Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

@194 I've had mixed messages about the sock part - I'm told that some people are really getting stuck there and some people are having no problem at all. I'll need to do some more testing, can you elaborate on the problem? I'm glad you got it working. Did you get stuck in the socks portion, or in the next level after the woman came up to you and did her speech?@195 Thanks! Very excited about the funding, I'm very fortunate!Hmm. That is not something I can test myself, Windows 7 via Mac running bootcamp. I'll contact some mates who run macs and see if they can reproduce the problem.@196 Did you drag all of the contents of the zip out of the zip folder, and onto your machine, or did you only drag the executable out? Also, in that same folder there's an Unreal Prerequisites installer. It's completely safe and lots of machines need to use it to install Fortnite as it's the same company. You could try that first. From what I'm reading, a lot of people have this problem - that file is missing. Some people think it's related to DirectX designating some files cannot be overwritten but try this link to see if you have the appropriate version of DirectX. … aspx?id=35Let me know if that works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2019-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi everyone, exciting announcement: I've been quiet for a while because I've been doing things to expand the game and prepare for it's eventual launch. One of those things is to secure funding: I have been awarded a grant, one of five dev teams each allocated a piece of $100,000 by Screenwest, a film and television advocacy organisation here in Western Australia. Another is seeking publishing and/or a marketing firm. I'm going to get back to developing the game soon, but in the mean time if you'd like to test out the latest demo, here it is. The snow level is still not done so explore at your own risk, but the first level is polished and there's an additional mini-level.I've been trying to test out the game on people's differing computer setups, and recently I've been told that for at least one person, the game opens and then is silent. No menu, no campfire sound, no running water which you're supposed to hear in the menu.Can you all give me feedback as to what happens when you open it? When you download it, you have to drag all the contents into the same folder and open the executable, which I think is called "WindowsNoEditor." Let me know what you think. Also I've added a controls narration: hold in TAB once all the intro dialogue is done, and the controls will be narrated. …


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2018-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

@191 Do you hear footsteps? There are some area restrictions in the tutorial. Can you keep following the trail to the end? If you follow it to the end, the guy should say he's going to do something else that requires a different mechanic. You have to follow the trail for about 20 seconds minimum. If you're doing this, I'll look into what's going on some more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey LordLundin, yes that's right. You can still bark, but the auto-follow is fixed now, and was broken before. In future levels bark will be used to call his attention to something, but only a few times at most per level if at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi everyone! I didn't make the last deadline I set for myself, but I've got a few breakthroughs in the game regarding audio directionality that I think you'll really dig! Check out this video. It's somewhat loud. features the new audio system where when you're walking, your head is pointing to the ground and you're automatically sniffing. When you stop, your head comes up, you're alert and your ears are pointing forwards, and the sound is very directional and focused to show you what's directly in front of you. It's also a way to focus on the scent trail, so that will get a bit easier.  I'm going to have this up by the end of the weekend so you can try it out.In other news, I'm having a mini-documentary shot on what I'm doing regarding a game for both sighted and blind gamers. I'll link it here if you want to check it out. The updates are coming! Also I got a new computer so development is SPEEDING ahead! I'm also still looking into the errors given to some users and an export for Linux. Thanks guys!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2018-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey Dark, I did see your latest post. The newest sound processing changes are NOT implemented in the latest build because I'm still getting them right. It's a huge step forward for us but it's not perfect yet. I hope to have another build up by the end of the weekend. Those ideas for progression sound really solid and honestly, easier to implement into the game scripting than what I was thinking of. That's my biggest limitation, I'm not a programmer by trade, I'm a sound designer. Thanks for that!! Keep in touch with your great ideas!!I would love any help I can get with publicity. What do you mean database entry? Speaking of publicity, I'm about to get a mini documentary done on what I'm doing here, so I'll post that when it's up. It's by a group in Australia that gets some pretty decent exposures, but they tell stories about unique startups. After that, I'll be applying for as many grants that the game will fit, to try to finance it full time so I can put a year of full time development into it. I expect that process will start around March.The more publicity/attention/let's plays/twitter followers I have, the better chance I have of getting funded. If none of that works I'll be looking into a kickstarter but I really don't want to do that.Thanks for the interest and PLEASE keep those ideas flowing. One last thing: you said you had trouble telling which way you were facing. The new sound processing will help with that but also - I discovered a big issue. The sound follows the CAMERA, not the way the dog is facing, which is a big issue. I'm looking into fixing it now. I don't know if your level of vision allows you to see the camera direction but that's been an issue for some players. They're walking in one direction but the sound is feeding them information as if they were facing another. Hope I get that fixed next.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey everyone - sorry for the radio silence.I got married! And then moved 600k away! Still moving things in but the PC is up and running which means development for Lost and Hound is full speed ahead again. Speaking of which, I have two features coming up that I wanted to tell you about because they will make the game much easier. The first is, the camera didn't snap back to a home position, directly behind the dog in the previous version. You could move the camera, and it would stay to the side. I didn't realize this was a problem for people without sight until very recently and I apologize for that. It didn't come out in my playtesting with my eyes closed because I knew I shouldn't move the camera around, but an average player wouldn't know that so again, my fault and I'm sorry and I'm fixing it.The next one is pretty big, and I think it will take you guys into the world of being a dog: the audio is using different algorithms now to simulate location. If you've ever petted a dog you know that when it's paying attention to stuff, it's ears rotate forward and they stand up, meaning everything directly in front of them is amplified and everything to the sides and behind is muted a bit. I'm making the audio work in the same way. Now, it will be much easier to tell if you're facing the river, or a tree or whatever. Navigation and imagining the world around you through it's aural cues will feel really easy, I hope.I know this stuff isn't flashy or impressive but if you've been playing the game, the next update will (HOPEFULLY) improve things in a big way!Stay tuned, more coming! And if you want to follow the game's smaller updates you can check out the gamejolt page.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

