Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This comment is growing whiskers, Mike. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Allahu akbar!


 From: vox_9 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
"Avoid the danger that lies ahead". - YS, 2-16

 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 
 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The 
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The Threads of Union Translation by BonGiovanni 1. on 
Contemplations 2. on Spiritual Disciplines 3. on Divine Powers 4. on 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

---In,  wrote :



 In sequence:

 Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

 Aug 24 Saturn and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media Blackout: Trump Surges Past Clinton in Major Poll, Press Cites Older Polls

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
In the current presidential election, I'm voting for an independent. 

 I don't really trust either Trump or Clinton - probably neither one can be 
relied upon to keep their word. This isn't the 21st century I was promised by 
Barack Obama. 

 Thank God we have a separation of powers in the USA and a strong system of 
checks and balances. The current president has tried to usurp the powers of a 
dictator and I suspect Hillary would do the same. Trump doesn't seem to have a 
viable plan.

 We don't have a pure democracy in the U.S. - people don't get to vote for a 
president directly. In Texas, all the electoral votes will go to Trump no 
matter what my vote is, so I'm going to just vote my conscience this election. 

 Politics - Los Angeles Times 
 Politics - Los Angeles Times Essential 
political coverage from California and the presidential campaign, including 
in-depth commentary, analysis and election results.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Polls, polls, polls. Let's see how the resident bobble heads react.
 Disclaimer: I'm not voting for either candidate. This election is a 
 farce but it is a hoot to watch the dynamics of it and what it is doing 
 to some people's minds.


Re: [FairfieldLife] What is the Alt-Right Movement?

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Uh-huh. As you know, Step Six isn't what anybody sane would think of as 
"getting down on your hands and knees." There are no such poses in the Sun 

 Nor is Step Six "the whole point of the exercise." The whole point of the Sun 
Salutation is the sequence of all 12 poses.

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.



 ---In,  wrote :

 There are several versions of the Sun Salutation set of poses - one of the 
most popular instruction sets is presented by certified instructors of The Art 
of Living Foundation USA founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who learned hatha yoga 
directly from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

 There are twelve steps to perform the Sun Salutation. Apparently the posture 
that got left out of your routine was the Ashtanga Pranam, step number six, the 
so-called "salute of eight points". 

 Millions of yogis and students include this pose in the performance of Surya 

 You might want to refresh your memory of the steps if it's been some years 
since you took your hatha yoga course. You can learn these poses from experts 

 How To Do Surya Namaskar
 How To Do Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation 
– The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single 
mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 No, I didn't leave out a pose. No, I didn't pray to the Sun God. No, I didn't 
have a poor teacher. No, the whole point of the Sun Salutation is not to get 
down on your hands and knees. 

 In fact, there is no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation.

 (The three photos at your link are entirely divorced from context, so they can 
be ignored.)



 --In,  wrote :

 Maybe you left out a pose when you prayed to the Sun God. Maybe you had a poor 
teacher. You were supposed to get down on your hands and knees - that's the 
whole point of the exercise. 

 If you were honest you would just admit you were wrong. Not everyone skips 
some of the poses like you apparently did.

 Here are the directions for you to follow from the Art of Living:

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 ---In,  wrote :

 Just as I said, no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation. (And yes, I've 
practiced plenty of yoga asanas, including the Sun Salutation.) 

 Neither you nor Bhairitu seem to understand that repeating a mistake over and 
over doesn't somehow make it not a mistake.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If you were a decent and honest person you would admit you were wrong about 
the Sun Salutation. Just admit that you are not a yogi and have never practiced 
any yoga asanas. Here's a little primer for you:

---In,  wrote :

 If you were a decent human being, you'd thank me for going to the trouble of 
setting  you straight rather than dump on me for correcting you. 

 Here's another little primer for you, this one from the ADL:

 Alt Right: A Primer about the New White Supremacy
 Alt Right: A Primer about the New White Supremacy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media Blackout: Trump Surges Past Clinton in Major Poll, Press Cites Older Polls

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, and by the way: 

 A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
 A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
 Using both conventional media and covert channels, the Kremlin relies on 
disinformation to create doubt, fear and discord in Europe and the United 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 ---In,  wrote :

