Re: [ZION] Farinacci's Test

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
Come on!  Are you serious?  Some of the questions are appropriate and some 


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Re: [ZION] Starts with F "Gossip"

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I agree with the criteria.  It's the way I try to operate.


At 01:43 PM 11/03/2003 -0500, you wrote:

At 10:25 AM 11/3/2003 -0700, Uncle Presidente wrote:

You ask yourself these three simple questions:

1.  Is this fact about so and so kind?

2.  Do I have undisputable knowledge of it, in other words, is it
3.  Does the person I'm planning to share this with have a need to

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Re: [ZION] Introduction

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I love the man and think he is the closest to Jesus Christ that I have ever 


At 10:34 PM 11/03/2003 -0500, you wrote:


Like me, some of you may suffer from increasingly short-term memory loss and
others here don't know me at all. So an introduction.
Perhaps the best personal introduction is embodied in a  message I recently
sent to the members of Mormon-L, responding to a request that I comment on
President Hinckley's ego.
> -Original Message-
> From: Christian Kamler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Mormon-l] General Conference
Ø   I wonder if Ron could comment on his impressions of the man with 
regard to
ego. Some have felt there is some possibility of that.<

--Ron Scott Responds--

I'm not sure whether the last sentence above refers to President Hinckley's
"ego," or that some here felt I may be willing to share my impressions of
him.  I'll assume it's a reference to both.
Some background: GBH was my dad's seminary teacher at South High; after
serving a mission to Brazil (and Navy, for The Big WWII) my dad served under
him on a team assigned to translate the D&C, TPOGP, into Portuguese; GBH was
a counselor in the stake presidency when our family moved to East Millcreek
in 1955; my dad briefly tutored his oldest daughter,  in chemistry; his
middle daughter, Virginia (Virginia Hinckley Pearce), was my closest friend
in high school and early college (a short-story I wrote about her in college
launched my career as a writer) and, as a result, I have spent many hours in
the Hinckley home, tended the younger Hinckley children; since college, as a
journalist I have had several professional encounters (in NYC and SLC) with
GBH, directly and indirectly; Wendall Ashton, GBH's life-long friend and
former missionary companion and church public communications director,
former publisher of the Deseret News, was a good friend of mine as well (his
daughter was also a close friend in high school/college).
So to the question: "Does GBH have an ego?"  The answer: "Don't we all?" The
implied question: "Does GBH have an out-sized ego?"  The answer: "No."
Would he be delighted if the new conference center was renamed in his honor
after he's gone?  Assuming he’s in a condition to be delighted about
anything, I'd imagine the answer would be "yes."  I'd be delighted if the
Powers That Be selected the alternative name: The Scott Conference Center --
in honor of my father, of course.
Seriously, he has never impressed me as being arrogant (I can't say that of
others I know in the FP and Q12).  But "determined" and "confidant" and
"pragmatic?"  Yes.  Absolutely yes.
Does he have a testimony of God? Yes he does. I have heard him pray at home
many times. No audience. It was like listening to one side of a telephone
conversation between old friends.
And, as I wrote above, he is pragmatic. Although I can’t verify the
authenticity of the account of his meeting in the temple with bishops and
stake presidents, the report is consistent with what I sensed of his
approach to the gospel. To wit and I paraphrase: take it one step at a time,
apply what you know to be “true” hoping that it will lead you to the next
discovery of “truth;” if the Joseph Smith story leaves you cold, focus
on/apply what he taught ­ it will make you a better man, father, citizen.
I sensed that his “pragmatic” approach to the gospel may have been the root
cause of his reaction to the Salamander letter. My words: he may have been
so familiar with the "hocus-pocus" elements of our history, that he figured
the forged (as it turned out) document could be yet another troublesome
historical artifact.  As he was more interested in the “good” the gospel
does in the lives of people, he may have felt it was his responsibility to
eliminate or suppress something that may turn away people who would
otherwise benefit greatly by applying the gospel in their everyday lives.  I
seek not to justify his reaction to the letter ­ it puzzled me as much as it
did anyone ­ however I do think “pragmatism” and “doing the greater good”
may have driven and shaped his reaction.
Some would love it if he would openly forsake the  “magical” aspects of
church history. Some  would love it if more focus was placed on the
practical aspects of Mormonism rather than the things that are harder to
swallow. Of course some gripe that so much has been changed and ignored,
that we’re getting rather too much like the Anglicans and Presbyterians.  I
mean, who’d-a-thunk there would be an official lesson finally clarifying the
“grace” business (I haven’t read the lesson, but I’ll bet I can guess it’s
central message: but for Christ’s freely-granted grace, we would be toast,
no matter our good works).
Liberals gripe that GBH is The Flack-meister, the personification of the
organization man; fundamentalists and conservatives worry that he fits the
description of a Korihor or Signaturi, the proverbial wo

