Re: [Fink-devel] Re: plea for more care

2003-11-12 Thread David R. Morrison
> We have no way of saying "if you build this while you still have the old
> freetype2 installed that has headers, things will get seriously messed up."

Seems to me the correct strategy there is a versioned BuildDepends on
the (placeholder) freetype2 header package, which will cause the old
one to get replaced.

This would be a transitional strategy, in preparation for someday elimnating
that package, but not yet.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] package manager release

2003-11-12 Thread David R. Morrison
I plan to release version 0.17.0 of the package manager from CVS HEAD
around 24 hours from now.  If there is any last-minute cleanup of
recently added code that needs to be done, please do it now.  Also,
if anyone is aware of things in HEAD which are inappropriate for the
next release, please let me know ASAP.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] sources.list hint on

2003-11-13 Thread David R. Morrison
Thanks very much for pointing this out.  The binary distribution is currently
being updated, and I had missed one necessary step in the update process,
which your message pointed out!

As soon as the sourceforge mirrors catch up, you should be able to successfully
complete the "apt-get update" operation.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: UpdatePOD

2003-11-13 Thread David R. Morrison
The perllocal.pod business was working perfectly before all the recent
changes.  I was quite careful to preserve the way it functioned when
I modified the perl modules to include -pm560 etc, back in June.
I'll take a look and see if it can be fixed now.

We've had a number of recent changes to the perl module routines
that don't completely agree with my understanding of what we are 
supposed to be doing with perl modules.  I'd like to suggest that
for the 0.17.0 release, we code things in a way that there is no
change in behavior for the building of perl modules, when compared
with earlier releases.  Then we can have a detailed discussion about
what changes people might want to make, for a future release.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] About perl modules (was: Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.405,1.406,1.169,1.170)

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison
Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 08:21:06PM -0800, David R. Morrison wrote:
> > Log Message:
> > Revise get_perl_dir_arch() and the places where it is used, correcting some 
> > errors in UpdatePOD in case of Type: perl, and guaranteeing that the correct 
> > perl command is used when needed.
> Wedging another return value into get_perl_dir_arch() doesn't seem the best
> of things to do here.  In fact, it already does too much already.  Instead, 
> it looks like you need a get_perl() method.
> Also, you've eliminated the $Config{archname} check.  Any reason?

I eliminated the get_perl() and ARCHNAME code completely from this routine.
One of the design philosophies of Fink is that, to the greatest extent
possible, different users compiling the same Fink package are supposed
to obtain identical deb files.  The code for generating Fink-packaged
perl modules was designed with this in mind.

Prior to June, Fink's /sw/lib/perl5 was mimicking the layout which Apple
had used in their perl 5.6.0 installation, namely, storing things
directly in that directory or in /sw/lib/perl5/darwin.  This caused
problems when people tried to upgrade, so in June we made a change
which allowed two different kinds of perlmodule packages: "Type: perl"
and "Type: perl 5.x.y".  For backwards compatibility, the first kind
continued to be stored in /sw/lib/perl5 and /sw/lib/perl5/darwin while
the second kind used /sw/lib/perl5/5.x.y and /sw/lib/perl5/5.x.y/darwin.
We supply "/sw/lib/perl5" to @INC via the PERL5LIB environment variable,
and fortunately, this picks up /sw/lib/perl5/5.x.y automatically when
the perl being run is version 5.x.y.  In this way, we get both the XS
modules and and the unversioned modules available, and the unversioned
ones only need to be compiled once for use in Fink by different versions
of perl.

The scheme was disrupted somewhat when Apple compiled perl 5.8.1 for 10.3
with a different architecture flag.  So for "Type: perl 5.8.1" we now need
/sw/lib/perl5/5.8.1 and /sw/lib/perl5/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level.

The code which was formerly scattered around but was recently
moved to get_perl_dir_arch() is designed to implement this.  The decision
about where to store things needs to be made based on which "Type" of
package we have, not on what version of perl is currently running.
The same decision tree leads to a correct decision about which perl
executable to invoke when compiling the package: it should be the
fully path-qualified "perl" binary for "Type: perl", and the fully
path-qualified "perl5.x.y" binary for "Type: perl 5.x.y".  Thus, it makes
sense to me to put that result into the same method call.

By the way, the versioned perl module packages are supposed to state
a build-time dependency on "perl5.x.y-core", which guarantees that the
appropriate binary is present to compile the package.

In addition to moving the $perlcmd code to get_perl_dir_arch(), I corrected
some implementation errors which had crept in as 2 or 3 different people
had modified that code in the past few months.

There is one residual problem with all of this.  For backward
compatibility, we are still storing files for non-versioned perl modules
packages in /sw/lib/perl5 and /sw/lib/perl5/darwin.  However, the
files in /sw/lib/perl5/darwin won't be found by perl 5.8.1.  To get
around this, I'm thinking of having fink install a symlink
  /sw/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level -> /sw/lib/perl5/darwin.
Does this sound like a good idea?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] vim-nox binary from Fink 0.6.1 dependency problem

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison

I'm sorry to say that 0.6.2 binaries are, in almost every case, identical
to 0.6.1 with one important exception: the files are now owned by root
rather than by UID 2011.  (The incorrect ownership arose from a "feature"
of hfs+ which was unknown to me: it turns out that a non-root hfs+ volume
defaults to not allowing the root user to own any files, and it silently
ignores requests to change ownership to root.)

So the missing dependencies on dlcompat-shlibs, which after all are 
primarily the responsibility of the package maintainers, are still missing.
This is not a 0.6.1 or 0.6.2 specific problem, but has been a problem for
a long time.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] trailing slashes

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison
> There is a theory now that this comes from the Fink fileutils package,
> although I don't see how it can, since you were using /bin/mv.

To echo this concern: I experienced the "mv" bug last night on a package.
I removed fileutils and rebuilt the package.  It still failed due to the
"mv" bug, even though fileutils was gone.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: UpdatePOD

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear Justin and Jean-Francois,

I updated the perl-module handling code in CVS last night.  I hope that this
fixes all remaining problems with UpdatePOD.  (Actually, it should be fixed
even without the changes Justin made, which I might revert at some point
since they complicate things a bit.  But for now I am just interested in
getting things working so that I can release.)

Please let me know if things now seem to be working, so that I can make
a package manager release.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] vim-nox binary from Fink 0.6.1 dependency problem

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison
> Is libqt-mt from qt3-shlibs still linked with the xfree-86-4.2.1 
> libfreetype? This would still break it for Panther users and force them 
> to recompile qt3 themselves.

I rebuilt 0.6.2 from scratch, using the identical source files as in
0.6.1 (except for updates to fink, fink-prebinding, apt, and dpkg).
So, presumably the answer is yes.

I can add a limited number of updated binaries to the "10.2-gcc3.3/current"
section of the bindist, upon request.  People have to tell me what
versions of which things to compile.  Note that all compiling will be
done on 10.2.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] About perl modules (was: Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.405,1.406,1.169,1.170)

2003-11-14 Thread David R. Morrison
Just to clarify one thing about fink's setup.

We store all XS modules in versioned subdirectories of /sw/lib/perl5.
The modules which are stored directly in /sw/lib/perl5 are the non-XS
modules, which should work the same across all perl versions.

(This wasn't always true, but we had a big cleanup back in June in which
we moved all XS modules into /sw/lib/perl5/5.6.0 .)

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink/t/PkgVersion get_perl.t,1.3,1.4

2003-11-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Let me jump in here, since it was my change that caused the trouble.

First of all, the history of this code snippet is that I wrote it back
in June to implement one aspect of the then-new "Type: perl 5.x.y" 
declaration.  In the past month, a few changes were made to it (by
other people):  it was separated off into a function of its own, and (in a
separate change) the functionality of the code was altered.  After that had
been done, a test was written which enforced the new behavior.