 Didn't say I "swallowed it".  I put the article up for discussion and it is 
getting discussed!  Psst! It isn't the 1950s anymore. :-D
 On 08/23/2016 09:41 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   What utter balderash. Yes, it's good to know what the Russians are saying. 
But it's not at all smart to take their word for anything. The article you 
posted from Sputniknews is absurd on its face; anybody who knows anything about 
polls should be able to recognize that. But you swallowed it whole because it 
was pro-Trump and anti-Hillary. You're just the kind of sucker they're 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 OMG! Russian news! The Russia that Bernie and Trump would rather talk to than 
have a war with like Hillary does.  You love the US mainstream media because 
they pander to your beliefs.  So you must believe if you suck up to the rich 
goons who own the US media outlets they'll pee some money down on you! :-D 
 These days you need to consider all media sources.
 On 08/22/2016 10:38 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Oh, and I just noticed, your silly article is from yet another Russian 
source, (run by the Russian government).
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Sure has fouled up your mind (not that there was much of it to be fouled up). 
Ollie and I just got done "reacting to" this poll. I guess you're not reading 
anything that doesn't confirm what you want to believe, huh? 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 Polls, polls, polls. Let's see how the resident bobble heads react.
 Disclaimer: I'm not voting for either candidate. This election is a 
 farce but it is a hoot to watch the dynamics of it and what it is doing 
 to some people's minds.



Re: [FairfieldLife] What is the Alt-Right Movement?

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
There are several versions of the Sun Salutation set of poses - one of the most 
popular instruction sets is presented by certified instructors of The Art of 
Living Foundation USA founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who learned hatha yoga 
directly from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

 There are twelve steps to perform the Sun Salutation. Apparently the posture 
that got left out of your routine was the Ashtanga Pranam, step number six, the 
so-called "salute of eight points". 

 Millions of yogis and students include this pose in the performance of Surya 

 You might want to refresh your memory of the steps if it's been some years 
since you took your hatha yoga course. You can learn these poses from experts 

 How To Do Surya Namaskar 
 How To Do Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation 
– The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single 
mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 No, I didn't leave out a pose. No, I didn't pray to the Sun God. No, I didn't 
have a poor teacher. No, the whole point of the Sun Salutation is not to get 
down on your hands and knees. 

 In fact, there is no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation.

 (The three photos at your link are entirely divorced from context, so they can 
be ignored.)



 --In,  wrote :

 Maybe you left out a pose when you prayed to the Sun God. Maybe you had a poor 
teacher. You were supposed to get down on your hands and knees - that's the 
whole point of the exercise. 

 If you were honest you would just admit you were wrong. Not everyone skips 
some of the poses like you apparently did.

 Here are the directions for you to follow from the Art of Living:

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 ---In,  wrote :

 Just as I said, no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation. (And yes, I've 
practiced plenty of yoga asanas, including the Sun Salutation.) 

 Neither you nor Bhairitu seem to understand that repeating a mistake over and 
over doesn't somehow make it not a mistake.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If you were a decent and honest person you would admit you were wrong about 
the Sun Salutation. Just admit that you are not a yogi and have never practiced 
any yoga asanas. Here's a little primer for you:

---In,  wrote :

 If you were a decent human being, you'd thank me for going to the trouble of 
setting  you straight rather than dump on me for correcting you. 

 Here's another little primer for you, this one from the ADL:

 Alt Right: A Primer about the New White Supremacy
 Alt Right: A Primer about the New White Supremacy
 Alt right is short for alternative right, a vague term that actually 
encompasses a range of people on the extreme right who reject mainstream 
conservatism in favor ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 







 ---In,  wrote :

 On 08/28/2016 02:06 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   HAHAHAHAHAHA! Talk about a river in Egypt!
 No, of course "alt-right" wasn't a term made up by the Clinton 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

---In,  wrote :



 In sequence:

 Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Maharishi was *not* a jyotish. Planetary mantras are free and open for 
anyone to use.

On 08/30/2016 10:07 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, 
but given what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas 
arising from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message 
below is contrary to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's 
words) of jyotish.

---In,  wrote :

Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"??By 
focusing on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental 
influences are minimized, so if there is an issue, isn't it with the 
doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the year of invincibility, our 
unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas of life is a good 
thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a waste of 
time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.

---In,  wrote :

Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
or begin things,
however; a good day to stay in meditation.

---In,  wrote :

In correlation of good things..

Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their 
spiritual practice.

Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am.

---In,  wrote :

Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I 
have been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A 
couple of friends have had unusually positive events occur during this 
time. Everyone seems perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or 
tension. Perhaps the astrologers got it wrong. :-)

---In,  wrote :

Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a 
particularly good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga..

Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah

---In,  wrote :

Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..

Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one 
could see it

with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it !

Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for 
the show.

Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized 
by ANGER. There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in 
combination with Mars etc.. makes it all particularly difficult.

