[android-developers] How to set map view marker text

2009-08-18 Thread Sasi Kumar

I want to set text for map view marker.

when I'm clicking my marker. It should display some image.

pls update my code and send to me.

This is my code:-

package pack.flight;

import java.util.List;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams;
import com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint;
import com.google.android.maps.MapActivity;
import com.google.android.maps.MapController;
import com.google.android.maps.MapView;
import com.google.android.maps.Overlay;
import com.google.android.maps.OverlayItem;

public class GoogleMapView extends MapActivity {

MapView mapView;
MapController mapController;
GeoPoint gp;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
System.out.println(inside oncreate);

mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView);
LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById
View zoomView = mapView.getZoomControls();
linearLayout.addView(zoomView,new LinearLayout.LayoutParams

mapController = mapView.getController();
System.out.println(inside oncreate1);
double lat = 0;
double log = 0;
int i = 0;

//coordinates[] = {1.352566007,103.78921587};
lat = 1.352566007;//Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]);
log = 103.78921587;//Double.parseDouble(coordinates
lat = 1.352566120;//Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]);
log = 103.78921687;//Double.parseDouble(coordinates
//gp = new GeoPoint((int) (lat * 1E6),(int)(log * 1E6));
gp = new GeoPoint(1924,-9912);
ListOverlay mapOverlays;
Drawable drawable;
HelloItemized itemizedOverlay;
mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();

drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pin);
itemizedOverlay = new HelloItemized(drawable);
/*OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(gp, , );
GeoPoint point2 = new GeoPoint(3541, 13946);
OverlayItem overlayitem2 = new OverlayItem(point2, , );


GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(1924,-9912);
OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point,
GeoPoint point2 = new GeoPoint(19241234,-12345678);//
(3541, 13946);
OverlayItem overlayitem2 = new OverlayItem(point2, ,);


   /* MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay();
ListOverlay listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
listOfOverlays.add(mapOverlay); */


class MapOverlay extends Overlay{

public boolean draw(Canvas canvas,MapView mapview,boolean 
long when){
System.out.println(inside draw method);
super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);
Point screenPoint = new Point();
System.out.println(x= +screenPoint.x);
System.out.println(Y= +screenPoint.y);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, screenPoint.x,screenPoint.y-48, 

return true;

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode,KeyEvent event){
//mapController = mapView.getController();
   case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1 :
   case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3 :
return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;


thanks in advance
You received this 

[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Sasi Kumar

use like this intent

Intent intent = new Intent(this,GoogleMapView.class);
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

On Aug 18, 10:03 am, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I tried to create service by following code but in logcat i got
 following error  Unable to start service intent The following is
 my manifest.xml file.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
     application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
         activity android:name=.ServiceExample
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
     service android:name=.service.MyService



     uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/

 I am calling service by folllowing code from the activity.

     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         Intent serviceIntent = new Intent();


         catch(Exception e)
                 Toast.makeText(this, excepiton+e.toString(),


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[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Sasi Kumar

use like this intent

Intent intent = new Intent(this,GoogleMapView.class);
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

On Aug 18, 10:03 am, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I tried to create service by following code but in logcat i got
 following error  Unable to start service intent The following is
 my manifest.xml file.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
     application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
         activity android:name=.ServiceExample
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
     service android:name=.service.MyService



     uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/

 I am calling service by folllowing code from the activity.

     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         Intent serviceIntent = new Intent();


         catch(Exception e)
                 Toast.makeText(this, excepiton+e.toString(),


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[android-developers] Re: Create File into Android emulator ??

2009-08-18 Thread Dany BREARD

I just want to save my byte[]
into a .vaw audio file. on android emulator.

i'm going to try everything

Thanks everyone

see you

On Aug 17, 12:02 pm, TomTasche tomtas...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you want to create a file on your device (or emulator), you have to
 change the path.

 try this:

 File oText = new File(/sdcard, File);

 instead of:

 File oText = new File(C:/Documents and Settings/.../workspace/
 SocketInterface, File);

 P.S.: If you only want to write text into a file, your code is very
 FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(/sdcard/text.txt); //
 catch exception...
 BufferedWriter buffWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer);

 buffWriter.write(android rocks);
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[android-developers] media player exception

2009-08-18 Thread rizwan


I m trying to run a simple media player activity ..

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

try {

  * TODO: Set the path variable to a local media
file path.
mPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.surface);
holder = mPreview.getHolder();

// Create a new media player and set the listeners
mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.lucky);

} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, error:  + e.getMessage(), e);


public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer arg0, int percent) {
Log.d(TAG, onBufferingUpdate percent: + percent);


public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, onCompletion called);

public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaplayer) {
Log.d(TAG, onPrepared called);
mVideoWidth = mMediaPlayer.getVideoWidth();
mVideoHeight = mMediaPlayer.getVideoHeight();
if (mVideoWidth != 0  mVideoHeight != 0) {
  holder.setFixedSize(mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight);

but my application is crashing . my raw resource file is just 443 KB
in size and it's in WMV  here is stack trace
I/ActivityManager(  567): Starting activity: Intent
{ action=android.intent.acti
on.MAIN categories={android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x1020
lo.Android/Hello.Android.HellAndroid} }
I/ActivityManager(  567): Start proc Hello.Android for activity
ellAndroid: pid=731 uid=10019 gids={3003}
D/AudioSink(  542): bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12
I/DEBUG   (  539): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *
I/DEBUG   (  539): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic/:1.5/
I/DEBUG   (  539): pid: 731, tid: 731   Hello.Android 
I/DEBUG   (  539): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 000c
I/DEBUG   (  539):  r0 bed344fc  r1 0001  r2 a770  r3 
I/DEBUG   (  539):  r4 000c  r5 bed344f8  r6 bed344c8  r7 bed34498
I/DEBUG   (  539):  r8 bed34550  r9 41049d2c  10 41049d18  fp 
I/DEBUG   (  539):  ip a9d46ce8  sp bed34488  lr a9d2635b  pc
ab222ba2  cpsr 800
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #00  pc 00022ba2  /system/lib/libmedia.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #01  pc 0001ffcc  /system/lib/libmedia.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #02  pc 3f40  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #03  pc e3b4  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #04  pc 00040a8a  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #05  pc 00013118  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #06  pc 00017b1c  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #07  pc 00017560  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #08  pc 00052268  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #09  pc 000596ee  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #10  pc 00013118  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #11  pc 00017b1c  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #12  pc 00017560  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #13  pc 000520ec  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #14  pc 0003f0f8  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #15  pc 00031ac2  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #16  pc 00028280  /system/lib/
I/jdwp(  731): received file descriptor 24 from ADB
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #17  pc 00028d7e  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #18  pc 8bf2  /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #19  pc 0001fd1a  /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #20  pc bcb2  /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG   (  539):  #21  pc b000157e  /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG   (  539): stack:
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34448  
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed3444c  0019231c  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34450  0019231c  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34454  a9d32a6b  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34458  00191678  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed3445c  a780  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34460  bed3447c  [stack]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34464  000c
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34468  a770  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed3446c  a9d2635b  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34470  bed34498  [stack]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34474  bed344fc  [stack]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34478  bed344f8  [stack]
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed3447c  a9d274b3  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  539): bed34480  df002777
I/DEBUG   (  539): 

[android-developers] Re: TabActivity - Refreshing problems

2009-08-18 Thread Eurig Jones

I managed to get around this problem, but I think this might be a bug.

to refresh the text within the tab, I had to fetch the TextView widget
for the actual tab, and invalidate that...

RelativeLayout vg = (RelativeLayout)getTabWidget().getChildAt(0);
if (vg != null)
TextView v = (TextView) vg.getChildAt(1);

if (v != null)

This worked. BUT I shouldn't have to fetch this TextView should I?, I
should be able to invalidate and refresh my tags at a higher level? Is
this a bug or am I missing something?

Eurig Jones

On Aug 18, 3:52 pm, Eurig Jones eurigjo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a TabActivity based class which has 3 tabs. All are
 ListActivities (but that's not important for this problem)

 I'm updating the TabHost's TabSpec's to change the text on the tabs.
 This works fine and the ListActivities display correctly.

 Iater on the execution flow I need to update the Text on the tabs from
 Current Text to Current Text (3), for example. I update the
 TabSpec.setIndicator() with the new text, and attempt to call
 invalidate() on the TabWidget (and all it's children). But the tab
 text refuses to update!!

 Where am I going wrong here?

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[android-developers] Re: Cant create tabbed activity.

2009-08-18 Thread dmtrl...@gmail.com

 Tried to make this example on another PC - same problem (example not
works). Is it means that something changed for creating tabs and not
yet documented ?
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[android-developers] Source not found Error

2009-08-18 Thread Ravisanjkar S
 How do i can solve the problem of Source not found Error.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot

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[android-developers] how to set layout .xml file to a new Activity ?

2009-08-18 Thread Barry Wei

i created a new Activity. and created a new layout file under res/
layout .
after this,i also want to add a options menu file under res/menu.

but how could i bind all these layout file with this Activity ?

i can't find any info in manifest file. or i missed it?


thinks a lot.

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[android-developers] Curved graphics in OpenGL ES

2009-08-18 Thread String

I was disappointed to discover that OpenGL ES, the flavor of OpenGL
implemented in Adroid, doesn't appear to support the usual techniques
for drawing graphics involving curves. I'd be happy with either
OpenGL's low-level Bezier evaluators, or the more advanced NURBS
approach, but AFAICS neither is supported - only straight-line
graphics are possible.

