a whole lot sooner.
> > 
> > Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
>  (snip)
> No, no, no, just say NO!
> Because we have seen that movie before, many times...
> It cannot happen this way again...it's not in the cards.
> Barack Obama is protected by the Celestial Realms.
> Jesus was also protected by the same force, as are many other's of 
> destiny.
> The difference is: at that time, the cards were different, and the 
> angels pulled back...and so the crucifixion took place...and a man 
> innocent as Barack Obama, 
> Was murdered (in a most horific, torturous, barbaric way, by the 
> elitist Romans, and Jews of the time)
> And why?... because they were afraid of him and mocked his message.
> This is 2,000 years later.
> And, we have evolved as a race of humanoids, on the planet earth...
> Thanks to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who in his life plan, decided to 
> pass onto Mahasamadhi on the 'Super Tuesday'...
> On that day, a torch was passed to a New Generation.
> On that day, Senator Barack Obama, surprised the Status Quo,
> By overturning the tables, in the Temple.
> R.G.

Robert, how many drugs did you do in the '60s?

[FairfieldLife] 'Fox News= As the Worms~Turns'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
'Fox News= As the Worms~Turns'

Fox news, going through a transition, is turning on itself.
Master of the Ship, Ruppert Murdock explained:
I have no loyalty, other than to myself and the stock-holders...
F**K Shawn Hannibal, and the rest of the rascals!
I don't care if those *As Wholes beg on the street...
If this network doesn't pull the bottom line, well...what's the point?

It's every man, woman for himself, 
It's back to the future, at the dinosaur-oil dripping greasy spoon, place of:
Of the Rove/Hannitity Disaster!

Robert Gimbel Madison, Wisconsin.


[FairfieldLife] MOU channel new high speed link

2008-10-24 Thread bob_brigante
much better definition at 200% with the new plugin:


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCAIN__WILL___WIN__!__Reload_One

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , enlightened_dawn11
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , off_world_beings 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > McCain will win:
> >
> > Because you are all stupid.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dggqa5cChJg

> >  >
> >
> > OffWorld
> >
> he may win something, but it won't be the Presidency. times have
> changed "my friends".>>

Wow you are stupid "enlightened_dawn11". Do you even know what my post
was about? !


[FairfieldLife] Life span calculator

2008-10-24 Thread bob_brigante

Moi: 90 (but Jyotish says 79)

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Five by Eight'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
> > 'Enlightenment and the Contact High' 
> > (Darshan, I could use a little darshan...)
> > I was thinkin'...that back in the day-
> > Perhaps, Maharishi thought...
> > That many people were able to spend more time with him, 
> > In his presence. 
> > And, therefore he thought that some people would 'get it' , with 
> the extra personal contact.
> > It would only take, say, 5-8 years, seemed ok.
> > I would think that Maharishi himself, found the light 
> within, while in the presence, of: Guru Dev...
> > Swami Bramhananda Saraswati..as many many people would find 
> enlightenment in his presence.
> > Anyway, some of the early risers in the movement...seemed to have 
> gotten some of that light, within.
> > Among them, being, Jerry Jarvis, Charlie Lutes, Dennis Raimondo, 
> Charlie Donahue, and others began exhibiting qualities associated 
> with enlightenment.
> > That's what I think, kind of happened...
> > And, in some cases, it might just take somewhat longer...
> > In these cases just add a zero, to the estimate: time could be 50-
> 80 years or 500-800 years...or somewhere in between.
> > R.G.
> >
> what are you doing or not doing to further your desire for 
> enlightenment?
Well, I needn't further my desire, for enlightenment...I have had a 
fierce desire for enlightenment, liberation whatever you wish to call 
But, there have been slow periods, on the path..but things seem to be 
picking up now...because of the purification, in general of things...
But, I do work with someone, who teaches understanding and healing 
with the energy of the soul...
I do TM still. 
I use healing herbs.
I use holosync cds, although this has fallen off, somewhat.
I like to just sometimes sit in meditation, with little breath.
I do some tantric breath techniques...kundalini pranayama.
I stay away from alchohol.
I try to get enough rest, and eat enough protein, but also like to 
I enjoy writing.
At this point, I enjoy seeking the 'Truth of Things'.
Enlightenment is not a goal...it is a path of seeking.
I don't think it ever ends.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
way to go shiva.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully 
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal 
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been 
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS 
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are 
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some "I 
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary" blog and have a 
big circle jerk with each other.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCAIN__WILL___WIN__!__Reload_One

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> McCain will win:
> Because you are all stupid.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dggqa5cChJg
> OffWorld
he may win something, but it won't be the Presidency. times have 
changed "my friends".

[FairfieldLife] McCAIN__WILL___WIN__!__Reload_One

2008-10-24 Thread off_world_beings

McCain will win:

Because you are all stupid.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread Peter
Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully deserve 
all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal heads. I have never 
read such ridiculous screeds as you have been posting here. Have you noticed, 
NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood 
of Jesus you are going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on 
some "I Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary" blog and have a 
big circle jerk with each other.

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Traces of Nuts
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 8:53 PM

We never thought we'd be here, but we are.

On June 8, a
group of Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called
Just Say No Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew
organically and virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and
even, in some cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and
speak out in the media
against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters.
And as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our
Gal' went through.
Just Say No Deal is
made up of ordinary Americans: moms, soldiers, doctors, nurses,
waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates, election judges, precinct
chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers.  Google 'we will not be
silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!
No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that brought us 
together this year were REAL.

That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We truly do.

for the rest of you, join our fight to put :

country b4 party

visit us to learn how to:

1. rapid respond / blog

2. phoneb ank

3. hit the road 

call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on the road 
in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]
thank you.


of nuts.



  Virtually no 
attention has been 
paid to the amount 
of taxpayer
dollars that
funds ACORN
Housing Corporation 
or A H C - which 
helped unqualified 
poor people get 
NINJA mortgages
  stalwart defender of 
Fannie Mae, the 
congressman dated 
exec Herb Moses, who 
developed FM's
affordable housing & 
lending programs for 
the past 7 years--a 
clear conflict of 
interest and potential 
In 2005, 
$100 million 
to groups, 
Provided the 
$20 million
seed capital 
for left-wing 
  deeply embedded 
in wall street firms, 
the senator and 
house banking 
chair is the single 
of money from 
Freddy Mac & 
Fannie Mae - now 
overseeing the 
bailout and the 
very crisis he has 

the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy & 
Fannie cash, the former ACORN 
attorney and Chief Trainer formed a 
political partnership with Bill Ayers in 
his early years. Blames "reckless 
deregulation and lack of oversight" for 
the current financial meltdown, but 
government policies - formulated and 
promoted by community organizations  
- like those linked to Obama -  along 
with members of his campaign- are the 
root cause.


By trafficking bad paper, they collectively 
collapsed the credit markets in one fell 
swoop and may well be the catalyst for 
another American Depression.  Continuous 
attempts by republicans  were made (2002 
- 2005) to overhaul the two mortgage 
giants, only to be blocked by scores of 
Dems led by Barney Frank. Even Bill 
Clinton tried to reign in Freddy & Fannie in 
1998,  but ultimately succumbed to party 
  reportedly one of 
the democrats to 
block the $700 
Billion Bailout by 
demanding 20% 
kickback to 
ACORN. Helped 
collapse IndyMac 
- one of the 
largest bank 
failures in US 
peddled loans 
to millions of  
enabling a 
abuse by Wall 
Street Bank 
lobbyists and 
Founded in the 70's, 
this training arm of 
ACORN mobilizes 
activists to manipulate 
public opinion through 
"direct action" and 
illegal activities.  
Obama's extensive work 
with ACORN & Midwest 
Academy dates back to 
1992 and ranges from 
training and 
fundraising, to legal 
representation and voter 
mobilization (Project 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Five by Eight'

2008-10-24 Thread Peter
Why is everyone so fixated on the 5 to 8 year comment Maharishi made? We all 
know now that Maharishi said a lot of things that did not necessarily have much 
contact with waking state reality.

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Five by Eight'
To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:10 PM

'Enlightenment and the Contact High' 
(Darshan, I could use a little darshan...)
I was thinkin'...that back in the day-
Perhaps, Maharishi thought...
That many people were able to spend more time with him, 
In his presence. 
And, therefore he thought that some people would 'get it' , with the extra 
personal contact.
It would only take, say, 5-8 years, seemed ok.
I would think that Maharishi himself, found the light within, while in the 
presence, of: Guru Dev...
Swami Bramhananda Saraswati..as many many people would find enlightenment in 
his presence.
Anyway, some of the early risers in the movement...seemed to have gotten some 
of that light, within.
Among them, being, Jerry Jarvis, Charlie Lutes, Dennis Raimondo, Charlie 
Donahue, and others began exhibiting qualities associated with enlightenment.
That's what I think, kind of happened...
And, in some cases, it might just take somewhat longer...
In these cases just add a zero, to the estimate: time could be 50-80 years or 
500-800 years...or somewhere in between.