August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed 
star Antares.

Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very 
violent againdue to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the 
fixed star Antares.

As Jr points out,

the good news is that..Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most 
difficult period passes

---In,  wrote :

I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of 
thinking.  But just as a transcendentalist knowing the 
transformational spiritual possibility and just looking at the level 
of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath taking at times
That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence 
of these postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play 
out on my smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was 
interested to learn was just what the jyotish people are all wonked 
out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations 
have happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in 
my life where events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the 
need to spontaneously act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly 
alignment I had no idea existed at the time.

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's 
personalities, including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, 
and year. As far as a predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does 
it avoid or prevent or modify or enhance, just making one's way 
through life? Isn't that rich and complex enough as it is? :-)

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in 
life, without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish?

---In,  wrote :

In sequence:
Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these ideas 
of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative transcendental 
meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of Maharishi’s 
teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish astrology could 
describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on 
subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be talking of 
spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even cultivate 
well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are stranger 
things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to David Gordon White, "It was especially within two tantric
 sects, the Western Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by
 Matsyendra) that a practical concomitant to this speculative - and in some
 cases gnoseological or soteriological - metaphysics" came to be elaborated by 
the "Nath Siddhas", numbering 84 by the Siddha tradition, who claim their 
origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.

 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Allahu akbar!

  From: vox_9 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
    Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a 
second course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. 
According to Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the 
ancient tradition of yogis." 

He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.
According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.

Works Cited:
"A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"by Maharishi Mahesh YogiRishikesh: 
International SRM Publications, 1962
"The Alchemical Body"Siddha Traditions in Medieval Indiaby David Gordon 
WhiteChicago: University Press, 1996Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. 
Bibliography. Index.
  #yiv9346212063 #yiv9346212063 -- #yiv9346212063ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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#yiv9346212063photos div label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Kahlua at bar!

On 08/30/2016 11:58 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

Allahu akbar!

*From:* vox_9 
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a 
second course with more advanced postures for use in a one year 
course. According to Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable 
practice from the ancient tradition of yogis."

He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. 
According to Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise 
is that yoga asanas do not consume energy. This course was adopted by 
the International Academy of Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, 

According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the 
Western Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) 
that a practical concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases 
gnoseological or soteriological - metaphysics"came to be practiced by 
the Nath Siddhas who claim their origins in the person and teachings 
of Matsyendranath.

Works Cited:

"A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

"The Alchemical Body"
Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
by David Gordon White
Chicago: University Press, 1996
Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it 
that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes 
something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people 
are really good at mathematics or open to physics.  

---In,  wrote :

 Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.





 ---In,  wrote :

 Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 “just for the record, the fact that we have tides doesn't validate the notion 
of "vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human 
being." What the tides validate is the gravitational influence of the moon on 
the oceans.”
 This is precisely the thought that came to this one. The star systems have a 
very different distant relationship to the Earth than the Earth/moon 
gravitational energies. 
 If enough people are collectively convinced that such-and-such will happen 
because so-and-so is passing through so-and-so, then their collective 
thought-force might even create something that would not even have occurred in 
the cosmos. This is also a theory but one reason why I would be careful to 
choose my coffee shops.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Intuition plays a very important role though it is also useful to know 
the science of reading a horoscope.  Some folks who barely know 
astrology but have good intuition can often do better predictions than 
those who have only mastered the rules.  Many village astrologers in 
India can do good predictions just using the basics.  Westerners are 
often impressed with complexity and western jyotishees often get hung up 
in the "icing" and miss the "cake."

But why does it work?  Possibly because astrology may have more to do 
with cycles and the ones created by a particular planet that isn't in 
horoscopes: the earth.  There is research now tracking the very low 
frequencies the earth generates and they are in the range of the 
brainwaves we're familiar with from theta through beta.  Theory may be 
that when the earth generates beta it creates anxiety in the populace 
leading to wars.  The value of meditation is that it can help you rise 
above this influence.

On 08/30/2016 02:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility 
with it that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study 
of it becomes something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of 
thinking, like some people are really good at mathematics or open to 

---In,  wrote :

Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and 
technology has rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western 
astrology, impractical. Using common sense and intuition, we get it 
right more often than not. And if not, better next time around. PS No 
problems discussing or communicating anything today...

---In,  wrote :

Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain 
these ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a 
conservative transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in 
all the ‘add-ons’ of Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the 
consideration that jyotish astrology could describe an astrophysics of 
vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the 
human being. From that viewpoint we be talking of spirituality and 
then the possible ability to influence and even cultivate well-being 
around the motions of the planets and such.  There are stranger things 
in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, 
but given what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas 
arising from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message 
below is contrary to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's 
words) of jyotish.