Does anyone know, am I missing something basic here? Is there a way to
generate curves of any sort in Android's OpenGL implementation? I am
still fairly new to Android development, so that's certainly possible.

Note that I'm not talking about functions related to Canvas - I know
about drawOval, for example - but I specifically need 3D.


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[android-developers] Re: how to set layout .xml file to a new Activity ?

2009-08-18 Thread String

On Aug 18, 6:27 am, Barry Wei barat...@gmail.com wrote:

 i created a new Activity. and created a new layout file under res/
 layout .

 but how could i bind all these layout file with this Activity ?

I've always just done it in my activity's onCreate handler with a call
to setContentView(R.layout.whatever). There's a very simple example in
Hello World:

Menus are another topic, but again there's a good guide in the docs:

Good luck,


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[android-developers] Re: how to set layout .xml file to a new Activity ?

2009-08-18 Thread Barry Wei

yeah,thanks for that.
i really did it via onCreate and onCreateOptionsMenu ,and they both
work fine.

On Aug 18, 4:07 pm, String sterling.ud...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On Aug 18, 6:27 am, Barry Wei barat...@gmail.com wrote:

  i created a new Activity. and created a new layout file under res/
  layout .
  but how could i bind all these layout file with this Activity ?

 I've always just done it in my activity's onCreate handler with a call
 to setContentView(R.layout.whatever). There's a very simple example in

 Menus are another topic, but again there's a good guide in the 

 Good luck,

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[android-developers] Location Listener problem

2009-08-18 Thread petunio


I am having some problems with the LocationListener class...
I use it to get my location, and it works fine, but the problem is
that is called too often, freezing the application...

the following code is (in theory, if I understood it right) to request
the location update every 5 minutes, or when I move 10 km, but it is
being called too often
What am I doing wrong?
is there any way to stop the location update to be called after I
receive the first one?

static LocationManager lm;
static LocationListener locationListener;

lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
locationListener = new MyLocationListener();
50,//5 )minutes
1,//10 km


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[android-developers] code to display an Emulator Image with its name

2009-08-18 Thread Ravisankar

I need a code to display an Emulator Image with its name 
while clicking the Image or its Text it should open another View.
Please me for this code.
Thanks and Regards,
Ravisankar S
988 477 9432
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[android-developers] Screen color depth supported by Android 1.5/Galaxy

2009-08-18 Thread fexpop


there's a discussion going on about the color depth on the Samsung

While it is advertised as having a 16 Million color display (24bpp) it
is only running at 16bpp:

$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/bits_per_pixel

Some say that it is a restriction of Android 1.5 itself which was only
capable of supporting up to 16bpp screens. Android would be down
sampling to 16bpp whatever the screen supports.

I've searched the available documentation over and over and can't find
anything like that.

As I see it Android 1.5 would indeed be capable of displaying 24bpp
images properly given that the screen is capable of and configured to
do so.

Can anyone give an authoritative answer, please?

Kind regards, Felix

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[android-developers] setSoftInputMode() and addFlags()

2009-08-18 Thread loctarar


I've noticed some incompatibility between these two functions.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Enabling the fullscreen flag seems to disable the soft input adjust
mode. I looked through the source code of the two functions but I
coulnd't find anything that might cause this.

Any suggestions?
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[android-developers] email application

2009-08-18 Thread SrilankanKK

Hi all,

 I'm try to send an email with multiple image attachments.I'm trying
to develop an application which has a button and when i click the
button mail has to be sent with image attachments.

email address is hard coded. If any way to do this plz post me a

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[android-developers] Re: Change Localization in your application on the fly

2009-08-18 Thread Strauch

You can do that with the setContentView Method because the UI elements
in that specific contentView call will be reinitialized YOu call
that after changing the locale of your app..

Hopefully that helps. But there is still that bug that not everything
is updated but I'm working on that. By now I came up with a solution
for updating the theme dynamicly and that seems to work correctly, I
try to port that for the locale as well.

On 11 Aug., 22:30, Lucas roll...@gmail.com wrote:

 How are you doing to change locale in runtime?



 On Aug 5, 9:55 am,Strauchjohannes.h.ge...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi out there,

  I got a problem, after the localization feauture nearly works out of
  the box I want to change the language dynamicly through a menu or
  something. The change works, but the UI elements are not correctly
  updated. Even the UI elements in a sub activity aren't. SO how can I
  either restart the complete application automaticaly (after that  the
  UI would be displayed correctly!) or update the whole application
  including all activities?

  As I read the onConfigurationChanged() method could help me out, but
  even that doesn't work, Isetthelocaleevent in the manifest but it
  is not even called (As tested with a Log.v output)...

  Any ideas?

  Thanks for your help, hopefully we can manage that- Zitierten Text 
  ausblenden -

 - Zitierten Text anzeigen -
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[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Mark Murphy

Honest wrote:
 I tried to create service by following code but in logcat i got
 following error  Unable to start service intent The following is
 my manifest.xml file.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
 application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
 activity android:name=.ServiceExample
 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 service android:name=.service.MyService
 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/

Is your service named com.saltriver.service.service.MyService?

You might try spelling out the full java package on your service
element to see if it clears up your problem.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year

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[android-developers] Re: Set bearing in MapView (rotate MapView)

2009-08-18 Thread Anton Pirker

Hello again!

Has really no one a pointer to information on how to rotate a mapview
in sdk1.5?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

On Aug 14, 12:25 pm, Anton Pirker an...@ignaz.at wrote:
 Hello List!

 I am trying to implement amapthat rotates with the bearing i get
 from the built in compass of the htc magic.
 I have searched the web but found no good solution. Some are outdated
 (ex override onDraw() in MapView) or just not working for me (because
 the zoom controls or marker are also rotated.

 What i want to have:

 Amapthat rotates with the user, so if the user looks north, on hismapnorth is 
 up, if he looks west, on hismapwest is up.
 The zoom Controls should be always on the same spot.
 If i point marker images on themapthey should there position should
 be moved with the rotation but the image it self should not be

 Is there someone in here who has a point by point explanation, or even
 some sample code on how to achieve this?
 Or maybe is there a new version of MapView where i just can call a
 setBearing() or something? (Because i think a _lot_ of people want to
 do exactly this.)

 Thanks in advance,
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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity - Refreshing problems

2009-08-18 Thread Mark Murphy

Eurig Jones wrote:
 I managed to get around this problem, but I think this might be a bug.
 to refresh the text within the tab, I had to fetch the TextView widget
 for the actual tab, and invalidate that...
 RelativeLayout vg = (RelativeLayout)getTabWidget().getChildAt(0);
 if (vg != null)
   TextView v = (TextView) vg.getChildAt(1);
   if (v != null)
 This worked. BUT I shouldn't have to fetch this TextView should I?

With the current implementation of tabs, yes, you need to fetch it. This
does mean that your application may break in future editions of Android.

If you are going to stick with this, I would suggest replacing
RelativeLayout with ViewGroup in your above code snippet -- you are not
using the RelativeLayout capabilities, and using ViewGroup isolates you
from one set of possible changes that might break your app.

 should be able to invalidate and refresh my tags at a higher level? Is
 this a bug or am I missing something?

You are thinking the built-in Android tab widgets are designed for
developers to change their state at runtime. TabSpec is just a spec,
used one time to create the tabs. After that, there is no public API to
change anything about the tabs (text, icon, etc.).

This is not so much a bug as it is a set of widgets with a modest goal
and implementation.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

Should it be :

service android:name=.MyService
instead of
service android:name=.service.MyService

because the package @name allready includes the service


Mark Murphy wrote:
 Honest wrote:

 I tried to create service by following code but in logcat i got
 following error  Unable to start service intent The following is
 my manifest.xml file.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
 application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
 activity android:name=.ServiceExample
 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 service android:name=.service.MyService



 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/
 Is your service named com.saltriver.service.service.MyService?
 You might try spelling out the full java package on your service
 element to see if it clears up your problem.

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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

I thought that it would be easier to style the first text field
tfield 1 = John says:
tfield 2 = this is what he says

but come to think of it, one field would indeed be easier and probably 


skink wrote:
 On Aug 17, 9:18 pm, Jiri jiriheitla...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am quit new to Android, but as far as I know you could make a custom
 view. Take a linearLayout and add two textfields.
 Something like this.
 LinearLayout where orientation is horizontal.
 | TextView | TextView  |

 Create a custom adapater that extends BaseAdapter and override the
 getView method where this method then returns your custom view and
 populates the fields.
 Set this adapter to be your ListView adapter in the activity.
 ListView sounds ok here but why custom view with two TextViews? you
 can use simple TextView as your ListView rows

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[android-developers] broadcast to start when phone starts.

2009-08-18 Thread Honest

I want to start application when phone starts and want to hide it from
the user so i did in following way. The follinng is broadcast code.

public class yourReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
  //  @Override
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Intent i = new Intent(MyService.);
i.setClass(context, MyService.class);

Log.e(in broadcast, in broadcast);
context.startService(new Intent(context, MyService.class));


I also add following to the xml file.

receiver android:name=.yourReceiver 
action android:name=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED /

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /

But when phone starts it seems nothing is happening. It is nto
invoking that broadcast. Can some one tell me that could be wrong in
it ?
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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity - Refreshing problems

2009-08-18 Thread Eurig Jones

Thanks Mark, that was helpful.