Re: [ZION] Cognitive Dissonance

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
It does for me also.  You are not alone in your opinions.  In fact, a 
friend of mine really appreciated my candid response on the subject when 
she was studying with missionaries.  I was forthright but I didn't give 
into prevailing discussion about her church being "fine."  Instead, I urged 
her to look further into the matter if she so chose after her missionary 
discussions were over.  I encouraged her to seek out authors that would 
show where the early church had gone awry.


At 10:39 PM 11/03/2003 -0900, you wrote:

Esperanza and I were reading the Book of Mormon this evening and I came 
upon a chapter that just doesn't seem to harmonize with current list and 
Church attitudes towards other churches.  Aren't we supposed to "liken" 
the scriptures unto ourselves?  Sometimes it is pretty hard.

2 Nephi Chapter 28
Many false churches shall be built up in the last days---They shall teach 
false and vain and foolish doctrines---Apostasy shall abound because of 
false teachers---The devil shall rage in the hearts of men---He shall 
teach all manner of false doctrines.


3.  For it shall come to pass in that day that the churches which are 
built up, and not unto the Lord, when the one shall say unto the 
other:  Behold, I, I am the Lord's; and the others shall say: I, I am the 
Lord's' and thus shall every one say that hath built up churches, and not 
unto the Lord---


9.  Yea, and there shall be many which shall teach after this manner, 
false and vain and foolish doctrines, and shall be puffed up in their 
hearts, and shall seek deep to hide their counsels from the Lord; and 
their works shall be in the dark.

10. And the blood of the saints shall cry from the ground against them.

11. Yea, they have all gone out of the way; they have become corrupted.
I understood all of this when I left the Baptist Church.  That is why I 
became a Mormon.  But today if I say anything like the Lord is saying in 
this chapter of 2 Nephi, I get a big argument and someone invariably 
starts talking about how these other churches prepare people for our 

Well, I don't see it that way.  These other churches are the whole reason 
there was a Great Apostasy in the first place.  These false churches are 
the only reason there was any need for a Restoration.  They don't prepare 
others for membership in our Church, except possibly by setting a bad 
example, one to be avoided by converting to Mormonism.  They do the very 
best they can to prepare their members to slam their doors in our faces 
when our missionaries come knocking.

Where have I gone wrong?  Why can't I get all luvy-duvy towards these 
other churches the way so many of my fellow saints are?  Why does 2 Nephi 
28 seem so true to me and all the "go along to get along" talk that I hear 
among my fellow saints sounds so much like a slick politician that wants 
everybody to like him?  I'm sick of hearing about how much truth there is 
in these other churches.  I want to hear someone call them what they 
are:  false churches.  That is what the Book of Mormon calls them.

Hate the sin and love the sinner.  I understand that.  But why do I have 
to be accepting of a false church in order to be loving towards its 
deluded, lied to, and oppressed members?

I can love a Catholic without loving his church.  The same goes for a 
Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Buddhist or Moslem.