---In,  wrote :

Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"??By 
focusing on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental 
influences are minimized, so if there is an issue, isn't it with the 
doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the year of invincibility, our 
unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas of life is a good 
thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a waste of 
time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.

---In,  wrote :

Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
or begin things,
however; a good day to stay in meditation.

---In,  wrote :

In correlation of good things..

Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their 
spiritual practice.

Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am.

---In,  wrote :

Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I 
have been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A 
couple of friends have had unusually positive events occur during this 
time. Everyone seems perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or 
tension. Perhaps the astrologers got it wrong. :-)

---In,  wrote :

Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a 
particularly good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga..

Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah

---In,  wrote :

Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..

Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one 
could see it

with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FYI, Doug, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "meditationist" means 
"person who writes meditations." 

 Also, just for the record, the fact that we have tides doesn't validate the 
notion of "vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of 
the human being." What the tides validate is the gravitational influence of the 
moon on the oceans.

 And just personally, I find your use of Ebonics offensive. Many black people 
would as well, given that you're a white person.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What is the Alt-Right Movement?

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Any sane person would pray to the gods for release from ignorance if they 
realized the full extend of their bondage. A yogi salutes the Sun God at least 
twice a day, morning and evening without fail. 

 And, any intelligent person would give thanks to Surya for bringing to earth 
life support in the form of heat. That's because hatha yoga is all about 
generating heat, especially inner heat - the heat that burns up karma. That's 
why teachers say that the Sun Salutation is a "warm-up exercise" - you just 
can't generate much heat if you remain in the corpse pose. 

 There's just nothing quite comparable to getting down on your hands and knees 
to bow in a full prostration. Millions of Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims do this 
every day before they sit in meditation.

 Only a materialist would perform yoga merely to obtain good health, wealth, or 
good fortune, or just for show.

 "Surya is the Soul, both of the moving and unmoving beings." - Rig Veda


---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.




 ---In,  wrote :

 There are several versions of the Sun Salutation set of poses - one of the 
most popular instruction sets is presented by certified instructors of The Art 
of Living Foundation USA founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who learned hatha yoga 
directly from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

 There are twelve steps to perform the Sun Salutation. Apparently the posture 
that got left out of your routine was the Ashtanga Pranam, step number six, the 
so-called "salute of eight points". 

 Millions of yogis and students include this pose in the performance of Surya 

 You might want to refresh your memory of the steps if it's been some years 
since you took your hatha yoga course. You can learn these poses from experts 

 How To Do Surya Namaskar
 How To Do Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation 
– The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single 
mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 No, I didn't leave out a pose. No, I didn't pray to the Sun God. No, I didn't 
have a poor teacher. No, the whole point of the Sun Salutation is not to get 
down on your hands and knees. 

 In fact, there is no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation.

 (The three photos at your link are entirely divorced from context, so they can 
be ignored.)



 --In,  wrote :

 Maybe you left out a pose when you prayed to the Sun God. Maybe you had a poor 
teacher. You were supposed to get down on your hands and knees - that's the 
whole point of the exercise. 

 If you were honest you would just admit you were wrong. Not everyone skips 
some of the poses like you apparently did.

 Here are the directions for you to follow from the Art of Living:

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 ---In,  wrote :

 Just as I said, no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation. (And yes, I've 
practiced plenty of yoga asanas, including the Sun Salutation.) 

 Neither you nor Bhairitu seem to understand that repeating a mistake over and 
over doesn't somehow make it not a mistake.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If you were a decent and honest person you would admit you were wrong about 
the Sun Salutation. Just admit that you are not a yogi and have never practiced 
any yoga asanas. Here's a little primer for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Shot: tequila. 

 Chaser: beer.
---In,  wrote :

 Kahlua at bar!
 On 08/30/2016 11:58 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Allahu akbar!


 From: vox_9
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
   Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a 
second course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. 
According to Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the 
ancient tradition of yogis." 
 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.
 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.

 Works Cited:
 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962
 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
OM namah Surya! 

 There's a good reason most Christians go to church on the Sun's Day.

---In,  wrote :

 Allahu akbar!


 From: vox_9 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.



Re: [FairfieldLife] What is the Alt-Right Movement?

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.




 ---In,  wrote :

 Any sane person would pray to the gods for release from ignorance if they 
realized the full extend of their bondage. A yogi salutes the Sun God at least 
twice a day, morning and evening without fail. 