NEW UPDATE! This is a polishing update, meaning no new content but I've made the game a *LOT* easier to play, and more satisfying. I've added cues to when you reach certain important points in the game, and improved the volume of the voices a lot. I've also added controller support if you use a gamepad. I've included a level select screen so you can go to the snow level if you like but I would recommend starting at the tutorial, which is also heavily reworked.Overall the game is just easier to play and it's more satisfying too. I added another discoverable story, too, to the first level.I just gave a discussion at PAX on blind gaming and it was really well received. The audience was fantastic. They were really interested in the ways that I've used to make the game accessible from within, instead of adding external things later on. They also loved the idea that Pokemon's thorough sound design and the fighting games in stereo are popular with blind gamers. Here it is! x32 version coming tomorrow! … %20x64.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi Nick, that's really interesting, your computer is just a little bit underneath mine in terms of processing power. I'm running an intel-core i5 at 2.71 gb, while you're running an i3 at 2.1 gb.  Your native resolution is lower than average and I wonder if that's the issue. I'm not overly technical in terms of debugging, but I did do a bit more in this next version to make graphics easier to set - you will be able to lower the resolution from the start this time. Apart from that, it might just be Unreal Engine. The engine is very powerful and might just be too much for some computers, there's only so much I can do but I am willing to keep working at it with you.Can you tell me the exact error message you get please?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey everyone, sorry for the long bit of silence there. I'm finishing up my contract and will have a LOT more time to develop this.Things I've fixed: the scent trail is much easier to follow, as the falloff range of the sound is more steady and consistentscent trail is also loudertutorial is reworked to be clearer and shorter, and you can't break the level anymore by barkinggamepad support added visual clues added for the sighted players (they were struggling with following the trail)Coming up: PAX Aus is on this weekend and I'm giving a 30 minute talk on vision accessibility in games! PLEASE share my twitter, facebook and site to family and friends! I need as much publicity as possible going into PAX! (not active yet but I own the domain, will be making a page later today)Thank you!!! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey everyone, so you probably noticed that development has slowed to a crawl temporarily. This is because I got a really incredible (temporary) new job, doing sound and voice dialogue for an upcoming software exhibition in my city. It's bad in the sense that I have almost no time to devote to Lost and Hound, but it's good in the sense that I have a job and I'm able to support myself much more easily. I will soon be putting in full time work on the weekends, to have it ready for PAX Aus. The upcoming changes involve a scent trail that is much easier to follow. I double the scent trail, and made the doubled version much smaller so now it fades from nothing to a slightly louder scent trail in a much easier way - you can really figure out which direction the scent trail goes in much easier.I exhibited the game at a local games and art playtesting/viewing night, and people loved it. They were all sighted, and they all really, really struggled 
 but enjoyed the struggle, as using hearing to deduce information almost exclusively was new to them. More coming SOON!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Sightless Kombat wrote:@128In all honesty, I think you're taking accessibility to all a little too literally.  By this, I do not mean that you shouldn't try and make it run on every computer, but I'd sugges you face up to the realities of technological advancement - if people have older machines, they'll have to upgrade sooner or later.It's like Killer Instinct.  I tried to run it with my integrated graphics chip.  Needless to say, it ran at an unplayable level, so much so that it crashed due to the integrated chip.I understood that I would have to upgrade my graphics card to accommodate the game.  When I did get one as a gift, the game ran absolutely fine with no crashing issues to do with the previously mentioned hardware.If the game is playable to both gamers without sight and those gamers with sight who want to play it, that's all you can do.  Hardwa
 re isn't really your problem, I'd say.  There are games that I can't play because I don't have the hardware (those only available on Mac, for example).  I am only aware that the developers don't have to make those accessible to other platforms, in this case, and that if I get a mac, I can play the games then.The same is true for hardware - if I had an older computer that wouldn't run it, though I'd be annoyed about not being able to play the game, I'd be fine with waiting until my computer is capable of running it.I hope I'm making sense.  Basically, don't beat yourself up over it too much - your project is still very interesting and shouldn't be bogged down via overaccommodation.Regardless, though, keep up the good work and hope everything goes well.Yeah, I think you're right, about taking "accessibility" too literally. I think I feel guilty when it ma
 y not be necessary to feel that way. Thank you for what you said, it makes me feel better. That being said, I do have someone that works for Unreal on the case! So that's exciting!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Thanks Jeffb, I think you're right. I'm checking out the F11 problem right now. Crashmaster, I agree with everything you have said. I feel guilty when I pride myself on making a game accessible by all, but if it doesn't work on every computer it isn't, in fact, accessible by all so I feel like a fraud. I think the only way I'm going to be able to do this is, once the demo is 100% finished, which means after we add 2 more levels, I'll have to just double all the maps, and remove everything visual manually, and have a "Vision Impaired Mode" in the menu. I think that's just a reality of what we're facing in terms of how far a developer can downscale UE4. Thanks for your input, it's really helpful!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Update - FINALLY. This one was a long time coming.Important things:Video settings - press 1 on the number pad, or F1, for the lowest setting. You can do this in the menu. The menu is narrated but requires a mouse. If you don't use a mouse, just press F9 for the tutorial, F10 for the forest level, and F11 for the snow level. I'm working on making the menu usable with a keyboard but it's really, really complicated. Press M to disable music in the snow level. In the forest level, it automatically quiets down when you're near the scent. I want you all to tell me which way you like more. Scent trail is loudeStamina and panting were added, but again running is not a great idea when following the scent trail. When all the way at the bottom, the stamina bar sticks so when you stop pressing shift, just hit it once more to get your stamina to respawn again. Snow level is complete.x32 version … v1.04a.rarx64 version … v1.04a.rarYou won't notice a difference here but I need to talk about it.The AI system was SO BUGGY. I spoke about it in the above post but now, every 10 steps or so the AI will be told to come and find you, and follow you. They also have learned personal space, because now they stay back 5-10 paces once they do find you.Haramir (the writer!) are going to start on the Australian level now which is already built physically, just needs some victims, a scent trail and nature sounds and a few mechanics. The goal is to have a four level demo done a week or two before we show the game at PAX Aus. I need your help in promoting it, by the way, everyone! Get the word out! Tell friends, talk about the game on facebook and twitter, emails, whatever.I think that's it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Update - FINALLY. This one was a long time coming.Important things:Video settings - press 1 on the number pad, or F1, for the lowest setting. You can do this in the menu. The menu is narrated but requires a mouse. If you don't use a mouse, just press F9 for the tutorial, F10 for the forest level, and F11 for the snow level. I'm working on making the menu usable with a keyboard but it's really, really complicated. Press M to disable music in the snow level. In the forest level, it automatically quiets down when you're near the scent. I want you all to tell me which way you like more. Scent trail is loudeStamina and panting were added, but again running is not a great idea when following the scent trail. When all the way at the bottom, the stamina bar sticks so when you stop pressing shift, just hit it once more to get your stamina to respawn again. Snow level is complete.x64 version … v1.04a.rarx32 version is uploading right now, will take a few hours.You won't notice a difference here but I need to talk about it.The AI system was SO BUGGY. I spoke about it in the above post but now, every 10 steps or so the AI will be told to come and find you, and follow you. They also have learned personal space, because now they stay back 5-10 paces once they do find you.Haramir (the writer!) are going to start on the Australian level now which is already built physically, just needs some victims, a scent trail and nature sounds and a few mechanics. The goal is to have a four level demo done a week or two before we show the game at PAX Aus. I need your help in promoting it, by the way, everyone! Get the word out! Tell friends, talk about the game on facebook and twitter, emails, whatever.I think that's it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Update - FINALLY. This one was a long time coming.Important things:Video settings - press 1 on the number pad, or F1, for the lowest setting. You can do this in the menu. The menu is narrated but requires a mouse. If you don't use a mouse, just press F9 for the tutorial, F10 for the forest level, and F11 for the snow level. I'm working on making the menu usable with a keyboard but it's really, really complicated. Press M to disable music in the snow level. In the forest level, it automatically quiets down when you're near the scent. I want you all to tell me which way you like more. Scent trail is loudeStamina and panting were added, but again running is not a great idea when following the scent trail. When all the way at the bottom, the stamina bar sticks so when you stop pressing shift, just hit it once more to get your stamina to respawn again. Snow level is complete.x64 version .daisyalesoundworks.c
 om/Lost%20and%20Hound%20x64%20v1.04a.rarx32 version is uploading right now, will take a few hours.You won't notice a difference here but I need to talk about it.The AI system was SO BUGGY. I spoke about it in the above post but now, every 10 steps or so the AI will be told to come and find you, and follow you. They also have learned personal space, because now they stay back 5-10 paces once they do find you.Haramir (the writer!) are going to start on the Australian level now which is already built physically, just needs some victims, a scent trail and nature sounds and a few mechanics. The goal is to have a four level demo done a week or two before we show the game at PAX Aus. I need your help in promoting it, by the way, everyone! Get the word out! Tell friends, talk about the game on facebook and twitter, emails, whatever.I think that's it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Update - FINALLY. This one was a long time coming.Important things:Video settings - press 1 on the number pad, or F1, for the lowest setting. You can do this in the menu. The menu is narrated but requires a mouse. If you don't use a mouse, just press F9 for the tutorial, F10 for the forest level, and F11 for the snow level. The menu is functional but buggy. If you use the level select, it will disable your controls for some reason, and you'll have to alt+f4 out of the game. Sorry, working on it.I'm working on making the menu usable with a keyboard but it's really, really hard. If you have a mouse, you can reduce the graphics resolution to the lowest setting. Press M to disable music in the snow level. In the forest level, it automatically quiets down when you're near the scent. I want you all to tell me which way you like more. Scent trail is louderStamina and panting were added, but again running is not a g
 reat idea when following the scent trail. When all the way at the bottom, the stamina bar sticks so when you stop pressing shift, just hit it once more to get your stamina to respawn again. Snow level is complete. won't notice a difference here but I need to talk about it.The AI system was SO BUGGY. I spoke about it in the above post but now, every 10 steps or so the AI will be told to come and find you, and follow you. They also have learned personal space, because now they stay back 5-10 paces once they do find you. Haramir (the writer!) are going to start on the Australian level now which is already built physically, just needs some victims, 
 a scent trail and nature sounds and a few mechanics. The goal is to have a four level demo done a week or two before we show the game at PAX Aus. I need your help in promoting it, by the way, everyone! Get the word out! Tell friends, talk about the game on facebook and twitter, emails, whatever. I think that's it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey everyone, update on the update.I'm about 95% done with it. It's a huge gameplay update particularly regarding the behaviour of the NPC victims. Before, I was relying on a trait called "pawn sensing" which is very buggy. Unreal kind of is sitting halfway between two different basic AI mechanisms right now, and neither one works really well so I pretty much had to create a very basic NPC call system. There are trigger boxes all over the level, and when you step on one, it has the NPCs run to you. Primitive but effective.So you shouldn't have to think, "Are they still with me?" anymore. The snow level is DONE! I'm just testing it to get some bugs out. Barking now calls NPCs to you - before it only called the handler, who is now named Hayden. Now it calls the rescue victims after you've found them of course.Sniffing now makes the trail twice as loud for a few seconds, in addition to the sonar ping thin
 g. The rest of the work is back end stuff like I said before, step height and walk speed and stuff like that is now just better overall. There's no big one thing that you can point to and say, THAT is what he spent all this time on. It just is a generally smoother game now. Music was also added, very low and the volume lowers when you're on the scent trail which is a kind of natural call to focus - when the music lowers, you must be close to the scent trail. This also makes the trail a little easier to follow and creates the illusion of forcing your attention away from the music and general ambiance of the level to the scent trail. I didn't intend that but I'll take credit for it.I really wanted this update out last night but I've literally spent four 12 hour days working on this and it's almost there. OH and a new tutorial. So two and a half levels now. I'm hoping to finish it up tomorrow and upload it. Should be
  ready by Wednesday morning for all of you! Fingers crossed!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey Crashmaster, really awesome points, particularly mentioning Mudsplat and Teraformas. I agree with you completely. I'm using something called "scalability" in Unreal Engine, and it's how you can tweak graphic settings easily. It's absolute lowest setting isn't good enough, which is where I'm finding problems with getting this game running on outdated tech.I will say though, I don't have a video card at all, just a dedicated intel one which is the worst possible thing on the market. The computer I'm running it on cost $500, it's an office Dell, and a low/middle of the line one. So while I respect the need to get this running on all possible machines because I'm creating it on a lower end office machine, I think our barriers are, as you say, Unreal Engine itself. I'm starting to worry I won't be able to downgrade the graphics any further even if I duplicate all the levels, and remove everything visual 
 from them. I'm not sure how much of the problem is my own optimization work still to be done, or Unreal Engine's lack of built in optimization.BUT I am spamming both Reddit's unreal forum, and Unreal's official forums looking for answers. We won't give up hope yet!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

