Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
You want full control over yer photography?
Shoot film, and go play in the dark.
Wanna do colour?
Lets not limit ourselves here.
Devote a hundred and fifty square feet of your home to it, and go spend some
money filling it with noisey equipment and smelly fluids.
Some are even carcinogenic, and they come packaged with really cool
chemicals that will take it into your body right through your skin.
Sure, you can scan film, which gives you some control, but is a bastard
solution at best, neither getting the best out of film, nor out of
This ain't a Pentax issue, this is photography.
Or whats left of it once the computers are done with it.

>William Robb

Well, yeah, sure. And I've been a stronger supporter of digital for longer 
than you.

But I also think some of us are entitled to want it to be better before 
dropping big bucks. I also believe in getting second/third generation.

But I am not saying that it stinks now. :-) Home printing really does save a 
great deal of bother. At least one can get it the way one wants. And not 
having to scan, would mean no dust I presume. Which is a big headache. But post 
processing *could* become more of a burden than a boon.

Really, William, us butting heads on this particular issue is amusing. 

Marnie aka Doe  Hehehe.
(Something bounced. Think it was this message, if not, and it appears twice, 

Re: Resistance

2003-11-06 Thread Jim Apilado
I noticed on Ebay that one can find *ist Ds there.  Some sellers are also
selling a lense to go with it.  I have notice that prices for Canon D30s and
D60s have come down, especially the D30s.  Maybe I'll go that route.

Jim A.
> From: "Jose R. Rodriguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 19:37:33 -0600
> Subject: RE: Resistance
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 20:39:35 -0500
> I also handled the *ist D today for the first time and I am quite impressed.
> The viewfinder looks great for an autofocus camera.  It think it was a good
> thing the store is selling it for $1,699 (body only); very tempting.
> Regards,
> Jose R. Rodriguez
> -Original Message-
> From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:35 PM
> Subject: Resistance
> I knew when my lab moved two doors down from my local photo store
> (Nikon/Pentax - where I got my 67 from) that I would be in trouble.
> I just got back from dropping off some enlargements at the lab and had
> to stop in the store.  Obviously, my main reason to look was to see if
> the *ist D was in - it was!
> So I had to play with it a bit and surprise - their price is quite
> reasonable - 1490 body only, grip $199.  All in stock.  After working
> with my 67's for awhile, it sure seems small.  Not sure if the grip
> improved handling for me or not.  I would probably not start with the
> grip and see how it went.
> Handling, fit/finish were all very nice.  Since I used PZ-1p's for
> quite a while, it was very easy to work with.  Viewfinder was nice -
> reasonable size and brightness.  It is a camera that I would consider
> buying.  Almost walked out with one.  Must RESIST!!
> So can anyone tell me how my 67 lenses with adapter will do on the
> *ist D.  Since they are designed for stop-down control on the lens
> themselves, seems that they would work fine in non-program modes.  One
> wonders what the image quality would be like - certainly something to
> consider
> --
> Bruce

Re: perfect exposure

2003-11-06 Thread edwin

> those are 50,000 different exposure situations. you have a lot of
> situations, but not necessarily a lot of different ones.

True, a lot of my bazillions of exposures were made in similar situations.

What the camera actually has, presumably, is 50,000 sets of relative 
values for the multiple metering areas and some way to decide how to 
handle them.  I prefer to make my own decisions on how to handle them.

Honestly, the camera may be right more often than I am.  I make fewer 
stupid mistakes, though, because I know what I am seeing.  I find 
autofocus to be the same--I miss by a little very often when MFing, but
AF tends to either hit dead on or miss by a mile.


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread edwin
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Doug Franklin wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 16:17:34 -0500, Robert & Leigh Woerner wrote:
> > has an LX in "Bargain" condition for what I consider an attractive
> > price.
> I had my first bad experience with KEH today.  A couple of days ago I
> ordered an SMCP-FA 28-70/2.8 from them.  Asked for expedited shipping
> to have it for this weekend.  It arrived today.  It wasn't a 2.8 ... it
> was a 4.  Called to let them know about the problem.  Gent on the phone

I had the same sort of problem recently.  The 28/2 I ordered turned out to 
be a 28/3.5 marked as a 2 (actually it looked like had been marked twice).
They were very good about it, and I just swapped it for the 30/2.8 that I 
almost got instead anyway.  

>From what I can tell they have been overwhelmed with stuff lately and 
quality control might be suffering a bit.  Does anybody else feel that 
that catalog is a bit thicker than it used to be?  KEH told me that they
had added another guy in ship/recieve to catch up.

They're still my best source for used stuff.


Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
it takes about 3-4 times a long to go through this process with a scan from
slide as it does for a digital camera image. most of the time used to be
spent scanning, but now because i run FocusFixer on a lot of my images, it
takes most of the time. i usually rez up my digital camera images to be
about the same resolution as my 4000dpi scanner, so that means i end up with
digital image files of about 5000 pixels along the longest dimension no
matter what my source. i have two expensive Photoshop color adjustment
plugins that i like, trust, and can predict their effects. they make near
perfect color adjustment usually an under 30 second task even with these
large images. the rest of my system is color managed well enough that once i
see what i like on the screen, i know what i am going to get on the printer
and that it will be good enough not to need any work to print very well.
putting the time in up front makes all this run smoothly. some of it is
spending some money up front too. color adjustment with only the tools in
Photoshop is much more time consuming. AutoColor and AutoLevels really
aren't able to cope with anything complicated. doing it the hard way makes
you appreciate how hard it is and also makes you learn what to do when even
the really good automatic tools fail. i haven't had many failures with the
tools i use though, and i have learned a few tricks since then to make those
situations much easier to deal with.


Interesting. Thx. Also nice to know digital is, in a sense, faster than 

Marnie aka that Doe person

Re: CLA (was MX Shutter Release Problem)

2003-11-06 Thread Maris V. Lidaka Sr.
I seem to recall a list of reliable repair/CLA sources somewhere.  Can
anyone point me to it?


Alan Chan wrote:
> Sounds like it's time for a "complete" CLA.
> Alan Chan
>> Just took an MX out for some exercise and the shutter relase jammed
>> and became sticky :-((  Any suggestions on what I might check to fix
>> the problem.  When it jammed, I just whacked the camera against the
>> palm of my hand, and it freed things up only to get sluggish, sticky,
>> and jam again later. I keep whacking it, it works a time or two, and
>> then it's time to smack it again.  This pummeling can't be very good
>> for the camera ;-))

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
Butch Black wrote:

> Here's an updated version of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" (very
>funny, especially if you've see or heard the original...)


Marnie aka Doe  "What's LOL?" "Laughing out loud." "Okay, you're laughing, 
big deal, what's LOL?" "Laughing out loud." "I can't see what I am saying is so 
funny. You must be easily amused. What's..."

Re: Teleconverter suggestions

2003-11-06 Thread Maris V. Lidaka Sr.
I guess I'll start a special fund for a special lens :-)


Alan Chan wrote:
> That zoom at the tele-end is pretty much reachs its limit. Adding
> another TC won't do any good imho.
> Alan Chan
>> Only the Pentax FA 80mm f/4.5 - 320mm f/5.6, primarily at the 300mm
>> range. 

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Dave Miers

How do you get a 5000 pixel image  on one side from the *istD?  According to
the review in Dpreview the max resolution of the 6.1megpixel sensor is 3008
x 2008 which seems about right since my 4 megpixel P&S puts out a 2400 x
1600 pixel image.  I can believe you can get to the 5000 pixel mark with
4000 dpi scanner as my Minolta Scan Dual III at 2820 dpi gives me a 3808 x
2576 image on max resolution which is still higher then the *istD.  If I use
hamricks software I can even get raw files from my scans.  I just don't
think the 6.1 megpixel standard is high enough for landscape photography
work.  However digital is wonderful for portraits as they are already
softened I would think.

- Original Message -
From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 i usually rez up my digital camera images to be
> about the same resolution as my 4000dpi scanner, so that means i end up
> digital image files of about 5000 pixels along the longest dimension no
> matter what my source.

Re: MX Shutter Release Problem

2003-11-06 Thread Alan Chan
Sounds like it's time for a "complete" CLA.

