Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: Gentoo Commitfests

2006-10-20 Thread Grobian
On 20-10-2006 15:00:26 -0500, Mike Doty wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Just a random thought that popped into my head:
> We could have a commit fest where everyone who wants to compete kicks in
> some small amount of money(say $5) maybe the foundation kicks in a

Skip the money, just make it a nice hall of commit-fame page.  Money
just gets the evilness inside the people out.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Improving Gentoo User Relations

2006-04-07 Thread Grobian
On 07-04-2006 11:07:28 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> I mean, as a purely hypothetical example... Could you imagine just how
> many dumb feature requests, questions and requests for code from the
> unwashed masses someone would get if they admitted to having an early
> alpha of an alternative to Portage that didn't require Python? Having
> to deal with the noise would be more than enough to ensure that no more
> development would ever get done...

This is ofcourse a purely hypothetical prediction for a hypothetical
example.  Another hypothesis might be that noone would care about the
hypothetical alternative to Portage, hence no developer obstruction
would take place at all.  Yet another hypothesis might be that there
would actually exist a few smart users that give some smart comments on
the, in this case hypothetical, product.

Maybe user-rel should, together with GWN bridge this problem by keeping
the source of news anonymous?  Just to use it as teasers of what kind of
things are being done in Gentoo's kitchen?
Of course this only holds for new projects like in your hypothetical

Existing projects, like KDE and GCC probably already deal with questions
from users, and giving a status update once a month would in my opinion
help them to keep users both informed and interested, which is what the
original poster meant I think.  From a user-rel perspective the
information is used to inform the users that they're not waiting in vain
for something not to happen, as well as why they are waiting, for

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Gentoo wants YOU! (for GNUstep)

2006-03-25 Thread Grobian
On 19-03-2006 11:16:10 +0100, Grobian wrote:
> I would really like to see a new GNUstep maintainer

Gentoo is now officially looking for people interested to maintain,
expand (*and FIX* :) ) GNUstep applications on Gentoo.  We expect
interested persons to be willing to maintain GNUstep in a long lasting
relationship with the project.  ;)
Interested participants can have a look at our staffing needs page [1],
and continue from there.  Interest to get GNUstep apps compiling/running
on other platforms than GNU/Linux is a pre.


Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Global logrotate use flag

2006-03-21 Thread Grobian
Have a look at these:

On 21-03-2006 14:19:31 +0100, Jeroen Roovers wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I noticed 'logrotate' is becoming quite generic as a use flag:

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Savannah CVS changes and the missing GNUStep herd

2006-03-19 Thread Grobian
Unless somebody else wants to do it, I am about to step in here to keep
GNUstep in the tree.  I already did some research on it, and it seems it
needs an update, and the previous maintainer masked a few of the CVS
ebuilds, so that eases things a bit.  Seems many of the packages can use
an upgrade, so I'll give it a try today to see if I can get it working

I'm going to look into more detail to it today, so if someone has
objections, please state them now.

I would really like to see a new GNUstep maintainer, but I'm not in the
desktop herd or something, neither a frequent user of GNUstep any more.

On 19-03-2006 03:23:26 +0100, Fabian Borschel wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> On 2006-03-18 12:53:09 +0100 Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >However, since the GNUStep herd is void, no one has stepped up to fix
> >those ebuilds - meaning we have a bunch of useless, non-functional,
> >live CVS ebuilds laying around in portage, see the list below.
> Did you look into There are new ebuild (which don't
> use CVS). Maybe not for all GNUstep ebuilds, but there are users who
> are interested in GNUstep stuff (take me for an example). If you
> search a new maintainer I would do the job. But I'm no Gentoo-Dev yet.
> Regards,
> Fabian

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] x86-fbsd keyword in main tree?

2006-03-09 Thread Grobian
On 09-03-2006 12:30:33 -0500, Alec Warner wrote:
> Regardless, I'd like to reach a conclusion about this, was GLEP 47
> submitted to the council for the next meeting?

As far as I know: no.  I didn't myself because I'm having a problem with
ppc-macos and the upcoming x86-macos (they will probably have a lot in
common) and am not completely sure whether what Diego and I proposed is
actually flexible enough.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: Emanuele Giaquin (exg)

2006-03-06 Thread Grobian
At last... :)
Welcome Emanuele!

On 06-03-2006 20:41:28 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all.
> Slightly late but never the less I'd like to introduce Emanuele
> Giaquinta (exg) who joined the team a few weeks ago. Emanuele will be
> working on Gentoo/OSX and ppc stuff when he's not making up weird
> potions :)
> Before joining Gentoo Emanuele has contributed to gentoo, rxvt-unicode
> and other free software/open source projects.
> Emanuele is a 23 year old student in computer science at the university
> of Catania, in Italy. Besides spending time on Gentoo he's fond of
> manga/anime, listening/playing music, poetry and mysticism.
> Welcome to the team Emanuele :)
> Regards,
> Bryan Østergaard

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] QA Roles v2

2006-03-02 Thread Grobian
On 02-03-2006 20:19:19 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 21:10:02 +0100 Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | I'm also convinced that deliberate circumvention is easy to detect.
> In that case, please provide a list of cases where !arch? flags are
> being used to circumvent repoman warnings, where the correct solution

Circumvent?  Can you elaborate on that?  repoman does have a problem
with this, while portage does not.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-13 Thread Grobian
I've made some modifications to the GLEP, see:

The modifications are based on all comments raised on the previous

Many pieces rewritten, reworded and explained in more detail.
- clarified 'safeness' of CHOST variable
- note on USE-expansion variables and use of variables separate +
- defined semantics env-map file interpreter
- defined requirements for env-map file expressiveness
- added precise specification of allowed characters in keywords

Constructive comments are welcome.

On 09-02-2006 22:48:32 +0100, Grobian wrote:
> Please find attached GLEP 47: "Creating 'safe' environment variables".
> The GLEP is a Gentoo/Alt initiative.  Constructive comments are welcome.

Fabian Groffen
GLEP: 47
Title: Creating 'safe' environment variables
Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2006/02/13 21:00:50 $
Author: Diego Pettenò, Fabian Groffen
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 14-Oct-2005
Post-History: 09-Feb-2006


The text of this GLEP is a result of a discussion and input of the
following persons, in no particular order: Mike Frysinger, Diego
Pettenò, Fabian Groffen and Finn Thain.


In order for ebuilds and eclasses to be able to make host specific
decisions, it is necessary to have a number of environmental variables
which allow for such decisions.  This GLEP introduces some measures that
need to be made to make these decisions 'safe', by making sure the
variables the decisions are based on are 'safe'.  A small overlap with
GLEP 22 [1]_ is being handled in this GLEP where the use of 2-tuple
keywords are being kept instead of 4-tuple keywords.  Additionally, the
``ELIBC``, ``KERNEL`` and ``ARCH`` get auto filled starting from
``CHOST`` and the 2-tuple keyword, instead of solely from they 4-tuple
keyword as proposed in GLEP 22.
The destiny of the ``USERLAND`` variable is out of the scope of this
GLEP.  Depending on its presence in the tree, it may be decided to set
this variable the same way we propose to set ``ELIBC``, ``KERNEL`` and
``ARCH``, or alternatively, e.g. via the profiles.


The Gentoo/Alt project is in an emerging state to get ready to serve a
plethora of 'alternative' configurations such as FreeBSD, NetBSD,
DragonflyBSD, GNU/kFreeBSD, Mac OS X, (Open)Darwin, (Open)Solaris and so
on.  As such, the project is in need for a better grip on the actual
host being built on.  This information on the host environment is
necessary to make proper (automated) decisions on settings that are
highly dependant on the build environment, such as platform or C-library


Gentoo's unique Portage system allows easy installation of applications
from source packages.  Compiling sources is prone to many environmental
settings and availability of certain tools.  Only recently the Gentoo
for FreeBSD project has started, as second Gentoo project that operates
on a foreign host operating system using foreign (non-GNU) C-libraries
and userland utilities.  Such projects suffer from the current implicit
assumption made within Gentoo Portage's ebuilds that there is a single
type of operating system, C-libraries and system utilities.  In order to
enable ebuilds -- and also eclasses -- to be aware of these
environmental differences, information regarding it should be supplied.
Since decisions based on this information can be vital, it is of high
importance that this information can be trusted and the values can be
considered 'safe' and correct.

Backwards Compatibility

The proposed keywording scheme in this GLEP is fully compatible with the
current situation of the portage tree, this in contrast to GLEP 22.  The
variables provided by GLEP 22 can't be extracted from the new keyword,
but since GLEP 22-style keywords aren't in the tree at the moment, that
is not a problem.  The same information can be extracted from the CHOST
variable, if necessary.  No modifications to ebuilds will have to be


Unlike GLEP 22 the currently used keyword scheme is not changed.
Instead of proposing a 4-tuple [2]_ keyword, a 2-tuple keyword is chosen
for archs that require them.  Archs for which a 1-tuple keyword
suffices, can keep that keyword.  Since this doesn't change anything to
the current situation in the tree, it is considered to be a big
advantage over the 4-tuple keyword from GLEP 22.  This GLEP is an
official specification of the syntax of the keyword.

Keywords will consist out of two parts separated by a hyphen ('-').  The
part up to the first hyphen from the left of the keyword 2-tuple is the
architecture, such as ppc64, sparc and x86.  Allowed characters for the
architecture name are in ``a-z0-9``.  The remaining part on t

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Bugzilla etiquette suggestions

2006-02-13 Thread Grobian
On 13-02-2006 21:02:28 +0100, Carsten Lohrke wrote:
> On Monday 13 February 2006 20:29, Grobian wrote:
> > Maybe that has to change then?  Like getting more bug wranglers that
> > also handle canned responses as a first-line helpdesk?
> Wrangle bugs a few months and you'll see how hard it can be to stay friendly 
> sometimes...

That's what I said two posts ago.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Bugzilla etiquette suggestions

2006-02-13 Thread Grobian
On 13-02-2006 19:21:57 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 20:07:51 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | If these frustrations get so apparent that they require a solution
> | flag in Bugzilla for a developer, then it might be a better solution
> | to just leave the bugzilla work to someone else and try to work a bit
> | more away from the users for a while.
> Most of us don't have the luxury of being able to ignore real users...

