Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

is their a file converter I can download? all the files came up as M4B.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Conor, I sort of got the idea that the sphere was something to do with general communications with leviathan, but yes, it should've been explained, or at least clarrified. Even if the author lost the voice actor for Sejwick so had to edit him out of the series, it might have been good to finish his plot off somehow, indeed when we're told that Makallan's parents died in a marine biology expedition, I was sure there would be some explanation as to how and why, and was rather surprised it never showed up, unless again, this was suppose to be a plotline seen later. Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers!I did wonder, if Gravellar's thugs actually knocked off Makallan's parents, perhaps even on Evangeline's orders once she found out about the program to create a clone of her, since the last thing Evangeline would would want, would be someone else the soraxians could use, indeed again, this seems another step in softening Evangeline's character and making her a good bit less complex, which seemed to happen when she showed up in season 3.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I don't think editing of posts actually matters much in most instances. Speaking personally, I only edit posts to remove problematic links. I would consider doing so as well if a post had extremely offensive material or personally identifiable information that was not already freely available. But generally if I edit your post, I tell you I'm doing it and I tell you exactly -why I'm doing it.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

spoilerI'm also curious about the sphere that Macalin found way back in chapter 2. The purpose of that was never explained, beyond being a convenient way to drop the word leviathan early.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Spoilers ahoy! beware the spoiling spoilers of spoieriness! @Simba, I agree on characters getting lost, once more this seems part of Season 3 becoming far less a factional story, and far more a good vs evil tale with Makallan just taking up the awesome leader roll, rather than being someone with a specific past. I will say, I like the fact the series avoided Makallan going with the "you are special, and everything depends upon your specialness", trope which was rearing it's head in season 1 by  limiting Makallan's contact with starstones, and also putting her in situations  where her status mattered less and she was in more immediate danger, but it would have been nice if she could've been acknowledged to actually be a person with a past rather than an awesome hero, heck, for all she was very sad about the bloody murder of her boyfriend by wit robberts in season 1, she pretty much seems to have forgotten him entirely.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Hi.I also will throw some spoilers out here, so stop reading, hit ctrl to stop your screen reader, atention, spoilers ahead!Another thing that I find strange is that some characters appear very early on in the series and which are suddenly gone, as well as certain events.For example, Makallans grandmother who basically puts her on the trail of Leviathan by mensioning it doesn't appear anymore after episode 4 or so, she's just gone without a trace.the same with Sedwig, described as a lifelong friend of Makallan, he is last seen in Inia when the Mumbai base is evacuated and is just gone suddenly and never heard of again.the same with the police charges against Makallan, where the hel did they go.I kmnow the characters are minor to the story, but the fact they are just gone without any word is sorta strange.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Conor, I'd heard 3 seasons and 50 episodes too, right back when season 1 was still being broadcast, which is why the ending threw me a little.Spoilers ahoy, so stop reading now if you haven't heard the end or don't want the ending spoiled by the spoilers of spoiling.The ending seemed blatant setup to me. Wit robberts escaping, the fact that there is obviously another faction we don't know about who have apparently intercepted some of the Immortals leaving leviathan, who may or may not be allied with Maddox and  maybe the aliens as well, and who have obviously now recruited, or at least acquired Wit Roberts' services for their own reasons, quite aside from what will happen to the rest of the immortals under Makallan's leadership, or what Mai Lee and Oberlin, and Lisette and Clurrican's respective new missions are, and what the deal is with Toshi.I'm not necessarily thinking a Leviathan chronicles season 4 here, but there should be at least something, and maybe an indication that episode 51 was the end of the first act or first volume, rather than  being the definite end with no word.If I'd known that there's going to be a sequel series or a season 4 or something, I wouldn't have been expecting season 3 to tie up lose ends and finish things, so lack of conclusion wouldn't have felt quite as dire.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@58 I doubt there'll be another full season like we just got. In all of the sope boxes I've listened to talk has always been of 50 episodes. If laputka's plans changed in the meantime, great. What I do know is that there is probably going to be more content, according to what the leviathan twitter says.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

i'll be talking about spoilers in here, so  if anyone is reading this, stop right nowspoilersi do agree with post 57 here, i honestly didn't like Wit robberts geting away in the epilog episode, i hoped that he'll have an end just like the a;aliens didi kinda hoped toshy's story would have some kind of  an ending to it as well, the epilog  also left some questions: what's the diel with the woman who helped Wit escape the  hospital? in general, i very much like this season despite the events that happened, i wish they'll be an other season, it's awesome


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

i'll be talking about spoilers in here, so  if anyone is reading this, stop right nowspoilersi do agree with post 57 here, i honestly didn't like Wit robberts geting away in the epilog episode, i hoped that he'll have an end just like the a;aliens didi kinda hoped toshy's story would have some kind of  an ending to it as well, the epilog  also left some questions: what's the diel with the woman who helped Wit escape the  hospital? in general, i very much like this season despite the events that happened, i wish they'll be an other season, it awesome


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

i'll be talking about spoilers in here, so  if anyone is reading this, stop right nowspoilersi do agree with post 57 here, i honestly didn't like Wit robberts geting away in the epilog episode, i hoped that he'll have an end just like the a;aliens didi kinda hoped tohsy's story would have some kind of  an ending to it as wellthe epilog  also left some questions: what's the diel with the woman who helped Wit escape the  hospital? e.gall and all i liked the season, the sound design is awesome