I tracked down a bug last week and realized it was caused by the change in
functionality, so I changed it back to the original intent of the code.
Well, I have to say, if testing had been part of our model back in June,
we'd be in better shape because the breakage that was introduced by putting
in the get_perl() call would never have happened!  So I am all in favor of
getting testing integrated into our development model.

As Max pointed out, though, this is still very new to many of us.  In
particular, what I do when I work on the fink code is to test by running
./ and then using my revised code in my working fink installation.
(I have lots of ways of recovering from problems that might be introduced
by this, including the fact that for me, /sw is a symlink to one of
several fink installations on my system.)

Anyway, I think we need a way of having ./ run the test suite.
For that matter, we should probably have our users run the test suite as
they are compiling the fink package manager for themselves, as a further
check that things are not going wrong.

Any ideas about how to do this?  Max?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink/t/PkgVersion get_perl.t,1.3,1.4

2003-11-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Actually, in the mean while Ben added some stuff to the Makefile.
You can now use "make install" to run ./, so a reasonable new
way to work is "make test; make install".

  -- Dave

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Re: Selfupdate-rsync is broken (Was Re: [Fink-devel] "WARNING: Unable to parse ..." after upgrade)

2003-11-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Max Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah!
> To quote
> NEWS for rsync version 2.5.6, aka the dwd-between-jobs release
> Changes since version 2.5.5:
>  * The --delete-after option now implies --delete.  (Wayne Davison)
> [...]
> --> I think that is exactly the problem. Fixing it should be trivial.

Hi Max.  Yes, we found the same thing this afternoon, and the fix is in
CVS (both HEAD and branch_0_17).

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Status of 10.2 tree

2003-11-18 Thread David R. Morrison
There are still some packages, maybe 100-200, which haven't yet made it
from the 10.2 tree to the 10.2-gcc3.3 tree.  As soon as they are moved,
we'll stop officially supporting the old 10.2 tree, and we'll explicitly
announce this to users.  However, for all practical purposes, that support
is over now.

Sadly, we've lost touch with the FinkCommander developers.  I'm not sure
what the future of that project is.  (It's a separate thing from Fink.)

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] no system-xfree86-* in the 10.3 tree??

2003-11-18 Thread David R. Morrison
The -dev will show up once fink-0.17.1 is released, RSN.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] -release to -version-info conversion

2003-11-19 Thread David R. Morrison
Justin, that section of the fink docs was added 10 months ago by dmalloc.
I don't remember what discussion might have preceded that, but I certainly
strongly disagree with the implication which is made there.  We definitely
should not be changing the versioning that is being used by the upstream
maintainers of a package.  If we don't like how they are doing it, we
should contact them and try to convince them to change.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] "WARNING: Unable to parse ..." after upgrade

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
Ben Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Really fink should not be calling 'rsync'. It should be using 
> /usr/bin/rsync in any case, just like every single other external call 
> in fink does. I see no reason to deviate and trust whatever program a 
> user has that might be called rsync.
> -Ben
> On Nov 16, 2003, at 3:33 PM, Max Horn wrote:
> > And on 10.2.8, Apple shipped rsync 2.5.2. I very much would prefer if 
> > we could just update our rsync package to 2.5.6. Shouldn't be 
> > difficult. Either Bill can do it himself, or one of us can do it for 
> > him.

Yes, we found a solution which uses /usr/bin/rsync, and that's the one
which was put into fink-0.17.1.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Don't disable tests. Report the failure. (was Re: fink ChangeLog,1.181,1.182 Makefile,1.4,1.5)

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
I completely agree that tests should not be disabled.

On the other hand, very few of the fink developers have any experience with
any of the perl testing stuff.  This makes it hard to even know how to
report a failure.

My saga yesterday evening started when -- in the interests of trying out
somebody's recent change to the code -- I attempted to install the
fink package manager from CVS HEAD.  Problem #1 was that the most recent
commit had a bug which kept stuff from compiling.  So I backtracked one
step in CVS, and then ran into problems with the tests in failure.t .

The testing suite has now been fully integrated into fink, so that (for
example) anyone trying to install from CVS HEAD will be unable to do so
unless "make test" succeeds.  (And by the way, why are we always finding
that there is "1 unexpected success" during testing?  Shouldn't an
"unexpected success" count as a failure?)

That's all fine and good, but creates problems for working on the code
if there is a bug in the testing suite that I don't understand in the 
least.  I checked on IRC, and most folks did not experience the bug but
a few of us did.

I find the failure output from "make test" to be rather cryptic, and I
don't even know what would constitute a useful bug report.

My personal workaround was to comment out the "make test" line from, allowing the new fink to be installed to that I could continue
to work.  As Ben Reed pointed out to me on IRC, the failure was happening
in the new module which isn't even being used in fink yet.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Don't disable tests. Report the failure. (was Re: fink ChangeLog,1.181,1.182 Makefile,1.4,1.5)

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
> To fix, try reinstalling Test::Harness from 
> and use "make install UNINST=1"
> to make sure the old version is deleted.

This is not The Fink Way (TM). :)

We need robust fink packages for 5.6.0 which install the Test:: code
in whatever way its going to be needed by the testing suite.  Obviously,
these are the packages which we'll want to put into the 10.2 bootstrap.

  -- Dave

P.S. Fink claims that my test-harness-pm, test-inline-pm, and
test-simple-pm packages are up to date.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Don't disable tests. Report the failure. (was Re: fink ChangeLog,1.181,1.182 Makefile,1.4,1.5)

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
> Run "perl -MTest::Harness -wle 'print $Test::Harness::VERSION'" and let me
> know what it says.  


> If its less than 2.00 then you have a shadowing
> problem.  Check "perldoc -l Test::Harness" to find out what file Perl is
> loading for Test::Harness.


  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] "make test" failure report (run on CVS HEAD, just now)

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
./Command/failure...# Failed test (./Command/failure.t at line 106)
# Failed test (./Command/failure.t at line 156)
#  got: undef
# expected: '1069341580'
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 45.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 28, 38
Failed 2/45 tests, 95.56% okay
Failed 1/17 test scripts, 94.12% okay. 2/454 subtests failed, 99.56% okay.
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
./Command/failure.t2   512452   4.44%  28 38
make: *** [test] Error 123

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Re: [Fink-devel] Phasing out references to Mac OS X 10.1 (Doc Maintainers?)

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
I disagree.  As far as I know, our 10.1 distribution still works.  Anyone
who bought a Mac or a copy of OS X prior to September 2002 and who did
not choose to pay for an upgrade will still be running 10.1.

We can de-emphasize it, sure, but it is already de-emphasized.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Failed make test

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
Well, this one is easy to understand, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

In the "fink" CVS module, we have a file perlmod/Fink/ .
That is processed with some sed magic in the script.  So naturally,
there is a "compile failure" when is invoked.

  -- Dave

Darian Lanx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Here is the output. The CVS up -Pd is maybe 5 minutes old
> mule:~/tmpdir/fink$ make test
> ./00compile.NOK 31# Failed test (./00compile.t at 
> line 20)
> #  got: 'Can't locate Fink/ in @INC (@INC 
> contains: ../perlmod /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl/darwin 
> /Library/Perl /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl 
> /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/darwin 
> /Network/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl . /Library/Perl/darwin 
> /Library/Perl /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl /Library/Perl 
> /Network/Library/Perl/darwin /Network/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl 
> .) at ../perlmod/Fink/ line 31.
> # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ../perlmod/Fink/ 
> line 31.
> # Compilation failed in require at (eval 37) line 3.
> # '
> # expected: ''
> ./00compile.ok 45/0# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 
> 45.
> ./00compile.dubious 
>  Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> DIED. FAILED test 31
>  Failed 1/45 tests, 97.78% okay
> ./Base/initialize...ok 
> ./Base/paramok 
> ./Base/param_booleanok 
> ./Command/cat...ok 
> ./Command/chowname..skipped
>  all skipped: You must be root to test chowname
> ./Command/commands..ok 
> ./Command/exports...ok 
> ./Command/failure...ok 
>  9/45 skipped: You must be root
> ./Command/touch.ok 
> ./Config/exportsok 
> ./Config/load_save..ok 
> ./Config/optionsok 
> ./Config/param..ok 
> ./Config/verbosity_levelok 
> ./Mirror/exportsok 
> ./PkgVersion/get_perl...ok 
> Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> - ---
> ./00compile.t1   256451   2.22%  31
> 1 test and 9 subtests skipped.
> Failed 1/17 test scripts, 94.12% okay. 1/445 subtests failed, 99.78% okay.
> make: *** [test] Error 1
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
> iD8DBQE/vU3ciW/Ta/pxHPQRAyzwAJ0fxbJupmQ6muwMb7iX7DeQy9zJwQCcCNI7
> udb1/KScPplXvw14tWogZag=
> =mOX7
> ---
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> Fink-devel mailing list

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Re: [Fink-devel] Failed make test

2003-11-20 Thread David R. Morrison
And by the way, apparently the reason you're not seeing the other errors
I saw (and reported here today, albeit belatedly), is that you ran "make
test" as an ordinary user and the dubious tests were skipped, whereas
I ran "sudo make test" (thus mimicking the behavior of fink when it 
installs the fink package manager).