 And, any intelligent person would give thanks to Surya for bringing to earth 
life support in the form of heat. That's because hatha yoga is all about 
generating heat, especially inner heat - the heat that burns up karma. That's 
why teachers say that the Sun Salutation is a "warm-up exercise" - you just 
can't generate much heat if you remain in the corpse pose. 

 There's just nothing quite comparable to getting down on your hands and knees 
to bow in a full prostration. Millions of Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims do this 
every day before they sit in meditation.

 Only a materialist would perform yoga merely to obtain good health, wealth, or 
good fortune, or just for show.

 "Surya is the Soul, both of the moving and unmoving beings." - Rig Veda


---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.




 ---In,  wrote :

 There are several versions of the Sun Salutation set of poses - one of the 
most popular instruction sets is presented by certified instructors of The Art 
of Living Foundation USA founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who learned hatha yoga 
directly from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

 There are twelve steps to perform the Sun Salutation. Apparently the posture 
that got left out of your routine was the Ashtanga Pranam, step number six, the 
so-called "salute of eight points". 

 Millions of yogis and students include this pose in the performance of Surya 

 You might want to refresh your memory of the steps if it's been some years 
since you took your hatha yoga course. You can learn these poses from experts 

 How To Do Surya Namaskar
 How To Do Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation 
– The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single 
mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 No, I didn't leave out a pose. No, I didn't pray to the Sun God. No, I didn't 
have a poor teacher. No, the whole point of the Sun Salutation is not to get 
down on your hands and knees. 

 In fact, there is no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation.

 (The three photos at your link are entirely divorced from context, so they can 
be ignored.)



 --In,  wrote :

 Maybe you left out a pose when you prayed to the Sun God. Maybe you had a poor 
teacher. You were supposed to get down on your hands and knees - that's the 
whole point of the exercise. 

 If you were honest you would just admit you were wrong. Not everyone skips 
some of the poses like you apparently did.

 Here are the directions for you to follow from the Art of Living:

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 ---In,  wrote :

 Just as I said, no hands-and-knees pose in the Sun Salutation. (And yes, I've 
practiced plenty of yoga asanas, including the Sun Salutation.) 

 Neither you nor Bhairitu seem to understand that repeating a mistake over and 
over doesn't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
Many Muslims grow beards - it's a sign of devotion and submission, and one of 
the only ways to get into Mecca in order to worship the black stone at the 
Kaaba. It is incumbent on every pilgrim on the Haj to get down on their hands 
and knees and pray. 

 Some will even kiss the stone, just for good measure.

---In,  wrote :

 This comment is growing whiskers, Mike. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Allahu akbar!


 From: vox_9 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Nutrient Content in Food Has Dramatically Declined

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I wonder why Magnesium is not included in their list, it also appears to be 
having a hard time getting into plants!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
The important point is to try and avoid stereotyping dominant white, male, 
heterosexual Christian culture. These days the term "white person" just means a 
person of European descent - a biological taxon. 

 There's really no black and white "race".

---In,  wrote :

 And just personally, I find your use of Ebonics offensive. Many black people 
would as well, given that you're a white person.


 ---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
If this fellow is not seriously mistaken, according to a recent reading using 
Parashara's Light, in exactly four years, I will be the Prime Minister of India.

---In,  wrote :

 Intuition plays a very important role though it is also useful to know the 
science of reading a horoscope.  Some folks who barely know astrology but have 
good intuition can often do better predictions than those who have only 
mastered the rules.  Many village astrologers in India can do good predictions 
just using the basics.  Westerners are often impressed with complexity and 
western jyotishees often get hung up in the "icing" and miss the "cake."
 But why does it work?  Possibly because astrology may have more to do with 
cycles and the ones created by a particular planet that isn't in horoscopes: 
the earth.  There is research now tracking the very low frequencies the earth 
generates and they are in the range of the brainwaves we're familiar with from 
theta through beta.  Theory may be that when the earth generates beta it 
creates anxiety in the populace leading to wars.  The value of meditation is 
that it can help you rise above this influence.
 On 08/30/2016 02:35 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it 
that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes 
something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people 
are really good at mathematics or open to physics. 
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou
 mailto:jamesalan735@... wrote :
 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:
 Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in 

[FairfieldLife] What are the Signs of a Collapsing Society?

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A society slows down in recovery to environmental and human tragedies.  
Examples are the Roman culture and the Mayan civilization.  Can our culture 
recover from religious wars?