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Well , I have now finished everything. I started at season 1 (which I've heard twice before), did the mini episodes, then went on to season 2, which I just did the once in 15, then finished with season 3, which I finished. I'll agree season 3 was an awesome thrill ride, I loved some of the new characters we were introduced too and that we got some nice questions answered. My only miner issue with season 3 over all, is that whilst some of the character stories feel finished, many do not. It was a compelling, action heavy story and I was really taken up with things, but it felt a bit more like a concluding of a first part, than the final outcome I was expecting, since there was blatant setup for future events and a number of plot points not covered. Okay, there endeth the general points I was wanting to make, after this stage I'll be mentioning specifics, so anyone who hasn't heard the entirety of season 3 should stop reading now. Repeat! stop reading now if you don't want the series spoiled, because here come the spoiling spoilers which will spoil your enjoyment! Still here? Sure you don't mind spoilers? Okay then, on with the spoilage!The breakdown of leviathan was a truly nasty sequence, one of the most compelling and awful things I've heard in a long time, however I was severely severely disappointed that both Madox and Wit essentially got away scott free, especially with the implication that Evangeline  wasn't entirely successful at stopping the missile signal from being sent. The Madox plot is very obviously setup for a sequel, especially with how Madox itself recruited wit later, and of course there is still the question about what is happening with the existing immortals who manage to flee leviathan. All of this I wouldn't mind if indeed there was another season promised, but despite closure for some storeis, EG the people who died and of course Tully, others seem oddly open ended, which didn't make this feel the conclusion it should've been, rather like ending the starwars films with the empire strikes back, since other than Jason Sterling and the aliens, most of the really bad guys managed to get away. Oh and btw, what exactly was the deal with Toshi? There was a fair amount of setup that there was something not quite normal about him, that his half immortal status would make him somewhat differently, and he certainly dosn't act like an average six year old. I was always expecting a concluding scene with him and his father after Tully left Tenaka in the hotel room poisoned, and was a little surprised it didn't happen. I also am surprised that Toshi, Jason and indeed everyone else seems to forget Toshi's torture in season 1, that he was put in a high pressure room, and that you even hear him being burned when JAson was trying to get the location of Sutton manner out of Icoru? It seems strange in a series that is so good at taking up previously mentioned plot threads, that this was never mentioned, indeed I wondered if this was part of Toshi's strangeness, that he healed quickly, or just recovered, or the like.It was also a little jarring listening to all seasons through to notice some generalised character differences. For example when harlequin originally reaches Leviathan, Evangeline is less than pleased to see him, and they have quite the frosty reception, which makes sense given Harliquin's origin story in the rogue plague and what Evangeline did to him. yet by the time we got to season 3, all of that is forgotten about, as was Evangeline's highering of thugs like grvellar. In general, whilst the production, events and characters were great, I was less leased that in season 3 things became far less factional, and far more obviously good vs evil, with Evangeline a little too obviously being portrayed as the uncomplicated selfless leader, rather than (as previously), someone with her own morals and ideals who would be quite happy going to extremes in pursuit of those ideals. Of course, part of this is also because the historical sections of leviathan and the blatant "all religion, and especially christianity is evil" got rather too heavy handed. Indeed, in the actual eleventh century, far be it from the evil Catholic church and colonising English to attack norway, the norse were actually ruling most of England at the time, and a lot of what we now would consider science was actually being done by! the catholic church themselves . This is why Evangeline's death didn't perhaps bother me as much as it should've done, despite the fact that she was obviously trying to stop something worse from happening, indeed I always thought Evangeline and Sention were in some ways similar, both leaders bound by their own ideals with a ruthless streak, and yet I sort of got the idea that we were supposed to care more about Evangeline's death than senti