On Aug 18, 8:49 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Eurig Jones wrote:
  I managed to get around this problem, but I think this might be a bug.

  to refresh the text within the tab, I had to fetch the TextView widget
  for the actual tab, and invalidate that...

  RelativeLayout vg = (RelativeLayout)getTabWidget().getChildAt(0);
  if (vg != null)
     TextView v = (TextView) vg.getChildAt(1);

     if (v != null)

  This worked. BUT I shouldn't have to fetch this TextView should I?

 With the current implementation of tabs, yes, you need to fetch it. This
 does mean that your application may break in future editions of Android.

 If you are going to stick with this, I would suggest replacing
 RelativeLayout with ViewGroup in your above code snippet -- you are not
 using the RelativeLayout capabilities, and using ViewGroup isolates you
 from one set of possible changes that might break your app.

  should be able to invalidate and refresh my tags at a higher level? Is
  this a bug or am I missing something?

 You are thinking the built-in Android tab widgets are designed for
 developers to change their state at runtime. TabSpec is just a spec,
 used one time to create the tabs. After that, there is no public API to
 change anything about the tabs (text, icon, etc.).

 This is not so much a bug as it is a set of widgets with a modest goal
 and implementation.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year
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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-18 Thread skink

Jiri wrote:
 I thought that it would be easier to style the first text field
 tfield 1 = John says:
 tfield 2 = this is what he says

 but come to think of it, one field would indeed be easier and probably


 skink wrote:
  On Aug 17, 9:18 pm, Jiri jiriheitla...@googlemail.com wrote:
  I am quit new to Android, but as far as I know you could make a custom
  view. Take a linearLayout and add two textfields.
  Something like this.
  LinearLayout where orientation is horizontal.
  | TextView | TextView  |
  Create a custom adapater that extends BaseAdapter and override the
  getView method where this method then returns your custom view and
  populates the fields.
  Set this adapter to be your ListView adapter in the activity.
  ListView sounds ok here but why custom view with two TextViews? you
  can use simple TextView as your ListView rows
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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-18 Thread skink

Jiri wrote:
 I thought that it would be easier to style the first text field
 tfield 1 = John says:
 tfield 2 = this is what he says

 but come to think of it, one field would indeed be easier and probably


 skink wrote:
  On Aug 17, 9:18 pm, Jiri jiriheitla...@googlemail.com wrote:
  I am quit new to Android, but as far as I know you could make a custom
  view. Take a linearLayout and add two textfields.
  Something like this.
  LinearLayout where orientation is horizontal.
  | TextView | TextView  |
  Create a custom adapater that extends BaseAdapter and override the
  getView method where this method then returns your custom view and
  populates the fields.
  Set this adapter to be your ListView adapter in the activity.
  ListView sounds ok here but why custom view with two TextViews? you
  can use simple TextView as your ListView rows
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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-18 Thread skink

On Aug 18, 12:32 pm, Jiri jiriheitla...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I thought that it would be easier to style the first text field
 tfield 1 = John says:
 tfield 2 = this is what he says

 but come to think of it, one field would indeed be easier and probably


and probably better looking if what John says is a very loong
sentence that spans multiple lines

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[android-developers] Re: chart engine for android

2009-08-18 Thread AlexK


as a developer of aiCharts library I can recommend only it.

General points why you should choose Android chart engine aiCharts
- designed especially for Android;
- reach features set in compare to others (My life with Android Blog:
- live technical support (any requests from your side will be
processed in several minutes)
- great discounts are available now :)

Good Luck

On Aug 17, 5:15 pm, _AM_ james.smith.436...@gmail.com wrote:

 Can anyone suggest good chart engine for Android?!

 I did a small research and found several engines:
 - Java4Less (http://java4less.com/charts/chart.php?info=android)
 - Chart4J (http://code.google.com/p/charts4j/)
 - BlueChart (http://code.google.com/p/bluechart/) is it a port of
 - aChartEngine (http://code.google.com/p/achartengine/)
 - aiCharts (http://www.artfulbits.com/Android/aiCharts.aspx)

 Somebody try them?! Any pros and cons?! Which one is the best for
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[android-developers] TabActivity Customisation

2009-08-18 Thread Eurig Jones

More of a TabWidget question I guess really...

I would've tried to send a screenshot for this query if I could, but
i'll try and explain.

I have 3 Tabs, each showing a seperate Activity. Underneath those tabs
(and above the activity display), I want to display a header. This
header would probably be a Layout of some sort with a TextView inside
it and a background 9patch.

Is this possible, if so how?

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[android-developers] Re: Set bearing in MapView (rotate MapView)

2009-08-18 Thread String

On Aug 18, 12:07 pm, Anton Pirker an...@ignaz.at wrote:

 Has really no one a pointer to information on how to rotate a mapview
 in sdk1.5?

I don't think there's a reasonable way to do it. Someone may jump in
and prove me wrong, but that's my belief. Just because it's a common
request doesn't mean that Google has implemented it.

You could achieve something similar with the v3 Google Maps JavaScript
API in a webview. FWIW, here's an example (not mine) of the JS maps
Note that it has issues; map dragging doesn't rotate along with the
map image.

Also, doesn't the GMaps app for iPhone already do this? That means
Google is probably working on it, and it's only a matter of time until
that feature makes it into the Android app, and (eventually) the SDK.

But for now, I think you're on your own.


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[android-developers] Re: Click on Status bar notification switch to task in current state?

2009-08-18 Thread Gustav Mauer

Marco wrote:
- You may be able to do what you want by having the notification start
- 'dummy' activity, which in turn brings your real activity to the
- front.

Marco, do you maybe please have sample code or something that show how
one can restore a task like that, hopefully keeping the activity stack
intact so that things like the back button behaves as the user would

Rick, yes, I also considered an empty intent, but for me that seems to
miss the point of the ability of the user to click on the
notification. I have built in some code to try to defend the
application against crashes,  but like in your case, sometimes the
activity stack is so messed up that a crash in inevitable.
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[android-developers] Re: broadcast to start when phone starts.

2009-08-18 Thread String

On Aug 18, 12:56 pm, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 But when phone starts it seems nothing is happening. It is nto
 invoking that broadcast. Can some one tell me that could be wrong in
 it ?

How about adding android:enabled=true to the receiver element in
your manifest?

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[android-developers] Re: Create File into Android emulator ??

2009-08-18 Thread Dany BREARD

I just have a question :

Is it possible to when i create my byt[] with :

byte[] decoded = Base64.decode( StringBase64 );


Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

I try to use this constructor:

File m_File = new File(uri)

and after initiate values of my uri to stock wav file,  I launch :

 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, uri);

is it possible to make something like that or is it a  totaly bad way.

My quest is here to find the better way to save and after listen my
File.wav decoded base64.



On Aug 18, 9:08 am, Dany BREARD dany.bre...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just want to save my byte[]
 into a .vaw audio file. on android emulator.

 i'm going to try everything

 Thanks everyone

 see you

 On Aug 17, 12:02 pm, TomTasche tomtas...@gmail.com wrote:

  If you want to create a file on your device (or emulator), you have to
  change the path.

  try this:

  File oText = new File(/sdcard, File);

  instead of:

  File oText = new File(C:/Documents and Settings/.../workspace/
  SocketInterface, File);

  P.S.: If you only want to write text into a file, your code is very
  FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(/sdcard/text.txt); //
  catch exception...
  BufferedWriter buffWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer);

  buffWriter.write(android rocks);
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[android-developers] Re: Set bearing in MapView (rotate MapView)

2009-08-18 Thread Anton Pirker

Hey String!

Thanks for your reply!

String wrote:
 I don't think there's a reasonable way to do it. Someone may jump in
 and prove me wrong, but that's my belief. Just because it's a common
 request doesn't mean that Google has implemented it.

 You could achieve something similar with the v3 Google Maps JavaScript
 API in a webview. FWIW, here's an example (not mine) of the JS maps
 Note that it has issues; map dragging doesn't rotate along with the
 map image.

 Also, doesn't the GMaps app for iPhone already do this? That means
 Google is probably working on it, and it's only a matter of time until
 that feature makes it into the Android app, and (eventually) the SDK.
Exactly that was what i was afraid of. Because i would need this feature 
for the Developer Challenge which has its deadline on Aug 31th.
But what the heck, I will just skip the map rotation and see how i can 
do my app without it.


 But for now, I think you're on your own.



DI(FH) Anton Pirker

ignaz software services
burggasse 123/53
a-1070 wien
tel: +43 699 1234 0 456
skype: antonpirker


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[android-developers] Re: Create File into Android emulator ??

2009-08-18 Thread Dany BREARD

or somethng like that:

byte[] decoded = Base64.decode( StringBase64 );

 ContentValues values1 = new ContentValues();
values1.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.MIME_TYPE, wav);

Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

File  WAV = new File(uri);  // error
FileOutputStream fStream = new FileOutputStream(WAV);

 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, uri);


On Aug 18, 2:56 pm, Dany BREARD dany.bre...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just have a question :

 Is it possible to when i create my byt[] with :

 byte[] decoded = Base64.decode( StringBase64 );


 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

 I try to use this constructor:

 File m_File = new File(uri)

 and after initiate values of my uri to stock wav file,  I launch :

  MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, uri);

 is it possible to make something like that or is it a  totaly bad way.