 This is what it looks like when society collapses
 This is what it looks like when society collapses
 A team of researchers looked at Neolithic European society and found a key 
early warning signal of collapse that we can apply today.
 View on www.businessinsider...
 Preview by Yahoo 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
The only thing that is amusing about your yoga pose claims, is that in over two 
decades of posting messages to these discussion groups, not once did you post a 
comment to the discussion about your practice of hatha yoga. Go figure. 

 So, I conclude that your only reason for commenting now, is that you don't 
like yogis from Texas. 

 Otherwise, you don't seem to have much to say that is based on the texts or on 
personal experience. You can't seem to cite a single reference for your claim 
that the Ashtanga Asana is not a part of the Surya Namaskar.

 Apparently you're just trying to be argumentative as usual, which is weird, 
considering that I've cited numerous instructions by yoga experts to prove my 
---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.





 ---In,  wrote :

 Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As you know, I never claimed that the Ashtanga Asana was not a part of the Sun 

---In,  wrote :

 The only thing that is amusing about your yoga pose claims, is that in over 
two decades of posting messages to these discussion groups, not once did you 
post a comment to the discussion about your practice of hatha yoga. Go figure. 

 So, I conclude that your only reason for commenting now, is that you don't 
like yogis from Texas. 

 Otherwise, you don't seem to have much to say that is based on the texts or on 
personal experience. You can't seem to cite a single reference for your claim 
that the Ashtanga Asana is not a part of the Surya Namaskar.

 Apparently you're just trying to be argumentative as usual, which is weird, 
considering that I've cited numerous instructions by yoga experts to prove my 
---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.





 ---In,  wrote :

 Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 31-Aug-16 00:15:06 UTC

2016-08-30 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/27/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/03/16 00:00:00
122 messages as of (UTC) 08/30/16 23:02:02

 34 vox_9 
 34 authfriend
 14 Bhairitu noozguru
  9 olliesedwuz
  8 dhamiltony2k5
  7 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  3 hepa7
  2 yifuxero
  2 wleed3 WLeed3
  2 upfronter
  2 jr_esq
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 jamesalan735
  1 feste37 
  1 awoelflebater
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :

 Maharishi was not a jyotish. Planetary mantras are free and open for anyone to 
? My guess is that you don't agree with what I've said below, but neither of 
your two statements supports or takes away from the point I made below. Nor 
does the opposite of either statement do so. 

Fair enough if you just want to write short statements and leave it at that. 

 On 08/30/2016 10:07 AM, jamesalan735@... mailto:jamesalan735@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but 
given what he has written, I can be brief:
 Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.
 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 
 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.
 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  
 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 
 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
 Sept 1st Solar Eclipse
 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.
 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 Thank you, but I also have to 

[FairfieldLife] What is the Primal Cause?

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9

 "Two birds sat in a tree; one ate the fruit, another looked on." - 
Shvetashvatara Upanishad (4.7) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
It is a fact needing no further proof that the first sight of another person's 
face can determine the outcome of an entire day.

---In,  wrote :

 I will have to take your word for it, as I have seen no such evidence 
---In,  wrote :

 Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it 
that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes 
something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people 
are really good at mathematics or open to physics.  

---In,  wrote :

 Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
According to what I've read, astrology reveals the result of our past karma, 
expressed in terms of what we call planetary influences. The horoscope simply 
indicates the future. The future is just a reflection of the past. 

 Astrology reveals the consequence of our actions which we do not remember in 
this life. Planets indicate the results of previous actions and so there is 
nothing like fate or destiny in its absolute sense controlling us. We are all 
governed by karma without exception. 

 ---In,  wrote : 

 “just for the record, the fact that we have tides doesn't validate the notion 
of "vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human 
being." What the tides validate is the gravitational influence of the moon on 
the oceans.”
 This is precisely the thought that came to this one. The star systems have a 
very different distant relationship to the Earth than the Earth/moon 
gravitational energies.
 If enough people are collectively convinced that such-and-such will happen 
because so-and-so is passing through so-and-so, then their collective 
thought-force might even create something that would not even have occurred in 
the cosmos. This is also a theory but one reason why I would be careful to 
choose my coffee shops.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
You are not even making any sense anymore. 

 How would you know if the Ashtang Asana is part of the Surya Namaskar or not 
if you've never included it in your practice? You seem confused to the point 
where you've actually contradicted your own claim that there was no such pose 
in the Sun Salutation. 

 How are you going to do a full-body pranam to the Sun God if you don't get 
down on your hands and knees? Maybe it's the wording I used that set you off. 
You'd probably object to the phrase "bun-hopping" to describe the yogic flying 
siddhi. Go figure.