Alan Chan
Just took an MX out for some exercise and the shutter relase jammed
and became sticky :-((  Any suggestions on what I might check to fix
the problem.  When it jammed, I just whacked the camera against the
palm of my hand, and it freed things up only to get sluggish, sticky,
and jam again later. I keep whacking it, it works a time or two, and
then it's time to smack it again.  This pummeling can't be very good
for the camera ;-))
All thoughts and suggestions appreciated.
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: December PUG Theme

2003-11-06 Thread Ann Sanfedele
zoomshot wrote:

> Gone from the schedule page ( ),
> what is it?
> Regards,
> Ziggy



Re: Teleconverter suggestions

2003-11-06 Thread Alan Chan
That zoom at the tele-end is pretty much reachs its limit. Adding another TC 
won't do any good imho.

Alan Chan
Only the Pentax FA 80mm f/4.5 - 320mm f/5.6, primarily at the 300mm range.
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread William Robb
The thing is, Marnie, at the moment, digital solves more problems than it
You want full control over yer photography?
Shoot film, and go play in the dark.
Wanna do colour?
Lets not limit ourselves here.
Devote a hundred and fifty square feet of your home to it, and go spend some
money filling it with noisey equipment and smelly fluids.
Some are even carcinogenic, and they come packaged with really cool
chemicals that will take it into your body right through your skin.
Sure, you can scan film, which gives you some control, but is a bastard
solution at best, neither getting the best out of film, nor out of
This ain't a Pentax issue, this is photography.
Or whats left of it once the computers are done with it.

William Robb

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

> >Back in the old days, we had to drudge around in dank, dark rooms,
> rotten foul chemical fumes and bruising ourselves on things that go bump
> the night.
> Having to make a few mouse clicks to an image file, and then complaining
> about how hard it is doesn't carry very well with me.
> >William Robb
> I keep raising issues re DSLRs that some people may not like, but I feel
> are issues that need to be raised. Or answered -- especially if I am
> more knowledge.
> I have done a lot of work post processing to print the approx. 10 pics I
> printed thus far (scanned from slides -- well, 10 pics framed and on the
> wall, forget how many rejected trials -- and don't know how many hours and
> days).
> So don't get huffy. :-) I am also ignorant here, admitted it. But I wanted
> know if one had to post process EVERYTHING, which would be extremely,
> extremely tedious. Bill said not, which was good to hear. And I am glad to
hear there
> are batch processing methods, although I don't have PhotoShop, just
> Sorry, I am not going to turn into a mindless Pentax praiser.
> I am examining and being critical or semi-critical of all DSLRs. This is a
> new technology that may have a way to go yet until MOST of us are happy
with it.
> And we have the right to critically examine new technology. And to hanker
> more. And think about what we'd like to see develop. We are part of the
> process. A very important part.
> So, this "I used to walk ten miles to school through the snow" stuff
> carry very well with me either, sir.
> Marnie aka Doe   You get huffy, so can I. ;-)

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Brogden
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Andre Langevin wrote:

> Among some amazonian groups, there is a single word for both green or
> blue, But if you show people both green and blue colors and ask if these
> are different, they will say they are.  They just don't find it usefull
> for their purposes to distinguish linguistically these two retinian
> impressions.  Now, talk about the color of snow to an Inuit...

I heard before that Greek doesn't (or didn't) have a word for "blue" as we
know it.  It was always the "wine-red sea" or words to that effect.  I
have no idea if my memory or that information is at all accurate.


Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Brogden
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> chris posted:
> > On the subject of weird eyes, a friend of mine can tell which eye she is
> > looking out of.  I'm not sure if they're spaced further apart than normal,
> > or if she just has trouble focusing them properly, but she says that she
> > sees things from two slightly different perspectives... almost like
> > looking through binoculars that aren't lined up precisely.  She can't find
> > those hidden 3D images to save her life.
> It's called monocular vision, and a few years ago I would have gone
> ballistic seeing this described as "weird." (But I've grown up a lot
> since; developed a thicker skin, I guess.) It's the way I've viewed the
> world for the better part of four decades now.

Sorry, I didn't mean "weird" in a derogatory sense, just in the sense of
"other than the norm."  I've never heard of monocular vision before, but
it actually sounds pretty cool.  I'm trying to imagine what it would be


Re: An old friend gives way gracefully.

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Brogden

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Malcolm Smith wrote:

> . Suitable for 35mm and MF,
> . Can stand in mud or water (obviously cleaned afterwards!),
> . Available second hand,
> . Various extras to allow it to be used in different ways - for example in
> holding the camera pointing down onto a table directly below (I have lots of
> use for this)
> . Weight - low importance, durability high,
> . Construction - ? Recommendations please,
> . Price - going to be more than £12 isn't it!

I'd have a look at the Manfrotto 055 PRO, possibly with a Manfrotto 488
ballhead if you like ballheads.  The center column of the "PRO" version
slides out and fits horizontally through the thingy at the top, letting
you extend your camera out away from the pod.  I use the 488 head for my
67II, and it's about the smallest head I'd use for MedF.  Likewise, the
055 is about the lightest tripod I'd use for MedF.  You can spend more and
get a heavier one if you want.  You can see a pic of the 055PRO here:

Right now I'm using a Berlebach 3042 with the Manfrotto 488RC ballhead.
The Berlebach is a gorgeous, gorgeous tripod.  They're made in Germany
from ash wood and are super sturdy.  The home page is here:

There's a US importer here:


Re: Used LX Pricing in Europe

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Stenquist
On Thursday, November 6, 2003, at 10:54 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

 I've been updating a data-base with closing prices of interesting 
Pentax items on eBay
for over three years (over 2k items primarily 35mm) and in there I see 
but evidence of price drops.
I agree there that prices have declined somewhat over the last few 
years. This is the result of both digital camera introductions and 
economic malaise. But to read the list one would think that prices have 
dropped precipitously since the release of the *ist-d. That is simply 
not true. However, I hope film camera prices do continue to drop. I 
want an M3 an M6, and a Pentax 67II. I wouldn't mind having another LX 
as well. But I don't anticipate big changes in the near future. But I 
agree that there will probably be a steady decline, at least on 
non-collectable 35mm cameras.

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Herb Chong
i don't take my images intending to process all of them. i want to leave
open as many options as possible and so i shoot in RAW mode. the storage
cost and write time are nothing compared to the cost of going back and
trying to get the shot again under exactly the same lighting conditions. i
seldom shoot action, so there isn't the possible missed moment of that kind.
RAW gives a 12-bit/channel image and a 16-bit/channel file. every
manipulation costs some slight posterization and running in 16-bit mode
gives me all the chances possible to postpone the time when the
posterization becomes visible. top that off with the fact that the Pentax
*istD firmware is apparently able to put about 1 stop more headroom into an
image in RAW mode than JPEG mode and there is no question that i will shoot
in RAW mode. every stop additional dynamic range/latitude is gold. the *istD
RAW images are also sharper than the JPEG images before manipulation.

about 80% of my images just sit there and never get looked at again. 20%
goes through basic cropping, sharpening, and color correction/adjustment.
these are the ones that i will at least consider for my stock collection.
this process is automated enough that i click once, decided if i like the
results, choose from 1 of 4 or 5 presets if i don't like what came up to see
if the image previews better, and either apply or cancel. usually, about
half of them get placed into the stock pile. about 1/3 to 1/2 of the ones
that get there get printed. that means about 3-5% of the images i shoot get
printed. usually, my first set of adjustments are the only ones i ever make
aside from cropping for a specific paper size's aspect ratio.

it takes about 3-4 times a long to go through this process with a scan from
slide as it does for a digital camera image. most of the time used to be
spent scanning, but now because i run FocusFixer on a lot of my images, it
takes most of the time. i usually rez up my digital camera images to be
about the same resolution as my 4000dpi scanner, so that means i end up with
digital image files of about 5000 pixels along the longest dimension no
matter what my source. i have two expensive Photoshop color adjustment
plugins that i like, trust, and can predict their effects. they make near
perfect color adjustment usually an under 30 second task even with these
large images. the rest of my system is color managed well enough that once i
see what i like on the screen, i know what i am going to get on the printer
and that it will be good enough not to need any work to print very well.
putting the time in up front makes all this run smoothly. some of it is
spending some money up front too. color adjustment with only the tools in
Photoshop is much more time consuming. AutoColor and AutoLevels really
aren't able to cope with anything complicated. doing it the hard way makes
you appreciate how hard it is and also makes you learn what to do when even
the really good automatic tools fail. i haven't had many failures with the
tools i use though, and i have learned a few tricks since then to make those
situations much easier to deal with.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