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] libmikmod-3.1.10-2

2003-11-21 Thread David R. Morrison
You need to download this using the "master mirrors" option, since the
package checksum didn't match.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] CURRENT-FINK = 0.5.4 ?

2003-11-22 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi Martin.

I changed the fink package manager to look at CURRENT-FINK-$distribution
instead of CURRENT-FINK (where $distribution is 10.2, 10.2-gcc3.3, or 10.3).
I then created the 0.5.4 distribution with an update to the package
manager which contains that new code.

Therefore, what is supposed to happen is that you update to 0.5.4, then
the new package manager code looks in a different place, and the next
time you update you will be sent to the correct, distirbution-specific

  -- Dave

P.S. This is more-or-less documented on

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Re: [Fink-devel] Change to the Web-site navigation

2003-11-24 Thread David R. Morrison
I have one concern about the web content at .

Everything else in fink, including our entire website, it stored in CVS in
one form or another.  There are lots of good advantages to that, including
an easy way to back up all of fink, and shared management of all of fink.

Could we put the web content from into CVS as well?

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: web/pdb search.php,1.3,1.4

2003-11-24 Thread David R. Morrison
The pdb is not working now, and I have to suspect that this might have been
caused by dmalloc's changes to the web pages last night, since it worked
OK yesterday.

Some of the searches I try work OK, but others (like "tetex" or "xfree86")
aren't working.

Anybody have a clue about what the cause could be?

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] another test failure

2003-11-24 Thread David R. Morrison
Tonight was my first opportunity to try "make test" again since the work
that was done on it last week.  Unfortunately, it failed for me again.

Not sure if its still relevant, but "nobody" is UID -2 and "unknown" is
UID 99 on my system.  (By the way, /etc/passwd is not the correct place
to look for this on OS X/Darwin, you need to consult the netinfo database.)

New failure log posted below.

  -- Dave

user-119-135:fink/81% sudo make test
Creating fink...
Creating fink-virtual-pkgs...
Creating pathsetup.command...
Creating man page...
Creating shlibs default file...
Creating postinstall script...
./Command/failure...NOK 26# Failed test (./Command/failure.t at line 107)
./Command/failure...NOK 28# Failed test (./Command/failure.t at line 111)
./Command/failure...ok 36/0# Failed test (./Command/failure.t at line 161)
#  got: undef
# expected: '1069729873'
./Command/failure...NOK 38# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 45. 
Test returned status 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
DIED. FAILED tests 26, 28, 38
Failed 3/45 tests, 93.33% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
./Command/failure.t3   768453   6.67%  26 28 38
Failed 1/19 test scripts, 94.74% okay. 3/469 subtests failed, 99.36% okay.
make: *** [test] Error 123

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Re: [Fink-devel] another test failure

2003-11-25 Thread David R. Morrison
My umask is 077 and my t/ is at 700.  Files/directories within it are at

I'll try the latest version after I reboot back to 10.2.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] another test failure

2003-11-25 Thread David R. Morrison
Sorry, I forgot to say: I'm on HFS+.

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Re: [Fink-devel] another test failure

2003-11-25 Thread David R. Morrison
OK, on 10.3 (where I haven't tested before) I can report that the earlier
failures aren't occurring, presumably because you fixed them.  There is
another problem, though: I can't run "make test" at all unless I first
edit the Makefile to change $$PWD to $PWD.

Will try on 10.2 next.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.446,1.447,1.119,1.120

2003-12-03 Thread David R. Morrison
"Justin F. Hallett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Update of /cvsroot/fink/fink/perlmod/Fink In directory
> sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv27242
> Modified Files:
>   ChangeLog 
> Log Message:
> Added warning messages for essentials and non installed pkgs
> Index: ChangeLog
> ===
> RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/fink/perlmod/Fink/ChangeLog,v
> retrieving revision 1.446
> retrieving revision 1.447
> diff -u -d -r1.446 -r1.447
> --- ChangeLog 3 Dec 2003 20:37:43 -   1.446
> +++ ChangeLog 3 Dec 2003 21:20:59 -   1.447
> @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
>  2003-12-03  Justin F. Hallett  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   * made it so fink can't remove or purge essential pkgs
> - like bzip2-dev which can be removed in current fink, even though
> - fink will just reinstall them, why not just not allow it to be removed?
> + like bzip2-dev and added warnings for it and not installed packages.
>   Also made it so if the pkgs to be removed are the same as the ones
>   in ARGV then don't ask first.  And added a print_breaking for long
>   package listings.

This is bad.

bzip2-dev is NOT an essential package, and it MUST be allowed to remove it.
That is true of every -dev package.

If we don't allow the removal, then we can never upgrade the library if
there is a non-binary-compatible change.  During a transition period to
the new library you would have to allow the -dev packages to swap in and

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.446,1.447,1.119,1.120

2003-12-03 Thread David R. Morrison
The dependency engine is *very* tricky about this point.

At several places in the code, there are special cases to deal with this,
and if I try to modify them, I break things.

However, I am quite certain that bzip2-dev does not get treated as an
essential package.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] test suite now implemented

2003-12-04 Thread David R. Morrison
P.S. If you are running on 10.2, you should install test-simple-pm by hand
before updating fink from CVS HEAD.  The "essential" versions of the new
packages are present during the bootstrap, but haven't yet been added to
the unstable trees.

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Re: [Fink-devel] test suite now implemented

2003-12-04 Thread David R. Morrison
I agree that making these packages essential is not a great solution.
In fact, if we make the test code conditional on the presence of the
Test:: stuff, then we can just add these packages to the bootstrap
when needed (like with storable-pm560).

Thanks for the suggestion, Max, I'll look into modifying t/00compile to
make this work (although I'm a bit scared to touch that!).

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] test suite now implemented

2003-12-04 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear fink-devel,

I've added code which causes the fink test suite to be run every time you
bootstrap or inject fink.  This required the introduction of three new
essential packages in the 10.2-gcc3.3 tree and earlier: file-spec-pm,
test-simple-pm, and test-harness-pm.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems from this.  Problems with
the testing suite itself are not things that I have the skill to fix;
if you run into those, you should report them here.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] test suite now implemented

2003-12-04 Thread David R. Morrison
Sure.  The change which Max is suggesting only affects running the test
suite while fink is being bootstrapped, and also during the first time
the user upgrades to fink-0.18.0 (or whatever release this code becomes
part of).  After that, the test suite will be run each time the user
installs fink.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] 10.2 packages

2003-12-05 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear fink developers,

There are only 36 packages* left in the 10.2/unstable tree which have not
yet been moved to 10.2-gcc3.3.  They are listed below, sorted by maintainer.

In each case, either the source is no longer available, or I have been
unable to compile the package using the gcc 3.3 developer tools.  If the
maintainers (or others) can tweak them and get them to compile, that
would be great.  If so, please move them to 10.2-gcc3.3.

