[android-developers] Re: How to connect to a remote MySQL DB without webservices... ?

2010-10-19 Thread gosh
Hi saex,

Iff you have control of the/your server, and if it runs a JSP web
server such as Apache TomCat (free), you could use my 'really simple'
web service protocol for your purposes called:  'SQL+PaWS'
to get direct/barebones and easy access to an SQL server (including
MySQL) with standard SQL commands (and nothing else) via http, i.e.
with no XML protocol/bureaucratic crap around it.
All you need to change in the provided JSP code server-side is: your
database name, your database username and its password.

See the blog intro to SQL+PaWS and the free JSP code (open source)
download from here:


and the 'Specification' of 'SQL+PaWS' here:



P.S. If you want to do a PHP conversion of the JSP instead (anyone:),
please feel free to do so, and get a copy back to me:), as I have no
desire/intention to learn PHP, but it would be useful to other people
without a TOmCat web server.

On Oct 19, 8:29 am, saex elpablos...@gmail.com wrote:

 can i do it? I just wanna make SELECT/INSERT into a remote database
 with my android phone application, i think it have to be easy but i
 can't find the way. I only find people that tell i have to make a
 webservice os romething like that, but that is another world for me,
 and i can't put a webservice in the database host...

 ¿there is not a normal way to do it without a webservice?


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[android-developers] Re: Piracy Breakdown by Country

2010-08-28 Thread gosh
Looking at your numbers again, your 'total installs' for Australia
seem way out-of-whack with the rest of the countries listed, i.e.:

* Take the UK versus Australia figures, your total installs are: UK=
335, Australia=321
* There are about 60 million people in the UK, and only 22 million in
Australia. Both countries speak a form of English as their primary
language, discounting the disproportionate uptake as a UI issue in
your app.
* Google has allowed app sales and app purchases in both the UK and
the US before all other countries globally (Feb 2009). It has allowed
'purchases' in Australia only since Oct'2009, and still doesn't allow
'sales' today.
* Google has had multiple Android developer/code/lab-days in the UK
(i.e. platform evangelism and market building momentum), while the
closest they ever got to Australia with one was Singapore (which is
not very close)… i.e. Google is Australia-averse. In fact, southern
hemisphere averse. For a company that sells globes and maps, it
doesn't seem to be able to peer over its own equators. Its much more
likely that Google will allow app sales from Afghanistan before they
do so in Australia. Android numbers in Australia reflect that Google
* Google and the Android-brand have been totally 'unfocused'/blurred
wrt Australia as a market … the only place you see 'Google' in
Australia, is in a browser window. If you phone them, you don't get
past the front-desk staff. If you email them, nothing comes back. If
your write to them, nothing gets returned. It all disappears into a
big white rectangle. It reminds me of the public service in the 1980s,
before office PC productivity. They process all their accounting/sales
data and dollars from Australia through their Ireland office… while
its true that the Australian population was once 75% Irish, that was a
long time ago (in the early 1800s).
* Telstra, the major Australian telco (previously, a government-owned
monopoly, still with nation-wide mobile coverage), only started
selling an Android phone in April 2010 - just a few months ago.
Vodafone Aust. Ltd. has sold one for a while longer - but they are a
much much smaller company, with much less coverage nationally, and
they only sell it via high-end phone plans.
* I'm yet to meet (or even see) a person on the street (outside the IT
world) that actually has an Android phone.

In summary, both your published piracy rate for Australia, and also
your actual 'total number of installs' for Australia, are 'far from
representative' IMHO. I suggest to you that there is something very
odd going on there with your app installs (supposedly) coming from


On Aug 27, 7:15 am, keyeslabs keyes...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually, the largest *contributor* to piracy was the US, but the
 highest piracy rates (as a percentage of total installs) were
 elsewhere.  For example, the US has a piracy rate (on my app) of about
 70%, but Australia is more like 92%.  For the countries where apps may
 be purchased, here's the breakdown:

 Country Purchases       Installs        Pirated Installs        Piracy Rate
 Australia       26      321     295     92%
 Austria 6       13      7       54%
 Canada  25      96      71      74%
 France  23      104     81      78%
 Germany 38      161     123     76%
 Italy   4       36      32      89%
 Japan   467     467     0       0%
 Netherlands     24      98      74      76%
 New Zealand     4       8       4       50%
 Spain   7       63      56      89%
 Switzerland     7       21      14      67%
 United Kingdom  108     335     227     68%
 United States   2051    6105    4054    66%

 The US isn't the highest, but still, it's disturbing how high the rate
 is in ALL of these countries where purchases could be made...


 On Aug 26, 4:59 pm, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:

  Excellent analysis. Once again showing that you can't make assumptions
  about a market without cold hard data to back it up. Your results
  found that the largest piracy rates actually occurred in countries
  where users COULD buy apps ! I guess USA is just a bunch of cheap
  *sses :)


  On Aug 26, 3:22 pm, keyeslabs keyes...@gmail.com wrote:

   Recently did an analysis of piracy rates by country for my app.  Found
   some very interesting tidbits that I think may be of interest to
   members of this group:  http://bit.ly/bSaoBe


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[android-developers] Re: Piracy Breakdown by Country

2010-08-27 Thread gosh
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the stats - as disconcerting as they are.

As an Australian software developer I was very disappointed to see
Australia up top in the percentages on your scale of software pirates,
wrt to your app - which I find hard to explain, subjectively or

I'll make a few points though (I'm assuming your figures are for your
utility 'Screebl Pro', via your link):

* Having some background in data analysis, I don't consider sample
sizes under 300 to be statistically significant - which leaves you
with 4 rows of data at this stage.

* Going on your app, the US is the only place where Android is a big
success thus far -  I do know that 'utility' programs are a bit
'techie' for most regular phone users, but I'm thinking percentages

* Android phones are fairly few on the ground in Australia (in my
limited experience with other Android owners - other owners have been
either software developers/publishers or university students, many of
whom are from overseas - many/most countries). That said, since the
'main' telco here (Telstra) began selling Android phones here in April
2010, some regular folk/mums-and-dads are now starting to buy them….
i.e. The fact that australia is 4th in your list of overall downloads
is very surprising to me, given the great lack of Google/Android-phone
focus upon Australia - I thought it would be down around the NZ
figures. Note: Most ads I've seen for Android phones here do 'not'
even mention 'Android' at all (E.g. the recent ads for the Samsung
i9000 Galaxy S ) - so I assume its either a perceived marketing
negative, or its not worth the 'copy' space the single word would take

* As a former president of the Australian Software Publishers
Association, I know that Australians generally 'do' buy their software
when its not open source - which is the main precursor to a country
having a software industry. Its a part of the 'a fair go mate' ethos
here - so Indy developers are likely to do well here - and do, given
an avenue to market.

