amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-16 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to compile my lyx document without amsymb and amsfonts  
package (but I do want the amsmath) loaded automatically because I  
would like to add another font package, lucimatx, that defines  
substitutes for it and dos things differently. see explanation here

The bottom line is that my font packages conflict with amsymb and  
amsfonts and I need to turn the latter off.  How can do this?

I added the necessary preamble lines to load my font packages in  
DocumentsSettingsPreamble but going through the pdflatex log I see  
that lyx is calling amssymb and I cannot access the lyx default for  
that in any menu that I could find.



lucida fonts

2008-07-17 Thread Ivan Werning
I am trying to use my lucida fonts, which work fine with my Latex, in  
my LyX. I purchased these fonts from PCTex with the lucimatx package  
(which automatically loads the fonts both for text and math) written  
by Walter Schmidt.  This package is meant to replace amssymb and  
amsfonts (but not amsmath). I can load the package by adding a line in  
the preamble option in LyX. However, I cannot seem to turn off the  
automatic loading of amssymb...

Is there any way I can do this in LyX?

I am having no success adding
in my document preamble, using DocumentSettingsLatex Preamble The  
reason is that LyX automatically loads amssymb (and I think that also  
amsfonts) as soon as characters such as \mathbb{E} are employed. Is  
there any way to turn off this behavior?

I tried using the SettingsMath Option and turning of AMS math (and  
loading it myself the preamble) with no luck. That only controls  
amsmath, not the automatic loading of amssymb (or amsfonts I believe).

For reference, things work fine if I write a latex file such as:



Some math:
\mathbb{E}[f(x)]=\int_0^\infty f(x)g(x)dx


The problem is if I try to do something analogous in LyX (with  
\usepackage{lucimatx} stuck in the Latex preamble under settings) LyX  
loads amssymb which conflicts with lucimatx and I get an error which  
stops the compile. I can see that the line \usepackage{amssymb} is  
added at the top of the preamble in an export from LyX.

Any help much appreciated.


Re: amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-18 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 18, 2008, at 6:03 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

The syntax is now Provides foo for package foo, so it may already


I'd like to try it. How can I change this parameter? Or are you  
talking about development options, not a current workaround?


pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-21 Thread Ivan Werning
I use Skim as my previewer, but I am having trouble getting the  
reverse search to work with LyX.

Here is what I do: (following wiki instructions 

1. add \usepackage{pdfsync} line in preamble  
(DocumentSettingsLatex Preamble)

2. in Skim I choose LyX in the PDFSync support tab of its preferences
3. I compile some file in LyX using pdflatex
4. I get it in Skim and hit Command+Shift + Click on any part of the  
file = nothing happens :(

(5. I checked that my and .lyxpipe.out files do not exist  
when LyX is not running. as recommended by the wiki)

(6. Also tried restarting both programs after preference changes etc.)

Note that I can get this to work with Aquamacs perfectly (of course,  
setting Aquamacs in Skim's preference tab). I just can't get it to  
work with LyX

Any help much appreciated!

Operating system: OS X
Software versions:
Skim 1.1.8 (30)
LyX 1.5.5 (May 11 2008)


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


That didn't work for me. But based on the following I now have an  
hypothesis and two questions for you:

I learned from the following command line experiments. I ran
/Applications/ foo 123
to go to line 123 of foo.lyx (currently open in LyX) and that did not  
work. I then ran

/Applications/ ~/foo 123
and that worked! Turns out my file is stored in my home directory and  
I needed to add ~/ in front of the file name.

Now, how is Skim supposed to know this path? The file in Skim is  
opened with the same filename but in a tmp directory.

It works for you though, so here are my questions;

1. your pdf file is located in a tmp directory or alongside your .lyx  

2. in LyX when you have a file opened, do you see the full pathname or  
just the name of the file [I see the full path, so it seems LyX  
considers that the name of the file, which may be the root of the  



Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


I finally got it working, combining what you said (adding the full  
path) and changing the way Skim calls lyxeditor. Skim's default is

%file %line
but that does not work for me. I removed the quotes and it works with:
   %file %line
I have no idea why.

Bennett, if you could check what arguments you have set up in Skim  
that would be helpful. I could then report to the Skim developers with  
more than my own experience. Thanks


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

First of all, thanks for your help Bennett. See below.

On Jul 22, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

Actually, this is not a bug in Skim, as far as I can see.

I have been testing LyX-1.6, and so /Applications/ on my  
system is a developmental build of LyX-1.6. There's a line in the  
lyxeditor script that is supposed to point to possible LyX user  
folders in ~/Library/Application Support/, but it currently does not  
point to the new (for 1.6) LyX-1.6 folder there. Correcting that  
makes the default setting in Skim work for me. Similarly, going back  
to LyX-1.5 works for me as well -- with the default Skim settings.

The default didn't work for me on LyX 1.5.5 and Skim 1.1.8
Both programs are in /Applications/

Note, by the way, that Skim assumes it's dealing with a .tex file  
and it passes the complete path to the .tex file to lyxeditor. So  
what it actually calls (when I fill in the complete path to  
lyxeditor) is something like:

/Applications/ /path/to/foo.tex 123

(Even when I have the quotes around %file, I don't see the quotes in  
what it sends to lyxeditor, but I might be doing something wrong.)  
That means your worries about the .lyx file and complete path are, I  
believe, misplaced.

Well, all I know is that I got it to work by giving it the complete  
path to lyxeditor (which is precisely /Applications/ 
MacOS/lyxeditor) and by removing the quotes in the argument field.

Without either of those changes, it does not work (at least not  
consistently, more below).

Nonetheless, I can't yet explain why it fails to work for you with  
the default Skim settings or why you need to remove the quotes from  
%file to get it to work. Do you have LyX at /Applications/


What is the actual filename of the file you are testing? (Does it  
have any unusual characters in it?)


Have you specified a LyX temporary directory other than the default  
(/tmp)? If so, what is the complete path to it?

I left it at the default /tmp indeed


One last thing: everything I reported above, notwithstanding, I just  
tested it now with the default LyX settings in Skim and it works!  
Given that previously it failed, and I am dead sure of that (and I had  
restarted programs, deleted pipe files, tried everything etc.), I have  
to conclude that there is something random that throws it off  
sometimes, maybe the status of pipe files or something (which I do not  
know much about). I think that those default settings hence seem to  
work, but may not do so reliably.  A true mystery

(btw, slightly off topic now: LyX doesn't have forward search does it?)

Re: Matching fonts in figures (.EPS) with font in main text

2008-07-31 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 31, 2008, at 10:07 AM, James Sutherland wrote:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 7:35 AM, Luke Lindsay wrote:

I am using Lyx to write my thesis.  I have a number of figures in  
EPS format which are produced by various programs (Stata, Maple,  
Open office draw).  I would like the fonts in the figures to be  
consistent with the one used in the main body of the text, i.e.  
same font and size.  What is the best way to achieve this?   
Ideally, I'd like to be able to change the font in used in the main  
document have font used in the figures updated automatically but  
I’m not sure if this is possible.


have a look at psfrag

I have had the same problem. I resigned myself to drawing figures  
using psgraph from the pstricks-add package. It is a bit of a pain.  
You have to export the data (from Stata, Maple, etc.) into a text  
file. Then you have to write commands to load this information and  
display it.


restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning
If I have 2 or more files open, say A.lyx and B.lyx ordered that way,  
and I close LyX while the edit window (tab) is active with file A.lyx  
then when I load LyX back up I get file B.lyx.

It seems that LyX does not remember which was the latest active file,  
even though it remembers the cursor position in each (I have  
everything checked in preferencesUser Interface so that it remembers  
files, positions and window). Is this expected? If so, I don't think  
this is desirable.

I am using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.


Re: restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning

On Aug 6, 2008, at 12:17 PM, rgheck wrote:

Session handling is still a work in progress. Check bugzilla and see  
if this has been reported. If not, add it.


OK, thanks, good idea. Done.


enumerate depth problem?

2008-08-13 Thread Ivan Werning

I'm using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.

I can't seem to get the following simple enumerated list using LyX:  
(see below for Latex that would do it)

Check out this list:

1. Check out this sublist:

   a. bla A

   b. bla B

  As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

2. Now here is another item

Using the LyX editor, I can't get it to do it.  That is:

-if after typing bla B I hit enter I get a new line at the same  
level as b. and starting with c. so I am still in the nested set  
of items

-If intead I press CMD+ Enter then I get it at the level of b. but  
wihtout the c..

-Finally, if I hit Enter but then hit Decrease Depth then I  
automatically get the 2., I just cannot get back to that depth  
without creating a new item it seems...

I know how to do this in LaTex. Can it be done in LyX? Am I missing  
something? In Latex, the following would do it:

Check out this list:

\item Check out this sublist:


\item bla A

\item bla B

As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

\item Now here is another item


default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I would  
like to get an AMS align environment, instead of the outdated Latex  

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some customization  
with the keybindings? 

Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning
It is quite a pain to switch it. You have to mouse your way into  
EDITMATHChange Formula TypeAMS align

I'm not sure how to improve this with a key-binding. That is, to get  
directly an AMSmath align when I am in a displayed formula and I want  
to add a new line. Anyone have a suggestion?


On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:50 AM, rgheck wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I  
would like to get an AMS align environment, instead of the  
outdated Latex eqnarray.