Maybe that has to change then?  Like getting more bug wranglers that
also handle canned responses as a first-line helpdesk?

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Bugzilla etiquette suggestions

2006-02-13 Thread Grobian
On 13-02-2006 18:49:18 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:39:06 +0100 Simon Stelling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | NOTABUG sounds good, but as Ciaran said, we need another replacement
> | for those bugs who really deserve it. If a user sticks
> | -fvisibility=hidden into his CFLAGS (instead of CXXFLAGS),
> | PLEASEGOAWAYKTHXBYE would be much more appropriate.
> They also deserve it if they stick it in their CXXFLAGS...

I don't agree on such solution, because getting rid of personal
frustrations of a developer should *not* be supported by Gentoo's
Bugzilla.  These kind of emotions give a rather weak signal, and do not
really show any kind of profesionalism IMHO.

If these frustrations get so apparent that they require a solution flag
in Bugzilla for a developer, then it might be a better solution to just
leave the bugzilla work to someone else and try to work a bit more away
from the users for a while.  It is a well known issue that people who
have to work with others get frustrated (e.g. call-center employees).

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-11 Thread Grobian
On 11-02-2006 20:05:58 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:28:34 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > kfreebsd-gnu is, in effect, one example you're using already. You'd
> | > have x86 as the arch, FreeBSD as the kernel and GNU as the userland.
> | 
> | Yes, but you're actually mixing two things here now.  The right hand
> | side of the 2-tuple is not a kernel or userland, it is an OS, which
> | includes this in itself.
> Mm. I'm not convinced that that justifies creating weird codes for
> the weird cases...

Ok.  If we're on the same wave length here, then I think the real
question is here whether we do allow hyphens to be in the os part or
not.  If yes, the part till the first hyphen is the arch, and everything
from the hyphen (exclusive) till the end of string is the os part.  If
no, an 'escape' method must be defined for the os part.  In both cases
it is necessary to state that the arch cannot contain hyphens in it, and
if such restriction is defined, it might be handy to immediately add
spaces and the like to the list.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-10 Thread Grobian
On 10-02-2006 20:22:06 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 19:25:47 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | On 09-02-2006 23:50:08 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> | > On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 22:48:32 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | > wrote:
> | > > Instead of proposing a 4-tuple [3]_ keyword, a 2-tuple
> | > > keyword is chosen for archs that require them.
> | > 
> | > Provision should be made for future ports that require more than two
> | > keywords. There's no particular reason to artificially limit this to
> | > two at this stage.
> | 
> | Can you come up with an example?
> kfreebsd-gnu is, in effect, one example you're using already. You'd have
> x86 as the arch, FreeBSD as the kernel and GNU as the userland.

Yes, but you're actually mixing two things here now.  The right hand
side of the 2-tuple is not a kernel or userland, it is an OS, which
includes this in itself.  macos (even though the x is missing) implies a
darwin kernel, and mixed BSD/GNU userland.
If you really want to have kernel and userland in the keyword, then the
definition of the keyword should be different, and probably state that
it is always a 3-tuple and that the defaults are 'linux' and 'gnu' for
the 2nd and 3rd fields respectively.
I argue however, that this is not necessary, hence a 2-tuple of
"arch-os" is enough to just distinguish it from the others, while also
being descriptive to human readers.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-10 Thread Grobian
On 10-02-2006 01:30:40 -0700, Duncan wrote:
> Grobian posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
> Thu, 09 Feb 2006 22:48:32 +0100:
> > .. [3] For the purpose of readability, we will refer to 1, 2 and
> >4-tuples, even though tuple in itself suggest a field consisting of
> >two values.  For clarity: a 1-tuple describes a single value field,
> >while a 4-tuple decribes a field consisting out of four values.
> OK, despite the given reasoning, I found this distracting.  Perhaps this
> is one of Ciaran's English readability suggestions, but is there a reason
> not to s/segment/tuple/g ?  That seems to me more accurate, "segment" is
> more accessible English to non-programmers than "tuple", and it should
> cure the distraction problem I experienced. Of course, it could be just me...

I assume you meant to replace 'tuple' with 'segment'.  First of all, I
might be biased, as for me everything is a binary association table.
However, I don't think a segment is the same in this case.  'part' would
be better, perhaps.  In the end I think GLEPs are targetted at
programmers: those of Gentoo, as such it is not targetted at a broad
(and generic) audience at all.  I prefer to stick with 'tuples' for now.

> If the current usage, and thus the footnote, is retained, there's a typo
> in the last line quoted. s/decribes/describes/ (which I only caught when
> the spellchecker hilighted it in the quote as I replied).

Thanks, got it.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-10 Thread Grobian
On 10-02-2006 11:00:33 +0100, Diego 'Flameeyes' Petten wrote:
> On Friday 10 February 2006 09:00, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> > Could you add a definition of 'safe' to the GLEP?  It's not clear what
> > this means at the moment.
> "Variables that can be counted on, as users can't change them in unexpectable 
> ways without hacking the tree" :)

I'll try to deal with it in the same part that deals with the CHOST

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-10 Thread Grobian
On 10-02-2006 00:38:47 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 19:26:11 -0500 Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Assuming the CHOST variable is 'safe' is not a good thing, users can
> > over-ride this variable.  Can you specify some behavior when it's set
> > to something bogus ( invalid form ) or something thats not in the
> > mapping?
> Users that override CHOST to something outside of one of the safe forms
> (or at all, on many archs) won't be able to compile anything anyway.

On 10-02-2006 01:38:54 +0100, Diego 'Flameeyes' Petten wrote:
> Users can change CHOST, but if they do in the wrong way, they can do way more 
> damage than just this.

Indeed.  But this reason is worth a note in the GLEP.  I'll add it as
grounding why we assume CHOST is 'safe'.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-10 Thread Grobian
On 09-02-2006 23:50:08 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 22:48:32 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Instead of proposing a 4-tuple [3]_ keyword, a 2-tuple
> > keyword is chosen for archs that require them.
> Provision should be made for future ports that require more than two
> keywords. There's no particular reason to artificially limit this to
> two at this stage.

Can you come up with an example?  Unlike Diego, I think this limitation
is good, because it defines the format, which makes parsing and such
easy.  I can't think of an example that doesn't fit in 2-tuple keywords,
and if there would be, perhaps that makes this whole GLEP 'unstable',
and hence should be replaced completely then.
Last but not least, if it doesn't fit in a 2-tuple, then the keyword is
probably misused for something it wasn't meant for -- at least as far as
I can see right now.

> Examples of how this lot is to be used in DEPEND= etc would be good for
> clarity.

Ok, I assume you just want to see something like:
   DEPEND="ppc-macos? ( dev-libs/libpcre )"
   DEPEND="x86? ( dev-libs/libpcre )"

If not, then I don't understand where you're aiming at.

> You should clarify the env map behaviour when multiple matches all
> occur (first match, last match or merge?).

This is a good point that deserves an example and some careful thoughts,
as I'm not sure now if it makes sense to have such situation.  In any
case, it should be precisely defined.

> You should probably clarify whether the map is part of Portage itself
> or in the tree. If it has to be part of Portage, explain why.

I think Diego said something about this already, but I'll give it some

> There're various English issues too where things don't scan clearly to
> a native reader, but it's probably not worth fixing them at this stage.
> Let me know when you reach the point where using precise language is
> important and I'll make a list.

I'll first go through a couple of iterations, then we'll see where we
end up.  Thanks for the offer anyway.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo/Alt  --  Under a Mackintosh
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] GLEP 47: Creating 'safe' environment variables

2006-02-09 Thread Grobian
Please find attached GLEP 47: "Creating 'safe' environment variables".

The GLEP is a Gentoo/Alt initiative.  Constructive comments are welcome.

Fabian Groffen
GLEP: 47
Title: Creating 'safe' environment variables
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2006/02/09 21:42:57 $
Author: Diego Pettenò, Fabian Groffen <{flameeyes,[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: Active
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 14-Oct-2005


The text of this GLEP is a result of a discussion and input of the
following persons, in no particular order: Mike Frysinger, Diego
Pettenò, Fabian Groffen and Finn Thain.


In order for ebuilds and eclasses to be able to make host specific
decisions, it is necessary to have a number of environmental variables
which allow for such decisions.  This GLEP introduces some measures that
need to be made to make these decisions 'safe', by making sure the
variables the decisions are based on are 'safe'.  A small overlap with
GLEP 22 [1]_ is being handled in this GLEP where the use of 2-tuple
keywords are being kept instead of 4-tuple keywords.  Additionally, the
``ELIBC``, ``KERNEL`` and ``ARCH`` get auto filled starting from
``CHOST`` and the 2-tuple keyword, instead of solely from they 4-tuple
keyword as proposed in GLEP 22.
The destiny of the ``USERLAND`` variable is out of the scope of this
GLEP.  Depending on its presence in the tree, it may be decided to set
this variable the same way we propose to set ``ELIBC``, ``KERNEL`` and
``ARCH``, or alternatively, e.g. via the profiles.


The Gentoo/Alt project is in an emerging state to get ready to serve a
plethora of 'alternative' configurations such as FreeBSD, NetBSD,
DragonflyBSD, GNU/kFreeBSD, Mac OS X, (Open)Darwin, (Open)Solaris and so
on.  As such, the project is in need for a better grip on the actual
host being built on.  This information on the host environment is
necessary to make proper (automated) decisions on settings that are
highly dependant on the build environment, such as platform or as in


Gentoo's unique Portage system allows easy installation of applications
from source packages.  Compiling sources is prone to many environmental
settings and availability of certain tools.  Only recently the Gentoo
for FreeBSD project has started, as second Gentoo project that operates
on a foreign host operating system using foreign (non-GNU) C-libraries
and userland utilities.  Such projects suffer from the current implicit
assumption made within Gentoo Portage's ebuilds that there is a single
type of operating system, C-libraries and system utilities.  In order to
enable ebuilds -- and also eclasses -- to be aware of these
environmental differences, information regarding it should be supplied.
Since decisions based on this information can be vital, it is of high
importance that this information can be trusted and the values can be
considered 'safe' and correct.