Otherwise, these packages are likely to vanish.  Official support for the
non-gcc3.3 10.2 tree will be ended soon.

If you can't get the package working, but think its something good to have
in fink, you can do what we did at the end of 10.1 and post the existing
info file to the Package Request Tracker, hoping that someone will someday
pick up the task of porting to the latest OS X.


*Actually, that is 36 packages exclusive of the kde directory, which I
haven't worked on at all.


Maintainer: Rob Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Jeremy Erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Ben Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Carsten Klapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Masanori Sekino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Patrick Sodre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Matt Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Alexandre Vial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maintainer: None <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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[Fink-devel] new symlink in fink?

2003-12-05 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear fink folks,

The following idea has been discussed a few time in IRC; I wanted to
bring it to the mailing list for comment before implementing it.

The version of perl which ships with 10.3 was built with a different
architecture flag than previous perls on OS X.  Whereas the architecture
flag was formerly "darwin", it is now "darwin-thread-multi-2level".

This creates no problems for -pm581 packages (which have been adapted
to the new flag), but our strategy for -pm packages has been to
store the code directly in /sw/lib/perl5 where it can be accessed by
any of the versions of perl.  Some parts of a package may get stored
in /sw/lib/perl5/darwin and those won't be found by the new perl.

My idea for addressing this is to create a new symlink:
  ln -s /sw/lib/perl5/darwin /sw/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level
That way, a perl built with the longer architecture flag will find
things stored in /sw/lib/perl5.

The question for perl gurus is: will this cause any unanticipated problems?

The question for fink gurus is: how should we implement this in fink?
I was thinking of possibly making this symlink a part of the fink package
itself, and testing in a preinstall script to make sure there is not 
already a directory or a file in that location.  Any alternate suggestions?


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Re: [Fink-devel] new symlink in fink?

2003-12-05 Thread David R. Morrison
My symlink strategy would only apply to non-XS modules.  For XS modules,
we make separate fink packages for each version, and properly store
things in /sw/lib/perl5/5.x.y .

But for non-XS modules, it shouldn't matter which version of perl is
running it, right?  (as long as the module doesn't explicitly require
a more recent version of perl than the one you have installed...)

  -- Dave

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

> >>>>> "David" == David R Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> My idea for addressing this is to create a new symlink:
> David>   ln -s /sw/lib/perl5/darwin /sw/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level
> David> That way, a perl built with the longer architecture flag will find
> David> things stored in /sw/lib/perl5.
> But it won't run.  The reason for the arch tag in that path is that
> it needs to be in there.  Stuff built with threads won't work
> with stuff built without threads.  Stuff built with multi-2level
> won't work with stuff built without.
> Any scheme you come up with must have the arch tag in there somewhere.

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Re: [Fink-devel] new symlink in fink?

2003-12-05 Thread David R. Morrison
Hmmm... OK... Currently we get the fink directory into @INC by putting
/sw/lib/perl5 into PERL5LIB.  I suppose another possible implementation
here would be to include both /sw/lib/perl5 and /sw/lib/perl5/darwin
in PERL5LIB...

(Rebuilding perl for fink users isn't really a good option, if I understood
your suggestion correctly...)

  -- Dave

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

> >>>>> "David" == David R Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> My symlink strategy would only apply to non-XS modules.  For XS modules,
> David> we make separate fink packages for each version, and properly store
> David> things in /sw/lib/perl5/5.x.y .
> David> But for non-XS modules,
> And for non-XS modules, there's a non-XS entry in the @INC.
> David>  it shouldn't matter which version of perl is
> David> running it, right?  (as long as the module doesn't explicitly require
> David> a more recent version of perl than the one you have installed...)
> It's still dangerous to collapse those.  Better to build the newer
> Perl that also looks at older directories, than to collapse the old
> and new directories.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Idea: "LangVersion" field in .info

2003-12-08 Thread David R. Morrison

When I expanded "Type: perl" to allow "Type: perl 5.x.y" back in June, 
I stuck the version number into the same field because I was getting
flack about unnecessarily increasing the number of fields.  However,
in wedging it in there I did some less-than-pretty things to the code!

One thing which is not completely obvious is that the 5.x.y in
"Type: perl 5.x.y" affects the behavior of the UpdatePOD declaration,
which does different things for "Type: perl" and "Type: perl 5.x.y".

A general mechnism for handling language variants will be great, but
it has to be recognized that the types of changes to Fink which will
be needed for the various languages are going to be different.  This
will require some careful planning.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Hello Fink Project

2003-12-08 Thread David R. Morrison
Great to have you hear, Sao.  Welcome.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Is it ok to remove phpmyadmin and pws from the web-module?

2003-12-08 Thread David R. Morrison
You do know that nothing can actually be removed from CVS, right?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] new fink commands

2003-12-08 Thread David R. Morrison
But let's not call it the "fink-dev" package... that's where I would expect
to find fink.h !

  -- Dave

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Re: I am giving this 24 hours -> (Re: [Fink-devel] Is it ok to remove phpmyadmin and pws from the web-module?)

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
I screamed and complained before, and I'll do it again.

You can't and shouldn't remove things.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] release coming

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
I plan to release a new version of the package manager, fink-0.18.0, in a
day or two.  If you are aware of any bugs in CVS HEAD, please fix them
(or report them) now.  If you are planning to add new features to CVS
HEAD, please wait until after the release.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] "Trees" not searched in order?

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison

It will work if you move local/main to be the last item in your Trees line
in fink.conf.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] release coming

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
If I understand your message correctly, you do not believe that we are
ready for a release.

Please let me know when we are ready.

  -- Dave

TheSin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think a few features should be held out Dave
> since we are still discussing on fink splitoffs and fink showparent, 
> I'd leave those out, and there is a bug in the sub get_splitoffs, I 
> hope to have that fixed but still we should leave it out for now since 
> it's not documented.
> Also could we get more feedback on the changes I made to the dep 
> engine, I'd like to get more ppl using it, since I have no reports or 
> very very little.  It scares me, it either just works or not many ppl 
> are using/reporting it.  And BuildConflicts isn't documented.  fink 
> list -b and fink remove -b is in the fink list --help and fink 
> remove--help but it's not ducomented anywhere else either.
> That's about all I can think of for now. :)
> ---

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[Fink-devel] documentation updates

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
Folks, we need a few updates in the packaging manual.  Section 5.4 on scripts
is out of date; could somebody who is familiar with the current script
rules please revise it?  (just send the text here if you don't know how
do the xml edits)

Also, I detected some amiguities between and what the manual
says, concerning the fields in a SplitOff.  It's not so clear which of
the "initial data" fields are actually allowed... it seems that UpdatePOD
is missing from in the splitoff section (or if not, that
it should be mentioned in the manual that its not allowed)... and
the manual says that Essential is not allowed in a splitoff but this is
no longer correct.

Could someone familiar with the splitoff code take a look at this?


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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.459,1.460,1.71,1.72

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
TheSin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> why was buildconflicts removed?
> ---
> TS

Sorry, that was an accident; looks like I started from an old version of by mistake.  I"ll fix it.

On the other hand, the point of the exercise was to make sure that
everything in is in the packaging manual, and vice versa.
So where is the documentation for buildconflicts?

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.459,1.460,1.71,1.72

2003-12-09 Thread David R. Morrison
OK, I corrected my error, restored some accidentally wiped out changes,
and in particular put buildconflicts back into

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2/stable/main/finkinfo/libs,1.3,1.4

2003-12-11 Thread David R. Morrison
The reason that I started trying to enforce BuildDependsOnly is to try to
get our automatic Shared Libraries system (the shlibs project) working.

Any package containing headers and un-numbered dylib files should be labeled
BuildDependsOnly: True.  As a consequence, you can't put any files into
that package which are needed at runtime by any other package.  If other
things need the i18n files at buildtime, there is no problem.