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some  
customization with the keybindings?

I think that's hard-coded. But I'd guess there's probably something  
you could do with keybindings, at least to make it easier to change.


Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

On Oct 28, 2008, at 12:00 PM, rgheck wrote:

You can do: Alt-M T A, to switch it. These shortcuts should be  
listed in the menu.


Thanks, that works better than the mouse.

But I'm still hoping for a way to re-wire the CMD-enter to give me an  
align. Or some other combination to do the same for me.

graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning
I inserted a bunch of figures into a lyx document, using graphic files  
(png) that were temporarily located on my desktop (after performing  
many snapshots). I did this for like 10 files. I inserted these  
figures using Insertgraphicbrowse   ... etc.

Now, I would like to delete those graphic pictures from my desktop, to  
clean things up. But I would really want my document to keep the  
figures. Is there any way that LyX can automatically import or  
move the figures used in my document to the same directory I  
the .lyx file is placed so that it keeps them when I then delete them  
from my desktop?

I really hope I don't have to do this manually, i.e. moving each file  
and renaming the graphics location inserts in my .lyx document... That  
would be a major pain!

I'd appreciate any help/suggestion.

BTW: I use 1.5.6 on a Mac OS Leopard.


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:

I did this for like 10 files. ...
I really hope I don't have to do this manually, ... That would be a  
major pain!

Are you kidding?

For 10 files, doing it manually would have been faster than writing  
the email to the list!



Well, you see, my hope is if there was a feature that I didn't know of  
then I could continue to do this many times. Taking snapshots and  
inserting them is a common need. Saving them (in the future) in a  
particular directory (where my lyx file lives) instead of letting them  
go to the desktop is a possibility, but I would argue that sometimes  
you want to snapshot more than what you will later wish to insert. So  
it could be convenient.

I guess I had in mind a feature that Scientific Workplace has: you can  
save a file in a wrapped format that then saves all the figures and  
next time you open this file format it creates a .tex file with all  
the figure files in the directory you open the file in and with new  
relative file addresses for your graphics. I was hoping there might be  
something similar in lyx,  since that would do it.

In other words, if I have to send a lyx document to someone, my only  
recourse is to figure out what all the accessory figure files are and  
send them along too?


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:


This discussion has been very interesting for me to follow, because  
I too

have the same questions.

Konrads' second comment, was very practical and useful. A trick to to

My system has been the following:
Anytime I write a new Lyx file, I open up a new lyx folder with the  

Any graphics I use, I save in the specific lyx folder where the lyx  
file is

In MS-word, the graphics is part of the file, and all you need is to  

the word file.
In LyX, I think of the its folder as a file, and move the folder  

I'm sure this is obvious stuff for most of us, but maybe others  

thought of it

Regards,  Erez

Exactly, this is kind of a pain. It would be nice to have some kind of  
way of consolidating things without having to do it ourselves. After  
all, when the file is open lyx could know all the needed auxiliary  
(graphics and other) files. -ivan

Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Robert Orr wrote:

I would just move them myself to the directory where you have  
your .lyx source file.

Then, open the .lyx file in a text editor, and then use find and  
replace to adjust the filename to the new location.

I totally agree that that works, but it would be nice to have some  
kind of automated wrap feature. Or else moving the document around, or  
emailing is tricky, unless you keep one directory per document as Erez  

As I said: with scientific workplace there is the SAVE AS wrap  
option which consolidates all files into one. You can then email or  
move this file and recreate the unbundled version without knowing  
which files are needed. Lyx is much better for me than sciword, but  
this feature would be useful to have in lyx too. I was curious if  
there is something close to that feature.


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Basically, yeah. This was a feature bandied about perhaps two years  

more exactly this feature was some time part of lyx 1.6 and called
'embedding feature' or 'bundled format', unfortunately the discussions
about its design and implementation was so heated that we nearly lost
two of core developers and the whole feature was cancelled/removed/ 

for the time being.


OK, thanks. Yes, better not risk the mother ship for this, it is way  
too valuable... I love my LyX even if I have to edit around the .lyx  
file with text editors!


problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning
I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:

- I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor 
- I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter

I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result of 
this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during the 
installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that have 
created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked the old 
style, from the file, but it never created problems before.

Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I found 
I now had the same problems.



Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:
 I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
 - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
 - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
 I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result 
 of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during 
 the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that 
 have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked 
 the old style, from the file, but it never created problems before.
 Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
 found I now had the same problems.
 It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
 if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application

Thanks for your suggestion BH.

I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not the 
one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX package 

Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked mac 
bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. When I 
loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package content and 
things were also working fine.

So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
bind file. 

What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently (again, 
I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).


Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:

 On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:
 I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
 - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
 - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
 I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a 
 result of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer 
 during the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. 
 Could that have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have 
 mine tweaked the old style, from the file, but it never created problems 
 Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
 found I now had the same problems.
 It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
 if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application
 Thanks for your suggestion BH.
 I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
 created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
 screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
 disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not 
 the one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX 
 package content.
 Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
 copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked 
 mac bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. 
 When I loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package 
 content and things were also working fine.
 So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
 bind file. 
 What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
 but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently 
 (again, I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).

Sorry, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.

Description: Binary data

keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to control the management of output and auxiliary files. I would 
like to have LyX keep the output PDF automatically in the current working 
directory, and not delete it automatically. Now it creates it in a temporary 
directory and deletes it upon closing. 

Is there a way to do this. I couldn't find the option, nor any discussion about 


Re: keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jun 3, 2010, at 1:38 PM, BH wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Ivan Werning 
 On Jun 3, 2010, at 11:12 AM, BH wrote:
 Did you miss this one? --
 Preferences  File Handling  Converters  Converter File Cache
 (enable the check box)
 Thanks. Yes, I had missed that one. I looked now and I have that checked. 
 Does this mean it is saving all the bib aux log etc. files between sessions? 
 Based entirely on observed speed patterns I had assumed it wasn't, but I may 
 have been wrong.
 (Please make sure you reply to the list so that others can benefit
 from the conversation.)
 It will keep all converted files, such as .eps or .jpg figures that
 need to be converted to .pdf when you typeset with pdflatex. It won't
 save .bib, .aux, etc.; all of that gets trashed when you close the
 .lyx document.

OK, it really isn't the solution I was looking for then. 

I understand the benefits for most users of having these auxiliary files hidden 
away from view (in temp folders) and trashed. I was hoping there might be some 
(perhaps hidden) preference for changing that though. 


three problems

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning
Congratulations and applause to the developers! I love the new LyX  
1.6. I thought 1.5.6 was already awesome and I am still playing with  
the many many improvements of 1.6.

I'm using the mac version with OS X 10.5.5.

Three small problems I've had:

1. Exiting from Full Screen; when I get out of full screen the  
collapse button (not sure what it is called; I mean the little wide  
one that hides some menus and toolbars) that lives on the upper right  
of frames/windows in mac OS X disappears. I can't then recover it in  
any way... maximizing, minimizing, resizing doesn't revive it. This  
seems like a bug.

2. Another problem is related to the toolbars. If I customize which  
ones show and their position my choices do not seem to consistently  
stick across sessions. I'm not sure what I have to do to get some  
preferred set and position of toolbars saved as a default for new files.

It seems like LyX makes some attempts to remember these things, but  
after a while (after opening and closing sessions or opening different  
files) it forgets, or reverts to positions used in other files. I  
can't figure out any consistent pattern yet.

Specifically, if I start with no file open. Then remove the View/ 
Update toolbar. Set the toolbar sizes to small. Then close that frame.  
Then when I open a new frame it looks just like that. But if I load  
some previous file it may go back to the old look. Hence, I concluded  
it is doing things file specifically. But no: if you close the frame  
and go back to another file that you had tweaked the toolbars  
differently it will now forget. Or if you start a new file you may get

Sorry if I am not describing this very well, but part of it is that it  
really seems to behave erratically from my point of view, or with an  
odd rule.

Note: I do have the Allow saving/restoring of window layouts and  
geometry checked in my preferences. I am also using LyX with the tab  
option enabled. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

3. I have load open files from last session enabled in my  
preferences. However, the contrast in the behavior of the following  
two operations is surely not intended:

-start a new session with no files open
-open file foo.lyx
-close this file using CMD-W or selecting close from File menu
-close LyX using CMD-Q
-open LyX again: you will NOT have foo.lyx loaded, as expected

-start a new session with no files open
-open file foo.lyx
-this time: close this file clicking on the upper left button of the  
frame (the one with the x mark)

-close LyX using CMD-Q
-open LyX again: you WILL have foo.lyx loaded

Both operations really should give the same result, since in the  
second case, before you shutdown LyX you can verify that no file is  
open, e.g. go to View and it reports No Documents Open! so this  
isn't a matter of an open buffer without a window (as I am used to  
having in Emacs).



Re: three problems

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can confirm this. Please enter it into bugzilla: 

Thanks for reporting these.


Thanks. Done. Perhaps someone can confirm it there and add any  
comments. I filed bugs at...
for the #1 issue, about Full Screen.
for the #2 issue, about toolbars.

and added a confirm comment for Kondrad's previous report at (related  
to my problem #3 about reloading closed documents):


Re: mac.bind/LyX-1.6

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 12, 2008, at 7:35 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

My guess is that you have a mac.bind file in your user's directory
somewhere. The mac.bind file distributed with 1.6 (in is correct.

