Re: Discworld Mud

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

Aa, thanks for the reply! I figured it out yesterday. It was something like options output mapcity=off.So that means if you're in a city and looking or going to a room it doesn't show the map anymore.So now it is really really awesome! The only problem is that I have quite a lot of stuff to do regarding my studies, so quite an exercise in self discipline. LOL


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Re: Discworld Mud

2021-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

@MektasticCan you help on this question?There is a specific command, and I can't remember. It may be config map.Hopefully she will see this and reply, because she knew all the commands to make it work.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2021-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

Hi!At first I will apologize for reviving the dead topic, but as the post is quite relevant to the previous posts I hope it is not a big problem.So, I really really like the minimap plugin, that makes travelling so much easier!But there's just one quite annoying thing. Every time I look at the room I see the map like this:  |x|x|     $-@-*   and so on. I have read the minimap help and minimap commands, but I didn't get any clear answer for that. What else should I try?


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Is this an RP enforced game?Also, i just got it, opened mushclient.exe, and it was just blank.When i control tabbed to see the output, it didn't work.Is there something i have to do?I also only have 8 items in the mushclient folder and no items in the sounds folder if that matters.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

how much rp is involved in this?


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

so, Discworld was my very first mud that I played in 2001. I go back to it now and again because I loved it so much.1. You don't need to have read the books. I didn't like the first Discworld book I read, and some yars later, I finally have gotten around ot trying a different one. It's like the icing on the cake in knowing how things fit together, ut you don't ned it.2. You can group with others and there is even a way to broadcast a group request.3. I love Quow's mushclient package. My next trick is to learn how to make a few sound triggers for when my shield drops.4. I play Marenna, Annalenne, and Kethri if you ever need some assistance. Fair warning, I'm not perfect. I'm a social player and that is one of the huge reasons I love the game so much.5. I'd start out in Ankh-morpork or the Counterweight Continent if I were you.6. There are languages to learn, books to buy, and so many other reasons to play.Good luck!


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

A question for those who've played itHow popular is grouping up for mob kills.Is the most grinding done in solo or there are groups for mobs.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

I played Discworld and had a lot of fun with it, even though I had only read one of the books.I played a wizard, and there were so many friendly people on.The world is huge, and the carriages will let you travel easily to explore all the places.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

I also played the Discworld mud many years ago and really liked it despite of not having read the books.I mostly played as a warrior and a thief.Unfortunately they delete the inactive characters quite quickly.If I'll get some more free time I quite probably will start playing it again.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Interesting.Never heard of this particular Mush Client package. I shall go and investigate.Update! Replaced the All In Access Portable Mush Client link with specific Disc World made package in post 4.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

So, I have some good news, some bad news, and, questionable, news?  Anyway,, has all ya could ever want on Disc World MUD accessibility. However, the page for VIPMUD info has now been moved to … /vipmud-1.As you'll notice in the link above, it refers to the VIPMUD 1.X series, not the VIPMUD 2.X series. And judging by the newsletter linked on the Disc World page for the plugin, it hasn't been updated since August of 2015For mush Client users, grab the accessible Portable Mush Client package from Linux? The Ubuntu Support page for Alter Aeon should transfer over to the Disc World one (at least when it comes to giving the steps for setting up the TinTin client. By the way, port 4242, is the info for TelNet users. (Though Disc World Getting Started page, discourages using TelNet these days.I hope the above info helps.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Interesting.Never heard of this particular Mush Client package. I shall go and investigate.Update! Replaced the All In Access Portable Mush Client link with specific Disc World made package.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Interesting.Never heard of this particular Mush Client package. I shall go and investigate.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

If you want to use mushclient, might be a better package to use. It is configured to be accessible by default, and also has a few plugins that may be helpful during gameplay.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

So, I have some good news, some bad news, and, questionable, news?  Anyway,, has all ya could ever want on Disc World MUD accessibility. However, the page for VIPMUD info has now been moved to … /vipmud-1.As you'll notice in the link above, it refers to the VIPMUD 1.X series, not the VIPMUD 2.X series. And judging by the newsletter linked on the Disc World page for the plugin, it hasn't been updated since August of 2015For mush Client users, grab the accessible Portable Mush Client package from Linux? The Ubuntu Support page for Alter Aeon should transfer over to the Disc World one (at least when it comes to giving the steps for setting up the TinTin client. By the way, port 4242, is the info for TelNet users. (Though Disc World Getting Started page, discourages using TelNet these days.I hope the above info helps.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

It helps to have read the books, but is not necessary. The mud is a fairly significant adaptation of the written work.With regards to guilds, Wizards are good, but you will have problems navigating the library (directions are relative, not absolute). In general, though, that shouldn't be a problem, the wiki has directions to all the books, at least in the main library.I only tried witches and thieves. Thieves seemed really fun to play and can make a fair amount of money rather quickly. Witches are generally fairly well-regarded, socially, and their services are typically in high demand.The only guild I would avoid to start with is Assassin, because you at some point have to go enforced PK.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

I'd like to try it, but i've never read the disk world books, and don't know how much you'd need to know to play it effectively.