My next step in trying to enforce this will be to add a check to the
validator for .deb files which, whenever you have something in /sw/include,
checks to make sure that you have set BuildDependsOnly.  It will warn you
if not.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] The perl modules situation

2003-12-11 Thread David R. Morrison
Ben Hines has again raised the issue of how we handle perl modules which are
provided by newer versions of perl, but were not provided by older versions
of perl.  This has been brought up before by JF Mertens.

Each release of perl incorporates some new perl modules into the release,
and in addition updates the versions of some of the existing modules.
On the other hand, many of those modules continue to be under active
development, and someone may need a more recent version of the module than
was provided by the most recent release of perl.

The obvious solution to this problem would be to use versioned Provides
statements.  That is, if you installed perl581 (or the virtual system-perl581),
you would get
  Provides: digest-md5-pm (= 2.27-1)
while if you installed perl580 you would get
  Provides: digest-md5-pm (= 2.20-1)
and earlier versions would not provide this package at all.

However, as far as I know, dpkg and apt-get do not recognize versioned
Provides.  So we can't use this system at the moment.  Hopefully, 
somebody will get interested in the task of revising our tools to
allow versioned Provides.  (I'll comment more about why it would be bad to
use non-versioned Provides at the end of this message.) 

What we could do for now, though, is to make some better documentation about
what versions of which perl module packages are provided by the different
flavors of perl.  A place to start, if anybody wants to work on this, is: and the related pages which are
linked from there.

  -- Dave

P.S. Here's why it would be bad to use non-versioned Provides.  Of course,
we can add "Provides: digest-md5-pm" to the perl580 and perl581 packages.
Suppose package foo then needs a new feature which is contained in v.2.30 of
digest-md5-pm.  Then package foo will have to say
"Depends: digest-md5-pm (>= 2.30-1)" which also is no problem.  However,
if perl583 is later released and it contains version 2.30 of digest-md5-pm,
there will be no way to remove the versioned depedency from package foo.
That is, you'll have to live with 
  "Depends: perl583-core | digest-md5-pm (>= 2.30-1)"
forever (even if we later get a versioned Provides implemented).

Thus, using non-versioned Provides would give only a short-term solution
to this problem, and it would prevent us from ever implementing the
long-term solution of versioned Provides.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11,NONE,1.1 qt2-g++2.patch,NONE,1.1

2003-12-12 Thread David R. Morrison
Could be that since we've never documented the virtual gcc2 package, Jeff
didn't know it was there...

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] New GTK breaks Ethereal

2003-12-12 Thread David R. Morrison
Looks like the updates I've been making to gtk+ and other packages
inadvertantly caused this.  Working on a fix...

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/text,NONE,1.1,NONE,1.1 scribus-1.0.1-22.patch,NONE,1.1,1.7,1.8

2003-12-13 Thread David R. Morrison
Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/text
> In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv3792
> Modified Files:
> Added Files:
>   scribus-1.0.1-22.patch 
> Log Message:
> Evil hack to link to %p/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib. Seems to solve the font problems

Hi Martin.  I think that this can only be regarded as a short-term fix.
We're intending to rely on the X11-supplied libfreetype in the 10.3 tree,
in the long run.  Do you know why that doesn't work in this case?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/text,NONE,1.1,NONE,1.1 scribus-1.0.1-22.patch,NONE,1.1,1.7,1.8

2003-12-13 Thread David R. Morrison
Sorry, I read fink-commits before fink-devel this morning...

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Bad news from the freetype2 front

2003-12-13 Thread David R. Morrison
Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David R. Morrison wrote:
> > Martin, please try imagemagick-5.5.1-23 (now in 10.3/stable).  I've hacked
> > around the "poll" problem, and "display" seems to work OK.
> Yes, it works, thanks. Now one just needs to do this for version 5.5.7 :-)
> The poll problem, what is this exactly? Did poll not exist before, and 
> now it exists but doesn't work?

libpoll has been missing from Darwin from day 1.  In fink, we had a kind of
fake libpoll package, which implemented some but not all of the poll 
functions and included some appropriate headers.

Apple decided to adopt that package (or maybe just something similar) for
10.3, and include it with the system.  Now in most cases this works just
fine.  But sometimes, the incomplete implementation of poll causes problems.

Most likely, imagemagick in 10.2 should have had "BuildConflicts: libpoll"
if we allowed buildconflicts.  Because, as we just saw, the configure
script will find poll when it is present and the results are not good.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] reminder about freetype2 changes

2003-12-14 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi.  Just a reminder that when you modify a package so that it no longer
depends on fink's freetype2 package but uses "apple's" freetype2 instead,
you need to replace the freetype2, freetype2-shlibs dependencies by
x11 and x11-shlibs dependencies.  freetype2 is indeed shipped by Apple,
but only in

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] reminder about freetype2 changes

2003-12-14 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi.  Just a reminder that when you modify a package so that it no longer
depends on fink's freetype2 package but uses "apple's" freetype2 instead,
you need to replace the freetype2, freetype2-shlibs dependencies by
x11 and x11-shlibs dependencies.  freetype2 is indeed shipped by Apple,
but only in

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Bad news from the freetype2 front

2003-12-15 Thread David R. Morrison

Have you tried statically linking freetype2 into scribus?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Bad news from the freetype2 front

2003-12-15 Thread David R. Morrison
Ah, I had another idea.  We could create a freetype213 package which would
do all its installs in a non-standard location.  You'd have to mess with
the link lines to make sure that scribus finds freetype213 and its headers,
rather than the one in /usr/X11R6, but that should be possible.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods,1.3,,1.1,,1.3,,1.1,

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi Dan.  I'd just like to mention, in connection with your demo, that I
do not plan to move perl 5.6.1 into the 10.3 tree.  In fact, there
is only a single -pm561 package in the 10.2 or 10.2-gcc3.3 trees.

The versions which will be relevant going forward are -pm560, -pm580,
-pm581 (and someday, -pm582).

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.465,1.466,1.188,1.189

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
"Justin F. Hallett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Modified Files:
>   ChangeLog 
> Log Message:
> Now we can have longer depends lines for future or missing versions, ie -ssl or nox 
> variants or perl 582 stuff
> Index: ChangeLog
> ===
> RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/fink/perlmod/Fink/ChangeLog,v
> retrieving revision 1.465
> retrieving revision 1.466
> diff -u -d -r1.465 -r1.466
> --- ChangeLog 15 Dec 2003 11:01:54 -  1.465
> +++ ChangeLog 15 Dec 2003 23:31:00 -  1.466
> @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
> +2003-12-15  Justin F. Hallett  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> +
> + * Stop warning about missing packages in depends line
> + if an other pkg in the expression is found to statisfy it.
> +
>  2003-12-15  Daniel Macks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   * Changed expand_percent to do the automatic %% => %

Hi Justin.  Do I understand this change correctly?  In the past, if we

Depends: foo | bar

and foo is present but bar is not present in the database, then the package
builds OK but issues a warning about bar not being present.

After your change, there is no longer a warning, is that correct?

If that's what this change does, then I disagree with it.  It's an
important reminder when people are bringing things from unstable to
stable, that not everything is present in stable.

On the other hand, we should probably be more flexible in what we allow
in stable and permit people to move things like that even when there
is a warning.  One possible change, which I would agree with, would
be to only issue that warning message when the verbosity level is high.
(These days, the verbosity level for users is set by default to a fairly
low value; since this warning is primarily of interest to developers,
it makes sense to only issue it if the verbosity level is high.)
We could also phrase the warning in a way that makes it clear that its
ok for developers to have packages which generate this warning message.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.465,1.466,1.188,1.189

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
> But I think it's a worthless warning for the average user.

Sure, that's why I suggested we could change it so that "average users"
don't see the warning, it'
s only seen if you have the verbosity level high.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] bin-dist made more regularely

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi Remi.  My preference would be for you to create a CVS branch in the
scripts module for your changes, and then when you are done and everyone
agrees, we can move them to HEAD.