Reading 2 Nephi 28 and then reading these Internet email discussion lists, 
Zion included, causes me considerable cognitive dissonance.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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Re: [ZION] Catholics & Mormons unite

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I'll have to remember this one.  The fact is that some people are confused 
and do not feel they are being totally taught correctly on this point.  I 
have a friend who took the missionary discussions and decided not to 
join.  Because missionaries are taught not to put down any other churches 
they may mistakenly be too soft about the need for a restoration.  I've 
seen confusion.


At 01:57 PM 11/06/2003 -0500, you wrote:

On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:14:18 -0900 "John W. Redelfs"
> This is a concern that I have, probably a futile concern.  How can
> we teach  1) that all the other churches contain some truth, and 2)
that we
> are the only true church?  The two statements are not incompatible, but
> might  easily be confused by those of inadequate education.  --JWR
I find that an anology usually works, especially for "those of inadequate
education."  First, though, the word "true" can mean many things.  Here,
I believe it is used to mean genuine, or exact, conforming to a standard.
 My favorite anology here is the broken mirror.  When the great apostasy
occured, the "mirror" (ie The TRUE/GENUINE/EXACTING Gospel) was
shattered.  Churches were built from the "fragments" that were left (thus
SOME truth).   When Joseph Smith restored the Gospel and had all the keys
handed to him, he had, once again, a complete mirror--thus the only

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RE: [ZION] Catholics & Mormons unite

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
My churches always taught no sexual union before marriage and no 
extramarital affairs either.  It's what they didn't teach about the other 
doctrines I've come to appreciate.


At 06:12 PM 11/06/2003 -0900, you wrote:

Jim Cobabe wrote:
John W. Redelfs wrote:
How can we teach
1) that all the other churches contain some truth, and 2) that we are
the only true church?  The two statements are not incompatible, but they
might easily be confused by those of inadequate education.
I believe it is being done as we speak.  Do you see the current
missionary program as compromised or ineffective?  Looks like it is
working well to me.
I agree.  There is no inadequacy in the missionary program.  OTOH as long 
as I've been online I have run across members, often of long standing or 
even born in the Church, who seem to feel that one church is about as good 
as another, and that this one is extraordinary only because it is the one 
they grew up in.  This isn't just the "best" church, it is the ONLY one 
that teaches correct doctrine.

I'm not against the truth that I see preached in other churches.  I'm all 
for it.  I just don't see nearly as much as I see here.  And the gap is 
much wider in my perception than it is for most of the saints.  By 
contrast, those in other churches are in desperate need of our 
missionaries because their gospel isn't much improved over the 
philosophies of men that they could learn down at the corner pub.

For an example, it astounds me that many Protestant congregations never 
teach the value or desirability of chastity before marriage and fidelity 
after marriage.  They don't teach tithing or Sabbath observance.  A lot of 
them don't even teach their members how to pray, or the importance of 

I guess I just get defensive when others seem unaware of HOW blessed we 
are to have the guidance of true prophets.  Then I hear them defending 
these other denominations, and I'm afraid they just don't understand how 
fortunate they are.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The study of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve
behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
behavior."  --Boyd K. Packer
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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Re: [ZION] blood red moon

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
The Seventh-day Adventists with whom I also used to belong considered these 
events to already have been fulfilled.  I don't know.


At 08:10 AM 11/07/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Hello all...

I read a bit on this morning about the upcoming lunar eclipse this 
weekend and how the moon is supposed to turn blood red.  To quote the 
article:  "Saturday's lunar eclipse will be followed by the Leonid meteor 
shower, a total solar eclipse over the southern hemisphere -- and a chance 
for more auroras if the sun stays active. Another eruption Tuesday on the 
sun ranked among the most intense solar events ever recorded. But the 
explosion was aimed away from Earth, meaning it would have little impact 
here. "

What think ye?  Do you think this *means* anything?

Just curious...
Heidi the fair
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Re: [ZION] Signs Yet to Come

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
Very convincing.  I'm sure that if there was a physical mark everyone would 
be able to see it and try to stay clear of it.  But it is interesting that 
men have given up on the cause for food.  What about Esau and others like him?