> I have done a lot of work post processing to print the approx. 10 pics I
> printed thus far (scanned from slides -- well, 10 pics framed and on the
> wall, forget how many rejected trials -- and don't know how many hours and
> days).
> So don't get huffy. :-) I am also ignorant here, admitted it. But I wanted
> know if one had to post process EVERYTHING, which would be extremely,
> extremely tedious. Bill said not, which was good to hear. And I am glad to
hear there
> are batch processing methods, although I don't have PhotoShop, just

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Rob Studdert
On 6 Nov 2003 at 21:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So don't get huffy. :-) I am also ignorant here, admitted it. But I wanted to
> know if one had to post process EVERYTHING, which would be extremely, extremely
> tedious. Bill said not, which was good to hear. And I am glad to hear there are
> batch processing methods, although I don't have PhotoShop, just Elements.

Post process what you like but in all likelihood to make the best of any image 
requires a degree of manual post processing that would be extremely difficult 
to emulate under an automated system.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

Re: Used LX Pricing in Europe

2003-11-06 Thread Rob Studdert
On 6 Nov 2003 at 21:37, Paul Stenquist wrote:

> I looked at Leica M3s today on ebay, hoping I could find a bargain. 
> Nothing for less than $600. That's not exactly tumbling.

Well prices were much stronger for the M3s a few years back however being a 
"classic" camera I'd expect them to hold their value better than say a K1000.

> Prices are about the same as they were before the *ist D -- 
> believe it or not.

I don't know over what period you are basing your observations on as I've been 
updating a data-base with closing prices of interesting Pentax items on eBay 
for over three years (over 2k items primarily 35mm) and in there I see nothing 
but evidence of price drops.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
DJE wrote:

Depends on what you need.  Finding batteries for all of them can be a 

Spotmatic SP (original) has no hot shoe for flash, but has X/FP sync 
connections.  Meters at working aperture and is full manual and 

Spotmatic SPII has flash hot shoe as well as X/FP sync connections, subtle 
improvements inside.  Meters at working aperture and is full manual and 
mechanical.  SPIIa is the same camera with dedicated contacts for a 
specific type of old Honeywell flash.  Only made for a couple of years and 
a bit hard to find.

Spotmatic F is basically an SPII with full-aperture metering (with SMC 
screw-mount lenses which have the necessary lugs, working aperture with 
older or off-brand lenses)  
It also has the "meter turns on when lens cap is removed" photo switch.  If 
actually use the meter, I might recommend this one because it is the most 
evolved of the mechanical cameras, plus it is fairly easy to find on the 
used market.

Spotmatic ES is electronically controlled automatic with full aperture 
metering, or a limited range of (I believe unmetered) faster mechanical 
shutter speeds.  No self timer.

Spotmatic ESII is a subtle upgrade of the ES with fuller viewfinder 
display of shutter speeds, self-timer.  If you prefer an automatic camera, 
this is probably the one to get.  

Three "bargain" models were sold as well:

Spotmatic SL is basically an SP without meter.

Spotmatic SP 500 is an SP without selftimer and official max shutter speed 
of 1/500th although I believe 1/1000th is still there unmarked but useable.

Spotmatic SP 1000 is an SP 500 that admits to going to 1/1000th.

Pentax also made pre-spotmatic screw-mount cameras which I'd recommend 
against for casual use because they are less convenient in features, have 
no built-in meter, and have a less durable shutter.  In general parts and 
repair are much harder to deal with on the pre-spotmatic cameras
(These would be S, K, S2, S3, H1, H2, H3, H3v, S1, SV)

Personally, I prefer the SPII because I want the hot shoe but don't use 
the meters.



Whew, lots of useful information. Thanks! But now I am also a bit confused. 
:-)  Re: Which spottie would be best for me. Probably F, but not sure. (Yes, 
Cotty. :-))

So I've decided I'll download the manuals from Pentax to help get a clearer 
image of what version does what.

Marnie aka Doe  And reread and reread what you wrote. Thanks, again.

Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread Cameron Hood
R. G. wrote:

D'Hood, like I'm from D'Hood
Did someone call me?


Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
>Back in the old days, we had to drudge around in dank, dark rooms, inhaling
rotten foul chemical fumes and bruising ourselves on things that go bump in
the night.
Having to make a few mouse clicks to an image file, and then complaining
about how hard it is doesn't carry very well with me.

>William Robb

I keep raising issues re DSLRs that some people may not like, but I feel they 
are issues that need to be raised. Or answered -- especially if I am seeking 
more knowledge.

I have done a lot of work post processing to print the approx. 10 pics I have 
printed thus far (scanned from slides -- well, 10 pics framed and on the 
wall, forget how many rejected trials -- and don't know how many hours and hours, 

So don't get huffy. :-) I am also ignorant here, admitted it. But I wanted to 
know if one had to post process EVERYTHING, which would be extremely, 
extremely tedious. Bill said not, which was good to hear. And I am glad to hear there 
are batch processing methods, although I don't have PhotoShop, just Elements.

Sorry, I am not going to turn into a mindless Pentax praiser. 

I am examining and being critical or semi-critical of all DSLRs. This is a 
new technology that may have a way to go yet until MOST of us are happy with it. 
And we have the right to critically examine new technology. And to hanker for 
more. And think about what we'd like to see develop. We are part of the 
process. A very important part.

So, this "I used to walk ten miles to school through the snow" stuff doesn't 
carry very well with me either, sir.

Marnie aka Doe   You get huffy, so can I. ;-)

Re: Used LX Pricing in Europe

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Stenquist
I looked at Leica M3s today on ebay, hoping I could find a bargain. 
Nothing for less than $600. That's not exactly tumbling. Ditto the 
prices on Pentax 6x7. There are no LX near the top of the list right 
now, save a broken body with no finder. That one is at $188 with 16 
hours to go. I know the Pentax folks just bought their digital cameras 
in the last few weeks, but that didn't change the whole photographic 
world. Remember, everyone else has been buying digitals for a couple of 
years now. Prices are about the same as they were before the *ist D -- 
believe it or not.

On Thursday, November 6, 2003, at 08:51 PM, Mark Roberts wrote:

Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wholly Mackerel! It gathered 25 bids and still only got up to €112?
Hard to believe!
Yes, I hope a PDMLer got it too!
Mine cost me 4 times that much (!) and I still think it was a 
reasonable price...
Yep. Prices on cameras are tumbling.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread frank theriault
I actually laughed out loud when I read that one...


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist 
fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer


Brad Dobo.

||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads
Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

2003-11-06 Thread Christian Skofteland
I just got a reply from a question posed to Pentax USA regarding photo-lab:

"There may be a Photoshop RAW file plugin released with a future firmware
update to the camera. There has been talk of this, but I don't have a
definitive timeframe on that. Perhaps Q1 next year..."

Pretty vague, but it sounds like they are working on it

Christian Skofteland

- Original Message - 
From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

> reading the bits and producing a recognizable image isn't enough. it has
> be tagged with and processed with the right profiles. since Pentax hasn't
> published the file format, it's hard to tell what nonlinearities the
> software corrects for yet. comparing the bits between TIFF16 and what
> puts out isn't worth my time.
> Herb
> - Original Message - 
> From: "danilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:05 AM
> Subject: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)
> > good news for all you linux users here:
> >
> >
> >
> > you can find a free-software generic raw converter which fits a lot of
> digital
> > camera's raw format, used also in many commercial product (see web page
> for
> > details).
> > This guy have done a good work.

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Herb Chong
i know that:

1) most people are dominant eyed and one eye does less work than others most
of the time

2) the dominance switches back and forth during the day for most people

3) people who have different corrections for proper vision in each eye can
more easily tell which eye they are mostly seeing things out of even when
wearing correction.