* I do know that there are lots of software developers in Australia
'very pissed-off' with Google in that we are unable to 'sell' our
programs in the Android Market (even though our customers can buy them
from elsewhere) - e.g. I've had programs sitting here collecting dust
for 12 months (yes, 365 days, one planetary orbit around the Sun [the
one thats 93 million miles away] - no actions, and worse, no words
about actions, from Google) come Tuesday this week see:
http://www.digitalfriend.org/blog/month2009-09.html - but that is
unlikely to cause a software developer to pirate other software
developers hard work. I certain haven't and wouldn't. That kama is
reserved for Google (and then Android), not for fellow software
developers.  i.e. If you are unable to circulate your own work, ones
enthusiasm eventually dries up and withers on the vine, such that, in
my case at least, I've abandoned my daily usage of the Android phone
itself, and now use an alternative smart phone from a company with a
global perspective instead.

* Its true that, within the list of countries wrt your downloads,
Canadian, Kiwi and Swiss developers also cannot sell their apps on
Google Android Market to their own customers - so if it was 'a
disgruntled developer issue' re Australia, you would likely see it
there too - but as I've pointed out, your figures for those countries
are statistically insignificant, so that doesn't constitute evidence
either way.

* I'm not surprised at your figures for Japan - even major software
contracts with Japanese companies usually only require a hand-shake to
seal an honorable relationship. (I wonder if they even have local
lawyers? )

* As much as I am surprised at your figures for Australia, I am also
surprised at your figures for the US. They seem overly high to me. It
makes me wonder what your software does and how much it costs wrt
other apps? More so, it makes me wonder if the 'Lite' version is an
overly crippled version of the 'Pro' version, such that large numbers
of people are justifying an illegal download of the Pro version. I.e.
Is the Lite version 'really' useful in its own right - or is it little
more than 'an ad' that constitutes an expensive download to the
unwitting customer/phone user? It would also be of general interest to
know what the respective download numbers for your 'Lite' version are,
over the same period of time? (Note: I really have no knowledge of
your app - so these are just very general questions/ponderings by me,
and are certainly 'not' reflections upon your apps, Lite version or

If your figures are indeed generally representative of Android apps of
all sorts, then yes, your experience is indeed a worry for all - and
it makes a Licensing approach totally necessary for paid apps - sad
but true, given the low retail cost of phone apps in general.


On Aug 27, 7:15 am, keyeslabs keyes...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually, the largest *contributor* to piracy was the US, but the

[android-developers] Re: Chilling news: Oracle sues Google over Android

2010-08-20 Thread gosh
Its true that if you look at the topics of the 7 patent Oracle cites:

1. Protection Domains to Provide Security in A Computer System
2. Controlling Access to a Resource
3. Method and Apparatus for Preprocessing and Packaging Class Files
4. System and Method for Dynamic Preloading of Classes Through Memory
Space Cloning of a Master Runtime System Process
5. Method and Apparatus for Resolving Data References in Generate Code
6. Interpreting Functions Utilizing a Hybrid of Virtual and Native
Machine Instructions
7. Method and System for Static Initialization

they have little to do with Java the 'language' - after all it is
simply an ape of C/C++ leaving out the hard/error-attracting bits.
These topics are largely clustered around the dynamic invocation of
classes from object 'fingerprints' (data and method signatures) coming
from, or stored elsewhere. Apart from C++ being all over this
territory, there is 'a hill' of prior art there too:

* even I have prior art invocating objects dynamically from JSON-like
tree structures back in the early 1990s (in a dynamic system called
SlimWinX I wrote for small devices).
* NeXT Inc (now a part of Apple) was all over this territory long ago
* the Blackboard systems based around the Linda language (e.g. Sun's
JavaSpaces and IBM's TSpaces are just recent implementations of
Blackboard systems) were all over this area back in the 1970s.
... as they say There's nothing new under the Sun.

i.e. the cited patents have little to do with Java as a language or
about pseudo-code running in virtual machines, so the mention of
'Java' so prominently is probably about 'justification' (we spent
$5.8 billion on this stuff!) and 'popularity' wrt grabbing a

The technical territory of the cited patents has more to do with what
one can do with the Go language and distributed databases, and
datastores in HTML5, than with Java. i.e. GO running against a virtual
machine, rather than Java 'the language' and the JVM. If you look at
SAPs very recent roadmap of what they plan to do with the newly
acquired Sybase - that would raise a home-territory fear in Oracle
regarding the use of Android devices as the popular client-side
interface of SAPs new strategy forward - and little to do with Android

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[android-developers] Re: Chilling news: Oracle sues Google over Android

2010-08-19 Thread gosh
The Irony of Java's success on the device UI via Android

There's lots of irony in the successful use of the Java 'language'
within the phenomena that the Android OS has become. E.g.
Java began life at Sun as Oak which was meant to be a language for
small devices up to set-top boxes. It went on at Sun to become a whole
'platform' of APIs too, that technically challenged other OS's such as
Windows, and whole server stacks of all persuasions - to the point
where Microsoft had to then develop the .Net platform to stay ahead in
the game. (I use that unfolding Java scenario as the ultimate case of
'scope creep' to my students).
Ultimately Java made its name and market running server-side, away
from user-interfaces. Desktop-wise, Swing was too much too late.
Mobile-wise ME was too limited, too rigid, too early.
The Android user UI classes and widgets (which are nothing like Swing
or AWT - I know, as I tried to convert lots of swing code to them -
and a total rewrite was required), have hit a sweet-spot on mobile
devices, just when processing power, interactivity and screen
presentation can provide a 'user experience', that the modern user now
demands of their daily devices.
Java the language, via Android the GUI  OS, has finally fulfilled
Oak's original goal from way-back, of running on small devices and
attracting a huge market there-on, in the process. That's Irony with a
capital 'I'.

As for the originality of byte-code and virtual machines - the P-
System was doing all that with p-code, back in the days of 8-bit
micros, before some fool at IBM chose MD-DOS over it as their standard
OS for the new 16-bit Intel processor - and an eon before the
invention of 'software patents' themselves.

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[android-developers] Re: Chilling news: Oracle sues Google over Android

2010-08-14 Thread gosh

I think Java has really become 'the new Cobol' this side of 2020 -
helped along significantly by both Oracle's purchase of Sun, and by
Google making it a mainstream/relevant UI language (at last!) via
Android - i.e. its now past its innovation stage, and has become
heavily mainstream and stable (in terms of language features) - hence
Gosling jumping ship.

Whatever you think of Java it is currently the No.1 computer language
worldwide. See the TIOBE Programming Community Index for August 2010


Note that C and C++ are still 2nd and 3rd on that index.
(Also note the very sharp rise of both Objective C and Google's own GO

I think Java, C and C++ are going to stay on the podium for a good
many years yet.
(I recently got back into C++ after 10 years away from it, and was
very pleasantly surprised on how useful and modern C++ has been made -
on the Bada platform for example. Apparently Samsung spent $100M on
Bada, before they made the first WAVE phones, and it certainly shows
in their IDE/framework).