[FairfieldLife] Re: As Losing Looms GOP, McCain Camp form circular firing squad

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
What we are seeing is a replay of the Hillary campaign at the end...
Disarray, panic, finger pointing, chaos and finally the acceptance of 
The McCain campaign followed the Hillary/Rove model.
One of her main advisors works for Fox news, as does Heir Rove.
We are through with this vibration of seperation, race-baiting, homo-
phobic challenges, abortion is murder, war is great type of mentality.
Grow up, wake up and smell the coffee.
> Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad
> Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen and John F. Harris
> Politico, October 24, 2008
> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14891.html
> With despair rising even among many of John McCain's own advisers,
> influential Republicans inside and outside his campaign are engaged 
> an intense round of blame-casting and rear-covering — much of it
> virtually conceding that an Election Day rout is likely.
> A McCain interview published Thursday in The Washington Times 
> the latest and most nasty round of finger-pointing, with senior GOP
> hands close to President Bush and top congressional aides denouncing
> the candidate for what they said was an unfocused message and poorly
> executed campaign.
> McCain told the Times that the administration "let things get
> completely out of hand" through eight years of bad decisions about
> Iraq, global warming, and big spending.
> The candidate's strategists in recent days have become increasingly
> vocal in interviews and conference calls about what they call unfair
> news media coverage and Barack Obama's wide financial advantage — 
> complaints laying down a post-election storyline for why their own
> efforts proved ineffectual.
> These public comments offer a whiff of an increasingly acrid
> behind-the-scenes GOP meltdown — a blame game played out through
> not-for-attribution comments to reporters that operatives know will
> find their way into circulation.
> Top Republican officials have let it be known they are distressed
> about McCain's organization. Coordination between the McCain 
> and Republican National Committee, always uneven, is now nearly
> dysfunctional, with little high-level contact and intelligence-
> between the two.
> "There is no communication," lamented one top Republican. "It drives
> you crazy."
> At his Northern Virginia headquarters, some McCain aides are already
> speaking of the campaign in the past tense. Morale, even among some 
> the heartiest and most loyal staffers, has plummeted. And many past
> and current McCain advisers are warring with each other over who led
> the candidate astray.
> One well-connected Republican in the private sector was shocked to 
> calls and resumes in the past few days from what he said were senior
> McCain aides — a breach of custom for even the worst-off campaigns.
> "It's not an extraordinarily happy place to be right now," said one
> senior McCain aide. "I'm not gonna lie. It's just unfortunate."
> "If you really want to see what `going negative' is in politics, 
> watch the back-stabbing and blame game that we're starting to see,"
> said Mark McKinnon, the ad man who left the campaign after McCain
> wrapped up the GOP primary. "And there's one common theme: Everyone
> who wasn't part of the campaign could have done better."
> "The cake is baked," agreed a former McCain strategist. "We're
> entering the finger-pointing and positioning-for-history part of the
> campaign. It's every man for himself now."
> A circular firing squad is among the most familiar political rituals
> of a campaign when things aren't going well. But it is rare for
> campaign aides to be so openly participating in it well before
> Election Day.
> One current senior campaign official gave voice to this "Law of the
> Jungle" ethic, defending the campaign against second-guessers who 
> it was a mistake to throw away his "experience" message in an 
> to match Obama's "change" mantra.
> "Everybody agreed with the strategy," said this official.  "We were
> unlikely to be successful without being aggressive and taking 
> Running as a steady hand and basing a campaign on Obama's sparse
> résumé was a political loser, it was decided.
> "The pollsters and the entire senior leadership of campaign believe
> that experience vs. change was not a winning message and 
> the same way it was no winning formula with Hillary Clinton."
> Beyond the obvious reputation-burnishing — much of it by 
> operatives whose financial livelihoods depend on ensuring that they
> are not blamed for a bad campaign — there is a more substantive
> dimension. Barring a big McCain comeback, and a turnabout in 
> congressional races where the party is in trouble, the GOP is on the
> brink of a soul-searching debate about what to do to reclaim power.
> Much of that debate will hinge on appraisals of what McCain could 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Sarah and Barack'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> > What is Difference Between Sarah and Barack?
> >
> >
> > One is a a demi-god.
> > One is humble and noble.
> >
> >
> > Take you pick.
> > Don't be a prick!
> >
> > R.G.
>   [http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk188/bamainpa/Palin_fish.jpg]
> Humble Sarah catches a fish to feed her family. She is noble.
I agree completely with you...the fishing is good in Alaska, and she 
needs to get back there.
>   [http://www.talkingtranny.com/pics/obama4.jpg]
> Obama blows his nose to amuse his devotees. He is a demi-god
> http://tinyurl.com/658wsu 

A demi-god does not amuse his fans, by blowing his nose.
And demi-god, pretends they are a god, and pretends to be able to 
control people's lives, with the power of their ego's and sexual 
Look up what a demi-god is, my dear one.
We all sneeze and we all blow our noses.
This is what a human does.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal" 
> The last poll casual pole I took amongst townspeople in FF was that 
> would suffer the same fate as Lincoln, only a whole lot sooner.
> Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
No, no, no, just say NO!
Because we have seen that movie before, many times...
It cannot happen this way again...it's not in the cards.
Barack Obama is protected by the Celestial Realms.
Jesus was also protected by the same force, as are many other's of 
The difference is: at that time, the cards were different, and the 
angels pulled back...and so the crucifixion took place...and a man as 
innocent as Barack Obama, 
Was murdered (in a most horific, torturous, barbaric way, by the 
elitist Romans, and Jews of the time)
And why?... because they were afraid of him and mocked his message.
This is 2,000 years later.
And, we have evolved as a race of humanoids, on the planet earth...
Thanks to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who in his life plan, decided to 
pass onto Mahasamadhi on the 'Super Tuesday'...
On that day, a torch was passed to a New Generation.
On that day, Senator Barack Obama, surprised the Status Quo,
By overturning the tables, in the Temple.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Sarah and Barack'

2008-10-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is Difference Between Sarah and Barack?
> One is a a demi-god.
> One is humble and noble.
> Take you pick.
> Don't be a prick!
> R.G.


Humble Sarah catches a fish to feed her family. She is noble.


Obama blows his nose to amuse his devotees. He is a demi-god

[FairfieldLife] 'C'mon, Follow ME!'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert

Follow The Yellow Brick Road...


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, one 
> practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, I 
> know if that's,...ah specific time".
> Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of hundreds of
> people around the world(laughter) that has been the
> experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not 
> right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. 
> it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience 
> the World."
> Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could meditate a
> million years and not reach CC unless you come to these courses"! 
> Heard by myself.
> And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he asks 
> "MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach TM in 5-to-8
> years",(paraphrased).
> Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least they 
> meditate that long". 
> Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but I 
> confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!
how do you know that? I am not questioning your judgment, just 
curious how you know that you are no where close to awakening. what 
evidence have to turned up for yourself to support your assertion?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero"  wrote:
> >
> > ---No problem! (neither are the people who think they're "there" 
> > close).
> > 
> > 
> >  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > >
> > > Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, 
> > that
> > > practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, 
> > don't
> > > know if that's,...ah specific time".
> > > 
> > > Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of 
hundreds of
> > > people around the world(laughter) that has been the
> > > experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not 
> > principally
> > > right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. 
> > > it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience 
> > > the World."
> > > 
> > > Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could 
meditate a
> > > million years and not reach CC unless you come to these 
> > > Heard by myself.
> > > 
> > > And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he 
asks MMY,
> > > "MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach TM in 5-
> > > years",(paraphrased).
> > > 
> > > Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least 
they will
> > > meditate that long". 
> > > 
> > > Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but 
> > must
> > > confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!
> > >
> What did MMY say about flying?  My recollection was that he gave
> several different time frames.  Yes?
he was leading people on who wanted to hear a time frame. as long as 
it encouraged people to continue the TM-Sids, he would say it. there 
isn't any way to ascertain someone's time to awakening with each of 
our individual karmas, but the Maharishi believed that practice of 
the TM-Sids would accelerate the preparation of the mindbody for 
sustained enlightenment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Five by Eight'

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 'Enlightenment and the Contact High' 
> (Darshan, I could use a little darshan...)
> I was thinkin'...that back in the day-
> Perhaps, Maharishi thought...
> That many people were able to spend more time with him, 
> In his presence. 
> And, therefore he thought that some people would 'get it' , with 
the extra personal contact.
> It would only take, say, 5-8 years, seemed ok.
> I would think that Maharishi himself, found the light 
within, while in the presence, of: Guru Dev...
> Swami Bramhananda Saraswati..as many many people would find 
enlightenment in his presence.
> Anyway, some of the early risers in the movement...seemed to have 
gotten some of that light, within.
> Among them, being, Jerry Jarvis, Charlie Lutes, Dennis Raimondo, 
Charlie Donahue, and others began exhibiting qualities associated 
with enlightenment.
> That's what I think, kind of happened...
> And, in some cases, it might just take somewhat longer...
> In these cases just add a zero, to the estimate: time could be 50-
80 years or 500-800 years...or somewhere in between.
> R.G.
what are you doing or not doing to further your desire for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread feste37
Poor old raunchy, still fighting the last war. The bit about Sarah
Palin as a female candidate getting a taste of what Hillary got is
nonsense. Palin is being rejected not because she is a woman but
because she is an ignoramus, a moron -- and a nasty, divisive one at
that. It's nothing to do with gender (and nor was it with Hillary). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We never thought we'd be here, but we are.  On June 8, a group of
> Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called Just Say No
> Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew organically and
> virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and even, in some
> cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and speak out in
> the media
 0>  against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
> Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
> blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters. And
> as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our Gal'
> went through.   Just Say No Deal is made up of ordinary Americans: moms,
> soldiers, doctors, nurses, waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates,
> election judges, precinct chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers. 
> Google 'we will not be silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!  
> No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that
> brought us together this year were REAL.
> That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We truly
> do.for the rest of you, join our fight to put :
> country b4 party
> visit us to learn how to:
> 1. rapid respond 
 1> / blog
> 2. phoneb ank
> 3. hit the road
> call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on the
> road in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]   thank you.  
> www.justsaynodeal.com
> http://tinyurl.com/4jcume 
>   [0]  [450]   
> [20][22][469][22][22][106]
> [107][0]  [321]
> traces of nuts.
> enter
> site
> >
>   [0]  [obama claims
> minimal involvement with ACORN][132][84][90]
> [0]     Virtually
> no
> attention has been
> paid to the amount
> of taxpayer
> dollars that
> funds ACORN
> Housing Corporation
> or A H C - which
> helped unqualified
> poor people get
> NINJA mortgages
>   [241][213][150][110]   stalwart
defender of
> Fannie Mae, t
 p> he
 p> congressman
 p>  dated
 p> e
 p> xec
 p>  Herb Moses, who
> developed FM's
> affordable housing &
> home-improvement
> lending programs for
> the past 7 years--a
> clear conflict of
> interest and potential
> impropriety.
>   [231]   In 2005,
> formed
> Democracy
> Alliance,
> donating
> $100 million
> to groups,
> Provided the
> $20 million
> seed capital
> for left-wing
> advocacy
> group,
> MoveOn
> deeply embedded
> in wall street firms,
> the senator and
> house banking
> chair is the single
> of money from
> Freddy Mac &
> Fannie Mae - now
> overseeing the
> bailout and the
> very crisis he has
> enabled
> the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy &
> Fannie cash, the former ACORN
> attorney and Chief Trainer formed a
> political partnership with Bill Ayers in
> his early years. Blames "reckless
> deregulation and lack of oversight" for
> the current financial meltdown, but
> government policies - formulated and
> promoted by community organizations
> - like those linked to Obama -  along
> with members of his campaign- are the
> root cause.
>   [231]   By trafficking bad paper, they collectively
> collapsed the credit markets in one fell
> swoop and may well be the catalyst for
> another American Depression.  Continuous
>    attempts by republicans

[FairfieldLife] Why did Nixon: Obsess With 'Dirty Tricks'.

2008-10-24 Thread Robert

Nixon, said, that after John Kennedy 'stole' the election from him... 
He said, this will never happen to me again... 
So, many years, he went over and over again, in his mind... 
The defeat and this promise to himself... 
Unfortunately, for the rest of us, this became the motto of the Republican 
And the politics of Karl Rove. 
Time washes away all things, and thank God, now, that we will have a leader, 
Who will purge these past paranoid deeds, from our collective political 



[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah and Barack'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert

What is Difference Between Sarah and Barack? 

One is a a demi-god. 
One is humble and noble. 

Take you pick. 
Don't be a prick! 


[FairfieldLife] 'Five by Eight'

2008-10-24 Thread Robert

'Enlightenment and the Contact High' 
(Darshan, I could use a little darshan...)
I was thinkin'...that back in the day-
Perhaps, Maharishi thought...
That many people were able to spend more time with him, 
In his presence. 
And, therefore he thought that some people would 'get it' , with the extra 
personal contact.
It would only take, say, 5-8 years, seemed ok.
I would think that Maharishi himself, found the light within, while in the 
presence, of: Guru Dev...
Swami Bramhananda Saraswati..as many many people would find enlightenment in 
his presence.
Anyway, some of the early risers in the movement...seemed to have gotten some 
of that light, within.
Among them, being, Jerry Jarvis, Charlie Lutes, Dennis Raimondo, Charlie 
Donahue, and others began exhibiting qualities associated with enlightenment.
That's what I think, kind of happened...
And, in some cases, it might just take somewhat longer...
In these cases just add a zero, to the estimate: time could be 50-80 years or 
500-800 years...or somewhere in between.