Note, by the way, that LyX  Preferences  Editing  Shortcuts allows
you to modify keybindings without resorting to editing .bind files.


Yes, let me second that. I had modified my mac.bind file. When I used  
LyX 1.6 initially I had problems precisely with selecting text using  
SHIFT with the Left and Right cursor.

I then extracted the changes I had made to my mac.bind file and  
inserted them back into the new bind file (inside the LyX package  
bundle; right click on LyX application in the finder and select Show  
Package content) which I copied into the bind subdirectory inside my  
LyX's Library directory.

It was advertised in the new release though, that old bind files may  
not work properly with the upgrade.

This may happen to a lot of people, so i thought it was worth  
repeating my experience.


Re: mac.bind/LyX-1.6

2008-11-13 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 13, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:
I then extracted the changes I had made to my mac.bind file and  
inserted them back into the new bind file

This is bad practice and making your life harder than necessary.  
Because you won't inherit any changes made to the bind file in newer  
version (which is what when wrong for you).

For 1.5:
Do not change the mac.bind - file. Instead, make your OWN bind file  
(with a different name, eg. MYFILE.bind) in the user directory,  
which INCLUDES the original mac.bind file with

\bind_file mac.bind

and then redefine what you want different (what comes 'last' wins!),  
for example

\bind C-n math-insert \text 
\bind M-m a math-insert \varphi 

Then select MYFILE in the Preferences.

For 1.6:
If you select mac in the Preferences and edit the shortcuts in the  
Preferences, LyX does all of the above transparently (it creates a  
user.bind in your user directory which contains your modifications -  
and only those).


I guess I was an example after all... of what not to do!

Thanks for the pointer, I'll now set up my binding this way. It does  
sounds a lot better and painless for future upgrades!


fullscreen stuck

2008-11-13 Thread Ivan Werning

Using LyX 1.6 for Mac OS X 10.5.5

The following gets me stuck in Fullscreen:
-Open any file, or a start a new file. (or you can do this without a  
file too I think)

-Go to fullscreen.
-go to edit PreferencesEditing
-change Hide Toolbars, Hides Scrollbars, Hide Tabbar from checked to  

-hit Apply

I don't think it really matters what exactly you do in the preference  
pane, even if you uncheck hit apply but then recheck it.

-Go back to your fullscreen frame. Try to get out of it... when I do  
this I am stuck there. Fullscreen does not come off.

It took me some time to find something that does reset things and gets  
me out of fullscreen. This seems to finally do the trick: if you close  
the file and go to preferencesLook and Feel and hit the button Clear  
All Session Information you can then get out of it.

Odd. Anyone can reproduce?


Re: fullscreen stuck

2008-11-14 Thread Ivan Werning

Yes, thanks. Seems related, I'll add to the comments there.

This problem is easy to avoid, if you know about it.


On Nov 14, 2008, at 2:19 AM, Stefan Schimanski wrote:

It's probably the same problem as described here:


Am 13.11.2008 um 20:56 schrieb Ivan Werning:

Using LyX 1.6 for Mac OS X 10.5.5

The following gets me stuck in Fullscreen:
-Open any file, or a start a new file. (or you can do this without  
a file too I think)

-Go to fullscreen.
-go to edit PreferencesEditing
-change Hide Toolbars, Hides Scrollbars, Hide Tabbar from checked  
to unchecked

-hit Apply

I don't think it really matters what exactly you do in the  
preference pane, even if you uncheck hit apply but then recheck it.

-Go back to your fullscreen frame. Try to get out of it... when I  
do this I am stuck there. Fullscreen does not come off.

It took me some time to find something that does reset things and  
gets me out of fullscreen. This seems to finally do the trick: if  
you close the file and go to preferencesLook and Feel and hit the  
button Clear All Session Information you can then get out of it.

Odd. Anyone can reproduce?


TOC in fullscreen

2008-11-17 Thread Ivan Werning
When entering full screen mode I sometimes get the table of contents  
panel on the right. It is sporadic.

Anyone experience this?

autocomplete question

2008-11-27 Thread Ivan Werning
I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6. However, it doesn't seem to  
remember at all what the completions I want are. It seems to change  
what the first suggestion is too in ways that I cannot understand.  
Both things makes it hard to use. (your mind expects it to  
autocomplete to the previous one and you hit tab quickly and get the  
wrong completion etc...)

Is this a fair description of the current implementation? Is there any  
way to get it to know what the completions that you typically want are  
or to learn them? Or at least have a consistent ordering of completions?


Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-27 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 27, 2008, at 7:34 PM, rgheck wrote:

Steve Litt wrote:

On Thursday 27 November 2008 11:26:45 am Ivan Werning wrote:

I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6.

Oh PLEASE tell me there's a way to turn off autocompletion.

Yes, as others have said. But I leave it on for math, where it is  
more useful.


Right, I like it for the math, precisely. What about my original  
question, anyone?:

I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6. However, it doesn't seem to  
remember at all what the completions I want are. It seems to change  
what the first suggestion is too in ways that I cannot understand.  
Both things makes it hard to use. (your mind expects it to  
autocomplete to the previous one and you hit tab quickly and get the  
wrong completion etc...)

Is this a fair description of the current implementation? Is there any  
way to get it to know what the completions that you typically want are  
or to learn them? Or at least have a consistent ordering of completions?


Toggle Toolbars off?

2008-11-28 Thread Ivan Werning
When I type a math the math toolbar and math-panel toolbar  
automatically toggles at the bottom of the screen. (Mac OS X 10.5.5  
with Lyx 1.6)

This is a nice idea, but sometimes has some problems. For example, if  
I was typing at the bottom of the screen, then I may get the stuff I'm  
writing covered up by the toolbar! After hitting a key the screen will  
move, but it isn't ideal to be left blinded for a moment.

Anyway, since I barely need it, for this and other reasons I'd rather  
have it turned off by default and then opt in at will. But I couldn't  
figure out how to do this.

So how can I get the toggled math and math-panel toolbars to be off?



Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-29 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 29, 2008, at 4:28 PM, Stefan Schimanski wrote:


In fact there is some logic in the autocompletion to remember the  
last choice. I fear it is not working correctly and should be fixed  
(and extended).

It is not that obvious what exactly should be remembered. Probably  
it would be enough to remember just a fixed number of completions  
and put those in front to be selected first on tab. Everytime a  
selection is chosen, the item it put in front again. So next time  
you want press tab on the same prefix, you get the same completion  


Yes, that would be perfect. Having a ranking of autocompletions  
accepted with this rule would be nice and I think it would solve it.

As a simple example of the problems no:if one attempts to type the  
sequence (within math): \sum \beta \sum \beta \sum ... auto-completion  
does not help very much. The problem is it will forget what you wanted  
to complete \su with after completing typing \beta(\beta, then  
\sagitarius, then \subarray are given priority to \sum) and viceversa.

This case would be fixed with the suggested rule.

I really value having the autocompletion feature in LyX. I hope it can  
get an improved memory!


Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-30 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 30, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I really value having the autocompletion feature in LyX. I hope  
it can get

an improved memory!

Perhaps, prediction algorithms from Artificial Intelligence could  

with ranking the autocompletion suggestions.

Ideally, of course, autocompletion should work already with the  

keystroke in a document and produce ready-to-submit papers.

Of course, that still leaves the author at the mercy of the (mostly)
human reviewers...

Ideally, of course, we would like to have less ironic and more
constructive LyX developers...

The idea of using machine learning algorithms to the problem of
ranking text autocomplete suggestions is not, in fact, new; it has
been applied to determine the suggestions of urls for Firefox/Mozilla:


Very interesting. Although using AI would be great, it is probably  
icing on the cake relative to the simple idea, brought up by Stefan,  
of having a rank list that is updated by the history of completions  


Re: Fast typing - LyX follows slowly only [solved - not yet]

2008-12-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 30, 2008, at 1:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have found another behaviour that might be relevant for experts to
solve this:

* Large window size of lyx (e.g., full screen or maximized)
- LyX is slow

* Make the window minimal (only show a few lines and columns) - LyX  


I get the same on a Mac Book Air when using an external monitor (as  
the main screen and my laptop's as a secondary one). If the window is  
expanded (full screen actually) and I type fast I have to wait for LyX  
to catch up.

I had never tried this setup with 1.5.6, so I can't say anything about  


custom equation numbering

2008-12-14 Thread Ivan Werning
How do I change an equation number that was chosen automatically from  
forcing a particular number or symbol?

That is, I want the analog of \tag in Latex

For example, I have an equation that is numbered (5) which is chosen  
by default because it comes after (4). That's the correct normal  
behavior of course. However, I want to break briefly out of the  
default and number this one equation (3') because it is a variant of  
a previous equation numbered (3).



Re: custom equation numbering

2008-12-14 Thread Ivan Werning
Thanks Neil and Paul. Indeed, using the LaTeX command \tag seems like  
the best thing I could find---thanks for the specific tips regarding  
math modes and cross referencing, which I guess are good ideas, I had  
never thought of, in LaTeX editing as well. One of the greatest things  
of LyX is that it still allows entering LaTeX quite easily. I really  
value that. Although it would be nice for LyX to allow custom equation  
numbering natively, given how standard it is.