 My quest is here to find the better way to save and after listen my
 File.wav decoded base64.



 On Aug 18, 9:08 am, Dany BREARD dany.bre...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just want to save my byte[]
  into a .vaw audio file. on android emulator.

  i'm going to try everything

  Thanks everyone

  see you

  On Aug 17, 12:02 pm, TomTasche tomtas...@gmail.com wrote:

   If you want to create a file on your device (or emulator), you have to
   change the path.

   try this:

   File oText = new File(/sdcard, File);

   instead of:

   File oText = new File(C:/Documents and Settings/.../workspace/
   SocketInterface, File);

   P.S.: If you only want to write text into a file, your code is very
   FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(/sdcard/text.txt); //
   catch exception...
   BufferedWriter buffWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer);

   buffWriter.write(android rocks);
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[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask and Exception handling

2009-08-18 Thread Andrei

You can not do any UI activity from background thread
See here examples

On Aug 18, 9:45 am, Atif Gulzar atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 AsyncTask blocks exceptions?

 Please see the below code. My getOffersStatus function catches certain
 exceptions and show them in a AlertDialog. But instead of getting my custom
 exceptions message I get default error dialog The application ... has
 stopped unexpectdly. Please try again.

 Any thoughts ?

 protected ArrayListTJCOffersStatus doInBackground(Void... nothing)
         return tj.getOffersStatus(config, test1234);


 Best Regards,
 Atif Gulzar

 I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ
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[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask and Exception handling

2009-08-18 Thread Atif Gulzar
then how can I handle exceptions.

Best Regards,
Atif Gulzar

I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Andrei gml...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can not do any UI activity from background thread
 See here examples

 On Aug 18, 9:45 am, Atif Gulzar atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  AsyncTask blocks exceptions?
  Please see the below code. My getOffersStatus function catches certain
  exceptions and show them in a AlertDialog. But instead of getting my
  exceptions message I get default error dialog The application ... has
  stopped unexpectdly. Please try again.
  Any thoughts ?
  protected ArrayListTJCOffersStatus doInBackground(Void... nothing)
  return tj.getOffersStatus(config, test1234);
  Best Regards,
  Atif Gulzar
  I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

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[android-developers] Using getContentResolver().notifyChange();

2009-08-18 Thread karthikr

Hi Guys,

I am trying to read an image file and edit it, but after i make the
change how do i notify the change, i used


but still the thumbnail is showing the older image and not thte edited
new image.

What is the process to be followed?

Thanks in advance


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[android-developers] Re: GPS ,accuracy of the GPS receiver

2009-08-18 Thread Lorenz

Thanks guys,
it was an excellent explanation, but don't you know something about
the accuracy of the emulator? why it is little accurate?

On 18 Ago, 02:39, jdesbonnet jdesbon...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, 5 - 10 meters for regular consumer units is the simple answer.
 In reality it varies depending on a few things:

 1. Clear view of sky from all angles. If satellites are visible from
 only one portion of sky then the triangulation does not work so well
 and you get a high dilution of precision (see this article in
 Wikipedia:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilution_of_precision_(GPS)  )
 2. Solution from 4 or more satellites. The more the better. The unit
 can make do with just 3 satellites if it guestimates your altitude:
 but if the guess is wrong you can be off by whatever distance the
 altitude is off. In one case I had my GPS on while in the air, then
 switched it on while on the ground. I was off by several km until the
 unit got a full 3D fix with 4+ satellites.
 3. Reflections of signals off buildings in urban areas causing errors
 in the solution. I think modern units are good at mitigating that

 The reply below mentions deliberate error. Yes, that did exist once.
 It was called SA  (Selective Availability). Deliberate errors were
 introduced into the clock signals and orbital parameters which ensured
 an uncertainty of approx +/- 100m for civilian units. President Bill
 Clinton ordered it switched off permanently in 2000.  I caught the
 moment in this graph:http://www.wombat.ie/gps/index.shtml
 (Ironically SA was temporarily switched *off* in 1990 during Gulf War
 I, because the military did not have enough military units).

 Timing is mentioned in the post below. GPS is excellent for getting
 good time (+/- 1 microsecond of UTC is easily achievable with cheap
 hardware). Time sync is such an important application of GPS that even
 during the SA era, one satellite (# 13 if memory serves me correctly)
 was guaranteed to have accurate timing signals at all times.


 On Aug 17, 3:32 pm, _AM_ james.smith.436...@gmail.com wrote:


  5-10 miters is accuracy of GPS. Do not expect too much...

  According to conspiracy theory this is done specially by USA
  military :) they each day set new deltas into GPS system to prevent it
  use for rockets navigation by other countries...

  In reality I think GPS internal timing  is not very good for making
  more accurate positioning.

  On Aug 16, 5:38 pm,Lorenzlorenzoteod...@gmail.com wrote:

   How much accurate are the coordinates received by the GPS antenna in
   the reality?I'm using the emulator but it doesn't work well with
   coordinates too much close...is there nobody that have tested an
   application based on the package Location in a real device(I don't
   have a real one yet..) and knows how to answer me?..

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity Customisation

2009-08-18 Thread Eurig Jones

Ok. Solved it.

ViewGroup header = (ViewGroup) View.inflate(this, R.layout.header,
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) getTabHost().getChildAt(0);
layout.addView(header, 1);

Fetch the TabHost and insert the addition layout in between the Tabs
and display.

On Aug 18, 10:32 pm, Eurig Jones eurigjo...@gmail.com wrote:
 More of a TabWidget question I guess really...

 I would've tried to send a screenshot for this query if I could, but
 i'll try and explain.

 I have 3 Tabs, each showing a seperate Activity. Underneath those tabs
 (and above the activity display), I want to display a header. This
 header would probably be a Layout of some sort with a TextView inside
 it and a background 9patch.

 Is this possible, if so how?

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[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask and Exception handling

2009-08-18 Thread Streets Of Boston

Add an instance-variable to your own AsyncTask subclass that will hold
the result of your background processing. When you get an exception,
store the exception (or some other error-string/code) in this

When onPostExecute is called, see if this instance-variable is set to
some error. If so, show an error message.

On Aug 18, 10:02 am, Atif Gulzar atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
 then how can I handle exceptions.

 Best Regards,
 Atif Gulzar

 I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Andrei gml...@gmail.com wrote:

  You can not do any UI activity from background thread
  See here examples

  On Aug 18, 9:45 am, Atif Gulzar atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,

   AsyncTask blocks exceptions?

   Please see the below code. My getOffersStatus function catches certain
   exceptions and show them in a AlertDialog. But instead of getting my
   exceptions message I get default error dialog The application ... has
   stopped unexpectdly. Please try again.

   Any thoughts ?

   protected ArrayListTJCOffersStatus doInBackground(Void... nothing)
           return tj.getOffersStatus(config, test1234);


   Best Regards,
   Atif Gulzar

   I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[android-developers] Re: Curved graphics in OpenGL ES

2009-08-18 Thread Streets Of Boston

I fear the best one can do, is using textures...

On Aug 18, 4:02 am, String sterling.ud...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I was disappointed to discover that OpenGL ES, the flavor of OpenGL
 implemented in Adroid, doesn't appear to support the usual techniques
 for drawing graphics involving curves. I'd be happy with either
 OpenGL's low-level Bezier evaluators, or the more advanced NURBS
 approach, but AFAICS neither is supported - only straight-line
 graphics are possible.

 Does anyone know, am I missing something basic here? Is there a way to
 generate curves of any sort in Android's OpenGL implementation? I am
 still fairly new to Android development, so that's certainly possible.

 Note that I'm not talking about functions related to Canvas - I know
 about drawOval, for example - but I specifically need 3D.


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[android-developers] Re: Create File into Android emulator ??

2009-08-18 Thread Dany BREARD

Ok, so I started to make the following code but I can't find
the ?? line adapted for wav file

What are you thninking about my started code to save my wav file on a
database :

  byte[] decoded = Base64.decode( tabMsg[0].getMsgBase64() );

  ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
  values.put(Media.DISPLAY_NAME, Voicemail1);
  values.put(Media.MIME_TYPE, Audio/wav);

  Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

   File m_wav = new File(uri.getEncodedPath(), voicemail1.wav);

 OutputStream outStream = getContentResolver().openOutputStream
 m_wav.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50,
   catch (Exception e)
Log.e(TAG, Exception while writing audio, e);

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[android-developers] Re: Create File into Android emulator ??

2009-08-18 Thread Dany BREARD

Ok, so I started to make the following code but I can't find
the ?? line adapted for wav file

What are you thninking about my started code to save my wav file on a
database :

  byte[] decoded = Base64.decode( tabMsg[0].getMsgBase64() );

  ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
  values.put(Media.DISPLAY_NAME, Voicemail1);
  values.put(Media.MIME_TYPE, Audio/wav);

  Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

   File m_wav = new File(uri.getEncodedPath(), voicemail1.wav);

 OutputStream outStream = getContentResolver().openOutputStream
 m_wav.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50,
   catch (Exception e)
Log.e(TAG, Exception while writing audio, e);

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[android-developers] Re: glQueryMatrixxOES missing from Qualcomm driver?