At 07:36 AM 11/11/2003 -0700, you wrote:

At 07:11 PM 11/10/2003, JWR wrote:

19. No man can buy or sell without the mark of the beast
Just what is the "mark of the beast?" Is it an actual physical bio-chip, 
as most fundamental Baptists or Christian fundamentalists believe? Or does 
it mean something else.

Below are my thoughts, in an essay I once wrote upon the subject:

By: Steven Montgomery

One of the overarching themes of the Book of Revelation deals with the 
victory that Jesus Christ and the righteous have over Satan, Babylon and 
mankind's twin nemesis, both Spiritual and Physical Death. The righteous, 
we are informed by Revelation 15:2 are those who gain victory over the 
"Beast" and thus qualify to live on this earth in its Celestial Glory.

It's interesting to note that those who accept Christ and overcome Satan 
are sealed up unto eternal life by having Christ's name written on their 
foreheads (see Rev. 7:3 and 22:4). Under the law of Moses the Israelites 
were commanded to wear phylacteries on their hands or frontlets upon their 
foreheads which were little boxes that contained certain scriptures 
written inside them as a "sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a 
memorial between thine eyes, that the Lord's law may be in thy mouth" or 
in other words that the righteous were to treasure up the words of Christ 
in their heart and soul and to physically bind these items on their hands 
or foreheads as a sign of this fact (see Exodus 13:9,16; Deut. 6:8; 11:18).

Satan, as the great counterfeiter, also "seals" his followers with a mark 
in their hand or forehead. But what is this mark and what does it 
represent? Is it an actual physical mark or merely symbolic? What 
characterizes those who have the mark?

As a result of the fall of Adam and without the atonement of Jesus Christ, 
man is carnal sensual and devilish. Thus Satan causes "ALL, both small and 
great, rich and poor, free and bond" to receive his mark "in their right 
hand or in their forehead. Since this is a "mark" which affects all 
mankind it clearly cannot be an actual physical one. It is symbolic. Thus 
It represents man in his mortal state and without the atonement of Jesus 
Christ, who truly cannot "buy or sell" without the mark of Satan (see Rev. 
13:16-18; 14:1, 9-11; 17:5).

It is also significant to note in Rev. 14:9-11, that those who thus follow 
Satan and receive his mark on their forehead or hand, suffer the "wrath of 
God", are "tormented with fire and brimstone", and the "smoke of their 
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever"--quite a punishment just for 
accepting a "mark" for food, as the christian fundamentalists believe, 
especially if one did so without knowledge or innocently! Reading these 
scriptures in context just doesn't bear this viewpoint up. It should be 
obvious that the "punishment" mentioned here is the "hell" that all of 
Satan's followers receive after the last judgment.

Also of note is the mention in Rev. 17:5 that spiritual Babylon will have 
ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" written on her forehead. Do the Christian 
fundamentalists really believe that there will be a great Babylon arise up 
with these literal words on her forehead?

Well, what about the number of the beasts name, 666? Consistent with Moses 
6:63, which states that "all things are created and made to bear record 
of" Christ, or in some manner testifying of the gospel plan, the number 6 
to the Jews represented Man under sin. For example man was created on the 
6th day. Cain's descendants are listed to the 6th generation. There are 66 
generations listed from King David to Joseph. The "Man of Sin" or Satan is 
represented by the number 666. The 6th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is 
the letter "vav" which is the sign of the nail. Symbolically, the numeral 
"6" when written or printed, appears to signify a coiled snake--ready to 

The number 7, on the other hand, represented God's seal, often called the 
perfect number by the ancients. For example, god sanctified the 7th day 
and blessed it. The week has 7 days. The 7th day was the Old Testament 
Holy Day or Sabbath. Joshua ordered his people to march around Jericho 7 
days with 7 priests, and 7 times on the 7th day. 7 is also significant in 
the natural creation. The musical scale has 7 full notes. Pure light is 
broken into 7 colors by a prism or rainbow. Jesus Christ received 7 wounds 
on his body.