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Well , I have now finished everything. I started at season 1 (which I've heard twice before), did the mini episodes, then went on to season 2, which I just did the once in 15, then finished with season 3, which I finished. I'll agree season 3 was an awesome thrill ride, I loved some of the new characters we were introduced too and that we got some nice questions answered. My only miner issue with season 3 over all, is that whilst some of the character stories feel finished, many do not. It was a compelling, action heavy story and I was really taken up with things, but it felt a bit more like a concluding of a first part, than the final outcome I was expecting, since there was blatant setup for future events and a number of plot points not covered. Okay, there endeth the general points I was wanting to make, after this stage I'll be mentioning specifics, so anyone who hasn't heard the entirety of season 3 should stop reading now. Repeat! stop reading now if you don't want the series spoiled, because here come the spoiling spoilers which will spoil your enjoyment! Still here? Sure you don't mind spoilers? Okay then, on with the spoilage!The breakdown of leviathan was a truly nasty sequence, one of the most compelling and awful things I've heard in a long time, however I was severely severely disappointed that both Madox and Wit essentially got away scott free, especially with the implication that Evangeline  wasn't entirely successful at stopping the missile signal from being sent. The Madox plot is very obviously setup for a sequel, especially with how Madox itself recruited wit later, and of course there is still the question about what is happening with the existing immortals who manage to flee leviathan. All of this I wouldn't mind if indeed there was another season promised, but despite closure for some storeis, EG the people who died and of course Tully, others seem oddly open ended, which didn't make this feel the conclusion it should've been, rather like ending the starwars films with the empire strikes back, since other than Jason Sterling and the aliens, most of the really bad guys managed to get away. It was also a little jarring listening to all seasons through to notice some character differences. For example when harlequin originally reaches Leviathan, Evangeline is less than pleased to see him, and they have quite the frosty reception, which makes sense given Harliquin's origin story in the rogue plague and what Evangeline did to him. yet by the time we got to season 3, all of that is forgotten about, as was Evangeline's highering of thugs like grvellar. In general, whilst the production, events and characters were great, I was less leased that in season 3 things became far less factional, and far more obviously good vs evil, with Evangeline a little too obviously being portrayed as the uncomplicated selfless leader, rather than (as previously), someone with her own morals and ideals who would be quite happy going to extremes in pursuit of those ideals. Of course, part of this is also because the historical sections of leviathan and the blatant "all religion, and especially christianity is evil" got rather too heavy handed. Indeed, in the actual eleventh century, far be it from the evil Catholic church and colonising English to attack norway, the norse were actually ruling most of England at the time, and a lot of what we now would consider science was actually being done by! the catholic church themselves . This is why Evangeline's death didn't perhaps bother me as much as it should've done, despite the fact that she was obviously trying to stop something worse from happening, indeed I always thought Evangeline and Sention were in some ways similar, both leaders bound by their own ideals with a ruthless streak, and yet I sort of got the idea that we were supposed to care more about Evangeline's death than sention's.So, all in all, season 3 was a really good, and horribly dark season, albeit one which did annoyingly simplify the playing field a little, however I do feel mildly cheated in terms of finishing character stories, and really hope we see more of that universe in the future, since as a final conclusion to a series it just left too many lose ends to really feel satisfying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Well , I have now finished everything. I started at season 1 (which I've heard twice before), did the mini episodes, then went on to season 2, which I just did the once in 15, then finished with season 3, which I finished. I'll agree season 3 was an awesome thrill ride, I loved some of the new characters we were introduced too and that we got some nice questions answered. My only miner issue with season 3 over all, is that whilst some of the character stories feel finished, many do not. It was an awesome thrill ride and I was really taken up with things, but it felt a bit more like a concluding of a first part, than the final outcome I was expecting, since there was blatant setup for future events and a number of plot points not covered. Okay, there endeth the general points I was wanting to make, after this stage I'll be mentioning specifics, so anyone who hasn't heard the entirety of season 3 should stop reading now. Repeat! stop reading now if you don't want the series spoiled, because here come the spoiling spoilers which will spoil your enjoyment! Still here? Sure you don't mind spoilers? Okay then, on with the spoilage!The breakdown of leviathan was a truly nasty sequence, one of the most compelling and awful things I've heard in a long time, however I was severely severely disappointed that both Madox and Wit essentially got away scott free, especially with the implication that Evangeline  wasn't entirely successful at stopping the missile signal from being sent. The Madox plot is very obviously setup for a sequel, especially with how Madox itself recruited wit later, and of course there is still the question about what is happening with the existing immortals who manage to flee leviathan. All of this I wouldn't mind if indeed there was another season promised, but despite closure for some storeis, EG the people who died and of course Tully, others seem oddly open ended, which didn't make this feel the conclusion it should've been, rather like ending the starwars films with the empire strikes back, since other than Jason Sterling and the aliens, most of the really bad guys managed to get away. It was also a little jarring listening to all seasons through to notice some character differences. For example when harlequin originally reaches Leviathan, Evangeline is less than pleased to see him, and they have quite the frosty reception, which makes sense given Harliquin's origin story in the rogue plague and what Evangeline did to him. yet by the time we got to season 3, all of that is forgotten about, as was Evangeline's highering of thugs like grvellar. In general, whilst the production, events and characters were great, I was less leased that in season 3 things became far less factional, and far more obviously good vs evil, with Evangeline a little too obviously being portrayed as the uncomplicated selfless leader, rather than (as previously), someone with her own morals and ideals who would be quite happy going to extremes in pursuit of those ideals. Of course, part of this is also because the historical sections of leviathan and the blatant "all religion, and especially christianity is evil" got rather too heavy handed. Indeed, in the actual eleventh century, far be it from the evil Catholic church and colonising English to attack norway, the norse were actually ruling most of England at the time, and a lot of what we now would consider science was actually being done by! the catholic church themselves . This is why Evangeline's death didn't perhaps bother me as much as it should've done, despite the fact that she was obviously trying to stop something worse from happening, indeed I always thought Evangeline and Sention were in some ways similar, both leaders bound by their own ideals with a ruthless streak, and yet I sort of got the idea that we were supposed to care more about Evangeline's death than sention's.So, all in all, season 3 was a really good, and horribly dark season, albeit one which did annoyingly simplify the playing field a little, however I do feel mildly cheated in terms of finishing character stories, and really hope we see more of that universe in the future, since as a final conclusion to a series it just left too many lose ends to really feel satisfying.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Why is this in new releases?


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@kaigoku The mods Had a word filter in place once. It would sensor out for example, the link to the audio vault site and the words audio vault. No one liked it at all and it was soon taken down. A flaging system is an idea though. If only the web masters were around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@kaigoku The mods Had a word filter in place once. It would sensor out for example, the link to the audio vault site and the words audio vault. No one liked it at all and it was soon taken down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@53, I'm just expressing my concern about mods editing posts. Nothing wrong with that! Unfortunately, not sure they have much control of the forum code and its APIs anyway. Or at least put a warning system in place to flag potentially controversial posts or replies.Also, about audio dramas, AlexN94 and I pretty much have the same tastes. Not much into Westerns or heavy political plots. You can PM me if you want, or even just having it out here for others to see is fine. Up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@53, I'm just expressing my concern about mods editing posts. Nothing wrong with that! And I suggested an alternative if you read carefully. Unfortunately, not sure they have much control of the forum code and its APIs anyway.Also, about audio dramas, AlexN94 and I pretty much have the same tastes. Not much into Westerns or heavy political plots. You can PM me if you want, or even just having it out here for others to see is fine. Up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Simba: Horror, scifi, mystery, thriller, fantasy. Anything goes really. I believe you can send me an email via the forum? If not, throw me a PM and I'll catch it there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