I think this Oracle legal move spells the end of them doing anything
serious with the Java App Store (and the like) - i.e. it looks like
they tried to sit on their backsides Java UI-wise and simply muscle a
slice of Google's profit stream, but when that hustle didn't work it
got handed to the Legal Dept.


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[android-developers] Re: Why doesn't this discussion list function properly on Android phones?

2010-07-15 Thread gosh
Hasn't worked on my HTC Magic either for 12 months now. I've just
assumed it is just part of the Android 'User Experience'.

... at least you get an error message;)  Luxury!

On Jul 15, 4:52 am, DonFrench dcfre...@gmail.com wrote:
 A little off topic, but it is about Android phones and this discussion
 list, so here goes.  If you receive emails from this list in digest
 form and try to read the email on your Android phone (or at least on
 the Nexus One, the only phone I have experience with), when you click
 on any of the topics listed at the top of the email, you get an
 Unauthorized: Error 401 error.  If you read the email on your PC and
 click any of the links, it takes you to the topic you clicked, as
 expected.  I know that this isn't a developer issue but I am not sure
 what other group to post it to.

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[android-developers] Re: Android paid apps in Ireland

2010-07-01 Thread gosh
sell Android apps into the facebook community, take a look at ZappMarket

Thats a very cool idea - its given me a whole new perspective on
I've stayed away from facebook for years, for philosophical reasons:
I've always considered it to be an attempt to fence-off the Internet
into a private space, one not much different from Microsoft's attempt
years ago with MSN. Hated the 'login in' screen before you could see
anything at all - at least they've moved away from that.

BUT, now that Google has shown itself far less International than I
would have ever suspected prior to Android app development (re: the
hard limit to 9 seller countries), it puts facebook in a whole new
light to me. It is effectively a very large social space that crossed
those national boundaries that Google has stopped at the border of. So
from a commercial point of view, it may well turn out to be the most
International player at the top end of the service providers

Good luck to you with it.

On Jun 29, 2:26 pm, Shane Isbell shane.isb...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you want to sell Android apps into the facebook community, take a look at
 ZappMarket. It has a dozen payment methods including paypal, google
 checkout, as well as an offer wall. Pretty much anyone, anywhere will be
 able to buy your app. You don't get the instant audience of Android Market
 but Zapp is a great way to build a community of users around your app. When
 Android Market finally comes to Ireland, you could already have a good user
 base built up.

 Keep in mind, to upload, you will need a facebook account:


 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Mathias Lin m...@mathiaslin.com wrote:
  Don't expect an answer from Google, cause they won't. Just move to
  another market platform. Google has no interest to offer paid apps
  model in too many countries, as they heavily rely on advertisement

  On Jun 28, 3:15 pm, skooter500 skooter...@gmail.com wrote:
   This is a disgrace! And I cant get an answer from anyone in Google as
   to when this will be available.

   Oh well. It looks like SlideMe it is


   On Jun 26, 7:43 pm, Tomá¹  Hubálek tom.huba...@gmail.com wrote:

On 21 èvn, 10:37, skooter500 skooter...@gmail.com wrote:

 (though I have users in 22 countries). I am not going to release it
 for free. It seems I cant sign up for a google checkout merchant
 account, because I live inIrelandand there are no paid apps allowed
 on the Irish Android Marketplace!!!

Welcome to Android World where highest percentage of the apps on the
   marketis free... We are going to communism where everything is for
free and everybody is working for pleasure ;-) And all pigs are equal
and some of the are more equal ;-)


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 Shane Isbell (Founder of ZappMarket)http://apps.facebook.com/zappmarket/

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[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-16 Thread gosh
 When I look at BlackBerryAppWorld it lists over 200 countries which...
Not so.

They currently offer free apps to 56 countries and paid apps to 13
countries (a slightly different 13 than Android Market's 13 ... Not
Canada! - no, just kidding).
Its not that clear which countries Blackberry developers can sell



On Jun 11, 2:46 am, Leigh McRae leigh.mc...@lonedwarfgames.com
 When I look at BlackBerryAppWorld it lists over 200 countries which
 seems high but I know they support almost everywhere by now so perhaps
 it's correct.  I find it crazy that Canada isn't supported considering

 I really don't think Google is all that interested in paid apps as they
 are in extending their ad network to handhelds.  You can't really blame
 them as it's their core business.

 Also I suspect that Apple wouldn't have passed MS in market cap if 
 theappstorehad the same return policy as the android market.


 On 6/10/2010 11:51 AM, gosh wrote:


  Here's the countries that developers can currently sell from via
  Android Market:

  Here's the countries that Android Market offers free apps to:

  Here's the countries that Android Market sells to:
  (i.e. the 13 countries down the bottom of the same page)

  These haven't changed much for a long time - e.g. 9 countries in that
  first list haven't changed since September 2009.
  (Googles Knows why its not the same 13 where users can buy from)

  How does this compare with the other mobile OS vendors?

  Apple'sAppStorecurrently works in 90 countries. In Feb'2010 they
  added: Armenia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia,
  Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uganda  ...
  i.e. they are going to run out of global map real soon now. Say what
  you like about them, but they take paid apps seriously.
  I.e. see:  

  Here's the 29 countries that Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace
  developers can sell to (and upload from):


  ...when the forthcoming Windows7 Phone hits the market later this

  What both Androidappdevelopers and global Android users need is
  another substantialappstorerun by a globally recognised ICT entity
  with a global presence (not carrierappstores such as Motorola's), an
  International commitment, and that uses more conventional payment
  methods (PayPal/ the standard Credit Cards). It will happen eventually
  given the gapping great gap in the Android Market service roll-out all
  this time. I'd lay odds onOraclesetting up an AndroidAppStorethat
  uses PayPal, which seems an odd possibility at first, but then when
  you think about it more seriously, it makes commercial sense from a
  lot of different angles:
  - Sun had a JavaStorethat used PayPal.
  - They now control Java.
  - They like making money from software.
  - As Google moves to Web apps within the forthcoming WebStore,Oracle
  could befriend Android developers (via global distribution) and
  gradually try to move them towards JavaFX apps (whatever plans they
  have for that).
  - In building such anappstoreit could showcase their existing
 OracleStoreproduct for building such things.
  - They could entice Androidappdevelopers to develop 'services' for
  their own apps on their own MySQL/OracleDBMS servers (supplied by
 Oracle), or via anOraclecloud.

  Any votes for anOracleAndroidAppStore?
  Any votes for a Yahoo! AndroidAppStore?
  What other major ICT/media company could pull off such a marketing

 Leigh McRaewww.lonedwarfgames.com

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[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-13 Thread gosh
Btw, I saw that you (via AndAppStore) got an honorable mention in the
WIRED article re 'Independent App Stores' yesterday.


On Jun 13, 1:54 am, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 On Jun 12, 8:44 am, gosh steve...@unimelb.edu.au wrote:

  (our revenue is from ads in the client  customisation deals in case 
  you're wondering).