Furthermore, in connection with the number 666, It's interesting to 
consider that the jewish cabalistic magic square (those square 
mathematical puzzles which when added up either horizontally or vertically 
add up to the 

RE: [ZION] How to Become a Gospel Scholar

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I would sincerely like to do this but I fear the time is too short for it.


At 05:10 AM 11/11/2003 +, you wrote:

Here's a paper addressing that topic from John Welch.  He is not a
general authority, but is certainly a gospel scholar with few peers.

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Re: [ZION] Holy Spirit of Promise

2003-11-11 Thread R. Kent Francis
Kent gives it as his opinion:

The HSofP is the Holy Ghost.  He seals/ratifies ordinances.
Calling and Election Made Sure is to have diety tell you that it is so.  It 
comes after testing to prove that you will never aposticise.  It allows you 
to receive the 2nd comforter (personal visits from Christ) and receive the 
2nd annointing ordinance.  See TPJS pg 150

John W. Redelfs wrote:
Is having ones Calling and Election Made Sure and being sealed by the 
Holy Spirit of Promise the same thing? --JWR


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Re: [ZION] Sons of perdition

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
This I have read, but what about the broad way which we are told will be 
followed by many?


At 03:52 PM 11/08/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I have some quotes here, which will show that one must do more than
receive the Holy Ghost and reject it to become a candidate for perdition.
You will see that one must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens
opened up, know God, and then totally and completely rebel.

Mormon Doctrine tells us about sons of perdition:

divine standards of personal righteousness constitutes disobedience. All
men are either obedient or disobedient; they either keep the commandments
or fail to do so; either neglect or refusal to conform to gospel
standards classifies a person as a rebel.
Disobedience is of the devil, "That wicked one cometh and taketh away
light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and
because of the traditions of their fathers." ("D&C 93:39) By disobedience
men gain membership in the kingdom of the devil, as he operates it on
earth, in the spirit world, and among the resurrected rebels of eternity.
The most violent and destructive of all disobedience is the complete and
open rebellion against light and truth which makes a person a son of
perdition. Those who love darkness rather than light, their deeds being
evil, "receive their wages of whom they list to obey." ("D&C 29:45
in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, we read:

In LDS scripture Lucifer and cain are called Perdition, meaning
"destruction" ("D&C 76:; "moses 5:Moses 4:1-4) and mortals who commit the
unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost will inherit the same condition
as Lucifer and Cain, and thus are called "sons of perdition."
1391Perdition is both a place and a spiritual condition. As a place, it
is synonymous with that hell to which both unembodied and resurrected
sons of perdition will be consigned following the last judgment (" Ne.
28:23; "D&C 29:38; TPJS, p. 361). This future kingdom of the devil will
be devoid of any of the Spirit and glory of God. ("D&C 88:24).
Sons of perdition are not merely wicked; they are incorrigibly evil. In
sinning against the revelations of the Holy Ghost, they have sinned
against the greater light and knowledge of God. They willfully and
utterly pervert principles of righteousness and truth with which they
were once endowed, and transform them into principles of evil and
deception. Joseph Smith declared, "You cannot save such persons; you
cannot bring them to repentance" (TPJS, p. 358). No divine principle can
cleanse the sons of perdition; following the last judgment, they will
remain "filthy still" ("D&C 29:44D&C 29:44;"D&C 88:35 88:35). It is
revealed that "it had been better for them never to have been born" ("D&C
76:32D&C 76:32).