[FairfieldLife] Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread raunchydog
We never thought we'd be here, but we are.  On June 8, a group of
Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called Just Say No
Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew organically and
virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and even, in some
cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and speak out in
the media
  against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters. And
as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our Gal'
went through.   Just Say No Deal is made up of ordinary Americans: moms,
soldiers, doctors, nurses, waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates,
election judges, precinct chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers. 
Google 'we will not be silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!  
No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that
brought us together this year were REAL.
That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We truly
do.for the rest of you, join our fight to put :
country b4 party
visit us to learn how to:
1. rapid respond 
 / blog
2. phoneb ank

3. hit the road

call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on the
road in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]   thank you.  


  [0]  [450]   
[107][0]  [321]
traces of nuts.
  [0]  [obama claims
minimal involvement with ACORN][132][84][90]
[0]     Virtually
attention has been
paid to the amount
of taxpayer
dollars that
funds ACORN
Housing Corporation
or A H C - which
helped unqualified
poor people get
NINJA mortgages
  [241][213][150][110]   stalwart defender of
Fannie Mae, t
  Herb Moses, who
developed FM's
affordable housing &
lending programs for
the past 7 years--a
clear conflict of
interest and potential
  [231]   In 2005,
$100 million
to groups,
Provided the
$20 million
seed capital
for left-wing
deeply embedded
in wall street firms,
the senator and
house banking
chair is the single
of money from
Freddy Mac &
Fannie Mae - now
overseeing the
bailout and the
very crisis he has
the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy &
Fannie cash, the former ACORN
attorney and Chief Trainer formed a
political partnership with Bill Ayers in
his early years. Blames "reckless
deregulation and lack of oversight" for
the current financial meltdown, but
government policies - formulated and
promoted by community organizations
- like those linked to Obama -  along
with members of his campaign- are the
root cause.
  [231]   By trafficking bad paper, they collectively
collapsed the credit markets in one fell
swoop and may well be the catalyst for
another American Depression.  Continuous
   attempts by republicans
 were made
- 2005) to overhaul the two mortgage
giants, only to be blocked by scores of
Dems led by Barney Frank. Even Bill
Clinton tried to reign in Freddy & Fannie in
1998,  but ultimately succumbed to party
reportedly one of
the democrats to
block the $700
Billion Bailout by
demanding 20%
kickback to
ACORN. Helped
   collapse IndyMac

- one of the
largest bank
failures in US
  [128]   peddled loans
to millions of
enabling a
abuse by Wall
Street Bank

[FairfieldLife] Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

2008-10-24 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---No problem! (neither are the people who think they're "there" 
> close).
>  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> >
> > Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, one 
> that
> > practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, I 
> don't
> > know if that's,...ah specific time".
> > 
> > Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of hundreds of
> > people around the world(laughter) that has been the
> > experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not 
> principally
> > right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. Principally
> > it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience around
> > the World."
> > 
> > Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could meditate a
> > million years and not reach CC unless you come to these courses"! 
> > Heard by myself.
> > 
> > And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he asks MMY,
> > "MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach TM in 5-to-8
> > years",(paraphrased).
> > 
> > Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least they will
> > meditate that long". 
> > 
> > Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but I 
> must
> > confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!
> >

What did MMY say about flying?  My recollection was that he gave
several different time frames.  Yes?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great "Joe the Plumber" article.....

2008-10-24 Thread yifuxero
---How about Jennifer the prostitute. Whom does she support?

Here's a self-similar 8-legged turtle fractal. Check it out.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ".I was surprised to find that he (Obama) seemed very average".
> Joe the Plumber   
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/24/obama-makes-joe-

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2008-10-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Oct 18 00:00:00 2008
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 25 00:00:00 2008
721 messages as of (UTC) Fri Oct 24 23:26:55 2008

50 raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
50 TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
49 authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
38 "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
37 Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
35 "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
31 shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
28 enlightened_dawn11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
28 Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
26 curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
25 off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
20 I am the eternal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19 Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
16 bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
13 cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
12 gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11 lurkernomore20002000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 9 yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Alex Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 7 "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 6 The Secret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 5 nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 5 feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 5 bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 4 Richard M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 3 amarnath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 mainstream20016 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 guyfawkes91 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 aztjbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 2 Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 wayback71 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 uns_tressor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 pranamoocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 oscarz55 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 george_deforest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Richard Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Marek Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Lee Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Jonathan Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Jamshad Ghanbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Eustace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1 Brian Horsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Posters: 57
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Great "Joe the Plumber" article.....

2008-10-24 Thread BillyG.
".I was surprised to find that he (Obama) seemed very average".
Joe the Plumber   

[FairfieldLife] How to get illegal aliens to pay more taxes?

2008-10-24 Thread BillyG.
Now that we baby boomers are retiring who's going to pay for our SSI
and medicare?, without immigration the US was loosing native born
citizens.  That leaves Illegals who take far more OUT of the system
than they put in, in the form of public education, health care,
welfare, AFDC, etc...flat tax anyone?

"Illegal aliens cost California billions", Washington Times


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread yifuxero
---No problem! (neither are the people who think they're "there" 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, one 
> practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, I 
> know if that's,...ah specific time".
> Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of hundreds of
> people around the world(laughter) that has been the
> experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not 
> right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. Principally
> it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience around
> the World."
> Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could meditate a
> million years and not reach CC unless you come to these courses"! 
> Heard by myself.
> And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he asks MMY,
> "MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach TM in 5-to-8
> years",(paraphrased).
> Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least they will
> meditate that long". 
> Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but I 
> confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!

[FairfieldLife] MMY mp3-Addendum.

2008-10-24 Thread BillyG.
Answer by MMY on mp3: "That has been the experience of hundreds of
people around the world,(Q. Well is Unity attailaughter), that
has been the
experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not principally
right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. Principally
it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience around
the World."

P.S. Wasn't sure how to inject that short Q from the questioner, but
on second look it appears that was the reason the audience was
laughing, not the answer by MMY..I wasn't sure why they were
laughing, I guess they thought it was amusing he moved on right away
to ask about Unity!

[FairfieldLife] Secretaries of State being trained to purge voters by Bush appointee

2008-10-24 Thread Rick Archer
Secretaries of State being trained to purge voters by Bush appointee.



Palast said former Colorado Secretary of State Donetta Davidson has made the
state the epicenter of the rampant practice of purging voter registration
lists for alleged irregularities - a tactic now even more en vogue in the
wake of new legislation backed by the Bush administration.

Donetta Davidson, who had been secretary of state in the state of Colorado,
removed 19.4 percent - one out of five voters in the state of Colorado, she
removed their names

George Bush made her head of the brand new [Orwellian] Election Assistance
Commission, where she can train all 50 secretaries of state in her purging

"Now under the [Orwellian] Help America Vote Act the entire nation is
Floridated, but the champ, [former Florida Secretary of State] Katherine
Harris, ain't got nothing on Colorado," Palast said. "We're sitting at purge
ground zero. The reason that there's a convention here is this is a swing
state where Democrats are piling in, tens of thousands of new voters in
Colorado at the top of the bucket, but at the bottom of the bucket the
spread sheets are going (poof).

"What's happening? Donetta Davidson, who had been secretary of state in the
state of Colorado, removed 19.4 percent - one out of five voters in the
state of Colorado, she removed their names. And what happens to Davidson as
a result of this? The answer is George Bush made her head of the brand new
Election Assistance Commission, where she can train all 50 secretaries of
state in her purging ways. In fact, President Bush, instead of calling her
chairwoman of the EAC, was going to call her the Purgeon General."


Ms. Donetta L. Davidson was nominated by President George W. Bush and
confirmed by unanimous consent of the United States Senate on July 28, 2005
to serve on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). She was
reappointed to a second term on October 2, 2008. Ms. Davidson served as
Chair of the EAC in 2007 was elected Vice Chair in 2008. Her term of service
extends through December 12, 2011. Ms. Davidson, formerly Colorado's
secretary of state, comes to EAC with experience in almost every area of
election administration - everything from county clerk to secretary of


Colorado Secretary of State is discussed here,
 "Party Hacks" 

In Colorado, Secretary of State Donetta Davidson faces embarrassment over
her leadership in the Elections Center, a nominally nonpartisan state office
that has accepted donations from e-voting companies at the same time it
touted their machinery. She also backed the scheme, shot down in state
court, to allow partisan redrawing of congressional districts in 2003. 

She is also involved in the provisional ballot fraud discussed under HAVA

[FairfieldLife] Re: Joe the Senator

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > > Fortunately, we will have a strong number
> > > two MAN with plenty of experience in foreign
> > > affairs in office with Obama.
> > >
> > Your number two MAN voted against Gulf War I,
> > which the U.S. won.
> >
gullible fool wrote:
> Biden has a son in Iraq.
"Has anyone ever asked Joe about his own and his 
party's role in cutting off aid to South Vietnam, 
leading to the greatest strategic defeat in U.S. 
history and the Cambodian holocaust? Has anyone 
ever asked Joe about the role he and his party 
played in working to block Reagan's deployment 
of Pershing missiles in Europe, and SDI, which 
Gorbachev concedes broke the Soviets and won the 
Cold War?

In the most crucial vote he ever cast – to give 
Bush a blank check for war in Iraq – Joe concedes 
he got it wrong."

Read more:

'What if 'SNL' mocked Michelle Obama?'
By Patrick J. Buchanan
World Net Daily, October 23, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, one that
> practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, I don't
> know if that's,...ah specific time".
> Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of hundreds of
> people around the world(laughter) that has been the
> experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not principally
> right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. Principally
> it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience around
> the World."
> Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could meditate a
> million years and not reach CC unless you come to these courses"! 
> Heard by myself.
> And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he asks MMY,
> "MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach CC in 5-to-8
> years",(paraphrased).
> Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least they will
> meditate that long". 
> Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but I must
> confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!

[FairfieldLife] MMY mp3 audio on 5 to 8 yr controversery.

2008-10-24 Thread BillyG.
Humbolt-Question: "Um, Maharishi you say within 5 to 8 years, one that
practices TM regularly would become Cosmically Conscious...Ah, I don't
know if that's,...ah specific time".

Answer by MMY on mp3:  "That has been the experience of hundreds of
people around the world(laughter) that has been the
experience, the experience, even though it's not, it's not principally
right to a lot some fixed time for Cosmic Consciousness. Principally
it's not right, but, that has been the, the common experience around
the World."

Fast forward to Fuiggi, Italy auditorium, MMY "You could meditate a
million years and not reach CC unless you come to these courses"! 
Heard by myself.

And later Charlie Lutes recounting some stories of MMY, he asks MMY,
"MMY some people are thinking they're going to reach TM in 5-to-8

Answer according to Charlie-"Let them think that, at least they will
meditate that long". 

Hey, for what it's worth...:-) I still enjoy TM regularly, but I must
confess after 40 years I'm still no where close, Ha, Ha!

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Google emoticon -- good for political posts

2008-10-24 Thread shempmcgurk
Bees circling the hive before entering it...I don't get the 
significance to politics...

Oh, wait, they're not bees and that's not a hive, is it?



Have I got it right now?