  Then I'm assuming you must require the app publisher to make some
  small addition to their source code - which is no big deal to the

 Nope. The ads are only in our client, and the customisation deals are
 with OEMs and hardware distributors for customer versions of our
 systems. Developers don't have to modify anything.

   If you also add in that Market does things that third party after-
   market app stores can't (automatic updates, copy protection,
   permissions-before-download installs), you can see that any company
   getting into the Android app store space is competing on a uneven
   playing field from day 1 on devices where they aren't integrated into
   the firmware

  If you already require a mod to the source as per above, you could
  also add some phone-home 'occasionally' capability (your marketplace
  home) ... which could implement a 'better' copy protection mechanism
  than the Android Market currently has.

 AndAppStore already offers a purchase checking facility where
 developers can, if they want to, check against our database of
 purchases to see if the user has purchased a copy of the app for the
 specific device it's running on.

  Similarly, you could also use such phone-home code to implement a
  'better' updates policy - e.g. I find the current update mechanism in
  Android Market a pain in the butt in that it tries to update apps 'too
  often'. E.g. you could let the 'phone user' pick a minimum update
  frequency which overrides those frenetic/frivolous updaters.

 We're looking at adding a time selector in addition to our the on/off
 switch we currently have in the AndAppStore client for background
 update checking.


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[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-12 Thread gosh
(our revenue is from ads in the client  customisation deals in case you're 

Then I'm assuming you must require the app publisher to make some
small addition to their source code - which is no big deal to the

If you also add in that Market does things that third party after-
market app stores can't (automatic updates, copy protection,
permissions-before-download installs), you can see that any company
getting into the Android app store space is competing on a uneven
playing field from day 1 on devices where they aren't integrated into
the firmware

If you already require a mod to the source as per above, you could
also add some phone-home 'occasionally' capability (your marketplace
home) ... which could implement a 'better' copy protection mechanism
than the Android Market currently has.

Similarly, you could also use such phone-home code to implement a
'better' updates policy - e.g. I find the current update mechanism in
Android Market a pain in the butt in that it tries to update apps 'too
often'. E.g. you could let the 'phone user' pick a minimum update
frequency which overrides those frenetic/frivolous updaters.

So, there's two-out-of-three USPs (unique selling points) you could do
better than Android Market, in what you have outlined as
In addition, you could do the web site version 'a whole lot better'
than Android Market.
[ I'm actually starting to think that maybe the delay in any Android
Market update was largely a lack of traditional structured data
modeling skills - having recently watched their curtness/defensiveness
at the IO 2010 android fireside chat wrt the Market. Sun Inc had such
a problem - because they were such an OO-shop, they didn't really get
the need for a DBMS and structured data until way too late. i.e. You
can't really do an Amazon-like Web 2.0 shop (recommendations, meta-
recommendations, etc) with a free-text-index-Google-style search
mentality approach to DB design. ]

Whatever the initial reason, given that the annual IO-2010 came-and-
went with hot air and no progress Market-wise, the next big 'timing'
event for Google to put out any new Android Market features, will be
the same week as the release of the Windows7 mobile and its
accompanying App Store - which gives you a lot of lead-time for such


On Jun 11, 4:19 pm, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 Do we need any more app stores? :)

 We've been running AndAppStore since the G1 launch and the most common
 reason we hear for developers not listing is that they don't want to
 maintain multiple market listings, so I doubt that the creation of
 multiple markets backed by large companies is viable. AndAppStore
 gives 100% of app sales revenue to developers, making it as profitable
 as possible for paid-apps, and we still hit the multiple market
 maintenance issue (our revenue is from ads in the client 
 customisation deals in case you're wondering).

 If you also add in that Market does things that third party after-
 market app stores can't (automatic updates, copy protection,
 permissions-before-download installs), you can see that any company
 getting into the Android app store space is competing on a uneven
 playing field from day 1 on devices where they aren't integrated into
 the firmware, which makes running a market an unattractive proposition
 for most businesses.


 P.S. In case you were wondering, we keep running AndAppStore because
 people want us to and it doesn't drain the companies resources. There
 are users of non-Google experience devices  developers of apps they'd
 like to be paid for who live in non-Google approved countries, so
 we're happy to keep it running.

 On Jun 11, 5:26 am, Andy Savage a...@bluewire.net.nz wrote:

  I think that it's highly possible for a competing App market to make a
  splash but it would have to come pre-installed on the phones. It could be
  possible though for a company who develops one to pre-install it if they
  make a deal with HTC for certain models of phones :-)

  Perhaps just pick 2 of the latest phones and make a deal with HTC to include
  it alongside the google one. Or perhaps HTC could cobrand (HTC store run by
  xyz company).

  The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that
  will allow a solution
  - Bertrand Russell

  Andy Savage
  Cell Phone: +852 936 34341
  Skype ID: andy_savage
  Linked In:http://www.linkedin.com/in/andysavage

  On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:21 PM, gosh steve...@unimelb.edu.au wrote:
   HTC don't have the global reach.
   Of the Taiwanese companies ACER is probably the most international in
   reach and intent - although they are pretty much a Microsoft shop.
   They have this annual pattern thats been going for years, where they
   demonstrate some prototype typically running some variant of Linux
   (including Android) at Computex and the like, while they are
   negotiating a better annual deal for Windows XP/and now Windows7 from

[android-developers] Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-10 Thread gosh
Oracle Android App Store

Here's the countries that developers can currently sell from via
Android Market:

Here's the countries that Android Market offers free apps to:

Here's the countries that Android Market sells to:
(i.e. the 13 countries down the bottom of the same page)

These haven't changed much for a long time - e.g. 9 countries in that
first list haven't changed since September 2009.
(Googles Knows why its not the same 13 where users can buy from)

How does this compare with the other mobile OS vendors?

Apple's App Store currently works in 90 countries. In Feb'2010 they
added: Armenia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia,
Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uganda  ...
i.e. they are going to run out of global map real soon now. Say what
you like about them, but they take paid apps seriously.
I.e. see:  

Here's the 29 countries that Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace
developers can sell to (and upload from):


...when the forthcoming Windows7 Phone hits the market later this

What both Android app developers and global Android users need is
another substantial app store run by a globally recognised ICT entity
with a global presence (not carrier app stores such as Motorola's), an
International commitment, and that uses more conventional payment
methods (PayPal/ the standard Credit Cards). It will happen eventually
given the gapping great gap in the Android Market service roll-out all
this time. I'd lay odds on Oracle setting up an Android App Store that
uses PayPal, which seems an odd possibility at first, but then when
you think about it more seriously, it makes commercial sense from a
lot of different angles:
- Sun had a Java Store that used PayPal.
- They now control Java.
- They like making money from software.
- As Google moves to Web apps within the forthcoming Web Store, Oracle
could befriend Android developers (via global distribution) and
gradually try to move them towards JavaFX apps (whatever plans they
have for that).
- In building such an app store it could showcase their existing
Oracle Store product for building such things.
- They could entice Android app developers to develop 'services' for
their own apps on their own MySQL/Oracle DBMS servers (supplied by
Oracle), or via an Oracle cloud.