On Dec 14, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Neil Hepburn wrote:

Hi Ivan,
Just to follow up on Paul's solution, you can go one step further  
and make the equation number automatic. Suppose that you have  
equation (3) and you also have a rewritten form of that equation,  
call it (3').  Do all of the steps that Paul has indicated, except  
rather than putting in the number 3, click on the cross-reference  
tool in the LyX toolbar. Then select the equation of interest and  
then apply.  To refer to equation 3' elsewhere in the paper is a  
little in-elegant -- insert the cross reference to point to the  
original form of the equation, then go into math mode (inline  
equation) right after the cross reference and insert the prime  
symbol.  Now, if you add or delete equations before the original  
equation, all of the numbers automatically update.


Neil Hepburn, Economics Instructor
Department of Social Sciences, Augustana Faculty
University of Alberta
4901-46 Avenue
Camrose, Alberta  T4V 2R3

Phone (780) 679-1588

On 14-Dec-08, at 9:24 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:
How do I change an equation number that was chosen automatically  
from forcing a particular number or symbol?

That is, I want the analog of \tag in Latex
For example, I have an equation that is numbered (5) which is  
chosen by default because it comes after (4). That's the correct  
normal behavior of course. However, I want to break briefly out of  
the default and number this one equation (3') because it is a  
variant of a previous equation numbered (3).

Well, \tag will work.  Stick the cursor in the equation.  If it's  
already being numbered, M-m n will remove the automatic number.   
Then enter '\tag' followed by space, which will create a widget.   
In the widget, type '\ensuremath' followed by a space to get a  
nested widget. Type 3' (or 3^\prime if you're a purist) in the  
inner widget (no parentheses).  The display in the GUI is, ah, less  
than esthetically pleasing, but it comes out right in the DVI.  The  
inner widget is needed to get you into math mode if you're going to  
use a superscript.

I'm not sure if there's a more LyXish way to do it.


spaces and format

2009-02-01 Thread Ivan Werning
If I introduce a medium skip vertical space in the neighborhood of  
underlined or bold text, the command is ignored.

Turns out that if the space tag is not unformatted it is ignored.  
Selecting the tag and undoing underline or bold (attributes shown only  
in status bar, not visible in edit window).


amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-16 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to compile my lyx document without amsymb and amsfonts  
package (but I do want the amsmath) loaded automatically because I  
would like to add another font package, lucimatx, that defines  
substitutes for it and dos things differently. see explanation here

The bottom line is that my font packages conflict with amsymb and  
amsfonts and I need to turn the latter off.  How can do this?

I added the necessary preamble lines to load my font packages in  
DocumentsSettingsPreamble but going through the pdflatex log I see  
that lyx is calling amssymb and I cannot access the lyx default for  
that in any menu that I could find.



lucida fonts

2008-07-17 Thread Ivan Werning
I am trying to use my lucida fonts, which work fine with my Latex, in  
my LyX. I purchased these fonts from PCTex with the lucimatx package  
(which automatically loads the fonts both for text and math) written  
by Walter Schmidt.  This package is meant to replace amssymb and  
amsfonts (but not amsmath). I can load the package by adding a line in  
the preamble option in LyX. However, I cannot seem to turn off the  
automatic loading of amssymb...

Is there any way I can do this in LyX?

I am having no success adding
in my document preamble, using DocumentSettingsLatex Preamble The  
reason is that LyX automatically loads amssymb (and I think that also  
amsfonts) as soon as characters such as \mathbb{E} are employed. Is  
there any way to turn off this behavior?

I tried using the SettingsMath Option and turning of AMS math (and  
loading it myself the preamble) with no luck. That only controls  
amsmath, not the automatic loading of amssymb (or amsfonts I believe).

For reference, things work fine if I write a latex file such as:



Some math:
\mathbb{E}[f(x)]=\int_0^\infty f(x)g(x)dx


The problem is if I try to do something analogous in LyX (with  
\usepackage{lucimatx} stuck in the Latex preamble under settings) LyX  
loads amssymb which conflicts with lucimatx and I get an error which  
stops the compile. I can see that the line \usepackage{amssymb} is  
added at the top of the preamble in an export from LyX.

Any help much appreciated.


Re: amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-18 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 18, 2008, at 6:03 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

The syntax is now Provides foo for package foo, so it may already


I'd like to try it. How can I change this parameter? Or are you  
talking about development options, not a current workaround?


pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-21 Thread Ivan Werning
I use Skim as my previewer, but I am having trouble getting the  
reverse search to work with LyX.

Here is what I do: (following wiki instructions 

1. add \usepackage{pdfsync} line in preamble  
(DocumentSettingsLatex Preamble)

2. in Skim I choose LyX in the PDFSync support tab of its preferences
3. I compile some file in LyX using pdflatex
4. I get it in Skim and hit Command+Shift + Click on any part of the  
file = nothing happens :(

(5. I checked that my and .lyxpipe.out files do not exist  
when LyX is not running. as recommended by the wiki)

(6. Also tried restarting both programs after preference changes etc.)

Note that I can get this to work with Aquamacs perfectly (of course,  
setting Aquamacs in Skim's preference tab). I just can't get it to  
work with LyX

Any help much appreciated!

Operating system: OS X
Software versions:
Skim 1.1.8 (30)
LyX 1.5.5 (May 11 2008)


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


That didn't work for me. But based on the following I now have an  
hypothesis and two questions for you:

I learned from the following command line experiments. I ran
/Applications/ foo 123
to go to line 123 of foo.lyx (currently open in LyX) and that did not  
work. I then ran

/Applications/ ~/foo 123
and that worked! Turns out my file is stored in my home directory and  
I needed to add ~/ in front of the file name.

Now, how is Skim supposed to know this path? The file in Skim is  
opened with the same filename but in a tmp directory.

It works for you though, so here are my questions;

1. your pdf file is located in a tmp directory or alongside your .lyx  

2. in LyX when you have a file opened, do you see the full pathname or  
just the name of the file [I see the full path, so it seems LyX  
considers that the name of the file, which may be the root of the  



Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


I finally got it working, combining what you said (adding the full  
path) and changing the way Skim calls lyxeditor. Skim's default is

%file %line
but that does not work for me. I removed the quotes and it works with:
   %file %line
I have no idea why.

Bennett, if you could check what arguments you have set up in Skim  
that would be helpful. I could then report to the Skim developers with  
more than my own experience. Thanks


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

First of all, thanks for your help Bennett. See below.

On Jul 22, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

Actually, this is not a bug in Skim, as far as I can see.

I have been testing LyX-1.6, and so /Applications/ on my  
system is a developmental build of LyX-1.6. There's a line in the  
lyxeditor script that is supposed to point to possible LyX user  
folders in ~/Library/Application Support/, but it currently does not  
point to the new (for 1.6) LyX-1.6 folder there. Correcting that  
makes the default setting in Skim work for me. Similarly, going back  
to LyX-1.5 works for me as well -- with the default Skim settings.

The default didn't work for me on LyX 1.5.5 and Skim 1.1.8
Both programs are in /Applications/

Note, by the way, that Skim assumes it's dealing with a .tex file  
and it passes the complete path to the .tex file to lyxeditor. So  
what it actually calls (when I fill in the complete path to  
lyxeditor) is something like:

/Applications/ /path/to/foo.tex 123

(Even when I have the quotes around %file, I don't see the quotes in  
what it sends to lyxeditor, but I might be doing something wrong.)  
That means your worries about the .lyx file and complete path are, I  
believe, misplaced.

Well, all I know is that I got it to work by giving it the complete  
path to lyxeditor (which is precisely /Applications/ 
MacOS/lyxeditor) and by removing the quotes in the argument field.

Without either of those changes, it does not work (at least not  
consistently, more below).

Nonetheless, I can't yet explain why it fails to work for you with  
the default Skim settings or why you need to remove the quotes from  
%file to get it to work. Do you have LyX at /Applications/


What is the actual filename of the file you are testing? (Does it  
have any unusual characters in it?)


Have you specified a LyX temporary directory other than the default  
(/tmp)? If so, what is the complete path to it?

I left it at the default /tmp indeed


One last thing: everything I reported above, notwithstanding, I just  
tested it now with the default LyX settings in Skim and it works!  
Given that previously it failed, and I am dead sure of that (and I had  
restarted programs, deleted pipe files, tried everything etc.), I have  
to conclude that there is something random that throws it off  
sometimes, maybe the status of pipe files or something (which I do not  
know much about). I think that those default settings hence seem to  
work, but may not do so reliably.  A true mystery

(btw, slightly off topic now: LyX doesn't have forward search does it?)

Re: Matching fonts in figures (.EPS) with font in main text

2008-07-31 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 31, 2008, at 10:07 AM, James Sutherland wrote:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 7:35 AM, Luke Lindsay wrote:

I am using Lyx to write my thesis.  I have a number of figures in  
EPS format which are produced by various programs (Stata, Maple,  
Open office draw).  I would like the fonts in the figures to be  
consistent with the one used in the main body of the text, i.e.  
same font and size.  What is the best way to achieve this?   
Ideally, I'd like to be able to change the font in used in the main  
document have font used in the figures updated automatically but  
I’m not sure if this is possible.


have a look at psfrag

I have had the same problem. I resigned myself to drawing figures  
using psgraph from the pstricks-add package. It is a bit of a pain.  
You have to export the data (from Stata, Maple, etc.) into a text  
file. Then you have to write commands to load this information and  
display it.


restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning
If I have 2 or more files open, say A.lyx and B.lyx ordered that way,  
and I close LyX while the edit window (tab) is active with file A.lyx  
then when I load LyX back up I get file B.lyx.