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Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Heyo guysI am searching for something to get me busy at work, lol, I know, but my work times are huge with gaps in it so instead of  browsing reddit i was thinking of playing a mud.A few muds interest me overall, I've played hellmoo for over 10 years, stopped playing when my friends and foes left the game, last year i played a tempest season but its population dropped massively and everyone's  taking a break from it now. but beside these it's hard to really get excited about  muds.Discworld has a few things that interest me, it has a unique skill tree, huge map and most of all it does seem to have  players still playing it.Does anyone still play this? IS there a sound pack for it, how do you deal with the large map. Do you think other guilds are worth playing besides wizards? i've heard that wizard has lots of spells and is a popular choice.


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Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

Heyo guysI am searching for something to get me busy at work, lol, I know, but my work times are huge with gaps in it so instead of  browsing reddit i was thinking of playing a mud.A few muds interest me overall, I've played hellmoo for over 10 years, last year i played a tempest season but its population dropped massively and everyone's  taking a break from it now. but beside these it's hard to really get excited about  muds.Discworld has a few things that interest me, it has a unique skill tree, huge map and most of all it does seem to have  players still playing it.Does anyone still play this? IS there a sound pack for it, how do you deal with the large map. Do you think other guilds are worth playing besides wizards? i've heard that wizard has lots of spells and is a popular choice.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

I got into this Mud for a while, but I could never do the jobs in the job market,,for not knowing where to go in time.I'll have to give this another try.Quow is awesome!


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

I wonder if it lets you date angua? i always had a crush on her. sexy sexy werewolf!


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

I wonder if it lets you date angua? i always had a crush on her. sexy sexy wolf lady!


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

oh! it seems lie the reason it did not work was because I had downloaded only the mush client version which did not support tts. instead of downloading the mush client, download the screenreader supporting one. Which I think is next to the one that doesn't support tts


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

Like Sirbadger I had the same issue. I did the newbie pumpkin village, found lots of quests and hideen stuff, practiced my skills then suddenly found myself in Ankh-Morpork. I didn't have as much trouble knowing where things were, but there were no quests, tasks, or anything to do. There was a "quests" command, but it gave a list so long and criptic it was of no use at all,  and when I asked on the newbie channel people just told me "getting into the game is hard." and didn't offer any help. I was also very disappointed that when I ran into characters I knew from the books, I couldn't interact with tthem, much less get jobs to do. Really, I was hoping that a diskworld mud would let me get jobs from the city watch, deliver some post for moist vonlipwig, maybe go and have the librarian ask me to find him a rare book, but when I did find characters i knew from the books such as Corporal Knobbs, , they didn't interact with my character at all. It was a shame, i'd read the wiki and in game help and such, and there would be so much about stuff to do, then I'd go back to the game and just wind up wandering the streets like a beggar, and after doing this for a couple of hours I just plane gave up.I would have to find and install mushclient, or maybe uncouple the alteraeon plugins from mushZ, since usually I use Vipmud for muds, but really, simply the notes on the job market might help here, if I decide to give the game another try.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

i tried this mud a long time ago and it looked great but i had that problem of not knowing where to go once i reached the city so i may give this a go. i'll have to install mush z though. would prefer VIP mud but you get what you're given. smile.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : goran via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

Actually I faced the same problem too when I downloaded it first. I then downloaded each plugin individually and installed them on a clean copy of mush client and it worked pretty well. I told him about it later and he said that I should have waited for a while and it would have worked. Apparently the plugins (especially the mapping one have a lot of data to load when run for the first time.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

I can't run the mush client downloaded from is page for so-me reasonopen window,mush client disk world. then nothing at all.


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Re: Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : goran via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld Mud

Thanks for doing what I have been meaning to do but was too lazy to do it, LOL. Indeed the mud can be daunting to a newbie, what with the complexity of mechanics and the large areas. I would have given up on  the first day if it weren't for his plugins. At times I feel like Things have been made too easy for us with those plugins, especially the mapper one. It is definitely worth checking out, for the great work that quow has put into this plugins if nothing else.I'm not playing very frequently these days, but in case if you ever felt like too much of a noob there, feel free to compare yourself to neodin to feel better about yourselves 