Backwards Compatibility

The proposed keywording scheme in this GLEP is fully compatible with the
current situation of the portage tree, this in contrast to GLEP 22.  The
variables provided by GLEP 22 can't be extracted from the new keyword,
but since GLEP 22-style keywords aren't in the tree at the moment, that
is not a problem.  The same information can be extracted from the CHOST
variable, if necessary.  No modifications to ebuilds will have to be


Unlike GLEP 22 the current keyword scheme as used in practice is not
changed.  Instead of proposing a 4-tuple [3]_ keyword, a 2-tuple
keyword is chosen for archs that require them.  Archs for which a
1-tuple keyword suffices, keep that keyword.  Since this doesn't change
anything to the current situation in the tree, it is considered to be a
big advantage over the 4-tuple keyword from GLEP 22.  This GLEP is an
official specification of the syntax of the keyword.

Keywords will consist out of two parts separated by a hyphen ('-').  The
left hand part of the keyword 2-tuple is the architecture, such as
ppc64, sparc and x86.  The right hand part indicates the operating
system or distribution, such as linux, macos, darwin, obsd, etc.  If the
right hand part is omitted, it implies the operating system/distribution
type is GNU/Linux.  In such case the hyphen is also omitted.  Examples
of such keywords are ppc-darwin and x86.  This is fully compatible with
the current keywords used in the tree.

The variables ``ELIBC``, ``KERNEL`` and ``ARCH`` are currently set in
the profiles when other than their defaults for a GNU/Linux system.
They can as such easily be overridden and defined by the user.  To
prevent this from happening, the variables should be auto filled by
Portage itself, based on the ``CHOST`` variable.

A map file can be used to have the various ``CHOST`` values being
translated to the correct values for the four variables.  This change is

Re: [gentoo-dev] coreutils: deprecated behavior not so deprecated

2006-01-29 Thread Grobian
On 27-01-2006 08:44:14 -0500, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Monday 23 January 2006 23:04, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > for those who dont know what i'm talking about, consider:
> > tail -1
> > head -1
> > 
> it would seem i lied about this (at least the first two still work)

sort +0 doesn't work anymore.  Not sure, but it seems to control the
sorting order, sort +1 sorts reverse, all the rest normal.
autofs uses this in the script, which causes the automounter to
get broken.  Bug #120403.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: tcsh vs. csh, removal of the latter

2006-01-28 Thread Grobian
On 28-01-2006 01:47:27 -0800, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 12:05:30PM +0300, Peter Volkov (pva) wrote:
> > To solve symlink problem I can suggest the following.
> Rather than handling it manually, perhaps eselect can help handle it
> consistently, and allow users to switch when they have both csh and
> tcsh installed.

I think this will make sense if we would rename csh to bsd-csh and then
let eselect handle the symlink for csh to bsd-csh or tcsh.

The question here now actually is: "is csh worth the hassle, or not?"
My opinion is that it is not.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: tcsh vs. csh, removal of the latter

2006-01-28 Thread Grobian
On 28-01-2006 09:38:05 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 10:31:55 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | In fact, I'd like to have only sh, because I never use bash.
> How did you become a Gentoo developer?

Guess I forgot to put the word 'interactively' at the end of that
sentence.  :)

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: tcsh vs. csh, removal of the latter

2006-01-28 Thread Grobian
On 28-01-2006 12:05:30 +0300, Peter Volkov (pva) wrote:
> On Срд, 2006-01-25 at 20:57 +0100, Grobian wrote:
> > Are there any objections to removing csh from the tree?  If there are no
> > problems with csh removal before Feb 1st 2006, then I will starting from
> > that date work on getting csh removed by masking it, blocking tcsh and
> > csh, and request for updates of the packages that depend on csh.
> Thinking a little bit on subject I'd say I object. There is a big
> difference in size between csh and tcsh:
>   -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 130148 Янв 28 08:11 /bin/csh
>   -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 299136 Янв 28 08:13 /bin/tcsh
> So tcsh is *2.3 times bigger* then csh. Of course, that's not a big pain
> for current desktop or server systems. But gentoo is used for different
> purposes... Also personally I like small system and I'm not using csh
> for anything except for installing packages. So I do not need anything
> except basic csh functionality. Thus for me it's better to leave csh and
> remove tcsh (I know this is bad solution ;) ).

Well, tcsh is still small comparing to bash:
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 739936 Jul  7  2005 /bin/bash
or to put it in perspective:
% la -h /bin/bash /bin/tcsh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 723K Jul  7  2005 /bin/bash
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 304K Dec 30 10:48 /bin/tcsh

And for the full picture:
% ls -la /bin/{sh,csh,bash,tcsh}
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root bin   516392 Jan  6  2000 /bin/bash
-r-xr-xr-x   2 root bin   159196 Nov 22  2002 /bin/csh
-r-xr-xr-x   4 root root   95316 Nov  6  2002 /bin/sh
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root bin   331332 Mar 15  2001 /bin/tcsh

In fact, I'd like to have only sh, because I never use bash.  However,
sh is quite picky and has some annoyances, that many people don't even
know of because they call bash sh.
I think that for csh and tcsh hold the same.  If people refer to csh,
they usually just mean tcsh.  (like vi means vim for most people ;) )

> > Problem here is that creating a conditional symlink for csh -> tcsh is a
> > bit dirty, and leaves the user with a system that has no csh in case the
> > csh is unmerged after tcsh was installed.
> To solve symlink problem I can suggest the following.
> 1. As it should be done now, tcsh should create symlink csh -> tcsh if
> csh does not exist (in src_install()).
> 2. csh ebuild should create csh -> tcsh symlink if tcsh exist during
> unmerge. This is possible with pkg_postrm:
> pkg_postrm () {
> [ -e /bin/tcsh ] && ln -s /bin/tcsh /bin/csh
> }
> 3. tcsh should remove csh -> tcsh symlink on unmerge. 
> pkg_postrm () {
> [ -e /bin/tcsh ] && ln -s /bin/tcsh /bin/csh
> }
> Not a very clean solution, but works.

It can work like this, but I'm not in favour of it.  Maybe someone with
some more experience with this kind of issues has come advice/comments

> BTW. Why tcsh is a blocker for csh?

If tcsh just installs the symlink, it needs to block on csh, otherwise
collision-protect people will get an error during the merge phase.

Finally, csh and tcsh will always have to block each other, not because
of the symlink, but because they read the same config files, and I guess
that csh doesn't fully understand the tcsh config files.  Would be luck
if it would.  I just checked it, and no it doesn't.
We would for sure not be the only ones only to ship tcsh.

Thanks for your comments, though.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: tcsh vs. csh, removal of the latter

2006-01-25 Thread Grobian
On 25-01-2006 16:19:54 -0500, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 January 2006 15:47, Stuart Herbert wrote:
> > The csh package currently has a maintainer who is an active Gentoo
> > developer; have you spoken to taviso first to find out whether he
> > wants to remove csh from the tree?
> last we talked with taviso he had no problem punting csh

I probably should have said that there is a bug that is triggering this
problem, and that taviso indeed was "happy" to remove it from his
maintenance list, hence the perhaps drastically sounding solution for a
seemingly small problem.

Sorry about that.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] RFC: tcsh vs. csh, removal of the latter

2006-01-25 Thread Grobian
Hi all,

We currently have both tcsh and csh in the tree.  For those who don't
know what they are: they are shells.  tcsh is the more sophisticated
little brother of csh.  Their relationship is roughly comparable to the
relationshop between bash and sh shells.

Like bash and sh, tcsh is able to replace csh as it is compatible with
it, hence most distributions install tcsh and a symlink csh -> tcsh
these days.

The tcsh ebuild used to create this symlink for csh, but due to a
mistake that I made it doesn't anymore now.  csh used to block on tcsh
which more or less meant that you had to choose for one or the other.

Problem here is that creating a conditional symlink for csh -> tcsh is a
bit dirty, and leaves the user with a system that has no csh in case the
csh is unmerged after tcsh was installed.

It appears that there are a few packages that depend on one of the shells.
For csh:
 *  media-gfx/maya
 *  sci-chemistry/namd
 *  sci-chemistry/sparky
For tcsh:
 *  media-gfx/maya
 *  sci-chemistry/namd
 *  sci-chemistry/sparky
x86 dev-lang/gnat

All packages that depend on csh also depend on tcsh (or relation).

Because csh is rather old and tcsh can be used as replacement, I would
like to have csh removed from the tree, then have tcsh always providing
the symlink csh -> tcsh.  The situation is a bit the same as Gentoo not
providing an ebuild for sh, and bash just installing a symlink for
sh -> bash.

Are there any objections to removing csh from the tree?  If there are no
problems with csh removal before Feb 1st 2006, then I will starting from
that date work on getting csh removed by masking it, blocking tcsh and
csh, and request for updates of the packages that depend on csh.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] sed vs gsed

2006-01-25 Thread Grobian
On 25-01-2006 09:19:44 +0100, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 January 2006 06:47, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > Diego was mistaken here ... probably my fault because i lied to him at some
> > point on irc, who knows for sure ... at any rate, the sed ebuild does not
> > install 'gsed' on GNU systems
> I was pretty sure we decided to go with g-prefixed for tar, sed and make for 
> GNU systems, too (and it's what it's being done by gawk, gmake and so on).
> I actually have gsed locally, but it might be some trace from the old g/fbsd 
> overlay at this point...
> So this makes the things more complex again. Time to rethink all of
> that, what you think?

I think that the g-prefixed installs are a big pain, unless you can
interface to them, like epatch does.  However, you can't because the
exec call of a process doesn't use a shell.  It appears that some people
don't agree with you on changing the assumptions made in the current
portage tree.
Solution to this is making the GNU tool the default for portage known
under its non-g-prefixed name, such that the assumptions made in the
tree hold.