4) spend a lot of time looking through a microscope and you are both taught
and become used to keeping both eyes open and ignoring the input from one

- Original Message - 
From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

> It might be a function of depth perception, like 3D glasses. My right eye
> to be color dominant. If I look at something and cover my left eye the
> does not change. If I cover my right eye the color gets bluer.
> You are astute to have nowiced that, Joe. I asked an opthalmoligist about
> once, and he didn't know a thing about it. I first noticed it myself years
> when adjusting my binoculars.

Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

2003-11-06 Thread Herb Chong
reading the bits and producing a recognizable image isn't enough. it has to
be tagged with and processed with the right profiles. since Pentax hasn't
published the file format, it's hard to tell what nonlinearities the Pentax
software corrects for yet. comparing the bits between TIFF16 and what dcRaw
puts out isn't worth my time.

- Original Message - 
From: "danilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

> good news for all you linux users here:
> you can find a free-software generic raw converter which fits a lot of
> camera's raw format, used also in many commercial product (see web page
> details).
> This guy have done a good work.

Re: perfect exposure

2003-11-06 Thread Herb Chong
those are 50,000 different exposure situations. you have a lot of
situations, but not necessarily a lot of different ones.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: perfect exposure

> This is the reason I've never used any of those multi-area "intelligent"
> metering patterns.  I don't know how they are processing what they see so
> I don't know what to think of the meter reading.  Last I looked the better
> multi-area meters were supported by a database of 50,000 exposure
> patterns.  At 1000 shots a week for 15 years I've been in a lot more
> situations than that!

Re: Undersharpening

2003-11-06 Thread Herb Chong
reading the supported file formats doesn't suggest that. dcRaw does, but i
don't know what it does with all of the EXIF 2.2 and other image metadata.

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Undersharpening

> > nothing reads Pentax RAW format except Pentax software, yet. i'm not
> > my breath.
> I believe GraphicConverter will.

Re: Used LX Pricing in Europe

2003-11-06 Thread Mark Roberts
Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Wholly Mackerel! It gathered 25 bids and still only got up to €112?
>Hard to believe!
>Yes, I hope a PDMLer got it too!
>Mine cost me 4 times that much (!) and I still think it was a reasonable price...

Yep. Prices on cameras are tumbling.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Let's talk MV for a bit...

2003-11-06 Thread Keith Whaley
I hear all the kudos for the MX, but rarely for the great little MG,
nor, for that matter, the MV or MV-1...
This will give you something to read and perhaps think about, while
you're pondering all the other, more popular older cameras Pentax has
come out with.

The MV came out in '79, as a simplified version of the ME. Same body and
shutter. Less info in the viewfinder.
This is the camera that brought out the more simple but quite effective
Auto, 100X and B mode controls on the top plate.
Aperture priority in the "Auto" mode (same as the ME,) while "100X" was
the shutter speed and was used for flash exposures. It was purely
mechanical. Great if you lost battery power.
The MV-1 had the same body, except it could be used with a motor drive,
and had a self-timer.

Both these cameras were almost identical in size and shape as the much
loved MX! The MX was about 1/2" wider and a little heavier.

The MG, also aperture priority and having center-weighted metering, came
out 3 years later, had the same body and controls as the little MV, but
the more sophisticated viewfinder of the ME, plus a few additional features.

I've used the MG extensively and found it a very capable small 35mm camera.
I have no reason to believe the sister camera, the MV, won't perform
right along with it.
Besides, they take all m-42 lenses, with the adapter, and of course, all
K-mounts clear up thru the A's. Perhaps the F's as well.

If anyone likes the idea of the tough and reliable K series bodies, but
wants just a little smaller and lighter, either of these two great
little cameras will still fill the bill!  

keith whaley

RE: Resistance

2003-11-06 Thread Jose R. Rodriguez
I also handled the *ist D today for the first time and I am quite impressed.
The viewfinder looks great for an autofocus camera.  It think it was a good
thing the store is selling it for $1,699 (body only); very tempting.


Jose R. Rodriguez

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Resistance

I knew when my lab moved two doors down from my local photo store
(Nikon/Pentax - where I got my 67 from) that I would be in trouble.

I just got back from dropping off some enlargements at the lab and had
to stop in the store.  Obviously, my main reason to look was to see if
the *ist D was in - it was!

So I had to play with it a bit and surprise - their price is quite
reasonable - 1490 body only, grip $199.  All in stock.  After working
with my 67's for awhile, it sure seems small.  Not sure if the grip
improved handling for me or not.  I would probably not start with the
grip and see how it went.

Handling, fit/finish were all very nice.  Since I used PZ-1p's for
quite a while, it was very easy to work with.  Viewfinder was nice -
reasonable size and brightness.  It is a camera that I would consider
buying.  Almost walked out with one.  Must RESIST!!

So can anyone tell me how my 67 lenses with adapter will do on the
*ist D.  Since they are designed for stop-down control on the lens
themselves, seems that they would work fine in non-program modes.  One
wonders what the image quality would be like - certainly something to



Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread mike wilson
John Francis wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I'm more Pink Fairies generation 8-)
> In between Pink Floyd and Pink, then?

_all_ shades inbetween ;-)

Re: Bored at work, so....

2003-11-06 Thread John Dallman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Walkden) wrote:

> I'd imagine a hood for the M 85/2 would do the job. Try Jessops
> Classic - you never know.

Surely it's going to intrude at the corners? 

> dbook/pdf/B%2BWHandbook_Full.pdf

err, 9Mb PDF download.

> Or Heliopan (p16, > 
> Available in the UK from Teamwork in London:
> =25bf5528b7c2fbeeea6184c46873fad1

This URL works better:
I'll look at those. 



Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread John Dallman
(Joseph Tainter) wrote:

> I am a bit miffed that the strap does not include pockets. There's 
> nowhere to put the eyepiece cover.

Me too. I found a tiny Lowepro zip case - meant for a credit-card size 
digital camera - that now holds the eyepiece cover, the IR remote and a 
spare CF card. That seems to work OK for me. 

> Beyond the DA 16-45, Pentax needs soon to bring out (a) DA 50-200 f4; 
> (b) DA 13-20 f4; and (c) fast primes at 13 and 16 mm. If they don't, 
> Sigma will get my money, although I am very reluctant to buy a consumer 
> zoom from Sigma.

Snap! I'm reckoning on a Sigma 12-24 at present. When the credit card 
heals up a bit. 


Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread John Dallman
wilson) wrote:

> > You folks work it out.
> > It'll be a while for me.
> The pixies.

Seconded - also Pink Fairies generation.


Re: Bored at work, so....

2003-11-06 Thread John Dallman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stan Halpin) wrote:

> Working from memory here, not with the item in hand, but I believe the 
> hood for the Tak 85/1.8 has a 52mm thread

Um, my SMCT 85/1.8 has a 58mm thread. 


Re: An old friend gives way gracefully.

2003-11-06 Thread edwin
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, graywolf wrote:

> > . Weight - low importance, durability high,
> > 
> > . Construction - ? Recommendations please,
> > 
> > . Price - going to be more than £12 isn't it!

I find Manfrotto/Bogen to be very solidly built and sturdy, but
also heavy and more expensive than average.  They are a pro company and 
make tripods all the way up to the size you could put artillery on.
They make a great range of tripods, too.  

Personally I use a tripod very rarely so I bought a tripod designed not 
for flexibility or light weight but for stability.   I've also got a bogen 
monopod that has been holding up long telephotos 3 days a week for 15 

Carbon fiber is nice, but REALLY spendy.  


Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread John Francis
> Sorry, I'm more Pink Fairies generation 8-)

In between Pink Floyd and Pink, then?

Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Actually I think I am sticking with the Elan for my main camera. While I
>the Pentax interface better, I am pretty happy with an USM IS zoom that I 
>have. And I like the Elan's fast auto focus. And, as for buying more
>glass and investing more and more into glass, I pretty much have to stay
>the same brand. So down the road, it's quite possible I'll be going with
>a Canon 
>DSLR. But maybe not, we shall see.

Marnie used to sit on the fence, but now she's not so sure



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Free UK Mac Ads

RE: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread tom
> -Original Message-
> From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> A lot of these issues are resolved by people who use their
> noggins for
> something other than stuffing food into the biggest hole on it.