[FairfieldLife] Joseph Galloway: Republicans summon ugly old ghosts

2008-10-24 Thread do.rflex

Commentary: Republicans summon ugly old ghosts

Joseph L. Galloway
McClatchy Newspapers, October 24, 2008

This is an autumn of great discontent as not just the United States,
but the entire world trembles on the brink of an economic recession
that may bring the kind of pain that's known only to the oldest among us.

With days to go before Election Day, the nation watches as a
presidential candidate and his political party unravel, frantically
dragging every ugly ghost out of the closet in an attempt not only to
fool everyone, but also to scare everyone.

They appeal to the worst remnants of racism that cling like kudzu to a
dying magnolia. Their robot phone dialers intrude on millions of
uneasy citizens with messages of hate and fear and envy and greed.

They try to paper their opponent with guilt by association: He
associated with a man who, decades before they ever met, belonged to a
group of wild-eyed student revolutionaries.

They and their forces of darkness falsely claim that he's a Muslim at
the same time they attack him for belonging to a Christian church
whose black minister aimed angry sermons at white America.

They have presided for the last eight years over a stunning
redistribution of wealth: They've turned Robin Hood upside down,
taking from the poor and the middle class and giving to the very rich.

Yet they tar their opponent for daring to suggest that it's time to
turn the tables and redirect some of that wealth to those who are
jobless, homeless and hopeless, and to the millions of other
hard-working Americans who are likely to join those growing ranks in
the months and years to come.

They call him a socialist for embracing a principle that's rooted
deeply in the teachings of the Christianity that they wear on their
sleeves but cannot find room for in their hearts.

They promise to "correct the mistakes" of their own president, their
own members of Congress, their own appointed overseers and regulators,
if only we give them another chance.

They promise to punish the Wall Street tycoons and the big bankers who
in their greed built this house of cards that's crashing down onto
Main Street. Yes they will. Surely they will smite the robber barons
who brushed a few crumbs from their groaning tables of riches into the
laps of the very people who now vow to punish their benefactors of
great wealth.

They say this even as the barons, fat with bonuses and commissions,
pick over the carcass of a fallen economy, carving out another tasty
morsel or two for themselves.

Is it any wonder that Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin and the
Republican Party are sinking like the Titanic? Do they take us all for
complete morons?

Granted, they may have reason to think that. After all, not only did
we (with some help from the Supreme Court) elect George W. Bush our
president, we also re-elected him to a second term. Fooled us twice,
they think, so maybe the third time is charmed.

That, however, doesn't seem likely as a cold, hard winter looms this
November. Not likely at all.

Here's a prediction for you, for them: McCain and Palin will go down
to defeat by 15 to 20 points, and they'll take a heap of Republicans
down with them.

The financial collapse and the painful fallout that's stalking the
nation won't be righted overnight, however. Putting Barack Obama in
the White House and giving the Democrats a veto-proof majority in
Congress won't mean that happy days are here again.

Hard work, sacrifice and suffering lie ahead. It could take a decade
or more to repair all the damage that Bush, Dick Cheney and all their
henchmen in prison, out of prison and on their way to prison have done
to our economy, our military, our standing in the world, our
Constitution and to civil discourse, common decency and competent

In the meantime, we Americans would do well to try to remember all
those things that our grandmothers told us about how to get by in hard

How to get by on a lot less. How to grow a vegetable garden.

How to squeeze a nickel till the buffalo bellows.

How to appreciate the small joys of family and friends.

How to share what you have, no matter how little you have, with those
who have nothing.

Someday we may be able to tell our grandchildren about the Election of
'08 when we, the people, turned away from anger, hate and greed and
once again embraced the better angels of our nature.

[FairfieldLife] New Google emoticon -- good for political posts

2008-10-24 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: Decriminalizing the oldest profession

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bhairitu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bhairitu"  
> > wrote:
> > > 
> > > The "knack for relationships" would be shown in the jyotish 
> > And
> > > if there is no karma shown in the chart for relationships it is
> > > unlikely to happen or result in disaster. I've seen that a lot 
> > > various charts.  The other part of my discussion is how the 
> > > effect social behavior.  Let's say you've got a very outgoing 
> > > type with no karma in the their chart for relationships.  That 
> > person
> > > may be very frustrated by the lack of marital karma.  The 
> > type
> > > with no horoscope for relationships may not care as much and be
> > > perfectly satisfied being by themselves.
> > >
> > is there a document online that discusses this in more depth?
> >
> I'm combining my knowledge of ayurveda and jyotish.  You would 
have to
> look at both.  Ayurveda lists the qualities of the different dosha
> types.  The Ayurvedic Institute has a number of articles online as
> well as a questionaire to determine both the prakriti 
> and vakriti (current dosha dominance).
> http://www.ayurveda.com/
> Jyotish has determinants for relationships (usually the strength of
> the seventh lord).  Again you would have to look up articles on
> relationships.  Be aware there are some different schools of 
> in jyotish but generally the seventh lord and in some cases the
> strength of Venus or Jupiter come into play.  You may also find 
> articles on the site above for that but jyotish is not a casual
> subject and takes some study.  In my case I had a number of 
courses on
> it and some with astrologers who also teach ayurveda (such as Dr.
> Robert Svoboda).
Thanks for the url-- i'll have a look.

[FairfieldLife] Dewey Defeats Truman Chicago Tribune Headline

2008-10-24 Thread The Secret

Dedicated to all those (myself included) who've already counted our
chickens before they've hatched.

[FairfieldLife] As Losing Looms GOP, McCain Camp form circular firing squad

2008-10-24 Thread do.rflex

Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad

Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen and John F. Harris
Politico, October 24, 2008

With despair rising even among many of John McCain's own advisers,
influential Republicans inside and outside his campaign are engaged in
an intense round of blame-casting and rear-covering — much of it
virtually conceding that an Election Day rout is likely.

A McCain interview published Thursday in The Washington Times sparked
the latest and most nasty round of finger-pointing, with senior GOP
hands close to President Bush and top congressional aides denouncing
the candidate for what they said was an unfocused message and poorly
executed campaign.

McCain told the Times that the administration "let things get
completely out of hand" through eight years of bad decisions about
Iraq, global warming, and big spending.

The candidate's strategists in recent days have become increasingly
vocal in interviews and conference calls about what they call unfair
news media coverage and Barack Obama's wide financial advantage — both
complaints laying down a post-election storyline for why their own
efforts proved ineffectual.

These public comments offer a whiff of an increasingly acrid
behind-the-scenes GOP meltdown — a blame game played out through
not-for-attribution comments to reporters that operatives know will
find their way into circulation.

Top Republican officials have let it be known they are distressed
about McCain's organization. Coordination between the McCain campaign
and Republican National Committee, always uneven, is now nearly
dysfunctional, with little high-level contact and intelligence-sharing
between the two.

"There is no communication," lamented one top Republican. "It drives
you crazy."

At his Northern Virginia headquarters, some McCain aides are already
speaking of the campaign in the past tense. Morale, even among some of
the heartiest and most loyal staffers, has plummeted. And many past
and current McCain advisers are warring with each other over who led
the candidate astray.

One well-connected Republican in the private sector was shocked to get
calls and resumes in the past few days from what he said were senior
McCain aides — a breach of custom for even the worst-off campaigns.

"It's not an extraordinarily happy place to be right now," said one
senior McCain aide. "I'm not gonna lie. It's just unfortunate."

"If you really want to see what `going negative' is in politics, just
watch the back-stabbing and blame game that we're starting to see,"
said Mark McKinnon, the ad man who left the campaign after McCain
wrapped up the GOP primary. "And there's one common theme: Everyone
who wasn't part of the campaign could have done better."

"The cake is baked," agreed a former McCain strategist. "We're
entering the finger-pointing and positioning-for-history part of the
campaign. It's every man for himself now."

A circular firing squad is among the most familiar political rituals
of a campaign when things aren't going well. But it is rare for
campaign aides to be so openly participating in it well before
Election Day.

One current senior campaign official gave voice to this "Law of the
Jungle" ethic, defending the campaign against second-guessers who say
it was a mistake to throw away his "experience" message in an attempt
to match Obama's "change" mantra.

"Everybody agreed with the strategy," said this official.  "We were
unlikely to be successful without being aggressive and taking risks."

Running as a steady hand and basing a campaign on Obama's sparse
résumé was a political loser, it was decided.

"The pollsters and the entire senior leadership of campaign believe
that experience vs. change was not a winning message and formulation,
the same way it was no winning formula with Hillary Clinton."

Beyond the obvious reputation-burnishing — much of it by professional
operatives whose financial livelihoods depend on ensuring that they
are not blamed for a bad campaign — there is a more substantive
dimension. Barring a big McCain comeback, and a turnabout in numerous
congressional races where the party is in trouble, the GOP is on the
brink of a soul-searching debate about what to do to reclaim power.
Much of that debate will hinge on appraisals of what McCain could have
done differently...

~~Full article: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14891.html 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread I am the eternal
The last poll casual pole I took amongst townspeople in FF was that Obama
would suffer the same fate as Lincoln, only a whole lot sooner.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Without getting into the specifics of Lincoln's presidency, he is
> generally regarded as having been one of our greatest presidents, if not *
> the* greatest. Yet he had a pretty limited political career before taking
> office. Personal qualifications are more important than experience. There
> are plenty of bozos who've been in government for decades. It seems that if
> the times are critical and president possesses the right blend of
> intelligence, temperament, and other such qualities, he achieves greatness.
> I think we're about to see that happen.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Song to Sarah

2008-10-24 Thread Rick Archer
Probably a reference to Palin's claim that as Governor of Alaska, she has to
respond when Putin flies into her airspace (which AFAIK Russian aircraft
have never done).


Rick Archer 

 1108 S. B St.
Fairfield, IA 52556-3805 


Skype ID:


 Always have my latest info

a signature like this?


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of I am the eternal
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 3:00 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Song to Sarah


So wry.  "I want to fly into your airspace".  I assume that's a reference to
flight KAL 007 which took off from Anchorage, wound up in Soviet airspace
and was shot down.

Rick, that's a lot for this one.  It's great.

2008/10/24 Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>





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[FairfieldLife] Re: Decriminalizing the oldest profession

2008-10-24 Thread bhairitu
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bhairitu"  
> wrote:
> > 
> > The "knack for relationships" would be shown in the jyotish chart. 
> And
> > if there is no karma shown in the chart for relationships it is
> > unlikely to happen or result in disaster. I've seen that a lot in
> > various charts.  The other part of my discussion is how the doshas
> > effect social behavior.  Let's say you've got a very outgoing vata
> > type with no karma in the their chart for relationships.  That 
> person
> > may be very frustrated by the lack of marital karma.  The kapha 
> type
> > with no horoscope for relationships may not care as much and be
> > perfectly satisfied being by themselves.
> >
> is there a document online that discusses this in more depth?

I'm combining my knowledge of ayurveda and jyotish.  You would have to
look at both.  Ayurveda lists the qualities of the different dosha
types.  The Ayurvedic Institute has a number of articles online as
well as a questionaire to determine both the prakriti (constitution)
and vakriti (current dosha dominance).