Unpardonable Sin
1499The gravest of all sins is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. One may
speak even against Jesus Christ in ignorance and, upon repentance, be
forgiven, but knowingly to sin against the Holy Ghost by denying its
influence after having received it is unpardonable ("matt. 12:31"matt.
12:32Matt. 12:31-32; "jacob 7:19Jacob 7:19; "alma 39:6Alma 39:6), and the
consequences are inescapable. Such denial dooms the perpetrator to the
hell of the second spiritual death (TPJS, p. 361). This extreme judgment
comes because the person sins knowingly against the light, thereby
severing himself from the redeeming grace of Christ. He is numbered with
the sons of perdition ("D&C 76:43D&C 76:43).
1499The Prophet Joseph Smith explained, "No man can commit the
unpardonable sin after the dissolution of the body, nor in this life,
until he receives the Holy Ghost" (TPJS, p. 357). To commit the
unpardonable sin, a person "must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens
opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against Him. After a man has
sinned against the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him…. he has
got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened to him, and to
deny the Plan of Salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it" (TPJS,
p. 358; cf. "heb. 10:26"heb. 10:27"heb. 10:28"heb. 10:29Heb. 10:26-29).

Ultimate and total damnation comes only to the devil and his angels, who
rebelled in the first estate, and to the sons of perdition, who are
damned eternally and denied entrance into any kingdom of glory hereafter
("D&C 76:32). The sons of perdition are those guilty of unpardonable sin
against the Holy Ghost ("D&C 132:27); cf. "mark 3:29), which includes the
willful denial of the "Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified
him unto themselves and put him to an open shame" ("D&C 76:35).

All except the sons of perdition will eventually accept Christ and obey
him, and thereby escape the dominion of Satan ("D&C 76:110). Thus is the
Father's plan of agency fulfilled.
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Re: [ZION] Elder Nelson on Unconditional Love

2003-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
He could have been enlightened on that at the later date.


At 05:14 PM 11/04/2003 -0900, you wrote:

Apparently Elder Nelson himself has spoken of God's "unconditional love" 
in General Conference.  Heh, heh.  I wonder if he was aware of that when 
he wrote his article for the February 2003 ENSIGN.

"Godliness characterizes each of you who truly loves the Lord. You are 
constantly mindful of the Savior's atonement and rejoice in His 
unconditional love." (Nelson, Russell M. General Conference, October 1991)

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The study of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve
behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
behavior."  --Boyd K. Packer
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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[ZION] Holy Spirit of Promise

2003-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
Is having ones Calling and Election Made Sure and being sealed by the Holy 
Spirit of Promise the same thing? --JWR

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[ZION] Gun Control Impossible in the USA

2003-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
All the talk of gun control is really quite besides the point.  The fact 
is, the government in the United States couldn't control the guns even if 
it could pass the legislation.  They can't even control the drugs.  This 
country is completely out of control, and until there is widespread 
national repentance things will only get worse.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Thrift!

2003-11-11 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz wrote:

I'm wondering if I've finally reached the point where I need to junk the car.

Grampa Bill comments:
   I'm reminded of the saying. "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich? 
And I ain't rich! Nevertheless, siince you asked, I'm also reminded of 
something I once read about cars... Divide the car into three 
assemblies, the engine, the drive train, and the body. As long as two 
out of those three are good-to-go, then just fix up the other one. When 
it gets where two or all three are bad, dump it!
   Sounded like pretty good advice.
Love y'all
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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RE: [ZION] Thrift!

2003-11-11 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
Gerald a Smith wrote:

> My car is a 1995 Saturn. I bought it almost 2 years ago for $1500, with
> 200K miles on it. It now has $240K miles on it and still running great. 
> I think my next car might be a Saturn, also.

I may have a question for you, then. 

I've got a '95 Saturn also, an SL1, that's at 215,000+ miles.  But there 
are several problems with the car that have accumulated over the last 
few months, the most serious of which seems to be the transmission.  
Currently it drives and shifts OK, but I'm hearing the beginning of 
banging and grinding noises, especially on the lower gears.  And then 
besides all this, it overheats when the A/C is on (hopefully just a 
thermostat issue), it needs new tires, I'm told it needs an alignment, 
it leaks or burns oil at the rate of 2-3 quarts every 3,000 miles, and 
I'm beginning to think I may need a new battery.  But even with all 
this, the car seems at the moment to be drivable.  