You can see when admins have edited posts. I must ask, how else are they going to remove Offending content from a post? people got really mad about the word filter so that’s out of the question.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here! Alex and Kaigoku if you again tell me what kinds of audio dramas you would like and some means of contacting you two I will throw together a List and send it to you, I guess that would be the easiest thing.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@50: I'd be very interested in a list as well. Anything goes really, listening practice is listening practice.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Warcat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@49: what kind of audio dramas do you like in general? I am also a german speaker and I could also give you some dramas if you like.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Here we go again!It's been a while since I read the rules, but it gives me some concern that a mod can potentially just edit my posts. I know this wouldn't be done maliciously, at least I hope not, but just the idea that it could be done makes me feel uneasy. If only we had a filter system in place that could filter out words, links, etc, instead of giving this much power to a user group, I'd feel better.I mean, an idea would be to program a system with a database of words, URLs, plagiarism, and more that would pre-analyze a post before posting to the website. Then we run into the issue of censorship of course. Well, whatever! I'm not one to break rules anyway, usually.I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with any of that spoiler stuff, but it just something I thought to bring up.Also simba, could you give me a list of German audio dramas? I'm actually learning some German.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here! Xvordan to be fair, Munawar did get a repremand from Jayde some posts back, somewhere in the early 30s, it's again not noted down in the official topic in the sight and forum room.I see Karter generally as an admin who is pritty impulsive on the warn/ban trigger and often doesn't really think about the actions he is taking, generally I don't get why he is an admin anyway.But at least for me, I'm done with the topiic, I still talk about it, I go shut up about the spoiler and the fact that some people don't have common sence about here, I keep quiet and in a month the warning is gone anyway.But as a general thing regarding the forum, you know, if ideogames had an extra forum, I would have left this thing a long time ago.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I realize I'm late to the party, but I really object to cartertemm's heavy handedness in his moderation. True it's only a warning, but allowing such frivolous warnings to go sets a precedent, especially when they're set against the stark community failure of the rest of the posters in the offending topic by being extremely offensive and rude, rather than politely pointing out the lack of spoilers and leaving it at that.Guidelines wrote:You will not face punishment for failing to adhere to our guidelines unless you are doing so repeatedly for a prolonged period of time.Does Simba's refusal to modify a single topic's title in this topic constitute repeated offenses? Are we now holding guidelines as official rules? I thought guidelines were, you know, just guidelines.Rules wrote:5. Please consider others when you post. While some users do not mind having game details discussed at length, others do not want their experience spoiled. As such, we ask that you clearly mark any game info that could constitute a spoiler with some sort of text which denotes it as such.The rules page clearly state that "we ask", not that "we require". This is a guideline for courtesy and consideration -- it is not written as a mandate.If we take a look at the available BB codes, we see that they don't even have a spoiler tag, which further reinforces the idea that spoilers aren't as important as people are blowing the issue up to be.I'm personally protesting any warnings or reprisals that might've been granted to and directed at the original poster, simply on merit of documentation and implementation. There are no true facilities to be able to hide text behind a spoiler tag. There are no actual rules, just a guideline request. There is no reason, therefore, that the original poster should've received so much vitriol from some of the posters in this topic, a few of whom I would have supposed had the maturity to refrain from lashing out at the original post in the manner they chose.If this is going to be the new norm where we can be reprimanded for "guidelines" and not "rules", and where it's perfectly ok for community members to express hostility towards another poster without themselves receiving any kind of correction, then this forum is probably no longer the kind of place I wish to frequent.Kai


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

When I checked yesterday at around 5pm ECT it was already deleted so yep.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Hi.At 43 sure I can listen to it and translate the thing, I'll drop you a PM when I'm done, will see how long it takes though, if someone is faster just announce it here.At 46 lol firstly, it took me just some hours to delete the post, for your reference.And secondly, let me think ... hmm ... yeah, I think I once accidentally spoiled a part of a plot from a book to a friend and another time another little plot line from a series which wasn't major though.So yeah, here you have your answer, about two times some years ago :=.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

First of all @Simba, the mods had to edit your post to put the spoiler warning in there. Second, it took you this long to delete it. To those of us who have seen it already, that doesn't matter. SO piss off.No, this was a topic discussing how cool it was that season 3 dropped. Then you come in with your God damn spoilers without even thinking twice that hey, there are people here who haven't listened to the whole thing. As an admin showed us earlier, you start to mention the  epilogue with no spoilers, and then just dive right into it. My screen reader is set really fast so no, I didn't have the time to press CTRL before you revealed a major plot line. So go on, blame others for your irresponsibility, I guess that's just how you are. Then again I live in America (not sure where you reside) so I guess I should be used to that sort of attitude. "Oh, I fucked up, but it's everyone's fault but mine."I don't care by now that you deleted your OP on this subject.Look even @AlexN94, post 26, had the plot ruined for them by your carelessness. Hope you're happy. I wonder how many other things you've spoiled for people since you clearly don't understand the etiquette around spoilers. For your reference: … n-asshole/These days, we have to account for a different type of television: the show that drops, in its entirety, in a single night. Sure, some folks have the ability to binge-watch an entire season of Orange is the New Black in a single sitting as soon as Netflix releases it. But most people have a life, so please wait a full week (or two) to converse about it in a public setting.Scream “Spoiler Alert!” Before Talking, Tweeting, Texting or Even Thinking About a ShowPeople are busy. Not everyone can tune into the latest episode of This Is Us every Tuesday night. Some folks need a day or two (or a week or three) to catch up so, be nice. Feel free to chat about whatever it is you need to discuss but introduce your commentary with a loud “spoiler alert!,”You did neither of these things in your original post 19, and this is not even 2/10 of the article I've linked.The fact that you made it through all of season 3 the day it came out shows that you've got time that a lot of us don't, and you didn't consider that at all when you came on here with your stupid spoiler. You're lucky to be able to sit there and binge the whole thing like that.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