Sometimes I use mine to hamg a hat on, but that's about it.

Theoretically, you can use a dlsr just like film camera - shoot jpg's,
upload the card at CVS or Walmart, let them do the work.

Robb - do you have any idea how many of your customers do this?


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread edwin
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting a MX to stay hanging 
> around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a 
> Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as all 
> that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak 35mm 
> 3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it 
> occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not 
> a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX? 
> Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 
> But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.
> Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
> even better?

Depends on what you need.  Finding batteries for all of them can be a 

Spotmatic SP (original) has no hot shoe for flash, but has X/FP sync 
connections.  Meters at working aperture and is full manual and 

Spotmatic SPII has flash hot shoe as well as X/FP sync connections, subtle 
improvements inside.  Meters at working aperture and is full manual and 
mechanical.  SPIIa is the same camera with dedicated contacts for a 
specific type of old Honeywell flash.  Only made for a couple of years and 
a bit hard to find.

Spotmatic F is basically an SPII with full-aperture metering (with SMC 
screw-mount lenses which have the necessary lugs, working aperture with 
older or off-brand lenses)  
It also has the "meter turns on when lens cap is removed" photo switch.  If you 
actually use the meter, I might recommend this one because it is the most 
evolved of the mechanical cameras, plus it is fairly easy to find on the 
used market.

Spotmatic ES is electronically controlled automatic with full aperture 
metering, or a limited range of (I believe unmetered) faster mechanical 
shutter speeds.  No self timer.

Spotmatic ESII is a subtle upgrade of the ES with fuller viewfinder 
display of shutter speeds, self-timer.  If you prefer an automatic camera, 
this is probably the one to get.  

Three "bargain" models were sold as well:

Spotmatic SL is basically an SP without meter.

Spotmatic SP 500 is an SP without selftimer and official max shutter speed 
of 1/500th although I believe 1/1000th is still there unmarked but useable.

Spotmatic SP 1000 is an SP 500 that admits to going to 1/1000th.

Pentax also made pre-spotmatic screw-mount cameras which I'd recommend 
against for casual use because they are less convenient in features, have 
no built-in meter, and have a less durable shutter.  In general parts and 
repair are much harder to deal with on the pre-spotmatic cameras
(These would be S, K, S2, S3, H1, H2, H3, H3v, S1, SV)

Personally, I prefer the SPII because I want the hot shoe but don't use 
the meters.


Re: My Evening With Lexar

2003-11-06 Thread Keith Whaley
 That IS encouraging news...

keith whaley

William Robb wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Keith Whaley"
> Subject: Re: My Evening With Lexar
> > Do keep us informed on that one...
> > May save some of us a headache...
> On a positive note
> When I realized just how mwmory hungry a 6mp camera is, I bought a 1 gig
> Sandisk card, which also came with it's own reader.
> I plugged the reader into my computer, turned on the computer, and the
> computer immediately found the reader and installed it.
> This is using a Win XP computer.
> William Robb

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Bob Walkden

Thursday, November 6, 2003, 9:42:35 PM, you wrote:

>>I don't think it's empirically testable. If two people attach the same
>>label to the same experience then that is all we can know, or need to
>>know. (...)

> Among some amazonian groups, there is a single word for both green or 
> blue,  But if you show people both green and blue colors and ask if 
> these are different, they will say they are.  They just don't find it 
> usefull for their purposes to distinguish linguistically these two 
> retinian impressions.  Now, talk about the color of snow to an 
> Inuit...

Yes, it's true for many different peoples. It's not quite what I meant
though. At the risk of boring everybody to death, here's what I meant.

Let's assume that you and I can both distinguish between the colour of a
matadors' cape, the colour of the clear sky, and the colour of grass.

Suppose you and I are looking at the same matador's cape under identical
lighting conditions. 

It is possible that the colour sensation you experience when you look
at the cape is the same as the one I experience when I look at a clear

It is also possible that the sensation I experience when looking at the
cape is the same as the sensation you experience when you look at grass.

The important thing is that it's possible we may each have a different
colour experience when we look at the same thing.

We have agreed to attach the label 'red' to the colour sensation we experience
when looking at a matador's cape, but our experiences are different. This is
almost certainly a true, but highly exaggerated, account of what really happens.

Provided each of us always has the same response to the same stimulus
– i.e. each of us has consistent colour vision – then it doesn't matter that
your response and my response to the same stimulus differ, because
our responses are wholly internal.

In addition, we can't test to see whether our responses differ or not, because
we can only externalise the experience by showing the other person something that
provokes in us the same response as the original stimulus. Consistency means that
they will experience their characteristic response.

Because of this it makes no difference at all to anything whether our internal
experiences are the same or different. We behave, and the world behaves, as if
they are the same. Our brains are mutual Chinese boxes.

This is different from the people who say each of their eyes sees the same thing
slightly differently, because these people can compare the sensations in the same
brain. That is roughly equivalent to a 3rd person being able to compare our mental
experiences and notice the differences.

It is also different from typical colour blindness, which is just a reduced ability
to distinguish between colours. For instance, I might have the same colour sensation
when I look at a matador's cape and at Robin Hood's legwear, whereas you might 
2 different colour sensations. This in turn is different from your Amazonian example.


Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread edwin
> But I hope that something evolves so people don't have to post process every 
> image. Otherwise, well, might as well take all digital images to a lab -- or 
> spend hours and hours doing it one's self, which sort of negates some of the 
> gain of a DSLR.

As I said elsewhere, in Photo-J we used to "post process" every image 
after scanning--unsharp, auto levels, etc.  

On the other hand, this can be automated with software if you don't want a 
tailored-to-the picture solution.  We've got PS7 set up at work so it's 
two or three clicks to done for a good image (optional rotate, auto toning 
in curves, action that sizes and does other things for newspaper use) 
because I'm handling 100 images a week.

Doing your own post-processing also means you are making "custom" prints 
every time, which is not cheaply done by a lab because you are paying for 
THEIR time.  It's just like doing your own darkroom work, really, and 
many of us don't trust anyone else to do that for us.


Re: My Evening With Lexar

2003-11-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Whaley"
Subject: Re: My Evening With Lexar

> Do keep us informed on that one...
> May save some of us a headache...

On a positive note
When I realized just how mwmory hungry a 6mp camera is, I bought a 1 gig
Sandisk card, which also came with it's own reader.
I plugged the reader into my computer, turned on the computer, and the
computer immediately found the reader and installed it.
This is using a Win XP computer.

William Robb

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

> But I hope that something evolves so people don't have to post process
> image. Otherwise, well, might as well take all digital images to a lab -- 
> spend hours and hours doing it one's self, which sort of negates some of
> gain of a DSLR.
> At least for me.

A lot of these issues are resolved by people who use their noggins for
something other than stuffing food into the biggest hole on it.
Both of my digital cameras have built in controls for sharpening, contrast
and saturation.
By using these three controls, I can get a picture that goes from flat and
soft to too sharp and punchy.
Do a little experimenting, find where you like these three controls set, and
forget about them.
Photoshop also has a little known feature called "actions". Using this
particular feature, you can automate pretty much anything you do on a
repetitive basis, and then batch process entire directories of image files
while watching Seinfeld reruns.
Back in the old days, we had to drudge around in dank, dark rooms, inhaling
rotten foul chemical fumes and bruising ourselves on things that go bump in
the night.
Having to make a few mouse clicks to an image file, and then complaining
about how hard it is doesn't carry very well with me.