Jyotish has determinants for relationships (usually the strength of
the seventh lord).  Again you would have to look up articles on
relationships.  Be aware there are some different schools of thought
in jyotish but generally the seventh lord and in some cases the
strength of Venus or Jupiter come into play.  You may also find some
articles on the site above for that but jyotish is not a casual
subject and takes some study.  In my case I had a number of courses on
it and some with astrologers who also teach ayurveda (such as Dr.
Robert Svoboda).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Song to Sarah

2008-10-24 Thread I am the eternal
So wry.  "I want to fly into your airspace".  I assume that's a reference to
flight KAL 007 which took off from Anchorage, wound up in Soviet airspace
and was shot down.

Rick, that's a lot for this one.  It's great.

2008/10/24 Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/10/23/17319/662/589/640139
>  _

[FairfieldLife] McCain's Voter Registration Fraud

2008-10-24 Thread Alex Stanley
Forget the ACORN red herring. The GOP is perpetrating real fraud:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Decriminalizing the oldest profession

2008-10-24 Thread John

> > Love is an all incompassing virtue.  
> But not "all incompassing" [sic] enough
> to be present during sex. Did I get that
> right, given the rest of your statement
> below?

Yes, very true, in the context of marriage life, not sexual 
relationships or escapades.

> > It can be found in a marriage partner. But it is not limited 
> > to marriage life alone.  
> Thank you for the news update. I suspect
> that many in the FFL audience will benefit
> from this new information that people can
> find love outside of marriage.  :-)

There is love of neighbor and the world around you.  From what I can 
tell, there's not enough of it, considering the wars and ethnic 
cleansing going on in some countries.

> > I am doubtful if it is present with a sexual partner for the 
> > reason that the sexual experience maybe more predominant and 
> > can devalue the nature of love.
> John, here you go again with the "sex is
> more powerful than love" and thus can
> "devalue" it crap.

There is nothing wrong with sexual experiences in the context of 
marriage.  But not outside it.  According to all major religious 
traditions, the sexual act should enhance the experience of love in 
marriage.  Nonetheless, marriage life is a concession for enjoying 
the sexual experience.

> Fairfield Life is often a jaw-dropping exper-
> ience for me, as I read the things that 
> supposed 30- and 40-year seekers believe.
> I sit at my desk *stunned* by some of the
> things they believe, which often are no less
> staggering than believing that the Earth is
> only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs walked
> with men and that we know that sex is bad 
> because a talking snake said so.

Who's talking about dinosaurs or snakes?  Not me, compadre.

> But the idea that sex "can devalue the nature
> of love" is a new one, and possibly the most
> staggering of all. I am simply AMAZED at
> the levels of fear and aversion that many
> long-term TMers have about the very process
> that gave them life. It all sprang from Maha-
> rishi and his conflicted fear/aversion/desire
> relationship with sex (telling people to be
> celibate while scoring a little nookie himself),
> but it is also reinforced by the things that 
> he taught people like John to revere as 
> "scripture." Most of these books were written
> by men who had such a healthy attitude towards
> sex and sexuality that they refused to be in
> the same room as women (like Guru Dev) or wrote
> advice for supposedly spiritual men like "You 
> should think of women as rotting, stinking 
> corpses."

You're misinterpreting the intent of what I said above.

> Clearly, with FFL as our model, not all long-
> term TMers bought into this crap. Some have 
> managed to find a place in their life for both
> their spiritual aspirations and sex. Others,
> however, were not so fortunate. They came to
> think like John, and have such FEAR of sex that
> they glom on to "scriptures" that reinforce 
> their ideas that sex is bad and that they are
> good for running away from it.

I don't fear sex.  No siree bob.

> Well, if that is as close as they can get to 
> having a happy, fulfilling life, I guess I 
> shouldn't knock them for their beliefs, no matter
> how ludicrous and pitiful I may feel they are.
> But still, as someone who has lived for the last
> seven years in cultures in which sexuality and
> love are NOT seen as antithetical but mutually
> beneficial, I can't help but be staggered and
> shocked when I read this crap, spouted as if it
> were wisdom.

If you can find love in this context.  More power to you.  I suspect 
that someone is a victim in anyone of your relationships.  It can be 
argued that the men are the victims of women in any sexual 

> One of the reasons I post occasional links about
> sex and sexuality IS to bring out this crap, and
> expose it. This thread has worked like a charm in
> that respect, as I knew it would. It's demonstrated
> the sense of superiority and elitism that many feel
> towards prostitutes and those who patronize them
> (and brought out a few balanced views on that subject
> from more balanced individuals like Bhairitu). But
> it's also revealed the festering pus of anti-sex
> sentiment like John's. How does one GET to a place
> where one actually believes that sex "can devalue
> the nature of love?"

You're misinterpreting what I meant as I explained above.

> It's a puzzle to me, right up there with beliefs
> that any sensual experience is by definition bad,
> and that only the transcendent is worth aspiring to.
> It's right up there with the desire to no longer
> reincarnate, or to value "enlightenment" that you
> have only *heard* about and never experienced first-
> more than you value, say, selfless service and 
> trying your best to help as many people as you can.

You can reincarnate as often as you want, or until the cows come 
home.  It's a free universe.  There are about a million species here 
on earth to incarnat

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:53 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:51 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Best line of the campaign...
> ...sums up Barack Obama's candidacy quite nicely, I think:
> "I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize 
> for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in 
> memory."
> From Charles Krauthammer at http://tinyurl.com/6gbc5r
> Sums up Lincoln's candidacy nicely too. He did OK.

But, Rick, Abraham Lincoln initiated the Civil War...and as any 
school child can tell you, over 600,000 Americans died in the Civil 

Certainly, you are not advocating that war is good, are you? 'Cause 
if you are, you're at odds with 90% of the Obama supporters on this 
forum who have made it clear time and time and time again that war 
under ANY circumstances is unacceptable; that killing under any 
circumstances is unacceptable.

"Killing is a sin" -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Without getting into the specifics of Lincoln's presidency, he is generally
regarded as having been one of our greatest presidents, if not the greatest.
Yet he had a pretty limited political career before taking office. Personal
qualifications are more important than experience. There are plenty of bozos
who've been in government for decades. It seems that if the times are
critical and president possesses the right blend of intelligence,
temperament, and other such qualities, he achieves greatness. I think we're
about to see that happen.

[FairfieldLife] David Icke on Coast to Coast-Youtube video.

2008-10-24 Thread Luke
This clip is a little over an hour long and I think that 99.9% of you 
you are really going to like this one a lot.

Go to page 2 in my favorites.

Have a great weekend each and all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:51 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Best line of the campaign...
> ...sums up Barack Obama's candidacy quite nicely, I think:
> "I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize 
> for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in 
> memory."
> From Charles Krauthammer at http://tinyurl.com/6gbc5r
> Sums up Lincoln's candidacy nicely too. He did OK.

But, Rick, Abraham Lincoln initiated the Civil War...and as any 
school child can tell you, over 600,000 Americans died in the Civil 

Certainly, you are not advocating that war is good, are you?  'Cause 
if you are, you're at odds with 90% of the Obama supporters on this 
forum who have made it clear time and time and time again that war 
under ANY circumstances is unacceptable; that killing under any 
circumstances is unacceptable.

"Killing is a sin" -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Use RICO on ACORN!

2008-10-24 Thread yifuxero
Maybe, but don't count on Big Bro. We need the "Watchmen":

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> Question: What does it take to trigger a RICO 
> prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice?
> "This is especially true in light of the fact 
> ACORN has endorsed Barack Obama and the vast 
> majority of its new registrants are Democrats  
> Obama, whose campaign paid an ACORN subsidiary 
> $800,000 to register new voters, has downplayed 
> concerns about voter fraud, calling them a 
> "distraction" from the issues. Stuffing the 
> ballot box isn't a distraction, it's a felony. 
> And it's time the Justice Department did 
> something about it."
> Read more:
> 'Use RICO on ACORN'
> Examiner Editorial, October 16, 2008
> http://tinyurl.com/3zw3ja
> 'State By State, Fraud By Electoral Fraud'
> http://tinyurl.com/4a4voc

RE: [FairfieldLife] Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:51 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Best line of the campaign...


...sums up Barack Obama's candidacy quite nicely, I think:

"I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize voting 
for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living 

>From Charles Krauthammer at http://tinyurl.com/6gbc5r

Sums up Lincoln's candidacy nicely too. He did OK.

[FairfieldLife] Obama and McCain Dance Off!

2008-10-24 Thread Peter
This is keepin' it real!!




[FairfieldLife] Best line of the campaign...

2008-10-24 Thread shempmcgurk
...sums up Barack Obama's candidacy quite nicely, I think:

"I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize voting 
for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living 

>From Charles Krauthammer at http://tinyurl.com/6gbc5r

[FairfieldLife] Re: Change we can believe in!

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> Obama believes in "hope" and "change". 
> He has changed position on FISA, NAFTA, 
> campaign public financing, town-hall 
> meetings with McCain, offshore drilling, 
> nuclear and coal power, capital punishment 
> and gun control, his characterization of 
> Iran, the surge in Iraq, and the future 
> of Jerusalem. Change we can believe in!
as an alternative, our current president has remained rigid and 
inflexible throughout his two terms, unless he was forced to change,  
and been a complete disaster, our worst president in modern times.

[FairfieldLife] Scott McClellan Endorses Obama

2008-10-24 Thread bhairitu
Wow, these endorsements just keep on coming.

Former Bush White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has endorsed
Sen. Barack Obama for President of the United States.

Article here:


[FairfieldLife] Use RICO on ACORN!

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Question: What does it take to trigger a RICO 
prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice?

"This is especially true in light of the fact 
ACORN has endorsed Barack Obama and the vast 
majority of its new registrants are Democrats  
Obama, whose campaign paid an ACORN subsidiary 
$800,000 to register new voters, has downplayed 
concerns about voter fraud, calling them a 
"distraction" from the issues. Stuffing the 
ballot box isn't a distraction, it's a felony. 
And it's time the Justice Department did 
something about it."

Read more:

Examiner Editorial, October 16, 2008

'State By State, Fraud By Electoral Fraud'

[FairfieldLife] Use RICO on ACORN!

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Question: What does it take to trigger a RICO 
prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice?

"This is especially true in light of the fact 
ACORN has endorsed Barack Obama and the vast 
majority of its new registrants are Democrats  
Obama, whose campaign paid an ACORN subsidiary 
$800,000 to register new voters, has downplayed 
concerns about voter fraud, calling them a 
"distraction" from the issues. Stuffing the 
ballot box isn't a distraction, it's a felony. 
And it's time the Justice Department did 
something about it."

Read more:

Examiner Editorial, October 16, 2008

'State By State, Fraud By Electoral Fraud'

[FairfieldLife] It's all about race

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
> No one cares what color the next president is...
So, you just played the race card. Curtis, you 
are really smooth!

Joe Biden is from Scranton, right?

Did I just hear Senator Obama say that Joe Biden 
has never forgotten where he came from? Scranton 
PA? Isn't that the state John Murtha says is full 
of racists? 

"There is no question that western Pennsylvania 
is a racist area." - John Murtha

Read more:

'Murtha Says Western Pennsylvania Is Racist'
By Christopher Keating
Hartford Current, October 16, 2008

"A day after he called Western Pennsylvania 'a 
racist area,' U.S. Rep. John P. Murtha said in 
a statement today 'I apologize for making the 

Read more:

'Murtha apologizes for calling W.Pa. a racist area'
By Dennis B. Roddy
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Thursday, October 16, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Another Disconnect?