No you're right, but it's the last step I can take in terms of optimizing the game. Beyond that, there's really nothing more I can do. I think it's the engine. Unreal is a really, really powerful games engine so I think that at it's most basic levels it requires more from PCs than most, there are only so many steps I can take to make the game easier to run. I did a LOT of optimization work so that the game naturally requires less to run, and I've added scalability which is F1-F4, but people are still saying they can't run it. It might help if I remove every tree, shrub, etc and all lighting from the computer workload. It's worth a shot. But I'm also harassing the unreal forums a lot for help to disable graphics completely, nobody has a solution yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi SLJ, I am still working on that. I have one more thing to try before I duplicate all the maps with all of the textures, meshes and lighting completely removed. I don't want to do that because any time I need to go back into a level and change something, I'll have to change it twice, so it will double my workload literally. But it might be the only solution. When I get it working I'll make a big loud post about it, I promise. Should be soon! Fingers crossed!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi Mojsior, Good feedback! I'm going to see if I can make the core of the trail a little louder than the edges of it. That will help. Some people have beaten it, it's just a somewhat hard skill. When you beat it, the handler does tell you you have won. Also, there's a much better tutorial coming! It tells you the different things you can do to track.Please remember it's very early stages, the game is only a month and a half old so it will only get better! I'll work on making the trail a little easier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Thanks Ironcross!! The game is struggling in development so you're officially the first sale lol. I put up two more soundtracks not because I want you to buy them (leave your email and I'll just send them for buying the first one  ) but because I figured, nobody would want this stuff. But you changed my mind! Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey Jeffb, yes it is.This update has a LOT of polish and bug fixes and the snow level is almost done. I wanted to make this a big update instead of a few little ones. I can't work on it this weekend but I estimate Monday or Tuesday. Thanks for the interest man.Crash, thanks for that mate! I have a band camp but it's all orchestral stuff. If you like this 8bit stuff I'll ask the people who bought the tracks if I can sell it. If not I'll just send it to you lol. My band camp, which again doesn't have chiptunes yet, is below, along with my soundcloud and site. Thanks again for the interest https://daisyalesoundworks.bandcamp.comWww.daisyalesoundworks.comWww.SoundCloud.c