First of all @Simba, the mods had to edit your post to put the spoiler warning in there. Second, it took you this long to delete it. To those of us who have seen it already, that doesn't matter. SO piss off.No, this was a topic discussing how cool it was that season 3 dropped. Then you come in with your God damn spoilers without even thinking twice that hey, there are people here who haven't listened to the whole thing. As an admin showed us earlier, you start to mention the  epilogue with no spoilers, and then just dive right into it. My screen reader is set really fast so no, I didn't have the time to press CTRL before you revealed a major plot line. So go on, blame others for your irresponsibility, I guess that's just how you are. Then again I live in America (not sure where you reside) so I guess I should be used to that sort of attitude. "Oh, I fucked up, but it's everyone's fault but mine."I don't care by now that you deleted your OP on this subject.Look even @AlexN94, post 26, had the plot ruined for them by your carelessness. Hope you're happy. I wonder how many other things you've spoiled for people since you clearly don't understand the etiquette around spoilers. For your reference: … n-asshole/


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hi, are there any spanish speakers who have the director's cut? I have a question.spoilerAt the end of the epilog, after the credits, there is a long pause, then a scene where Macalin gets into a truck with a spanish guy who holds a pretty long monologue. Could someone transcribe what he said in english, or just sum it up if you don't feel like typing it all out?


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hi, are there any spanish speakers who have the director's cut? I have a question.spoilerAt the end of the epilog, after the credits, there is a long pause, then a scene where Macalin gets into a truck with a spanish guy. Could someone transcribe what he said in english, or just sum it up if you don't feel like typing it all out?


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

well,  that was, a quite ending i must say


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here! 40 lol, common sense is, if you see a topic about a new season of a series for which you waited many years and you start tbhinking "Hey, this might contain spoilers later on, so better wait off with reading the threat till I possibly watched the hole or part of the series.". That my fit throwing friend, is common sense.And, the mensioning of the epilogue. What now, you're also trying to make me responsible for you not beeing able to stop your screen reader in time in the next post? Wondering how that will turn out.Also you know what's funny? I initially deleted my post with the spoiler which you, in your enraged toddler hissy fit throwing state probably didn't even notice by now. So, for someone who reads this threat and is wondering what all the fuss is about, might finally arive reading post 40, and well, who is it now who is hinting at a, look out:spoiilerNot so nice ending for the character in question? Exactly, it's your post mensioning it without any sort of warning before that Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Jayde: It's an audio drama about an alien lifeform that delivers pseudo-immortality to Earth. Other factions want their hands on the tech as well so there's a conflict.It went on hiatus for a very long time because the producer had severe personal issues so he was dealing with his family at the time. I would say it's been at least eight years since I listened to the drama because I remember being introduced to it in 2011.They dropped season 3, the final season, this week Monday as of this writing.The character that @19 spoiled is significant to the story now that I've started listening to season 1 again. So if you do end up listening to it, be aware that you won't be able to connect with one of the main characters because you know his ending already.On mainstream forums, spoilers are immediate grounds for permabans so @19 got off easy on this one. I remember when Game of Thrones was still running, even the actors were under contract to not reveal anything even hinting at a spoiler or they'd be fined. I'm one of those that absolutely hates! spoilers, because as @Jayde pointed out it kills the mood in many cases. I never watched Game of Thrones but I knew a lot of people who did, and the reactions when someone would spoil something were cultish.For those of you who don't think this is a big deal, maybe you simply haven't waited as long as others of us have for the final season.@Simba: I love the passive aggressiveness there with the common sense comment. (Sarcasm.) Apparently you don't know what a spoiler is or you simply don't have enough common sense yourself to think "hey, even though I've finished it because I have all the time in the world to just sit there and binge the damn thing, other people don't." I've been looking forward to starting the series this weekend after work and you pretty much ruined that whole experience. Consider yourself lucky to not be on a forum where they take spoilers seriously or they'd never let you back on.In case you don't know, it's common sense (your words) and considered common forum etiquette to not spoil a series. Just take @34's example where they clearly warned of a spoiler ahead.If it was up to me you'd be permabanned like I've seen other forums do when someone spoils something. In fact I daresay just getting a warning is letting you off too easy. It's akin to mentioning a significant plot twist to Harry Potter's character Dumbledore that happens in The Half-Blood Prince.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