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Discworld Mud

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld Mud

I know this particular mud has been mentioned before, but I'm bringing it up again because of a specific reason-that being Quow's mushclient plugins. But I'll get to that in a bit.For those who don't know, Discworld is a mud based off the books by Sir Terry Pratchett. It has most of the cities, guilds, NPCS, etc. from the books, and while it resorts to creative interpretation in some parts, primarily it sticks fairly close to the books while adjusting things to provide a decent gameplay experience.The primary thing that attracted me to Discworld is...depth, I suppose. Complexity with purpose. I've played muds where pure complexity is the goal, but as a consequence of that the actual world sometimes falls by the wayside. On the contrary, in Discworld, the world is alive and vibrant. The NPCs have things that they're doing-regardless of player interaction-and many subsystems, such as arrests etc., are NPC-based. While NPCs aren't interactive in the traditional, interactive fiction sense, it still feels like they have lives, divorced from the player's participation. Rooms also have environmental messages, lending to the depth. And it's also...the little things. Getting too cold if you don't have enough clothes on or, conversely, heating up too much if you have too many clothes on. Towels getting wet after you use them-and remaining so-until you wring them out. Quirky things like having to use a swamp dragon to weld in a quest. And I haven't even talked about  the magic system-where spells can escape, where casting too much can summon things from the dungeon dimensions, and so on-and the crafting and the player-run shops, banks, cities etc. -and so much more.Honestly I could talk about the features for quite a while, but I'll just recommend going to the actual features list here and taking a look.Now, about actual gameplay, how to get started, and why I posted this topic now. Discworld is one of those muds you actually have to spend the effort on. Information is available, but it is either on the wiki, or found all over the webb. People are willing to help-answer questions and the like-but you have to know what questions to ask. And you have to be the kind of person who's interested in finding out things for yourself. That said-the most common problem I see with new players-specially here-is people have no idea what to do after they get to Ankh-Morpork. And even if they do-Ankh-Morpork is so vast that people usually get lost without managing to get anywhere. That's where Quow's plugins come in.Quow's plugins (made for mushclient) include an automapper, some plugins for wizards/witches, some plugins related to missions, and a few more things. But the most important thing for us is the automapper. The automapper allows you to put in a room name, and get back a list of rooms that partially match to that room name. Then you can generate a speedwalk to that room, from wherever you are, and you automatically get there. Not only that-you can search for things in shops then speedwalk to those shops, search for non-wandering NPCs, search for items with specific descriptions (!), create bookmarks to frequently frequented rooms, and so much more. And a few days ago, it got an update to make all of that work better with screen readers. In fact, he has a client bundle on the website that includes all the necessary plugins (mushreader, output functions...) that lets you just launch the client and start playing without configuring anything.As an example. When you get dropped into Ankh-Morpork (if you choose Ankh-Morpork as your home city), you're given a voucher you can turn in for a talker. The voucher tells you that you have to go to Jorodin's shop. So you type minimap Jorodin, and you get a list of rooms matching to that (in this case, just one). Then you type minimap route 1, and after a bit of walking about-you're there, and you can exchange your voucher for the talker. And you didn't get lost in the city once!I'll link to Quow's plugins at the bottom of the post, but referring back to my point about not knowing what to do. It's a fair question, and there aren't really a lot of resources that tell you what to do. But here's my take on it. It really depends which guild you pick. If you're a warrior, you should be picking fights, advancing your relevant melee skills, picking more fights, etc. If you're a thief, you should be stealing and/or shoplifting (keeping in mind not to go over your quota). If you're a wizard, you should be focusing on learning about the magic system, learning a few basic spells, and not fighting at all for at least the first few levels. It differs wildly based on the guild you're in. As a complete newbie, though, what I personally recommend is the Job Market and questing. Questing allows you to collect significant amounts of experience in a fairly short amount of time, and the Job Market lets you get more experience, as well as some money to start off with. And you should

Re: discworld mud

2019-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

That's strange I've yet to get anything stolen by an NPC. Or anyone else for that matter, maybe I've been lucky. lolBeen under the weather lately so haven't been  online, hope to get back to it as my priest char, Delq is raring to go now that I've picked up some priestly things from the Gufnork donation box. Very helpful that was. But now, I'm not sure how to go about learning my trade exactly. and getting cash is tricky as I'm hardly able to kill more than a cockroach. roflSee y'all lin game.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NightCraller302 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hi all,I just want to quickly give my thoughts on this mud, and maybe get some advice. The newbie area was easy for me to get through, however the hints once you get to Ankh-Morpork could be more helpful. Particularly where you have to do something in one of the job centers concerning the forms or the lack of forms you're supposed to hand in to get a job. The main problem I'm having is that some of the NPC's keep steeling my items which makes it hard for me to get stuff done as a newbie. Any tips on how to prevent that would be greatly appreciated. As far as a soundpack, it would be a bit difficult. There are some things that could use sounds, but most of it you really need to look at the text in the descriptions to get somewhere. I give this mud a rating of 5 out of 10 in my book, but other people may rate higher or lower based on there experiences with it.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hi all, for anyone's info, or if anyone wants to lend a hand or just say hey. My two characters names are Kinit the thief, and Delq the priest of guf nork. Feel free to swing on by.  And bring some loose change too. lol jk


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

New moon is back.Edit: Discworld in general is awesome. If I join again I'll probably go Wizards. Unscene University is awesome.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hi Mike,First of all, the name is Quow, q u o w.Priests of all gods get the totem ritual for early protection, and the dust devil ritual for assistance in killing things. Later on, they get minor shield, and then major shield for even better protection.Priests of Hat, Fish, and Sek get more potent offensive rituals, such as unquiet spirit and creeping doom, but you don't need to become a priest of those gods, since anyone can learn to fight. Of course, since priests don't get any fighting primaries, it will cost you more xp, but it's doable.Let me know what the name of your other character is, or send me a tell/mudmail, and I'll help you get started.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

New moon is back.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

@Rashid, thanks for the tips, any help is seriously appreciated. Info on gameplay through various classes is good stuff to know as I've only experienced a tiny portion of the life of a super newb thief. lolMy second char is going for priest as I enjoy the skills of healing myself and others. Hense all of my chars on Alter are clerics second class. with primary druid or necro. The fact that I have alter set up through mushZ. And I'm a complete novice working with mush client. I'm not sure how to proceed how to set up DW using this  client. I assume I'd install a second version of mush client to work seperatly with discworld? correct?As far as plug ins, I'm bloody clueless. Where would I get other handy accessible plug ins to work with DW in mush that would make life a lil easier? Trying to answer my own question here, I'd finger this player and get a link to download his pack, sound right so far? As for now, I've turned to using Vipmud 2.0 as I can write sound triggers through that like a pro. But I even know, this vipmud thing  can only be temporary. I'd really like to start using mush!Sadly, referring or fingering quo only revealed the following:Login name : quo                       Real name : Banished                   Not really many seconds old.No mail ever.No plan.No future.Does anyone else have his plugins?Another discworld related question I had was. I enjoy melee combat, and would still like to be good at it, but being a priest, would or should I go with a god that's more combat orientated like Sek? Though, I didn't want to have to be so eveily aligned. lol The god of fluff was my original deity of choice.\I'd really appreciate any feedback y'all can give to help me along my way, with the least amount of frustration. Its a big help! thanks guys!


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

@Rashid, thanks for the tips, any help is seriously appreciated. Info on gameplay through various classes is good stuff to know as I've only experienced a tiny portion of the life of a super newb thief. lolMy second char is going for priest as I enjoy the skills of healing myself and others. Hense all of my chars on Alter are clerics second class. with primary druid or necro. The fact that I have alter set up through mushZ. And I'm a complete novice working with mush client. I'm not sure how to proceed how to set up DW using this  client. I assume I'd install a second version of mush client to work seperatly with discworld? correct?As far as plug ins, I'm bloody clueless. Where would I get other handy accessible plug ins to work with DW in mush that would make life a lil easier? Trying to answer my own question here, I'd finger this player and get a link to download his pack, sound right so far? As for now, I've turned to using Vipmud 2.0 as I can write sound triggers through that like a pro. But I even know, this vipmud thing  can only be temporary. I'd really like to start using mush!Sadly, referring or fingering quo only revealed the following:Login name : quo                       Real name : Banished                   Not really many seconds old.No mail ever.No plan.No future.Does anyone else have his plugins?Another discworld related question I had was. I enjoy melee combat, and would still like to be good at it, but being a priest, would or should I go with a god that's more combat orientated like Sak? Though, I didn't want to have to be so eveily aligned. lol The god of fluff was my original deity of choice.\I'd really appreciate any feedback y'all can give to help me along my way, with the least amount of frustration. Its a big help! thanks guys!


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

@Rashid, thanks for the tips, any help is seriously appreciated. Info on gameplay through various classes is good stuff to know as I've only experienced a tiny portion of the life of a super newb thief. lolMy second char is going for priest as I enjoy the skills of healing myself and others. Hense all of my chars on Alter are clerics second class. with primary druid or necro. The fact that I have alter set up through mushZ. And I'm a complete novice working with mush client. I'm not sure how to proceed how to set up DW using this  client. I assume I'd install a second version of mush client to work seperatly with discworld? correct?As far as plug ins, I'm bloody clueless. Where would I get other handy accessible plug ins to work with DW in mush that would make life a lil easier? Trying to answer my own question here, I'd finger this player and get a link to download his pack, sound right so far? As for now, I've turned to using Vipmud 2.0 as I can write sound triggers through that like a pro. But I even know, this vipmud thing  can only be temporary. I'd really like to start using mush!Another discworld related question I had was. I enjoy melee combat, and would still like to be good at it, but being a priest, would or should I go with a god that's more combat orientated like Sak? Though, I didn't want to have to be so eveily aligned. lol The god of fluff was my original deity of choice.\I'd really appreciate any feedback y'all can give to help me along my way, with the least amount of frustration. Its a big help! thanks guys!


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Some tips.Firstly, certain guilds are easier than others, and certain guilds are better than others. For example, the warriors guild, while very easy, is a complete bust once you hit the mid game as all you can do is fight, which is what everyone else can do; you have no marketable skills. The best guilds for newbies are probably thief, because you can make boatloads of money once you hit the mid game, and wizard, even though it takes a bit more time to grasp because you can get pretty powerful pretty fast (it's possible to be soloing areas with 4 days of play time that give 30 day warriors difficulty if you're an expert player who knows what they're doing, just to give you a sense). Priests and witches are pretty neat too, but I'd stear clear of assassins because they require you to go PK at a low level, which will realistically suck as a newbie.Finding things is one of the hardest things in game, although the wiki has a half finished text map of some of the cities on it's accessibility page for basic orientation. part of the disc experience though is going to be getting so hopelessly lost that you've got no idea where you are. 50 room long streets with many intersections are not uncommon.What might help are a set of plugins that were created by a discworld player named Quo which, while designed for sighted players are semi usable. they allow you to search for a particular shop/street ETC and generate a speedwalk to that place. you can find them by refering or fingering the player, it should be in there somewhere. Don't forget to add in the standard mush accessibility plug ins yourself.If you really get stuck on things to do, the wiki has complete solutions for all quests, all of which give you tuns of experience and some of which give you money. Each guild has a bunch of websites created to help you understand it's specifics, which you can find either on the guild page on the wiki or by asking around in game.If you start in Ankh-Morpork, you can get a talker by going two south, two east, and south of where you start out at the bar of the mended drum.Players tend to be very helpful, but it is worth noting that DW is one of those games where many people log in to idle and be social rather than to actively play a lot of the times, I can think of at least 10 players who are often logged in and actively chatting but probably haven't left the room they're in for literal years. It's one of those games where the newibie experience is very sucky if you're not the kind of person who makes friends quickly, because otherwise you end up wandering around confusedly grinding away with no idea what you're doing.Personally, I haven't played in years, but I've been debating creating a new character and seeing where things go, so if I see any confused newbies around I'll see what I can do.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

I should get back into discworld as well, I was in the thieves guild as well but ran into the same issues as everyone else, finding places that the jobs required and finding what to do to make money.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hi Mike,I just sent you some mudmail, but in case that doesn't work for you, I'll also PM it to you.I look forward to meeting you in-game.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Thanks man, that'd be appreciated! I'm central time zone also. I've joined the thieves guild, and my name in game is Kinit. And thanks for the directions to find a talker. lol Not sure why I hadn't found that spot.I hope I can find a general shop where I can sell stuff I've picked up along the way. I'm down to like 3-pence. Let me know your name, and I hope to meet up soon with ya.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hello,I'd be happy to help you however I can. Let me know who you are on Discworld, and when you tend to play, and I'll try to be on at that time. Or we can try and set up a time.I'm in central time, but I don't have a lot going on right now, so I can be flexible.Until then, though, You should have been given a voucher for a talker. If you go two east and south of outside the Mended Drum, you can "exchange voucher for talker".If you want to join a guild, I can post directions, or we can talk about that later.


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hello,I'd be happy to help you however I can. Let me know who you are on Discworld, and when you tend to play, and I'll try to be on at that time. Or we can try and set up a time.I'm in central time, but I don't have a lot going on right now, so I can be flexible.Until then, though, You should have been given a voucher for a talker. If you go two east and south of outside the Mended Drum, you can


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Re: discworld mud

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Hey all, I've just started playing discworld, and I'm running into the same problems you all have had.Once in Ankh-morpork, there's nothing to do, and seemingly no where to go. Or, how to get there. I've logged in ten times, and still don't have a clue where to get a talker.I'm out of money and can't train skills, and and its getting boring...Anyone still playing can lend a hand to get me jump started? I really wanna play this mud!!! Thanks lol


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

There are activities in Discworld too, check the "Edit" addition in my previous post, I linked them all there.The actual problem with those activities is, at least for me, whose orientation sucks even in real life, (always sucked in my sighted period too), that I run out of time limit set for some of the activities, due being unable to find my destination in the city on time, even when using that map-help tool for pathfinding, which is included in the accessability Wiki page.This however shouldn't be such a serious problem for You guys, or at least the most of You, who can, or have learned to find your way much better around in real life, and probably in games as well.Btw, the job-center, or job-market, whatever, is on God street, which is quite close to the south from the Mended Drum bar, so even I could find it relatively easily, unlike the King street, which I still keep searching for, in order to buy a pet for myself there.According to t
 hat accessable destination-finder map, it is supposed to be not too far from the center to the north, (I do hope that the actual center of that map is The Mended Drum, after all that's where all new players start in Ankh-Morpork), but even after many hours of searching, and locating/findingdozens of streets, still haven't managed to reach, or even to spot it so far!


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

In diskworld, it wasn't specifically the lack of quests, as just the fact that I felt like I was getting no where with no activities, I was basically just wandering around at random looking at things with very little to do. The writing was lovely, but if I want to just read lovely writing in a world I can't interact with I'll go and read a book .


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Explore away.  DIscworld's quests are hidden all over the place.  try buying a tin of beer a couple west, then north, then east from the mended drum and shaking it up.DIscworld quests are things you stumble on by walking around, looking at things and an ocational hint, but most of them are stumbled on.  There's a wiki link of spoilers/quest descriptions on the discworld wiki somewhere.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste and expectations regarding games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!Oh yeah, here is the link to the forum topic regarding that, accordingly stable and working TTS soundpack for Discworld MUD, and for VIP client v2 even, but contains no working links to download it from: … 61releasedEdit:And you can find the list of jobs, along with their short descriptions, sorted by their difficulty here:


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste and expectations regarding games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!Oh yeah, here is the link to the forum topic regarding that, accordingly stable and working TTS soundpack for Discworld MUD, and for VIP client v2 even, but contains no working links to download it from: … 61releasedEdit:And you can find the list of jobs, grouped by their difficulty here:


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste and expectations regarding games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!Oh yeah, here is the link to the forum topic regarding that, accordingly stable and working TTS soundpack for Discworld MUD, and for VIP client v2 even, but contains no working links to download it from: … 61released


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste in, and expectations from games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!Oh yeah, here is the link to the forum topic regarding that, accordingly stable and working TTS soundpack for Discworld MUD, and for VIP client v2 even, but contains no working links to download it from: … 61released


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste in, and expectations from games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!Oh yeah, here is the link to the forum topic regarding that, accordingly stable and working TTS soundpack for the MUD, but contains no working links for downloading it: … 61released


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Exactly due the above mentioned, ever-changing enviroment of the MUD, wich I can always influence with my chosen actions, reactions, or even with the lack of them, I do feel myself an active part of the game, even when not performing any specific activity.But sure, as we have determined by now, the 2 of us have slightly different taste in, and expectations from games, so I will definitely let you know, when I find out more about the list, and types of available activities in Discworld!


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Hmm, I don't know about the soundpack, I never heard there was one for diskworld. if you ever find some actual activities or dare I say it quest sand a way to go and do them let me know. I love exploring, especially in richly described environments, but when that is literally all! there is to do in a game without any activity start, goal to find or hell even just ability to do more besides wander, scavenge and fight random wildlife I find the game grows rather frustrating after a while since I just feel like I@m not part of the game or impacting on the world.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well I am glad I made you interested in Discworld again Dark, by using the screen-reader friendly settings, offered at the very start of the tutorial, orientation is the only major issue for me, especially in huge cities like Ankh-Morpork.What I like the most about that MUD so far, is its previously mentioned ever-changing world, where "life goes on", interesting things keep happening around you, even when you merely stand, or sit idle in the same room, and it's only up to you, wether you react to them, in which way, or just ignore them totally.This is making the game interesting not only while performing an activity, but even while randomly wandering around in a city.Furthermore, if we pay more thorough attention to room descriptions, along with thee objects which can be found in them, meaning especially those we spot lying on the ground, we can just "aquire", that is claim lots of, often pretty useful stuff, left behind by other player
 s, either due their carelessness, rush, or their death even.So it is often worth to look carefully around in rooms, a careful enough survey can pay out quite nicely, which also adds an additional motivation for players, especially vip gamers using screen-readers.As for the accessability Wiki-page about the MUD, quite strangely, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, (due some updates or maintainence I presume), but its link to that certain TTS soundpack is of no use, since the only download link it contains, always results in a "404 error", totally regardless of the wiki-page functioning or not at that moment.Or maybe I have to be registered, and logged in in order to be allowed accessing it???


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well I am glad I made you interested in Discworld again Dark, by using the screen-reader friendly settings, offered at the very start of the tutorial, orientation is the only major issue for me, especially in huge cities like Ankh-Morpork.What I like the most about that MUD so far, is its previously mentioned ever-changing world, where


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well, the mentioned link is working just fine for me, and has hopefully provided me with enough important informations, to give the MUD an another try, so thanks a lot!However, I would still be greatful for some instructions, or an explanation about how the "speedwalk" command works in VIP client v2, and an eventual link to a soundpack for Discworld MUD as well!Edit:True, the MUD definitely has its downsides, like the quite large, but indeed not too helpful community, and the so called "steep learning curve", (especially for us blind players), but I still starting to like it, mostly due its wide limit of imagination, which features many strange, original, often totally unexpected commands and activities, like in following examples:1, I died, mostly due my own foolishness, and started wandering around Ankh-Morpork city as a ghost.Just out of sheer fun, (while being sure such a command will by no means work), I tried out haunting p
 layers I ran into: And you know what? The command did actually work, not only I could "ghost around" haunting people on my way, but was informed, that I can even get rewarded for it with some bonus or boost! (forgot the exact name of the benefit by now)2. After I logged in next time, 36 hours later, and got brought back to life, all my equipment and money was normally lost, so I just thought of a funny thing: I shall just sit down to the stairs of the starting bar, and start begging, since I did need the cash to buy food urgently, in order to avoid starvation until I find the job-center, and finally start working "for a living"..Normally, I didn't even hope it will work...but 1st, I could indeed sit down to the stairs, (without actually listening the room description), and I could indeed use the "beg" command, adding such a convincing plea to it, that in only 15 minutes of time, I did get some cash even from 2 players passing by!
 These examples also demonstrate, how large number of active players, resulting in frequent IC interactions, can often make an online-game much more fun to play.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Ah, glad the accessibility link is back, I tried yesterday and couldn't get to it through the wiki since I kept getting errors, so used google and got the same errors  which wasn't good.Let me know if you get more into the game. It did strike me as having a lot of promise but again having no way to get into things and the community being actively unhelpful on where to actually do! anything in the game was pretty offputting, quite aside from the uninteractable npcs. Death is cool though, I do remember that especially the way he's actually written.With the good information on the accessibility wiki and the high standard of writing I did want to give the game a db page, but without actually being able to get anywhere or start any activities or really know what to do in the game I couldn't say much.As to speedwalks, if I remember rightly basically speedwalks in vip just auto paste a lot of directions as you walk, you create them and
  save them. to be honest I never actually use them myself, though I have used in built navigation commands in other games like aardwolf and avalon.I'll say personally I didn't specifically have problems finding my way around ankh morpork since between the explanation on the wiki and the fact that all the rooms with streets are named so you can know what street goes off where, I found I could always know where I was provided I remembered where I'd been, then again, since I couldn't find anything to do, I equally couldn't find anywhere I needed to go, so it is entirely possible the situation might  become more difficult had I actually had to find! anything in the city .


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well, the mentioned link is working just fine for me, and has hopefully provided me with enough important informations, to give the MUD an another try, so thanks a lot!However, I would still be greatful for some instructions, or an explanation about how the "speedwalk" command works in VIP client v2, and an eventual link to a soundpack for Discworld MUD as well!Edit:True, the MUD definitely has its downsides, like the not too helpful community, and the so called "steep learning curve", (especially for us blind players), but I still starting to like it, mostly due its wide limit of imagination, which features many strange, original, often totally unexpected commands and activities, like in following examples:1, I died, mostly due my own foolishness, and started wandering around Ankh-Morpork city as a ghost.Just out of sheer fun, (while being sure such a command will by no means work), I tried out haunting players I ran into: And y
 ou know what? The command did actually work, not only I could "ghost around" haunting people on my way, but was informed, that I can even get rewarded for it with some bonus or boost! (forgot the exact name of the benefit by now)2. After I logged in next time, 36 hours later, and got brought back to life, all my equipment and money was normally lost, so I just thought of a funny thing: I shall just sit down to the stairs of the starting bar, and start begging, since I did need the cash to buy food urgently, in order to avoid starvation until I find the job-center, and finally start working "for a living"..Normally, I didn't even hope it will work...but 1st, I could indeed sit down to the stairs, (without actually listening the room description), and I could indeed use the "beg" command, adding such a convincing plea to it, that in only 15 minutes of time, I did get some cash even from 2 players passing by!These examples also demo
 nstrate, how large number of active players, resulting in frequent IC interactions, can often make an online-game much more fun to play.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well, the mentioned link is working just fine for me, and has hopefully provided me with enough important informations, to give the MUD an another try, so thanks a lot!However, I would still be greatful for some instructions, or an explanation about how the "speedwalk" command works in VIP client v2, and an eventual link to a soundpack for Discworld MUD as well!Edit:True, the MUD definitely has its downsides, like the not too helpful community, and the so called "steep learning curve", (especially for us blind players), but I still starting to like it, mostly due its wide limit of imagination, which features many strange, original, often totally unexpected commands and activities, like in following examples:1, I died, mostly due my own foolishness, and started wandering around Ankh-Morpork city as a ghost.Just out of sheer fun, (while being sure such a command will by no means work), I tried out haunting players I ran into: And y
 ou know what? The command did actually work, not only I could "ghost around" haunting people on my way, but was informed, that I can even get rewarded for it with some bonus or boost! (forgot the exact name of the benefit by now)2. After I logged in next time, 36 hours later, and got brought back to life, all my equipment and money was normally lost, so I just thought of a funny thing: I shall just sit down to the stairs of the starting bar, and start begging, since I did need the cash to buy food urgently, in order to avoid starvation until I find the job-center, and finally start working "for a living"..Normally, I didn't even hope it will work...but 1st, I could indeed sit down to the stairs, (without actually listening the room description), and I could indeed use the "beg" command, adding such a convincing plea to it, that in only 15 minutes of time, I did get some cash even from 2 players passing by!


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well, the mentioned link is working just fine for me, and has hopefully provided me with enough important informations, to give the MUD an another try, so thanks a lot!However, I would still be greatful for some instructions, or an explanation about how the "speedwalk" command works in VIP client v2, and an eventual link to a soundpack for Discworld MUD as well!


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Well as far as directions go, the good news is the diskworld mud wiki used to have a very good set of accessible text directions which let you know the layout of Ankh Morpork and other the major cities. The bad news is when I go to where it used to be, I get "this page cannot be displayed" which is obviously not so helpful.As for where to go, find jobs, activities to do  etc, to be honest that was why I gave up with the game. The tutorial was great, then when I got to ankh morpork I found myself wandering around with literally nothing to do accept slay random wild life  and scavenge the streets. I asksed other players and all they said was "yes it's hard as a newbie" I tried the quests command but the list it gave was so general it was of no use at all, especially since I liked the look of crafting and other activities in t
 he game. I was also disappointed with npcs in the game. I have read literally all the diskworld books, many several times (especially because there was a point that they were some of the only fantasy the Rnib audio library here in the Uk had). I loved the idea of being able to wander around diskworld and see some of my favourite characters, however what I got was just plane disappointing, since it seemed all the npcs, even colourful ones like corporal  knobs or moist von lipwig were impossible to interact with. I couldn't talk to them, do quests for them, join them in activities etc.All in all I can say I was not impressed with diskworld mud over all. A lot of promise,  nothing delivered, and players who, while not exactly rude were almost categorically unhelpful.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

just don't what to do,just change to a not human my bad english,i can not understand what's this .and i lost my started cash too.the map too large,so,i can not find how to work.


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Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

just don't what to do,just change to a not human my bad english,i can not understand what's this .


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Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, most suitable for newbies to start in), keep searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is a so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.I noticed, that the "speedwalk" feature is included both in the Discw
 orld MUD, and my VIP client v2.0 as well, so telling me its exact command, and explaining how it actually works, would also be very helpful, since it would spare much time wasted by randomly wandering around, when searching for certain, targeted places in those huge cities.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are always of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TTS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a "404 error", and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence r
 egarding my above mentioned problems!The name of my character in the MUD is: Ishtarr(in case You prefer assisting me within the game itself)My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


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Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, most suitable for newbies to start in), keep searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is a so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are alw
 ays of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TTS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a "404 error", and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence regarding my above mentioned problems!The name of my character in the MUD is: Ishtarr(in case You prefer assisting me within the game itself)My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


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Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, most suitable for newbies to start in), keep searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is a so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are alw
 ays of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TSS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a "404 error", and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence regarding my above mentioned problems!The name of my character in the MUD is: Ishtarr(in case You prefer assisting me within the game itself)My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, most suitable for newbies to start in), keep searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is a so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are alw
 ays of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TSS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a "404 error", and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence regarding my above mentioned problems!The name of my character in the MUD is: Ishtarr(in case You plan to assist me inside the game itself)My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, and the best place for newbies to start in), searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is a so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are alw
 ays of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TSS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a "404 error", and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence regarding my above mentioned problems!The name of my character in the MUD is: Ishtarr(in case You plan to assist me inside the game itself)My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Discworld MUD: Need some assistence!

Greetings!I have read, actually listened to a few audio-books of Lovecraft's Discworld lately, which inspired me to start playing the Discworld MUD.I do find it very interesting, mostly due its realism, (meaning the resemblance to Lovecraft's books), diversity, and huge, active, ever-changing world, plus the over 60 regular players online, who provide lots of opportunities of both IC, and OOC interactions. (inside the game, or in its chatrooms)However, I need some quite urgent assistence regarding the MUD!As 1st, in such a vast game-world, orientation is pretty hard for me, especially without maps of towns, actually cities, which could direct me to special places, shops, stores, buildings, etc.There was such a helpful map in the tutorial area, which served me just fine, and I do hope, that there are such maps for every town/city in the game, which can be bought somewhere inside each of them...but where???I am hopelessly wandering ar
 ound in Morpork Ankh Morpork atm, (according the tutorial it's the largest city, and the best place for newbies to start in), searching for the proper shop or store, which actually sells the city-map...and since the city is indeed huge, I do need some clues or directions to finally find it!Normally I will need to find some job-center type place as next, to start earning some money, since I have (foolishly) died due my own carelessness, and lost all my starting cash after it...but that comes only secondary, and once I have the city-map, it probably won't be a too hard task.In the game, there is some so called "helpful street urchin" NPC, which is supposed to help players finding directions to certain, more important places, but despite strictly following the help instructions regarding it, I just cannot make it telling me a single direction to any least so far.Furthermore, a working soundpack for the MUD would also be nice, those are 
 always of great importance to me when playing MUDs, in order to make them feel much more "alive and kicking".I did find a wiki-result, and even a forum-topic, with a few posts regarding the matter, it's about the newest versions of certain TSS Discworld soundpack for VIP client, which would suit me just's just that the links mentioned there result in a 404 error, and those were the only ones I could find so far.So fellow Discworld players, I know some of You are visiting this forum, (thanks to my topic started about our top 5 MUDs), PLEASE provide me some support, or assistence regarding my above mentioned problems!My best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

There are text directions for getting around Ankh-morpork and I believe some of the other cities, check the above link, however direction in playing is more the problem as I said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

I tried this one a while back, and it looked like fun. But I didnt play for long, because I couldnt find anything! If there were text directions somewhere, Id give it another go. I really wanted to play, because I love the idea of Muds based on books.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

With the sad recent news about Sir Terrys meeting with the reaperman, I thought I ought to investigate this one, just because its always been long running and is a game that has always had notes on its vi access despite some very huge areas, and I do want to investigate some more muds for the db sinse thus far we dont really have many, although several do have very good customizations for Vi players.I did find some handy resources on their wiki although thus far Ive not experienced much as Ive only just finished the newbie area (I took the time to get the most out of it), Im not even sure which class I want, witch looks interesting in terms of abilities and activities though apparently levelling combat as a witch is harder.So, does anyone else play discworld? the only thing that is a tad annoying at the moment is the need to type hole words and get pr
 etty exact strings. So when I was trying to find a shortsword in a shop, I couldnt type list short or list sword. On the plus side, the writing and atmosphere is great, even in the newbie village, and Im highly impresse at the amount of interactable objects, for example in the first room there is a cot, and I couldnt just examine the cot and lie on it, but examine the blanket and the pillow as well. So it seems the descriptive part has been very well done. whether Ill end up getting lost in Ankh-morpork well see .Edit: okay well I dont actually think ankh-morpork is too bad, sinse each room has an individual description and the streets are all named, however Im becoming very frustrated with the games lack of direction. The quests command just gives you a truly insane! num
 ber of alternatives and doesnt tell you where things are or what level they are, just bangs them off in alphabetical order, and when I asked people directed me to the website, which is fine but I dont want to start a new game with spoilers. I keep running into memorable discworld characters like coffin henry, post master Grot and Mr. Tulip, however they seem to all be window dressing, theres nothing I can do! with them. This game really! needs a quest list command and some directions, hell Ive barely found anything to fight sinse Im in ankh-morpork and kill random npcs is aparently frowned upon (Ive fought a rat and a crow but thats it). I must admit Im quite disappointed, I was expecting a game where commander vimes would give me missions cleaning up his city or the patrician would have tasks to do with an edge, but all I find is a beautifully described environment with very little to interact with, this game should be r
 enamed discworld for tourists .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

With the sad recent news about Sir Terrys meeting with the reaperman, I thought I ought to investigate this one, just because its always been long running and is a game that has always had notes on its vi access despite some very huge areas, and I do want to investigate some more muds for the db sinse thus far we dont really have many, although several do have very good customizations for Vi players.I did find some handy resources on their wiki although thus far Ive not experienced much as Ive only just finished the newbie area (I took the time to get the most out of it), Im not even sure which class I want, witch looks interesting in terms of abilities and activities though apparently levelling combat as a witch is harder.So, does anyone else play discworld? the only thing that is a tad annoying at the moment is the need to type hole words and get pr
 etty exact strings. So when I was trying to find a shortsword in a shop, I couldnt type list short or list sword. On the plus side, the writing and atmosphere is great, even in the newbie village, and Im highly impresse at the amount of interactable objects, for example in the first room there is a cot, and I couldnt just examine the cot and lie on it, but examine the blanket and the pillow as well. So it seems the descriptive part has been very well done. whether Ill end up getting lost in Ankh-morpork well see .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

Hi Brad. Firstly, Ive not actually played discworld mud yet, but by a quirk of fate I was reading about it the other night, and now with the sad news about Sir Terry Pratchett Im thinking Ill give it a go. My rummaging turned up This page on the wiki which has links to textual descriptions of maps, which were actually pretty detailed, albeit they show the general zones and places of interest not specific places to go. hth, as I said Ive yet to check this mud out myself, but its been something Ive been meaning to do for some time sinse people do tell me discworld is one of the best muds for access albeit that the areas are (like those in materiamagica), pretty dam humungus!


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