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey Jeffb, yes it is.This update has a LOT of polish and bug fixes and the snow level is almost done. I wanted to make this a big update instead of a few little ones. I can't work on it this weekend but I estimate Monday or Tuesday. Thanks for the interest man.Crash, thanks for that mate! I have a band camp but it's all orchestral stuff. If you like this 8bit stuff I'll ask the people who bought the tracks if I can sell it. If not I'll just send it to you lol. My band camp, which again doesn't have chiptunes yet, is below, along with my soundcloud and site. Thanks again for the interest


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Cody, thanks man! I listen to the soundtrack for that game when shopping for groceries lol. I really like it.I use two free vst plugins - peach and magical 8bit plugin. Those are their exact names. I generally layer them - that chunky bass line is three different voices in the peach plugin. I would love to hear some of your stuff, you say you're a producer. Iron cross - you have a good ear for that stuff. I think that's what they were going for in the magical 8bit plugin, the early Yamaha chips. Thanks Gregsteel! Any notes? Anything you want me to change or do more of?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi everyone,I just wanted to give you complete transparency with the slowdown: I took a short extension of a contract for producing music for an 8bit/retro game from a few months ago. (Here's one of the pieces if anyone is into that genre of music.) … tune-boss. With my paid music contracts, I literally have to just drop everything and do them, because who knows when the next one will come.I did the pieces, it's over and now we're back to Lost and Hound. Also I have been doing some general bug fixing so that's why there's nothing flashy or newsworthy to update. I've been doing a lot of smoothing out of the gameplay - little things like fixing the boy victim's step angle and visibility, so he can see you easier and step to higher areas so he won't get lost in the river anymore. Tons of little things like that. I'm almost done with the logic and construction of the snow level, then it's voice acting, then it'll be on to the Australian outback level.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