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
John wrote:
> Goldwater's Granddaughter...
Apparently Goldwater's Granddaughter believes that 
war in Iraq was the right course of action, based 
on what U.S. officials knew at the time. Goldwater's 
Granddaughter voted to re-elect Bush AFTER the Iraq 
invasion. Goldwater's Granddaughter opposes a U.S. 
military Iraq troop pullout 'deadline'.

Barack Obama says he'd set a deadline of sixteen 
months no matter what the situation on the ground. 

Who can figure out Goldwater's Granddaughter? 

[FairfieldLife] Goldwater's Granddaughter: Why McCain Has Lost Our Vote

2008-10-24 Thread do.rflex

Being Barry Goldwater's granddaughter and living in Arizona, one would
assume that I would be voting for our state's senator, John McCain. I
am still struck by certain 'dyed in the wool' Republicans who are on
the fence this election, as it seems like a no-brainer to me.

Myself, along with my siblings and a few cousins, will not be
supporting the Republican presidential candidates this year. We
believe strongly in what our grandfather stood for: honesty,
integrity, and personal freedom, free from political maneuvering and
fear tactics.

I learned a lot about my grandfather while producing the documentary,
Mr. Conservative Goldwater on Goldwater. Our generation of Goldwaters
expects government to provide for constitutional protections. We
reject the constant intrusion into our personal lives, along with
other crucial policy issues of the McCain/Palin ticket.

My grandfather (Paka) would never suggest denying a woman's right to
choose. My grandmother co-founded Planned Parenthood in Arizona in the
1930's, a cause my grandfather supported. I'm not sure about how he
would feel about marriage rights based on same-sex orientation.

I think he would feel that love and respect for ones privacy is what
matters most and not the intolerance and poor judgment displayed by
McCain over the years. Paka respected our civil liberties and passed
on the message that we should conduct our lives standing up for the
basic freedoms we hold so dear.

For a while, there were several candidates who aligned themselves with
the Goldwater version of Conservative thought. My grandfather had
undying respect for the U.S. Constitution, and an understanding of its
true meanings.

There always have been a glimmer of hope that someday, someone would
"race through the gate" full steam in Goldwater style. Unfortunately,
this hasn't happened, and the Republican brand has been tarnished in a
shameless effort to gain votes and appeal to the lowest emotion, fear.

Nothing about McCain, except for maybe a uniform, compares to the same
ideology of what Goldwater stood for as a politician. The McCain/Palin
plan is to appear diverse and inclusive, using women and minorities to
push an agenda that makes us all financially vulnerable, fearful, and
less safe.

When you see the candidate's in political ads, you can't help but be
reminded of the 1964 presidential campaign of Johnson/Goldwater, the
'origin of spin', that twists the truth and obscures what really matters.

Nothing about the Republican ticket offers the hope America needs to
regain it's standing in the world, that's why we're going to support
Barack Obama. I think that Obama has shown his ability and integrity.

After the last eight years, there's a lot of clean up do. Roll up your
sleeves, Senators Obama and Biden, and we Goldwaters will roll ours up
with you.

~~  CC Goldwater


[FairfieldLife] Not the people I knew!

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Barry2 wrote:
> Ron Howard's Call To Action
Rev. Jeremiah Wright - when asked in March 
2004 whether he attended regularly Rev. 
Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of 
Christ, Obama boasted, "Yep. Every week. 
11 o'clock service." Obama further 
characterized the racist Wright as "certainly 
someone who I have an enormous amount of 
respect for."

Father Michael Pfleger - Obama described 
the venomous Catholic priest as "a dear 
friend, and somebody I interact with closely."

William Ayers - Obama said Ayers was "just 
a guy in my neighborhood." An Obama campaign 
spokesman said Obama hadn't e-mailed with 
or spoken by phone to Ayers since January 
2005 , suggesting more than three years of 
communications - in a post-9/11 climate - 
after Ayers said publicly he had not done 
enough bombing?

ACORN - Obama claims he never had dealings 
with ACORN except to act as their lawyer in 
a case standing alongside the Justice 
Department concerning "Motor Voter" laws in 
Illinois. While on the Wood's Fund with 
William Ayers they distributed over $200,000 
to ACORN and the Obama campaign has donated 
$832,000 to a "subsidiary" of ACORN.

[FairfieldLife] Change we can believe in!

2008-10-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Obama believes in "hope" and "change". 
He has changed position on FISA, NAFTA, 
campaign public financing, town-hall 
meetings with McCain, offshore drilling, 
nuclear and coal power, capital punishment 
and gun control, his characterization of 
Iran, the surge in Iraq, and the future 
of Jerusalem. Change we can believe in!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Race Card...Again

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> I know that when Goldwater was running back in the day, the term
> "socialist" was a scary term and made people afraid of a candidate 
> was called the name.
> But in case you haven't noticed the government's interference with 
> financial markets, and its becoming a partner in our banking system
> and mortgage secondary market has pretty much made this a moot 
> The question for this election is who do you trust at the helm of 
> blended socialist-capitalist government?
> Hint: it isn't the guy who isn't interested in all those new 
> computer machine contraptions, dang nab it!  You know, the old guy
> wearing the "I'm with stupid" T-shirt.
> PS The whole "race card" thing hasn't worked since OJ couldn't beat
> his last rap in court.  No one cares what color the next president 
> as long as he can understand and fix the financial shit going down.
> (second hint: it WILL involve being familiar with computers, and 
> being completely stupid.)
yes, ironic that the most socialist major political party in our 
nation's history is trying to label the -other- candidate with that 
label. could this be called reverse swift boating? or wait a better 
word: lying. all good fun, although this hasn't been a close race 
for months. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Accessorizing The Aura -- "Can I be spiritual and still be sexual?"

2008-10-24 Thread cardemaister

I guess women can be sexual and spiritual simultaneously but for
men it might be much more difficult, if we are to believe
Patañjali, because, according to yoga-suutras the conditio
sine qua non of samaadhi is "shraddhaa-*viirya*-smRti-samaadhi-
prajñaa, at least for "ordinary" people, and '*viirya*-laabha'
is through brahma-carya. Sperm prolly contains something
that promotes some neurotransmitters (soma?) or stuff, necessary
for "strong" samaadhi. :/

But then again, perhaps 'viirya' in the latter suutra refers
to something else than in the former...

And furthermore, Indra is in one suukta of Rgveda called
'kapRt' (in Finnish: kyrpä [kuerpae]), which word in another suukta
obviously refers to penis. :D

[FairfieldLife] Song to Sarah

2008-10-24 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Race Card...Again

2008-10-24 Thread shempmcgurk
Thank you for this post, Rauchydog, very interesting.

It is especially appropriate in light of the fact that socialists 
like Marx were full-blown racists.  Karl Marx's hatred for Blacks is 
not well known, but well documented:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists
> were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in 
> and Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, 
> are all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days.
> Let's face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one
> laughingly "improving" on the other." http://tinyurl.com/5bp44s
> Ludicrous Race Card of the Week Award: Calling Obama a Socialist is
> "Racist"  Uppity Woman 10/24/08
> Well, yet one more Obama news guy (surprise!), who is an Obama 
> named Lewis Diuguid (ironically pronounced Do Good), has weighed in 
> the infamous
> Race Card.
> It is now decreed that calling Barack Obama's plans
> "Socialist" is Racist.  He said it's a racist "Code
> Word".
> No kidding. You can't make this shit up.
> McCain and Palin should be "Ashamed of themselves".  In other
> words: Just shut up Or You are Gonna Get The Race Card!
> Let's see, now. At this point, the only "racist" thing left
> for McCain and Palin to do is: Inhale and Exhale.
> Inhaling and exhaling is racist. Stop this right now all you people 
> don't support Comrade Obama!
> So, calling someone's platform Socialist is racist. Who knew??
> All righty then.
> I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists 
> You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist 
> Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, 
they are
> all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days. Let's
> face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one 
> "improving" on the other.
> It all started with the French, you know.
> Let's see, there's this guy Henri de Saint-Simon. He was this
> French Utopian Socialist Thinker. Here he is. Ugly as hell but 
> kind of…well…white.
>  imon_portrait1.jpg>
> Ok maybe they weren't referring to him. How about that guy
> Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Socialist philosopher and anarchist. His 
> notable idea: Property is theft. Here he is:
>  oudhon.jpg>
> Dang if Proudhon doesn't look like just another crazy white guy to
> me. Ok, maybe they weren't referring to him. Because he's
> definitely Not. Black.
> Let's see…….ok here's a guy from Wales named Robert Owen.
> He was one of the founders of Socialism. Here he is. Dang he's a
> nutty white guy too! Not. Black.
> Scratching my head here….. Gosh, even the great Romantic Poet Yeats
> was a Socialist. But he was white too.
> Ok Ok, Gotta stick Karl in here because, besides bouncing off the 
> he bounced off of Owen's Utopia idea. Karl Marx, author of the
> Communist Manifesto. Hereee'ss Kar, looking like
> he carries fleas. Karl was definitely Not. Black
>  g>
> There's Fredrick Engels  .
> Hey, maybe he wasn't white. Ooops. He was. Seriously  Not. Black.
>   [211]  

> Ok here's Benito Mussolini the black Italian nutcase. Ooops, wrong
> again!  Not. Black.
>   [218] 
> Ok, Ok, I'm not going to give up. I have just GOT to PROVE that
> calling someone a Socialist is Racist.
> I know! How about Stalin!
>   [209] 
> Dang! White! Good lookin'! But definitely  Not. Black.
> Ok let's reach a little. Um ….OH! I know! How about Lenin!??
>   [210] 
> Aw Geeze, White again!
> I can't find a single famous black Socialist! Dang!
> I know Que, worshipped by so many of Obama's supporters, is
> definitely not black. See? Here he is, looking all macho on his 
> Not. black.
>   [284] 
> Now I know that Chairman Mao wasn't black and North Korea's Dear
> Leader isn't black either. Neither is Fidel Castro. Or Hugo Chavez.
> Definitely.  Not. Black.
> Adolf was Not. Black. Although he was certainly charismatic wasn't
> h

[FairfieldLife] Re: Race Card...Again

2008-10-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
I know that when Goldwater was running back in the day, the term
"socialist" was a scary term and made people afraid of a candidate who
was called the name.

But in case you haven't noticed the government's interference with our
financial markets, and its becoming a partner in our banking system
and mortgage secondary market has pretty much made this a moot point.

The question for this election is who do you trust at the helm of our
blended socialist-capitalist government?

Hint: it isn't the guy who isn't interested in all those new fangled
computer machine contraptions, dang nab it!  You know, the old guy
wearing the "I'm with stupid" T-shirt.

