Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Silvermoon, thanks. I'm still trying to find a good balance. I'll bring it up in volume!How did you find the gameplay? Was it fun, too easy, too hard other than the hum being quiet?


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Hello guys,okay so I tried this game out for a bit, and I so far only have one suggestion.the humming, is far too quiet.Now, I know what a lot of you are going to say. It's not supposed to be too easy, and I totally agree.However, compared to the ambient noises, and then the Mom who is like in the background talking to you, you can't really hear the humming at all.Even at the beginning of the game, when you're given the tutorial, the hum is like barely audible. anyways, that's just my take on it.Thanks!!!I like the dog by the way, so cute!!!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Hey everyone, I'd love some help on my next level idea.It's on a ship, because I love ocean sounds, so I am really looking forward to creating a lively ocean soundscape and I have a really nice low poly wave aesthetic for the sighted people. Two problems I would love help with. One, the boats are 3d, you will be able to go up and down stairs. How can I implement this so that blind gamers will be easily able to maneuver stairs? I was thinking of putting a humming fluorescent light sound at the bottom of each stair, and a sustained beep or other machinery sound at the top of each stair. Would this make it easy to navigate? Anyone have any better ideas?Problem two: the story. I want to make a kind of mystery solving level, where you're on a nice cruise or something and an objective pops up. OR even make the objective kind of hidden and optional, like people can have the option of exploring or going right on to the next level, but if you explore you
 'll find a whole sub-plot of drug ring or a heist or something that you uncover through listening and putting together clues. Anyone want to write a level narrative with me? I want to give people a break from the "stay on the scent trail" mechanic because I'm really worried it's going to get boring and old. Share your thoughts!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Here are the updates. x32 … %20x32.rarx64 … %20x64.rar


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Sean,I FIGURED IT OUT. I lowered the terrain like I said, but that was actually done before I released the initial demo, and you said that it happened since you played the first version.I forgot to make a note that I *raised the volume level of the footsteps by 100%!* I did this because someone said they needed footsteps a bit louder to know if they're moving or not.So in your opinion, are the footsteps at a good volume? Should I raise the volume of the scent trail a bit?


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Ok ate good feedback then because I didn't purposefully do anything so I'm glad you said that. I'll work on the trail today and make another update asap, thanks again Sean. I wouldn't have realized. Any other thoughts? This is really helpful for me.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Oh, I completely understand that. but, the version before, it was a bit easier to follow the trail, but, I lose it much more now. I'm not trying to say anything is wrong with the game at all, in fact. I really love it. It's just a bit harder now. I think whatever you did to the sound of the sent for this last version maybe makes it a bit more difficult. Just keep doing what your doing though, You have a wonderful thing going for you in this game.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Sean, I had some patching issues with the people that follow you and flattened the land. The trail is a sphere of sound and I just realized some of it may be in the air slightly, not directly on the ground. I'll do another update today! Thanks for the feedback!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Okay I am pretty sure this will work. This is uploaded to my audio production website. x64: … %20x64.rarx32: uploading now, expect when I wake up tomorrow morning (it's Saturday night in Aus, +8gmt)


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

how many levels are you hoping for this title to be when complete?


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

i have just come across this topic; do we have to use a mouse or can the whole game be keyboard controled as well? will read through all of the thread now


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Both the 32 bit and 64 bit installers has been removed from Dropbox. 


