[FairfieldLife] Test: Can you spot the LIEs in this Judy Stein post?

2014-02-13 Thread TurquoiseBee
Just for fun, as part of my ongoing "one post in the morning challenging Judy's 
projected image will keep her crazy all day long" campaign :-), let's see who 
here is sharp enough to catch a LIE in one of Judy Stein's own posts recently. 
Here's the first example (full context below):

> Remember what Barry said about his therapist telling him that the person 
> suffering from NPD "makes it up as they go along"?

Does anyone see the LIE? Hint: it's two words -- "his therapist." 

Anyone who has been following my posts knows that the psychiatrist whom I cited 
as my mentor about Narcissistic Personality Disorder was my *friend*, not my 
"therapist." Anyone who has paid attention for some time also knows that our 
"sessions" were conducted over coffee at Downtown Subscription, our mutually 
favorite coffee shop in Santa Fe, not in a therapist's office. Anyone with a 
longer memory will remember me posting that I have only seen a real therapist 
once in my life, back when I was 16 or 17, and my parents forced me to see him. 
( That was a fun story in itself, because the guy was an asshole who was 
actually served with a malpractice lawsuit while I was waiting in his office to 
see him, and then acted like such an asshole in our session that I unloaded on 
him, told him exactly what I thought of him, and who afterwards as a result 
refused to ever see me again. That was the full extent of my personal 
involvement with shrinks, from a patient
 POV. :-)

Yes, this is a little nitpick, but I think everyone here knows that this was 
intentional on Judy's part. She, after all, is the one who comes roaring in 
screaming about how someone is LYING when they misquote something she's said or 
describe her in some way that varies in any degree from the way she describes 

I don't think she left out the word "friend" in her sentence by accident. She 
did it intentionally, to try to create the impression that Barry was "seeing a 
therapist" to deal with his issues about Rama, MMY, and other NPD-afflicted 
spiritual teachers. And if she claims that it *was* unintentional or an 
accident, I think anyone here (plus her clients) should be wary of ever hiring 
her as an "editor." There is a world of difference between "his therapist" and 
"his therapist friend," and Judy was IMO *intentionally* trying to use the 
phrase she thought would demonize her obsession Barry the most.

This is just one example of the type of LIEs that Judy Stein specializes in -- 
intentional putdowns and mischaracterizations that she can later deny or 
hypocritically "explain away.". Take another recent example, when I pulled her 
own nitpick number on her and chided her for claiming I had used the phrase "a 
12,000 word rant" w.r.t. Robin when I hadn't. Called on this, she made excuses 
and *admitted* to conflating several different descriptions and making up the 
phrase, and then tried to imply it was No Big Deal. 

Ahem. If the Yahoo Search engine still worked properly (alas, I have now also 
been "Neo-d" myself, so it doesn't work for me any more, either), I and 
everyone else could easily come up with DOZENS of instances over the years in 
which Judy Stein went batshit crazy over someone "misattributing" something 
she'd said by putting it in double quotes. In fact, she is on record here 
several times as saying that the practice of putting things in double quotes 
almost by definition implies that the person doing this is quoting the source 
verbatim. I'm sure that Share and others will remember Judy pulling this on 
them, and accusing them of lying or worse because something they put in double 
quotes and attributed to her were slightly off. But somehow when *she* does it, 
it's OK, and No Big Thing. 

*Just in this post* she does the same thing several times. Neither Steve nor 
Xeno used the words "kidding" or "just kidding" or suggested that I had said I 
was an "expert" on Judy Stein (I haven't). No one used the phrase "wound up." 
Yet Judy feels no problem with citing them as direct quotes, as if someone 
actually *had* used those words or phrases. 

Hypocrite. And LIAR. And I think everyone on this forum pretty much knows 
it...except Judy herself. 

Don't fall for her posturing as if she was the most honest person on FFL, or 
the only person who cares about accuracy or integrity. That's just another way 
that Judy pushes out her *real* argument, which is (in quotes to indicate 
dialog, not to indicate that she's actually said it in these words): "If you 
disagree with me, you are WRONG. If I 'correct' you on it and you persist in 
saying it, you're LYING." 

And all the while, the person saying this is one of the biggest LIARS on the 

 From: "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and 

I wonder why Barry assumes I never met R

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
Sweet. You forgot to mention the millions the TMO makes out of getting these 
guys to chant endless yagyas to supposedly improve the lives of rich 
westerners. Neo-imperialism, a charity it aint...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 7:09 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 > It pisses me off when posting on FFL has to descend to this level.
 So, let's review what we know:
 All the pundit boys are accounted for and there are no unaccounted for 
 pundit boys in Vedic City, IA.
 Are we agreed so far?
 According to my sources, all the pundit boys not only get a stipend and 
 a free education, but they get free room and board in a place that by 
 comparison to where they came from, is a mansion. They probably all 
 get smartphones, radios, and a TV as well. All they have to do is 
 meditate a few times a day and chant OM. Sweet!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
Sweet. You forgot to mention that the TMO makes millions out of keeping them 
away from home and chanting endless yagyas to supposedly make life better for 
wealthy westerners. Self-serving neo-imperialism - a charity it aint.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 7:09 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 > It pisses me off when posting on FFL has to descend to this level.
 So, let's review what we know:
 All the pundit boys are accounted for and there are no unaccounted for 
 pundit boys in Vedic City, IA.
 Are we agreed so far?
 According to my sources, all the pundit boys not only get a stipend and 
 a free education, but they get free room and board in a place that by 
 comparison to where they came from, is a mansion. They probably all 
 get smartphones, radios, and a TV as well. All they have to do is 
 meditate a few times a day and chant OM. Sweet!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808

 Tricky Dicky strikes again, top form this morning.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 5:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > the whole concept stinks to high heaven.
 Maybe we should just ban all religious ceremonies. I mean, who do those 
 Hindu Pundits think they are coming over here and burning all that punk 
 - they think that's going to send a message up to God? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
I had a girlfriend who suffered from monthly migraines (see if you can work 
that out) it was no laughing matter, it was 3-4 days in a dark room with a damp 
towel over her lovely little face, broke my heart it did. She paid a total of 
£40,000 on health yagyas to cure it.  

 I asked why she didn't ask for a refund after the first one failed but got the 
usual "it works at a level I'm not aware of" or, "there's too much stress in 
collective consciousness" or "at least the money goes to the best possible 
place" or "we're in the wrong yuga" Usual stuff.

 This is part of the Marshy genius, he creates a worldview that makes your 
experience of consciousness the most powerful thing that's happening in the 
world, not only for your own development but in changing the world for the 
better in every possible way. And if it doesn't work, the philosophy contains 
within it the reason why it doesn't work and it's the same reason you feel so 
good in the first place - the mechanics of stress release. Something good is 
happening. I wish I'd thought of it. Bloody amazing.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I know one initiator whose wife has a lot of health problems - he has paid the 
Movement thousands for health yagyas - ain't done shit. 
 On Thu, 2/13/14, salyavin808 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:27 PM
 You really are an utterly shameless apologist.
 Luckily everyone else can read and understand and don't
 have to rely on your delusions. I might just try and add up
 the amount of money that people that just I know have spent
 on prayers performed by your schoolboys. I'll need a big
 calculator though...
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 On 2/13/2014
 10:51 AM, geezerfreak@...
 > Precisely! Follow the
 money people, follow the money ...
 He's dead, Geezer. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread geezerfreak
Why ask me Richard? Ask the Srivastava/Varma clan. They have it ... ALL of it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 When did Bevan Morris, John Hagelin, Neal Patterson, Greg Wilson, King Tony 
Nader et al become Indians?

 Touche MJ.
 On Fri, 2/14/14, Richard J. Williams mailto:punditster@...> 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 1:17 AM
 On 2/13/2014 6:38 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > the TMO people get advantages by taking advantage of
 the Indians
 You are not even making any sense - the TMO people ARE

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
Hagelin and Goldstein have both said there are 5% who are missing.

On Fri, 2/14/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 2:35 AM
   On 2/13/2014 7:09 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 > It pisses me off when posting on FFL has to descend to
 this level.
 So, let's review what we know:
 All the pundit boys are accounted for and there are no
 unaccounted for 
 pundit boys in Vedic City, IA.
 Are we agreed so far?
 According to my sources, all the pundit boys not only get a
 stipend and 
 a free education, but they get free room and board in a
 place that by 
 comparison to where they came  from,  is a mansion. They
 probably all 
 get smartphones, radios, and a TV as well. All they have to
 do is 
 meditate a few times a day and chant OM. Sweet!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
When did Bevan Morris, John Hagelin, Neal Patterson, Greg Wilson, King Tony 
Nader et al become Indians?

On Fri, 2/14/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 1:17 AM
   On 2/13/2014 6:38 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > the TMO people get advantages by taking advantage of
 the Indians
 You are not even making any sense - the TMO people ARE

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
How can you possibly think that Hindu religious practices constitutes any kind 
of science? Your sheep must be producing lots of manure cause your thought 
processes seem to be affected by snorting too much methane gas. 