William Robb

Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Robert & Leigh Woerner
As a side item, if you wanted fast AF you should have tried out a PZ1p. You
would never have gone over to the other side. Boy, what a can o' worms I've


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

> > Girlfren', you're going to buy an LX eventually. We all do. Might as
> > well just save all the intermediate heartache and get it now.
> Hehehehehe. Well, maybe. :-)
> Tom wrote:
> >Spot on, ERNR!  Marnie: you want the LX, of course, but if you do go
> for a Spotmatic, the F is the model to get.  It's the top of the line
> Spottie, and a really sweet camera.  Stick with SMC Takumar lenses,
> and you can use open aperture metering.  Use modern PX625A 1.5 volt
> cells instead of the original mercury ones: the metering circuitry is
> balanced, so the voltage difference won't matter.
> >-tih
> Thanks for the battery tip.
> Actually I think I am sticking with the Elan for my main camera. While I
> the Pentax interface better, I am pretty happy with an USM IS zoom that I
> have. And I like the Elan's fast auto focus. And, as for buying more
> glass and investing more and more into glass, I pretty much have to stay
> the same brand. So down the road, it's quite possible I'll be going with a
> DSLR. But maybe not, we shall see.
> However, screwmount lenses are sort of semi-compatible. I could switch
> between cameras, be "backward compatible" on the Canon ;-). And I've
> another all manual camera. So I think this is going to be my best
> Also getting just Takumar scremounts for the metering -- no problemo. The
> only exception will be the Zenitar.
> Thx. Marnie aka Doe   Still looking around, so if anyone on the list has a
> Spottie F to sell, please contact me off list. Hehehehehe.

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Butch Black"
Subject: Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

> This begs a second question however. Why do people expect to do
> these days and with no effort on their part and get professional

It's because people demand to be allowed to be stupid and lazy, but still
operate on the pretext that they are doing something.
The more successful products cater to this slothful indolence.

William Robb

Re: Re[2]: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread John Francis
> Not the What, THE WHO.  If you were around then, you would never
> forget him/it?  Maybe his real name was Pat (SNL)  :)

Gregory, IIRC.  Makes me real glad that I've always read PDML
using software that supports bozo filters.

Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

2003-11-06 Thread edwin
> btw, how many of you use linux for graphic manipulation issues?

Some of the time, for most of my personal work.  I use Linux at home 
all the time unless I need a particular non-linux program.

For pro pre-press use photoshop is still much better  (even older 
versions) but Gimp is catching up quick.  I've got a great new mac G4
with PS7 at work which has pretty much stopped me using the older mac with 
PS5.5 that I have on loan from my mother for mac-compatible work-related 

I've also got PS3 for windoze running under WinMe and 3.11, and Gimp for 
windoze running under WinMe, but I haven't used either in at least a year 
since I only boot to windoze for games.


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Andre Langevin
Have you considered an ESII?  It's a screwmount LX without TTL flash! 
OK, it's a little bit more than that.  OK, OK, it's a lot more than 


Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread Lewis Matthew

for me.
> >
> > The pixies.


Crave some Miles Davis or Grateful Dead?  Your old favorites are always 
playing on MSN Radio Plus. Trial month free!

Re: DSLR on eBay

2003-11-06 Thread mike wilson

Malcolm Smith wrote:
> I may have muddied the waters on this one, as I assumed at £900 this was
> offered as second hand, although it may have gone higher in the last minute
> as you missed it. Was this as new from a dealer?

>From my Schuljunger German, it appeared to be BNIB, offered by a dealer,
with full warranty.  Wish I'd bookmarked the page, now


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist

> Girlfren', you're going to buy an LX eventually. We all do. Might as
> well just save all the intermediate heartache and get it now.

Hehehehehe. Well, maybe. :-)

Tom wrote:

>Spot on, ERNR!  Marnie: you want the LX, of course, but if you do go
for a Spotmatic, the F is the model to get.  It's the top of the line
Spottie, and a really sweet camera.  Stick with SMC Takumar lenses,
and you can use open aperture metering.  Use modern PX625A 1.5 volt
cells instead of the original mercury ones: the metering circuitry is
balanced, so the voltage difference won't matter.


Thanks for the battery tip.

Actually I think I am sticking with the Elan for my main camera. While I like 
the Pentax interface better, I am pretty happy with an USM IS zoom that I 
have. And I like the Elan's fast auto focus. And, as for buying more expensive 
glass and investing more and more into glass, I pretty much have to stay with 
the same brand. So down the road, it's quite possible I'll be going with a Canon 
DSLR. But maybe not, we shall see.

However, screwmount lenses are sort of semi-compatible. I could switch lenses 
between cameras, be "backward compatible" on the Canon ;-). And I've wanted 
another all manual camera. So I think this is going to be my best solution.

Also getting just Takumar scremounts for the metering -- no problemo. The 
only exception will be the Zenitar.

Thx. Marnie aka Doe   Still looking around, so if anyone on the list has a 
Spottie F to sell, please contact me off list. Hehehehehe.

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>>Nah, not Brad, but The Who.
>How 'bout Mafud?

Bound to happen suda or lada.


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

RE: DSLR on eBay

2003-11-06 Thread Malcolm Smith
mike wilson wrote:

> Malcolm Smith wrote:
> > It seems cheap at that price and a bit suspect too. I would be 
> > concerned about warranty issues from this sort of sale.
> In my experience, warranties are not worth the paper they are 
> written on but I would think that a one issued in any EU 
> country would have to stand in any other.  It looked 
> unsuspicious to me.  Or, rather, it looked a lot less 
> suspicious than many other offers I've seen.


I may have muddied the waters on this one, as I assumed at £900 this was
offered as second hand, although it may have gone higher in the last minute
as you missed it. Was this as new from a dealer?

If so, my warranty issues are, sort of, unwarranted.


RE: DSLR on eBay

2003-11-06 Thread Andre Langevin
I would be concerned about warranty issues from this sort of sale.

I think the key words for a valid warranty are "original bill" (from 
a recognized seller).  Any "unfilled international warranty" is a 
useless piece of paper if you don't have the original bill or it is 
not stamped by the original seller.  A short personnal eBay seller's 
warranty is probably all you can hope on eBay.


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Tom Ivar Helbekkmo

> Girlfren', you're going to buy an LX eventually. We all do. Might as
> well just save all the intermediate heartache and get it now.

Spot on, ERNR!  Marnie: you want the LX, of course, but if you do go
for a Spotmatic, the F is the model to get.  It's the top of the line
Spottie, and a really sweet camera.  Stick with SMC Takumar lenses,
and you can use open aperture metering.  Use modern PX625A 1.5 volt
cells instead of the original mercury ones: the metering circuitry is
balanced, so the voltage difference won't matter.

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway  T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901

Re> Cotty's November PUG comments Part 2

2003-11-06 Thread Albano Garcia

Hi, Cotty
Thanks for your comments, and specially for the web
site promotion!
Thanks again

Disapaired Albano
(too much work, luckiky)

Cotty wrote:
"Weird Portrait of Juan Pablo "
by   Albano Garcia, 
Top class result from Albano. Vist his home page - he
ahs some cracking
stuff on there. Avant-garde and cutting edge. Another
superb shot from 
fine photographer.

Albano Garcia
"El Pibe Asahi"

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Butch Black
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>>>(b) a place to stay - which could be the back of somebody;s van.. 
>>There's a movie in this. 
>>  Cotty

Silence of the Lambs.

Bill and Ted's bogus journey.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hesse (Demian)

Re: Plaxo

2003-11-06 Thread Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
"Dr E D F Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Plaxo is distributed by Verisign [...]

That bloody annoyance is from Verislime as well?  May they rot in hell!

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway  T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901

Re: MX Shutter Release Problem

2003-11-06 Thread Andre Langevin
 > It probably needs a CLA.  Has it been done recently?  If so, the
 problem is elsewhere.
It was cleaned and adjusted within the past 18 months.
Then Graywolf is right.  And its repair will cost less than a 
complete CLA.  Find a technician that doesn't charge a high minimum 
price for repairs, you know, like $70 to change the batteries for 
that old lady.


Re[2]: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Bruce Dayton
Not the What, THE WHO.  If you were around then, you would never
forget him/it?  Maybe his real name was Pat (SNL)  :)

Best regards,

Thursday, November 6, 2003, 11:08:45 AM, you wrote:

>> On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
>> >Nah, not Brad, but The Who.
>> The what?

JF> I don't know

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Andre Langevin
It's an interesting thought, but what I perceive to be blue might 
actually [be] what you perceive to be green. (...) And how would one 
actually prove any of this?