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Here is the updates people asked for. It will finish uploading about one hour from this post. Hit R to shut the narrator up after he starts the tutorial. Doesn't work when it's announcing my details but it will work after he starts telling you about the level. Eliminated the level switching bug.Eliminated autorun bug. Worked on the sonar ping spatialization as someone was saying it was ineffective and didn't seem to work in 3D space, but it still works for me. Anyone else having issues?Windows x64: … 4.rar?dl=0x32 version is still finishing export, will be up after this one finishes upload.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Bug #2 is fixed and added the R keystroke to stop the tutorial speech. It doesn't stop the anti-piracy/support part, but when it gets to the part where he starts telling you what to do, you can immediately shut him up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Thanks Kombat! There's a much less buggy version coming soon!!! Thanks for the support, I need it lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Okay! Here's the update!Summary of what happened is as follows:I uploaded the game and posted the download address here yesterday. Then I realized that it gave an error on startup. I believe I've fixed that error but it may show up on some systems, please let me know. Here's the game address, please download while learning more about it as it's a 400mb download. Windows x32: … 2.rar?dl=0Windows x64: … 4.rar?dl=0Important note: It  will probably ask your permission to install a very small C++ processing file directly from Unreal. It’s safe.Important note 2: there is no need for text to speech. Everything you need to know is narrated, and ALL the information in the game you need is audio. If you hear dog whining, that's the edge of the map signifier. However, someone requested to add keyboard equivalents of mouse clicks. Here they are: E is bark, F is sniff sonar ping at the beginning of the trail, and G is a sonar ping somewhere on the trail. The narrator will tell you to click the mouse, I haven’t updated that yet. Just remember E, F and G. It is the full game, with visuals, so if you have sighted people in your home, get them to give their opinion too, please. If your computer can't handle it (mine is a tiny bit jumpy with visuals but the gameplay and audio is not jumpy, and it's a simple office computer, not a gaming rig) just wait a day or two and I'll release a demo without visuals. Please think about these three questions while playing.1. Is it fun? 2. Is it too easy, or too hard? 3. How can we get the players to care more about the dog and the rescue scenario? I need a carrot on a stick of some sort. Earning money, fame as a resource, etc? I mean I obviously want you to listen to the loved ones at the start, and connect with the missing persons that way but I need another motivation. Collect money to buy ... things? I don't really know. Controls: arrow keys/WASD for moving. E/Left Mouse are bark, to keep the handler near you. F/Middle Mouse is to sniff, and sound off a sonar ping on the beginning of the level. G/Right Mouse is to sniff and sound off a sonar ping on the trail if you lose it.  E, F and G are the main controls of the game, remember them!Directions: everything else will be told to you in the opening tutorial speech. It's a simple game that relies on skill, NOT on colourful narrative and conversation like many audio games. The skill is being able to concentrate enough to hear the sound that represents the scent trail and being able to follow it. Another skill is to spatially locate the sonar pings when you press F and G. You will lose the trail. When you do, press either F or G and spin around until the audio is equal volume in both ears. If you press F and the audio is 100% in the left ear, it means you’ need to face to the left a bit to be facing the direction. F will sound a sonar ping at the VERY BEGINNING of the level. Things will get in your way - everything from inclement weather to your own footsteps is going to bar your listening ability. This is a camping site, with other people so you might run into an alternate scent trail that will confuse which way to go but feel free to follow it. If you ever get lost or feel overwhelmed, just press F for sonar ping and start over. There are no time limits here. **This is the FIRST time anyone other than me is playing the game. There will be bugs, there will be possibly unplayable portions of the game. I'll try to fix it ASAP.** When you complete the level by bringing the lost person back to the origin of the middle mouse/F key sonar ping, you'll be instantly transported to home after a short narrative. Then, if you walk towards the helicopter sound, you can play through the Snow level. It is incomplete and doesn't have a win portion yet but the soundscape is different and so are the mechanics. You're welcome to check it out but don't expect much. There's also a keystroke that will take you directly to the snow level but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, I'll post it here after a few people comment on playthroughs. I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Oh also, I put my website, email and patreon in the beginning not targeting gamers here, but because I don't know where this demo will end up. It's a scary thing, as a developer, you put months into something and then give the internet access to it... I don't know where this demo will travel on the internet in a week so I wanted to include everything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Post 34. everything you addressed has been spoken of in earlier posts by the developer. The game has been taken down because the developer wanted to fix installment errors. The voice volume has been raised. The controls have been posted earlier as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Hey Sean, sorry to disappoint lol I'll PM you the Dropbox address of the partially broken executable.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

hi,I have downloaded the game , and pass level 1, it's quite easy , you just have to follow the crying sounds.and there's no error when I open it 