It seems that LyX does not remember which was the latest active file,  
even though it remembers the cursor position in each (I have  
everything checked in preferencesUser Interface so that it remembers  
files, positions and window). Is this expected? If so, I don't think  
this is desirable.

I am using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.


Re: restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning

On Aug 6, 2008, at 12:17 PM, rgheck wrote:

Session handling is still a work in progress. Check bugzilla and see  
if this has been reported. If not, add it.


OK, thanks, good idea. Done.


enumerate depth problem?

2008-08-13 Thread Ivan Werning

I'm using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.

I can't seem to get the following simple enumerated list using LyX:  
(see below for Latex that would do it)

Check out this list:

1. Check out this sublist:

   a. bla A

   b. bla B

  As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

2. Now here is another item

Using the LyX editor, I can't get it to do it.  That is:

-if after typing bla B I hit enter I get a new line at the same  
level as b. and starting with c. so I am still in the nested set  
of items

-If intead I press CMD+ Enter then I get it at the level of b. but  
wihtout the c..

-Finally, if I hit Enter but then hit Decrease Depth then I  
automatically get the 2., I just cannot get back to that depth  
without creating a new item it seems...

I know how to do this in LaTex. Can it be done in LyX? Am I missing  
something? In Latex, the following would do it:

Check out this list:

\item Check out this sublist:


\item bla A

\item bla B

As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

\item Now here is another item


default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I would  
like to get an AMS align environment, instead of the outdated Latex  

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some customization  
with the keybindings? 

Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning
It is quite a pain to switch it. You have to mouse your way into  
EDITMATHChange Formula TypeAMS align

I'm not sure how to improve this with a key-binding. That is, to get  
directly an AMSmath align when I am in a displayed formula and I want  
to add a new line. Anyone have a suggestion?


On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:50 AM, rgheck wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I  
would like to get an AMS align environment, instead of the  
outdated Latex eqnarray.

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some  
customization with the keybindings?

I think that's hard-coded. But I'd guess there's probably something  
you could do with keybindings, at least to make it easier to change.


Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

On Oct 28, 2008, at 12:00 PM, rgheck wrote:

You can do: Alt-M T A, to switch it. These shortcuts should be  
listed in the menu.


Thanks, that works better than the mouse.

But I'm still hoping for a way to re-wire the CMD-enter to give me an  
align. Or some other combination to do the same for me.

graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning
I inserted a bunch of figures into a lyx document, using graphic files  
(png) that were temporarily located on my desktop (after performing  
many snapshots). I did this for like 10 files. I inserted these  
figures using Insertgraphicbrowse   ... etc.

Now, I would like to delete those graphic pictures from my desktop, to  
clean things up. But I would really want my document to keep the  
figures. Is there any way that LyX can automatically import or  
move the figures used in my document to the same directory I  
the .lyx file is placed so that it keeps them when I then delete them  
from my desktop?

I really hope I don't have to do this manually, i.e. moving each file  
and renaming the graphics location inserts in my .lyx document... That  
would be a major pain!

I'd appreciate any help/suggestion.

BTW: I use 1.5.6 on a Mac OS Leopard.


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:

I did this for like 10 files. ...
I really hope I don't have to do this manually, ... That would be a  
major pain!

Are you kidding?

For 10 files, doing it manually would have been faster than writing  
the email to the list!



Well, you see, my hope is if there was a feature that I didn't know of  
then I could continue to do this many times. Taking snapshots and  
inserting them is a common need. Saving them (in the future) in a  
particular directory (where my lyx file lives) instead of letting them  
go to the desktop is a possibility, but I would argue that sometimes  
you want to snapshot more than what you will later wish to insert. So  
it could be convenient.

I guess I had in mind a feature that Scientific Workplace has: you can  
save a file in a wrapped format that then saves all the figures and  
next time you open this file format it creates a .tex file with all  
the figure files in the directory you open the file in and with new  
relative file addresses for your graphics. I was hoping there might be  
something similar in lyx,  since that would do it.

In other words, if I have to send a lyx document to someone, my only  
recourse is to figure out what all the accessory figure files are and  
send them along too?


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:


This discussion has been very interesting for me to follow, because  
I too

have the same questions.

Konrads' second comment, was very practical and useful. A trick to to

My system has been the following:
Anytime I write a new Lyx file, I open up a new lyx folder with the  

Any graphics I use, I save in the specific lyx folder where the lyx  
file is

In MS-word, the graphics is part of the file, and all you need is to  

the word file.
In LyX, I think of the its folder as a file, and move the folder  

I'm sure this is obvious stuff for most of us, but maybe others  

thought of it

Regards,  Erez

Exactly, this is kind of a pain. It would be nice to have some kind of  
way of consolidating things without having to do it ourselves. After  
all, when the file is open lyx could know all the needed auxiliary  
(graphics and other) files. -ivan

Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Robert Orr wrote:

I would just move them myself to the directory where you have  
your .lyx source file.

Then, open the .lyx file in a text editor, and then use find and  
replace to adjust the filename to the new location.

I totally agree that that works, but it would be nice to have some  
kind of automated wrap feature. Or else moving the document around, or  
emailing is tricky, unless you keep one directory per document as Erez  

As I said: with scientific workplace there is the SAVE AS wrap  
option which consolidates all files into one. You can then email or  
move this file and recreate the unbundled version without knowing  
which files are needed. Lyx is much better for me than sciword, but  
this feature would be useful to have in lyx too. I was curious if  
there is something close to that feature.


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Basically, yeah. This was a feature bandied about perhaps two years  

more exactly this feature was some time part of lyx 1.6 and called
'embedding feature' or 'bundled format', unfortunately the discussions
about its design and implementation was so heated that we nearly lost
two of core developers and the whole feature was cancelled/removed/ 

for the time being.


OK, thanks. Yes, better not risk the mother ship for this, it is way  
too valuable... I love my LyX even if I have to edit around the .lyx  
file with text editors!


problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning
I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:

- I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor 
- I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter

I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result of 
this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during the 
installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that have 
created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked the old 
style, from the file, but it never created problems before.

Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I found 
I now had the same problems.



Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:
 I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
 - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
 - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
 I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result 
 of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during 
 the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that 
 have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked 
 the old style, from the file, but it never created problems before.
 Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
 found I now had the same problems.
 It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
 if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application

Thanks for your suggestion BH.

I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not the 
one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX package 

Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked mac 
bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. When I 
loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package content and 
things were also working fine.

So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
bind file. 

What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently (again, 
I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).


Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:

 On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:
 I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
 - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
 - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
 I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a 
 result of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer 
 during the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. 
 Could that have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have 
 mine tweaked the old style, from the file, but it never created problems 
 Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
 found I now had the same problems.
 It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
 if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application
 Thanks for your suggestion BH.
 I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
 created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
 screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
 disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not 
 the one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX 
 package content.
 Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
 copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked 
 mac bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. 
 When I loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package 
 content and things were also working fine.
 So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
 bind file. 
 What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
 but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently 
 (again, I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).

Sorry, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.

Description: Binary data

keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to control the management of output and auxiliary files. I would 
like to have LyX keep the output PDF automatically in the current working 
directory, and not delete it automatically. Now it creates it in a temporary 
directory and deletes it upon closing. 

Is there a way to do this. I couldn't find the option, nor any discussion about 


Re: keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jun 3, 2010, at 1:38 PM, BH wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Ivan Werning 
 On Jun 3, 2010, at 11:12 AM, BH wrote:
 Did you miss this one? --
 Preferences  File Handling  Converters  Converter File Cache
 (enable the check box)
 Thanks. Yes, I had missed that one. I looked now and I have that checked. 
 Does this mean it is saving all the bib aux log etc. files between sessions? 
 Based entirely on observed speed patterns I had assumed it wasn't, but I may 
 have been wrong.
 (Please make sure you reply to the list so that others can benefit
 from the conversation.)
 It will keep all converted files, such as .eps or .jpg figures that
 need to be converted to .pdf when you typeset with pdflatex. It won't
 save .bib, .aux, etc.; all of that gets trashed when you close the
 .lyx document.

OK, it really isn't the solution I was looking for then. 

I understand the benefits for most users of having these auxiliary files hidden 
away from view (in temp folders) and trashed. I was hoping there might be some 
(perhaps hidden) preference for changing that though. 


three problems

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning
Congratulations and applause to the developers! I love the new LyX  
1.6. I thought 1.5.6 was already awesome and I am still playing with  
the many many improvements of 1.6.

I'm using the mac version with OS X 10.5.5.

Three small problems I've had:

1. Exiting from Full Screen; when I get out of full screen the  
collapse button (not sure what it is called; I mean the little wide  
one that hides some menus and toolbars) that lives on the upper right  
of frames/windows in mac OS X disappears. I can't then recover it in  
any way... maximizing, minimizing, resizing doesn't revive it. This  
seems like a bug.