2009-08-18 Thread Streets Of Boston

If you are trying to get the current model or project matrix, use/copy
the MatrixGrabber and MatrixTrackingGL classes (from the API Demoes).

On Aug 17, 11:59 pm, ceder ceder...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have stumbled onto the problem of the function glQueryMatrixxOES
 being absent from GL10Ext when the Qualcomm hardware opengl es driver
 is loaded. It is absent from the list of extensions when I query the

 When Android gives me a software renderer, the extension is available
 and everything is as described in the documentation.

 This is a pretty serious omission.

 Is there a prescribed workaround?


 Here's the code I am using:


 ByteBuffer bb1 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16*4);
 mantissa = bb1.asIntBuffer();

 ByteBuffer bb2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16*4);
 exponent = bb2.asIntBuffer();

 GL10Ext glx;
 if (gl instanceof GL10Ext)
     glx = (GL10Ext)gl;

     glx.glQueryMatrixxOES(mantissa, exponent);

     for( n=0; n16; n++ ) {
         double p = Math.pow( 2.f, exponent.get(n));
         int p2 = (int)(mantissa.get(n) * p);
         tx.matrix.put( n, p2);
     tx.matrix.rewind();} else {

     Log.e(Node, We are not getting GL10Ext); // We never get here.


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[android-developers] Re: GPS ,accuracy of the GPS receiver

2009-08-18 Thread String

On Aug 18, 3:27 pm, Lorenz lorenzoteod...@gmail.com wrote:

 it was an excellent explanation, but don't you know something about
 the accuracy of the emulator? why it is little accurate?

The emulator doesn't have a GPS receiver. It simulates one with
whatever values you put into DDMS. I don't know what precision it
reports to apps when you do this, but it's meaningless.

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[android-developers] Re: how to dial voicemail?

2009-08-18 Thread Flying Coder

Thanks Balwinder!

On Aug 17, 12:46 pm, Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA) balwinder.k...@t-
mobile.com wrote:
 I agree, the documentation for the this is not quite appropriate.
 To retrieve the voicemail number you can try


 Balwinder Kaur
 Open Source Development Center
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
 On Aug 16, 11:20 am, Flying Coder av8r.st...@gmail.com wrote:

  According to the docs, the following should work:

  Intent intent = new Intent();


  But this just brings up the dialer without a number showing.

  Anyone know how to launch the dialer with the voicemail number (or
  otherwise lookup the voicemail number)?

  Thanks :-)

  Steve- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[android-developers] Accessing the sqlite3 database via shell ?

2009-08-18 Thread Emre A. Yavuz

I've been using the SQLiteOpenHelper class to create/open a database for my 
application. During the initialization process, I've been adding two tables to 
it and fill one of them with some data. Everything seems to be working fine and 
I'm getting no errors or whatsoever when I run my code.
Then I try to access the same database via shell using the
adb -s emulator- shell
command followed by
sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.myapplication/databases/mydatabase.db
and I am able to see that the database is created. However, when I want to see 
the contents; say the tables using .tables, there seems to be nothing in the 
I debug my code to make sure that my code executes the lines where I created 
these tables so I am wondering what the problem might be.  I haven't seen 
anything with respect to that in the references, but do we have to commit after 
using the execSQL method ? Or am I missing something else ?
Thanks for your help in advance,

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[android-developers] EditText size and virtual keyboard

2009-08-18 Thread oleberre

Hi all.

I am creating a application based on a RelativeLayout.
I am using some EditText to enter some data.
In particular, one of those EditText occupied the place left
by the other components using layout_below and layout_above
The problem is that when I enter this specific EditText instance, the
virtual keyboard
shows up, but my EditText becomes invisible.
I tried a few things like adding the minLines and/or minHeight
attributes  on the EditText instance
to try to make sure that a minimum should be visible but it still
becomes invisible.
Funny thing is that other EditText placed just using layout_below are
displaying ok.

You can find below a simple layout allowing to reproduce the problem

Any help would be appreciated.


android:padding=10dip android:isScrollContainer=true



android:gravity=top android:isScrollContainer=true


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[android-developers] Static widget and ListView

2009-08-18 Thread Sikus

I need do static widget (WebView) top of the screen and under
ListView. I have class VypisLV extends ListActivity and inner class
ListTextFirmy extends ArrayAdapter. VypisLV call setListAdapter(new
My xml is:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
android:orientation=horizontal android:id=@+id/lin

LinearLayout android:orientation=vertical android:id=@+id/
ImageView android:id=@+id/pravni_forma
android:layout_gravity=top /

LinearLayout android:orientation=vertical android:id=@+id/
TextView android:id=@+id/firma
android:textColor=# /
LinearLayout android:orientation=horizontal
TextView android:id=@+id/ico 
TextView android:id=@+id/adresa
ImageView android:id=@+id/mapka
android:layout_height=fill_parent android:paddingRight=5px

Is there any solution how can I add webview? When I add it to the xml
I see only webview, another widget is hide.
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[android-developers] Pointers for import/export of application db

2009-08-18 Thread Sujay Krishna Suresh
Hi all,
  i'm currently workin on the import/export functionality, for
my app.
I need to be able to export the db in csv, kml n gpx format. N be able
import them as well.
i did notice the .mode operation in sqlite3, but how do i use it to export
my db as csv??
but .dump always gives only the create  insert statements, i.e an sql
content as the o/p.
Any pointers as to how to proceed would be of gr8 help... :)

Thanks  Regards,
- I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some
die, which is not so.

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[android-developers] Re: Screen color depth supported by Android 1.5/Galaxy

2009-08-18 Thread fexpop

Thank you very much for the clarification!

Well, the display of the Samsung Galaxy is advertised to support 24
bits. But it's not what they deliver...

On Aug 18, 5:20 pm, Romain Guy romain...@google.com wrote:
 Android is perfectly capable of rendering onto 16 bits and 32 bits (or
 24 bits if you prefer) displays. However, I don't know of any display
 in mobile phones that supports 24 bits. They're usually 16 or 18 bits.

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[android-developers] Re: EditText size and virtual keyboard

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

The problem is that you have specified android:layout_height=260dip
for the TextView. If you change it to wrap_content, you will be able
to work with your EditText.

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 8:13 am, oleberre olebe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all.

 I am creating a application based on a RelativeLayout.
 I am using some EditText to enter some data.
 In particular, one of those EditText occupied the place left
 by the other components using layout_below and layout_above
 The problem is that when I enter this specific EditText instance, the
 virtual keyboard
 shows up, but my EditText becomes invisible.
 I tried a few things like adding the minLines and/or minHeight
 attributes  on the EditText instance
 to try to make sure that a minimum should be visible but it still
 becomes invisible.
 Funny thing is that other EditText placed just using layout_below are
 displaying ok.

 You can find below a simple layout allowing to reproduce the problem

 Any help would be appreciated.


         android:padding=10dip android:isScrollContainer=true



         android:gravity=top android:isScrollContainer=true

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[android-developers] Re: media player exception

2009-08-18 Thread Marco Nelissen

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:07 AM, rizwanrizcs...@gmail.com wrote:


 I m trying to run a simple media player activity ..

 public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

        try {

      * TODO: Set the path variable to a local media
 file path.
                mPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.surface);
                holder = mPreview.getHolder();

 // Create a new media player and set the listeners
                mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.lucky);

That won't work, because MediaPlayer.create() calls prepare()
internally, and you can't call prepare() twice.
It shouldn't cause a native crash though. Can you file a bug at
http://b.android.com, and attach the file you're trying to play?

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[android-developers] What does glGetString(GL10.GL_EXTENSIONS) return?

2009-08-18 Thread shaun

I am curious to know what extensions are on the phone given out at
Google I/O, as I do not have one.  I think they are HTC Magics, but
correct me if I misunderstood.

I would appreciate if someone would list the output from glGetString
(GL10.GL_EXTENSIONS) on that device.

In fact, it would be nice if anyone with a HTC Hero or any other
Android device out there could post the results as well.

I will follow up later today with what the HTC G1 returns in the case
that someone does not already know.

For me, it is helpful to know what extensions are available.  I know
we need to programmatically account for whether or not a specific
OpenGL extension is present, but it is nice to know ahead of time what
to expect.

Thank you in advance.
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[android-developers] Re: Auto Answer

2009-08-18 Thread Mingli Wang
There is some sort of acceptCall method in ITelephony, it works fine
2009/8/17 swapnil swapnil.da...@gmail.com

 Hi All,

 I want to develope a application which will answer the incoming call
 after specific time is elapsed.

 Can anyone help me in generating the (green key)KEYCODE_CALL  event

 I have tried the same with Intent.ACTION_ANSWER but I am getting the
 execption that No Activity Found by this.

 Please help me.

 Thanking you in advance.


 Swapnil Dalal.

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing the sqlite3 database via shell ?

2009-08-18 Thread Marco Nelissen

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Emre A. Yavuzeayl...@hotmail.com wrote:


 I've been using the SQLiteOpenHelper class to create/open a database for
 my application. During the initialization process, I've been adding two
 tables to it and fill one of them with some data. Everything seems to be
 working fine and I'm getting no errors or whatsoever when I run my code.

 Then I try to access the same database via shell using the

 adb -s emulator- shell

 command followed by

 sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.myapplication/databases/mydatabase.db

Are you sure that is actually the name of your database file? The
'sqlite3' command will not complain if the file doesn't exist, it will
just create it.

 and I am able to see that the database is created. However, when I want to
 see the contents; say the tables using .tables, there seems to be nothing
 in the database.