No, Munawar, I'd neither ask you to apologize for how you feel nor expect you to do so. In fact, I generally agree with you. It was in how you expressed how you felt, not that you felt that way at all.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Jayde: yup, I let my emotions get the better of me on that one. I won't apologize for how I feel though.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Jayde: I see that my latter post on this matter was removed. IMO it would have been better to just sensor it. So for the record, it wasn't me who deleted it. That should be noted in your moderation post.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I’ve included the official description below instead of at the top of this post because it actually kind of contains a few spoilers. it’s an audio drama podcast that started all the way back in 2008. It was probably one of the few of its kind back then. You can here it's age in the first episodes, but honestly, the story is very well done and the sound design gets increasingly better, as does the audio quality. It has a 4.5 stars rating on apple podcasts. The first two seasons are available for free and the third is being incrementally released starting on June 15, but you can basically buy it for almost as little or as much as you want right now. The directors cuts include bonus podcasts and storyline. I personally recommend it to anyone who likes podcasts in the audio drama and science Fiction fields.Description begins.The story is centered around a hidden city called Leviathan that lies deep within the dark trenches of the Pacific Ocean. The city is home to a community of immortals that sought to create a utopia over 1,000 years ago. For a millennia, they lived in peace and secrecy, gently influencing world events to aid the advancement of mankind. But a terrible secret has been kept deep within the catacombs of Leviathan that threatens the existence of the immortals, and quite possibly the entire world.One woman named Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in New York, discovers she is descended from a group of immortals that rebelled against Leviathan and are now waging a civil war around the globe. As the immortal war spills into the realm of mortal man, Macallan realizes that she holds the key to stopping the battle and bringing peace to Leviathan. But a clandestine government agency called The Blackdoor Group is trying to exterminate the immortal population and has identified Macallan as their critical target.The Leviathan Chronicles was launched on April 21, 2008, and is written & created by Christof Laputka, and directed by Nobi Nakanishi.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Moderation:Munawar, consider this an official warning. That sort of personal attack is unwarranted. You have every right to be upset, but you could've expressed yourself without personal attacks. You're a long-time forum user who normally doesn't do this, so I'm taking it as a sign that you were really pissed off. Still, rules are rules.end moderationImplying that a show is bad because you're upset by knowing its ending is ridiculous, by the way. Some people really, really hate having stuff spoiled, and some of the best stories I've ever read would have lost a lot of their punch had I been informed about the spoiler ending beforehand. Odd Thomas is one of them. That book literally made me turn it off for five minutes, because I read it less than two months after my brother died, and part of the ending made me cry. If I'd known it was coming, it wouldn't have possessed the emotional impact that it ultimately had. So someone not being considerate of others in this way is...kind of being jerkish and/or inconsiderate, at the very least. Yes, the internet is a spoilery place, and yes, one shouldn't expect spoiler-free safety everywhere you go, but that also doesn't mean that someone who has their experience spoiled is whining just because they're pissed. Because here's the deal. Once you know something, you can't just un-know it again. That's something Munawar, and perhaps others who read it, will never, ever get back.Now, with all that moralizing out of the way, I'd like to ask a question.What the hell is this? I've heard of it, but am curious about it. Is there an ongoing plot (assuming yes)? Is it free or paid, and if paid, how expensive? Also, how are its production values? I consider We're Alive to be decent (its sound design was pretty good, its acting was up and down).Some of these I could probably answer for myself but I'm trying to get a fix on how folks feel about this before I put in the work. If anyone would help me out with regard to my questions, I'd appreciate it hugely.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@34 hey, thanks for putting the spoiler warning! I appreciate that. 


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

spoilerAgreed with 30. The epilog and the final chapter leave a lot of open endings to characters. There's the potential here for an entirely new conflict. I mean, I don't know if Christoph has anything like this planned, but 50 chapters was always supposed to be the scope of the production so I doubt it. But suffice it to say that there are now two entirely new parties with, it seems,  differing interests, as well as rogue elements, and... I just want more! mre! Because it's really, really hard to find english audio dramas of good quality, and the german ones there are are, as Moritz said, either long-running detective dramas, urban fantasies, or kiddy stuff.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

what does the directors cut have that the podcast version doesn't have? does anyone have the extras? do they add anything to the story or are they just fillers? I'm thinking of getting the extras too.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I dont usually agree with Simba, but 28 I think was a bit much. Telling someone fuck you, on a public forum is a bit overboard. I think waltzing into a topic like this you should be prepared for spoilers. Simba, you're not off the hook either. You could just have put in the tag and be done with it. I think a caution would have been a better choice, but what's done is done


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Oh wine wine wine.People, if a show is crap enough to where knowing the end of the story ruins the entire thing and makes it not worth your time to see everything leading up to that point, why watch it in the first place?And I agree with Simba for the most part.  A mention of the epilogue should have you hitting H right away, and if you don't than you really only have your self to blame.Posting huge spoilers on a topic that isn't marked spoilers isn't very cool, and he probably should have tagged it, but IMO that was not worth a warning.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I finished the season.I really feel like there should be more story. The epilogue ended on an awesome note but on a note where there's more that needs to be told.Given how it ends the additional stuff may need to be in a spinoff.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Ok ok, chil your fucking base people.Yes ok, I screwed up with that post, I was under the impression that mensioning the epilogue might imply that spoilers are ahead, it's the epilogue after all, but well, if you count for common sense for once, it's apparently not enough, good to know.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Especially for those of us who were huge fans. Sure it's edited now but those of us who saw it before the edit and didn't press CTRL in time, that can't be undone. I rarely ever say this but fuck you @19. That genuinely made me angry that you did that and it was horridly inconsiderate.And then the fact that a mod had to edit it for you because you simply can't take the time to do it yourself. That's really low.I was one of those that didn't tune into the live stream of episode 39 because I didn't want to listen to it until I went back and listened to the first 2 seasons again after buying all three the day season 3 dropped. You pretty much just ruined it. The worst part about all this is that the topic title doesn't even indicate spoilers contained in the topic. It was a discussion about season3 coming out, not its full plot line.So yeah, fuck you.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