2. Another problem is related to the toolbars. If I customize which  
ones show and their position my choices do not seem to consistently  
stick across sessions. I'm not sure what I have to do to get some  
preferred set and position of toolbars saved as a default for new files.

It seems like LyX makes some attempts to remember these things, but  
after a while (after opening and closing sessions or opening different  
files) it forgets, or reverts to positions used in other files. I  
can't figure out any consistent pattern yet.

Specifically, if I start with no file open. Then remove the View/ 
Update toolbar. Set the toolbar sizes to small. Then close that frame.  
Then when I open a new frame it looks just like that. But if I load  
some previous file it may go back to the old look. Hence, I concluded  
it is doing things file specifically. But no: if you close the frame  
and go back to another file that you had tweaked the toolbars  
differently it will now forget. Or if you start a new file you may get

Sorry if I am not describing this very well, but part of it is that it  
really seems to behave erratically from my point of view, or with an  
odd rule.

Note: I do have the Allow saving/restoring of window layouts and  
geometry checked in my preferences. I am also using LyX with the tab  
option enabled. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

3. I have load open files from last session enabled in my  
preferences. However, the contrast in the behavior of the following  
two operations is surely not intended:

-start a new session with no files open
-open file foo.lyx
-close this file using CMD-W or selecting close from File menu
-close LyX using CMD-Q
-open LyX again: you will NOT have foo.lyx loaded, as expected

-start a new session with no files open
-open file foo.lyx
-this time: close this file clicking on the upper left button of the  
frame (the one with the x mark)

-close LyX using CMD-Q
-open LyX again: you WILL have foo.lyx loaded

Both operations really should give the same result, since in the  
second case, before you shutdown LyX you can verify that no file is  
open, e.g. go to View and it reports No Documents Open! so this  
isn't a matter of an open buffer without a window (as I am used to  
having in Emacs).



Re: three problems

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can confirm this. Please enter it into bugzilla: 

Thanks for reporting these.


Thanks. Done. Perhaps someone can confirm it there and add any  
comments. I filed bugs at...
for the #1 issue, about Full Screen.
for the #2 issue, about toolbars.

and added a confirm comment for Kondrad's previous report at (related  
to my problem #3 about reloading closed documents):


Re: mac.bind/LyX-1.6

2008-11-12 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 12, 2008, at 7:35 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

My guess is that you have a mac.bind file in your user's directory
somewhere. The mac.bind file distributed with 1.6 (in is correct.

Note, by the way, that LyX  Preferences  Editing  Shortcuts allows
you to modify keybindings without resorting to editing .bind files.


Yes, let me second that. I had modified my mac.bind file. When I used  
LyX 1.6 initially I had problems precisely with selecting text using  
SHIFT with the Left and Right cursor.

I then extracted the changes I had made to my mac.bind file and  
inserted them back into the new bind file (inside the LyX package  
bundle; right click on LyX application in the finder and select Show  
Package content) which I copied into the bind subdirectory inside my  
LyX's Library directory.

It was advertised in the new release though, that old bind files may  
not work properly with the upgrade.

This may happen to a lot of people, so i thought it was worth  
repeating my experience.


Re: mac.bind/LyX-1.6

2008-11-13 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 13, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:
I then extracted the changes I had made to my mac.bind file and  
inserted them back into the new bind file

This is bad practice and making your life harder than necessary.  
Because you won't inherit any changes made to the bind file in newer  
version (which is what when wrong for you).

For 1.5:
Do not change the mac.bind - file. Instead, make your OWN bind file  
(with a different name, eg. MYFILE.bind) in the user directory,  
which INCLUDES the original mac.bind file with

\bind_file mac.bind

and then redefine what you want different (what comes 'last' wins!),  
for example

\bind C-n math-insert \text 
\bind M-m a math-insert \varphi 

Then select MYFILE in the Preferences.

For 1.6:
If you select mac in the Preferences and edit the shortcuts in the  
Preferences, LyX does all of the above transparently (it creates a  
user.bind in your user directory which contains your modifications -  
and only those).


I guess I was an example after all... of what not to do!

Thanks for the pointer, I'll now set up my binding this way. It does  
sounds a lot better and painless for future upgrades!


fullscreen stuck

2008-11-13 Thread Ivan Werning

Using LyX 1.6 for Mac OS X 10.5.5

The following gets me stuck in Fullscreen:
-Open any file, or a start a new file. (or you can do this without a  
file too I think)

-Go to fullscreen.
-go to edit PreferencesEditing
-change Hide Toolbars, Hides Scrollbars, Hide Tabbar from checked to  

-hit Apply

I don't think it really matters what exactly you do in the preference  
pane, even if you uncheck hit apply but then recheck it.

-Go back to your fullscreen frame. Try to get out of it... when I do  
this I am stuck there. Fullscreen does not come off.

It took me some time to find something that does reset things and gets  
me out of fullscreen. This seems to finally do the trick: if you close  
the file and go to preferencesLook and Feel and hit the button Clear  
All Session Information you can then get out of it.

Odd. Anyone can reproduce?


Re: fullscreen stuck

2008-11-14 Thread Ivan Werning

Yes, thanks. Seems related, I'll add to the comments there.

This problem is easy to avoid, if you know about it.


On Nov 14, 2008, at 2:19 AM, Stefan Schimanski wrote:

It's probably the same problem as described here:


Am 13.11.2008 um 20:56 schrieb Ivan Werning:

Using LyX 1.6 for Mac OS X 10.5.5

The following gets me stuck in Fullscreen:
-Open any file, or a start a new file. (or you can do this without  
a file too I think)

-Go to fullscreen.
-go to edit PreferencesEditing
-change Hide Toolbars, Hides Scrollbars, Hide Tabbar from checked  
to unchecked

-hit Apply

I don't think it really matters what exactly you do in the  
preference pane, even if you uncheck hit apply but then recheck it.

-Go back to your fullscreen frame. Try to get out of it... when I  
do this I am stuck there. Fullscreen does not come off.

It took me some time to find something that does reset things and  
gets me out of fullscreen. This seems to finally do the trick: if  
you close the file and go to preferencesLook and Feel and hit the  
button Clear All Session Information you can then get out of it.

Odd. Anyone can reproduce?


TOC in fullscreen

2008-11-17 Thread Ivan Werning
When entering full screen mode I sometimes get the table of contents  
panel on the right. It is sporadic.

Anyone experience this?

autocomplete question

2008-11-27 Thread Ivan Werning
I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6. However, it doesn't seem to  
remember at all what the completions I want are. It seems to change  
what the first suggestion is too in ways that I cannot understand.  
Both things makes it hard to use. (your mind expects it to  
autocomplete to the previous one and you hit tab quickly and get the  
wrong completion etc...)

Is this a fair description of the current implementation? Is there any  
way to get it to know what the completions that you typically want are  
or to learn them? Or at least have a consistent ordering of completions?


Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-27 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 27, 2008, at 7:34 PM, rgheck wrote:

Steve Litt wrote:

On Thursday 27 November 2008 11:26:45 am Ivan Werning wrote:

I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6.

Oh PLEASE tell me there's a way to turn off autocompletion.

Yes, as others have said. But I leave it on for math, where it is  
more useful.


Right, I like it for the math, precisely. What about my original  
question, anyone?:

I love having an autocomplete in LyX 1.6. However, it doesn't seem to  
remember at all what the completions I want are. It seems to change  
what the first suggestion is too in ways that I cannot understand.  
Both things makes it hard to use. (your mind expects it to  
autocomplete to the previous one and you hit tab quickly and get the  
wrong completion etc...)

Is this a fair description of the current implementation? Is there any  
way to get it to know what the completions that you typically want are  
or to learn them? Or at least have a consistent ordering of completions?


Toggle Toolbars off?

2008-11-28 Thread Ivan Werning
When I type a math the math toolbar and math-panel toolbar  
automatically toggles at the bottom of the screen. (Mac OS X 10.5.5  
with Lyx 1.6)

This is a nice idea, but sometimes has some problems. For example, if  
I was typing at the bottom of the screen, then I may get the stuff I'm  
writing covered up by the toolbar! After hitting a key the screen will  
move, but it isn't ideal to be left blinded for a moment.

Anyway, since I barely need it, for this and other reasons I'd rather  
have it turned off by default and then opt in at will. But I couldn't  
figure out how to do this.

So how can I get the toggled math and math-panel toolbars to be off?



Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-29 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 29, 2008, at 4:28 PM, Stefan Schimanski wrote:


In fact there is some logic in the autocompletion to remember the  
last choice. I fear it is not working correctly and should be fixed  
(and extended).

It is not that obvious what exactly should be remembered. Probably  
it would be enough to remember just a fixed number of completions  
and put those in front to be selected first on tab. Everytime a  
selection is chosen, the item it put in front again. So next time  
you want press tab on the same prefix, you get the same completion  


Yes, that would be perfect. Having a ranking of autocompletions  
accepted with this rule would be nice and I think it would solve it.

As a simple example of the problems no:if one attempts to type the  
sequence (within math): \sum \beta \sum \beta \sum ... auto-completion  
does not help very much. The problem is it will forget what you wanted  
to complete \su with after completing typing \beta(\beta, then  
\sagitarius, then \subarray are given priority to \sum) and viceversa.

This case would be fixed with the suggested rule.

I really value having the autocompletion feature in LyX. I hope it can  
get an improved memory!