That said:  I'm thinking I might be able to put $500-700 into the car 
and get everything taken care of except for the transmission.  But I 
fear the transmission is a whole different animal...wouldn't that be 
hundreds of dollars just for someone to look at it...?  So I'm wondering 
if I've finally reached the point where I need to junk the car.  Melinda 
leans in that direction...I guess I do also, but we're not in a 
position, quite honestly, to buy a used car, much less a new one.  It's 
a bit of a dilemma.  :-o  /Sandy/ 

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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Re: [ZION] Signs Yet to Come

2003-11-11 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 07:11 PM 11/10/2003, JWR wrote:

19. No man can buy or sell without the mark of the beast
Just what is the "mark of the beast?" Is it an actual physical bio-chip, as 
most fundamental Baptists or Christian fundamentalists believe? Or does it 
mean something else.

Below are my thoughts, in an essay I once wrote upon the subject:

By: Steven Montgomery

One of the overarching themes of the Book of Revelation deals with the 
victory that Jesus Christ and the righteous have over Satan, Babylon and 
mankind's twin nemesis, both Spiritual and Physical Death. The righteous, 
we are informed by Revelation 15:2 are those who gain victory over the 
"Beast" and thus qualify to live on this earth in its Celestial Glory.

It's interesting to note that those who accept Christ and overcome Satan 
are sealed up unto eternal life by having Christ's name written on their 
foreheads (see Rev. 7:3 and 22:4). Under the law of Moses the Israelites 
were commanded to wear phylacteries on their hands or frontlets upon their 
foreheads which were little boxes that contained certain scriptures written 
inside them as a "sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial 
between thine eyes, that the Lord's law may be in thy mouth" or in other 
words that the righteous were to treasure up the words of Christ in their 
heart and soul and to physically bind these items on their hands or 
foreheads as a sign of this fact (see Exodus 13:9,16; Deut. 6:8; 11:18).

Satan, as the great counterfeiter, also "seals" his followers with a mark 
in their hand or forehead. But what is this mark and what does it 
represent? Is it an actual physical mark or merely symbolic? What 
characterizes those who have the mark?

As a result of the fall of Adam and without the atonement of Jesus Christ, 
man is carnal sensual and devilish. Thus Satan causes "ALL, both small and 
great, rich and poor, free and bond" to receive his mark "in their right 
hand or in their forehead. Since this is a "mark" which affects all mankind 
it clearly cannot be an actual physical one. It is symbolic. Thus It 
represents man in his mortal state and without the atonement of Jesus 
Christ, who truly cannot "buy or sell" without the mark of Satan (see Rev. 
13:16-18; 14:1, 9-11; 17:5).

It is also significant to note in Rev. 14:9-11, that those who thus follow 
Satan and receive his mark on their forehead or hand, suffer the "wrath of 
God", are "tormented with fire and brimstone", and the "smoke of their 
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever"--quite a punishment just for 
accepting a "mark" for food, as the christian fundamentalists believe, 
especially if one did so without knowledge or innocently! Reading these 
scriptures in context just doesn't bear this viewpoint up. It should be 
obvious that the "punishment" mentioned here is the "hell" that all of 
Satan's followers receive after the last judgment.

Also of note is the mention in Rev. 17:5 that spiritual Babylon will have 
ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" written on her forehead. Do the Christian 
fundamentalists really believe that there will be a great Babylon arise up 
with these literal words on her forehead?

Well, what about the number of the beasts name, 666? Consistent with Moses 
6:63, which states that "all things are created and made to bear record of" 
Christ, or in some manner testifying of the gospel plan, the number 6 to 
the Jews represented Man under sin. For example man was created on the 6th 
day. Cain's descendants are listed to the 6th generation. There are 66 
generations listed from King David to Joseph. The "Man of Sin" or Satan is 
represented by the number 666. The 6th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the 
letter "vav" which is the sign of the nail. Symbolically, the numeral "6" 
when written or printed, appears to signify a coiled snake--ready to strike.