Any votes for an Oracle Android App Store?
Any votes for a Yahoo! Android App Store?
What other major ICT/media company could pull off such a marketing

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[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-10 Thread gosh
 When I look at BlackBerry App World it lists over 200 countries which
 seems high but I know they support almost everywhere by now so perhaps
 it's correct.  I find it crazy that Canada isn't supported considering

Yes, I also find it odd that there are four countries that they sell
to, but don't let developers/publishers sell from, as in:

New Zealand

I don't know about New Zealand but in those other 3, Google has its
own software development efforts, e.g. WAVE in Australia.
I suspect that they just didn't want any of their own programmers with
deep internal tech knowledge to jump-ship with start-ups selling
Android apps, in the year just gone. i.e. They take great pride in the
fact that they have a high retention rates of programmers, while
places like Microsoft have been losing good coders for some years now.

 Also I suspect that Apple wouldn't have passed MS in market cap if the
 app store had the same return policy as the android market.

Yes its a win-win-win situation (software publishers/Internet industry/
users). Before the Internet I used to publish software for a living.
In 1994/95 the www killed all that - the early-adopters who used to be
the buyers of software from those publishers other than the Microsofts
and Adobes of the world, all went to the big free download on the web.
Most people I know who contribute to free open source projects have
other jobs that pay their wages - e.g. academia. The App Store is the
first mechanism since 1994 that gives something back to software
developers, while also giving customers software for a few bucks
(versus the ridiculous price of games on the consoles our kids pay or
pirate), while also keeping the Internet healthy with activity and

Apple has effectively tapped the great untapped resource that is
software developers and publishers, who don't have some other source
of income or some other activity they'd rather be doing. So yes, I
agree with you whole-heartedly - it is a large part of the reason
Apple have shot to the top in market cap. And I whole-heartedly wish
Android provided a similar future avenue - if not via Google, then via
some other worthy advocate for innovation and progress.


On Jun 11, 2:46 am, Leigh McRae leigh.mc...@lonedwarfgames.com
 When I look at BlackBerry App World it lists over 200 countries which
 seems high but I know they support almost everywhere by now so perhaps
 it's correct.  I find it crazy that Canada isn't supported considering

 I really don't think Google is all that interested in paid apps as they
 are in extending their ad network to handhelds.  You can't really blame
 them as it's their core business.

 Also I suspect that Apple wouldn't have passed MS in market cap if the
 app store had the same return policy as the android market.


 On 6/10/2010 11:51 AM, gosh wrote:

  Oracle Android App Store

  Here's the countries that developers can currently sell from via
  Android Market:

  Here's the countries that Android Market offers free apps to:

  Here's the countries that Android Market sells to:
  (i.e. the 13 countries down the bottom of the same page)

  These haven't changed much for a long time - e.g. 9 countries in that
  first list haven't changed since September 2009.
  (Googles Knows why its not the same 13 where users can buy from)

  How does this compare with the other mobile OS vendors?

  Apple's App Store currently works in 90 countries. In Feb'2010 they
  added: Armenia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia,
  Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uganda  ...
  i.e. they are going to run out of global map real soon now. Say what
  you like about them, but they take paid apps seriously.
  I.e. see:  

  Here's the 29 countries that Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace
  developers can sell to (and upload from):


  ...when the forthcoming Windows7 Phone hits the market later this

  What both Android app developers and global Android users need is
  another substantial app store run by a globally recognised ICT entity
  with a global presence (not carrier app stores such as Motorola's), an
  International commitment, and that uses more conventional payment
  methods (PayPal/ the standard Credit Cards). It will happen eventually
  given the gapping great gap in the Android Market service roll-out all
  this time. I'd lay odds on Oracle setting up an Android App Store that
  uses PayPal, which seems an odd possibility at first, but then when
  you think about it more seriously, it makes commercial sense from a

[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-10 Thread gosh
Slight problem,
The pre-installed market in every phone is Google's.
How do you overcome that ?

Thats why I suggest its got to be an Oracle-level company - some
entity that carriers will do deals with at the pre-installed market
level and/or that the customer will type into the browser from memory.


On Jun 11, 9:16 am, Yahel kaye...@gmail.com wrote:
 Slight problem,

 The pre-installed market in every phone is Google's.

 How do you overcome that ?

 Internet Explorer is still the most used browser in the world(70 % on
 non-tech-savvy sites) 8 years after the launch of firefox which is way
 better. Just because IE is pre-installed in every windows machine.

 Same thing here. Other markets won't be able to compete because of


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[android-developers] Re: Oracle Android App Store

2010-06-10 Thread gosh
HTC don't have the global reach.
Of the Taiwanese companies ACER is probably the most international in
reach and intent - although they are pretty much a Microsoft shop.
They have this annual pattern thats been going for years, where they
demonstrate some prototype typically running some variant of Linux
(including Android) at Computex and the like, while they are
negotiating a better annual deal for Windows XP/and now Windows7 from
Microsoft, as a bargaining chip. ASUS has become their student in this
- witness the EeePC which mainly comes installed with a Windows
variant these days, after making its splash in the market with Linux.
I don't think the answer to android app market invigoration likes in


On Jun 11, 11:48 am, Chi Kit Leung michaelchi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe HTC can develop their own market. But I am doubtful about they are
 working closely with Google.

 On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Yahel kaye...@gmail.com wrote:
  Slight problem,

  The pre-installed market in every phone is Google's.

  How do you overcome that ?

  Internet Explorer is still the most used browser in the world(70 % on
  non-tech-savvy sites) 8 years after the launch of firefox which is way
  better. Just because IE is pre-installed in every windows machine.

  Same thing here. Other markets won't be able to compete because of


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 Michael Leunghttp://www.itblogs.infohttp://www.michaelleung.info

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[android-developers] Re: Why is Android so buggy?

2010-06-07 Thread gosh
Like Olivier says, most of us don't have the time to
spend in fixing open source bugs.

What do you think the free phones are for.
Did you really think they were free.


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[android-developers] Re: Android Apps purchasing from anywhere in the world

2010-05-26 Thread gosh
In the 8 months of 'nothing' from Google on this issue, we've seen a
way to make it work for the software developer too, as it should:

This other approach involves 'not killing iPhone', but maintaining
some plurality in your platform dev choice.

Consider the Android market as your 'test' market, for testing new
products, testing new ideas in products and to get momentum in user-
land. Put them out on Android first and for free, but also do a
version for the iPhone that is a paid app. Put the extra features and
the extra polish into the iPhone paid app. You end up with the
traditional highly successful duel marketing model where you have a
'low-end' product (for people who like it that way), and a 'high-end'
product (for people who like it that way). It also happens to side-
step this whole international market impasse - which, if as Amir
suggests, is not really an impasse but a Google strategy to move us
all towards an adwords/adsense payment world only.

I concede that it has two drawbacks:
1). Not all applications you can do on the Android can be done/or make
sense to do on iPhone (and the reverse is also true). But a majority
can. On Android, concentrate on more screen formats and interaction
modes; on iPhone concentrate on more features and polish. Eventually
iPhone will probably get the extra screen formats, so very little of
the work will go unpaid.
2). You have to port (much of) your code to Objective-C most probably.
(If you have a lot of code in 'C' you can probably mitigate that -
which is what a lot of the mainstream game developers do/have.)

On the other hand, in the 8 months in which Google has said absolutely
'zero' on this issue, you could have done an incredible quality port
to the iPhone. Of course if we had known 'in advance' nothing was
going to happen for this long, we would have started much earlier on
this duel strategy, but at least we have now have.


On May 26, 6:44 pm, Andy Savage a...@bluewire.net.nz wrote:
 I believe that the 30% went to the carriers only?

 If what you say is true and they take 30% where there is no carrier deal in
 place then they have NO excuse (at least from our perspective) not to
 implement *good* paid markets everywhere. For every minute that they don't
 they are loosing significant revenue.

 In my mind the Google Market is key. This is what will really be the iPhone

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[android-developers] Re: Did anyone try Paypal in-apps Library?

2010-05-26 Thread gosh
I agree that it probably means they have rushed it to market, to seize
an opportunity.
Would also be interested to hear of peoples experience/s with it.

On May 26, 9:05 pm, Zsolt Vasvari zvasv...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 26, 9:30 am, gosh steve...@unimelb.edu.au wrote:

  You're easily turned off.

 Perhaphs turned off was a poor choice of words.

 Not having a IDE-embedable JavaDoc just seems amateurish and doesn't
 exactly give me the confidence to be an early adaptor of a product
 where the exchange of real money takes place.

 I'd rather wait until I hear other people's experience with this
 particular product.

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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-25 Thread gosh
Does a user 'donation' thru Paypal really constitute an authorized
payment though?
I don't thing so. A donation is voluntary thing, a payment is
something you are required to make in a vendor-customer deal.


On May 25, 10:56 pm, Chi Kit Leung michaelchi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I read the policy of Android Market, you only can use the authorized payment
 process to charge your users.

 On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Chi Kit Leung 

  I found Paypal in-apps library. Maybe that will helps the developers of
  paid apps.
  But I am not sure whether you can help upload an apps with some locked
  features as a free app in Android market.

    On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Michael 

  Out of interest I registered for the bada dev site and the link for
  the appstore takes you to the same page referenced in the email

  This makes me think that it is legit.


  On May 20, 7:08 pm, Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier
   tinyappwo...@gmail.com wrote:
   The paid Android Market currently is not available for the most of the
   countries. So it could be a viable alternative for the rest of the
   word. It seems that the main site supports only a single Bada model,
   and dev resources for Bada and WinMo OS-es, so currently there is no

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  Michael Leung

 Michael Leunghttp://www.itblogs.infohttp://www.michaelleung.info

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[android-developers] Re: Did anyone try Paypal in-apps Library?

2010-05-25 Thread gosh
You're easily turned off.
If Google started letting you sell JavaScript 'Web Apps' thru the 'Web
Store' would that turn you off Android Java apps? or off Android
Market (if it morphs into Web Store as expected)?

On May 25, 4:18 pm, Zsolt Vasvari zvasv...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I saw that PayPal decided to release the doc as a PDF document as
 opposed to Javadoc, it really turned me off.

 On May 25, 7:54 am, Chi Kit Leung michaelchi...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,
  Did anyone try Paypal in-apps Library? Moreover, if any apps has this
  feature, it will against the policy in Android Market Policy, right? In
  Android Market, the free apps must be right without locking feature, right?
  Michael Leunghttp://www.itblogs.infohttp://www.michaelleung.info

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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-24 Thread gosh
There was some Press around January this year about Motorola launching
an apps store.

I checked their site recently (here: http://developer.motorola.com/shop4apps/
) and it seems that they only do China, but soon will also be
Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

Does anyone have experience of registering their app/s with Motorola
to access any of those markets (well, only China is up, so: experience
with their apps in China)?


On May 21, 5:58 pm, Piotr Buła piotr.b...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why would users need another Android app store? Let's see:
 - paid apps (for users)
 - paid apps (for developers)
 - browsing through a website
 - buying through a website
 - payment methods different then Google Checkout
 - no trash apps (some form of quality standards)
 - and all of this in their native language

 Those are just a few reasons that immediately come to mind (and there
 are plenty more if you think about it). Where I live, Android Market
 does not offer any of the above. And this is true for ~90% of the
 countries where Android devices are officially available.


 On May 20, 6:40 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  . something to think about ...

  Why would users need another App Store for the same plataform if it
  doesn´t add anything better than the ones we have already?

  - cut --

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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-24 Thread gosh
There's also this site at Sony/Ericsson:   

Does anyone have experience of registering their Android app/s with
to access any markets beyond the current reach of paid apps in Android

I'm particularly interested if you have been able to sell from a
country outside the current 9 countries allowed by Android Market?
(i.e. See list as from Sep 20th, 2009 here:
http://market.android.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=150324  )


On May 21, 5:58 pm, Piotr Buła piotr.b...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why would users need another Android app store? Let's see:
 - paid apps (for users)
 - paid apps (for developers)
 - browsing through a website
 - buying through a website
 - payment methods different then Google Checkout
 - no trash apps (some form of quality standards)
 - and all of this in their native language

 Those are just a few reasons that immediately come to mind (and there
 are plenty more if you think about it). Where I live, Android Market
 does not offer any of the above. And this is true for ~90% of the
 countries where Android devices are officially available.


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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-23 Thread gosh
They did announce the 'Web Store' at IO which is most probably the
shared future with Android Market.
i.e. Buy your web apps or your android apps from the same store, the
store that runs in HTML5 on your desktop, and therefore most probably
will also run on your Android (and 'soon' your Google TV too). It
sounded like this time around, Google is really committed to making
the Web Store a truly international store like the web itself, 'soon'.

You've got to start realising that these Java programs we are writing
are just a part of 'the transition path' to web apps proper.
The Web Store will probably cater for both the new breed of
applications and the legacy Java apps too. If we make our apps run in
the Browser instead, then we can reach a far, far larger marketplace.
Sure, there'll be some serious competition from the Flash programming
community and the high schools kids too (particularly on the games
front), but we'll always be able to do better system-oriented stuff in
Java then them - the system stuff that Android itself doesn't cover or
do well at, at the moment. However, the greatly expanded future
marketplace (i.e. the 'world-wide' web, and TV too) should make it
feesible for us all to make a decend living.


On May 21, 9:25 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Talking about Android Market  I don´t know if anyone here attended
 to Google I/O, I haven´t so I have no news, maybe you do ...

 What about Google Checkout? Any news on when developers from other
 countries will be able to sell apps on AM?

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[android-developers] Re: Selling apps from Canada in the Market?

2010-04-07 Thread gosh
I wouldn't hold your breathe there Brill.

If you do a search in this group on thread titled 'Countries for
selling priced applications in Android Market' you'll see that many
others 'were' asking this question back in August 2009 (and elsewhere
in this group). Google allowed nine countries to sell apps from Sep
2009 and nothing has changed in the 7 months since then.
My interest then 'was' in selling Android apps from Australia.

I approached an Australian Senator ('for the Digital Economy') to try
and see what was happening at Google on this issue (since they don't
answer such questions from mere mortals, or even from their own
collaborating developers) - but the answer the Senator got back with
was simple and the same: 'we are working on more countries'. Tim
O'Reilly got me an avenue to someone a bit further up the Google food
chain ... same simple non-committal answer came back to us: 'we are
working on more countries'.

If you are looking for a professional response to this sort of a
question, from a global company that knows something about application
developer relations in an international context, I recommend that you
look at what Sun/Oracle tell their International enquirers wrt the
same issue at the 'Java Shop', on the web-page here 'Java Warehouse
Developer Center - Supported Locations':


...the issues they cite there regarding seller countries are likely to
be the very same issues that Goggle would be facing with CheckOut and
Apps, iff they actually do intend to include more countries.

The fact the Google can't get a page of information like that to their
own enquiring Android developers, suggests to me that either: 1). They
are not an Internationally competent company when it comes to
collaborating with grass-roots developers; or, 2). They have no
intention of allowing developers from further countries to sell
Android apps (now that they have a critical mass of apps to compete
with iPhone).

Since you (and I) are not from the favored 9 countries, and since 7
months have passed, if you want to make some money from your Android
apps, you should release it for 'free' and simply embed advertising in
it ... as many other developers in this predicament are already doing.
Its also a 'great value' move for Android phone users.

(Btw if you look at Tim OReilly's recent blog on 'The State of the
Internet Operating System' - 
- a long but very good and insightful read, you will see that while he
cites iPhone, iPad and the App Store, he doesn't cite Android Market
in a 'selling apps' future (i.e. under the heading 'Access Control'),
but he does mention Google re Admob under the 'Advertising' aspect of
the Internet Operating System).


On Apr 6, 12:06 am, Brill Pappin br...@pappin.ca wrote:
 Does anyone have any idea when Google plans to allow us Canadian
 developers to actually create accounts for selling apps in the Market?

 I am completely flabbergasted that I can't set that up. Major FAIL.

 - Brill Pappin

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[android-developers] Re: Selling apps from Canada in the Market?

2010-04-07 Thread gosh
I hope you're right Brill, but the 7 months with 'zero' movement on
this issue in 'any' country, doesn't sit well with it.

The trouble for ALL Android app developers who want to sell
applications for years to come, is that developers from the countries
'not' in those 9 (Germany, Austria, Japan, Italy, Spain, France, the
Netherlands, UK and US), tend to release their applications for free
(thereby undermining the commercial proposition for those developers
in the 9 countries). This makes the proposition for 'ads within apps'
the better long-term proposition on Android in 'ALL' countries. This
of course suits Google's time-honored Business Model,  which is more
than ample reason for them sitting on their hands, tight-lipped about
this whole impasse.


On Apr 8, 12:54 am, Brill Pappin br...@pappin.ca wrote:
 I suspect the issues is actually not that they don't want to allow it,
 I think that the issue is that they are trying to keep everything
 inside their own umbrella.

 What I mean is, Google has a payment processor business and they have
 the app business; they are trying to keep everything under one roof.

 The problem is not actually that the Market won't do it, its that
 Google Checkout can't and having worked with payment processors a lot,
 I can tell you that some countries are much easier to get access to
 payment systems than others.

 In Canada, its difficult (not sure about Australia)  to get access to
 the payment networks because here we have fairly strict regulations on
 Banks etc and they don't like people on their turf.

 Apple on the other hand doesn't have anything invested as a payment
 processor, and so doesn't have the same limitation because they can
 use any of the many existing ones that handle Canadian transactions

 So, my guess is that Google Checkout is having trouble dealing with
 the Canadian financial system and getting in the door, however that
 failure is hurting their other departments, such as the Android Market

 What they should be doing IMO is simply hooking into another existing
 processor for countries like Canada until they can sort out their
 processor troubles. From our perspective we would not even notice the
 change accept possibly by having to enter new credit card data (not
 even google is allowed to store it).

 This is a guess of course, but based on a little knowledge of the
 processor industry.

 - Brill Pappin

 On Apr 7, 9:45 am, gosh steve.goschn...@gmail.com wrote:

  I wouldn't hold your breathe there Brill.

  If you do a search in this group on thread titled 'Countries for
  selling priced applications in Android Market' you'll see that many
  others 'were' asking this question back in August 2009 (and elsewhere
  in this group). Google allowed nine countries to sell apps from Sep
  2009 and nothing has changed in the 7 months since then.
  My interest then 'was' in selling Android apps from Australia.

  I approached an Australian Senator ('for the Digital Economy') to try
  and see what was happening at Google on this issue (since they don't
  answer such questions from mere mortals, or even from their own
  collaborating developers) - but the answer the Senator got back with
  was simple and the same: 'we are working on more countries'. Tim
  O'Reilly got me an avenue to someone a bit further up the Google food
  chain ... same simple non-committal answer came back to us: 'we are
  working on more countries'.

  If you are looking for a professional response to this sort of a
  question, from a global company that knows something about application
  developer relations in an international context, I recommend that you
  look at what Sun/Oracle tell their International enquirers wrt the
  same issue at the 'Java Shop', on the web-page here 'Java Warehouse
  Developer Center - Supported Locations':


  ...the issues they cite there regarding seller countries are likely to
  be the very same issues that Goggle would be facing with CheckOut and
  Apps, iff they actually do intend to include more countries.

  The fact the Google can't get a page of information like that to their
  own enquiring Android developers, suggests to me that either: 1). They
  are not an Internationally competent company when it comes to
  collaborating with grass-roots developers; or, 2). They have no
  intention of allowing developers from further countries to sell
  Android apps (now that they have a critical mass of apps to compete
  with iPhone).

  Since you (and I) are not from the favored 9 countries, and since 7
  months have passed, if you want to make some money from your Android
  apps, you should release it for 'free' and simply embed advertising in
  it ... as many other developers in this predicament are already doing.
  Its also a 'great value' move for Android phone users.

  (Btw if you look at Tim OReilly's recent blog on 'The State of the
  Internet Operating System' 

[android-developers] How to use com.android.gallery with an image in the .apk ?

2010-02-12 Thread Gosh

i'm a big newbie in developping Android application, and i just met my
first issue.

I'm trying to display an image from package resources with an intent
'ACTION_VIEW'. I set the data type to 'image/*' and the data to
'android.resource://com.mypackage.test/r.drawable.toto' where toto is
a jpg picture.

