Re: [Marxism] Amazon's robotics

2017-09-12 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism
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And then there is farm robotics
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Re: [Marxism] The Russian Reader: Chutzpah

2017-09-12 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Thomas Campbell wrote

Here’s the score, boys and girls. This is what happens, sooner or later, 
to everyone who has a beef, however minor, with the Putin regime. They 
get a visit from a “policeman” who is indistinguishable, in his 
behavior, looks, and speech, from an ordinary thug.

For all that, justification on the ground and all that, what is the 
essential difference between RT, BBC and VOA? Yes, the Russian regime is 
from what I know everything you say it is. and which for reasons of 
state and economic insecurity that we could go into is, 
counter-productively in the long run and like most third world regimes, 
more repressive, corrupt and hostile to dissent than many western 
governments. So then how about the US regime? In terms of its relative 
effect on the lives or life chances of countless working class 
inhabitants of the planet, and its threat to the long-term viability of 
our species, when it threatens to spread nuclear annihilation and 
selective murder by drone and space technology all over the place, 
denies and impedes any meaningful action on climate deterioration, 
prevents labor mobility and rise in living standards in every corner of 
the globe while enhancing capital mobility without impedance to the 
benefit of US capital, and consumes the preponderance of the world's 
assets, many irreplaceable? Need I elaborate further? Have you for 
example in the past few days seen our media outlets' smug, self-serving 
coverage of North Korea, 9-11 and Hurricanes Harvey and Irma? Would you 
be posting, not just on VOA, but on the organs of a vicious US media 
conspiracy which conceals all that I describe and requires truth-seekers 
with vital information to resort to an outlet no less venal but open to 
an essential critique of US corporate and governmental actions?

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[Marxism] Houston’s Floodwaters Are Tainted With Toxins, Testing Shows

2017-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 12 2017
Houston’s Floodwaters Are Tainted With Toxins, Testing Shows

HOUSTON — Floodwaters in two Houston neighborhoods have been 
contaminated with bacteria and toxins that can make people sick, testing 
organized by The New York Times has found. Residents will need to take 
precautions to return safely to their homes, public health experts said.

It is not clear how far the toxic waters have spread. But Fire Chief 
Samuel Peña of Houston said over the weekend that there had been 
breaches at numerous waste treatment plants. The Environmental 
Protection Agency said on Monday that 40 of 1,219 such plants in the 
area were not working.

The results of The Times’s testing were troubling. Water flowing down 
Briarhills Parkway in the Houston Energy Corridor contained Escherichia 
coli, a measure of fecal contamination, at a level more than four times 
that considered safe.

In the Clayton Homes public housing development downtown, along the 
Buffalo Bayou, scientists found what they considered astonishingly high 
levels of E. coli in standing water in one family’s living room — levels 
135 times those considered safe — as well as elevated levels of lead, 
arsenic and other heavy metals in sediment from the floodwaters in the 

“It suggests to me that conditions inside the home are more ideal for 
bacteria to grow and concentrate. It’s warmer and the water has 
stagnated for days and days. I know some kids were playing in the 
floodwater outside those places. That’s concerning to me.”

The Associated Press and CNN last week reported high levels of E. coli 
contamination, but did not specify where the samples were taken.

The E.P.A. and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality have 
expressed concern about toxic floodwaters, but have not made public the 
results of sampling they may have done.

Residents and medical professionals said they are seeing infections that 
likely resulted from exposure to the dirty floodwaters.

Dr. Beau Briese, an emergency room physician at Houston Methodist 
Hospital, said he had seen a doubling in the number of cases of 
cellulitis — reddened skin infections — since the storm. He said it was 
a more modest increase than he had expected, and that the infections had 
been successfully treated with antibiotics.

Dr. David Persse, the chief medical officer of Houston, said residents 
caring for children, the elderly and those with immune disorders should 
try to keep them out of homes until they have been cleaned.

“Everybody has to consider the floodwater contaminated,” Dr. Persse 
said. He also warned residents to avoid letting cuts and scrapes come 
into contact with the floodwaters, which can cause infection.

Brad Greer, 49, developed two scabby infections on each of his legs 
where rain boots had irritated his skin. He took antibiotics, but on 
Saturday, he said, he started feeling lightheaded and weak as he and his 
brother-in-law tried to move possessions from Mr. Greer’s flooded home.