You're welcome Cody, but also... I've struggled in the games industry to make it as an audio designer and composer for years. I can't tell you how refreshing and validating it is to find a group of people that like my work. So I really couldn't be more interested in developing this game than I am right now. This community is awesome. Thank you guys so much. Also, just an update for everyone following along, I've been doing a lot of back-end work lately. I need to get the menu system working and it's much more complicated than I imagined so I'm struggling with a lot of boring changes that most people won't notice but they just have to get done. Sorry for the slow in pace, guys and gals. More good stuff coming soon, including two new level ideas, one designed by me and one by the project's writer, Anderson! More to come soon!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi everyone! It's been quiet the past week or so because I had to travel for a few days, and then catch up on some audio contract work but now, it's back to development!I'm behind on my last update. Sorry about that.I'm working on a new tutorial now, like a mini-level where you practice following a scent trail and using the sniff mechanic before thrown into the level. Next up, it's ironing out the kinks in the snow level, and then another update. If you're anywhere near as into this game as I am, please help share it around, mention it to friends, share on twitter, whatever. We need more people aware.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Sure Stefan my twitter is, do you use twitter?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi Stefan, I've done quite a bit of optimization but now I just asked in a few forums how to disable graphics 100% without doubling every level. I'm hoping I'll get a good answer, if not I will have to remove all lighting, shadows and mesh visuals in the levels, hopefully won't take too long but I will get to it soon. I'll message you personally when I've done it, so you don't have to keep checking back.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi Nick, yes there is a new version, it was linked in comment #64 but also here below. I'll check the front page, apologies if I didn't update it. Huge optimization update is immediately in effect, and to further reduce strain on your computer, press F1 when you get into the game. I'm also still working on making it remove all lighting and hopefully irrelevant objects in the next update but there should be a big difference, as that is what most users are saying. If it's still a problem for you, let me know and I'll cater my research to memory pool optimization for the next update.x32 … %20x32.rarx64 … %20x64.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Looking into it, Wightfall. It might be something you have to do outside of the game, update your DirectX but I'll ask around on the forums.Ironcross, we're all pretty bad at it man. I really struggle to follow the trail myself and I laid it. Everyone I'm talking to about it is saying it's actually pretty difficult in terms of walking back and forth to get back on the trail. I put in an update to make the trail a little bit louder and a tiny bit bigger, so the newest update might be a little easier. That's version 1.03 I'm talking about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Ok Jeffb, I will lower the storm a bit. Also you're right I have these logs in the beginning to indicate a parking area but they serve no real purpose I bet you got stuck on them. I'll take the, out. Good feedback man keep it up!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Is it playable right now?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Ironcross,I'm still getting there with disabling. I'm working on trying to make it a function, so that everyone plays one level, as opposed to every single level having a duplicate with no visuals. I think I'm almost there with it, I just need to tell it to disable *ALL* lighting. That function, removing all graphics, is important to me, so we'll get there soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

If everyone could give me feedback on the optimization and if it helped, that would be awesome. And let's get more people playing this, it'll only make the game better. Spread it around!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hey Nick, I am glad you're engaging and getting interested in the game world I've made. In terms of the alternative ending suggestions, in a dog search, it can really only end two ways, life or death, and both will be experienced in this game. This is not a game about killing, so those suggestions are appreciated but will not be considered. I'm really proud of the notion that this is a game that deals with the drama of human safety and demise, without violence. Please feel free to comment again once you've played it. Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Yes sorry Nick. There is one executable to run the game, called MyProject2 in the first folder. There is no install, it just runs immediately so unzip everything into a folder and run MyProject2.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Yes, sorry Orko! I uploaded it but did not update the 32 bit in message #1. Here is the link. It's updated above too. … %20x32.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Yes message 1 has an updated linke to 1.02 but also here is the 32 bit link. … %20x32.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

I updated the first post so new people wouldn't have to go all the way to the bottom to get the recent version of the game. Should I leave the older versions in the top post, do you think?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Update is up, both 32 and 64 bit windows systems. x32 … %20x32.rarx64 … %20x64.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Nick, I haven't forgotten about your audio demo. I've been working on the game all day and need a break otherwise I'm going to start hating developing it. I'll do an audio demo sometime tonight, within a few more hours.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Hi Atlan, yes you can. Controls are above but I'll repeat them here too. W/Up arrow is move forwardS/Back arrow is backwardsA is strafe left, left arrow is turn leftD is strafe right, right arrow is turn rightE is bark, F is sniff 1, and G is sniff 2.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Version 1.02 fixes from 1.00:Autorun bug is goneLevel skip bug is goneScent trail is a little wider and a little louder - might not be a good thingScent trail is optimized for land height - wasn't beforeTent visual was added to the alternate scent trail scene - collisions, listen for footstepsAnother audio extra was added to the alternate scent trail sceneUnderwater sound was loweredVisual stones were added near the river - no aural/collision changeDog footstep volume was raised 100%x32 windows is here: … %20x32.rarx64 is uploading now


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound Demo - Rescue Dog RPG for the sighted and blind alike

Death time - updated it with a 32 bit version. It's also here. … %20x32.rar


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Apparently dropbox has a traffic limit. Uploading it to my audio website. Bear with me, everyone, sorry!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

It's up! Here, if you don't want to do the top post over again. … 4.rar?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Thanks Mayana!You're right. The keystroke to skip levels involves shift but it isn't up or S. Holding down shift is running but I think I'll disable running because it's meant as a pitfall for overconfident sighted people. I'm going to try to reproduce the level skip now. Thanks for the input!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

It's curved. I don't know about raycasting but it sounds like something I need to learn! Looking it up now, thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Simba, you're exactly right. You *will* run into an alternate scent trail in this game and I hope you follow it. There are no time limits, and it's my plan to put in these dense little audio vignettes, mini stories and musical performances that are peppered throughout the world. This game is an audio sandbox with an objective and in the future, achievements. That's a good idea about finding their items. Also a good one about the handler - we could even design a level without a scent trail, you just have to walk around, bark so your handler comes to you, and then wait for him to talk to people and get clues to where the person, or more clues, might be. Like a doggy Sherlock Holmes!The sonar thing is cool. That's an idea. Maybe you can save up and buy skill in sonar sniffing so that, like, the number buttons 1-5 can be markers that you yourself make, in case you want to get back to a certain spot. Most games have you buy outfits or hats or ne
 w equipment, but I don't want to go that road because really, this is going to sound awful but this is an audiogame for the blind, played and hopefully funded by the sighted. That's honestly my goal. I don't want to make visual stimuli a thing. The game is low poly and pretty, very simple color gradients and polygon shapes, people really seem to love its appearance on twitter. But I want to keep the focus and soul the audio mechanics and beauty.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Note: links were broken for about 5 minutes after post. They're fixed now. The're here if you don't want to read the whole post again. x32: … 2.rar?dl=0x64: … 4.rar?dl=0Also, I put my website, email and patreon in the beginning not targeting gamers here, but because I don't know where this demo will end up. It's a scary thing, as a developer, you put months into something and then give the internet access to it... I don't know where this demo will travel on the internet in a week so I wanted to include everything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long post, there's a bit of backstory that needs explaining. You're a fledgling rescue dog standing in for the local canine unit that has its hands full. The world's soundscape is incredibly lush and detailed, as in every tree has a separate creature living: different kinds of birds, crickets and frogs at nighttime, etc. I'm a sound designer so the sound was made with a lot of love in this game.But, because of the natural mechanics of the scent hound, none of the information relevant to rescuing someone is visual. Scent hounds don't use their eyes, they listen and use their scent, so the two important parts of this game are the sounds of the natural world, and the scents represented by low hums. That means that blind people and sighted people are playing the exact same game, and I'm not catering to either group, nor patronizing either group. This is just how hounds work. I made the game with visuals for one reason: the blind community needs a game that is commercially viable by the world at large. If sighted people buy this game when it comes out, it means the audiogame community will have a game with a budget so much higher than we're used to, meaning we'll get a game that is as deep and full as any indie game out there. Sighted people will have zero advantage over blind gamers because visual information is irrelevant to scent dogs. Summary of what happened yesterday is as follows:I uploaded the game and posted the download address here yesterday. Then I realized that it gave an error on startup. I believe I've fixed that error but it may show up on some systems, please let me know.Here's the game address, please download while learning more about it as it's a 400mb download. Choose your windows operating system.Windows x32: … 2.rar?dl=0 Windows x64: … 4.rar?dl=0 Please finish the post before playing, there are changes to the game you need to know about.Important note: It  will probably ask your permission to install a very small C++ processing file directly from Unreal. It’s safe.Important note 2: there is no need for text to speech. Everything you need to know is narrated, and ALL the information in the game you need is audio. If you hear dog whining, that's the edge of the map signifier. However, someone requested to add keyboard equivalents of mouse clicks. Here they are: E is bark, F is sniff sonar ping at the beginning of the trail, and G is a sonar ping somewhere on the trail. The narrator will tell you to click the mouse, which you can still do but I haven’t updated added keyboard controls in the voiceover yet. Just remember E, F and G.It is the full game, with visuals, so if you have sighted people in your home, get them to give their opinion too, please. If your computer can't handle it (mine is a tiny bit jumpy with visuals but the gameplay and audio is not jumpy, and it's a simple office computer, not a gaming rig) just wait a day or two and I'll release a demo without visuals.Please think about these three questions while playing.1. Is it fun? 2. Is it too easy, or too hard? 3. How can we get the players to care more about the dog and the rescue scenario? I need a carrot on a stick of some sort. Earning money, fame as a resource, etc? I mean I obviously want you to listen to the loved ones at the start, and connect with the missing persons that way but I need another motivation. Collect money to buy ... things? I don't really know.Controls: arrow keys/WASD for moving. E/Left Mouse are bark, to keep the handler near you. F/Middle Mouse is to sniff, and sound off a sonar ping on the beginning of the level. G/Right Mouse is to sniff and sound off a sonar ping on the trail if you lose it.  E, F and G are the main controls of the game, remember them!Directions: everything else will be told to you in the opening tutorial speech. It's a simple game that relies on skill, NOT on colourful narrative and conversation like many audio games. The skill is being able to concentrate enough to hear the sound that represents the scent trail and being able to follow it. Another skill is to spatially locate the sonar pings when you press F and G. You will lose the trail. When you do, press either F or G and spin around until the audio is equal volume in both ears. If you press F and the audio is 100% in the left ear, it means you’ need to face to the left a bit to be facing the direction. F will sound a sonar ping at the VERY BEGINNING of the level.Things will get in your way - everything from inclement weather to your own footsteps is going to bar your listening ability. This is a camping site, with other people so you might run into an alternate scent trail that will confuse which way to go but feel free to follow it.If you ever get lost or feel overwhelmed, just press F for sonar ping and start over. There are no time limits here.**This 

Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Lost and Hound, Rescue Dog RPG for blind and sighted alike

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long post, there's a bit of backstory that needs explaining. You're a fledgling rescue dog standing in for the local canine unit that has its hands full. The world's soundscape is incredibly lush and detailed, as in every tree has a separate creature living: different kinds of birds, crickets and frogs at nighttime, etc. I'm a sound designer so the sound was made with a lot of love in this game.But, because of the natural mechanics of the scent hound, none of the information relevant to rescuing someone is visual. Scent hounds don't use their eyes, they listen and use their scent, so the two important parts of this game are the sounds of the natural world, and the scents represented by low hums. That means that blind people and sighted people are playing the exact same game, and I'm not catering to either group, nor patronizing either group. This is just how hounds work. I made the game with visuals for one reason: the blind community needs a game that is commercially viable by the world at large. If sighted people buy this game when it comes out, it means the audiogame community will have a game with a budget so much higher than we're used to, meaning we'll get a game that is as deep and full as any indie game out there. Sighted people will have zero advantage over blind gamers because visual information is irrelevant to scent dogs. Summary of what happened yesterday is as follows:I uploaded the game and posted the download address here yesterday. Then I realized that it gave an error on startup. I believe I've fixed that error but it may show up on some systems, please let me know.Here's the game address, please download while learning more about it as it's a 400mb download. Choose your windows operating system.Windows x32: … 2.rar?dl=0Windows x64: … 4.rar?dl=0Please finish the post before playing, there are changes to the game you need to know about.Important note: It  will probably ask your permission to install a very small C++ processing file directly from Unreal. It’s safe.Important note 2: there is no need for text to speech. Everything you need to know is narrated, and ALL the information in the game you need is audio. If you hear dog whining, that's the edge of the map signifier. However, someone requested to add keyboard equivalents of mouse clicks. Here they are: E is bark, F is sniff sonar ping at the beginning of the trail, and G is a sonar ping somewhere on the trail. The narrator will tell you to click the mouse, which you can still do but I haven’t updated added keyboard controls in the voiceover yet. Just remember E, F and G.It is the full game, with visuals, so if you have sighted people in your home, get them to give their opinion too, please. If your computer can't handle it (mine is a tiny bit jumpy with visuals but the gameplay and audio is not jumpy, and it's a simple office computer, not a gaming rig) just wait a day or two and I'll release a demo without visuals.Please think about these three questions while playing.1. Is it fun? 2. Is it too easy, or too hard? 3. How can we get the players to care more about the dog and the rescue scenario? I need a carrot on a stick of some sort. Earning money, fame as a resource, etc? I mean I obviously want you to listen to the loved ones at the start, and connect with the missing persons that way but I need another motivation. Collect money to buy ... things? I don't really know.Controls: arrow keys/WASD for moving. E/Left Mouse are bark, to keep the handler near you. F/Middle Mouse is to sniff, and sound off a sonar ping on the beginning of the level. G/Right Mouse is to sniff and sound off a sonar ping on the trail if you lose it.  E, F and G are the main controls of the game, remember them!Directions: everything else will be told to you in the opening tutorial speech. It's a simple game that relies on skill, NOT on colourful narrative and conversation like many audio games. The skill is being able to concentrate enough to hear the sound that represents the scent trail and being able to follow it. Another skill is to spatially locate the sonar pings when you press F and G. You will lose the trail. When you do, press either F or G and spin around until the audio is equal volume in both ears. If you press F and the audio is 100% in the left ear, it means you’ need to face to the left a bit to be facing the direction. F will sound a sonar ping at the VERY BEGINNING of the level.Things will get in your way - everything from inclement weather to your own footsteps is going to bar your listening ability. This is a camping site, with other people so you might run into an alternate scent trail that will confuse which way to go but feel free to follow it.If you ever get lost or feel overwhelmed, just press F for sonar ping and start over. There are no time limits here.**This 

Demo Release - Lost and Hound, a tracker dog RPG for blind and sighted

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Demo Release - Lost and Hound, a tracker dog RPG for blind and sighted

Hey everyone, I introduced this game in the general section and got some enthusiastic feedback so I cranked out a demo today. This game has visuals, and all the mechanics are through audio, just like tracking/rescue dogs. They don't use sight whatsoever in their work. The scent trail is represented by a low, pleasing drone that is invisible, just like scent trails.Controls: arrow keys for moving, also you can use WASD for moving too. The mouse can be used for manipulating the direction you face, but mainly the mouse buttons represent functions: RMB is sniff the scent trail and receive a sonar ping, the middle mouse/F key is a sonar ping at the very beginning, left mouse button is bark to keep your handler aware of your location. The power of this idea is that it is just as easy for sighted people to play as it is for blind people to play. It does not cater to either, but it is empowering to use the amplified hearing and scent of a dog to accomplish tasks. Here's the link, but BE SURE to read the text below while it downloads. It's a big download, sorry, like 400mb. All the audio is uncompressed and full quality.Important note: this is not an out of the box install. It will probably ask your permission to install a very small C++ processing file, taking about 10 seconds of time to download and install. It's from Unreal, and it's a very reputable company. You're safe. I'm working on removing that.Important note 2: there is no need for text to speech. Everything you need to know is narrated, and ALL the information in the game you need is audio. If you hear dog whining, that's the edge of the map signifier.32 bit Windows: … 2.rar?dl=0 It is the full game, with visuals, so if you have sighted people in your home, get them to give their opinion too, please. If your computer can't handle it (mine barely can, and it's a simple office computer, not a gaming rig) just wait a day or two and I'll release a demo without visuals.It would be a great service to me if you would think about these things while playing, and tell me what you think.1. Is it fun? 2. Is it too easy, or too hard? 3. How can we get the players to care more about the dog and the rescue scenario? I need a carrot on a stick of some sort. Earning money, fame as a resource, etc? I mean I obviously want you to listen to the loved ones at the start, and connect with the missing persons that way but I need another motivation. Collect money to buy ... things? I don't really know.Directions: almost everything will be told to you in the opening tutorial speech. It's a simple game that relies on skill, NOT on colourful narrative and conversation like many audio games. The skill is being able to concentrate enough to hear the sound that represents the scent trail and being able to follow it. Another skill is to spatially locate the "sonar pings" when you press the right mouse button, or the middle mouse button/F to sniff the ground. The right mouse button causes a sonar ping to sound in the distance, located on the scent trail. In case you lose the scent trail, hit the right mouse button. The middle mouse button and F will sound a sonar ping at the VERY BEGINNING of the level. This is important, you'll need to use that later. When you press one of those two buttons, you need to spin around and reorient yourself until the sound is equal volume in both ears. If it's only in the left ear, that means you need to turn to the left to be facing the source of the ping.Things will get in your way - everything from inclement weather to your own footsteps are going to bar your listening ability. You might run into an alternate scent trail that will confuse which way to go.If you ever get lost or feel overwhelmed, just press the right/middle mouse buttons (or F) to sniff the ground and activate a sonar ping and start over. There are no time limits here.**This is the FIRST time anyone other than me is playing the game. There will be bugs, there will be possibly unplayable portions of the game. I'll try to fix it ASAP.**When you complete the level by bringing the lost person back to the origin of the middle mouse/F key sonar ping, you'll be instantly transported to home. Then, if you walk towards the helicopter sound, you can play through the Snow level. It is incomplete and doesn't have a "You win" portion yet. You're welcome to check it out but don't expect much. There's also a keystroke that will take you directly to the snow level but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, I'll post it here after a few people comment on playthroughs.I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Demo Release - Lost and Hound, a tracker dog RPG for blind and sighted

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Demo Release - Lost and Hound, a tracker dog RPG for blind and sighted

Hey everyone, I introduced this game in the general section and got some enthusiastic feedback so I cranked out a demo today. This game has visuals, and all the mechanics are through audio, just like tracking/rescue dogs. They don't use sight whatsoever in their work. The scent trail is represented by a low, pleasing drone that is invisible, just like scent trails.The power of this idea is that it is just as easy for sighted people to play as it is for blind people to play. It does not cater to either, but it is empowering to use the amplified hearing and scent of a dog to accomplish tasks. Here's the link, but BE SURE to read the text below while it downloads. It's a big download, sorry, like 400mb. All the audio is uncompressed and full quality.Important note: this is not an out of the box install. It will probably ask your permission to install a very small C++ processing file, taking about 10 seconds of time to download and install. It's from Unreal, and it's a very reputable company. You're safe. I'm working on removing that.Important note 2: there is no need for text to speech. Everything you need to know is narrated, and ALL the information in the game you need is audio. If you hear dog whining, that's the edge of the map signifier.32 bit Windows: … 2.rar?dl=0 It is the full game, with visuals, so if you have sighted people in your home, get them to give their opinion too, please. If your computer can't handle it (mine barely can, and it's a simple office computer, not a gaming rig) just wait a day or two and I'll release a demo without visuals.It would be a great service to me if you would think about these things while playing, and tell me what you think.1. Is it fun? 2. Is it too easy, or too hard? 3. How can we get the players to care more about the dog and the rescue scenario? I need a carrot on a stick of some sort. Earning money, fame as a resource, etc? I mean I obviously want you to listen to the loved ones at the start, and connect with the missing persons that way but I need another motivation. Collect money to buy ... things? I don't really know.Directions: almost everything will be told to you in the opening tutorial speech. It's a simple game that relies on skill, NOT on colourful narrative and conversation like many audio games. The skill is being able to concentrate enough to hear the sound that represents the scent trail and being able to follow it. Another skill is to spatially locate the "sonar pings" when you press the right mouse button, or the middle mouse button/F to sniff the ground. The right mouse button causes a sonar ping to sound in the distance, located on the scent trail. In case you lose the scent trail, hit the right mouse button. The middle mouse button and F will sound a sonar ping at the VERY BEGINNING of the level. This is important, you'll need to use that later. When you press one of those two buttons, you need to spin around and reorient yourself until the sound is equal volume in both ears. If it's only in the left ear, that means you need to turn to the left to be facing the source of the ping.Things will get in your way - everything from inclement weather to your own footsteps are going to bar your listening ability. You might run into an alternate scent trail that will confuse which way to go.If you ever get lost or feel overwhelmed, just press the right/middle mouse buttons (or F) to sniff the ground and activate a sonar ping and start over. There are no time limits here.**This is the FIRST time anyone other than me is playing the game. There will be bugs, there will be possibly unplayable portions of the game. I'll try to fix it ASAP.**When you complete the level by bringing the lost person back to the origin of the middle mouse/F key sonar ping, you'll be instantly transported to home. Then, if you walk towards the helicopter sound, you can play through the Snow level. It is incomplete and doesn't have a "You win" portion yet. You're welcome to check it out but don't expect much. There's also a keystroke that will take you directly to the snow level but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, I'll post it here after a few people comment on playthroughs.I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!


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