That sounds like what would happen if you specified the wrong filename.

 I debug my code to make sure that my code executes the lines where I created
 these tables so I am wondering what the problem might be.  I haven't seen
 anything with respect to that in the references, but do we have to commit
 after using the execSQL method ? Or am I missing something else ?

 Thanks for your help in advance,


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[android-developers] Re: broadcast to start when phone starts.

2009-08-18 Thread Dianne Hackborn
you haven't included your complete manifest, but it looks like you have put
the uses-permission at the same level is receiver; uses-permission should be
an immediate child of manifest.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to start application when phone starts and want to hide it from
 the user so i did in following way. The follinng is broadcast code.

 public class yourReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
  //  @Override
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Intent i = new Intent(MyService.);
i.setClass(context, MyService.class);

Log.e(in broadcast, in broadcast);
context.startService(new Intent(context, MyService.class));


 I also add following to the xml file.

 receiver android:name=.yourReceiver 
action android:name=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED /

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /

 But when phone starts it seems nothing is happening. It is nto
 invoking that broadcast. Can some one tell me that could be wrong in
 it ?

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Click on Status bar notification switch to task in current state?

2009-08-18 Thread Dianne Hackborn
If you want the notification to just return to your application in its
current state, you need to set the intent to match how it is launched:
action is main, category is launcher, and the component is the same
component you have published in your manifest for the main/launcher intent.

If you want to go somewhere else, you probably want to set the target
activity to have an empty task affinity (so it doesn't get associated with
your main task flow), and then be careful about managing he interaction
between it and your main app.  For example, if the activity launched from
the notification has a button to go into the main app, you need to decide
how all of that should work after the user hits the button: what happens to
any currently running instance of your app, what happens when the user
presses back from going into it, etc.  A common scenario would be to launch
one of the main activities of your app with NEW_TASK, so it will bring the
main app to the foreground with the new activity running on top of this.  In
this case you probably want this target activity to have
android:launchMode=singleTop to repeatedly going to the app from the
notification activity doesn't cause multiple instances of the target
activity to stack up.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Gustav Mauer gus...@mauer.co.za wrote:

 Marco wrote:
 - You may be able to do what you want by having the notification start
 - 'dummy' activity, which in turn brings your real activity to the
 - front.

 Marco, do you maybe please have sample code or something that show how
 one can restore a task like that, hopefully keeping the activity stack
 intact so that things like the back button behaves as the user would

 Rick, yes, I also considered an empty intent, but for me that seems to
 miss the point of the ability of the user to click on the
 notification. I have built in some code to try to defend the
 application against crashes,  but like in your case, sometimes the
 activity stack is so messed up that a crash in inevitable.

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: email application

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
   sendIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new
   sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); // attachment
   sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, mysubject);
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, getResources
().getText(R.string.app_name)), 1);

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 3:25 am, SrilankanKK k2er...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

  I'm try to send an email with multiple image attachments.I'm trying
 to develop an application which has a button and when i click the
 button mail has to be sent with image attachments.

 email address is hard coded. If any way to do this plz post me a

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[android-developers] how can i install App in the sdcard?

2009-08-18 Thread zeeshan

Hi Experts,

i am trying to installl android app but it gives me insufficient
memory exception.
i already have 35 Apps and there is 5mb internal storage left.

is that mean i can install applications only upto 125MB.

my sdcard is almost empty , is there any way to install my App in the
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[android-developers] How put bold to android:textStyle of a TextView from RemoteViews ?

2009-08-18 Thread Alix


I have a widget with a TextView. I can change text and color of this
TextView like this :

remoteViews.setTextViewText(R.id.txt, Sample);
remoteViews.setTextColor(R.id.txt, Color.RED);

But I need to put this TextView bold conditionnaly... How can I do
that ?

Thanks in advance...


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[android-developers] How can I get write on the Eclipse console when I am testing some app's on my G1

2009-08-18 Thread DaminouU


Actually, I can find all the System.out.println in the log with a
filter on System.out. Neverless, when I switch off the emulator and
that I test the application on the real G1 device (which is linked to
computer with USB), there is no log anymore.

Can someone help me to find a way to print some information on
computer console or log while program is running on the device?

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.


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[android-developers] Re: setSoftInputMode() and addFlags()

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

Could you please post your layout xml file to help reproduce the
problem. Meanwhile...


did work for me for a vertical layout with a bunch of UI elements in

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 3:04 am, loctarar andrei.bu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've noticed some incompatibility between these two functions.
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


 Enabling the fullscreen flag seems to disable the soft input adjust
 mode. I looked through the source code of the two functions but I
 coulnd't find anything that might cause this.

 Any suggestions?
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[android-developers] Call Feedback Application for Android

2009-08-18 Thread Azhar


i want to develop a application for the Android Mobile that is come in
forground on every incoming call and ask for the How was your call
with three option eg. Good, Average,Bad
 Any one have the idea about it


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[android-developers] Re: How To Keep ListView Header From Scrolling With ListView Content

2009-08-18 Thread chinchin

Hello Guys,
I've written the following but I cannot figure out how to add the non
scrolling header Item. If I only extent an Activity then I cannot
override the onListItemClick method. This is why I have written it to
use the ListActivity class. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
here is my code so far:

public class HelloListAdapter extends ListActivity {

private ListView lv;
private TextView tv;
private ListAdapter la;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setText(Hello Text, Top of List);

lv = (ListView) getListView();

la = (ListAdapter) new ArrayAdapterString(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, COUNTRIES);


static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] {
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa,
Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda,

On Jul 31, 1:49 pm, Atif atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have similar issue with TableLayout. There must be some mechanism to
 define non scrolling header row. If I took out my header row from
 ScrollView+TableLayout and define it in new layout than the columns
 are not aligned.


 On Jun 26, 3:35 am, Mike michaeldouglaskra...@gmail.com wrote:

  I use the same view for my rows as I do my table header, so in order
  for them to size correctly (make sure the columns in the header line
  up with the column in the rows), they have to be within the same
  container to have the same width, correct?  That's all I meant by
  needing to be in the same ViewGroup.

  - Mike

  On Jun 25, 9:54 am, Marco Nelissen marc...@android.com wrote:

   On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Mike 

Thanks guys.  This does work provided the ListView and the header View
are within the same parent ViewGroup.

   Can you give an example of when they would not be?

I would, however, like to request that the ListView be enhanced with
two new methods:

voidaddHeaderView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean
void addFooterView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean

This would allow a dev to leave management of the headers and footers
entirely with the ListView and provide the ability to have sticky
headers and footers that are owned by the ListView.

   What's the advantage of this over putting your headerview above the 
   in a LinearLayout?

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[android-developers] Problem opening new window on list click

2009-08-18 Thread janir4

Hello again!

I'm missing something here; i'm not quite sure what... I'm trying to
open another window from same application when the user click on a
list item. Some source code:

// Override on listitem; in MessageList class
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position,
long id) {
super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);

Intent i = new Intent(this,test.info.ViewRSS.class);


// The xml for viewRSS:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
 Button android:id =@+id/buttonTestView

// Class ViewRSS

public class ViewRSS extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


// The manifest file
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
activity android:name=.MessageList
action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=2 /
uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /

Any ideas; anyone? If i instead open an Intent for a url with the same
code; it opens the browser OK


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[android-developers] Android Dev Phone 1 beyond Cupcake?

2009-08-18 Thread Stakka

I'am waiting for, the currently out of stock, Android Dev Phone 1
(ADP1) to become available. But before purchase I would like to know
if the re-stocked ADP1 will have the (75 MB?) internal flash memory
limitation as the G1? I've read that the G1 might not be able to be
upgraded beyond Android OS 1.5 (Cupcake) because it won't fit.

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[android-developers] how to registre an application for the ADC2

2009-08-18 Thread jlg

Can you explain to me how to registred a project for the ADC2.
Can i publish now or i need to waiting update the ADC official site?



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[android-developers] How to improve existing Android applications?

2009-08-18 Thread Walles

How do I get (for example) the Android Calendar app into Eclipse so I
can modify it and send in patches?

There's a ton of documentation on how to create *new* apps, but so far
I've been unable to find any info on how to get *existing* apps into
Eclipse.  And my own attempts have gone so-so :-p.

A good place for this information would be the developer FAQ for

  Regards //Johan

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[android-developers] how to build adb.exe for windows.

2009-08-18 Thread Kyo

i want to modify the usb_windows.c in /system/core/adb and
recompile a new adb.exe to test our platform.
but, when i use make HOST_OS=windows, it failed.
i use ubuntu 8.04 and i can build with make HOST_OS=linux.
does anyone know how to build my adb.exe?



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[android-developers] ServiceConnectionLeaked IntentReceiverLeaked error

2009-08-18 Thread tikky

Is ServiceConnectionLeaked really a leak? When I look at the android
framework code, I see that the framework logs this error msg when an
application does not unbind a service in onDestory(), but then goes
ahead and unbinds the service internally.
So I am not sure if this is a crtical error and what impact does a
ServiceConnection leak have on the system on the whole.

Same question for IntentReceiverLeaked error message.

Any inputs on this will be greatly appreciated.

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[android-developers] Android Market Functionality - Best way to add a loading... row with Efficient Adapter?