On Fri, 2/14/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 1:09 AM
   What a bunch of ninnies.  The pundit project is
 research in consciousness.  Based on experience observation
 we got
 hypothesis and testing going on.  Have some fucking patience
 for the
 scientific process.  As an investment for peace then science
 basic research can take a lot of money.  Think what
 they spend on the engines of war.    I feel it is
 worthwhile to see the pundit project through to its end. 
 Damn you and this
 scurrilous FFL posting too as if it was any fact and
 newsworthy; all
 these deceiving anti-science folks and Geezer too for
 starting this
 thread too should be strung up by their you-know-whats.  The
 lack of
 respect for  professionalism here is appalling and so
 unfair.  It pisses
 me off when posting on FFL has to descend to this
 The transcending meditative state:  A unitive experience
 that is
 within the human ontology.  It is awesome.  The Unified
 Field.  It
 should not be discounted that It is true.  All we are
 saying is let's give Peace a chance,-U.S. Buck in the Dome
 More than 30
 Indian publications in the US and abroad have retracted the
 wildly inaccurate article about the Vedic Pandits that they
 had picked up from a Chicago Indian
    Yep, Damned
 Muck-Rakers.  Did not fact check their
 sources.  That is the problem with sensational journalism
 and the
 LEnglish5 writes:
 Oprah Winfrey did a TV show about Fairfield, and
 part of that show as about the Vedic Pandits. The living and
 working conditions could be seen in the TV
 No news
 article has bothered to do any fact checking on this issue.
 Certainly, no news article has bothered to link to the Oprah
 TV footage.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I suggest you go to one of the community colleges you are always yapping about 
Richie and take a reading comprehension course. Obviously Sal said the TMO is 
exploiting the Indians to give THEMSELVES a better life - i.e. the TMO people 
get advantages by taking advantage of the Indians - he didn't mean the pundits 
were coming here to get a better life in that sentence

 Don't jump on that particular "Ricky train". He just says shit and we have 
been advised not to take him seriously. He only takes himself seriously, very, 
very seriously, when he runs his schtick on us.
 On Thu, 2/13/14, salyavin808 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:21 PM
 LOL, is that what they're doing, getting an
 education? Well spun, you should work in the TM press
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 On 2/13/2014
 10:29 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I find the idea of
 keeping a bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope 
 > of giving yourselves a better life to be astoundingly
 There are probably a million foreign
 students living and working in the 
 U.S. and in Canada. Around here, there are thousands of
 immigrants from 
 India and Mexico. What would you have them do, leave their
 religion and 
 their culture behind just because they want to get an
 education in the 
 US? Go figure. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 7:09 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
> It pisses me off when posting on FFL has to descend to this level.
So, let's review what we know:

All the pundit boys are accounted for and there are no unaccounted for 
pundit boys in Vedic City, IA.

Are we agreed so far?

According to my sources, all the pundit boys not only get a stipend and 
a free education, but they get free room and board in a place that by 
comparison to where they came  from,  is a mansion. They probably all 
get smartphones, radios, and a TV as well. All they have to do is 
meditate a few times a day and chant OM. Sweet!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 3:51 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> learning things of no value except to people like you who think they 
> will have a better life from having someone do a bit of chanting on 
> their behalf.
Don't you just hate those Hindus!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 5:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> the whole concept stinks to high heaven.
Maybe we should just ban all religious ceremonies. I mean, who do those 
Hindu Pundits think they are coming over here and burning all that punk 
- they think that's going to send a message up to God? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 6:40 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> The only thing they teach 'em is how to recite the vedas, a job that 
> is shit in India unless you are one of the fat cats that run the 
> places that hoodwink the dummy Americans, Canadians and Europeans to 
> give them big money to chant for 'em to no avail, the ashram owners 
> get the bucks and the pundits who do the actual chants get to eat.
Sounds like a pretty fair deal for chanting and learning the Vedas, if 
the food is good.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 6:49 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> one can't have higher states of consciousness unless one has the magic 
> juice produced in the belly
The primary ingredient in TM's bio-chemical labratory is serotonin: A 
chemical, 5-hydroxytryptamine, produced during the practice of TM. The 
substance seratonin has been shown, in scientific studies, to be 
connected with alterations of mood in the human brain. For example, 
seratonin factors in the condition called 'migrain syndrome', that is, 
acute or chronic headache. Since seratonin occurs naturaly it has been 
difficult to regulate. With TM the practioner is able to alter, at will, 
physiological functions in the human body, specificaly the chemical 
seratonin uptake.

Work cited:

'Victory Before War'
By Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., and Jay Marcus
MUM Press, 2005
p. 125

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 6:38 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> the TMO people get advantages by taking advantage of the Indians
You are not even making any sense - the TMO people ARE Indians.

[FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
What a bunch of ninnies. The pundit project is scientific research in 
consciousness. Based on experience observation we got hypothesis and testing 
going on. Have some fucking patience for the scientific process. As an 
investment for peace then science and basic research can take a lot of money.  
Think what they spend on the engines of war.I feel it is highly worthwhile 
to see the pundit project through to its end. Damn you and this scurrilous FFL 
posting too as if it was any fact and newsworthy; all these deceiving 
anti-science folks and Geezer too for starting this thread too should be strung 
up by their you-know-whats. The lack of respect for professionalism here is 
appalling and so unfair. It pisses me off when posting on FFL has to descend to 
this level.

 The transcending meditative state: A unitive experience that is within the 
human ontology. It is awesome. The Unified Field. It should not be discounted 
that It is true.  All we are saying is let's give Peace a chance,
 -U.S. Buck in the Dome


 More than 30 Indian publications in the US and abroad have retracted the 
wildly inaccurate article about the Vedic Pandits that they had picked up from 
a Chicago Indian weekly.

Yep, Damned Muck-Rakers. Did not fact check their sources. That is the 
problem with sensational journalism and the internet.

 geezerfreak posts:


 LEnglish5 writes:

 Oprah Winfrey did a TV show about Fairfield, and part of that show as about 
the Vedic Pandits. The living and working conditions could be seen in the TV 



 No news article has bothered to do any fact checking on this issue. Certainly, 
no news article has bothered to link to the Oprah TV footage.


 . .


Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits Update #2

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 7:01 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I have been searching the Internet
There is no evidence that there are any missing pundit boys in Vedic 
City and no missing pundit boys have been reported.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits Update #2

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
I have been searching the Internet and I have yet to find any news outlets 
retracting the story about the missing pundits, except for the Allvoices one 
referenced in the communique from Hagelin which I suspect was written by a 
TM'er - I mean what objective journalist would refer to a program he or she 
knows nothing about as a "landmark program"?

On Thu, 2/13/14, Rick Archer  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits Update #2
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 4:11 PM
   Dear Supporter of
 the Maharishi Vedic Pandits,More than 30 Indian
 publications in the US and abroad have retracted the wildly
 inaccurate article about the Vedic Pandits that they had
 picked up from a Chicago Indian weekly. This has ranged from
 direct retractions (e.g., below), to publishing the detailed
 text of our responses, to new positive news articles about
 the Pandits.Dr. Prakash
 Shrivastava and Raja Bob LoPinto held 5 days of meetings
 with the Vedic Pandits at the Maharishi Vedic City campus,
 working with them about this situation, educating them about
 the consequences of Pandits going off on their own, and
 addressing any concerns the Pandits have.
 This is already
 having a positive effect. Some Pandits who had left the
 Chicago airport without returning to India have returned to
 Maharishi Vedic City and been given flights home. The vast
 majority of the Vedic Pandits are very dedicated to their
 program and happy with campus life. One special outcome of
 these on-campus meetings was identifying Pandits in
 Maharishi Vedic City who have been in the Movement for 20
 years or more, and forming a council of these senior Pandits
 to give advice and guide the others.Again, thank you for
 your support for the Maharishi Vedic Pandit program and for
 all your kind responses to this current challenge. With this
 situation largely behind us, we are now working to bring
 more Pandits from India to replace those who are going home
 after completing their 2- or 3-year stays in the US.
 Jai Guru
 Dev,Raja John

Re: [FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
Like much of what Marshy said, its made up bullshit - that means that one can't 
have higher states of consciousness unless one has the magic juice produced in 
the belly - what you experience in awareness it not dependent on what you have 
in your stomach. It was one of Marshy's bullshit attempts to keep his pet 
scientists chasing red herrings so he could keep them doing bogus research to 
"prove" TM exists and works as advertised. I have had conversations with some 
of the men and women who grew up in the Movement - what many of them 
experienced was beyond the pale - I guess none of their parents had too much 
soma or they would have known their kids needed them at home instead of zoning 
out in the Domes. 

On Thu, 2/13/14, jr_...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 10:21 PM
 I believe MMY believed soma actually exist as a
 chemical in the stomach of advanced meditators.  This
 chemical is the source of bliss that meditators experience
 as part of the meditation practice.  As such, the
 meditators are favored by the demigods since they too are
 seeking for this soma or amrita, the food of the
 He invited researchers to work on this to
 discover the chemical involved.  But I don't know
 if this research was actually undertaken.
 David Frawley wrote about this aspect of soma in
 relation with meditation in a book he published a few years

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
I know one initiator whose wife has a lot of health problems - he has paid the 
Movement thousands for health yagyas - ain't done shit. 

On Thu, 2/13/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:27 PM
   You really are an utterly shameless apologist.
 Luckily everyone else can read and understand and don't
 have to rely on your delusions. I might just try and add up
 the amount of money that people that just I know have spent
 on prayers performed by your schoolboys. I'll need a big
 calculator though...
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 On 2/13/2014
 10:51 AM, geezerfreak@...
  > Precisely! Follow the
 money people, follow the money ...
 He's dead, Geezer. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
what education? The only thing they teach 'em is how to recite the vedas, a job 
that is shit in India unless you are one of the fat cats that run the places 
that hoodwink the dummy Americans, Canadians and Europeans to give them big 
money to chant for 'em to no avail, the ashram owners get the bucks and the 
pundits who do the actual chants get to eat.

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:26 PM
   On 2/13/2014 10:52 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > if they would do some sort of profit sharing with the
 You mean other than the cash stipend, the free room and
 board and the 
 free education?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
I suggest you go to one of the community colleges you are always yapping about 
Richie and take a reading comprehension course. Obviously Sal said the TMO is 
exploiting the Indians to give THEMSELVES a better life - i.e. the TMO people 
get advantages by taking advantage of the Indians - he didn't mean the pundits 
were coming here to get a better life in that sentence

On Thu, 2/13/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:21 PM
   LOL, is that what they're doing, getting an
 education? Well spun, you should work in the TM press
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 On 2/13/2014
 10:29 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
  > I find the idea of
 keeping a bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope 
 > of giving yourselves a better life to be astoundingly
 There are probably a million foreign
 students living and working in the 
 U.S. and in Canada. Around here, there are thousands of
 immigrants from 
 India and Mexico. What would you have them do, leave their
 religion and 
 their culture behind just because they want to get an
 education in the 
 US? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I wonder why Barry assumes I never met Robin.

So Bhairitu, you think Barry is "just kidding" with this post? He seems awfully 
"wound up" to me. There's always tremendous negative energy behind his 
demonizations of Robin or Ann or me or others he doesn't like. It's as if he 
was fighting for his very survival, the poor guy. 