I don't think it's empirically testable. If two people attach the same
label to the same experience then that is all we can know, or need to
know. (...)
Among some amazonian groups, there is a single word for both green or 
blue,  But if you show people both green and blue colors and ask if 
these are different, they will say they are.  They just don't find it 
usefull for their purposes to distinguish linguistically these two 
retinian impressions.  Now, talk about the color of snow to an 


Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread CBWaters

- Original Message - 
From: "mike wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

> Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
> > 
> > You folks work it out.
> > It'll be a while for me.
> The pixies.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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re: PUG

2003-11-06 Thread Albano Garcia

Thanks Tom, glad you liked it.


Tom wrote:
Jeez guys, nice job.

In particular -

"Bug" by
" A Stationary Moment. " by Mike
" Second Honeymoon " - Amita
"Ewelina and Pawel" by Maciej - I don't know if you
were trying or
not, but this shot has a great combination of modern
and classic
elements. There are some things a purist would
condemn, but it's
nevertheless a great shot.
" Weird Portrait of Juan Pablo " - Albano
" Grass Trees " - Derby

Thomas Van Veen Photography

Albano Garcia
"El Pibe Asahi"

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard


2003-11-06 Thread Bruce Dayton
I knew when my lab moved two doors down from my local photo store
(Nikon/Pentax - where I got my 67 from) that I would be in trouble.

I just got back from dropping off some enlargements at the lab and had
to stop in the store.  Obviously, my main reason to look was to see if
the *ist D was in - it was!

So I had to play with it a bit and surprise - their price is quite
reasonable - 1490 body only, grip $199.  All in stock.  After working
with my 67's for awhile, it sure seems small.  Not sure if the grip
improved handling for me or not.  I would probably not start with the
grip and see how it went.

Handling, fit/finish were all very nice.  Since I used PZ-1p's for
quite a while, it was very easy to work with.  Viewfinder was nice -
reasonable size and brightness.  It is a camera that I would consider
buying.  Almost walked out with one.  Must RESIST!!

So can anyone tell me how my 67 lenses with adapter will do on the
*ist D.  Since they are designed for stop-down control on the lens
themselves, seems that they would work fine in non-program modes.  One
wonders what the image quality would be like - certainly something to



Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
Gray wolf wrote:

course since the MX was designed to my specs I would be a churl to switch.


You big honcho?

Re input -- Probably the F, then. IIRC, the meter on the K-1000 was always 
on. The lens cap turned it off. So I'm used to that. Also, thanks, Dave.

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: The istD brotherhood needs a name!

2003-11-06 Thread mike wilson
Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
> You folks work it out.
> It'll be a while for me.

The pixies.

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Mark Roberts
"Bill Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Nah, not Brad, but The Who.

How 'bout Mafud?

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Robert Gonzalez
I remember noticing this maybe 15 years ago.  I just thought that I was 
getting old, or that one eye was irritated.  Apparently everyone has a 
dominant eye, mine is my left eye, and it appears cooler than my right 
eye, which does seem to have a noticeable warmer tint to it.


graywolf wrote:
It might be a function of depth perception, like 3D glasses. My right 
eye seems to be color dominant. If I look at something and cover my left 
eye the color does not change. If I cover my right eye the color gets 

You are astute to have nowiced that, Joe. I asked an opthalmoligist 
about it once, and he didn't know a thing about it. I first noticed it 
myself years ago when adjusting my binoculars.

How about a few others on the list checking it out and letting us know 
if it works that way with everyone, or are some of us different?


Joe Wilensky wrote:

This brings up a question I have always wanted to ask -- related to 
the fact that my own two eyes see colors slightly differently! It's 
easiest to see in skin tones, but if I close one eye and then the 
other, it's obvious to me that my right eye sees a slightly "warmer" 
or redder rendition than my left. It's slight, and with both eyes open 
I suppose I see an average or mix of the two that isn't disconcerting, 
but it's obvious that at least slight differences must exist among 
people. Maybe wide ranges of difference are normal, like television 
sets where the tint is all out of whack and faces look green or magenta.

Has anyone tried this? It may be more noticeable in daylight or 
artificial light. Just a quick switch from one eye to the other and 
back should tell you.


I think its more likely that different eye/brain sets might see the same
colour very slightly shifted, one way or the other, on the spectrum. One
person might see it a little redder or bluer than another. But, as we
decided before, one can never really know. Its not the same as colour
blindness. My guess is that normal human eyes all see the spectrum 
the same
way and it is in the brain that differences might arise ... if they do.



 Thursday, November 6, 2003, 2:24:49 PM, you wrote:

 > It's an interesting thought, but what I perceive to be blue might


 > what you perceive to be green. Imagine people around you who go thru


 > seeing 'blue' vegetables (though it seems perfectly normal to them


 > that's what they always known the label 'green' to refer to). And 


 > one actually prove any of this?

 I don't think it's empirically testable. If two people attach the same
 label to the same experience then that is all we can know, or need to
 know. I have no empirical evidence that other people think; you could
 all be automata* as far as I know, but I assume that you all do think.
 It's similar to the Turing** test, or these games of Chinese boxes 
 AI researchers enjoy so much.



 *as a matter of fact I happen to think exactly that, except that I
 include myself as an automaton. It doesn't alter the argument.
 **I've always believed that 'the Who' of long ago was a Turing test

 > that some researcher was conducting.


2003-11-06 Thread Bill Owens

Re: More on RAW

2003-11-06 Thread Frits Wüthrich
Vuescan: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just send him an email with the request.

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 19:31, Brian Dipert wrote:
> Some of you who are dabbling in digital imaging may already be familiar with
> Hamrick Software's excellent VueScan flatbed and negative/slide scanner
> software ( VueScan also supports the RAW formats of quite a
> few DSLRs. I've been in contact with Ed Hamrick, and have confirmed that he
> employs the earlier-described RAW library from Dave Coffin. Sooner or later,
> Ed plans to roll in the latest iteration of that library, thereby securing
> *ist D support. Emails to Ed expressing your interest may speed the process
> along.
> I've also been in communication with Cerious Software, developer of the
> equally excellent ThumbsPlus program ( I've used ThumbsPlus
> ever since I learned, many years ago, that it supported the RAW format of my
> now-retired Kodak DC120 digital rangefinder camera. Adding *ist D RAW
> support is on their list of features, currently low on the list though, and
> they're awaiting feedback before they bump up its priority.
> Finally, I've emailed Lemke Software inquiring as to their *ist D RAW
> support plans for Graphic Converter. Will report back to the list if/when I
> hear anything back from them
> ==
> Brian Dipert
> Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
> Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
> EDN Magazine:
> 5000 V Street
> Sacramento, CA   95817
> (916) 454-5242 (voice), (617) 558-4470 (fax)
> Visit me at
Frits Wüthrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AW: Digital Back for 645Nii?

2003-11-06 Thread keller.schaefer
Rollei even developed and presented a prototype back for the 3003 in 1987,
with 350.000 pixels. But then, before digital technology really took off,
they had to discontinue the camera. Rollei was either too late or too early
most of the times.


-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. November 2003 17:24
Betreff: Re: Digital Back for 645Nii?

I still keep thinking that something along the lines of the strange late
2000, 2002, 3000 series 35mm cameras would be the perfect basis for a
film/digital camera. For those who do not remember those, they were 35mm's
a modular design similar to the Bronica ERTSi's including interchangeable
which would solve the main problem.


Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread John Francis
> Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 
> But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.
> Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
> even better?

I'd go with the Spotmatic F - it's the successor to the Spotmatic II,
and the camera that introduced full-aperture metering to the Pentax lineup.

Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread brooksdj
This is a site its all m42 mount stuff.
Also PPRO site at
has a list of many m42 cameras

I have the SP 500 and a Spotmatic 1000 and 5-6 lenses.They are great cameras.

> Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting 
a MX to stay hanging 
> around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a 
> Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as all 
> that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak 35mm 
> 3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it 
> occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not 
> a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX? 
> Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 
> But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.
> Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
> even better?
> Marnie aka Doe  Boy, when/if I got digital I would have OLD and NEW. That 
> would be ironic. Not positive I want to do this yet, but it sort of makes sense. 
> Input welcome.

Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Jim Apilado
I would get the II.  The F allows open aperture metering only if you use SMC
Takumar lenses.  The meter on the F always is on.  You turn it "off" using
the lens cap.  You can use older Super Takumars and SMC Takumars on the II.
Metering is stop down.  Of course, there are lots of other M42 mount lenses
out there besides Pentax.
Good Luck.