I have a few corrections to what you wrote:

>  From the scripts/bindist/HOWTO:
> Q: What is needed before I can start making a binary distribution?
> A: - You need a working fink installation. However during the build
>   phase all but the essential packages will be purged. Thus DON'T
>   DO IT on a production system where you relay on certain fink
>   packages.
> - The user building the binary distribution must be able to get
>   root privilegies on the build machine using 'sudo'
> - The maintainer must have an account at which
>   enables her/him to upload the binary distribution.

 This is no longer relevant, actually.  The final step in the distribution
 process must be handled by the fink-core team, and its something we've
 been asked not to document publically.  The goal of the HOWTO can be
 to describe how to get a working bindist into the (local) bindist

> - Enough disk space to hold the local binary distribution
>   (quantify???)
> - Before making a new binary distribution, the packages used must
>   be tagged in cvs with the release number used.

 There is a question about "order of events" here.  It's true that 
 everything in the bindist needs to be tagged.  On the other hand, it has
 often been necessary to make minor repairs to packages as the bindist
 is being created.  Sometimes, I've tagged everything before I started
 and then revised the tags every time I made a "repair."  Other times,
 I've left the tagging to the end.

> - If a binary distribution for the stable tree is built, only the
>   stable tree must be enabled (at /sw/etc/fink.conf). Otherwise
>   packages might get built against libraries existing only in the
>   unstable tree.

 There is another consideration here, too: the crypto tree.  I always first
 build the bindist with the crypto tree disabled, to make sure that we
 haven't accidentally put things into the non-crypto tree which depend
 on things in the crypto tree.  Then I make a second pass, with both
 stable/main and stable/crypto enabled.

 There are a few other tweaks which are necessary as well.  Fink is not
 very smart about specifying the default choice, and in the automated
 system, we always take the default choice.  For this reason, I remove
 the various system-foo packages before I start making the bindist.
 (Will be less necessary in 10.3 since most system-foo package are now
  virtual packages and needn't be added or removed.)

> -
> Q: What scripts need to be run to make a binary distribution?
> A: # First edit bdenv.csh to set up the site specific settings
> # Then source the file to set up the environment
> source bdenv.csh
> # Create the directory structure for a new release, f.e. 7.0. This
> # assumes that the packages in cvs used for the binary distribution
> # are cvs tagged to 7.0
> ./bdnewrel 7.0
> # Get the sources from cvs and copy them into the dist structure
> # excluding those packages which may not be distributed as binaries
> ./bdsources
> # Next build the deb files for the sources copied in the previous
> # step. Successfully compiled packages are copied into the dist
> # structure, including the source files.
> ./bdbuild
> # After the previous step finished, check the $BDLOG directory for
> # any packages which failed to build (stored in NotBuilt).
> # Create index.php files in the various directories
> ./bdindex

 This is obsolete; we no longer have a web server trying to run in the
 bindist directory, so we no longer need index.php files.

> # Ensure all .deb's etc are uploaded
> ./bdsync
> # Make sure the files are referenced
> ./bdscan
> # Get the Package.gz files online
> ./bdsync

 I'm not sure if you changed any of the above scripts, but there are a
 few problems with the current setup.  I guess I'll wait until you are
 a bit farther along before making them explicit.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] dpkg-bootstrap cannot be built due to missing gettext-dev

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Well, it is not anticipated that anybody will build or install 
dpkg-bootstrap unless they are actually running the fink bootstrap script.

I wonder if we should remove it from the package tree, and just keep it
around in the bootstrap area...

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] distcc and not ccache?

2003-12-16 Thread David R. Morrison
Fink runs "sudo gcc_select" (without arguments) to test whether you've got
the correct version of gcc selected.  I'm not sure why your symlink trick
messes that up, but it doesn't surprise me.  Fink is designed to work when
all of the Apple-supplied things are left as Apple gave them to us.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Which interpretter for building -pmXXX packages?

2003-12-17 Thread David R. Morrison
Well, the reasoning behind using whatever perl 5.x.y is in the path is that
many users had, under Jaguar, installed perl 5.8.0 themselves (following
some idiotic instructions on Apple's web site).  I was trying to make sure
that no matter how you had installed the version of perl, Fink could still
use it.

I think the place to address this is, actually.  If our
tests of the installed perl 5.x.y are sufficiently robust, we'll guarantee
that it has whatever properties we need.  And it's only if those tests
are passed that a user gets to have system-perl5xy and bypass the
fink perl5xy package.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Overriding MAKEFLAGS globally?

2003-12-17 Thread David R. Morrison
Actually, fink tries to prevent you from making such overrides, by "cleaning"
many environment variables before it starts its work.  This was done in
response to problems experienced by users who had installed something
that set some environment variables for them, which they were unaware of
, a debugging their problems was very challenging.  The unfortunate side-effect
is that a power user such as yourself has fewer options when using fink.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Point release: CURRENT-FINK

2003-12-18 Thread David R. Morrison
Try this:

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.472,1.473,1.191,1.192,1.78,1.79

2003-12-19 Thread David R. Morrison
Daniel Macks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Update of /cvsroot/fink/fink/perlmod/Fink
> In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv32608/perlmod/Fink
> Modified Files:
>   ChangeLog 
> Log Message:
> Implemented usage of "Source: none" as synonym for "Type: NoSource".

Excellent solution!

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database,1.4,NONE mysql-3.23.58-11.patch,1.1,NONE

2003-12-19 Thread David R. Morrison
No, mysql-4.0.5-11 is still there...

  -- Dave

Remi Mommsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> does this mean that mysql-dev and mysql-shlibs are no longer available 
> in 10.2-gcc3.3/stable? If so I'll have to revise my root3 packages in 
> stable.
> Cheers,
>   Remi
> On Dec 19, 2003, at 3:06 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:
> > Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database
> > In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30314
> >
> > Removed Files:
> > mysql-3.23.58-11.patch
> > Log Message:
> > obsolete
> >
> >
> > --- DELETED ---
> >
> > --- mysql-3.23.58-11.patch DELETED ---
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
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> > Fink-commits mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -
> Failure is not an option.
> It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.   (Ferenc Mantfeld)
> *
> Remigius K. Mommsen e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of California, Irvine   URL:
> c/o SLAC voice:++1 (650) 926-3595
> 2575 Sand Hill Road #35fax:++1 (650) 926-3882
> Menlo Park, CA 94025, US  home:++1 (650) 233-9041
> *

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database,1.4,NONE mysql-3.23.58-11.patch,1.1,NONE

2003-12-20 Thread David R. Morrison
Well, I have to agree, I hadn't noticed that the "old" version of mysql
has a different splitoff than the most recent version.  I simply noticed
the duplication and assumed that one was obsolete.

Peter, what's the plan here?

  -- Dave

From: Remi Mommsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sorry, maybe I'm blind (not to be excluded), but
> > 10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: 
> > %N12-shlibs
> just provides mysql12-shlibs and no longer mysql-shlibs.
> Cheers,
>   Remi
> On Dec 19, 2003, at 5:42 PM, Daniel Macks wrote:
> > Daniel Macks said:
> >> David R. Morrison said:
> >>>
> >>> Update of 
> >>> /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database
> >>>
> >>> Removed Files:
> >>> mysql-3.23.58-11.patch
> >>> Log Message:
> >>> obsolete
> >>
> >> I think there are still some packages that need mysql-shlibs.
> >
> > Never mind...I see that there's still mysql-shlibs in 
> > 10.2-gcc3.3/unstable.
> >
> > % find . -name "mysql*info" | xargs grep "Package:.*shlibs"
> > 10.2/stable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: 
> > %N-shlibs
> > 10.2/unstable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: 
> > %N-shlibs
> > 10.2/unstable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: %N12-shlibs
> > 10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/database/  
> > Package: %N-shlibs
> > 10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: 
> > %N12-shlibs
> > 10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: 
> > %N12-shlibs
> > 10.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: %N12-shlibs
> > 10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/database/  Package: %N12-shlibs
> >
> > dan
> >
> > -- 
> > Daniel Macks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
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> > ___
> > Fink-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -
> Computers are like air-conditioners, they stop working properly when
> you open Windows. (Anonymous)
> *
> Remigius K. Mommsen e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of California, Irvine   URL:
> c/o SLAC voice:++1 (650) 926-3595
> 2575 Sand Hill Road #35fax:++1 (650) 926-3882
> Menlo Park, CA 94025, US  home:++1 (650) 233-9041
> *
> ---
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> Become an expert in LINUX or just sharpen your skills.  Sign up for IBM's
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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/stable/main/finkinfo/database,1.4,NONE mysql-3.23.58-11.patch,1.1,NONE

2003-12-22 Thread David R. Morrison
OK, there are a few general points about naming.  (I'm not sure exactly how
they apply to this case.)