He went to the emergency room at Houston Methodist, where he was put on 
an intravenous drip and given another antibiotic prescription. Mr. Greer 
said swimming pools around his neighborhood are rank.

“All the pools are just giant toilets you’re unable to flush,” he said.

The lab analysis was paid for by The Times. The sampling was conducted 
by a team from Baylor Medical College and Rice University, working with 
the Houston health department’s Bureau of Pollution Control and Prevention.

The group, accompanied by Times reporters, took water and sediment 
samples last week by boat, truck and on foot. The samples were analyzed 
by A & B Labs, a state-certified service that often works with federal 

The dearth of information about the safety of the water has upset many 
residents, including Maria Sotolongo, who lives with her husband and 
three children on Briarhills Parkway, an upscale development in 
Houston’s West Oaks/Eldridge neighborhood.

“Nobody has told us not to come,” Mrs. Sotolongo said on Sunday, the 
first day she was able to get back into her house.

Earlier in the week, she had helped The Times’s team reach her home by 
boat in order to take water and sediment samples on what had been her 
front lawn.

“It’s a horrific smell and full of gunk,” she said. “We’ve seen fish in 
parts of the kitchen.”

Mrs. Sotolongo was well outfitted in rubber boots, gloves and a mask. 
But some families in inundated neighborhoods in west Houston said they 
had developed staph infections and other health problems after wading 
through waters released from reservoirs that swamped their 

[Marxism] The Russian Reader: Chutzpah

2017-09-12 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Here’s the score, boys and girls. This is what happens, sooner or later, to
everyone who has a beef, however minor, with the Putin regime. They get a
visit from a “policeman” who is indistinguishable, in his behavior, looks,
and speech, from an ordinary thug.

Today, it happened to my friends Lika and Alik, who are not only some of
the nicest folks I’ve ever met, but run the invaluable Jewish Community
Center on Rubinstein Street on a shoestring budget.

Here’s what Lika wrote about their encounter with the Putinist police:

I just got a visit from two plainclothes “policemen.” What was their
business? Literally: “Have you been writting all kinds of crap on Facebook
about wogs getting beaten up?” I am conveying what they said to me. The
prosecutor’s office found your message, which you wrote one and a half
years ago. We need a clarification from you. I see he’s holding printouts
from the Sova Center. I told them they had woken up on time, since one and
half years had passed since then. After I said that, one of the “policeman”
was rude to me. “Why do you write garbage? Do you have nothing to do?” I
asked him not to talk to me like that and show me his ID. He refused and
behaved very aggressively. My husband tried to take his picture on the
phone, but he threatened to smash the phone. He really was holding papers
from the prosecutor’s office. Supposedly, they had been given three days to
take care of the matter. I said I could deal with it on Friday morning. The
conversation ended with our promising to call the police and closing the

There is no doubt they were from the police, judging by their behavior.))

I am writing a complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

Here is a photo of one of the “heroes.”


I myself just got chewed out, on a leftist mailing list, for writing a
“screed” about how Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky had sold out to Putinism
by appearing on RT. What is worse, the super-righteous Hedges, an ordained
minister, if I’m not mistaken, has even started presenting a program on the

Why do I object so strongly to this? Because whether they know it or not,
Hedges, Chomsky, and everyone who behaves like them is putting their stamp
of approval on the way this country is misruled by thugs like the ones who
just visited and threatened my friends Lika and Alik.

Make no mistake: this is not a one-off, random incident. This is something
that has happened millions of times, and often in much rougher form, since
Putin took charge of Russia eighteen years ago.

So, when you say to yourself that your “anti-imperialist” (or whatever)
message is so earth-shakingly important that you’ll go on a TV channel paid
for by Russian taxpayers, but run as a flagrant anti-US, anti-western,
pro-Assadist, pro-Putinist propaganda outlet by thieves, crooks, and thugs
who openly intimidate, assault, and sometimes murder these same taxpayers
for the “criminal” act of disagreeing with the general line or drawing
attention to a wrongdoing or demanding that state officials, including
police and judges, actually do their jobs in keeping with the Russian
Constitution, the Russian law codes, and the international and European
conventions on human rights to which Russia is still a signatory, you have
to have a lot of chutzpah.