PS The whole "race card" thing hasn't worked since OJ couldn't beat
his last rap in court.  No one cares what color the next president is
as long as he can understand and fix the financial shit going down.
(second hint: it WILL involve being familiar with computers, and not
being completely stupid.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists
> were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist
> and Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, they
> are all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days.
> Let's face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one
> laughingly "improving" on the other." http://tinyurl.com/5bp44s
> Ludicrous Race Card of the Week Award: Calling Obama a Socialist is
> "Racist"  Uppity Woman 10/24/08
> Well, yet one more Obama news guy (surprise!), who is an Obama sycophant
> named Lewis Diuguid (ironically pronounced Do Good), has weighed in with
> the infamous
> Race Card.
> It is now decreed that calling Barack Obama's plans
> "Socialist" is Racist.  He said it's a racist "Code
> Word".
> No kidding. You can't make this shit up.
> McCain and Palin should be "Ashamed of themselves".  In other
> words: Just shut up Or You are Gonna Get The Race Card!
> Let's see, now. At this point, the only "racist" thing left
> for McCain and Palin to do is: Inhale and Exhale.
> Inhaling and exhaling is racist. Stop this right now all you people who
> don't support Comrade Obama!
> So, calling someone's platform Socialist is racist. Who knew??
> All righty then.
> I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists were.
> You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist and
> Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, they are
> all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days. Let's
> face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one laughingly
> "improving" on the other.
> It all started with the French, you know.
> Let's see, there's this guy Henri de Saint-Simon. He was this
> French Utopian Socialist Thinker. Here he is. Ugly as hell but looking
> kind of…well…white.
> Ok maybe they weren't referring to him. How about that guy
> Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Socialist philosopher and anarchist. His most
> notable idea: Property is theft. Here he is:
> Dang if Proudhon doesn't look like just another crazy white guy to
> me. Ok, maybe they weren't referring to him. Because he's
> definitely Not. Black.
> Let's see…….ok here's a guy from Wales named Robert Owen.
> He was one of the founders of Socialism. Here he is. Dang he's a
> nutty white guy too! Not. Black.

> Scratching my head here….. Gosh, even the great Romantic Poet Yeats
> was a Socialist. But he was white too.
> Ok Ok, Gotta stick Karl in here because, besides bouncing off the walls,
> he bounced off of Owen's Utopia idea. Karl Marx, author of the
> Communist Manifesto. Hereee'ss Kar, looking like
> he carries fleas. Karl was definitely Not. Black
> There's Fredrick Engels  .
> Hey, maybe he wasn't white. Ooops. He was. Seriously  Not. Black.
>   [211]  
> Ok here's Benito Mussolini the black Italian nutcase. Ooops, wrong
> again!  Not. Black.
>   [218] 
> Ok, Ok, I'm not going to give up. I have just GOT to PROVE that
> calling someone a Socialist is Racist.
> I know! How about Stalin!
>   [209] 
> Dang! White! Good lookin'! But definitely  Not. Black.
> Ok let's reach a little. Um ….OH! I know! How about Lenin!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Race Card...Again

2008-10-24 Thread Peter
Raunchydog, er, do you have a life? We do understand, my friend, my friend. 
Hillary is all good and Obama is all bad and he's a socialist Muslim too. We 
get that. We really do. No need to keep on telling us this. Now, if you hurry, 
there's a fun group activity in the playroom right before you get your 
afternoon meds. Ask the nurses about it. 

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Race Card...Again
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:08 AM

"I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists
were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in
Marxist and Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After
all, they are all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these
days. Let's face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories,
one laughingly "improving" on the other." http://tinyurl.com/5bp44s
Ludicrous Race Card of the Week 
Award: Calling Obama a Socialist is "Racist"  Uppity Woman 10/24/08Well,
yet one more Obama news guy (surprise!), who is an Obama sycophant
named Lewis Diuguid (ironically pronounced Do Good), has weighed in
with the infamous
Race Card.
It is now decreed that calling Barack Obama's plans "Socialist" is Racist.  He 
said it's a racist "Code Word".
No kidding. You can't make this shit up. 
McCain and Palin should be "Ashamed of themselves".  In other words: Just shut 
up Or You are Gonna Get The Race Card!
Let's see, now. At this point, the only "racist" thing left for McCain and 
Palin to do is: Inhale and Exhale.
Inhaling and exhaling is racist. Stop this right now all you people who don't 
support Comrade Obama!

So, calling someone's platform Socialist is racist. Who knew??
All righty then.
I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists
were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in
Marxist and Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After
all, they are all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these
days. Let's face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories,
one laughingly "improving" on the other.
It all started with the French, you know.
Let's see, there's this guy Henri de Saint-Simon. He was this French
Utopian Socialist Thinker. Here he is. Ugly as hell but looking kind

Ok maybe they weren't referring to him. How about that guy
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Socialist philosopher and anarchist. His most
notable idea: Property is theft. Here he is:
Dang if Proudhon doesn't look like just another crazy white guy to
me. Ok, maybe they weren't referring to him. Because he's definitely Not. Black.
Let's see…….ok here's a guy from Wales named Robert Owen. He was one
of the founders of Socialism. Here he is. Dang he's a nutty white guy
too! Not. Black.

Scratching my head here….. Gosh, even the great Romantic Poet Yeats was a 
Socialist. But he was white too.
Ok Ok, Gotta stick Karl in here because, besides bouncing off the walls, he 
bounced off of Owen's Utopia
idea. Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto.
Hereee'ss Kar, looking like he carries fleas. Karl
was definitely Not. Black

There's Fredrick Engels. Hey, maybe he wasn't white. Ooops. He was. Seriously  
Not. Black.

Ok here's Benito Mussolini the black Italian nutcase. Ooops, wrong again!  Not. 

Ok, Ok, I'm not going to give up. I have just GOT to PROVE that calling someone 
a Socialist is Racist.
I know! How about Stalin!

Dang! White! Good lookin'! But definitely  Not. Black.
Ok let's reach a little. Um ….OH! I know! How about Lenin!??
Aw Geeze, White again!
I can't find a single famous black Socialist! Dang!
I know Que, worshipped by so many of Obama's supporters, is
definitely not black. See? Here he is, looking all macho on his horse. Not. 

Now I know that Chairman Mao wasn't black and North Korea's Dear
Leader isn't black either. Neither is Fidel Castro. Or Hugo Chavez. Definitely. 
 Not. Black. 
Adolf was Not. Black. Although he was certainly charismatic wasn't he?
So, could somebody please tell me how it is that calling Barack Obama a 
Socialist is a Racist thing to say? I'll wait…….
Congratulations, Mr. Diuguid You win the Ludicrous Race
Card of the Week Award! I mean don't let the fact that Barack has been
endorsed by the previously dead American Socialst, Marxist/Leninist and
Communist parties stop you from pulling that old card, ya hear
I mean, just because he wants to redistribute wealth and ran in 1996
on the Marxist AKA "New Party" ticket is no darned good reason to call
him a Socialist either, right? Just because millions of
immigrants came here to the USA to get away from most of the guys
mentioned above is no reason to be concerned, right?
That would be Racist!
UPDATE! Freedom Fairy has found a photo of not one, but TWO black Socialists.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Accessorizing The Aura -- "Can I be spiritual and still be sexual?"

2008-10-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 24, 2008, at 8:15 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

What I'm looking FOR in these "aura scans" is what I
would call "complete human beings," people who have man-
aged to become comfortable with many different facets
of of their being -- intellectual, emotional, spiritual,
physical, and yes, sexual. When I spot one of these people,
I often introduce myself and spend some time chatting
with them to see if my initial "aura scan" was correct.
And it's correct far more often than it isn't.

There's another word for that, Barry--intuition.
Welcome to our world...


[FairfieldLife] Discernment /Judgment & 2012

2008-10-24 Thread John

Below is one of my Links, some of my links are a 
little to long to post here, so I will just give you the 
links, I hope you don't mind. The links will have 
music and a photo to enhance the message, and it 
will be much easier to read. - 

Thanks, John - in Cleveland Ohio ...

{Discernment / Judgment & 2012} 

[FairfieldLife] Discernment /Judgment & 2012

2008-10-24 Thread John

Below is one of my Links, some of my links are a 
little to long to post here, so I will just give you the 
links, I hope you don't mind. The links will have 
music and a photo to enhance the message, and it 
will be much easier to read. - 

Thanks, John - in Cleveland Ohio ...

{Discernment / Judgment & 2012} 

[FairfieldLife] Accessorizing The Aura -- "Can I be spiritual and still be sexual?"

2008-10-24 Thread TurquoiseB
[ Last night's official Post Count says that this
is my last post of the week, so I figured I should
go out with a bang. So to speak. :-) ]

One of my favorite ways to pass the incarnation is to
sit in sidewalk cafes and watch passersby, checking
out their auras. Not that I see the auras visually all
the time -- I often don't -- but I always seem to have
the ability to do a quick scan and get a fairly accurate
"readout" of where people are at.

What I'm looking FOR in these "aura scans" is what I 
would call "complete human beings," people who have man-
aged to become comfortable with many different facets
of of their being -- intellectual, emotional, spiritual, 
physical, and yes, sexual. When I spot one of these people, 
I often introduce myself and spend some time chatting 
with them to see if my initial "aura scan" was correct. 
And it's correct far more often than it isn't.

What I'm scanning FOR in these potential new friends is,
in order of its importance to me in a friend -- intelli-
gence, sense of humor, a sense of comfort with their
sexuality, and a sense of spiritual wonder that has not
been worn down by the times we live in.

So it's interesting for me to do this in Sitges and then
log in here at Fairfield Life and do similar "scans" on
people's posts and what they reveal about themselves in
those posts. And one of the things I have noticed is
that people who have spent a lifetime practicing some 
form of spirituality are often lacking in integration of
two of those qualities.

The first is sense of humor. It's amazing to me how many
people on a spiritual path seem to believe that taking 
that path seriously means that they have to become serious.
And I'm grateful that so many on FFL have managed to go
through the TM movement with their senses of humor intact.
The ability to laugh AT one's spiritual path, and at 
oneself for following it, are key, in my opinion, to being
able to actually get somewhere meaningful along that path.

But the second trait that is often sadly lacking in people
on a spiritual path is a feeling that they are comfortable
with their own identity as sexual beings. Many come across
as more uptight than SNL's "Church Lady." Others look down
on those who still enjoy sex as if they were lepers, and
as if their presence here on a "spiritual" forum was an
affront to their oh-so-much-more-evolved sensibilities.

Lately, with the Sarah Palin shopping spree in the news, I
have found myself looking at this latter phenomenon in terms
of "accessorizing." It's as if some people have made an 
unconscious decision about what they can "wear" and still
"look spiritual," in the same way that women look into a 
mirror and make critical decisions about whether this pair
of shoes goes with this outfit, and whether they should wear
this scarf or another one.

Clearly, a *lot* of people on spiritual paths do not believe
that they can EVER "wear" the scarf that has I AM A 
SEXUAL BEING printed on it. They seem to have bought
into the myth that enlightened or highly-evolved people
just don't DO sex. They don't think about it, and they don't
need it...they're "above" sex. And so, even though personally
these people who believe these myths AREN'T above sex, and 
probably think about it all the time, the people playing 
spiritual dress-up believe that they have to act the way 
that they imagine enlightened or highly-evolved people acting.

So they scrub their auras clean of any hint that they are a
man or a woman who has a sexual nature. They eliminate -- or
at least try to eliminate -- sex from their lives and from
their auras altogether. And they seem to believe that doing
this *enhances* the image that they are trying to project 
of themselves as "spiritual."

It may work on some. I'm sure that there are people on FFL 
who are actually impressed by the sexless automatons on Mother
Divine and Purusha. Me, I'm not. I'm more impressed by the
men and women I've met along the spiritual path who have man-
aged to accept their own sexuality and wear it proudly. But
no more proudly than they wear their intelligence, or their
sense of humor, or their daily spiritual practices. All are
aspects of who they are as a complete being, and all are
*equal* aspects of who they are as a complete being. Such 
beings are fun to be around; there is a lack of pretense
and caring about their image about them. They are just who 
they are. 