Once you've named a shlibs package, you should stick with that name until
the next time there is an upgrade which is not backward-compatible.
Even after changing to a new non-backward-compatible version, you need
to keep the "old" shlibs package around indefinitely (for the sake of
anything that is linked to it).

So, for example, if mysql needs an update to mysql12-shlibs, then we still
need a mysql-shlibs package (built with the old version) to stay around.

The naming "policy" should never be interpreted to mean that a name of
an existing package should be changed to conform to policy.  When you
introduce a new package, or a binary-incompatible new version of a
package, then please do use the fooN-shlibs convention, but don't make
this change just for the sake of conformity to policy.

Remember that the Shlibs field in a -shlibs package amounts to a promise
by the maintainer that the libraries listed in Shlibs will always be
available in the package whose name is mentioned in the Shlibs field.

As I say, I'm not sure how all of this applies to the current case.  Since
you've now introduced mysql12-shlibs as well as mysql-shlibs, it seems
to me that you'll need a new package which simply creates "mysql-shlibs"
using the old version of the source.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] New fink does not honor Depends for 'build'

2003-12-22 Thread David R. Morrison
Thanks for the report, Remi.  It is this type of problem in cvs HEAD which
is keeping me from releasing 0.18.0.  I plan a careful audit of the code
later this week.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] New fink does not honor Depends for 'build'

2003-12-23 Thread David R. Morrison
TheSin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> this should be fixed now, please test it.

Thanks, Justin!

  -- Dave

> On 22-Dec-03, at 8:57 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:
> > Thanks for the report, Remi.  It is this type of problem in cvs HEAD 
> > which
> > is keeping me from releasing 0.18.0.  I plan a careful audit of the 
> > code
> > later this week.
> >
> >   -- Dave
> >
> >
> > ---
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> > Fink-devel mailing list
> >
> >
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Re: [Fink-devel] fink-mirrors breaks selfupdate

2003-12-24 Thread David R. Morrison
THanks, Martin.  I switched fink-mirrors to use CustomMirror, which should
hopefully cure the problem.  Merry Christmas to you as well!

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink-mirrors breaks selfupdate

2003-12-24 Thread David R. Morrison
fink 0.17.3 will fix this... should be out within 30 minutes...

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/base,NONE,1.1,NONE,1.1,1.1,NONE,1.2,NONE

2003-12-24 Thread David R. Morrison
Ben Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why not use the new info file name format?
> it sure helps to track changes.
> -Ben
> On Dec 24, 2003, at 12:38 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:
> > Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/base
> > In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv2951
> >
> > Added Files:
> >
> > Removed Files:
> >
> > Log Message:
> > new versions
> >

Hi Ben.  I agree that the new format has many advantages.  However, right
at the moment, we are managing at least 4 different trees (stable/unstable
for both 10.2-gcc3.3/10.3), and I'm finding it to be quite difficult to
keep track of which versions are where, when the version numbers are not 
part of the name.

I'll become a bigger fan of the new format once the conversion to 10.3
is complete.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] The perl modules situation

2003-12-24 Thread David R. Morrison
Ben Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 11, 2003, at 5:38 AM, David R. Morrison wrote:
> >
> > The obvious solution to this problem would be to use versioned Provides
> > statements.  That is, if you installed perl581 (or the virtual 
> > system-perl581),
> > you would get
> >
> You seem to misunderstand my issue. We already have versioned provides. 
> The pseudo package provides are all versioned. There is no 
> issue, the .pm and dpkg/apt simply need to be fixed to provide the 
> packages, just like they provide certain versions of cctools and perl.
> -Ben

In any package, virtual or not, you can say something like

  Provides: xfree86 (>= 4.3-1)

The question is, if a different package says
  Depends: xfree86 (>= 4.3-1)

will that dependency be satisifed by the "Provides" line, or will it only
be satisfied by an actual xfree86 package with the correct version number?

This is a question of the behavior of dpkg/apt, not of fink, since we
use dpkg and apt to manage the final steps of our installations (and to
keep track of dependency information like this).

My belief is that the "Provides" line is not enough to satisfy dpkg.
Certainly that was true in the early days of fink.  It's possible that
it has changed, and that I haven't kept up with dpkg's capabilities.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] fink-0.17.4 forthcoming

2003-12-27 Thread David R. Morrison
I've put into experimental/dmrrsn, if anybody would like
to help test this.

Here's the recent history of fink versions:

0.17.2: released in conjunction with fink-mirrors, with the intent of moving
 the list of mirrors to a separate package which could be updated
 independently of fink releases

there was a bug in 0.17.2 related to upgrading, which I didn't detect prior
 to release because I didn't store the sourcefile remotely and try to
 upgrade without the sourcefile being present in /sw/src (sorry!)

0.17.3: bugfix which apparently allowed the Master mirror to properly
 resolve even when the /sw/lib/fink/mirrors directory is not present

however, there was a bug in that, too, which I detected when I tried to
expand the "default mirrors" idea to include rsync and sourceforge.

0.17.4: forthcoming bugfix release which includes defaults for rsync,
 sourceforge, and master (if the corresponding files in /sw/lib/fink/mirrors
 are missing).  This should function exactly as if those files were

I plan to release 0.17.4 within 12 to 24 hours.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink CVS does not install/selfupdate as well.

2003-12-28 Thread David R. Morrison
> And on a personal note. I am really not happya bout this new
> Personally i think that was a premature deicsion, because
> it introduces rather serious security problems. It was bad enough how we
> had it, but having it in a seperate info file without _any_ validation
> is even worse imho.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but all of the mirrors you have recruited
recently were not being used by anyone (other than a few Fink developers
who use CVS), because the list of mirrors is only updated when the package
manager is updated. 

The security of the current system is no different than the security of
the previous system.  The list of mirrors is kept in CVS, and released
as a fink package with an MD5 sum for the tarball.

I'll look into the the @INC problem you had.  Which version of fink did
you have installed when you tried to inject?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink CVS does not install/selfupdate as well.

2003-12-28 Thread David R. Morrison
> > I'll look into the the @INC problem you had.  Which version of fink did
> > you have installed when you tried to inject?

> 0.17.1.cvs

OK, the inject will only work if you have at least fink 0.17.2 installed.
This inject method is *not* intended as the way most users will get
updated lists of fink mirrors, by the way.  They'll get them through
selfupdate when the fink-mirrors package is updated.  And the fink-mirrors
package explicitly depends on fink >= 0.17.2.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink CVS does not install/selfupdate as well.

2003-12-28 Thread David R. Morrison
Darian Lanx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David R. Morrison wrote:
> > 
> > I'm not sure if you realize this, but all of the mirrors you have recruited
> > recently were not being used by anyone (other than a few Fink developers
> > who use CVS), because the list of mirrors is only updated when the package
> > manager is updated. 
> > 
> I know and I addressed this several times in Channel. Justin has the 
> "mirror" module which adresses this issue on a more global scale as far 
> as I understood. He was going to update it to HEAD as soon as his SHLIBS 
> stuff is in.

I didn't realize that Justin intended to work on this more.  The CVS 
module he was using had been inactive for almost a year.