 He isn't "kidding," but he might as well be. He styles himself as the "expert" 
on Judy Stein, but in fact he knows nothing about me other than what I've said 
on FFL, and he even misrepresents that. Whenever he tries to guess, he gets it 
wrong. This post of his is no exception.

 Remember what Barry said about his therapist telling him that the person 
suffering from NPD "makes it up as they go along"? If that isn't a perfect 
description of Barry himself, I can't imagine what is. Even Xeno admitted that 
Barry doesn't care anything about being truthful or accurate, and that's 
certainly borne out by this post, as well as countless others that preceded it.

 I think your "arms length" comment kinda says it all, Steve. That's just what 
"armchair seekers" like Judy DO. They never actually DO anything much to 
further their own self discovery...they just read about other people's, and 
then argue about the stuff they think about it. 
One of the reasons that some of these "armchair seekers" purposefully keep from 
meeting the teachers they supposedly "study with" is that it's easier to 
preserve one's cherished fantasies about them if you've never met them. She did 
this with Maharishi, and she did it with Robin. She can continue to believe all 
the fantasies she's developed about both of them without fear of contradiction, 
because she's never exposed herself to the possibility of contradiction. Both 
of these guys -- or her impressions of them -- are tucked away in an elaborate 
fantasy cubbyhole in her mind, placed on a pedestal of honor there, and because 
she never has (or will) encounter the reality of them, she gets to call this 
fantasy "truth." Anyone who disagrees with the fantasy is a "liar." 

As has been pointed out here, Judy has arguably the *least* actual "hands on" 
spiritual experience of anyone on this forum. She's only done one short 
"rounding course" (which she, of course, considers "long"), she never became a 
teacher (and thus had to put other people's welfare ahead of her own), and she 
never met Maharishi. She never even met the Robin guy she claims to be the 
resident expert on. The only things she "knows" are the fantasies running 
around in her head. But to her those fantasies are so cherished and she *needs* 
them so much to keep on keepin' on that any challenge to them is perceived as a 
challenge to herself, her self, her very being. Challenging her idealized 
notions of Robin are (from her point of view) like attacking *her*, so of 
course she has to "take them seriously." If anyone were to believe more 
objective points of view expressed here about the guy, they'd begin to 
challenge her posturing as "the expert." And she simply cannot allow that. 

Barry you are such an outstandingly boring boor. Give us something to want to 
read about, step it up, man. You make me positively snooze with your same old, 
same old. Are you really this uninteresting? Is it possible anyone can find it 
fulfilling to continually write like you do about the things that you do? Are 
you really so bereft of originality and is your concern with making shit up 
about the same old person you have been obsessed with for all these years still 
your primary life's drive? Thank God you truly are a freak of nature. More than 
one of you per 100 square miles would be grounds for dropping some sort of 
nuclear warhead on the area. 

 From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:00 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and 
   Excellent points.  For most of us, it is just a chat room. A place to banter 
 And so, it is sort of jarring when someone like Judy takes everything so 
seriously and personally.  Like it squeezes most of the fun out of it.  
 Of course you will never convince her of that.  She views herself as the 
staunch upholder of truth and justice, and there is no battle too small for her 
to fight.  Just like what she is going to say in response to this post.
 The internet age was made for her in some ways as it is easier to be friends 
with someone, or maintain an alliance when you can remain at arms length.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the

[FairfieldLife] RE: Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq

 That's a good analogy.  The venom, that the snake emitted during the churning 
of the ocean, could represent the stress being released in the person's brain 
during the practice of meditation.  But somehow the stress release is cleansed 
by the Impulse of Intelligence represented by Shiva who drank the venom from 
the milk ocean.

 Thus, the sadhus of India drink hard liquor like whiskey as a form of worship 
to Shiva.  So, one can probably use this story as an excuse for  for drinking 
Jack Daniels or Chivas Regal at the local tavern.

 Using another tradition, Santos Bonacci lectures that the ark of the covenant 
actually represents the two halve's of the human brain.  Thus, the sojourn of 
the Hebrews from Egypt to the land of Canaan represents the rise of the 
kundalini from the root chakra to the crown chakra.


Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
I'll pass that on to Gov. Nikki - I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

On Thu, 2/13/14, jr_...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:19 PM
   Hey MJ,
 Carrying loaded guns is not going to win the
 Superbowl and the support of Nature.  You guys need to
 pass the bhong laws to win the Superbowl just like the State
 of Washington.  If the people start smoking weed, then
 Shiva may bestow his blessings on you all.
 IMO, Peyton Manning should wear his hair in
 dreadlocks so that the Broncos can win the Superbowl next

Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
nah - the mall or to church would be more my speed

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:40 PM
   On 2/13/2014 12:19 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > I can't wait till I can strap on my American Eagle
 50 caliber and go 
 > strut around. 
 You could go to the mall or a movie theater or an elementary
 school and 
 strut around with the ammo belt around your neck. Yeah,
 that's the ticket!

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 14-Feb-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-02-13 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/08/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
822 messages as of (UTC) 02/14/14 00:13:07

149 authfriend
 97 awoelflebater
 90 Richard J. Williams 
 72 steve.sundur
 62 Share Long 
 49 Michael Jackson 
 44 salyavin808 
 37 TurquoiseB 
 34 Bhairitu 
 28 jr_esq
 27 dhamiltony2k5
 24 Pundit Sir 
 18 nablusoss1008 
 17 Mike Dixon 
 11 cardemaister
 11 anartaxius
  9 s3raphita
  8 yifuxero
  7 bhairitu 
  6 emptybill
  4 TurquoiseBee 
  4 LEnglish5
  3 Rick Archer 
  2 turquoiseb
  2 geezerfreak
  2 doctordumbass
  2 Joe 
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 merudanda 
  1 martyboi
Posters: 30
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 What's funny about this is that I posted my comment yesterday morning and it 
only showed up on the web site in the evening.  It came through by mail 
yesterday morning.  The NSA must be really busy these days. :-D 
 Perhaps it depends on one's pedigree.  Some folks I met during my time in TM 
apparently went to "finishing schools" and their gatherings were a bit snobbish 
if not uncomfortable.  I would guess they would not feel comfortable at one of 
my "anything goes" table chats at Starbucks.

What a funny concept, "finishing schools" are. I think you are dating yourself 
by bringing them up. Most people born after 1970 wouldn't know what you meant 
by that term. I am pretty sure no one currently at FFL ever went to one and as 
for pedigrees, those are for dogs and farm animals.
 On 02/12/2014 09:02 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 I like to think of this place as if we are sitting around a table at 
Starbucks.  First off, most folks at the table wouldn't get so wound up on 
assertions because they would know the asserter is just kidding them.  And we 
would hope that before someone replied they didn't say, "just a minute" as they 
looked up something online on their phone or tablet.  That would be a really 
bogged down conversation, hmm.  :-D 

 I would like to think if we were all sitting at Starbucks together we would 
have enough respect for each other that we would be willing to reveal enough of 
what is real and true about ourselves in a way that does not infringe, 
compromise or inappropriately offend others. It would also be nice to think 
that the parameters that bind us when we are together in person are not 
different from how we would conduct ourselves online. Many times I feel some 
take liberties via internet forums that they would not so readily adopt in 
person. Or, at least, I certainly hope they wouldn't adopt in 3D because some 
here need to learn some real manners. In the real world some people here would 
remain friendless and wouldn't be invited a second time to the gathering at 
 On 02/12/2014 07:39 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?



[FairfieldLife] RE: Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread martyboi
On my siddhis course (20+ years ago) the administrator said the  grinding rocks 
were analogies for the two hemispheres of the brain.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
LOL, me? Are you kidding, not a penny! I can spot a scam a mile away, you have 
to get up pretty early to catch me out, but yagyas! FFS, the whole concept 
stinks to high heaven. I'm embarrassed for you.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 2:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I might just try and add up the amount of money that people that just 
 > I know have spent on prayers performed by your schoolboys.
 So, how much money have you donated to the MMY pandit project?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808

 Me? Are you kidding, not a penny. I can spot a scam from miles away. From the 
first time I heard about it I thought No way, it's rubbish, I'm surprised they 
get away with it.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 2:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I might just try and add up the amount of money that people that just 
 > I know have spent on prayers performed by your schoolboys.
 So, how much money have you donated to the MMY pandit project?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
Most likely the Bible is just a collection of old trader's tales that 
finally got written down. What remains today is most likely far from 
what existed originally. I've never given it much credence other than it 
being a book of tales some useful as moral examples.

On 02/13/2014 12:53 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

  The Old Testament's made-up camels are a problem for Zionism

The earliest camel bones have been dated at 1,500 years after Genesis 
– which undermines Zionists' promised land narrative

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808

 Me? Are you kidding, not a penny. I can spot a scam from miles away. From the 
first time I heard about it I thought No way, it's rubbish, I'm surprised they 
get away with it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 2:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I might just try and add up the amount of money that people that just 
 > I know have spent on prayers performed by your schoolboys.
 So, how much money have you donated to the MMY pandit project?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq

 That was a nice article.  Thanks for posting.  The more we know about these 
exoplanets, the more we'll understand them.  In the long run, they'll teach us 
about ourselves.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq

 I believe MMY believed soma actually exist as a chemical in the stomach of 
advanced meditators.  This chemical is the source of bliss that meditators 
experience as part of the meditation practice.  As such, the meditators are 
favored by the demigods since they too are seeking for this soma or amrita, the 
food of the gods.

 He invited researchers to work on this to discover the chemical involved.  But 
I don't know if this research was actually undertaken.

 David Frawley wrote about this aspect of soma in relation with meditation in a 
book he published a few years ago.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread cardemaister
FWIW, the 3rd letter of Hebrew alphabet is 'gimmel', meaning 'camel'...


[FairfieldLife] RE: The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
Yeah, the exodus never happened either, at least not how it was written anyway. 
You can tell because there aren't any sites in the Sinai desert of that age. I 
doubt much of it would survive close scrutiny, except Genesis obviously. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Archaeology and religion never seem to agree, and the evidence that the 
religious conception of the history of Palistine seems to be more and more 
unlikely. One site that the religious would probably find particularly annoying 
has the hypothesis that the Persians basically created Judaism. 

 Judaism was created by the Persians in the fifth century. Colonists were 
deported into Yehud. Their reward was to have control of a temple state which 
collected taxes for Persia. Only priests of the temple state were Jews - a 
nation of priests. The history of the Jews was invented from Assyrian records 
and imagination, to show the native people as apostates who had to obey God 
diligently to atone for their past failings.


 Modern archaeologists have dug down to the roots of the bible stories and 
found them rotten. If David once lived, but not as in the bible, the biblical 
stories about him are fiction. Critical scholars consider that Genesis-Judges 
contains no reliable history. Even biblicists accept miraculously early stories 
were edited 'rather late'. The Jewish bible is a pious fraud, containing a 
little history hard to discern among the fiction, propagated for theological 
reasons. Only scripture corroborated by archaeological scholarship should be 
accepted as history. The Persian period is the earliest admissible context for 
the biblical romance. Biblicists accuse any critic of the bible as extreme 
until they accept it as the true account of God’s finger waggling in Jewish 
history. Most university departments of biblical studies employ committed 
evangelists not skeptics, so religious history is not history. History is 
scientific. Religious history is tendentious.

 It is a rather extensive argument beginning at



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Share Long
noozguru and Richard, if youtube is us, then why the heck can't I find what I 
just posted there? Mr first youtube and I can't even figure out how to find it! 
Go figure!

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:34 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
"YouTube people" is us.  You have a smart phone with a camera don't you?  My 
phone takes 1080p HD and has a wide angle lens (instead of a 52mm standard like 
point and shoots).  I also have other HD cameras.

I suspect that folks who read like they would kill each other on
  FFL would just be laughing together.

On 02/13/2014 11:52 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

>We could all meet at Starbucks in Austin and get those YouTube people down 
>here to film it and put it online.
>It would be an interesting meeting but seriously, I doubt
  if Judy would be invited and still get all the others to
  show up for the meeting. But, assuming she did show up,
  after Barry started the yelling and Buck upset the table,
  I don't see anyone defending her - maybe if Ann wore her
  boots she might try kicking Share in the shin or
  something. Go figure.
>But, seriously I can see Mike Dixon maybe slinging some
  mashed potatoes at Judy and I'm pretty sure MJ would get a
  pie in his face hole. There's no telling what Xeno or
  Curtis would do. I don't know if I could resist tripping
  someone like Robin as they tried to run out the door to
  the parking lot. I'd hope that people would come to their
  senses before someone had to call the cops and a
  bambulance. LoL!
>On 2/13/2014 9:22 AM, Share Long wrote:
>>That's it, Richard! I'm moving to Austin and hanging out at Starbuck's! But 
>>might visit Whole Foods now and then, just to stock up on Larabars and quinoa 
>>On Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
>> wrote:
>>On 2/12/2014 11:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>In the real world some people here would remain friendless and wouldn't be 
>>invited a second time to the gathering at Starbucks.
>>It would be a strange meeting at
Starbucks to be invited for coffee
if you'd just been called a dumb
hick, a perv, a liar, an idiot, a
troll, and lower than slime and you
were being shunned for your
political POV and your place of
birth by the group leaders. If that
happened at a Starbucks up in
Austin, there would be at least be
some table-turning and a food fight
before taking it out in the parking
lot. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
Yes Tricky Dicky, learning things of no value except to people like you who 
think they will have a better life from having someone do a bit of chanting on 
their behalf. It's a crock, I'm sorry you had to hear it here first.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 2:21 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > is that what they're doing, getting an education?
 All Indian pandits go to school - probably their entire lives are 
 devoted to learning.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread anartaxius
Archaeology and religion never seem to agree, and the evidence that the 
religious conception of the history of Palistine seems to be more and more 
unlikely. One site that the religious would probably find particularly annoying 
has the hypothesis that the Persians basically created Judaism. 

 Judaism was created by the Persians in the fifth century. Colonists were 
deported into Yehud. Their reward was to have control of a temple state which 
collected taxes for Persia. Only priests of the temple state were Jews - a 
nation of priests. The history of the Jews was invented from Assyrian records 
and imagination, to show the native people as apostates who had to obey God 
diligently to atone for their past failings.


 Modern archaeologists have dug down to the roots of the bible stories and 
found them rotten. If David once lived, but not as in the bible, the biblical 
stories about him are fiction. Critical scholars consider that Genesis-Judges 
contains no reliable history. Even biblicists accept miraculously early stories 
were edited 'rather late'. The Jewish bible is a pious fraud, containing a 
little history hard to discern among the fiction, propagated for theological 
reasons. Only scripture corroborated by archaeological scholarship should be 
accepted as history. The Persian period is the earliest admissible context for 
the biblical romance. Biblicists accuse any critic of the bible as extreme 
until they accept it as the true account of God’s finger waggling in Jewish 
history. Most university departments of biblical studies employ committed 
evangelists not skeptics, so religious history is not history. History is 
scientific. Religious history is tendentious.

 It is a rather extensive argument beginning at


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
"YouTube people" is us.  You have a smart phone with a camera don't 
you?  My phone takes 1080p HD and has a wide angle lens (instead of a 
52mm standard like point and shoots).  I also have other HD cameras.

I suspect that folks who read like they would kill each other on FFL 
would just be laughing together.

On 02/13/2014 11:52 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

We could all meet at Starbucks in Austin and get those YouTube people 
down here to film it and put it online.

It would be an interesting meeting but seriously, I doubt if Judy 
would be invited and still get all the others to show up for the 
meeting. But, assuming she did show up, after Barry started the 
yelling and Buck upset the table, I don't see anyone defending her - 
maybe if Ann wore her boots she might try kicking Share in the shin or 
something. Go figure.

But, seriously I can see Mike Dixon maybe slinging some mashed 
potatoes at Judy and I'm pretty sure MJ would get a pie in his face 
hole. There's no telling what Xeno or Curtis would do. I don't know if 
I could resist tripping someone like Robin as they tried to run out 
the door to the parking lot. I'd hope that people would come to their 
senses before someone had to call the cops and a bambulance. LoL!

On 2/13/2014 9:22 AM, Share Long wrote:
That's it, Richard! I'm moving to Austin and hanging out at 
Starbuck's! But might visit Whole Foods now and then, just to stock 
up on Larabars and quinoa (-:

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 2/12/2014 11:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com 
In the real world some people here would remain friendless and 
wouldn't be invited a second time to the gathering at Starbucks.

It would be a strange meeting at Starbucks to be invited for coffee 
if you'd just been called a dumb hick, a perv, a liar, an idiot, a 
troll, and lower than slime and you were being shunned for your 
political POV and your place of birth by the group leaders. If that 
happened at a Starbucks up in Austin, there would be at least be some 
table-turning and a food fight before taking it out in the parking 
lot. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
U-Verse or something else?  Did I read that they are doing a community 
fiber in Austin?  I have U-Verse and the fiber terminates about 1/2 
block away so it is copper from there to the pole.  Not much of any 
problem but it is overpriced.   They should have done community fiber 
here but we would have needed a hipper city council for that.

On 02/13/2014 12:35 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/13/2014 11:55 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Did you dump TWC for broadband too?
We've still got the AT&T DSL at the place in San Antonio. When we move
to Austin we will get on the fiber optic. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/13/2014 3:04 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
Judy has arguably the *least* actual "hands on" spiritual experience 
of anyone on this forum.

Maybe that's to Judy's credit - she was not as gullible as you were for 
example, donating thousands of dollars to MMY and to the Rama guy - 
spending half of your adult life working to promote a simple set of 
relaxation techniques.  If what you say is true, ou've got very little 
to show for all your money and time. Are you as light as a feather? Can 
you fly, hover or fill whole rooms with golden light?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 2:53 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> The earliest camel bones have been dated at 1,500 years after Genesis 
> – which undermines Zionists' promised land narrative
It's probably not a good idea to equate historical archaeology with 
ancient political propaganda. Apparently all the semitic-speaking people 
originated in the the Levant, descended from the Cannanites, the native 
inhabitants. The Canaanites were, if anyone, the original people of 
Canaan, not the Philistines who came much later.

But, it is a fact that the Arabs came after the Philistines, who were 
assimilated into the Canaanite society. The Bible attributes the name to 
Canaan, the son of Ham and the grandson of Noah, whose offspring 
correspond to the names of various ethnic groups in the land of Canaan, 
listed in the "Table of Nations" (Gen. 10), where Sidon is named as his 
firstborn son, to be subdued by the descendents of Shem.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 2:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> I might just try and add up the amount of money that people that just 
> I know have spent on prayers performed by your schoolboys.
So, how much money have you donated to the MMY pandit project?

[FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread authfriend
You must be very selective in the posts by Barry that you read. You're a piker 
compared to him. Did you see his post this morning? Its viciousness (and 
inaccuracy) is typical. 

 Your experience with making and keeping friends "live" vs. electronically is 
most definitely not the same as mine.

 Did you notice all the mind-reading in your first post (quoted below, in blue) 
in this sequence?

 << It's funny you should say this about me without including Barry, whose 
attacks on those he doesn't like are almost all dead serious. It just an area 
where we have a difference of opinion.  In general, I think Barry's approach to 
the site more or less mirrors mine which is to give people ample space to 
express their opinions, and not necessarily press too hard if there is a 


 As to the Internet being "made for me," what makes you think all my friends 
are electronic-only?

 I mean only that it may be easier to form alliances or remain friendly, 
electronically, where that may not be the case in person.  I don't assume that 
all your friends are electronic only.  >>

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Excellent points.  For most of us, it is just a chat room. A place to banter 
about. And so, it is sort of jarring when someone like Judy takes everything so 
seriously and personally.  Like it squeezes most of the fun out of it.  
 Of course you will never convince her of that.  She views herself as the 
staunch upholder of truth and justice, and there is no battle too small for her 
to fight.  Just like what she is going to say in response to this post.
 The internet age was made for her in some ways as it is easier to be friends 
with someone, or maintain an alliance when you can remain at arms length.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 2:21 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> is that what they're doing, getting an education?
All Indian pandits go to school - probably their entire lives are 
devoted to learning.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 1:57 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:
> this is a parable about meditation which tells of its many benefits, 
> the greatest of which is Amrit, the elixir of life.  Along the way, 
> the asuras got disturbed in the churning when the apsaras appeared. 
>  As such, the gods obtained more benefits such as the appearances of 
> Dhanvantari and Shri, the beautiful Goddess.  Eventually, Vishnu 
> awarded the amrit to the gods.
The most popular version this myth, The Churning of the Milk Ocean, is 
found in the Eighth Canto of the Bhagavata Purana. In Buddhist 
mythology, "amrita" is the "Nectar of the Gods", which grants them 
immortality. The Ninth Mandala of the Rigveda is known as the Soma 
Mandala. In this epoch Dhanvantari, the physician to the gods, first 
appeared during the great churning of the cosmic milk ocean to deliver 
amrta (nectar) for the nourishment of the demigods. The churning of the 
milk ocean is one of the most famous episodes in Puranic history and is 
celebrated in a major way every twelve years in the festival known as 
Kumbha Mela. The story is related in the Srimad Bhagavatam, a major work 
that describes the avataras in great detail.

Soma and Haoma was a ritual drink of importance among the early 
Indo-Iranians, and the later Vedic and Iranian cultures. It is 
frequently mentioned in the Rigveda, which contains many hymns praising 
its energizing or intoxicating qualities. It is described as a decoction 
prepared by pressing juice from the stalks of a certain mountain plant, 
which has been variously hypothesized to be a psychedelic mushroom, 
cannabis, or ephedra.


[FairfieldLife] The Bible was made up?

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
The Old Testament's made-up camels are a problem for Zionism The earliest camel 
bones have been dated at 1,500 years after Genesis – which undermines Zionists' 
promised land narrative


Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 12:19 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I can't wait till I can strap on my American Eagle 50 caliber and go 
> strut around. 
You could go to the mall or a movie theater or an elementary school and 
strut around with the ammo belt around your neck. Yeah, that's the ticket!

[FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread steve.sundur


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 It's funny you should say this about me without including Barry, whose attacks 
on those he doesn't like are almost all dead serious.
 It just an area where we have a difference of opinion.  In general, I think 
Barry's approach to the site more or less mirrors mine which is to give people 
ample space to express their opinions, and not necessarily press too hard if 
there is a disagreement.


 As to the Internet being "made for me," what makes you think all my friends 
are electronic-only?

 I mean only that it may be easier to form alliances or remain friendly, 
electronically, where that may not be the case in person.  I don't assume that 
all your friends are electronic only.  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Excellent points.  For most of us, it is just a chat room. A place to banter 
about. And so, it is sort of jarring when someone like Judy takes everything so 
seriously and personally.  Like it squeezes most of the fun out of it.  
 Of course you will never convince her of that.  She views herself as the 
staunch upholder of truth and justice, and there is no battle too small for her 
to fight.  Just like what she is going to say in response to this post.
 The internet age was made for her in some ways as it is easier to be friends 
with someone, or maintain an alliance when you can remain at arms length.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 11:55 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Did you dump TWC for broadband too?
We've still got the AT&T DSL at the place in San Antonio. When we move 
to Austin we will get on the fiber optic. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/13/2014 11:33 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*That's Eastern Orthodox Christianity, dingbat.*

Robin was an Advaita Vedantin, dingbat.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
You really are an utterly shameless apologist. Luckily everyone else can read 
and understand and don't have to rely on your delusions. I might just try and 
add up the amount of money that people that just I know have spent on prayers 
performed by your schoolboys. I'll need a big calculator though...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 10:51 AM, geezerfreak@... mailto:geezerfreak@... wrote:
 > Precisely! Follow the money people, follow the money ...
 He's dead, Geezer. What money?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 10:52 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> if they would do some sort of profit sharing with the pundits
You mean other than the cash stipend, the free room and board and the 
free education?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 10:51 AM, geezerfr...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Precisely! Follow the money people, follow the money ...
He's dead, Geezer. What money?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 10:31 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> you are still an idiot who can't read - the MUM folks claim NONE of 
> them are under the age of 18
It's still none of your business what Hindu schoolboys do after school, 
no matter what age they are or where they live - it's a free country.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
LOL, is that what they're doing, getting an education? Well spun, you should 
work in the TM press office.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 10:29 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I find the idea of keeping a bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope 
 > of giving yourselves a better life to be astoundingly offensive.
 There are probably a million foreign students living and working in the 
 U.S. and in Canada. Around here, there are thousands of immigrants from 
 India and Mexico. What would you have them do, leave their religion and 
 their culture behind just because they want to get an education in the 
 US? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq
Hey MJ, 

 Carrying loaded guns is not going to win the Superbowl and the support of 
Nature.  You guys need to pass the bhong laws to win the Superbowl just like 
the State of Washington.  If the people start smoking weed, then Shiva may 
bestow his blessings on you all.

 IMO, Peyton Manning should wear his hair in dreadlocks so that the Broncos can 
win the Superbowl next year.

Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 10:31 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> we gone have it better here - when Gov. Nikki gits through, we gone 
> have the right to carry openly or concealed any kinder weapon we wants 
> ta, without no tranin' neither! - bang bang, bam bam! What a fine 
> state to live in!
If you are insane or if you are a convicted criminal you cannot own a 
firearm in SC or in IA. And, it is against a federal law that you cannot 
own a machine gun or saw off the end of your shotgun. However, if you do 
prefer to be armed with a pistol I would suggest that in public you 
conceal your weapon - never show your gun unless you plan to use it to 
defend yourself. In fact, the best plan would be to never tell anyone 
you even carry a pistol on your person or keep one in your car or at 
your home. According to Sun Tzu in the Art of War, the best line of 
defense is to have no enemies. That being said, the last place you would 
want to be is in a gun fight without a gun. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-13 Thread Share Long
John, here's an inspiring article about a woman who searches for exoplanets.


On Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:02 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  
They may exist around suns that are considered red dwarfs.  Life in them could 
be strange, such as plants with black leaves in order to gather sunlight for 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 10:29 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
> I find the idea of keeping a bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope 
> of giving yourselves a better life to be astoundingly offensive.
There are probably a million foreign students living and working in the 
U.S. and in Canada. Around here, there are thousands of immigrants from 
India and Mexico. What would you have them do, leave their religion and 
their culture behind just because they want to get an education in the 
US? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Churning the Ocean of Milk

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq
IMO, this is a parable about meditation which tells of its many benefits, the 
greatest of which is Amrit, the elixir of life.  Along the way, the asuras got 
disturbed in the churning when the apsaras appeared.  As such, the gods 
obtained more benefits such as the appearances of Dhanvantari and Shri, the 
beautiful Goddess.  Eventually, Vishnu awarded the amrit to the gods. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
We could all meet at Starbucks in Austin and get those YouTube people 
down here to film it and put it online.

It would be an interesting meeting but seriously, I doubt if Judy would 
be invited and still get all the others to show up for the meeting. But, 
assuming she did show up, after Barry started the yelling and Buck upset 
the table, I don't see anyone defending her - maybe if Ann wore her 
boots she might try kicking Share in the shin or something. Go figure.

But, seriously I can see Mike Dixon maybe slinging some mashed potatoes 
at Judy and I'm pretty sure MJ would get a pie in his face hole. There's 
no telling what Xeno or Curtis would do. I don't know if I could resist 
tripping someone like Robin as they tried to run out the door to the 
parking lot. I'd hope that people would come to their senses before 
someone had to call the cops and a bambulance. LoL!

On 2/13/2014 9:22 AM, Share Long wrote:
That's it, Richard! I'm moving to Austin and hanging out at 
Starbuck's! But might visit Whole Foods now and then, just to stock up 
on Larabars and quinoa (-:

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 2/12/2014 11:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com 
In the real world some people here would remain friendless and 
wouldn't be invited a second time to the gathering at Starbucks.

It would be a strange meeting at Starbucks to be invited for coffee if 
you'd just been called a dumb hick, a perv, a liar, an idiot, a troll, 
and lower than slime and you were being shunned for your political POV 
and your place of birth by the group leaders. If that happened at a 
Starbucks up in Austin, there would be at least be some table-turning 
and a food fight before taking it out in the parking lot. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] The coldest place in the universe...

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
"Here’s one of the coolest sentences you’ll ever read: The International Space 
Station will soon be the coldest place in the known universe. A new instrument 
that will be sent to the ISS, called the Cold Atom Lab, will reach temperatures 
as low as 100 picokelvin — 100 trillionths of a degree above absolute zero. As 
matter approaches absolute zero, it starts to exhibit some very odd, rather 
quantum behavior." 


[FairfieldLife] Re: More About Badrinath

2014-02-13 Thread Pundit Sir
My Journey to India 2011 - Badarikashrama - The Mountain Home of God

[image: Inline image 1]

"At holy places you don't have to wait for miracles - they are all around

Diaries by Sacinandana Swami:

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> A broad stairway leads up to a tall arched gateway, which is the main
> entrance. The architecture resembles a Buddhist vihara (temple), with the
> brightly painted facade also more typical of Buddhism temples.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> The main shrine houses the 1 m (3.3 ft) Shaligram (black stone) image of
> Badrinarayan, housed in a gold canopy, under a Badri Tree. The image of
> Badari Narayan is armed with Shankh (conch) and Chakra (wheel) in two of
> his arms in a lifted posture and two arms rested on the lap in Yogamudra
> posture.
> Vishnu in the form of Badrinath, is depicted in the temple sitting in
> padmasana posture. According to the legend, Vishnu was chastised by a sage
> who saw Vishnu's consort Lakshmi massaging his feet. Vishnu went to
> Badrinath to perform austerity, meditating for a long time in padmasana.
> Source:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badrinath_temple

[FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq
They may exist around suns that are considered red dwarfs.  Life in them could 
be strange, such as plants with black leaves in order to gather sunlight for 


Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
Pretty much - there is in the capitol city of Columbia a neighborhood called 
Five Points - a lot of restaurants and bars that cater to the University of SC 
students - there have been a lot of incidents of violence, robberies, rapes, a 
few shootings there and some of the shootings happened with guys who were 
packing with no permit and no training, the very thing Gov Nikki thinks is a 
cool thing.

Her deal is she wants to be the first female President of the US and loves to 
get the NRA on her side. She is a Sikh by birth but claims to have given it up 
and become born agin after she married her white Protestant hubby. I have had 
dealings with her sister - beautiful Sikh woman who is as unprincipled as her 
sister. She is a big New Ager and has alienated nearly everyone I know who had 
dealings with her. 

Of course, Gov. Nikki isn't the one who introduced the proposed law, that was 
one of our new state legislators, a Republican. As it is, SC citizens can now 
carry loaded weapons into restaurants and bars, as long as they don't consume 
alcohol. Not to many bar owners think its a good idea, but hey, when we can all 
carry open or concealed, it will be much more better. I saw that out in Arizona 
and New Mexico years ago. I can't wait till I can strap on my American Eagle 50 
caliber and go strut around.  

On Thu, 2/13/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 5:13 PM
 So South
 Carolina will become "The Wild
   East"?  :-D 
   On 02/13/2014 08:31 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 we gone have it better here - when Gov. Nikki
   through, we gone have the right to carry
 openly or
   concealed any kinder weapon we wants ta,
 without no
   tranin' neither! - bang bang, bam bam!
 What a fine state
   to live in!
   On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina
 Governor is
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 3:37 PM
   On 2/13/2014 5:53 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   > The main most reason to live in South
   of Iowa
   It's probably not the only reason to live
 in Iowa -
   there's also the 
   weather. From what I've read, Iowa allows
 open carry
   after applicants 
   successfully complete an approved training
   Apparently Iowa will 
   honor any valid permit issued by any other
 state. Persons
   not have to 
   be a resident of the state from which the
 permit was
   However, an 
   Iowa resident must have an Iowa Permit To
 Carry in order
   carry a firearm on his or her person in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-13 Thread Share Long
Richard, I've just been reading a book of Mother Meera. She says: It is the law 
that the human has to change in order to unite with the Divine. Maybe she 
doesn't use an orthodox system but I think she's pretty enlightened! She also 
writes a lot about Paramatman. I wonder how that's different from Brahman.

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 11:28 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 2/9/2014 9:45 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/8/2014 9:21 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
>Neither Eastern Orthodox nor Western Christianity permit the view that humans 
>can become ontologically one with God. That remains the "seperative divide" 
>between Eastern and Western religions.
>What "Eastern Orthodox" philosophy supports the notion that humans
  can ontologically be "one with God"? 
>1. Vedanta
>2. Yoga
>3. Mimamsa
>4. Samkhya
>5. Nyaya
>6. Vaisheshika
>From what I've read, there are no orthodox systems in India that
support the notion of "union with God." There are numerous gods in
Indian mythology such as Krishna and Vishnu;  but there is no
dualist system that I know of that advocates a "union" with god or
the gods. In Vedanta we have the Brahman, not to be confused with
God Brahma, but Brahman is not the Creator God - you can't merge an
unreal existence with the real, the this with That, since you are
already That. 

Maybe it's time to review the Six Orthodox Systems of Indian

1. Vedanta

Sri-Vaishnavism - Vishisht Advaita Vedanta
Tengalai (Southern; Tamil)
Bengalai (Northern; Sanskrit)
Madhva Vaishnavism  - Dvaita Vedanta
Bengali Vaishnavism Bheda-bheda Vedanta
West Indian or Gujarati Vaishnavism - Shuddh Advaita
Smartism - Advaita Vedanta

2. Yoga (Sankhya Dualism)
3. Mimamsa (Vedist Ritualism)
4. Samkhya (Brahmanic Analytical Atheism)
5. Nyaya (Logical Theism)
6. Vaisheshika (Atomic Naturalism)

Works cited:

"Foundations of Hindu Philosophy"
By Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
Philosophical Publishing House 1947
pp. 129-130

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
We know you "cut the cable" as far as TV is concerned.  Did you dump TWC 
for broadband too?  Comcast wants to gobble it up if you've been paying 
attention to the news. The Roberts family must want to own the world.

On 02/13/2014 06:54 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/12/2014 11:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
In the real world some people here would remain friendless and 
wouldn't be invited a second time to the gathering at Starbucks.

It would be a strange meeting at Starbucks to be invited for coffee if 
you'd just been called a dumb hick, a perv, a liar, an idiot, a troll, 
and lower than slime and you were being shunned for your political POV 
and your place of birth by the group leaders. If that happened at a 
Starbucks up in Austin, there would be at least be some table-turning 
and a food fight before taking it out in the parking lot. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
What's funny about this is that I posted my comment yesterday morning 
and it only showed up on the web site in the evening.  It came through 
by mail yesterday morning.  The NSA must be really busy these days. :-D

Perhaps it depends on one's pedigree.  Some folks I met during my time 
in TM apparently went to "finishing schools" and their gatherings were a 
bit snobbish if not uncomfortable.  I would guess they would not feel 
comfortable at one of my "anything goes" table chats at Starbucks.

On 02/12/2014 09:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

I like to think of this place as if we are sitting around a table at 
Starbucks.  First off, most folks at the table wouldn't get so wound 
up on assertions because they would know the asserter is just kidding 
them.  And we would hope that before someone replied they didn't say, 
"just a minute" as they looked up something online on their phone or 
tablet.  That would be a really bogged down conversation, hmm. :-D

I would like to think if we were all sitting at Starbucks together we 
would have enough respect for each other that we would be willing to 
reveal enough of what is real and true about ourselves in a way that 
does not infringe, compromise or inappropriately offend others. It 
would also be nice to think that the parameters that bind us when we 
are together in person are not different from how we would conduct 
ourselves online. Many times I feel some take liberties via internet 
forums that they would not so readily adopt in person. Or, at least, I 
certainly hope they wouldn't adopt in 3D because some here need to 
learn some real manners. In the real world some people here would 
remain friendless and wouldn't be invited a second time to the 
gathering at Starbucks.

On 02/12/2014 07:39 AM, anartaxius@...  wrote:

Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He 
seems mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on 
FFL. And we all know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts 
things he is interested in, occasionally replies to people, and there 
is a certain category of his posting that is designed to keep the 
rats running on their treadmill, a Pavlovian thing. So checking on 
Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he is proffering 
opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask in 
the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if 
he is writing about science for clients. If there other places in his 
life for such concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on 
FFL. This place is for the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur 
sociologists and researchers hanging in here collecting data, but who 
might they be?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-13 Thread authfriend
That's Eastern Orthodox Christianity, dingbat. 

 << Neither Eastern Orthodox nor Western Christianity permit the view that 
humans can become ontologically one with God. That remains the "seperative 
divide" between Eastern and Western religions. >
 What "Eastern Orthodox" philosophy supports the notion that humans can 
ontologically be "one with God"? 
 1. Vedanta
 2. Yoga
 3. Mimamsa
 4. Samkhya
 5. Nyaya
 6. Vaisheshika >> >
 From what I've read, there are no orthodox systems in India that support the 
notion of "union with God." There are numerous gods in Indian mythology such as 
Krishna and Vishnu;  but there is no dualist system that I know of that 
advocates a "union" with god or the gods. In Vedanta we have the Brahman, not 
to be confused with God Brahma, but Brahman is not the Creator God - you can't 
merge an unreal existence with the real, the this with That, since you are 
already That. 
 Maybe it's time to review the Six Orthodox Systems of Indian Philosophy:
 1. Vedanta
 Sri-Vaishnavism - Vishisht Advaita Vedanta
 Tengalai (Southern; Tamil)
 Bengalai (Northern; Sanskrit)
 Madhva Vaishnavism  - Dvaita Vedanta
 Bengali Vaishnavism Bheda-bheda Vedanta
 West Indian or Gujarati Vaishnavism - Shuddh Advaita
 Smartism - Advaita Vedanta
 2. Yoga (Sankhya Dualism)
 3. Mimamsa (Vedist Ritualism)
 4. Samkhya (Brahmanic Analytical Atheism)
 5. Nyaya (Logical Theism)
 6. Vaisheshika (Atomic Naturalism)
 Works cited:
 "Foundations of Hindu Philosophy"
 By Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
 Philosophical Publishing House 1947
 pp. 129-130

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/9/2014 9:45 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/8/2014 9:21 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Neither Eastern Orthodox nor Western Christianity permit the view 
that humans can become ontologically one with God. That remains the 
"seperative divide" between Eastern and Western religions.

What "Eastern Orthodox" philosophy supports the notion that humans can 
ontologically be "one with God"?

1. Vedanta
2. Yoga
3. Mimamsa
4. Samkhya
5. Nyaya
6. Vaisheshika

From what I've read, there are no orthodox systems in India that 
support the notion of "union with God." There are numerous gods in 
Indian mythology such as Krishna and Vishnu;  but there is no dualist 
system that I know of that advocates a "union" with god or the gods. In 
Vedanta we have the Brahman, not to be confused with God Brahma, but 
Brahman is not the Creator God - you can't merge an unreal existence 
with the real, the this with That, since you are already That.

Maybe it's time to review the Six Orthodox Systems of Indian Philosophy:

1. Vedanta

Sri-Vaishnavism - Vishisht Advaita Vedanta
Tengalai (Southern; Tamil)
Bengalai (Northern; Sanskrit)
Madhva Vaishnavism  - Dvaita Vedanta
Bengali Vaishnavism Bheda-bheda Vedanta
West Indian or Gujarati Vaishnavism - Shuddh Advaita
Smartism - Advaita Vedanta

2. Yoga (Sankhya Dualism)
3. Mimamsa (Vedist Ritualism)
4. Samkhya (Brahmanic Analytical Atheism)
5. Nyaya (Logical Theism)
6. Vaisheshika (Atomic Naturalism)

Works cited:

"Foundations of Hindu Philosophy"
By Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
Philosophical Publishing House 1947
pp. 129-130

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread authfriend
Um, yeah, except he figured nobody here was stupid enough to think he was 
serious, given how vanishingly unlikely it was that he would ally himself with 
Barry. And anyone who was that stupid who watched for signs of any 
rapprochement with Barry or opposition to me after that would have had a rude 
awakening and realize how foolish they had been. Good grief, even Barry knew it 
was a gag. 

 Oh, and not to mention that when he responded to my wildly over-the-top 
role-playing in response to his post, he pretended to take me seriously. Not 
even the stupidest people would have failed to realize that what I wrote was a 

 << It's odd, isn't it, that most people here in this "place for the insane" 
nevertheless manage to get their facts straight most of the time and ground 
their opinions in those facts rather than in hallucinatory fantasies and 
deliberate distortions, especially regarding other FFLers. Doesn't mean they 
always get everything right, or that they're always fair, but they do make an 
effort. >
 What's odd is that most of us manage to get our facts straight most of the 
time and ground our facts rather than hallucinatory fantasies and deliberate 
distortions, except Robin when he posts his parodies. It looks like Robin was 
deliberately posting some distortions. So, it's not easy to describe Robin in a 
nut shell - he seems to have come out of his trance-induction state and dealt 
with his psychotic break pretty well - but he is difficult to figure out. These 
days he seems like a nice bunch of guys. Go figure.
 "Judy, I think you an intelligent and well-meaning person; but Curtis and 
Barry and even to some extent, although less passionately, Steve have 
identified what is wrong with you; and I think you must be courageous enough to 
finally examine yourself, since I, who until just now was one of your most 
loyal supporters have undergone an extraordinary change of heart, and have 
admitted to myself that you are the person in the wrong here, that Barry is 
right." - Masked Zebra
http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/topics/300960 >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu

So South Carolina will become "The Wild East"? :-D

On 02/13/2014 08:31 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

we gone have it better here - when Gov. Nikki gits through, we gone 
have the right to carry openly or concealed any kinder weapon we wants 
ta, without no tranin' neither! - bang bang, bam bam! What a fine 
state to live in!

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 3:37 PM

On 2/13/2014 5:53 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> The main most reason to live in South Carolina instead
of Iowa


It's probably not the only reason to live in Iowa -
there's also the

weather. From what I've read, Iowa allows open carry
after applicants

successfully complete an approved training course.
Apparently Iowa will

honor any valid permit issued by any other state. Persons do
not have to

be a resident of the state from which the permit was issued.
However, an

Iowa resident must have an Iowa Permit To Carry in order to

carry a firearm on his or her person in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/12/2014 10:25 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
It's odd, isn't it, that most people here in this "place for the 
insane" nevertheless manage to get their facts straight most of the 
time and ground their opinions in those facts rather than in 
hallucinatory fantasies and deliberate distortions, especially 
regarding other FFLers. Doesn't mean they always get everything right, 
or that they're always fair, but they do make an effort.

What's odd is that most of us manage to get our facts straight most of 
the time and ground our facts rather than hallucinatory fantasies and 
deliberate distortions, except Robin when he posts his parodies. It 
looks like Robin was deliberately posting some distortions. So, it's not 
easy to describe Robin in a nut shell - he seems to have come out of his 
trance-induction state and dealt with his psychotic break pretty well - 
but he is difficult to figure out. These days he seems like a nice bunch 
of guys. Go figure.

"Judy, I think you an intelligent and well-meaning person; but Curtis 
and Barry and even to some extent, although less passionately, Steve 
have identified what is wrong with you; and I think you must be 
courageous enough to finally examine yourself, since I, who until just 
now was one of your most loyal supporters have undergone an 
extraordinary change of heart, and have admitted to myself that you are 
the person in the wrong here, that Barry is right." - Masked Zebra


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV-inspired rap: Some early "Top Of The Lake" impressions

2014-02-13 Thread Bhairitu
Well as somebody once said, "taste is relative and you're no relative of 
mine." :-D

I was more into the storyline especially the bit about dealing with the 
town tyrant.  I also like films just set in other countries.  Campion 
also mocked Hunter's cult a bit in the film. In an earlier Campion film, 
"Sweetie", she mocked another cult. Guess which one?

I was right about "Knights of Badassdom".  There are articles on the web 
about it being "shelved" even after getting a good response at Comic Con.

On 02/13/2014 12:28 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
I have to agree with s3raphita here. Sorry ultrarishi and 
bhairitu...please don't take this personally, but my honest reaction 
to this series was feeling like I needed to take a shower afterwards. 
The worst thing about it was the overriding sense of obsession and 
ickiness that has become Jane Campion's "trademark" in her later 
films. And interestingly enough, it wasn't just the subject matter 
that made it that way. For example, the "Millenium" series of movies 
(starting with "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo") dealt with material 
just as dark, as did "Bron-Broen" in some ways, but I wasn't left with 
the same icky feeling after those films.

On a craftsmanship level, I have to disagree with most of the reviews 
of this film I've read since watching it. I think that the reviewers 
either were swayed by the big names (Campion, Elizabeth Moss, Holly 
Hunter) or they have low standards. The plot was mediocre IMO, even by 
TV detective series standards. The timeline (which took place over 5 
months) was completely messed up, with no real sense of elapsed time 
between scenes, the "whodunnit" was obvious after episode 3, and IMO 
there were almost no real characters. Instead they were 
caricatures...stereotypes with little depth...and I for one found none 
of them believable. Especially Holly Hunter as GJ. As I said before, 
if Campion actually based her on UG Krishnamurti, then her perception 
is *way* off. The only one of the awards it was nominated for that I 
felt was deserved was for cinematography, and even that was a 
no-brainer, because all that the DP had to do was point a camera at 
the beautiful NZ countryside and turn it on.

All in all, color me disappointed. I was hoping that watching it would 
"cure" me of my aversion to Jane Campion, but instead it reinforced 
it. I won't be bothering with any of her films in the future. I really 
*needed* (after the shower) a quick watching of a dumb nerd/horror 
movie ("Knights Of Badassdom") to take the bad taste out of my eyes.

*From:* "s3raph...@yahoo.com" 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, February 13, 2014 12:22 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: TV-inspired rap: Some early "Top Of The 
Lake" impressions

I watched the whole of "Top Of The Lake". It's unpleasant and violent 
with no redeeming or attractive characters. I only watched because of 
the UG guru role to see where that would lead. "Nowhere" is the 
answer. There's no real relationship between the spiritual group and 
the disorder and crime surrounding it so the commune just adds a 
slightly exotic ambience to the drama. You wanted Holly Hunter's 
character to provide an alternative interpretation of the events but 
there is no resolution - just a confirmation of Campion's pessimism.

[FairfieldLife] A Dream of Life (without Gravity)

2014-02-13 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
I agree totally - it might have some decency if they would do some sort of 
profit sharing with the pundits - but given the millions of dollars the TMO 
gets from the yagyas, and the pundits get maybe 50 bucks a month, and even that 
is apparently not given if the man who posted here recently is accurate. What 
an unconscionable con this whole thing is.

On Thu, 2/13/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 4:29 PM
   Are you sure that "think" is the right
 word? The pundits have an average age of 26, according to
 the article we are discussing. But if they were underage I
 would be even more likely to talk about them. I find the
 idea of keeping a bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope of
 giving yourselves a better life to be astoundingly
 Not least because it doesn't actually work,
 as anyone who has thought objectively about it for at least
 a minute will be aware. The amount of people I know who have
 desperately given money in the hope of a turnaround in bad
 circumstances is beyond count. I know disabled people who
 have paid a fortune for these bullshit yagyas. I know
 someone I can't even talk about who gave his life
 savings in exchange for a few prayers that quite obviously
 did nothing. 
 The list is endless, in one way we have to say
 that if God didn't want them sheared he would not have
 made them sheep. On the other hand I can't see a wrong
 without wanting to see it righted. Either prove that this
 superstitious crap works or let the pundits go home or earn
 some money in Fairfield or get them a degree that might mean
 something in the real world.
 What I think is that the whole thing is a scam
 and you should be ashamed for trying to shut down debate
 about it on a public forum. But you are right in that they
 are religious, but they claim to be scientific and that
 makes them fair game.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 On 2/13/2014 8:04
 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
  > I wonder why no one
 in the press questions the purpose of keeping 
 > these people in Iowa?
 It would probably be in the best
 interests of the poor Hindu pandit boys 
 if they were left alone to pray and get an education in
 Vedic City. Most 
 of us here probably think it would be better not to involve
 the children 
 in a sordid FFL debate. There's nothing good going to
 come from 
 discussing the private life of under age children on a
 public forum. It 
 would probably be much better to just leave the children
 alone and raise 
 our own - that's more appropriate and rewarding than
 smearing some 
 religious group in Iowa. That's what I

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread geezerfreak
Precisely! Follow the money people, follow the money ...

[FairfieldLife] MUM isn't the only school that hides it head

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson

[FairfieldLife] "I knew the Beatles were angels on earth... I could never be upset with angels."

2014-02-13 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
you are still an idiot who can't read - the MUM folks claim NONE of them are 
under the age of 18

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 3:09 PM
   On 2/13/2014 8:04 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I wonder why no one in the press questions the purpose
 of keeping 
 > these people in Iowa?
 It would probably be in the best interests of the poor Hindu
 pandit boys 
 if they were left alone to pray and get an education in
 Vedic City. Most 
 of us here probably think it would be better not to involve
 the children 
 in a sordid FFL debate. There's nothing good going to
 come from 
 discussing the private life of under age children on a
 public forum. It 
 would probably be much better to just leave the children
 alone and raise 
 our own - that's more appropriate and rewarding than
 smearing some 
 religious group in Iowa. That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
we gone have it better here - when Gov. Nikki gits through, we gone have the 
right to carry openly or concealed any kinder weapon we wants ta, without no 
tranin' neither! - bang bang, bam bam! What a fine state to live in!

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 3:37 PM
   On 2/13/2014 5:53 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > The main most reason to live in South Carolina instead
 of Iowa
 It's probably not the only reason to live in Iowa -
 there's also the 
 weather. From what I've read, Iowa allows open carry
 after applicants 
 successfully complete an approved training course.
 Apparently Iowa will 
 honor any valid permit issued by any other state. Persons do
 not have to 
 be a resident of the state from which the permit was issued.
 However, an 
 Iowa resident must have an Iowa Permit To Carry in order to
 carry a firearm on his or her person in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread salyavin808
Are you sure that "think" is the right word? The pundits have an average age of 
26, according to the article we are discussing. But if they were underage I 
would be even more likely to talk about them. I find the idea of keeping a 
bunch of foreigners as pets in the hope of giving yourselves a better life to 
be astoundingly offensive. 