Whereas those who "accessorize" themselves with a lack of
sexual identity, or even an anti-sex vibe...on the whole they
are NOT fun to be around. 

I also get the feeling that they are sabotaging their own 
spiritual aspirations by doing this. By believing that they
can't be a spiritual being AND be sexual, they are setting
up a duality-based dichotomy that can never be overcome.
*Of course* one can be spiritual -- or even enlightened --
and be a sexual being. *Of course* one can be enlightened
and be having sex. The very books they read as "scripture"
are full of examples of this. 

[FairfieldLife] Race Card...Again

2008-10-24 Thread raunchydog
"I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists
were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist
and Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, they
are all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days.
Let's face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one
laughingly "improving" on the other." http://tinyurl.com/5bp44s

Ludicrous Race Card of the Week Award: Calling Obama a Socialist is
"Racist"  Uppity Woman 10/24/08

Well, yet one more Obama news guy (surprise!), who is an Obama sycophant
named Lewis Diuguid (ironically pronounced Do Good), has weighed in with
the infamous
Race Card.
It is now decreed that calling Barack Obama's plans
"Socialist" is Racist.  He said it's a racist "Code

No kidding. You can't make this shit up.

McCain and Palin should be "Ashamed of themselves".  In other
words: Just shut up Or You are Gonna Get The Race Card!

Let's see, now. At this point, the only "racist" thing left
for McCain and Palin to do is: Inhale and Exhale.

Inhaling and exhaling is racist. Stop this right now all you people who
don't support Comrade Obama!

So, calling someone's platform Socialist is racist. Who knew??

All righty then.

I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists were.
You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist and
Communist, etc., just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, they are
all part of Barack Obama's endorsement package these days. Let's
face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one laughingly
"improving" on the other.

It all started with the French, you know.

Let's see, there's this guy Henri de Saint-Simon. He was this
French Utopian Socialist Thinker. Here he is. Ugly as hell but looking
kind of…well…white.


Ok maybe they weren't referring to him. How about that guy
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Socialist philosopher and anarchist. His most
notable idea: Property is theft. Here he is:


Dang if Proudhon doesn't look like just another crazy white guy to
me. Ok, maybe they weren't referring to him. Because he's
definitely Not. Black.

Let's see…….ok here's a guy from Wales named Robert Owen.
He was one of the founders of Socialism. Here he is. Dang he's a
nutty white guy too! Not. Black.


Scratching my head here….. Gosh, even the great Romantic Poet Yeats
was a Socialist. But he was white too.

Ok Ok, Gotta stick Karl in here because, besides bouncing off the walls,
he bounced off of Owen's Utopia idea. Karl Marx, author of the
Communist Manifesto. Hereee'ss Kar, looking like
he carries fleas. Karl was definitely Not. Black


There's Fredrick Engels  .
Hey, maybe he wasn't white. Ooops. He was. Seriously  Not. Black.


Ok here's Benito Mussolini the black Italian nutcase. Ooops, wrong
again!  Not. Black.


Ok, Ok, I'm not going to give up. I have just GOT to PROVE that
calling someone a Socialist is Racist.

I know! How about Stalin!


Dang! White! Good lookin'! But definitely  Not. Black.

Ok let's reach a little. Um ….OH! I know! How about Lenin!??


Aw Geeze, White again!

I can't find a single famous black Socialist! Dang!

I know Que, worshipped by so many of Obama's supporters, is
definitely not black. See? Here he is, looking all macho on his horse.
Not. black.


Now I know that Chairman Mao wasn't black and North Korea's Dear
Leader isn't black either. Neither is Fidel Castro. Or Hugo Chavez.
Definitely.  Not. Black.

Adolf was Not. Black. Although he was certainly charismatic wasn't

So, could somebody please tell me how it is that calling Barack Obama a
Socialist is a Racist thing to say? I'll wait…….


Congratulations, Mr. Diuguid You win the Ludicrous Race Card of the
Week Award! I mean don't let the fact that Barack has been endorsed
by the previously dead American Socialst, Marxist/Leninist and Communist
parties stop you from pulling that old card, ya hear

I mean, just because he wants to redistribute wealth and ran in 1996 on
the Marxist AKA "New Party" ticket is no darned good reason to
call him a Socialist either, right? Just because millions of immigrants
came he

[FairfieldLife] The Implosion of the McCain campaign

2008-10-24 Thread do.rflex

Brian Williams and Chuck Todd report on the time they spent with
McCain and Palin.


[FairfieldLife] If the world could vote for the US President (the endorsement game)

2008-10-24 Thread TurquoiseB
Check out this map:


Does this say it all, or what? Note the lack of
red on the map. *Anywhere* on the map. Note the
preponderance of dark gray.

This is the legacy of the Neocon disaster and
of the George W. Bush presidency.

It's also interesting that the *only* real 
endorsement for John McCain that has come out
of the international community has been from


And how does John McCain react to finding out
that international terrorism regards him as
the best candidate because he's so stupid and
reactive? He schedules a stupid and reactive
conference call:


On the whole, the only "endorsement" that could
do John McCain more harm than one from Al-Quaeda
is an endorsement from George W. Bush. Fortunately,
Saturday Night Live has provided us with a sneak
peek at what such an endorsement moment would look
like, starring Will Ferrell and Tina Fey. This 
one is a classic, possibly the best of the SNL
parodies so far:


[FairfieldLife] Symbian Star Developer Award!

2008-10-24 Thread cardemaister

GeoSentric Oyj Company Announcement GyPSii wins Symbian Star Developer
Award For Most Innovative Symbian Application (OMX)
24.10.2008 klo 11:00

GEOSENTRIC OYJ  BULLETIN October 24,2008 at 11:00 

GyPSii wins Symbian Star Developer Award For Most Innovative Symbian

GeoSentric Oyj's (NASDAQ OMX: GEO1V), GeoSolutions BV Business Unit
today announced that it has won a prestigious Symbian Star Developer
Award, for 
Most Innovative Symbian Application, in recognition of its
market-leading mobile
digital lifestyle application and geo-mobility social networking
platform - 

Presented during the Symbian Smartphone Show in London on Wednesday,
the Star   
Developer Awards recognise the most unique and innovative applications
for mobile phones based on Symbian OS, as chosen by leading developer
represented at the show. GyPSii was nominated for an award by NAVTEQ
Network for
Developers (NN4D). This innovative application also caught the eyes of
judges at the finals of the NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge® earlier this
GyPSii Vice President of Products Sam Critchley collected the award,
which was  
presented by David Wood, EVP Research at Symbian, on stage during the
keynote at
the event on October 22nd.   

We are delighted to receive this award and have GyPSii recognised
internationally for our continued development using the Symbian
platform, said 
Critchley. I thank NAVTEQ for its support as GyPSii continues to
innovate and  
grow its customer base across the globe. Our use of NAVTEQ maps means
GyPSii members can link their User Generated Content to the very
latest mapping 
data, as well as updated points of interest (POI) and other useful
content to   
deliver a rich user experience to our members merging their physical
and virtual

[FairfieldLife] Re: Decriminalizing the oldest profession

2008-10-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It's part of human nature for a man to be attracted to women 
> > > (for some, another man or both).  It will never go away even 
> > > if you are in your death bed. Without any other motivations, 
> > > human beings will always be captivated with sex.  In other 
> > > words, this is a life of humans in bondage.
> > 
> > Dude, those of us "in bondage" to love will
> > always look at those of you who are afraid
> > of love with pity. Get used to it.
> > 
> > You who make a distinction between love and
> > sex have probably never known either.
> Love is an all incompassing virtue.  

But not "all incompassing" [sic] enough
to be present during sex. Did I get that
right, given the rest of your statement

> It can be found in a marriage partner. But it is not limited 
> to marriage life alone.  

Thank you for the news update. I suspect
that many in the FFL audience will benefit
from this new information that people can
find love outside of marriage.  :-)

> I am doubtful if it is present with a sexual partner for the 
> reason that the sexual experience maybe more predominant and 
> can devalue the nature of love.

John, here you go again with the "sex is
more powerful than love" and thus can
"devalue" it crap.

Fairfield Life is often a jaw-dropping exper-
ience for me, as I read the things that 
supposed 30- and 40-year seekers believe.
I sit at my desk *stunned* by some of the
things they believe, which often are no less
staggering than believing that the Earth is
only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs walked
with men and that we know that sex is bad 
because a talking snake said so.

But the idea that sex "can devalue the nature
of love" is a new one, and possibly the most
staggering of all. I am simply AMAZED at
the levels of fear and aversion that many
long-term TMers have about the very process
that gave them life. It all sprang from Maha-
rishi and his conflicted fear/aversion/desire
relationship with sex (telling people to be
celibate while scoring a little nookie himself),
but it is also reinforced by the things that 
he taught people like John to revere as 
"scripture." Most of these books were written
by men who had such a healthy attitude towards
sex and sexuality that they refused to be in
the same room as women (like Guru Dev) or wrote
advice for supposedly spiritual men like "You 
should think of women as rotting, stinking 

Clearly, with FFL as our model, not all long-
term TMers bought into this crap. Some have 
managed to find a place in their life for both
their spiritual aspirations and sex. Others,
however, were not so fortunate. They came to
think like John, and have such FEAR of sex that
they glom on to "scriptures" that reinforce 
their ideas that sex is bad and that they are
good for running away from it.

Well, if that is as close as they can get to 
having a happy, fulfilling life, I guess I 
shouldn't knock them for their beliefs, no matter
how ludicrous and pitiful I may feel they are.
But still, as someone who has lived for the last
seven years in cultures in which sexuality and
love are NOT seen as antithetical but mutually
beneficial, I can't help but be staggered and
shocked when I read this crap, spouted as if it
were wisdom.

One of the reasons I post occasional links about
sex and sexuality IS to bring out this crap, and
expose it. This thread has worked like a charm in
that respect, as I knew it would. It's demonstrated
the sense of superiority and elitism that many feel
towards prostitutes and those who patronize them
(and brought out a few balanced views on that subject
from more balanced individuals like Bhairitu). But
it's also revealed the festering pus of anti-sex
sentiment like John's. How does one GET to a place
where one actually believes that sex "can devalue
the nature of love?"

It's a puzzle to me, right up there with beliefs
that any sensual experience is by definition bad,
and that only the transcendent is worth aspiring to.
It's right up there with the desire to no longer
reincarnate, or to value "enlightenment" that you
have only *heard* about and never experienced first-
more than you value, say, selfless service and 
trying your best to help as many people as you can.

Such beliefs leave me puzzled and wondering what
HAPPENED to spirituality that has rendered it so
lifeless, and so antithetical to life and living.
But I guess that's part of life, too...encountering
things that just don't compute, and trying to figure
out how others have come to believe that they DO
compute. Just one more challenge in an already-
challenging incarnation.  :-)

John, if you actually do Jyotish/Ayurvedic readings
for clients, and counsel them on whether their
marriages will be "successful" or not, and
they actually BELIEVE the stuff you are saying
here, here's a "perk" you can turn them on to
that could start their successful marriage with
an extra $10,000:
