Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

@connor: Depends on how willing you are to work around accessibility quirks. Once you get the hang of it, its pretty fun. But if youre using NVDA, you really do need to know what youre doing. Ive been using it since before it even had Microsoft Office support, so consider myself pretty adept, and I still had to come here and beg for help. Apparently things are easier for jaws and supernova users.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Jaws apparently not so easy due to the jaws curser not columnizing the screen properly, Window eyes and supernova however the thing is %100 accessible and works completely. On the Nvda issue I do think this is a case where propper documentation could help a lot, heck Ive had occasions with Supernova where something has appeared inaccessible until I used the precise right command. It would also be good sinse frankly the new generation of Smugglers, ie s5, and s5 invasion are just plane awsome and Id recommend them to any fan of space games.As to how they stack up against say Core exiles or star trader elite, well other than being labled immages to click on screen the nav screen resembels core exiles and in S5 (and indeed s3 and s4), the factions are a little like those in star traders, though less deadly if you cross them, and its also possible to create your own pirate empire. Jaws apparently not so easy due to the jaw
 s curser not columnizing the screen properly, Window eyes and supernova however the thing is %100 accessible and works completely. On the Nvda issue I do think this is a case where propper documentation could help a lot, heck Ive had occasions with Supernova where something has appeared inaccessible until I used the precise right command. As to the smugglers series, however, as I said in the smugglers topic in new releases, s3 was a really interesting setup at first but got a little grindy with the trade and could be very aimless, s4 had some nice direction to the game and added a great end game with battleships and conquering starbases but once you worked out your best stratogy could be rather too much doing the same thing, s5 and s5 invasion however are fantastic! The trading is kept interesting by tying it to news events and things happening in the galaxy, although im not sure how much fun a full time trader professio
 n would be to play, even with the new ability to own factories. Piracy and combat however are just hands down great! board ships to heist their cargo or even take them over as your own, use a variety of abilities in combat like drawing a hand from a deck in a ccg game, have random events happen in combat like the one I described. Visit planets and have gamebook style adventures, Take on starbases and entire fleet battles, conquer planets, you you can even form your own pirate empire and manage it system by system. S4 was good, the S5 generation are now fantastic! and with downloadable content and likely more to be added to s5 invasion quite soon is probably going to get fantasticker! .URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

hello, I am a very large space fan. I Play games such as miriani, star conquest, star Traders, core exiles etc. do you guys reckomend this game?URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well not really sinse that log just tells you about economic events throughout the galaxy not where to buy good. You could theoreticaly single click on a planet, open the trade window and look at prices for that planet, close it again, click on another planet etc, ditto with systems and prices on the galaxy map (which works the same way), however this would be very slow indeed. I am actually surprised there isnt a way to do this in NVda, sinse its not just in smugglers that that command is needed, pretty much any time you have a single program with a couple of smaller windows or panes open, for example switching between the main window, equalizer and playlist editer in Winamp.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Hi. Well I asked on the audeasy list and got the following, which Ill copy and paste rather than trying to paraphrase: Hi Dark,In NVDA the virtual cursor is simply called the review cursor. It alsohas commands to move the mouse cursor which is what you need here. Toget out of the trade window back to the main window, the parentwindow, you need to do insert+numpad8. To return to the trade windowdo insert+numpad2. To click on the parent window after moving to it doinsert+numpad enter. This is of course assuming someone is using thedesktop commands not laptop mode.HTHURL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Ah, the instructions in the articles room said to be in screen review, not object review. If I get into object review, I eventually do get up to the main window. I didnt realize I could switch into it with NVDA+enter, though. I also had to uncheck Simple Review Mode in the NVDA preferences. I think this might be checked by default? Its stuff like this that might explain why people have so much trouble with the NVDA review cursor: its actually more powerful than the one in jaws, but way less obvious how to use, and configured oddly by default. Many thanks!URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Ah, the instructions in the articles room said to be in screen review, not object review. If I get into object review, I eventually do get up to the main window. I didnt realize I could switch into it with NVDA+enter, though. I also had to uncheck Simple Review Mode in the NVDA preferences. I think this might be checked by default? Its stuff like this that might explain why people have so much trouble with the NVDA review cursor: its actually more powerful than the one in jaws, but way less obvious how to use, and configured oddly by default. Many thanks!Edit to add: a podcast would still be useful, though. For example, the names of skills are so totally mangled in the attack screen, I have no idea what almost any of them are until I right click them to check every time. And some dont even pop a message to say if they were successful or not, they just use up an AP. And telling what skills are active at any given time is 

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well About Nvda, I didnt realize the review curser was so whacky to use with its keys. Ive asked Tom ward if he could pleas look at putting an article together sinse it is a real shame if people miss out on such awsome games as s5 and s5 invasion due to screen reader randomness, especially when the access is there.About skills, there is no way to tell what skills are active, you pretty much just have to remember, though if you try to activate a skill that is already active you get an error message so there is no worry with that. You can always tell when youve activated a skill sinse you will get the short bing bong sund even if it has no message. Generally only the skills that have obvious effects on your next action or on your opponent will give messages, stuff that just messes with the chances of various events like diciplin, break maneuvers ore immelmann. Regarding skill names,
 sp; one useful thing is that the scramblement is always the same. For example reak manu is always break maneuvers, ecm sistan is always ecm resistance, cattergu is always scattergun etc, this way the crushed up names arent too bad, ditto with the skill tree. I will see about some sort of podcast on s5 next week however, sinse it is something Ive been looking into doing.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

That is the game Smugglers, isnt it? How accessible do you find it nowadays? I remember hearing a review of it which you did years ago and there still seemed to be a few issues.Awesome story, by the way. I really love it when something like that happens in a game and brings the RP to life. Its like the time I had 1% health in Shades of Doom and had no ammo so had to kill a cyborg armed with a particle disruptor with just a chainsaw. I have no idea how I got that to work!URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle


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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Actually Welshweyer, there isnt just one smugglers game. The game I reviewed a while ago was smugglers 3. Smugglers 3 wasnt intended as an accessible game, but because the author had used propper text for the lables and because it was only necessary to click stuff on screen it was found to be so, though as you said it was a little clunky in parts. Smugglers 4 utterly redesigned the interface and went through lots of beta testing to create a working compatibility mode for screen readers. Last year Niels bought out smugglers 5, which had the same interface as smugglers 4, and thus the same compatibility (actually a couple of improvements), but added a lot to the game. This was smugglers 5 invasion, which has again the same interface but takes place after smugglers 5 and involves many different ships, units and a much more tactical combat system. S5 invasion also has extra content you can buy for the game and more being worked on, which is rath
 er awsome.As regards access, well any screen reader with a good review curser can work with smugglers. Its run into a few hickups with jaws, but thats more because of the jaws review curser than the design. I can personally confirm with Supernova its absolutely fine, and Ive heard similar with window eyes. People also report that Nvda will work well with the game provided you know all the commands for using the nvda review curser. There is a guide on how to do this in the articles room.Hope this sort of explains where the series is.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Much clearer. Thank you. This sounds like it might be a rather awesome game so Ill try to check it out if I get time.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well some people have been put off smugglers from 4 onwards because of the need to use the review curser and because Jaws isnt exactly the worlds best at that. That was a problem before Nvda got a good enough review curser to accurately read the screen and emulate mouse clicks, but that is obviously no longer an issue.Id definitely recommend S5 invasion, it is a very awsome game, as indeed is the original s5, now known as s5 cessession, Id recommend both. Smugglers 3 had its moments but became a little aimless and also had a very uninteresting combat system, while Smugglers 4 added professions to the game to give it some more focus, as well as some different end game stuff like taking on starbases and capturing battleships, and made combat more interesting. The major problem with s4 was that you always had the same skills in combat, meaning you basically were repeating the same combat actions over and over again against different targets
 . S5 started to change this by having combat events (like the solar flares I described in my space battle), as well as gamebook style little stories when you explored different planets, and some different end game for pirates in forming their own galactic empire, however the really major change to combat was introduced in S5 invasion, and now has been added to the original S5 cessession as well. This is random skills. Basically each turn you draw a number of skills like cards from a pack and must choose what to play, thus meaning your always needing to decide how best to use your action points and what your doing to counter the enemy, rather than just repeating the same combat actions. S5 invasion is also going to be further expanded with background stories and miniquests and other fun stuff in the future which is sounding good.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

I am mostly getting put off s5 because the tutorial is totally inaccessible with NVDA, even if the rest of the game works perfectly. Where do we go to look at ship prices and purchase new ships? I have no idea. When/how do we get skills? Not the slightest. Missions and combat are the easy bit.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Im not sure why the tutorial is inaccessible, yes it puts text windows on the screen explaining things from the tutorial that cover up the on screen stuff, but you can just hit the hide tutorial button to get rid of them, and then hit show tutorial again to bring them back once youve done whatever the tutorial wants to progress. the tutorial however is pretty minimal as far as things go, most everything else in the game is very much self explained, especially if you right click on things to get the explanetory text, for example right clicking on any skill in battle will tell you what it does. You dont get skills, you start with some and then get to choose others when your promoted. To see them, click on where it says on the main nav screen ensign whatever your name is, click here for personal info then click here to show skills It is true that both on the skill tree and in combat the skill names
  are a little monched together, but right clicking usually tells you that text reading reak anu is break maneuvers and thats the only text in the game that is problematic.As for what you do, well thats really up to you. If your playing one of the combat professions like bounty hunter or fleet officer youll probably look at missions to complete for cash, or use the sensor screen to find pirates with bounties on them. If your a pirate, well you use the sensor screen to look for traders with valuable cargo to hunt. If your a trader, well you use the trade menue to look at the different goods (the ones with the * are illegal), and buy and sell for prophet. Just click on where it says trade menue, click the good you want prices of then click elsewhere on the screen to shift the trade menu out of the way so you can look at prices on the planets of the system. Ship equipment and new ships can be bought on planets, for the equipment just select the upgrade yo
 u want, upgrade guns, upgrade ecm, find the ugprade button at the bottom of the screen then look through what upgrades are available and use the buy button to buy the system you want. For ships its basically the same, just click the name of a ship further down the screen, look at its info and use the buy button up top.Later on you can do more things, like if your a pirate board ships and take their cargo directly, or if your a bounty hunter board ships and control them, do fleet battles against starbases, blow up pirate outposts, run factories or even conquer systems for your own pirate empire, though ive not done either of the last two yet mysellf.Im actually thinking of doing a sequel to my smugglers 3 podcast explaining s5 and/or s5 Invasion because people do seem a little confused about the game, which is a shame sinse as I said S5 has really come a long way in advancing the series, especially with the new upgrades an
 d s5 invasion.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well, I am assuming that Window makes a lot more sense in Supernova than it does with NVDA. Heres exactly how the screen looks for me after clicking show upgrade:Credits: $ 30931selected equipmentship equipmenttargetingsystemstargetingupgradeECM systemsupgradeenginesupgradecargoupgradebasicspacesupgrademissilescargoupgradeType: TargetingupgradespacegunsHit-Chance:+0%upgradeupgradeSpeciality:no specialityECMgunsupgradeupgradeupgradecloseI have no idea what upgrades what, or how I would tell. Clicking on any of the places where it says upgrade does nothing at all.The tutorial is inaccessible because once you click the trade screen, NVDA loc
 ks you into that window, and you cant get out of it to access the tutorial. So no matter what product you click on to buy, when you click close on the trade window, it pops up a message telling you we still need this window! but you cant tell why, because you cant access the tutorial at all, and you cant close the trade window. So the only option is to return to the main menu with alt+f4.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Thats actually very similar to the way the equip screen looks in supernova. Those top categories, upgrade guns, upgrade cargo space, upgrade ecm etc select a system to upgrade, the upgrade at the bottom just above close lets you go and look at what upgrades of each type are available. The rest of the information pertains to the stats and description of whatever system youve selected that your ship currently has, so when you start and are on upgrade guns the text will detail the standard laser 8 cm that your starting fighter comes with. I find in supernova the read line key here is my friend for getting the stats of each item. As for the trade screen, well the way it works is the trade window is in the center of the screen and yes supernova gets locked into that window just like NVda does. What you need to do is get back on the main navigation screen and click anywhere to move that trade window out of the way (sighted players can 
 drag and drop with the mouse but this is obviously a less good idea). Its actually quite important to do this in the game because that is how you trade, you select a commodity on the trade window, go back to the main screen, click the trade window out of the way and view the prices for the commodity next to each planet.In Supernova I can hit ctrl tab to move the Dolphin curser between windows, which gets it out of the trade window and back on the main screen. I am not sure what the corresponding Nvda command is here, but Im fairly sure there is one sinse I know someone on the audeasy list who has played through the game with nvda as a trader. Sorry I cant be more help.Btw, Ive created a textual map (well more a list), of all systems in the game, both for s3-5 (which have the same 25 star systems), and for S5 invasion (which has an additional 6). find them in the articles room.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Thanks for all of the info dark, i really am more convinced to give the game a try at this point. I think a podcast might be helpful, i like hearing someone else play for a while so i can wrap my head around ships and skills and battles.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well Arq, its something Ive been thinking of doing ever sinse the access for S4 was finished in 2010. the principle reason I havent is that to reccord my computer reasonably I need to rearrange my 5.1 speakers into a place where they will be audible by my rowlands mikes, which is something of a pest, though i admit this is hardly a good reason not to do a podcast. Ill see what I can do next week.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

If there is a command to do that, I dont know it. Going up by object/window in NVDA just goes up through the trade Window. You cant get back into the navigation window so long as the trade window is open. Well, I did find 1 unreliable way, just use the touch pad on my laptop and try and click out of the trade window. But thats trial and error, often takes several minutes, and usually results in me clicking on something else that I didnt want. Im not seeing a key that would switch windows like that in the NVDA documentation or keymap, either. I suspect you could play a trader by paying attention to the ships log at the top, and just making money that way. So maybe thats how the other NVDA player did it?URL:

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A very epic space battle

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

A very epic space battle

Well that has to qualify as probably the most epic space battle ive been through in a long time. I was in the Westwind system carrying out special forces missions in my small shadow cat corvette, when what should hove into view but a Shark class destroyer piloted by the dread pirate Black Morgan,  no thats what he called himself on the scanner. I wasnt really sure whether engaging this massive ship was a good idea, sinse while the bounty was amazingly huge, so was the risk, and taking out larger ships is a very dicey proposition. Nevertheless I thought Id give it a try. unfortunately, as the battle started it seemed that the sun of Westwind was disapproving, sinse repeated solar flares threatened to stun both my ship and black Morgans with an Emp pulse, forcing me to take lots of extra time (ie two extra action points each turn), to calculate correctly to avoid.The battle therefore didnt go well, my particle cannons wer
 ent scratching Black Morgans hull, and despite all my best maneuvers hed got in some lucky hits and my shields were at %50, and I had to really get lucky to Avoid Morgans big and nasty missiles, one hit from which wouldve destroyed my ship in one go.Then it came to me, to use my skill as a duelist to Suppress Morgans ability to dodge the solar flares, thus resulting in his ship being hit by Emp. This let a couple of my own missiles strike hope, and let me rain in hits with my particle cannons,  but Morgans shield was so huge, that the fight seemed to go on forever, even when his shield was registering zero he was able to launche a missile. But with one last lucky shut morgans shield finally collapsed! I have to say that is one of the most awsome rpg battles Ive had for some considderable time, it even sounds like something out of startrek. I was not initially too sure about the s5 invasion combat s
 ystem, because though the random hand of skills was a good idea, at the same time it seemed nearly impossible to take out a bigger ship than yours, and not infrequently, one the same class as yours as well. Well the balance has been fixed by improving some of the skills and powering down others, and also the duelist skill is just awsome!URL:

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