I'm not sure in what sense Justin's implementation was "more global" than
mine.  Anyway, I saw a need, and I implmeneted it.  It's done now.

> > The security of the current system is no different than the security of
> > the previous system.  The list of mirrors is kept in CVS, and released
> > as a fink package with an MD5 sum for the tarball.
> My concern still remains. As I pointed out, I never thought the system 
> to be secure in the first place, thus it wasn't too bad that not many 
> were relying on it yet. Wew should have solved the security issues 
> before making this accessable to the broad public and thuis increasing 
> the risk involved with this system.
> I'll see to it, that I get GnuPG signing operational as soon as possible

I'm not sure I understand your security concern here.  The only people
who can change the mirror lists that the average fink user gets are the
people who can release source files using the SF file release system.  
That list consists of the fink core developers and one or two others.

Could you please summarize the security of fink as you see it, and explain
where we need improvement?  I'd be happy to help improve things.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink-mirrors breaks selfupdate (FAQ)

2003-12-29 Thread David R. Morrison
Another way to fix this now is to download the fink-0.17.4-1 tarball,
unpack it and run ./ in it, and then run "fink selfupdate".

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink-mirrors

2003-12-29 Thread David R. Morrison
Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> TheSin wrote:
> > is the fink-mirrors package going to ask me the same questions 
> > everytime? is so could it get it's own config file or read fink.s it's 
> > very annoying.
> The strange thing is it doesn't behave the same everywhere. I have been 
> doing this update on 3 machines, and on two of them it only asks me 
> whether I want to keep all the mirror settings, and I only have to hit 
> return once. On the third machine, it goes through the whole mirror list 
> every time, so I have to hit return about a dozen times. Weird.

Thanks for the reports.  You are only prompted with a list of questions
if some of your mirrors are not already set, but it seems that I forgot to
write the new mirror choices to the config file!  Fixed in 0.0.4, to be
released shortly.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2/unstable/main/finkinfo/libs,1.1,1.2

2003-12-29 Thread David R. Morrison
Hi Dan.  Thanks for paying attention to the submission tracker!

I'm not sure that there's any point in putting new things into the 10.2
tree at this point.  The 10.2-gcc3.3 tree is still alive and very active,
but I've already started thinking about some code destined for fink-0.19
which will disable the 10.2 tree.  Virtually everything has been moved
from 10.2 to 10.2-gcc3.3, and we should be encouraging all users to
upgrade their developer tools if they are still using 10.2.

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] putting 10.1 to rest

2003-12-29 Thread David R. Morrison
I've determined that the very last version of the fink package manager which
bootstraps successfully on 10.1 is fink-0.12.1.

Here's what I propose to do:
1) add to 10.1/unstable/main/finkinfo/base
2) make the fink 0.12.1 release visible on sourceforge, and label it
   "for OS X 10.1" like the fink-0.4.1a distribution is labeled
3) remove the contents of the 10.1 directory from the fink bootstrap area
   in CVS, and abandon any further attempts at 10.1 compatibility.
   Also, add a little code so that if you try to bootstrap or install
   a modern version of fink under 10.1 you get kicked with a pleasant
   message advising you to stick with 0.12.1 or earlier.

Any comments about this?  Objections, counterproposals?

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink,1.48,1.49 ChangeLog,1.494,1.495,1.6,1.7,1.146,1.147,1.25,1.26,1.195,1.196,1.58,1.59,1.85,1.86,1.87,1.88

2003-12-30 Thread David R. Morrison
If anybody knows of a way to get emacs to format things the "right" way for
Fink, I'd appreciate knowing about it...

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] x11-dev

2003-12-31 Thread David R. Morrison
As some of you may have noticed, I just added "BuildDepends: x11-dev" to
many packages in the 10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3 trees.  I also added a package
xfree86- to 10.3/unstable.

Why do this?  We've had many problems over the past few months with users
who didn't install the X11SDK package from apple under 10.3.  We partially
addressed this by making a virtual package system-xfree86-dev that keeps
track of the X11SDK stuff, but so far, that package hasn't really been
used in the fink trees.  Since that package provides x11-dev, we need
to start making things BuildDepend on x11-dev, where appropriate.

To do this right, we also need -dev splitoffs for the xfree86 packages
themselves.  In the case of xfree86-base and friends, I made "placeholder"
-dev packages to avoid forcing users to recompile xfree86.  This issue
is less crucial for xfree 4.2, but at least the -dev packages are present
so that we can modify all trees to use x11-dev in a similar fashion.

In the case of xfree86 in the 10.3 tree, I created and stuck
it in "unstable".  This is a lower version number than the current unstable,
but higher than the current stable.  I would be happy if others would
help me test this new package.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] gettext-dev and libiconv-dev dependencies

2003-12-31 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear Martin,

I have an alternate proposal for handling this kind of BuildDepends issue:
a new field in fink that I'm tentatively calling InheritedBuildDepends.

Here's how it would work.  If package foo has the line
  InheritedBuildDepends: bar
then any time another package had a BuildDepends on foo, fink would 
automatically add a BuildDepends on bar as it was processing that other

(Or it could work another way: one could require that any time you are
building anything, and foo is present, then bar must be loaded before you

This has the advantage of avoiding "Depends", which as we know is awkward
and can lead to problems when you want to remove certain -dev packages
automatically.  But, at least for cases like the gettext/libiconv problem,
it would lead to the desired result that *all* of the packages you need
are automatically present.

It would also be very useful in conjunction with pkgconfig.

I haven't thought about all of the examples you gave, to make sure that this
would solve them as well.


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[Fink-devel] Re: dists/10.2-gcc3.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci,1.5,1.6,1.8,1.9

2003-12-31 Thread David R. Morrison
Sorry, Remi!  My script assumed that the here-doc construction wasn't being
used in the BuildDepends field... well, that was true the last time I 
used the script, but I guess it's not true any more!

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] fink builds twice

2004-01-01 Thread David R. Morrison
Are you using fink-0.17.4, or fink from CVS?

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] fink 0.18.0

2004-01-04 Thread David R. Morrison
Dear fink developers,

fink-0.18.0 has just been released.  This release includes some changes
made to the dependency engine by Justin Hallet, as a first step towards an
overhaul of the dependency engine to provide some long-desired features,
by Justin and others.

If there are any bugs in this, or if you have disagreements about the
direction the changes are going, please discuss them here.


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Re: [Fink-devel] Nonstandard license (attn: drm)

2004-01-06 Thread David R. Morrison
The most appropriate license is probably "Restrictive/Distributable".
This means that it does not meet the OSI definition of open source (hence,
"Restrictive"), but it's OK for fink to distrubute in both source and
binary form (hence, "Distributable").

  -- Dave

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[Fink-devel] Re: fink INSTALL.html,1.14,1.15 README.html,1.9,1.10 USAGE.html,1.10,1.11

2004-01-06 Thread David R. Morrison
> Once again, how to commit doc changes: step 1) commit XML file, 2) run 'make &&
> make install' again, 3) commit HTML/PHP files

I have just one small thing to add:  sometimes, you also need step 1.5:
run 'touch foo.xml', or else "make" thinks that everything is up to date.

  -- Dave

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: fink/perlmod/Fink ChangeLog,1.505,1.506,1.152,1.153

2004-01-06 Thread David R. Morrison
> I'm Making a

Max, I suggested this approach to Justin the other day.

 step 1: clearly define the interface to the dependency engine, in terms
  of some functions that can be called, and what arguments must be
  passed to those functions (and what will be returned)

 step 2: restructure the current to define and call those
  functions (just a refactoring of current code)

 step 3: do development work on a new module which will
  reimplement those functions, presumably adding new features like
  build/conflicts and/or shlibs. will export functions
  of the same names and same syntax, so that once everything has been
  tested, it can be a "drop-in replacement" for the same functions

By doing things this way, Justin can do his development work in cvs HEAD,
without disturbing the main line of development until his new engine
routines are thorouoghly tested.

  -- Dave

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