Re: autocomplete question

2008-11-30 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 30, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I really value having the autocompletion feature in LyX. I hope  
it can get

an improved memory!

Perhaps, prediction algorithms from Artificial Intelligence could  

with ranking the autocompletion suggestions.

Ideally, of course, autocompletion should work already with the  

keystroke in a document and produce ready-to-submit papers.

Of course, that still leaves the author at the mercy of the (mostly)
human reviewers...

Ideally, of course, we would like to have less ironic and more
constructive LyX developers...

The idea of using machine learning algorithms to the problem of
ranking text autocomplete suggestions is not, in fact, new; it has
been applied to determine the suggestions of urls for Firefox/Mozilla:


Very interesting. Although using AI would be great, it is probably  
icing on the cake relative to the simple idea, brought up by Stefan,  
of having a rank list that is updated by the history of completions  


Re: Fast typing - LyX follows slowly only [solved - not yet]

2008-12-05 Thread Ivan Werning

On Nov 30, 2008, at 1:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have found another behaviour that might be relevant for experts to
solve this:

* Large window size of lyx (e.g., full screen or maximized)
- LyX is slow

* Make the window minimal (only show a few lines and columns) - LyX  


I get the same on a Mac Book Air when using an external monitor (as  
the main screen and my laptop's as a secondary one). If the window is  
expanded (full screen actually) and I type fast I have to wait for LyX  
to catch up.

I had never tried this setup with 1.5.6, so I can't say anything about  


custom equation numbering

2008-12-14 Thread Ivan Werning
How do I change an equation number that was chosen automatically from  
forcing a particular number or symbol?

That is, I want the analog of \tag in Latex

For example, I have an equation that is numbered (5) which is chosen  
by default because it comes after (4). That's the correct normal  
behavior of course. However, I want to break briefly out of the  
default and number this one equation (3') because it is a variant of  
a previous equation numbered (3).



Re: custom equation numbering

2008-12-14 Thread Ivan Werning
Thanks Neil and Paul. Indeed, using the LaTeX command \tag seems like  
the best thing I could find---thanks for the specific tips regarding  
math modes and cross referencing, which I guess are good ideas, I had  
never thought of, in LaTeX editing as well. One of the greatest things  
of LyX is that it still allows entering LaTeX quite easily. I really  
value that. Although it would be nice for LyX to allow custom equation  
numbering natively, given how standard it is.


On Dec 14, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Neil Hepburn wrote:

Hi Ivan,
Just to follow up on Paul's solution, you can go one step further  
and make the equation number automatic. Suppose that you have  
equation (3) and you also have a rewritten form of that equation,  
call it (3').  Do all of the steps that Paul has indicated, except  
rather than putting in the number 3, click on the cross-reference  
tool in the LyX toolbar. Then select the equation of interest and  
then apply.  To refer to equation 3' elsewhere in the paper is a  
little in-elegant -- insert the cross reference to point to the  
original form of the equation, then go into math mode (inline  
equation) right after the cross reference and insert the prime  
symbol.  Now, if you add or delete equations before the original  
equation, all of the numbers automatically update.


Neil Hepburn, Economics Instructor
Department of Social Sciences, Augustana Faculty
University of Alberta
4901-46 Avenue
Camrose, Alberta  T4V 2R3

Phone (780) 679-1588

On 14-Dec-08, at 9:24 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:
How do I change an equation number that was chosen automatically  
from forcing a particular number or symbol?

That is, I want the analog of \tag in Latex
For example, I have an equation that is numbered (5) which is  
chosen by default because it comes after (4). That's the correct  
normal behavior of course. However, I want to break briefly out of  
the default and number this one equation (3') because it is a  
variant of a previous equation numbered (3).

Well, \tag will work.  Stick the cursor in the equation.  If it's  
already being numbered, M-m n will remove the automatic number.   
Then enter '\tag' followed by space, which will create a widget.   
In the widget, type '\ensuremath' followed by a space to get a  
nested widget. Type 3' (or 3^\prime if you're a purist) in the  
inner widget (no parentheses).  The display in the GUI is, ah, less  
than esthetically pleasing, but it comes out right in the DVI.  The  
inner widget is needed to get you into math mode if you're going to  
use a superscript.

I'm not sure if there's a more LyXish way to do it.


spaces and format

2009-02-01 Thread Ivan Werning
If I introduce a medium skip vertical space in the neighborhood of  
underlined or bold text, the command is ignored.

Turns out that if the space tag is not unformatted it is ignored.  
Selecting the tag and undoing underline or bold (attributes shown only  
in status bar, not visible in edit window).


amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-16 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to compile my lyx document without amsymb and amsfonts  
package (but I do want the amsmath) loaded automatically because I  
would like to add another font package, lucimatx, that defines  
substitutes for it and dos things differently. see explanation here

The bottom line is that my font packages conflict with amsymb and  
amsfonts and I need to turn the latter off.  How can do this?

I added the necessary preamble lines to load my font packages in  
Documents>Settings>Preamble but going through the pdflatex log I see  
that lyx is calling amssymb and I cannot access the lyx default for  
that in any menu that I could find.



lucida fonts

2008-07-17 Thread Ivan Werning
I am trying to use my lucida fonts, which work fine with my Latex, in  
my LyX. I purchased these fonts from PCTex with the lucimatx package  
(which automatically loads the fonts both for text and math) written  
by Walter Schmidt.  This package is meant to replace amssymb and  
amsfonts (but not amsmath). I can load the package by adding a line in  
the preamble option in LyX. However, I cannot seem to turn off the  
automatic loading of amssymb...

Is there any way I can do this in LyX?

I am having no success adding
in my document preamble, using Document>Settings>Latex Preamble The  
reason is that LyX automatically loads amssymb (and I think that also  
amsfonts) as soon as characters such as \mathbb{E} are employed. Is  
there any way to turn off this behavior?

I tried using the Settings>Math Option and turning of AMS math (and  
loading it myself the preamble) with no luck. That only controls  
amsmath, not the automatic loading of amssymb (or amsfonts I believe).

For reference, things work fine if I write a latex file such as:



Some math:
\mathbb{E}[f(x)]=\int_0^\infty f(x)g(x)dx


The problem is if I try to do something analogous in LyX (with  
\usepackage{lucimatx} stuck in the Latex preamble under settings) LyX  
loads amssymb which conflicts with lucimatx and I get an error which  
stops the compile. I can see that the line \usepackage{amssymb} is  
added at the top of the preamble in an export from LyX.

Any help much appreciated.


Re: amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-18 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 18, 2008, at 6:03 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

The syntax is now "Provides foo" for package foo, so it may already


I'd like to try it. How can I change this parameter? Or are you  
talking about development options, not a current workaround?


pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-21 Thread Ivan Werning
I use Skim as my previewer, but I am having trouble getting the  
reverse search to work with LyX.

Here is what I do: (following wiki instructions 

1. add" \usepackage{pdfsync}" line in preamble  
(Document>Settings>Latex Preamble)

2. in Skim I choose LyX in the PDFSync support tab of its preferences
3. I compile some file in LyX using pdflatex
4. I get it in Skim and hit Command+Shift + Click on any part of the  
file = nothing happens :(

(5. I checked that my " and .lyxpipe.out files do not exist  
when LyX is not running." as recommended by the wiki)

(6. Also tried restarting both programs after preference changes etc.)

Note that I can get this to work with Aquamacs perfectly (of course,  
setting Aquamacs in Skim's preference tab). I just can't get it to  
work with LyX

Any help much appreciated!

Operating system: OS X
Software versions:
Skim 1.1.8 (30)
LyX 1.5.5 (May 11 2008)


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


That didn't work for me. But based on the following I now have an  
hypothesis and two questions for you:

I learned from the following command line experiments. I ran
/Applications/ foo 123
to go to line 123 of foo.lyx (currently open in LyX) and that did not  
work. I then ran

/Applications/ ~/foo 123
and that worked! Turns out my file is stored in my home directory and  
I needed to add "~/" in front of the file name.

Now, how is Skim supposed to know this path? The file in Skim is  
opened with the same filename but in a tmp directory.

It works for you though, so here are my questions;

1. your pdf file is located in a tmp directory or alongside your .lyx  

2. in LyX when you have a file opened, do you see the full pathname or  
just the name of the file [I see the full path, so it seems LyX  
considers that the name of the file, which may be the root of the  



Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete  
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,  
and the bug should be reported to them.


I finally got it working, combining what you said (adding the full  
path) and changing the way Skim calls lyxeditor. Skim's default is

"%file" %line
but that does not work for me. I removed the quotes and it works with:
   %file %line
I have no idea why.

Bennett, if you could check what arguments you have set up in Skim  
that would be helpful. I could then report to the Skim developers with  
more than my own experience. Thanks


Re: pdfsync problems with Skim

2008-07-22 Thread Ivan Werning

First of all, thanks for your help Bennett. See below.

On Jul 22, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

Actually, this is not a bug in Skim, as far as I can see.

I have been testing LyX-1.6, and so /Applications/ on my  
system is a developmental build of LyX-1.6. There's a line in the  
lyxeditor script that is supposed to point to possible LyX user  
folders in ~/Library/Application Support/, but it currently does not  
point to the new (for 1.6) LyX-1.6 folder there. Correcting that  
makes the default setting in Skim work for me. Similarly, going back  
to LyX-1.5 works for me as well -- with the default Skim settings.