 "Success in yoga comes through practice, not by reading books or adopting a 
particular mode of dress." - Hatha Yoga Pradapika

---In,  wrote :

 As you know, I never claimed that the Ashtanga Asana was not a part of the Sun 

---In,  wrote :

 The only thing that is amusing about your yoga pose claims, is that in over 
two decades of posting messages to these discussion groups, not once did you 
post a comment to the discussion about your practice of hatha yoga. Go figure. 

 So, I conclude that your only reason for commenting now, is that you don't 
like yogis from Texas. 

 Otherwise, you don't seem to have much to say that is based on the texts or on 
personal experience. You can't seem to cite a single reference for your claim 
that the Ashtanga Asana is not a part of the Surya Namaskar.

 Apparently you're just trying to be argumentative as usual, which is weird, 
considering that I've cited numerous instructions by yoga experts to prove my 
---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.





 ---In,  wrote :

 Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Yoga Asanas

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As you know, I never claimed that the Ashtanga Asana was not a part of the Sun 



 ---In,  wrote :

 You are not even making any sense anymore. 

 How would you know if the Ashtang Asana is part of the Surya Namaskar or not 
if you've never included it in your practice? You seem confused to the point 
where you've actually contradicted your own claim that there was no such pose 
in the Sun Salutation. 

 How are you going to do a full-body pranam to the Sun God if you don't get 
down on your hands and knees? Maybe it's the wording I used that set you off. 
You'd probably object to the phrase "bun-hopping" to describe the yogic flying 
siddhi. Go figure.

 "Success in yoga comes through practice, not by reading books or adopting a 
particular mode of dress." - Hatha Yoga Pradapika

---In,  wrote :

 As you know, I never claimed that the Ashtanga Asana was not a part of the Sun 

---In,  wrote :

 The only thing that is amusing about your yoga pose claims, is that in over 
two decades of posting messages to these discussion groups, not once did you 
post a comment to the discussion about your practice of hatha yoga. Go figure. 

 So, I conclude that your only reason for commenting now, is that you don't 
like yogis from Texas. 

 Otherwise, you don't seem to have much to say that is based on the texts or on 
personal experience. You can't seem to cite a single reference for your claim 
that the Ashtanga Asana is not a part of the Surya Namaskar.

 Apparently you're just trying to be argumentative as usual, which is weird, 
considering that I've cited numerous instructions by yoga experts to prove my 
---In,  wrote :

 Neither Sri Sri nor Maharishi would be happy with your attempt to distort and 
demean the Sun Salutation by pretending it's about "getting down on your hands 
and knees." Other yogis would just laugh at you as a clueless Westerner.





 ---In,  wrote :

 Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout

 Step six, Ashtanga Namaskara or the "Salute With Eight Points", as taught by 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

 "Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back 
slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your 
posterior a little bit.

 The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body 
touch the floor)."

---In,  wrote :

 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
"All is suffering to the wise man." - Y.S. 2-15

---In,  wrote :

 ? My guess is that you don't agree with what I've said below, but neither of 
your two statements supports or takes away from the point I made below. Nor 
does the opposite of either statement do so. 

Fair enough if you just want to write short statements and leave it at that. 
 --In,  wrote :

 Maharishi was not a jyotish. Planetary mantras are free and open for anyone to 
 On 08/30/2016 10:07 AM, jamesalan735@... mailto:jamesalan735@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but 
given what he has written, I can be brief:
 Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: We are Now in the Anthropocene Epoch

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
An·thro·po·cene - "Relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed 
as the period during which human activity has been been the dominant influence 
on climate and the environment."

---In,  wrote :

 It is known for radioactive wastes, plastic bottles and the domestic chicken, 
the miniature descendant of the once ferocious dinosaurs of the previous 
millions of years ago.

 The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
 The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of...
 Experts say humanity’s impact on Earth now so profound that the Holocene must 
give way to epoch defined by nuclear bomb tests, plastic pollution and domes...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I will have to take your word for it, as I have seen no such evidence 
---In,  wrote :

 Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it 
that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes 
something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people 
are really good at mathematics or open to physics.  

---In,  wrote :

 Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 To be fair, it can be more than coffeehouse ‘chat’, quite a number of people 
from Fairfield, Iowa have been trained in and are quite long experienced and 
accomplished in jyotish astrology and now a number of top jyotish astrologers 
in the West are of what is the old meditating community of Fairfield.  