In fact, you have to have decided, whether consciously or not, that
ordinary taxpaying Russians who don’t toe the Putinist line are your
enemies, and you don’t mind at all if they’re crushed in the dirt by
absolute fucking scumbags as long as self-righteous snake oil salesmen like
Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges have yet another “outlet” for their tiresome
message, which we all memorized years ago and which, in fact, they’ve had
no trouble at all disseminating at will to whoever will listen for years on

Pretending that they’re “forced” to go on RT, because they can’t get a
hearing anywhere else, is the last refuge of an “anti-imperialist”
scoundrel. TRR
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[Marxism] Fwd: Marxism, the Arab Spring, and Islamic fundamentalism | International Socialist Review

2017-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Joseph Daher.
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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: Free speech and fighting the right on campus | International Socialist Review

2017-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: April 1917: How Lenin Rearmed | International Socialist Review

2017-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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An answer to Lars Lih and Eric Blanc even though they are only mentioned 
in the endnotes.
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Re: Rhode Island Socialists split from Socialist Alternative

2017-09-12 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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"Capitalism creates structured capital and labor markets, and differential
standards of living, by ethnicity and nation - and by gender." (sic)

sounds good, thanks.

However, wouldn't  pointing out that "mean White people" will still "fuck 
things up. Because of their ideas [read their primarily male history of 
privilege]" will not be ended simply because the material basis behind gender 
and race oppression had been "exposed"? Indeed, wouldn't it take even more 
revolutionary struggle that would only begin with the elimination of the 
capitalist mode of production because "mean White . . . ideas" would still 
prevail over generations? Isn't this observation at least partially apparent in 
the struggles with race and gender oppression in revoutionary Cuba?
I think the observation of the materialist basis of gender and racial 
oppression is insufficient a basis to engage in solidarity and struggle with 
oppressed peoples. We are not "sections" that simply require to be 
"intersectioned". The whole basis of "intersectionality" itself seems a rather  
a "mean White" construct to align White progressive sensibilities with 
"solidarity" with oppressed peoples.  If we are in fact one (working) class, 
why should "we" be conceptualized into sections and reconciled into a framework 
of "intersectionality"?  Such a concept wreaks of that liberal "otherism" idea. 
I almost (only "almost") prefer somebody to argue we are only one "class" than 
such a liberal "Marxist" framework delimiting women and other oppressed peoples 
as "sections" of th working class.

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Re: [Marxism] The Trump-Putin coalition for Assad lays waste to Syria: Imperial agreement and carve-up behind the noisy rhetoric

2017-09-12 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Response to Chris Slee (first part - re Turkey etc, will post later).


“The reference to "the complete absence of any military clash between
the US and Assad in the Obama years" could be taken as implying that
the US has always supported Assad, ever since the start of the
uprising in 2011.

“But in considering the lack of direct military clashes between the US
and Assad during the Obama period, we should not forget that allies of
the US did intervene militarily.  Israel bombed Syria on a number of
occasions.  Turkey and the Gulf states supplied weapons to rebels
(albeit limited in quantity and quality).”

“Allies of the US” are not the US. For example, Iraq is a close ally
of the US, in fact essentially a creature of the US invasion and
occupation, the crowning act of US aggression this century, and Iraq
actively supports Assad, in fact, as my article documents (see links),
this involves nothing less than an invasion of Syria by 20,000 troops
of the US/Iran-backed Iraqi regime. Al-Sisi’s bloody Egyptian tyranny
is a US ally, and has sent arms and even military personnel to Syria
to aid the Assad regime. Jordan is a US ally and has used its leverage
over the southern FSA (given geography) to wind down the southern
front against Assad, and when tasked jointly by the US and Russia to
draw up a list of “terrorist” organisations to be excluded from talks,
came up with a list of some 160 rebel groups, about half the
insurgency! A list partly based on an earlier list drawn up by the
UAE, another US ally. Lebanon is a US ally (5th largest recipient of
US arms in the world), and it is quite remarkable how US arms manage
to turn up with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The silly trope about “reactionary” or” US-backed” regimes supporting
the Syrian opposition (albeit “for their own reasons”) relies on the
idea that such regimes are limited to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey
(and even that needs to take into account how hostile the first is to
the second two, and hence their “support” was based precisely on their
own rivalries). The majority of “reactionary” and “US-backed” states
in the region either vigorously back the reactionary Assad regime, are
neutral, or are effectively pro-Assad and anti-revolutionary.