moderation:Simba. Consider this a warning. Your post contained spoilers with zero "clear" prior indication. The rules tell you how to mark a post as such, please review them.As a reminder, common sense is subjective. What you know, believe, and hold as truth others may still be questioning or entirely unaware of for a variety of reasons. Similarly, your post clearly impacted a couple potential readers by divulging potentially unwanted details about a character. The fact that you still haven't edited it (I did it, your welcome) shows a blatant disregard. This has been noted.In short, people don't always see things the same way you do. When in doubt, it's far better to be explicit than implicit, hence our firm stance on this rule.end moderationFor the record, I got done binging the directors cut the day of it's release. I just happened to be browsing this topic and came across your post.Also, if multiple people are expressing even slight irritation, fixing the issue (completely in your power) would have been the right thing to do. It just so happens that this particular issue could be remedied in less time than it took you to fire off the quick retort which I am about to address.simba wrote:Regarding the epilogue, yeah true, some character endings do leave a lot to be desired, the ones for Mey Lee, Oberlin and Witt I would have liked to see an ending to those.We're good here. This isn't really a spoiler, though nor is it a warning of an impending one as seen by 22 and 26.Below, however, we have a new line character, "0xa", "\n", usually denoting another paragraph or for all intense and purposes another section. Such does indeed turn out to be the case.spoiler's aheadSimba wrote:Also, the way how they killed off Senshun is just, well, not really what I would have expected.Not only is this strewn out in the middle of nowhere, the event in question isn't even found in the epilogue. I don't know any other way of explaining it... You just informed all potential readers of the demise of an extremely important character. This could seriously impact the series for future readers if not marked correctly.Please be more mindful next time.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

moderation:Simba. Consider this a warning. Your post contained spoilers with zero "clear" prior indication. The rules tell you how to mark a post as such, please review them.As a reminder, common sense is subjective. What you know, believe, and hold as truth others may still be questioning for a variety of reasons. Similarly, your post clearly impacted a couple potential readers by divulging potentially unwanted details about a character. The fact that you still haven't edited it (I did it, your welcome) shows a blatant disregard. This has been noted.In short, people don't always see things the same way you do. When in doubt, it's far better to be explicit than implicit, hence our firm stance on this rule.end moderationFor the record, I got done binging the directors cut the day of it's release. I just happened to be browsing this topic and came across your post.Also, if multiple people are expressing even slight irritation, fixing the issue (completely in your power) would have been the right thing to do. It just so happens that this particular issue could be remedied in less time than it took you to fire off the quick retort which I am about to address.simba wrote:Regarding the epilogue, yeah true, some character endings do leave a lot to be desired, the ones for Mey Lee, Oberlin and Witt I would have liked to see an ending to those.We're good here. This isn't really a spoiler, though nor is it a warning of an impending one as seen by 22 and 26.Below, however, we have a new line character, "0xa", "\n", usually denoting another paragraph or for all intense and purposes another section. Such does indeed turn out to be the case.spoiler's aheadSimba wrote:Also, the way how they killed off Senshun is just, well, not really what I would have expected.Not only is this strewn out in the middle of nowhere, the event in question isn't even found in the epilogue. I don't know any other way of explaining it... You just informed all potential readers of the demise of an extremely important character. This could seriously impact the series for future readers if not marked correctly.Please be more mindful next time.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

moderation:Simba. Consider this a warning. Your post contained spoilers with zero "clear" prior indication. The rules tell you how to mark a post as such, please review them.As a reminder, common sense is subjective. What you know, believe, and hold as truth others may still be questioning for a variety of reasons. Similarly, your post clearly impacted a couple potential readers by divulging potentially unwanted details about a character. The fact that you still haven't edited it (I did it, your welcome) shows a blatant disregard. This has been noted.In short, people don't always see things the same way you do. When in doubt, it's far better to be explicit than implicit, hence our firm stance on this rule.end moderationFor the record, I got done binging the directors cut the day of it's release. I just happened to be browsing this topic and came across your post.Also, if multiple people are expressing even slight irritation, fixing the issue (completely in your power) would have been the right thing to do. It just so happens that this particular issue could be remedied in less time than it took you to fire off the quick retort which I am about to address.simba wrote:Regarding the epilogue, yeah true, some character endings do leave a lot to be desired, the ones for Mey Lee, Oberlin and Witt I would have liked to see an ending to those.We're good here. This isn't really a spoiler, though nor is it a warning of an impending one as seen by 22 and 26.Below, however, we have a new line character, "0xa", "\n", usually denoting another paragraph or for all intense and purposes another section. Such does indeed turn out to be the case.spoiler's aheadSimba wrote:Also, the way how they killed off Senshun is just, well, not really what I would have expected.Not only is this strewn out in the middle of nowhere, the event in question isn't even found in the epilogue. I don't know any other way of explaining it... You just informed all potential readers of the demise of an extremely important character.Please be more mindful next time.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@26: Sadly I'm now in the same boat as you in that regard as I managed to get that far into the post. Glad that there's at least a spoiler warning edited in now.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Wow people love to spoil things on here. I have a feeling @19 just revealed one of the biggest happenings in this podcast. I think it's time to prefix this subject line with ***spoilers***. Thanks guys. I don't remember now who the character is that you mention since it's been too long since I've listened, but I do plan to start back from season 1 and when I'm introduced to that character it'll be quite a downer. Thanks a lot.Not all of us have the time to sit there and binge the whole thing in one sitting, and you should be mindful of that.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Wow people love to spoil things on here. I have a feeling @19 just revealed one of the biggest happenings in this podcast. I think it's time to prefix this subject line with ***spoilers***. Thanks guys. I don't remember now who the character is that you mention since it's been too long since I've listened, but I do plan to start back from season 1 and when I'm introduced to that character it'll be quite a downer. Thanks a lot.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hi.At 22 well I said, regarding the Epilogue, that should be an indication big enough that this post contains spoilers without putting that huge spoiler alert on top, mensioning the epilogue should be a spoiler warning on it's own.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MasterChief via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Hi,I haven't read the whole topic because I really don't want to read any spoilers specially after so many years waiting for this. However, I just wanted to tell you that if you buy the thing, you get a 5 minute recap of the first and second season that might help you remember stuff. But man, the moment I played the thing, just wow. The music, the narrator and how she puts effort into every word, so many memories.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I do have the director's cut, but I do agree. Those who have it shouldn't talk about major plot points until all the episodes were put in the podcast feed.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@Simba: Could you please put a spoiler warning in that post? I haven't listened yet and had to quickly stop reading.Also, I'd be super interested in German audio dramas too as I'm currently brushing up on my knowledge of the language from like 13 years ago, so it would be great for listening practice. #20's list of genres works perfectly for me as well 