 Pat Hayward, for instance, is regarded as an astrologer and has been consulted 
by many many people both here in Fairfield and of the world.  He became 
established in this craft while living in Fairfield, Iowa as a recognized 
member of the meditating community here.

 Two others who are recognized as being highly scholarly within astrology, 
David Hawthorne and Penny Farrow, also cut their teeth as recognized 
consultants are themselves of the old meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa. 
 David Hawthorne:
 Penny Farrow:
 These three stand out as examples as there are also others quietly living here 
having been students of Maharishi jyotish and as time has gone along also 
studying with these three and other top astrologers and systems in the field. 
Fairfield is an adept community this way.  

 I was recently visiting a substantial Indo-American cultural center [temple] 
out East and read on one of their bulletin boards of an upcoming series of 
scholarly classes being taught there on jyotish by Penny Farrow. 

  As time has gone along these people are being pulled on for both their 
academic and practical experience with astrology. 
 There is a lot of this resource available in the meditating community of 
Fairfield, Iowa.  It is quite easy to find consultation on it, even in the 
coffee houses of the town. It becomes just like asking about the weather,  “How 
much rain did you get last night and what have you heard is the forecast?”  
“What’s going on with the moon and planets this week?”   Fairfield,  


---In,  wrote :

 I will have to take your word for it, as I have seen no such evidence 
---In,  wrote :

 Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it 
that is like a siddhi.  With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes 
something intuitive.  It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people 
are really good at mathematics or open to physics.  

---In,  wrote :

 Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has 
rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. 
Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if 
not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating 
anything today...
---In,  wrote :

 Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these 
ideas of jyotish.  While more strictly experienced as a conservative 
transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of 
Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish 
astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the 
heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be 
talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even 
cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such.  There are 
stranger things in Heaven and Earth.  Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread vox_9
We should all pay very careful heed to the prediction in the Brihat Samhita: 

 "If a man or woman is seriously ill and his spouse's face looks shinning and 
bright, he or she is sure to die."

---In,  wrote :

 I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given 
what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising 
from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary 
to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.  

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

[FairfieldLife] We are Now in the Anthropocene Epoch

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is known for radioactive wastes, plastic bottles and the domestic chicken, 
the miniature descendant of the once ferocious dinosaurs of the previous 
millions of years ago.

 The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
 The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of...
 Experts say humanity’s impact on Earth now so profound that the Holocene must 
give way to epoch defined by nuclear bomb tests, plastic pollution and domes...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

---In,  wrote :



 In sequence:

 Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult. 

 Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo  ( Saraswati yoga, good to be meditating)

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

 Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult period passes 



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, the Sept 1 Solar eclipse too.  In combination with the coming Aug 30th 
Havoc in Communication difficulty of Merc being retrograde in Scorpio, we 
should think about shutting FFL down for those days to avert adding anymore to 
what might be the larger disturbing chaos in communication of that time frame?  
This morning downtown I shared this jyotish sequence with someone and it was 
directly suggested we close FFL.  
 ..Of course some out there feel there is always a negative havoc in 
communication being perpetrated all the time on FFL that should be shut down.  
However, I am feeling the Yahoo-groups guidelines are sufficiently 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread globally 
and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing on the 
objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, so if 
there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the year 
of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas of 
life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

---In,  wrote :



 In sequence:

 Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult. 

 Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo  ( Saraswati yoga, good to be meditating)

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

 Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult period passes 



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, the Sept 1 Solar eclipse too.  In 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-08-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And now Doug can claim that the fact that you're disagreeing with him is proof 
of his contention that it's "a difficult day to substantially engage others."  



 ---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread 
globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"?? By focusing 
on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, 
so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the 
year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas 
of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a 
waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication 
 So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
 Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
 or begin things, 
 however; a good day to stay in meditation.



---In,  wrote :

 In correlation of good things.. 

 Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual 

 Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am. 


---In,  wrote :

 Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have 
been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends 
have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems 
perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the 
astrologers got it wrong. :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly 
good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga.. 
 Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah 

---In,  wrote :

 Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..
 Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it 
 with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

 Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it ! 

 Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out,
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes


---In,  wrote :

 I agree.  I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking.  But 
just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility 
and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath 
taking at times  
 That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these 
postmodern times.  I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my 
smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map.  What I was interested to learn was 
just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have 
happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where 
events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously 
act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed 
at the time. 

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, 
including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a 
predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify 
or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex 
enough as it is? :-) 

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, 
without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish? 

---In,  wrote :



 In sequence:

 Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult. 

 Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo  ( Saraswati yoga, good to be meditating)

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo