[Artemis-users] Problem with /codon_start rendering on -ve strand

2012-07-30 Thread Torsten Seemann
Tim et al,

I've just run some MAKER2 annotations on a small parasite genome
(eukaryotic)., producing a GFF3 file. About 70% of the genes have
phase=0 (GFF column 8), while 15% have phase=1 and 15% have phase=2.
Artemis seems to load it (mostly) fine, and puts
/codon_start=(phase+1) tags.

However, when viewing, all the genes look fine on the +strand no
matter the phase, but the (some of the?) non-zero phase ones
(/codon_start 2 or 3) on the -strand seem to render incorrectly, with
the exons being out of frame.

I've looked through the mailing list archives, and found one reference
to a similar problem, but it appeared to be resolved, but I've
reproduced it somehow. I'm using Artemis 14.0.11. I'm also getting
possibly related warnings - about 100 x RANGE NOT FOUND ..y.

Any help appreciated!

--Dr Torsten Seemann
--Scientific Director : Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA
--Senior Researcher : VLSCI Life Sciences Computation Centre,
Parkville, AUSTRALIA

Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] BAM in Artemis

2011-04-20 Thread Torsten Seemann

 Given a BAM file e.g. x.bam the application is looking for the file
 x.bam.bai in the same directory. It sounds this is the case? If you create
 the index file with samtools :
 samtools index x.bam
 then it will create x.bam.bai. You could try re-creating the index with

I think the .bam file needs to be SORTED too (by reference coordinates)
before indexing. Chances are it already is sorted (as it was used with USCS)
but just in case:

% samtools sort original.bam original-sorted   # will
create original-sorted.bam
% samtools index original-sorted.bam

NOTE that for the sort command, you don't put the .bam suffix ... it does it
itself (ech).

--Torsten Seemann
--Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Dept. Microbiology, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA
Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis compatibility with BLAST+

2010-03-15 Thread Torsten Seemann

 Is there a version of (or suggested edits to) Artemis to make it compatible 
 with NCBI's BLAST+? I edited setup_dbs.sh to deal with makeblastdb replacing 
 formatdb, and that seems to have worked. But it strikes me that any internal 
 calls must use the old blastall command, and I'm not sure how (or even if) 
 that can be addressed ...
 Or am I better off starting over after downloading the old version of BLAST?

Databases created with 'formatdb' (BLAST) can be used by the BLAST+
search tools.

A possible work-around for you would be to use the legacy_blast.pl
script that comes with BLAST+. It takes the BLAST cmdline options and
translates them to a call to BLAST+ tools. If you renamed it
blastall with a symlink, it might just work?

--Torsten Seemann
--Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Dept. Microbiology, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA

Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] Disable there were warnings while reading message boxes?

2008-11-12 Thread Torsten Seemann
Hi all,

Is it possible to disable the message box(es) via the command line
that say there were warnings while reading - view now? ?

If I run art file1.gbk + file2.gff file3.gff I get a warning message
box 3 times - 1 per file. It becomes tedious to click No, No, No each

I understand it is because I am using some non-compliant tags in the 3
files, but I don't want to change the etc/options file to allow them,
I just would like to disable the warnings at command line runtime.

Is this possible?

Any help appreciated,

--Torsten Seemann
--Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Dept. Microbiology, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA

Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] Re: Can ACT do a protein comparison?

2006-11-08 Thread Torsten Seemann

Peter  Tim,

 what I use for current script using dna for the blast is:
 seqret -auto -filter -osf fasta $sequence_1  Seq1_fasta
 seqret -auto -filter -osf fasta $sequence_2  Seq2_fasta
 formatdb -i Seq1_fasta -p f
 blastall -d Seq1_fasta -i Seq2_fasta -p tblastx -m 8 -o $outputfile

Instead of using 'formatdb' and 'blastall' just to BLAST one sequence 
against another, I recommend using 'bl2seq' instead - it's a lesser 
known command which is part of the standard BLAST suite. This removes 
the need for writing (temporary) database files:

seqret -auto -filter -osf fasta $sequence_1  Seq1_fasta
seqret -auto -filter -osf fasta $sequence_2  Seq2_fasta
bl2seq -i Seq1_fasta -j Seq2_fasta -p tblastx -D 1

The only confusing part is that 'bl2seq' uses the -m parameter for 
something else, so you need to use -D 1 to do what -m 8 usually 
does. Most of the other parameters (eg. -e) are the same.

Dr Torsten Seemann   http://www.vicbioinformatics.com
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University, Australia

Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] FW: Tabbed data -

2006-02-28 Thread Torsten Seemann


Does anyone know a way of taking data for a genome annotated in Artemis 
and writing out as a table, so for each feature there is a column for 
/note, /locus_tag, /label, /gene etc.
There only seems to be option of writing features out in either Embl or 

One thing you may not realise is that MULTIPLE qualifiers of the same 
name are valid in EMBL/Genbank/DDJB style feature tables.

So you will need to consider how you would expect your column-based 
output to appear in a situation like the one below:

FT  CDS complement(1..99)
FT  /product=
FT  /function=
FT  /note=no ortholog found
FT  /note=obvious RBS site
FT  /EC_number=
FT  /EC_number=

Torsten Seemann
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9905 9010

Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] How to integrate hmmpfam in to artemis

2005-11-23 Thread Torsten Seemann
 How is possible to integrate hmmpfam searches in to artemis in similar way
 like blast searches (I mean under run menu)? So that you can select ORF
 and run against pfam database.

Yes it is possible. 

In particular, you would have to write a script called
etc/run_hmmpfam, using one of the other run_ scripts as an example.

And add 'hmmpfam' item to the 'feature_protein_programs' variable
in the etc/options file.

You should read
and look in the etc/ directory of Artemis.

Torsten Seemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium

Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] Using new EMBL qualifiers

2005-11-03 Thread Torsten Seemann

Version 6.4 of the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank Feature Table is out:

The CTRL-E editor in Artemis will need to know the new tags:

- /experiment and /inference (replacing /evidence) 
- /rpt_unit_seq and /rpt_unit_range (replacing /rpt_unit)

Also, the way Artemis stores its Blast results in /blastp etc perhaps
could be augmented with the use of /inference ?

Qualifier   /inference=
Definition  a structured description of non-experimental evidence that 
the feature identification or assignment.
Value format   TYPE[ (same species)][:EVIDENCE_BASIS]
Value format   TYPE[ (same species)][:EVIDENCE_BASIS]
Example /inference=similar to DNA sequence:INSD:AY411252.1
/inference=similar to RNA sequence, mRNA:RefSeq:NM_41.2
/inference=similar to DNA sequence (same 
/inference=protein motif:InterPro:IPR001900
/inference=ab initio prediction:Genscan:2.0

Torsten Seemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium

Artemis-users mailing list