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I like the audio book it's not mess3ed up they just put it in parts like an audible book.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@19, I listen to horror, Science Fiction, mystery... Honestly, I like most things except heavy political plots.Also, Westerns, not really my thing.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Hi.At 18 yeah most of them are, if you could give me a genre you like I could go and see what I can find.Regarding the epilogue, yeah true, some character endings do leave a lot to be desired, the ones for Mey Lee, Oberlin and Witt I would have liked to see an ending to those.Also, the way how they killed off Senshun is just, well, not really what I would have expected.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Oh nice! Thanks for this update! I now have something to listen to at night.I'm curious to know what German audio dramas are out there. Someone said they're high quality. That'll probably give me the motivation to learn German.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Yes, yes and yes! I have been waiting for this to happen for years! I just bought it and I probably won'\t be doing anything else until I finish with it.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@12 LOL the price for season 3 is a dropdown so you can just change it...The files you download are already mp3 files in a zip file. The only reason you'd not get an mp3 is if you download the audio book version.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

So I just binged it, and... just... Wow! What an ending! Although, they left a few characters stories open and especially with the epilogue, I feel like if he wants to go back to that universe, he has more stories to tell. But yeah, it was pretty damned good!


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

it's a menu pop up. Also, they already are mp3.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hi.sooo, I binged the hole thing for the last night or so, and without spoilers or what ever, people, I',m flashed. No words can actually describe what I think about this final showdown of the series.Yes, I'm spoiled abit because the German audio drama market has a pritty high standard regarding acting, sound design and story telling, but the third season of TLC is blowing the hole dang german market out of the water. Seriously, I'm astounded to say the least that there actually is an English audio drama that is top nodge in quality, acting and story telling.Also it's finally something new to listen to, most stuff you find in germany is either super natural stuff with demons and what not or old audio drama series that are around since the 80s and which are basically the same every time.So, in my opinion, get this thing, that third series is a banger.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

how come when I look at the price for season 3 it says $19. btw is their a way to change them to MP3?


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@10 Agreed. I'm relieved they're ending it in season 3. It's been a void for me ever since I listened to season 2 many years ago.@8: You can pay as little as $1.99 for season 3 if you want.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@an idiot, how exactly is the audiobook messed up? When I downloaded it, it just seems to be the hole thing in several larger chunks in .M4B format. I'm not entirely sure what m4B format is for, though it plays fine on most things including the Victor stream, indeed when I stick these on my Victor, I might use the audiobook versions just to save space.Interestingly enough, looking at the episodes for season 3, this seems to be actually the end of the story, which I'm pleased about. not that I don't enjoy the series, but I so much prefer htings that have a difinitive ending rather than just bimblling on forever and just dropping in quality, one reason why we're alive was so good.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

The audiobook is messed up. episodes are fine though. I'm on episode 2.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hmmm, time to look at my funds and see if I got enough to buy everything. might just delete it off my podcast stuff. does anyone know if their are any coupons?


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

hmmm, time to look at my funds and see if I got enough to buy everything. might just delete it off my podcast stuff.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Wow this is awesome! I got everything in 2016, though never bought the season 1 director's cut so am adding that to my collection just for kicks, along with season 3 which is downloading now. I also remember a huge giant cliff hanger ending to season 2 as well, so it'll be interesting to see how that resolves, though it might take me a while what with game of thrones etc to deal with at the moment too .


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Wow, this is awesome! I'll be picking this up straight away, albeit I'll probably need to listen to seasons 1 and 2 again, plus maybe some of the side stories  to remind me what happened.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Someone correct this if I completely miss heard, but I think the podcast trailer says they’re letting you pay whatever you want for season three until June 15. not bad honestly. June 15 is the release date for the free podcasts. A little bit of a long wait I guess, but that's why the pay option is there.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Someone correct this if I completely miss heard, but I think the podcast trailer says they’re letting you pay whatever you want for season three until June 15. not bad honestly.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

All 3 seasons are priced at $20 a piece. I think the main thing you get are versions without advertisements and a few additional scenes in seasons 2 and 3. You can also purchase 5 special edition episodes for $4 a piece which go into more detail about some of the characters. I purchased everything in 2016, and am now adding season 3 to my collection. I wonder if there's anything worthwhile in the season 1 Director's Cut? The version I have appears to have all 25 chapters, so I don't know what's changed if anything.I purchased season 3 this morning and think it was absolutely worth the $20 I spent. My only question is why did they change the person voicing Macallan? I've been listening to the series in preparation for today and the change from season 1 to 2 is weird.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

All 3 seasons are priced at $20 a piece. I think the main thing you get are versions without advertisements and a few additional scenes in seasons 2 and 3. I purchased season 3 this morning and think it was absolutely worth the $20 I spent. My only question is why did they change the person voicing Macallan? I've been listening to the series in preparation for today and the change from season 1 to 2 is weird.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

you can select the option in the box that says:  $1.99 


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

haven't watched it in years. It's time to start from the beginning then heh. As I recall, season 2 ended up on a cliff hanger, I was pretty eager to see what would happen next.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

you can select the option in the box that says:  $1.99


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

How much is the whole set if I were to buy it from his site? what's the difference between the podcast version, and the one that you can buy? I herd he had some stuff going on with his family. I'm glad he was able to make a season 3.


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Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kingzombie via Audiogames-reflector


Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Yay! … ctors-cut/


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