Maybe it's just the path of least resistance...  The profit of having a
tree that works with any implementation of awk, sed, find, xargs, etc.
is perhaps too small for the actual work and sacrifices needed for it.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-06 Thread Grobian
You better bring this up on the gentoo-alt mailing list.  Please
consider posting it there instead of going in a private discussion.

On 06-01-2006 08:15:42 -0700, Duncan wrote:
> And I definitely wish you well in your G/FBSD efforts, but when I
> mentioned them on my local ISP's unix (*ix) group, the FBSD groupies
> reaction was  "Yuck!"
> Tell me, from someone who obviously has some FBSD experience, what
> advantages does Gentoo/FreeBSD have over the normal FreeBSD?  Why would
> someone use it who is currently using regular FreeBSD, and why are you
> spending the time?  There are obviously reasons, as you're a very
> talented person spending quite a bit of time on the project, but equally
> obviously, I'm not familiar enough with them to make a good G/FBSD
> representative, at this point.
> (If you like and don't consider this topical for the list or thread, mail
> me.  If I have the question, however, it's possible others do as well,
> and just haven't asked, so maybe it is worth keeping to the list. 
> Whatever.  /I'm/ interested, anyway.)

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: regular project updates

2006-01-05 Thread Grobian
On 05-01-2006 16:41:12 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 17:28:13 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | I'm thinking of quite dull news, so absolutely not meant to be a
> | publication like GWN, but just thingis like some commits on the
> | portage sources that say to fix/implement X, a discussion on project
> | ML Y working on Z.
> Would our users really like to read a lengthy discussion on the
> intricacies of the changes made to versionator.eclass to improve
> performance, or the way in which the ten zillion packages needed by
> the new KDE/Gnome/Xorg release were keyworded for a particular arch,
> or the design decisions made for vim-spell.eclass to avoid requiring
> that our users have four gigs of RAM? I mean, it'd be pretty frickin'
> boring...

Probably not, that's what I wrote that I really don't like it to be
targetted (and sent to) users.  I myself, on the other hand, *would*
like to read that.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: regular project updates

2006-01-05 Thread Grobian
On 05-01-2006 17:00:15 +0100, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> So - as GWN monkey - I'm offering my services as aggregator for project
> updates. Maybe someone from the doc project wants to help to get this
> information put on the website so that it's visible?

The following crossed my mind: what about a Developers release of the
GWN?  I see you guys scouring the planet, MLs and whatever more, but not
all information there is user-friendly, or just a 'good idea' to tell
the users about.  I'd really like to see an aggregation of stuff from
all kinds of sources (perhaps even including CVS/SVN commit messages)
put into a monthly (or bi-weekly?) message sent to -dev for instance.
It should just have some headliners for each project team, such that
those who want be a bit aware of what happens in the whole of gentoo can
read it, and take an active role when interested in some more
I'm thinking of quite dull news, so absolutely not meant to be a
publication like GWN, but just thingis like some commits on the portage
sources that say to fix/implement X, a discussion on project ML Y
working on Z.  Also for instance that Flameeyes has been working on
something with "--as-needed"; just what it is, and why, from planet.
Perhaps even a short note that after +-150 commits the tree has been
upgraded to XOrg-7_rc1 or something... that can be useful information,
even though it does look like spam.
This kind of information is all of the type background noise, hence it
dull, but can be very important for those that are open to it.

I would just be interested in such a thing, because I'd like to read
some few lines per month on projects, but not whole MLs and every dev's
Blog.  Of course it's just shifting the problem of not wanting to read
everything to someone else... but IMHO it does improve communication for
those open to read the "Gentoo Developer Notes" (or something like

Just a thought.  No idea whether you really meant to do something like
this.  Would like you to do it though ;)

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-02 Thread Grobian
On 02-01-2006 21:12:03 +0100, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> > If it isn't one person, then you would need to find two persons or even
> > more that are completely aligned and have the same visions.  Since
> > leaders usually are charismatic and controversial where necessary to
> > achieve their goals, it is hard to find two that don't get conflicts,
> > stalling any vision to become a mission.
> To extrapolate from that ... council etc. are incapable of doing "real
> work"? ;-) Or in other words, a person is smart, people are dumb

Your words here.  I don't follow your logic, and I don't see where your
statement comes from.  I want to make explicit that -- in any case -- I
didn't mean my words like that.

> > > > Dunno, maybe I'm the loner here thinking this...
> > > Maybe a bit idealistic, but I mostly agree :-)
> > 
> > Well, you're not alone for sure ;)  However, the amount of measures to
> > take, why and what are a bit of an open question to me.  I do, however,
> > share your concerns of a missing 'Mission Statement'.  It is a commonly
> > known problem and primary point of concern (ie. Heene).
> I guess we should decide on a problem before solving it :-)
> Is the problem the lack of a mission statement? I don't see the need for
> that, we all have our own definitions what a Gentoo is and why it's
> cool. Trying to get that defined will be really tricky (and I predict a
> smallish flamewar)

I reinserted your first response.  It looks like you changed your mind
inbetween to me, and that you probably don't agree 'mostly' anymore?

> We already have a mission statement - to produce the best software
> distribution, ever ;-)
> Wether it should be Linux only, GNU-based or a metadistribution is a
> rather touchy subject, so please try to keep the discussion
> civilized ...

Lance mentioned something about what he sees is a niche where Gentoo
does quite well.  "Produce the best software distribution, ever" sounds
a bit vague to me.  That's why I agree with Lance for now.  Maybe after
a little research, trial and error period it turns out to be better to
keep the target vague.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-02 Thread Grobian
On 02-01-2006 20:03:54 +0100, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 12:50 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
> > I guess I'm almost hinting at that Gentoo needs a single entity that's
> > sole purpose is to drive/research the direction and goals for Gentoo.

Or call it proper hierarchy.  Management.  Probably all evil words, in
this context, but they for sure apply.

> > It'd be almost ceo-like, but the council is still top dawg. Right now, I
> > view our group as a bunch of chiefs with no real single leader saying
> > "lets strive to do this". The main problem is, too many people fear
> > about such a person could turn into a dictator, so I'm not sure if this
> > could ever happen. 
> I wonder if any single person would be accepted?

If it isn't one person, then you would need to find two persons or even
more that are completely aligned and have the same visions.  Since
leaders usually are charismatic and controversial where necessary to
achieve their goals, it is hard to find two that don't get conflicts,
stalling any vision to become a mission.

> After all there is noone capable of forcing anyone to do anything as far
> as I can tell - worst case you fork Gentoo (again) and don't resolve
> the issues.

...or only resolve the ones that you care about.  Your first sentence
forms the basis of the problem, IMHO.

> > This person would be in constant contact of all the
> > groups and try to muck together what everyone is doing. They could
> > suggest things to help minimize user impact, maybe try to join two
> > projects if they are both working on a similar goal, thus minimizing the
> > workload. Stuff like that essentially.
> Communication ... should happen anyway, but it seems to get more and
> more difficult. Another layer of bureaucracy won't help that ...

Call it "bureaucrazy", or whatever you like.  I think it has nothing
to do with bureaucracy at all.  It's just a matter of having
communication on a high level, in order to get an overall view of
Gentoo.  IIRC this is one of the tasks of the council, to align teams
somehow, for example.

> >  We need a good visionary. If such
> > a position were created, I also think that person's sole focus should be
> > that focus within Gentoo. (i.e. they aren't a major contributor for a
> > subproject in Gentoo). This position would take too much time for them
> > to keep those other duties.
> ... and you'd burn out a capable person within half a year I think

Depends on the person.  Lance is just putting a lot of Mintzberg and
probably (work) experience on the table to apply it to Gentoo.
But ok, fine, if that's the case, gives a nice refresh rate :) (j/k)

> > Dunno, maybe I'm the loner here thinking this...

Well, you're not alone for sure ;)  However, the amount of measures to
take, why and what are a bit of an open question to me.  I do, however,
share your concerns of a missing 'Mission Statement'.  It is a commonly
known problem and primary point of concern (ie. Heene).

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] ChangeLogs and rsync time

2006-01-01 Thread Grobian
On 01-01-2006 21:35:34 +0100, Francesco Riosa wrote with possible deletions:
> The information contained in the ChangeLogs is essential, and it must be
> kept, but, force the users to download all that data it's not optimal.
> That said I can see only two ways to reduce the ChangeLog files (a
> centralized one is obviously not viable)
> 1) bzip2 them in some way.
> 2) "rotate" Changelogs, keeping only the last changes, until a size

3) remove entries for non-existing ebuilds
   This may, or may not be a good idea, but it is founded on the
   following observation: currently old or redundant ebuilds are removed
   from the tree.  Once that happens, they don't show up in the rsync
   tree and are only available through the (centralised) CVS Attic.  One
   can argue that Changelog entries for non-existing ebuilds are not of
   any use, since the files they refer to aren't present.
   This method would clean up the Changelog entries, in the same way
   ebuilds are removed, and CVS keeps the history around.
4) compress Changelog entries where possible
   Often, a package is marked testing or stable on request via a bug.
   This usually results in having as much as new Changelog entries as
   there are arch teams involved.  These kind of entries, that all more
   or less report 'Marked arch' could be merged into one, given that the
   information itself is Changelog-worthy anyway.  (This is arguable
   This method may involve a lot of fuzzy matching to perform it
   automatically, with its related risks.  The win for the large
   Changelog files is probably minimal.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml

2005-12-27 Thread Grobian
On 26-12-2005 22:11:46 -0200, Marcelo Ges wrote:
> Fellow Gentooers,
> Here is a draft of an enhancement proposal that should allow upstream
> information to be included in metadata.xml:


The bugs-to tag can hold either an email address or URL.  Not a big
issue, but why not make it an URI, such that an email address is written
as "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?  Using an URI gives a nice specified format
(already including the http(s) which you require) and should go with
regular URI parsers.

Given the URI thing, maybe it can be useful to define the changelog tag
to have an URI as well, since some upstreams ship the changelog with the
sources and don't put them on the web.  In such case you might want to
use a "file://" URI to point to the file on disk when installed?  I
realise this is tricky.