2009-08-18 Thread devstudent

What would be the best way to accomplish this with the Efficient
Adapter example? My implementation involves the getView method. I
check if the current position is the last row, and return a new View.
I then use View.setId() to signify that this View is the loading row.
Then when I attempt to re-use the convertView I check this ID to make
sure I re-use the correct type of View. Is there a faster way?

Romain Guy mentioned that the Android Market app used OnScrollListener
to detect when the last element was on screen. Why is this better than
in the getView method checking if the position is the last one?

Thanks for the help.

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[android-developers] Re: how can i install App in the sdcard?

2009-08-18 Thread zeeshan

thanks for reply, i will have a go on that link.
so we can install applications only upto 125MB by default?
i got iphone and i have more than 70 Apps in there,

wondering if thats the restriction for android?

On Aug 18, 5:31 pm, johnny johnny.ra...@gmail.com wrote:
 have you tried this?


 On Aug 18, 12:27 pm, zeeshan genx...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Experts,

  i am trying to installl android app but it gives me insufficient
  memory exception.
  i already have 35 Apps and there is 5mb internal storage left.

  is that mean i can install applications only upto 125MB.

  my sdcard is almost empty , is there any way to install my App in the
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[android-developers] Re: Keeping graphics running through orientation change

2009-08-18 Thread Dianne Hackborn
You can't stop the screen from dimming/blurring.  This is always done when
it rotates without being associated with a physical change (such as a slider
to reveal a hard keyboard) to give feedback to the user that something is

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:22 PM, SChaser crotalistig...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Aug 3, 11:29 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  Look in there for the links to the Rotational Forces series of blog
  posts. This one covers what you need:
  In your case, you would detect the rotation and change how you draw on
  your canvas to match.

 Thanks. I tried that and it still doesn't do the trick.

 I have a simple layout - a couple of buttons in a listview, a couple
 of text fields in a listview, and a custom SurfaceView.

 The problem is that when I rotate the device (changing orientation),
 even with the hacks ( and logging to verify that the
 onConfigurationChange method of my activity is being called), there is
 still half a second where the screen goes grayish and my SurfaceView
 is inaccessible to draw on.

 Oddly, popping the keyboard in and out also results in an orientation
 change, but nothing goes gray.

 In both cases, based on the log, my methods get called in the same
 order.and the time from surface destroyed to surface created is
 virtually identical at about 450 msec.


Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Call Feedback Application for Android

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

You can register for the ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast Intent.
However, please note that with the current APIs available only 3 state
call states are supported : CALL_STATE_RINGING, CALL_STATE_IDLE,

You may read more about it at 

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 2:42 am, Azhar mhdazhar2...@gmail.com wrote:

 i want to develop a application for the Android Mobile that is come in
 forground on every incoming call and ask for the How was your call
 with three option eg. Good, Average,Bad
  Any one have the idea about it

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[android-developers] Re: Reading Calendar?

2009-08-18 Thread Justin (Google Employee)

Well, Android 2.0 doesn't exist, so its impossible to tell where this
feature will be in relation to 2.0 whenever it does arrive. More
directly, I don't have a timeline for when calendar might be exposed.

Android Team @ Google

On Aug 14, 1:01 am, Kaj Bjurman kaj.bjur...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok. Thanks.

 Do you know roughly when it will be available? In 2.0 or later?

 On 14 Aug, 00:36, Justin (Google Employee) j...@google.com wrote:

  Thecalendardata provider is not currently exposed. Your best, albeit
  not simple, bet is to use the GoogleCalendarweb API to access the

  Android Team @ Google

  On Aug 10, 7:43 am, Kaj Bjurman kaj.bjur...@gmail.com wrote:


   I think I've seen somewhere that it's still not possible to read
   GoogleCalendarentries? I tried to search the forum, but didn't find
   any relevant threads. They mostly contain questions on

   Can I read entries? I understand that it might be fragile if it still
   isn't in the public API, but I don't mind updating my code when the
   API becomes public.

   (I don't need to modify or create new entries)


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[android-developers] Re: Problem opening new window on list click

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

Try adding the ViewRSS activity to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

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author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 5:09 am, janir4 jan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello again!

 I'm missing something here; i'm not quite sure what... I'm trying to
 open another window from same application when the user click on a
 list item. Some source code:

 // Override on listitem; in MessageList class
     protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position,
 long id) {
         super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);

         Intent i = new Intent(this,test.info.ViewRSS.class);


 // The xml for viewRSS:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
  Button android:id =@+id/buttonTestView

 // Class ViewRSS

 public class ViewRSS extends Activity {

     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {



 // The manifest file
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
     application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
         activity android:name=.MessageList
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
     uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=2 /
     uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /

 Any ideas; anyone? If i instead open an Intent for a url with the same
 code; it opens the browser OK

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[android-developers] Re: setSoftInputMode() and addFlags()

2009-08-18 Thread Andrei Bucur
Sure! I built a simple example that looks something like my app layout:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

RelativeLayout android:id=@+id/RelativeLayout01
android:layout_width=fill_parent android:layout_height=fill_parent
RelativeLayout android:id=@+id/RelativeLayout02
android:layout_height=wrap_content android:layout_width=fill_parent
android:layout_alignParentTop=trueTextView android:text=TextView01
android:id=@+id/TextView01 android:layout_width=wrap_content
RelativeLayout android:layout_below=@+id/RelativeLayout02
android:id=@+id/RelativeLayout03 android:layout_width=fill_parent
android:layout_height=fill_parentEditText android:text=EditText01
android:id=@+id/EditText01 android:layout_width=wrap_content

and the onCreate() method:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




  EditText editor = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.EditText01);

Don't use ADJUST_PAN, but ADJUST_RESIZE. That's the one not working :). If
you leave the code as is the window will resize and my EditText will be
centered above the keyboard. If I uncomment that line of code the mode will
reset to ADJUST_PAN even though I explicitly ask for resizing.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA) 
balwinder.k...@t-mobile.com wrote:

 Could you please post your layout xml file to help reproduce the
 problem. Meanwhile...


 did work for me for a vertical layout with a bunch of UI elements in

 Balwinder Kaur
 Open Source Development Center
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Aug 18, 3:04 am, loctarar andrei.bu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've noticed some incompatibility between these two functions.
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  Enabling the fullscreen flag seems to disable the soft input adjust
  mode. I looked through the source code of the two functions but I
  coulnd't find anything that might cause this.
  Any suggestions?

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[android-developers] Read data from WebView (WebKit) or Browser Intent

2009-08-18 Thread greatinnovus

Hi All,
  In my application im trying to load a external url through
the browser intent using the code.
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri u = Uri.parse(http://xxx.com/;);
and the url is displayed successfully. I also tried using a webview to
load the same page.

 wView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView);

But what i need is to read the contents displayed. (ie) Just like
reading the page source of a web browser.

Is there any possibility of reading the contents displayed on the
android browser or webview. If so please help me with valuable

Waiting for your valuable Suggestions,

Thanks and Regards,

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[android-developers] Re: how can i install App in the sdcard?

2009-08-18 Thread johnny

have you tried this?


On Aug 18, 12:27 pm, zeeshan genx...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Experts,

 i am trying to installl android app but it gives me insufficient
 memory exception.
 i already have 35 Apps and there is 5mb internal storage left.

 is that mean i can install applications only upto 125MB.

 my sdcard is almost empty , is there any way to install my App in the
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[android-developers] Embedded webview crashes on dialog

2009-08-18 Thread siliconeagle

I have an application that uses the webview to load webpages so user
can download media off them, but i get a crash when any sort of popup
tries to show (eg from a select box or save password dialog) - the
error is that for some reason the webview doesnt provide the new
dialog with the application context (even though it as passed to the
webview component when it was created).

Is there some method to use to supply the application context to
dialogs launched from the webview?


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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity - Refreshing problems

2009-08-18 Thread pawan kumar suman

dear please contact my mobil

On Aug 17, 10:52 pm, Eurig Jones eurigjo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a TabActivity based class which has 3 tabs. All are
 ListActivities (but that's not important for this problem)

 I'm updating the TabHost's TabSpec's to change the text on the tabs.
 This works fine and the ListActivities display correctly.

 Iater on the execution flow I need to update the Text on the tabs from
 Current Text to Current Text (3), for example. I update the
 TabSpec.setIndicator() with the new text, and attempt to call
 invalidate() on the TabWidget (and all it's children). But the tab
 text refuses to update!!

 Where am I going wrong here?


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[android-developers] Where do we have to close the DB in a ContentProvider?

2009-08-18 Thread S. Mccoy

Maybe it’s an easy question, but I’ve tried to understand why all the
content providers seem not to close the DB that they use. In the
NotePadProvider example (in other providers is similar), it’s used a
Helper to manage the DB (that extends of SQLiteOpenHelper). This
helper has a method to close the DB (http://developer.android.com/
but in all the providers that I have seen (even in the example), this
method is never used.

For example, in the query method of the NotPadProvider we use the
helper to open a DB

// Get the database and run the query SQLiteDatabase db =
mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = qb.query(db,
projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null,
orderBy);  // Tell the cursor what uri to watch, so it knows
when its source data changes c.setNotificationUri(getContext
().getContentResolver(), uri); return c;

the mOpenHelper is create in the “onCreate()” method, but there is no
reference to a mOpenHelper.close() in all the provider (maybe because
there is no “close()” method in ContentProvider).