The number 7, on the other hand, represented God's seal, often called the 
perfect number by the ancients. For example, god sanctified the 7th day and 
blessed it. The week has 7 days. The 7th day was the Old Testament Holy Day 
or Sabbath. Joshua ordered his people to march around Jericho 7 days with 7 
priests, and 7 times on the 7th day. 7 is also significant in the natural 
creation. The musical scale has 7 full notes. Pure light is broken into 7 
colors by a prism or rainbow. Jesus Christ received 7 wounds on his body.

Furthermore, in connection with the number 666, It's interesting to 
consider that the jewish cabalistic magic square (those square mathematical 
puzzles which when added up either horizontally or vertically add up to the 
same number) of the sun (or Son!) when totaled adds up to 666. Additionally 
when the 12 (symbolic of the twelve disciples) diagonal squares (the letter 
x or sign of Christ) are added they each total 111 which when both are 
added to 666 become 888, the gematria value of Jesus. In ad

Re: [ZION] Thrift!

2003-11-11 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 03:35 PM 11/10/2003, you wrote:
> Yes, yes, Till once had a bugeye Austin Healy Sprite*.  Absolute fun to
> drive.  The only drawbacks were the long gap between 2nd and 3rd gear, and
> the absence of side windows (had curtains) when it was cold.  Sure miss
> that little blue Frog!
I had a 1953 Healy 100.  It was a "sports car" of sorts, but it had a 4
banger 2800 cc engine and transmission out of a tractor.  You could climb up
the side of a building in first gear, maxing out at 4 MPH.
I bet it couldn't beat my 1953 Willey's Jeep 4 banger I used to own. Once 
in 4-Wheel Drive, I could idle my way up steep hillsides. That old Jeep was 
great fun.

Steven Montgomery
Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter
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[ZION] Signs of Times

2003-11-11 Thread Gerald Smith

I use them to balance out the legs on a wobbly table I have

K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

JWR: How do these signs of the times help you?

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Re: [ZION] Hai karate?

2003-11-11 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Cousin Bill wrote:
(B>My kids do kendo, bamboo-sword fighting.  But it would be pretty
(B>useless unless you had a bamboo sword with you when you needed to
(B>defend yourself.
(BGrampa Bill comments:
(BAnd Cousin Bill himself was once Amateur Sumo Champion of Mizusawa.
(BSadly, as his body grows toward traditional Sumo proportion, he has retired.
(BLove y'all,
(BGrampa Bill in Savannah
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Re: [ZION] Hai karate?

2003-11-11 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Stephen Beecroft wrote:

So my question is: Does anyone on this list do martial arts-type stuff?  
Any ninjas, or karate kids, or judo choppers, or boxers, or Muay Thai 

Grampa Bill comments:
   Never had anything to do with any of the martial arts. If I recall 
correctly, however, from Cousin Bill's wedding, his bride's family has a 
Samurai ancestry as indicated from some of the emblems worn on the kimonos.
Bill's ancestry on the other hand only killed:

   * Yankees during the War of Northern Agression;
   * Brits during the American Revolution;
   * Indians during various Indian Wars;
   * Frenchmen during the Hundred Years War;
   * Blackamoors during Medieval Spain;
   * Assorted Muslims during the Crusades
   * Both Saxons and Normans during the Conquest of England;
   * Assorted Germanic Tribesmen who defied Charlmagne.
   * and other miscellaneous villains in conlicts too numerous to mention.
Other than that, we come from a long peaceful lineage. Yep, a 
peace-loving bunch we are.
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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Re: [ZION] This is Me

2003-11-11 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Jim offered:
   This is the perfect gift for rendezvous black-powder re-enactment 
enthusiasts. Made in Canada.
Grampa Bill comments:
   Not sure I'd want to wear anything that looked like that around a 
bunch of boozed up northern rednecks carrying guns..
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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