Not clear from the text, but I take it from the example that remote-id
has an attribute named "type" which points to some source.  Is there a
reason to make that an attribute, instead of a tag?  Also, the remote-id
tag in the example has a TEXT node which apparently is the id, but needs
some information in order to track it.  Taking your SourceForge example:
Usually for SourceForge means that "adium" in this case is the "UNIX
project name", hence an URL such as
points to the project's SourceForge home, while
points to the project's home page.  It's not clear for me where this is
different from the home page URL in the ebuild itself.  I don't know if
FreshMeat can be a real project home.  What I wanted to say, where is
the logic stored on how to make this id into some resource?  And if you
store that logic somewhere, why not in the XML structure?  Any reason to
use an id, and not for instance an URI to the remote 'developers'

Observation: the added data is mainly targetted at developers, not
users.  Given the ongoing discussion, this might be an interesting side
note.  In an overlay I'm currently keeping 'portnotes' in metadata.xml,
which basically give us developers a quick look on what was necessary to
port an ebuild.  This is by no means interesting for a regular user, and
we put it in metadata.xml because that allows to group the portnotes,
since XML is a bit more structured than a changelog.  For the sake of
rsyncs/speed/storage/whatever, perhaps this purely targetted at
developers information should be put in a separate file, which is by
default excluded in the rsync?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Misquoted in the GWN

2005-11-28 Thread Grobian
On 28-11-2005 18:54:14 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 19:46:57 +0100 Patrick Lauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 17:54 +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> | > On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:48:01 +0100 Henrik Brix Andersen
> | > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > | A friend of mine just alerted me to the fact, that I am featured
> | > | in this weeks Gentoo Weekly News. Odd, I thought, noone had asked
> | > | me anything regarding the GWN...
> | > 
> | > Not the first time this has happened...
> | 
> | Not the first time that people whine. Meh.
> Yes, surprisingly enough people tend to get upset when they're
> misquoted and have their views utterly misrepresented in something
> which most users think is an official Gentoo publication.

Being quoted: ok
Being misquoted: very bad
Having an unofficial Gentoo publication on official Gentoo
infrastructure: priceless.

Seriously: reading the blog entry, I made more or less the same
conclusions as the GWN author, but the problem is just that the blog
item was rephrased and made 'stronger', whereas the official blog was
very careful in wording.  (Possibly an attempt by the GWN author to make
it more easily readable?)  This was just wrong because it was not agreed
on with the respective author, hence resulted in this thread.  GWN
authors need to be a bit more careful with this I think.  However, I
don't think that GWN authors should need permissions to grab exact
quotes which are to be found elsewhere publicly available on the web.
It is just sad to see that (what I assume to be) a "running out of time
and having no content issue" results in such unpleasant misquote for the
respective quoted person.
One can criticise the use of newspapers, but somehow they seem to be
useful for many people.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Update of

2005-11-25 Thread Grobian
On 25-11-2005 12:14:53 +, kang wrote:
> Curtis Napier wrote:
> > and all domains owned by the Gentoo Foundation should
> > render correctly in all browsers that are still in general use. IE5 on
> > the mac is still a valid browser and will be supported as much as
> > possible.
> >
> IE5 for mac contains unfixed security issues which won't be fixed (as
> announced by MS), how is that considered  supported ? Is it even still
> distributed within MacOSX Tiger ?

IE5:mac is a dead end, IMHO.  It isn't shipped with Tiger any more, and
Safari has taken it's place.  This already was the case for Panther as
far as I know (but Panther does ship IE I think).  Since Jaguar and
before are really ancient I think it's not unreasonable to let IE5:mac
have a very low priority in your renderings issue fixing list.  IE5:mac
has always had it's own quirks, but again, it's unsupported and not
maintained anymore.

Camino, Safari and Firefox cover its place quite well on the Mac.

Talking about Camino (which is a native Cocoa/Aqua skin for Firefox more
or less), the site looks fine, only the recent changes in the font
affect it negatively to me.  The fonts are small in the tabs-bar
and shortcut menus (Documentation, Resources and Community).  The text
now looks vertically misaligned to me in the tabs-bar and footer, in
comparison how it was before the font size change.

I could live with it.  Here are some screenies of the font-sizes:

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Maintainer's guides?

2005-11-24 Thread Grobian

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:

On Thursday 24 November 2005 21:25, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

*shrug* I'm not sure that the existing docs team is the best way of
handling developer documentation.
If it's just matter of fixing the English in it, I don't think there's much 
technical matter they would be required to think about.
I'm not saying they should write *more* of it, it's just a way to clean up the 
form of something written by the techies.

Beware that this can get tricky; sometimes it's very easy to change the 
meaning of a sentence by 'correcting' it.  Hence a feedback loop sounds 
like a necessity.

| Not everybody is a native English speaker, and it's stupid blaming
| people for that.
There doesn't seem to be any strong correlation between being a native
English speaker and being able to write correct English...
You might not be able to see it because you're one, so don't even try to find 
lame reasons. It's not _easy_ at all.

If you look at the quote below, I think that it is not easy for anyone. 
 Hence, you need designated people for such job as corrector and get a 
certain style for your text.

| On Thursday 24 November 2005 20:50, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > Of course, the problem
| > with that is that some our package maintainers couldn't stick
| > together a coherent English sentence even if they were paid to do
| > so...

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Modular X porting: dependency changes

2005-11-22 Thread Grobian
On 21-11-2005 19:15:58 -0800, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> | virtual/x11 isn't xorg for all profiles.
> Perhaps the relevant people (macos?) could get in touch with me, and we
> can figure out what needs to happen.
> It may be that we'll need to add x11-base/apple-xfree into the || list
> as well. Using the virtual is not an option right now, because of the
> previously mentioned bug.

OSX doesn't have Xorg (yet?), so it would indeed cause some trouble for
us right now.  Since we're outnumbered here, I'd vote to make the
change that is compatible with the majority of users right now.  I'm
affraid it would just boil down to dropping the ppc-macos keyword on
those packages that get xorg dependency.  The mentioned || list is an
issue for more than xorg, so it should be considered some more IMHO.
Kito, can you agree with this, or do you have another 'solution'?

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-12 Thread Grobian

Jason Stubbs wrote:
To be honest, this is the part that I don't like the most. Integrating code 
into portage to copy files here and there based on some predefined rules and 
news readers reading and renaming files based on some predefined rules...

A filesystem based API just doesn't seem very robust to change.

I'd prefer that either the post-sync handling code is not integrated into 
portage and portage just triggers some external script - or - portage exposes 
an API (via python and bash) for accessing and updating news items. I'd 
prefer the latter but I get the impression that most prefer the former.

- append message to /var/spool/mail/portage

alternative 1 (very very sober install):
- less /var/spool/mail/portage
- rm /var/spool/mail/portage

alternative 2 (sober install):
- vi /var/spool/mail/portage

alternative 3 (for those having `mail`, `mutt` or whatever that reads mbox)
- mail -u portage (program allows deletion)

alternative 4 (those that don't like mbox reading)
- either run mbox2mail or
- allow portage to write to a pipe to `mail` instead of append to 
/var/spool/mail/portage (would be the best solution IMHO)

It doesn't have to be so complicated, IMHO.  Most of the tools are 
already there, because traditional unix systems had this notification 
system built in.  Imagine how nice you could benefit from a shell that 
tells you you've got (new) mail if you log in as root.  Appending in the 
right format to /var/spool/mail/portage doesn't need an MTA either.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-12 Thread Grobian

Stuart Herbert wrote:

On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 18:22 -0500, Chris Gianelloni wrote:

It seems to be your own quest to have the news *only*
delivered by portage.  

I thought I'd been very clear in the email that you've replied to that I
support making the news available via other ways.  It's the timing that
I'm a bit worried about.

And that worries me.  Because you more or less suggest to postpone 
implementing (just activating) traditional solutions, being used by many 
equivalent others in our field (works for them, more or less) in favour 
of an experimental new thing.
I would just do it the other way around: do your experiment after the 
traditional channels are set up, and let your experiment rely on the 
solid base those traditional solutions give.

I've managed a few change programmes over the years, and I've had the
most success when a change happened in stages.  The issues centre on the
ability of a large body of people to understand the change that has been
introduced.  People find change itself confusing.  If something isn't
given time to bed in, people never quite understand the original change,
and this undermines the benefits of introducing the change.

You are probably right here.  So why not doing the obvious steps?  Just 
activate now the traditional ways of getting news to the users.  In the 
mean-time you work on getting GLEP42 implemented and accepted, and by 
the time it more or less works, you have a wonderful base to announce 
this new feature on, and sell it as "personalised sophisticated news 

We live and breathe Gentoo daily, and we understand this news thing
because we've invested time and effort to kick it back and forward here
on -dev.  The vast majority of our users haven't had that luxury, and
it'll take a while for them to "get it".

Another good reason to start with the 'common' things.  The traditional 
ways some of your 100% of our users will be common with.  Nothing new 
there for them.  The portage way *is* new, and has never been done, 
hence they might have difficulties to "get it".

If the majority don't agree with me, not a problem; I'm not going to
stop you (like I could anyway!) from putting out multi-channel from day

But if it was my decision, I'd roll out one channel first, and the
others later.

See above why I think that is just the wrong order, though I support 
your 'phased' roll out.

I'm not hoping for a 100% perfect technical solution straight away.
Release early, release often is the F/OSS way.  Once we've agreed on
something that's fit for purpose, let's implement it, deploy it, get to
the tipping point, see how users react, and then improve it.

Please remember that many of your 100% of our users hates software that 
doesn't work.  It wouldn't be the first time a user decides never to use 
a piece of software again, because his/her first experience with it was 
very bad.  You'd lose a few bits of your 100% making it impossible to 
reach your own goal.
I would seriously test this (hence not release early), if you happen to 
make an error and deliver all news messages at once to the user, you 
might end up in having the same as that very user that ignored 
etc-update because it had so much items to update.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-11 Thread Grobian
On 11-11-2005 10:38:43 +0100, Marius Mauch wrote:
> No, the central repository certainly shouldn't be on the web (whatever
> that means in the first place), it has to be somewhere in CVS
> (easily accessible by all devs, though not necessarily in a direct way)
> and should be replicated to as many channels as possible (the website
> being one of them).


Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-11 Thread Grobian
On 10-11-2005 21:33:48 +, Stuart Herbert wrote:
> We need to establish *one* authoritative source of news.  We can't do
> that if we simultaneously launch several sources of news all at once.
> We have to launch *one* service first, give the userbase time to adjust
> to that, and then start making the news available via additional
> sources.

Yep, so create that central source on the web, and fork off mailing list
posts, RSS-feeds and stuff based on this central repository.  Also let
portage warn users based on the information in this repository.
We can start creating and populating the central web resource _right
now_, as all the infrastructure is there.  The mailing lists shouldn't
be a problem as well.  It all makes sense...

... as long as you include the right handles for users to adjust their
preferences.  You missed my point here, when I was just trying to
indicate that in our user base, there will be many different users.
Different users as in different preferences.  Forcing the portage
solution, the mailing list solution, or which other solution upon a user
is evil.  People should be *free* to choose.  That you define a default
setting of enabling the portage feature is fine with me, but include
clear directions to disable such feature and allow it to send mails if
the possible infrastructure is there and the user wants it.  Take all
preferences into account.

I don't see why you would want to achieve your 100% user coverage aim
through only *one* channel.  I am strongly in favour of using multiple
channels to do that.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-11 Thread Grobian
On 10-11-2005 20:55:37 +, Stuart Herbert wrote:

Ok, you want a reaction, because you are Feeling Blue[1], right.

> On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 20:11 +0100, Grobian wrote:
> > Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > > That's your first misconception right there. Most users don't sign up
> > > for things.
> > 
> > Doesn't matter.
> I think it does.  I believe that is the root cause of our difficulty in
> getting news to our users.  We rely on our users coming to us to find
> the news.  If they don't do that, they don't get the news.
> Our aim is to put the news in front of 100% of our userbase.  Not the
> small fractions who check each of the places where news is currently
> published.

You describe here (and in your diary) the aim to reach 100% of our user
base.  Wow, nice thing.  Discussions on whether you will succeed or not,
are out of the question right now, it's just your aim.  Good.  I hope
you will succeed!

> > Besides that, I see no arguments why users don't.  No proof either.
> No proof?!?  
> Did you read the original blog posting which kicked this off?  Or the
> thread in the forums where our users claim the Apache upgrade was a
> surprise - even though this was a well-trailed change?  That's just one
> change.

I scoured the forums a bit and looked what users were telling.  I wasn't
surprised.  What do you expect from a user telling it all doesn't work
any more, who doesn't run etc-update just because "after every emerge
--upgrade --world it has over 100 files to update"?  Such user just
ignores the importance of the tool, and will most certainly ignore
anything else that we try to help this user.  This was just one example.

It is a very humble attempt to try and help these users, but they simply
chose the wrong Linux distro, because Gentoo expects you to be an system
administrator, not a user.  At least that's my vision on it.  I think we
can agree that Gentoo requires a user to know/realise more than a
Fedora/SuSe/Ubuntu user.

> I don't understand the problem from your point of view.  No, scratch
> that.  I don't understand your point of view.  You're coming across to
> me as someone who doesn't believe there's a problem that needs solving.

I am just in the opinion that we lack a system where users can find the
information they need.  That would help a certain type of users,
absolutely not all of them.  So yes, after that, this problem needs
solving, perhaps.  Personalisation using portage is a sweet thing!
Here comes the point where I can express my doubt about the 100%.  There
are unfortunately users who are too hard to help, if you get what I

> I'm tempted to forcibly co-opt you into the PHP team before we put
> dev-lang/php live.  This would allow you to experience the situation for
> yourself.  Maybe that would give you another perspective? ;-)

Might be a very good excercise for me (and you?).  As you might guess
from my comment above, I simply think _communication_ is the big
problem, as I see being a problem in many places around here.  Not that
perfect communication solves the problem entirely, but it allows to
reply in the sense of 'rtfw'.
If you're serious here, feel free to contact me (off-list) to see what
we can arrange.


Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-07 Thread Grobian

Daniel Ostrow wrote:

You are correct, there is no clear cut place for them to go...that's how
this thing got started in the first place. However why force users to
sign up for something which can't be appropriately filtered (installed
packages, keywords, use flags, profiles, etc.) when all of them are
already "signed up" for something that can track and filter, portage.

I wouldn't necessarily bother signing up for an errata list if said list
was going to provide me with *all* the errata out there. The reason that
a mailing list works for RedHat is because RHN tracks what packages you
have installed on your system on *their* server (again something you
have to sign up for, and worse send them info about your configuration),
so the filtering is done for you. We will *never* do something like
this, we have a client side tool that can identify what is installed
already...why not use it?

What if an admin just wants to see all errata messages because (s)he
doesn't feel like aggregating the unique messages from a whole cluster
of machines running Gentoo with all different packages installed?

It is a well-known fact that removing seemingly useless background noise
can cause relations between problems not to be recognised.  Some users
know that and hence would like to see all errata.

Our GLSAs are sent out exactly in the same way, but there is not a word 
on them in the GLEP, neither does anyone seem to care about them, while 
they seem to me at least ***VERY*** important, that is, much more 
important than a message about breaking my installation.  And they 
aren't even personalised!

Users don't care about security[1], adminstrators do.
Administrators don't care about breaking installations[2], users do.

About the RHN subscription thing, that service is IMHO quite expensive
(certainly not free) and not available to Fedora Core users.  I don't 
think you _want_ to compare Gentoo Linux Free support to support 
provided by commercial entities for an annual membership fee.

The issue whether news or GLSAs are important and whether they can be 
read or not is of relevance with regard to the motivation of the GLEP 
which assumes it doesn't work for anybody, while I claim it 1) doesn't 
work because the information is hard to find and 2) it will work for a 
certain group of people very well if the information would be there.

To conclude my far too lengthy replies here:
I'd like to see some recognition that the world isn't that flat as the 
GLEP suggests, thereby including opportunities for everyone to be happy 
with the GLEP.  I already stated this in my first reply in my part on 

Don't worry I'll shut up now as there is clearly no interest for a bit 
broader thinking.

[1] (linux) desktop users are of a much lower target than big companies 
for security exploits
[2] administrators try out package upgrades on a spare box first, users 
usually don't have such box, or risk the potential impact

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-07 Thread Grobian

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:32:38 +0100 Grobian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| So, what list should the user that wants to receive those
| **important** messages sign up to?

That's your first misconception right there. Most users don't sign up
for things.

Doesn't matter.  If the important messages aren't posted or you have to 
extract them yourself the effect is the same.

Besides that, I see no arguments why users don't.  No proof either.

Forcing a push-based method on someone who likes pull-based methods is 
evil.  The least you can do to make everybody happy, is allow pull-based 
access to the important news items, and devote some more words on how to 
disable your 'feature'.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-07 Thread Grobian

Stuart Herbert wrote:

By your own admission, you're on the announce list, and but you didn't
know about the Apache changes.  Imagine how many other users were in the
same situation.  Imagine how many other users never signed up to the
announce list in the first place.

On gentoo-dev, gentoo-user, gentoo-devel, gentoo-server and 
gentoo-web-user on 2005-09-08 01:48 UTC a message titled "Stabilization 
of new-style Apache" was posted.

Quoting John Myers:

For the record, it was sent to the announce list on 2004-12-24.
Subject: [gentoo-announce] Apache packages refresh on 8th January 2005

giving me the impression that the new-style apache changes were not 
announced (though they did cause some trouble), and that this message -- 
which unfortunately is not on Gmane, so I cannot check -- probably deals 
*not* with those new-style apache changes.  If it does, then it might be 
'badly timed'.

In the whole of 2005 I can see one message on gentoo-announce which is 
not a GLSA, which is a release announcement for Gentoo Linux 2005.0.

Considering the description of gentoo-announce "General Gentoo 
announcements list (new releases, security fixes)" perhaps this list 
might not the the right place for such **important** announcements as 
the new-style apache message.

However, suppose I was a normal user, and I would like to receive these 
messages, where should I sign up for?

  "General Gentoo user support and discussion mailing list" sounds like
   a lot of spam to me, and if I don't have questions myself, or prefer
   using the (excellent) forums for that, then why should I sign up for
gentoo-dev perhaps?
  "General Gentoo developer discussion mailing list" sounds like a lot
   of spam too, and certainly not as source for important messages from
   a user perspective.
  "For the discussion of security issues and fixes"  Well, as user I
   might only be interested in the announcement of security fixes,
   don't need discussions on them, and since I want those important
   messages about changes in gentoo psckages... nope, this is not it.
  "Gentoo Weekly Newsletter" well, might come in handy, doesn't say
   anything about what it does exactly and might contain a lot of
   noise considering what I'm looking for.
doc, doc-cvs, translator, ppc-user, ppc-dev, , kernel, laptop:
  not applicable
   might be, though not interested in window managers

  "Discussions about Gentoo in production environments" ok, I don't need
  discussions, I just want messages on **important** changes.

After going through the list, I got the impression there is simply no 
place where such messages clearly would go.  gentoo-announce sounds as 
the best option to go for, but its description somehow suggests not. 
Though, subscribed to gentoo-announce means you get nothing but GLSA 
announcements and sometimes a new release announcements.

So, what list should the user that wants to receive those **important** 
messages sign up to?
I still think that *this* is the reason why people don't seem to know 
about the important changes, because there is no obvious place where to 
get them.  It's quite likely that a user that wanted to see the 
new-style apache message didn't see it because it simply didn't appear 
on a list the user hoped to see it.  It was in the GWN of 2005-09-12, 
but I can imagine a user didn't expect it to be there, as there is no 
description at al for GWN list, and the **important** information will 
always have to be extracted from the GWN, since each GWN covers multiple 
items in a few categories which not every user might interest.