Do we need to close the SQLiteOpenHelper object? When we use it inside
a ContentProvider, where is the right place to close it?

Thanks in advance.

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[android-developers] Virtual Keyboard on custom input field

2009-08-18 Thread Ashwini


Is is possible to get the virtual keyboard key events on a custom
input field ?
I tried using keyboardView, but somehow that doesn't work.

Is it mandatory to use the android input method classes to get the
events ?

Please help.


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[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Dianne Hackborn
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:03 PM, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
activity android:name=.ServiceExample
action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
service android:name=.service.MyService

Change this to just android:name=.MyService (presumably you don't have it
in a sub-package).


There is no reason to have an empty intent-filter; get rid of these tags.

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/

Unrelated, but applications can't get the READ_FRAME_BUFFER permission.


 I am calling service by folllowing code from the activity.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent();


Construct the Intent like this: intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

catch(Exception e)
Toast.makeText(this, excepiton+e.toString(),




Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: How to improve existing Android applications?

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

The source for some of inbuilt apps is available at

The documentation for sending in patches is also available on the same

The developer.android.com site is for developers using the SDK.

Hope this helps,
Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 1:11 am, Walles johan.wal...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do I get (for example) the Android Calendar app into Eclipse so I
 can modify it and send in patches?

 There's a ton of documentation on how to create *new* apps, but so far
 I've been unable to find any info on how to get *existing* apps into
 Eclipse.  And my own attempts have gone so-so :-p.

 A good place for this information would be the developer FAQ for

   Regards //Johan
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[android-developers] Re: Accessing the sqlite3 database via shell ?

2009-08-18 Thread Emre A. Yavuz

Yes I am. I tested it and verified that it is the database file that my 
application has created.


Any other suggestions ?


 Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 09:16:23 -0700
 Subject: [android-developers] Re: Accessing the sqlite3 database via shell ?
 From: marc...@android.com
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Emre A. Yavuzeayl...@hotmail.com wrote:
  I've been using the SQLiteOpenHelper class to create/open a database for
  my application. During the initialization process, I've been adding two
  tables to it and fill one of them with some data. Everything seems to be
  working fine and I'm getting no errors or whatsoever when I run my code.
  Then I try to access the same database via shell using the
  adb -s emulator- shell
  command followed by
  sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.myapplication/databases/mydatabase.db
 Are you sure that is actually the name of your database file? The
 'sqlite3' command will not complain if the file doesn't exist, it will
 just create it.
  and I am able to see that the database is created. However, when I want to
  see the contents; say the tables using .tables, there seems to be nothing
  in the database.
 That sounds like what would happen if you specified the wrong filename.
  I debug my code to make sure that my code executes the lines where I created
  these tables so I am wondering what the problem might be.  I haven't seen
  anything with respect to that in the references, but do we have to commit
  after using the execSQL method ? Or am I missing something else ?
  Thanks for your help in advance,
  Attention all humans. We are your photos. Free us.

More storage. Better anti-spam and antivirus protection. Hotmail makes it 
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[android-developers] Re: How can I get write on the Eclipse console when I am testing some app's on my G1

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

Use the android.util.Log for printing the log and the DDMS perspective
in Eclipse to View it.

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 4:55 am, DaminouU dam.le...@gmail.com wrote:

 Actually, I can find all the System.out.println in the log with a
 filter on System.out. Neverless, when I switch off the emulator and
 that I test the application on the real G1 device (which is linked to
 computer with USB), there is no log anymore.

 Can someone help me to find a way to print some information on
 computer console or log while program is running on the device?

 Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

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[android-developers] Re: Embedded webview crashes on dialog

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

Could you post your code and the stack trace, please ?
Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 3:18 am, siliconeagle rrmu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an application that uses the webview to load webpages so user
 can download media off them, but i get a crash when any sort of popup
 tries to show (eg from a select box or save password dialog) - the
 error is that for some reason the webview doesnt provide the new
 dialog with the application context (even though it as passed to the
 webview component when it was created).

 Is there some method to use to supply the application context to
 dialogs launched from the webview?

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[android-developers] Re: How To Keep ListView Header From Scrolling With ListView Content

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

I think you can create a layout, listview_layout.xml
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;

!-- this will be the header  then --
ListView android:id=@id/android:list

in the onCreate you will have to set:


This is how I would do it, but i am really a newby, so if anyone has a 
better suggestion, lets hope they speak up :)


chinchin wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I've written the following but I cannot figure out how to add the non
 scrolling header Item. If I only extent an Activity then I cannot
 override the onListItemClick method. This is why I have written it to
 use the ListActivity class. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
 here is my code so far:
 public class HelloListAdapter extends ListActivity {
   private ListView lv;
   private TextView tv;
   private ListAdapter la;
   /** Called when the activity is first created. */
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 tv = new TextView(this);
 tv.setText(Hello Text, Top of List);
 lv = (ListView) getListView();
 la = (ListAdapter) new ArrayAdapterString(this,
 android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, COUNTRIES);
 static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] {
 Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa,
 Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda,
 On Jul 31, 1:49 pm, Atif atif.gul...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have similar issue with TableLayout. There must be some mechanism to
 define non scrolling header row. If I took out my header row from
 ScrollView+TableLayout and define it in new layout than the columns
 are not aligned.


 On Jun 26, 3:35 am, Mike michaeldouglaskra...@gmail.com wrote:

 I use the same view for my rows as I do my table header, so in order
 for them to size correctly (make sure the columns in the header line
 up with the column in the rows), they have to be within the same
 container to have the same width, correct?  That's all I meant by
 needing to be in the same ViewGroup.
 - Mike
 On Jun 25, 9:54 am, Marco Nelissen marc...@android.com wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Mike 
 Thanks guys.  This does work provided the ListView and the header View
 are within the same parent ViewGroup.
 Can you give an example of when they would not be?
 I would, however, like to request that the ListView be enhanced with
 two new methods:
 voidaddHeaderView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean
 void addFooterView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean
 This would allow a dev to leave management of the headers and footers
 entirely with the ListView and provide the ability to have sticky
 headers and footers that are owned by the ListView.
 What's the advantage of this over putting your headerview above the 
 in a LinearLayout?

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[android-developers] Re: How put bold to android:textStyle of a TextView from RemoteViews ?

2009-08-18 Thread Balwinder Kaur (T-Mobile USA)

TextView.setTypeface(Typeface tf); provided the font you chose
supports Bold style.

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 9:16 am, Alix alts...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a widget with a TextView. I can change text and color of this
 TextView like this :

 remoteViews.setTextViewText(R.id.txt, Sample);
 remoteViews.setTextColor(R.id.txt, Color.RED);

 But I need to put this TextView bold conditionnaly... How can I do
 that ?

 Thanks in advance...

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[android-developers] View Files on a remove server/PC

2009-08-18 Thread johnny


I'm looking for a solution to view and select files residing on a
remote server or PC. Is there a known way to do this or better yet,
an existing application which does this with an intent which I can

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[android-developers] display on map

2009-08-18 Thread Honest

i have two latitude and longitude. I want to display it on map in
street view on phone. can some one tell me how can i do it ?

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[android-developers] Re: how can i install App in the sdcard?

2009-08-18 Thread String

On Aug 18, 5:48 pm, zeeshan genx...@gmail.com wrote:

 wondering if thats the restriction for android?

It's the limit for the hardware, not for the OS. Blame it on HTC.

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[android-developers] Re: How put bold to android:textStyle of a TextView from RemoteViews ?

2009-08-18 Thread Yusuf Saib (T-Mobile USA)

Get the TextView object with findViewById() and then call

Yusuf Saib
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Aug 18, 9:16 am, Alix alts...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a widget with a TextView. I can change text and color of this
 TextView like this :

 remoteViews.setTextViewText(R.id.txt, Sample);
 remoteViews.setTextColor(R.id.txt, Color.RED);

 But I need to put this TextView bold conditionnaly... How can I do
 that ?

 Thanks in advance...

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[android-developers] Re: Using getContentResolver().notifyChange();

2009-08-18 Thread karthikr

Any help on this one guys...

On Aug 18, 7:12 pm, karthikr karthik.scintill...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I am trying to read an image file and edit it, but after i make the
 change how do i notify the change, i used


 but still the thumbnail is showing the older image and not thte edited
 new image.

 What is the process to be followed?

 Thanks in advance

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[android-developers] AppWidgetHost - what is the hostId for?

2009-08-18 Thread Flying Coder

Hi there,
I'm developing my own appwidget hoster and am curious about the
hostId used in the constructor:

AppWidgetHost(Context context, int hostId)

The docs don't say anything about it.  Can anyone tell me what its
used for, and what values are legal?

Thanks for the help,

P.s. Sorry if this is a duplicate post -- I posted this question
earlier, but now I can't find it(!)

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[android-developers] SMS Notification

2009-08-18 Thread androiduser mobile

Hello all,

I am writing an app to generate an SMS notification in the
notification bar. I would like to run this app in an emulator(only one
I am using the sendTextMessage(devicePhoneNo,null,dummy message,
sentPI,deliveredPI) where devicePhoneNo is like the fake number
1215135. I am able to see the SMS Sent message but unable to see
anything in the notification bar.

I do have SMS_SEND and SMS_RECEIVE in my manifest file.

Please let me know if I am missing anything here. Your help is highly

Android user

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