When i run the application, a new activity is launched (activity is
'view picture' from com.android.gallery) but no picture displayed and
it finally crash with a java.lang.NullPointerException.

I think my reference to the resource may be false but i didn't manage
to make it work. Any help would be appreciated.

Ps: i apologize for my poor english skills


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[android-developers] Re: Growing pains for Android developers??

2009-11-14 Thread gosh
I think you hit the 'nail on the head' Niko with your We can't judge
Google based on knowledge we DONT have. - and maybe its the legal
team who are driving the car.

The tech side of Android, including this group's info-feeders and
strokers of the many considerable egos amongst us, are Great - and
more power to them.
But, if a publisher is trying to build a business plan upon
development on Android, there are no available timeframes around the
marketing aspects, and no avenue to find out whether or not the
marketing aspects are in hand. I.e. Is there a marketing strategy for
Android at all? Publishers have to base any business plans on faith,
hope, hunches and hearsay.

E.g. Unlike you, many publishers cannot sell their applications 'at
all' (to experience the low volumes;) because they are from countries
that are not amongst the current 9 where publishers can. e.g.
Australia is still missing from that list. No one from Google can say
anything about that - I've tried many info channels to no avail. Not
just a time-envelope of when it may be added, but even whether it will
'ever' be added (e.g. Will ads within free apps supersede customer
payment for apps entirely? Will Chrome OS become the main game? Should
we be moving more development to Flash and away from Java? I.e. In
this info vacuum comes speculation). Its not the programmers here
whinging (at my company), its the Business Manager.

Stepping back from the fray several hundred yards for some perspective
on why people may grumble a bit (whether or not they are
'programmers') - It is a remarkable thing that a company such as
Google, which is largely built upon search, itself built upon
information produced by other people and other companies (web-site
content; scanned books, uploaded video, etc), does itself make so
little of its own information available - and keeping it from its
early adopter developers and publishers, of all people. Personally, I
am surprised at how many people don't 'whing' at all.

On Nov 14, 3:38 am, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Ok, let me answer some of these myself.

 App sales sluggish - well android is still a growing platform, and yes
 the latest improvements to the app store have helped, as well as all
 the new phone releases as well, I'm seeing about double the orders per
 day as before. Not to mention that we finally will probably actually
 have customers that aren't also developers.

 ADP - you can just get a droid phone and develop with it. The only
 reason to have an ADP is so you can flash it with different ROMS. If
 you want to test against Android 2.0 you can just use a DROID to
 develop with. Any android device can be used for debugging and

 The Google market has improved over the last six months and will
 likely improve again. Having on 325 characters may seem like a
 restriction, but it does enable people's devices to download the data
 faster, as well as preventing too much spam in their comments (like
 keywords, and other garbage the is irrevlevant), that the apple Iphone
 app store suffers from. Some of the apps I've looked at on the IPhone
 store don't even say what they do in their description! It's usually a
 little TOO long winded!

 Rumor and conjecture - the rules and agreements between Google and
 developers are quite clearly stated in the Developer agreement. Some
 people want to read between the lines and have hissy fits about every
 little detail. Maybe that is just the way programmers are. But it's
 pretty much standard legal fare. A lot of what you may see on this
 board is just whining about small details that may only affect a
 minority of developers.

 The IPhone system has its own flaws as well (approval process, etc).
 And that system most likely is a take it or leave it agreement too. We
 can't judge Google based on knowledge we DONT have. Speculation is
 just that, speculation. I haven't seen any arguments that show the
 opposing platforms advantages yet (like how their agreements work,


 On Nov 13, 6:57 am, WoodManEXP woodman...@gmail.com wrote:

  We have spent significant time  energy and $$ producing several
  Android applications on the bet/hope it will be able to cut into the
  iPhone market. Unfortunately little is happening.

  - The apps sales are sluggish (the apps are hardly even being pirated
  as far as we can tell).
  - ADP cannot be updated to Android 2.0 yet Google has pushed hard for
  development to be updated to 2.0 and the Droid phone is released. How
  is one to test?
  - The Google Market seems ineffective. Consider limitations like the
  short app descriptions for instance. Google Market has a way to go to
  catch up with the magic of iTunes.
  - There is void of two-way communication between Google and the
  Android developer base so rumor and conjecture and trial and error
  - Distribution license agreement is updated in a take it or leave it
  fashion (with no meaningful explanation or attempt to point out

[android-developers] Re: Countries for selling priced applications in Android Market

2009-09-20 Thread gosh

Since then two more countries have been added to the drop-down:



On Sep 17, 2:28 am, monsoon steve...@unimelb.edu.au wrote:

 I joined up to Android Market the other day (10th Sep 2009), and also
 could not get past the 'Location' drop-down menu (and, it was only
 encountered 'after' paying up the membership) - but I did notice that
 in the locations list ofcountriesthere-in, that can currently buy-
 and-sellat that time, were:

 United Kingdom
 United States

 I am most interested in when software publishers from Australia cansellon the 
 Android Market.
 I.e. I currently have a game which I can't get to any users/players
 (because it costs $1.33).

 Our previous government made a big song-and-dance about the long-
 negotiated US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, which I was hoping would
 lubricate this sort of thing (from both sides of the fence). Lets hope
 that it does.
 ...Maybe the EU and the US have a 'Really Truly Free Trade Agreement'?
 Maybe their respective tax departments are more responsive than ours?
 Who knows what the log-jam is? Maybe it is a government department
 issue on our side of the fence?? ... I'll start digging along that
 line of enquiry (i.e. government departments get more responsive as
 elections start to loom) next week when I have some free time and let
 you know if I make any progress.


 On Aug 24, 3:58 pm, Michael Leung michaelchi...@gmail.com wrote:

    That is near the end of Q3 now. Does anyone know whether there will be a
  new list ofCountriesfor selling priced applications in Android Market?

  Michael Leunghttp://www.itblogs.infohttp://www.michaelleung.info

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[android-developers] Image with a Button, or text with ImageButton

2009-08-12 Thread gosh

Hi there,

A 'Button' view comes up with text, while the 'ImageButton' widget
comes up with an image but no text, is there a way to relatively
easily (e.g. method calls, say), either:

1. Add text to ImageButton (like those buttons that appear in menu
item/via the physical menu button)?


2. Add an icon/image to a Button?

without resorting to constructing a new button class?

I.e. I could put text within the image, but then I can't use
Localization properly/effectively.

Any suggests, much appreciated here.
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[android-developers] Inserting the 'status-bar' within ones own full-screen View

2009-08-10 Thread gosh

I read somewhere in the Android documentation that (paraphrasing
here): 'if you do make your own View take up the whole screen, it is
then possible/even-advisable, to insert and manage the 'status-bar'
within your View'.
How do you do that? - i.e. insert the status-bar within ones own 'full-
screen' View?

Thanks in advance for any useful feedback.

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