Send **important** messages separate to a non-discussion mailing list, 
and I'm sure that many people will be happy to read it -- just like 

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-07 Thread Grobian
On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 09:56:35PM +, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> | Then what is the point of this GLEP?  Instead, just warn people
> | through existing intrastructure, which is cheap from an engineering
> | perspective because everything is already there in place, and don't
> | think of implementing all kinds of extras just to warn a user one
> | extra time, since "trying to warn them any further becomes futile"
> | anyway.
> The current warning levels we have are insufficient. This GLEP proposes
> a new system for warnings which will be far harder to accidentally
> ignore. There are, however, limits to how far we can reasonably go
> before we make the solution worse than the problem.

Remember that there are packages in the tree that satisfy the preemptive
requirement, since they simply die when trying to upgrade and a certain
amount of prerequisites is not met.  This prevents the user from losing
data files or making them inaccesible, while at the same pointing out
what needs to be done and why, using a short message.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-06 Thread Grobian

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

| Which means you won't be able to satisfy your "preemptive"
| requirement.

Not at all. You can warn users repeatedly, but there comes a point when
trying to warn them any further becomes futile.

Then what is the point of this GLEP?  Instead, just warn people through 
existing intrastructure, which is cheap from an engineering perspective 
because everything is already there in place, and don't think of 
implementing all kinds of extras just to warn a user one extra time, 
since "trying to warn them any further becomes futile" anyway.

The motivation of your GLEP is based solely on the assumption that 
critical news is not effectively delivered to the user, however, the 
GLEP implicitly introduces this critical news, so how can it be ignored 
by users?  It's not there.

If you don't plan to solve the requirements you state yourself, either 
don't state them, or make clear you will not satisfy them for what 
reason.  To me it looks as if you just would like to remove the 
'preemptive' requirement because it suggests some behaviour that you 
don't (plan to) implement.  And hence, you should also rewrite the 
motivation to reflect your statement in the quote above.

I like the idea of the GLEP, since it will be helpful for many users I 
think, but the grounds on which and the reasons why should be valid 
points, IMHO.  I also think that the idea comes very close to things 
proposed and or desired by many users that would like to have all the 
einfo messages being sent out to them, or accumulated after portage has 
done it's compiling.  See the respective super bug and ml discussions on 
it.  Hence, the GLEP itself doesn't differentiate itself, is not defined 
to be generic enough or reusable, should include configurability and, 
last but not least as I mentioned before, should be grounded in valid 

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

| Apart from that this point seems to repeat much of the previous one,
| it introduces a new unfounded claim (users do read, but now too late)

Read the linked forums thread and all will become clear.

the forums thread advocates against the new unfounded claim, IMHO.

| > The news item will be named in the form
| > ``-mm-dd-item-name.en.txt``, where ``item-name`` is a very
| > short name (e.g. ``apache-updates``) and ``en`` is the two letter
| > ISO 639 [#iso-639]_ language code for the news item. The short name
| > must consist only of characters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, ``0-9`` and ``-``
| > (hyphen).
| Consider replacing hyphen with an underscore to ease parsing.

Mixing hyphens and underscores? That's just going to start confusing

I was referring to the item-name.  It is defined to allow "-", whild the 
fields are also separated with "-".  Hence I suggested to allow "_" in 
the item-name instead of "-" to avoid (possible) problems when parsing 
the field.

| In any case, elaborate on why supporting only OR was chosen and why 
| other (probably investigated) options were discarded (and hence make

| my statement above unnecessary).

The previous draft had an option for and or none-of modes. I took it
out because I don't think it's going to be anywhere near as useful as
one might initially think.

I'd appreciate it if that would be documented and grounded.

| Elaborate some more on "No fancy formatting or tab characters".
| People might want/like to include a bulleted/numbered list or insert
| a small (shell) code example.  Also make some note on the average
| length (number of paragraphs) and perhaps a predefined structure
| (ie.: introduction/abstract, impact, solutions/actions,
| links/more-information)

These're things to be decided when news items are sent for review. Once
we have some real material there'll be a more useful way of judging
what is acceptable and what has gone too far.

I guess then it's better to state that, and make no assumptions or 
partial decisions on it.  If it is out of scope of the GLEP, make it 
like that.

| - what if noone feels like commenting on the submission?

Then it's assumed correct.

| - how do you know a certain dev is a competent English speaker?

*shrug* If we ever get onto linguistics arguments, there're enough of
us with copies of Fowler and the OUP Style Guide to settle things.

Then what is the point in requiring it is correct English?  (Not even 
considering the big difference between UK/US English)  You can and will 
not enforce it.  Everyone writing such news item will do her/his best to 
make it sound like real English, and perhaps ask for help, but that's 
it.  Hence my suggestion to put the doc writers in the loop somehow.

| Does portage only 'warn' and still continue, or does it completely
| stop when an unread news item is found for a package that is to be
| upgraded? In the first case, the 'preemptive' requirement is being
| violated, in the latter, the option for a '--force' or something must
| be discussed. (Users with multiple systems might already know the
| message, or users might not be interested in it since they don't run
| the application in production.)

Portage only *warns* you if you try to unmerge glibc...

Which means you won't be able to satisfy your "preemptive" requirement.

| Yes, and make it a requirement that all news messages get posted 
| somewhere on public channels.

I don't see any particular need to *require* that all news items are
posted to a specific place.

You might be right, as the how, when and why of news items should be a 
completely separate thing, as I see it right now.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian

"Bryan ���" wrote:

Even if you don't realise that this will be a big help for many users or
you just don't think those users deserver any help (not sure which one
it is tbh) - you might at least consider the fact that only having to
push news about major / critical changes in one place is going to make
things a lot easier for devs.

Any help that you can give is great.  I am not against the ideas in this 
GLEP.  It's are good ideas.  However, you cannot push something that is 
not there, and you cannot say you *have* to push it because other ways 
don't work -- ways which aren't yet explored.  News items as described 
have never been published before, IMHO, and hence the effect of 
un-filtered, un-personalised publishing of these news items is *not* 
known.  I would priorise on getting them published somehow, and in the 
meanwhile continue on this GLEP from another perspective: "personalising 
news messages based on the user's portage".  Such GLEP can elaborate 
much more on support for mailing automatically to root or another user, 
pushing forcibly on the screen or reading via 'news-update', just to 
suit every installation/user scenario that we can dream up.

It also is in the two separate issues that you snipped from my previous 

I think we're not going to agree here, so to prevent any more lengthy 
discussions over gentoo-dev on this topic, you can contact me off-list.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian


If we were only aiming at a certain group of people there would be no
need to change anything. The apache announcements reached lots of users
but still left a large chunk of users in the dark. Moving the news to
-announce or some RSS feed wouldn't change anything as the basic problem
with these methods is that people have to actively search out important
news instead of news getting pushed to them.

I disagree.  A lot Gentoo users I know read gentoo-announce and the GWN. 
 For me it works quite well if I see a message with a warning on 
something.  I can quickly find it back if I am in need for it.  I would 
typically disable the whole news feature of portage and just watch the 
announce ML with all the news announcements.  Works fine for me.

The GLEP *is* targetted at a certain group of people, since it is there 
mainly to help those that complained in [forum_whining] and those -- I 
think -- mostly desktop end-users to prevent them from breaking their 
system and complain with us.

I broke my webserver too after the apache update.  Too bad I was stupid 
enough to 'just do it' on a webserver that should *not* have been 
offline for a while.  I just ignored the message the init.d script gave 
when it refused to stop my apache.  To cut a long story shory, I have 
solved the problem myself, knowing I was stupid for ignoring the message 
on gentoo-dev.  I never blamed the apache herd or anyone else but myself 
and just fixed it myself.  Sys-admins are supposed to try updates on a 
toy box first.  A warning is nice, documentation on how to solve it the 
best is even nicer.  Think of "knowledge books" of many commercial systems.

What the GLEP does is twofold:
1. Suggest special (**important**) news items to be accepted within
   Gentoo, and them being stored somewhere
2. Desparately push this news to users, because it seems that they don't
   read information which is not available (yet! see 1).

So thank you for letting me realise that this GLEP should be splitted in 
two.  One for just realising and standardising a way to publish news 
items on normal and known media: mailing lists, RSS feeds and WWW pages. 
 It should include topics regarding what information (like solutions or 
workarounds) should be there.

Then an additional GLEP which suggests the pushing of information to the 
user -- like this current GLEP -- can be written when it becomes clear 
after a reasonable amount of time after realising the GLEP mentioned 
above doesn't work sufficiently.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian


You must not have read the [#forums-whining]_ reference as that makes it
quite clear that existing methods isn't adequate. Even if you think the
apache maintainers made lots of mistakes you can't really fault us for
not trying to get the news of config changes out to all users.

I haven't, that's correct.  However, a reference should be a source for 
additional information.  A small exerpt or recap of that thread is not 
in the GLEP.  Also, [#forums-whining]_ was not referenced in the quoted 
part, the reference only follows later on.

Going into answering your question, the thread suggests for instance an 
RSS-feed with this info.  Also the GLEP mentions 5 distinct sources, of 
which I personally think at least two will be effective for a certain 
group of people.

That last thing was what I was aiming at.  For some it might work quite 
well if the apache2 upgrade stuff (as sent out on gentoo-dev) was 
communicated through gentoo-announce.  Hence my doubts on whether "[they 
are not] particularly effective" is a general statement that applies to 
any situation.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian

Jan Kundrát wrote:

On Saturday 05 of November 2005 11:28 Grobian wrote:

Remember that it is easy
to say here that users don't read what's on their consoles as well, as
in post emerge messages etc.  So make sure you deal with it upfront, why
you think now it *will* work.

"Emerge messages" are usually hidden by compilation output, so this argument 
doesn't apply here, IMHO. Or am I missing your point here?

You give an example here of why console messages aren't read.  But if 
that is your rationale here, I would like to see it stated in the GLEP 
why it *will* work there.  On the previous discussion there was an 
example of a console message not being read fully/properly.  This will 
happen to more people.  What I was asking for is that such situation is 
either outlawed (ie. "People should just read, if they don't then it's 
not my problem") or recognised (ie. "It is known that people do not 
read, hence we propose to use a text-to-speech module and play the 
produced audio file, so the user can listen to the imporant message" -- 
idiotic example of course).