The default didn't work for me on LyX 1.5.5 and Skim 1.1.8
Both programs are in /Applications/

Note, by the way, that Skim assumes it's dealing with a .tex file  
and it passes the complete path to the .tex file to lyxeditor. So  
what it actually calls (when I fill in the complete path to  
lyxeditor) is something like:

/Applications/ /path/to/foo.tex 123

(Even when I have the quotes around %file, I don't see the quotes in  
what it sends to lyxeditor, but I might be doing something wrong.)  
That means your worries about the .lyx file and complete path are, I  
believe, misplaced.

Well, all I know is that I got it to work by giving it the complete  
path to lyxeditor (which is precisely /Applications/ 
MacOS/lyxeditor) and by removing the quotes in the argument field.

Without either of those changes, it does not work (at least not  
consistently, more below).

Nonetheless, I can't yet explain why it fails to work for you with  
the default Skim settings or why you need to remove the quotes from  
%file to get it to work. Do you have LyX at /Applications/


What is the actual filename of the file you are testing? (Does it  
have any unusual characters in it?)


Have you specified a LyX temporary directory other than the default  
(/tmp)? If so, what is the complete path to it?

I left it at the default /tmp indeed


One last thing: everything I reported above, notwithstanding, I just  
tested it now with the default LyX settings in Skim and it works!  
Given that previously it failed, and I am dead sure of that (and I had  
restarted programs, deleted pipe files, tried everything etc.), I have  
to conclude that there is something random that throws it off  
sometimes, maybe the status of pipe files or something (which I do not  
know much about). I think that those default settings hence seem to  
work, but may not do so reliably.  A true mystery

(btw, slightly off topic now: LyX doesn't have forward search does it?)

Re: Matching fonts in figures (.EPS) with font in main text

2008-07-31 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jul 31, 2008, at 10:07 AM, James Sutherland wrote:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 7:35 AM, Luke Lindsay wrote:

I am using Lyx to write my thesis.  I have a number of figures in  
EPS format which are produced by various programs (Stata, Maple,  
Open office draw).  I would like the fonts in the figures to be  
consistent with the one used in the main body of the text, i.e.  
same font and size.  What is the best way to achieve this?   
Ideally, I'd like to be able to change the font in used in the main  
document have font used in the figures updated automatically but  
I’m not sure if this is possible.


have a look at psfrag

I have had the same problem. I resigned myself to drawing figures  
using psgraph from the pstricks-add package. It is a bit of a pain.  
You have to export the data (from Stata, Maple, etc.) into a text  
file. Then you have to write commands to load this information and  
display it.


restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning
If I have 2 or more files open, say A.lyx and B.lyx ordered that way,  
and I close LyX while the edit window (tab) is active with file A.lyx  
then when I load LyX back up I get file B.lyx.

It seems that LyX does not remember which was the latest active file,  
even though it remembers the cursor position in each (I have  
everything checked in preferences>User Interface so that it remembers  
files, positions and window). Is this expected? If so, I don't think  
this is desirable.

I am using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.


Re: restore files and position

2008-08-06 Thread Ivan Werning

On Aug 6, 2008, at 12:17 PM, rgheck wrote:

Session handling is still a work in progress. Check bugzilla and see  
if this has been reported. If not, add it.


OK, thanks, good idea. Done.


enumerate depth problem?

2008-08-13 Thread Ivan Werning

I'm using LyX 1.5.6 on Mac OS-X 10.5.4.

I can't seem to get the following simple enumerated list using LyX:  
(see below for Latex that would do it)

Check out this list:

1. Check out this sublist:

   a. bla A

   b. bla B

  As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

2. Now here is another item

Using the LyX editor, I can't get it to do it.  That is:

-if after typing "bla B" I hit enter I get a new line at the same  
level as "b." and starting with "c." so I am still in the nested set  
of items

-If intead I press CMD+ Enter then I get it at the level of "b." but  
wihtout the "c.".

-Finally, if I hit Enter but then hit "Decrease Depth" then I  
automatically get the "2.", I just cannot get back to that depth  
without creating a new item it seems...

I know how to do this in LaTex. Can it be done in LyX? Am I missing  
something? In Latex, the following would do it:

Check out this list:

\item Check out this sublist:


\item bla A

\item bla B

As this list above shows, bla bla bla.

\item Now here is another item


default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I would  
like to get an AMS "align" environment, instead of the outdated Latex  

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some customization  
with the keybindings? 

Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning
It is quite a pain to switch it. You have to mouse your way into  
EDIT>MATH>Change Formula Type>AMS align

I'm not sure how to improve this with a key-binding. That is, to get  
directly an AMSmath align when I am in a displayed formula and I want  
to add a new line. Anyone have a suggestion?


On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:50 AM, rgheck wrote:

Ivan Werning wrote:

I use LyX 1.5.6 on OS X 10.5.4.

When I create a displayed equation and want to have another aligned  
one beneath, my understanding is that I should hit CMD-Enter. I  
would like to get an AMS "align" environment, instead of the  
outdated Latex "eqnarray".

Is there a way to do this? Is my only option to do some  
customization with the keybindings?

I think that's hard-coded. But I'd guess there's probably something  
you could do with keybindings, at least to make it easier to change.


Re: default AMS align

2008-10-28 Thread Ivan Werning

On Oct 28, 2008, at 12:00 PM, rgheck wrote:

You can do: Alt-M T A, to switch it. These shortcuts should be  
listed in the menu.


Thanks, that works better than the mouse.

But I'm still hoping for a way to re-wire the CMD-enter to give me an  
align. Or some other combination to do the same for me.

graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread Ivan Werning
I inserted a bunch of figures into a lyx document, using graphic files  
(png) that were temporarily located on my desktop (after performing  
many snapshots). I did this for like 10 files. I inserted these  
figures using Insert>graphic>browse   ... etc.

Now, I would like to delete those graphic pictures from my desktop, to  
clean things up. But I would really want my document to keep the  
figures. Is there any way that LyX can automatically "import" or  
"move" the figures used in my document to the same directory I  
the .lyx file is placed so that it keeps them when I then delete them  
from my desktop?

I really hope I don't have to do this manually, i.e. moving each file  
and renaming the graphics location inserts in my .lyx document... That  
would be a major pain!

I'd appreciate any help/suggestion.

BTW: I use 1.5.6 on a Mac OS Leopard.


problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning
I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:

- I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor 
- I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter

I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result of 
this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during the 
installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that have 
created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked the old 
style, from the file, but it never created problems before.

Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I found 
I now had the same problems.



Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning
> <> wrote:
>> I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
>> - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
>> - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
>> I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a result 
>> of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer during 
>> the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. Could that 
>> have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have mine tweaked 
>> the old style, from the file, but it never created problems before.
>> Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
>> found I now had the same problems.
> It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
> if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application
> Support/LyX-1.6)?
> BH

Thanks for your suggestion BH.

I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not the 
one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX package 

Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked mac 
bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. When I 
loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package content and 
things were also working fine.

So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
bind file. 

What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently (again, 
I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).


Re: problems in mac's LyX 1.6.5

2010-02-11 Thread Ivan Werning

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:

> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning
>> <> wrote:
>>> I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
>>> - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
>>> - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
>>> I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a 
>>> result of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do answer 
>>> during the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and such. 
>>> Could that have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I have 
>>> mine tweaked the old style, from the file, but it never created problems 
>>> before.
>>> Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
>>> found I now had the same problems.
>> It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
>> if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application
>> Support/LyX-1.6)?
>> BH
> Thanks for your suggestion BH.
> I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
> created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
> screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
> disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not 
> the one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX 
> package content.
> Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
> copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked 
> mac bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. 
> When I loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package 
> content and things were also working fine.
> So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked mac 
> bind file. 
> What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things anymore, 
> but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until recently 
> (again, I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).
> -Ivan

Sorry, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.

Description: Binary data

keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning
I would like to control the management of output and auxiliary files. I would 
like to have LyX keep the output PDF automatically in the current working 
directory, and not delete it automatically. Now it creates it in a temporary 
directory and deletes it upon closing. 

Is there a way to do this. I couldn't find the option, nor any discussion about 


Re: keeping PDF output files

2010-06-03 Thread Ivan Werning

On Jun 3, 2010, at 1:38 PM, BH wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Ivan Werning <> 
> wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2010, at 11:12 AM, BH wrote:
>>> Did you miss this one? --
>>> Preferences > File Handling > Converters > Converter File Cache
>>> (enable the check box)
>>> BH
>> Thanks. Yes, I had missed that one. I looked now and I have that checked. 
>> Does this mean it is saving all the bib aux log etc. files between sessions? 
>> Based entirely on observed speed patterns I had assumed it wasn't, but I may 
>> have been wrong.
> (Please make sure you reply to the list so that others can benefit
> from the conversation.)
> It will keep all converted files, such as .eps or .jpg figures that
> need to be converted to .pdf when you typeset with pdflatex. It won't
> save .bib, .aux, etc.; all of that gets trashed when you close the
> .lyx document.
> BH

OK, it really isn't the solution I was looking for then. 

I understand the benefits for most users of having these auxiliary files hidden 
away from view (in temp folders) and trashed. I was hoping there might be some 
(perhaps hidden) preference for changing that though. 


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