All that aside, these states are not puppets of the US, on either
side, they act on their own interests. If Chris thinks Turkey, for
example, backed the Syrian rebels because it is a “US ally,” then he
presumably thinks the US told Turkey to send the Mavi Mamara to try to
break the siege of Gaza too. Chris should also consider that, to the
extent that the US had any relation to the arming of the Syrian rebels
by these three states, its main role was always to try to limit the
quantity and quality of the arms sent, restrict who they could be sent
to, act to coopt those who got a few arms to divert them away from the
struggle against Assad, and above all to ensure that no anti-aircraft
weaponry got to the rebels ever, in an overwhelmingly air war launched
by the regime.

In the first few years, Israel (US ally, but once again, not puppet)
was strongly pro-Assad, but with the greater Iranian involvement on
Assad’s side by late 2013, together with the 2013 overthrow of the
anti-Assad MB regime in Egypt (which had threatened an
Egypt-Hamas-Syrian rebel alliance with heavy MB influence, but this
danger was now reduced with Sisi's coup), Israel developed a new
policy aimed largely at keeping Hezbollah away from the Golan and
hitting warehouses or convoys where it suspected advanced weapons were
being delivered to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Yet it has still never armed
any rebel faction, the rebels remain relentlessly in support of
regaining the Golan, and no Israeli hits on Hezbollah have ever
directly aided rebels while clashing with Hezbollah.

However, Chris continues:

“I think that initially the US probably wanted Assad to be replaced.
While he had collaborated with the US in some ways, he was not totally
reliable. Thus I think the US had a perspective of removing Assad, and
bringing a section of the opposition into the government, while
keeping the regime largely intact.”

We are all entitled to think what we want. Evidence is better.
Initially the US - Hilary Clinton no less - strongly supported Assad
the “reformer”, while telling “US ally” Mubarak to “step down” within
a week or so of the beginning of the Egyptian uprising. The equivalent
Obama statement asking Assad to “step aside”, by contrast, came some 6
months, and thousands of killings, later. But as Chris says, the aim
was only ever replacing the Assad figure, not the regime - the US
aimed to keep the regime intact, strengthened by removing the

Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Re: Rhode Island Socialists split from Socialist Alternative

2017-09-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Capitalism creates structured capital and labor markets, and differential
standards of living, by ethnicity and nation - and by gender.
Once formed, they have material consequences, and they evolve through
oppression and struggle - over ideas, but even more so against the
structures nourishing such crimes.
As I've said in my Facebook notes on intersectionality, national and
gender-based oppression on and off the job won't be eliminated without
destruction of the laws of motion of capitalism, and the fragmented and
discriminatory family and neighborhood structures which buttress those
laws  - a destruction which must involve conscious assaults against
national and gender oppression.
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[Marxism] [UCE] Re: Rhode Island Socialists split from Socialist Alternative

2017-09-12 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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"and explicitly state that when all is said and done, when
class is exposed or eliminated, mean white people will still fuck things up
- because of their ideas."
Yes, Andrew. And, your problem with that point is?

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why in god’s name did the Socialist Project decide to recommend Alastair Crooke’s article hailing Assad’s victory? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Rhode Island Socialists split from Socialist Alternative

2017-09-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Lot of good stuff in this document.
Note however the section "Race and Racism." Many forces on the Left have
always criticized CWI and sections for their economism. The RI comrades
however do so by reference to liberal/Maoist theories of privilege,
whiteness, etc., and explicitly state that when all is said and done, when
class is exposed or eliminated, mean white people will still fuck things up
- because of their ideas.
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[Marxism] New on 'The Irish Revolution'

2017-09-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I've stuck up a fascinating article by Aindrias O Cathasaigh about James
Connolly's writings and the inadequacy of a lot of the collections.  The
article comes a 2015 issue of the now defunct independent Irish left
journal *Red Banner*:

There's a short note on CLR James' 1935 visit to Dublin and a link to a
fascinating article on the visit, written by Dublin historian and blogger
Donal Fallon, whose work is always worth reading:

A 1932 letter by the leadership of the IRA to the men and women of the
Orange Order:

Back in 1995/96 I wrote a 120,000-word MA thesis on revolutionary Ireland
in the early 1900s; the thesis chapters are here:

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[Marxism] "Why George Bernard Shaw Had a Crush on Stalin"

2017-09-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The analysis doesn't go very deep, but IMO we should use this op-ed to
lobby the publisher of Paul's book on the subject to put it back in print.

Paul Flewers, The New Civilisation?: Understanding Stalin's Soviet Union
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