Just to make things clear and properly defined.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project -- Interim Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 "Critical News Reporting" Round Two

2005-11-05 Thread Grobian

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:


There are currently several ways of getting news out to our users, none of them
particularly effective:

This assumes the following ways are really ineffective, something which 
you don't prove or give any reason for.  Hence it's eligable for another 
big discussion.  To avoid that, I would suggest to add a number of 
reasons, or whatever to make this assumption sound (more) valid.  It is 
important, I think, that the reader can understand your grounds for 
saying this.
(I personally disagree on this statement now, but it makes no use 
discussing it since you haven't given any ground as on why.  Maybe if 
you would give a definition, I could adjust my own definition and agree.)

A more reliable way of getting news of critical updates out to users is required
to avoid repeats of the various recent upgrade debacles.

Perhaps you want to add a small footnote here, to give a small example 
of such debacle, and using that example point out what is the problem 
you think is important, and hence will address in this paper... eh GLEP.

This GLEP proposes a
solution based around pushing news items out to the user via the ``rsync`` tree.

This is a minor side issue, but I think that GLEP 2 states that you 
should use ' instead of `.  No discussion on it please, I might be wrong 
or you just didn't know.

Users should be told of changes *before* they break the user's system,
after the damage has already been done.

style suggestion for unambigous interpretation:
perhaps a "because if applied afterwards" instead of "after"

No user subscription required
It has already been demonstrated [#forums-whining]_ that many users do not
read the ``gentoo-announce`` mailing list or ``RSS`` feeds. A solution which
requires subscription has no advantage over current methods.

You implicitly state that many users do not read the gentoo-announce 
list and RSS-feeds because they are subscription based.  This sounds 
like a too quick assumption to me.  At least it is not founded in any 
way.  Consider that for RSS-feeds one typically doesn't have to 
subscribe, but just add it to his/her reader.  Make clear why you think 
the subscription model stops users from reading, and why a push-based 
alternative (as you suggest here) will work.  Remember that it is easy 
to say here that users don't read what's on their consoles as well, as 
in post emerge messages etc.  So make sure you deal with it upfront, why 
you think now it *will* work.

No user monitoring required
It has already been demonstrated [#forums-whining]_ that many users do not
read news items posted to the Gentoo website, or do not read news items
until it is too late. A solution that relies upon active monitoring of a
particular source has no advantage over current methods.

Apart from that this point seems to repeat much of the previous one, it 
introduces a new unfounded claim (users do read, but now too late) which 
somehow contradicts previous statements.  Beware that you clearly deal 
with this, or just introduce it earlier so it doesn't look you're 
contradicting yourself.

It is not reasonable to expect all users to have an MTA, web browser, email
client, cron daemon or text processing suite available on their system.

Direct question that follows from this: what *do* we expect a 
user/system to have available?  I think it's good to state that as well, 
since you're excluding a lot here in once sentence.

3. The news item is committed to a CVS (or Subversion [#glep-36]_) repository.
   From here, it is merged with the rsync tree. This is described in `News Item
4. The news item is merged with the rsync tree. Implementation details of this
   point are beyond the scope of this GLEP; existing solutions are in place
   for merging GLSAs to the tree.

Where does point 4 differ from the second part of point 3?  Also, point 
3 implies that the merging into the rsync tree is being described 
further on, while point 4 states the oposite of not discussing it (out 
of scope).  Maybe split point 3 and merge with 4?

5. Users fetch the news item when they sync. This ensures that the news items in
   question are pushed to the user before the user accidentally makes an
   unwanted change. No changes to the existing rsync process are required by
   this GLEP.

I would suggest a reference to a place where you will explain this 
'pushing' to the user in detail.  Especially the time and the way how 
are important.  Or maybe I was just confused by "pushed" and is the only 
thing this point wants to say that all news items are just synced 
together with the rest of the portage tree upon a emerge --sync.  The 
latter sounds logical considering the last sentence quoted above.

6. Portage filters the news item and, if it is relevant, installs it in a
   special location to be read by a news item reader. Messages are also

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP ??: Critical News Reporting

2005-11-04 Thread Grobian

Danny van Dyk wrote:

IMHO a text based file has a big advantage in this proposed application
over fileformats which use XML: Any administrator can read it with his
editor of choice, right from the console.

This is an important aspect for sure, but why can't such file be 
generated from a marked up one?  Because the same message will be put in 
multiple forms (ideally) it is best to have a version with all the 
required meta-data to generate all the other formats, because if you 
have to add such meta-data it's usually much worse (= manual or 
conditional human work).

Some people like reading console messages, others plain text mail 
messages, others want html marked up mail messages, other others like 
reading an rss-feed, and of course there are people that like to read 
the full fledged funky marked up with all hyperlinks possible html 
version on the web.
I think the only real importance is that all representations can easily 
be generated from the original source, be that XML, reStructuredText or 
any other format.

With regard to being it hard to write or not, I think these kind of 
messages are very well suited for templates, so it is just a matter of 
filling in the message, which should make the underlying format not so 

Just my €0.02 on the XML vs. plain text discussion.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Questions about XML files used in portage

2005-09-23 Thread Grobian

Paul de Vrieze wrote:
One reason is that there still is no real agreement on what schema to support. 
Also when I wrote those I was more at home with DTD's than with WXS or 
Relaxng, and xmllint (part of libxml2) did not support WXS validation.

I'll look into creating a WXS version.

Is WXS an XML Schema file? (XSD)  If so, I have made a few of those 
schemas myself in the past, so I might be of any use if necessary... 
Feel free to contact me about it.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Questions about XML files used in portage

2005-09-22 Thread Grobian

Paul de Vrieze wrote:

AFAIK "CDATA" will be satisfied by one single space as well...

One of the drawbacks of DTD's. In general schema's are better in 
specifying an xml format, as they allow restrictions on CDATA, and more 
freedom in other areas (like true order independence).

Is there a reason why there's only a (legacy) DTD and not an XSD?

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC - Gentoo on the Lab

2005-08-22 Thread Grobian

Ricardo Loureiro wrote:

Usable in the way that the client machines should be able to use
portage, except it's the hacked (or new package) version that should
do everything from the SQL server. For example, a emerge package
would behave in 2 possible ways;1- calculate it's dependencies from
the portage tree on the SQL server and request the binary packages,
2- Request the package and the server would calculate dependencies
and get the binary done. I'm more keen on the second since it takes
away processor time from the clients, but that involves sending
sensitive information such as world files and make.conf over the

Sounds like in your setup you would like to keep a profile of the client 
on the server, so you don't have to send over that information, because 
it is already in the DBMS.  That also allows you to update 
'push-driven', because the server can easily tell which clients have 
packages that are out of date.

Fabian Groffen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla handling for maintainer-wanted things

2005-08-18 Thread Grobian

Maurice van der Pot wrote:

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 09:28:47PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Bah! No I'm not, because Sven pointed out that it collides with the
bugzilla resolution. So I'm going with CHECKED instead.

Whoah! Isn't REVIEWED the perfect keyword?


Fabian Groffen

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] generating ChangeLog files automatically from `cvs commit`

2005-08-17 Thread Grobian
Ok.  I'll elaborate some.  I was not planning to do so, but it appears 
there is some misinterpretation here.  It was not my intention to let 
you all know that I think cvs and Changelogs are databases.  They most 
certainly are, but that is not the point here, and may be saved for 
another discussion.

The whole point was that I like avoiding storing data double 
(redundant), if that can be done easily.  As from Mike's initial post I 
had the impression this is "easy" to do.  It appears people don't have 
much different to tell in the cvs commit logs, or even neglect to type 
them at all, so it looked as not a that strange thing to take away the 
ability to be creative with the two different places you are able to 
type into.

As for the forum example: it wouldn't be a foreign key if there wasn't a 
left outer join to look up the respective value for the column.  And so 
that left outer join is here to generate the Changelog to be "backwards 

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:

On Wednesday 17 August 2005 14:36, Grobian wrote:

 From a database point of view, it is evil to duplicate values in an
automated manner, just use a foreign key for such purposes.  In other
words, avoid duplication.  If such bash function is a common tool then
-- apart from wondering why it isn't part of the default suite -- this
anti-duplication constraint is being broken massively.  I like Mike's
idea, because it deals with data redundancy and basically uses this
'foreign key' for the changelog.
There's a big difference: a database is intended to be used by apps, 
changelogs and commit logs are intended to be used by humans.

Example? When you go in a forum you don't see the foreign key referring to 
users, to forums, to replies ... you see the actual data.

Same for webpages.

I still find a natural ChangeLog simpler to look at instead of using cvs log.

Fabian Groffen

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] generating ChangeLog files automatically from `cvs commit`

2005-08-17 Thread Grobian

Extracted from what Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:

That's not a valid argument - you can use a bash function for calling
echangelog and repoman as shown numerous times on this list.

See my first answer (bash function).

See my first answer (bash function).

From a database point of view, it is evil to duplicate values in an 
automated manner, just use a foreign key for such purposes.  In other 
words, avoid duplication.  If such bash function is a common tool then 
-- apart from wondering why it isn't part of the default suite -- this 
anti-duplication constraint is being broken massively.  I like Mike's 
idea, because it deals with data redundancy and basically uses this 
'foreign key' for the changelog.

In other words: centralise the administration, don't make yourself 
having to keep multiple copies up-to-date, you're doomed to make errors 
with that.

Just my two cents.

Fabian Groffen
eBuild && Porting
Gentoo for Mac OS X
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-osx] Package testing -- Automated initiative

2005-08-15 Thread Grobian

Chris Gianelloni wrote:

By the way, I am working to get catalyst running on OSX, so version 2.0
will definite suit your needs when it is released.

If you need help on OSX specific things, be sure to contact us...

Fabian Groffen
eBuild && Porting
Gentoo for Mac OS X
-- mailing list