 Not least because it doesn't actually work, as anyone who has thought 
objectively about it for at least a minute will be aware. The amount of people 
I know who have desperately given money in the hope of a turnaround in bad 
circumstances is beyond count. I know disabled people who have paid a fortune 
for these bullshit yagyas. I know someone I can't even talk about who gave his 
life savings in exchange for a few prayers that quite obviously did nothing. 

 The list is endless, in one way we have to say that if God didn't want them 
sheared he would not have made them sheep. On the other hand I can't see a 
wrong without wanting to see it righted. Either prove that this superstitious 
crap works or let the pundits go home or earn some money in Fairfield or get 
them a degree that might mean something in the real world.

 What I think is that the whole thing is a scam and you should be ashamed for 
trying to shut down debate about it on a public forum. But you are right in 
that they are religious, but they claim to be scientific and that makes them 
fair game.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 2/13/2014 8:04 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 > I wonder why no one in the press questions the purpose of keeping 
 > these people in Iowa?
 It would probably be in the best interests of the poor Hindu pandit boys 
 if they were left alone to pray and get an education in Vedic City. Most 
 of us here probably think it would be better not to involve the children 
 in a sordid FFL debate. There's nothing good going to come from 
 discussing the private life of under age children on a public forum. It 
 would probably be much better to just leave the children alone and raise 
 our own - that's more appropriate and rewarding than smearing some 
 religious group in Iowa. That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Jackson
then why has John Hagelin said that only 5% of them have gone missing?

On Thu, 2/13/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 2:58 PM
 On 2/13/2014
 6:41 AM,
 Muck-Rakers. Did not fact check their
 There are no missing boy "pandits" in Vedic
 City and apparently the
 living quarters are fit for a king with a free
 education. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: China's Moon Rover Is Kaput

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq

 You've given us a new story line with this post.  It appears that the rover is 
leading us to the rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland.  What's next?

[FairfieldLife] Yoga Pants Not Allowed Here

2014-02-13 Thread jr_esq
So says a high school principal in Massachusetts.  What about meditation? 



[FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread authfriend
It's funny you should say this about me without including Barry, whose attacks 
on those he doesn't like are almost all dead serious. 

 As to the Internet being "made for me," what makes you think all my friends 
are electronic-only?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Excellent points.  For most of us, it is just a chat room. A place to banter 
about. And so, it is sort of jarring when someone like Judy takes everything so 
seriously and personally.  Like it squeezes most of the fun out of it.  
 Of course you will never convince her of that.  She views herself as the 
staunch upholder of truth and justice, and there is no battle too small for her 
to fight.  Just like what she is going to say in response to this post.
 The internet age was made for her in some ways as it is easier to be friends 
with someone, or maintain an alliance when you can remain at arms length.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits Update #2

2014-02-13 Thread Rick Archer


Dear Supporter of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits,

More than 30 Indian publications in the US and abroad have retracted the
wildly inaccurate article about the Vedic Pandits that they had picked up
from a Chicago Indian weekly. 

This has ranged from direct retractions (e.g., below), to publishing the
detailed text of our responses, to new positive news articles about the


Dr. Prakash Shrivastava and Raja Bob LoPinto held 5 days of meetings with
the Vedic Pandits at the Maharishi Vedic City campus, working with them
about this situation, educating them about the consequences of Pandits going
off on their own, and addressing any concerns the Pandits have. 

This is already having a positive effect. Some Pandits who had left the
Chicago airport without returning to India have returned to Maharishi Vedic
City and been given flights home. The vast majority of the Vedic Pandits are
very dedicated to their program and happy with campus life. One special
outcome of these on-campus meetings was identifying Pandits in Maharishi
Vedic City who have been in the Movement for 20 years or more, and forming a
council of these senior Pandits to give advice and guide the others.

Again, thank you for your support for the Maharishi Vedic Pandit program and
for all your kind responses to this current challenge. With this situation
largely behind us, we are now working to bring more Pandits from India to
replace those who are going home after completing their 2- or 3-year stays
in the US. 

Jai Guru Dev,

Raja John Hagelin



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread authfriend
I wonder why Barry assumes I never met Robin.

So Bhairitu, you think Barry is "just kidding" with this post? He seems awfully 
"wound up" to me. There's always tremendous negative energy behind his 
demonizations of Robin or Ann or me or others he doesn't like. It's as if he 
was fighting for his very survival, the poor guy. 

 He isn't "kidding," but he might as well be. He styles himself as the "expert" 
on Judy Stein, but in fact he knows nothing about me other than what I've said 
on FFL, and he even misrepresents that. Whenever he tries to guess, he gets it 
wrong. This post of his is no exception.

 Remember what Barry said about his therapist telling him that the person 
suffering from NPD "makes it up as they go along"? If that isn't a perfect 
description of Barry himself, I can't imagine what is. Even Xeno admitted that 
Barry doesn't care anything about being truthful or accurate, and that's 
certainly borne out by this post, as well as countless others that preceded it.

 I think your "arms length" comment kinda says it all, Steve. That's just what 
"armchair seekers" like Judy DO. They never actually DO anything much to 
further their own self discovery...they just read about other people's, and 
then argue about the stuff they think about it. 
One of the reasons that some of these "armchair seekers" purposefully keep from 
meeting the teachers they supposedly "study with" is that it's easier to 
preserve one's cherished fantasies about them if you've never met them. She did 
this with Maharishi, and she did it with Robin. She can continue to believe all 
the fantasies she's developed about both of them without fear of contradiction, 
because she's never exposed herself to the possibility of contradiction. Both 
of these guys -- or her impressions of them -- are tucked away in an elaborate 
fantasy cubbyhole in her mind, placed on a pedestal of honor there, and because 
she never has (or will) encounter the reality of them, she gets to call this 
fantasy "truth." Anyone who disagrees with the fantasy is a "liar." 

As has been pointed out here, Judy has arguably the *least* actual "hands on" 
spiritual experience of anyone on this forum. She's only done one short 
"rounding course" (which she, of course, considers "long"), she never became a 
teacher (and thus had to put other people's welfare ahead of her own), and she 
never met Maharishi. She never even met the Robin guy she claims to be the 
resident expert on. The only things she "knows" are the fantasies running 
around in her head. But to her those fantasies are so cherished and she *needs* 
them so much to keep on keepin' on that any challenge to them is perceived as a 
challenge to herself, her self, her very being. Challenging her idealized 
notions of Robin are (from her point of view) like attacking *her*, so of 
course she has to "take them seriously." If anyone were to believe more 
objective points of view expressed here about the guy, they'd begin to 
challenge her posturing as "the expert." And she simply cannot allow that. 

 From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:00 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and 
   Excellent points.  For most of us, it is just a chat room. A place to banter 
 And so, it is sort of jarring when someone like Judy takes everything so 
seriously and personally.  Like it squeezes most of the fun out of it.  
 Of course you will never convince her of that.  She views herself as the 
staunch upholder of truth and justice, and there is no battle too small for her 
to fight.  Just like what she is going to say in response to this post.
 The internet age was made for her in some ways as it is easier to be friends 
with someone, or maintain an alliance when you can remain at arms length.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?



Re: [FairfieldLife] South Carolina Governor is Smart

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 5:53 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> The main most reason to live in South Carolina instead of Iowa
It's probably not the only reason to live in Iowa - there's also the 
weather. From what I've read, Iowa allows open carry after applicants 
successfully complete an approved training course. Apparently Iowa will 
honor any valid permit issued by any other state. Persons do not have to 
be a resident of the state from which the permit was issued. However, an 
Iowa resident must have an Iowa Permit To Carry in order to lawfully 
carry a firearm on his or her person in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-13 Thread Share Long
That's it, Richard! I'm moving to Austin and hanging out at Starbuck's! But 
might visit Whole Foods now and then, just to stock up on Larabars and quinoa 

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 2/12/2014 11:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

In the real world some people here would remain friendless and wouldn't be 
invited a second time to the gathering at Starbucks.
It would be a strange meeting at Starbucks to be invited for coffee
if you'd just been called a dumb hick, a perv, a liar, an idiot, a
troll, and lower than slime and you were being shunned for your
political POV and your place of birth by the group leaders. If that
happened at a Starbucks up in Austin, there would be at least be
some table-turning and a food fight before taking it out in the
parking lot. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 8:39 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> They are literally indentured servants at best.
Never pass up a made up opportunity to smear your old school teachers! 
Maybe it's none of your business what the poor Hindu pundit boys from 
India are doing in Vedic City. Did you make a donation? Get a grip - 
people pray for others in large groups every day all over the world!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 8:04 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
> I wonder why no one in the press questions the purpose of keeping 
> these people in Iowa?
It would probably be in the best interests of the poor Hindu pandit boys 
if they were left alone to pray and get an education in Vedic City. Most 
of us here probably think it would be better not to involve the children 
in a sordid FFL debate. There's nothing good going to come from 
discussing the private life of under age children on a public forum. It 
would probably be much better to just leave the children alone and raise 
our own - that's more appropriate and rewarding than smearing some 
religious group in Iowa. That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/13/2014 6:46 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> that's not what it says you head in the sand ostritch
Maybe it's time for you to leave the Hindu pundit boys alone and mind 
your own business. You don't even know who the pundit boys are. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pundit Update

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/13/2014 6:46 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
More than 30 Indian publications in the US and abroad have retracted 
the wildly inaccurate article about the Vedic Pandits

It looks like somebody in S.C. has been posting some fibs about the boy 
pandits in Vedic City, IA. What happened to The Corrector? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits

2014-02-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/13/2014 6:41 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

Damned Muck-Rakers. Did not fact check their sources.

There are no missing boy "pandits" in Vedic City and apparently the 
living quarters are fit for a king with a free education. Go figure.

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