Jim A.

> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 13:45:12 EST
> Subject: Spotmatic? II or F?
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 13:45:37 -0500
> Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting a MX to stay hanging
> around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a
> Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as
> all 
> that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak
> 35mm 
> 3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it
> occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not
> a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX?
> Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay.
> But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.
> Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be
> even better?
> Marnie aka Doe  Boy, when/if I got digital I would have OLD and NEW. That
> would be ironic. Not positive I want to do this yet, but it sort of makes
> sense. 
> Input welcome.

RE: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread tom
> -Original Message-
> From: John Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
> > 
> > >Nah, not Brad, but The Who.
> > 
> > The what?
> I don't know



Re: Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread ernreed2
Response at the end:

> Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting a MX to stay hanging 
> around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a 
> Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as 
> that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak 
> 3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it 
> occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not 
> a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX? 
> Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 
> But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.
> Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
> even better?
> Marnie aka Doe  Boy, when/if I got digital I would have OLD and NEW. That 
> would be ironic. Not positive I want to do this yet, but it sort of makes 
> Input welcome.

Girlfren', you're going to buy an LX eventually. We all do. Might as well just 
save all the intermediate heartache and get it now. 

ERNR ;-)

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread John Francis
> On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
> >Nah, not Brad, but The Who.
> The what?

I don't know

Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

2003-11-06 Thread Christian

- Original Message - 
From: "danilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> btw, how many of you use linux for graphic manipulation issues?
> ciao
> Danilo.

I use the Gimp on Linux or Photoshop on Windows depending on my mood and
where I am.


An old friend gives way gracefully.

2003-11-06 Thread Malcolm Smith
{Sigh!} It had to happen, I'm just surprised it lasted as long as it did,
for my massive outlay of £12 back in the mid 70s. But my tripod demised
today. One leg gave way and the LX on top fell gently sideways into my
jacket pocket!

Anyway, my needs for a tripod have changed since last time I was thinking
about buying one; just that now I have more motivation and more needs. Can
anyone point me in the right direction for a tripod which is:

. Suitable for 35mm and MF,

. Can stand in mud or water (obviously cleaned afterwards!),

. Available second hand,

. Various extras to allow it to be used in different ways - for example in
holding the camera pointing down onto a table directly below (I have lots of
use for this)

. Weight - low importance, durability high,

. Construction - ? Recommendations please,

. Price - going to be more than £12 isn't it!


Spotmatic? II or F?

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting a MX to stay hanging 
around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a 
Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as all 
that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak 35mm 
3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it 
occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not 
a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX? 

Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 

But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.

Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
even better?

Marnie aka Doe  Boy, when/if I got digital I would have OLD and NEW. That 
would be ironic. Not positive I want to do this yet, but it sort of makes sense. 
Input welcome.

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I've never noticed any color difference between my eyes, and in a simple
>now, also don't.
>One has a lot of floaters, though. If that helps.

ROTFL. Marnie, you kill me.

Sorry folks.


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: raw conversion (was Undersharpening)

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Murray
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, danilo wrote:

> btw, how many of you use linux for graphic manipulation issues?
> ciao
> Danilo.

I only seem to use Linux or OpenBSD these days...

I use the Gimp ( for image manipulation, and X-Sane to do my
scanning. I also use imagemagick ( to batch resize my

- Chris

Chris Murray   /"\   
Cell: 604.861.8307 / \/

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Teleconverter suggestions

2003-11-06 Thread Maris V. Lidaka Sr.
I have a Pentax ZX-5N.  Any suggestions (or links to reviews) for a decent
teleconverter, price range preferably $100 or less?


Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread Robert Gonzalez
Or along graywolf's lines:

D'Hood, like I'm from D'Hood

John Francis wrote:
I still think it should be called, D'gang.

Full-starr'd knights? (with apologies to Walt Whitman)

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Hell, my left eye sees colors differently (more blue) than my right eye, how 
>could anyone think that two different people would see them the same?

Hey Tom, if you went to one of those retro 3-D movies of the Blob or
whatever, you wouldn't need the cardboard glasses :-)


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: December PUG Theme

2003-11-06 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

zoomshot wrote:

> Gone from the schedule page ( ),
> what is it?

Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I'm still going to call it the starkistdee or Sexist D, though, because 
>I think the name is really, really stupid. Okay, it's not as stupid as 
>naming a camera "Rebel."

I think this is totally in keeping with the ethos behind naming the
camera the *ist D. You are doing exactly what Pentax wanted, and
personalising it. I think one or two others are doing this also and you
are to be congratulated for persevering.

Not that I have one, but hypothetically, if I did, as it were, I think I
would refer to it as a Majist D. As in 'is this your Majist D'?


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

More on RAW

2003-11-06 Thread Brian Dipert
Some of you who are dabbling in digital imaging may already be familiar with
Hamrick Software's excellent VueScan flatbed and negative/slide scanner
software ( VueScan also supports the RAW formats of quite a
few DSLRs. I've been in contact with Ed Hamrick, and have confirmed that he
employs the earlier-described RAW library from Dave Coffin. Sooner or later,
Ed plans to roll in the latest iteration of that library, thereby securing
*ist D support. Emails to Ed expressing your interest may speed the process

I've also been in communication with Cerious Software, developer of the
equally excellent ThumbsPlus program ( I've used ThumbsPlus
ever since I learned, many years ago, that it supported the RAW format of my
now-retired Kodak DC120 digital rangefinder camera. Adding *ist D RAW
support is on their list of features, currently low on the list though, and
they're awaiting feedback before they bump up its priority.

Finally, I've emailed Lemke Software inquiring as to their *ist D RAW
support plans for Graphic Converter. Will report back to the list if/when I
hear anything back from them
Brian Dipert
Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
EDN Magazine:
5000 V Street
Sacramento, CA   95817
(916) 454-5242 (voice), (617) 558-4470 (fax)
Visit me at

Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>After proclaiming on the list that I would not buy a DSLR until Pentax 
>came out with a full-frame *ist D arrived yesterday.


Way to go Joe!

Give us an update after the weekend mate.


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>>>(b) a place to stay - which could be the back of somebody;s van.. 
>>There's a movie in this. 
>>  Cotty

Silence of the Lambs.


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: Resistance is Futile

2003-11-06 Thread John Francis
> I still think it should be called, D'gang.

Full-starr'd knights? (with apologies to Walt Whitman)

Re: GFM - looks like I will be there

2003-11-06 Thread Cotty
On 6/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Nah, not Brad, but The Who.

The what?


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: MX Shutter Release Problem

2003-11-06 Thread graywolf
Most likely either dirt, or a slightly bent linkage in the camera. Any decent 
repair shop ought to be able to fix it easily.



Just took an MX out for some exercise and the shutter relase jammed 
and became sticky :-((  Any suggestions on what I might check to fix 
the problem.  When it jammed, I just whacked the camera against the 
palm of my hand, and it freed things up only to get sluggish, sticky, 
and jam again later. I keep whacking it, it works a time or two, and 
then it's time to smack it again.  This pummeling can't be very good 
for the camera ;-))

All thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

Kind regards,


--, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:
Metti il turbo alla tua casella di posta: 100 MB per inviare e ricevere tutto quello 
che vuoi. Clicca qui
Clicca qui:

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

Re: Pentax *ist D vs. Fujifilm S2 Pro: final update

2003-11-06 Thread Eactivist
>This is easy to try, just download a full size *ist D file from
somewhere (they are all over the net by now) and print one and see
what you think.


Good idea!

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: Colour fidelity & low-light AF of *ist-D

2003-11-06 Thread Butch Black
It's an interesting thought, but what I perceive to be blue might actually
what you perceive to be green. Imagine people around you who go thru life
seeing 'blue' vegetables (though it seems perfectly normal to them *because*
that's what they always known the label 'green' to refer to). And how would
one actually prove any of this?


From: "Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Do we all see the same colours? Two people look at a coloured object; both
agree that it's yellow-green. But do they actually perceive identically?

This is starting to sound a bit like the philosophical debate of naive
realism versus representationalism


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hesse (Demian)

  1   2   >