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

sanslash332, take a look at post 24.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

sanslash - I deleted it because it gives an error message on opening the executable and I didn't want people to lose interest in my game because of a lack of functionality. I will re export tomorrow as it's late in Aus right now, and I will re upload, and repost.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Hey everyone, thanks for the interest. I posted a demo here but it has bugs in the install process - error messages even before getting to the game. I'm going to work them out tomorrow and repost it here. Stay tuned!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Note: I omitted basic controls from the above post. Here they are again. Controls: arrow keys for moving, also you can use WASD for moving too. The mouse can be used for manipulating the direction you face, but mainly the mouse buttons represent functions: RMB is sniff the scent trail and receive a sonar ping, the middle mouse/F key is a sonar ping at the very beginning, left mouse button is bark to keep your handler aware of your location.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

hanif wrote:Hi and welcome to the forum. I've checked out the video in the first post, it's really good to see this in development.I would also like to becoming a betabtester of the game. My email ishanifnaufalhafiz...@gmail.comAwesome Hanif, I'll save that for later but soon I'm going to post an address right here for downloading very, very early stages of the game just for testing, so check back soon!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

jack wrote:Hi daisyalesoundworks and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you're taking this approach to marketing the same game to both blind and sighted gamers alike while making inclusive design the heart of the game. I think that'll definitely attract some more sighted folks. @sanslash32 Point taken, though keep in mind some people ,who indeed are blind gamers, can't afford gaming computers. Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between a computer and a gaming computer today. You could have a computer with a 2.7ghz duel core cpu, 8/16gb of ram, yet it still blows as far as game performance goes. The requirements of games today, are largely in the graphics. Some mainstream games demand many different high-quality graphics cards it's ridiculous. Which is why console game development is largely preferred by most big-name game developers, since they have a static set of requirements to work with. And keep in 
 mind virtual machines are a constant threat to just about any mainstream game's performance as you're stuck with the so-called graphics display drivers that vmware provides...unless someone knows a work-around for that. So it makes perfect sense for people to request there to be an option for graphics be disabled. However, it doesn't really have to be a separate executable for that to happen. Have you considered making it a configuration switch to launch the game without graphics, maybe a batch file?Hi Jack and thank you! I certainly feel welcome. I think you're right, and others have said it too, introducing this as an audiogame will put off sighted people. That's sad but it's also a reality that could keep me from obtaining funding that will support further development of the game. That will certainly be done in the future, yes. I don't know how to make in-game setting controls yet. I am purposefully developi
 ng this game on an average office computer. It is NOT a gaming rig, it doesn't even have a graphics card, only an integrated one. I'm doing this because if I can't run it on this machine then I need to optimize it. I can run it but it's a bit jumpy visually, but all the backend logic and audio works fine, which is why I'm going to release a demo with visuals here soon. I would love to not have two separate versions of the game but it might be an inevitability depending on the feedback I get from this community. I really need to know the average gaming experience of this game on the computers of people with vision impairments.  Also though, it wouldn't be a separate executable. It would simply be a mode once you opened it, I can have the game call whichever version of each map, visuals or not, that the gamer chooses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

jack wrote:Hi daisyalesoundworks and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you're taking this approach to marketing the same game to both blind and sighted gamers alike while making inclusive design the heart of the game. I think that'll definitely attract some more sighted folks. @sanslash32 Point taken, though keep in mind some people ,who indeed are blind gamers, can't afford gaming computers. Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between a computer and a gaming computer today. You could have a computer with a 2.7ghz duel core cpu, 8/16gb of ram, yet it still blows as far as game performance goes. The requirements of games today, are largely in the graphics. Some mainstream games demand many different high-quality graphics cards it's ridiculous. Which is why console game development is largely preferred by most big-name game developers, since they have a static set of requirements to work with. And keep in 
 mind virtual machines are a constant threat to just about any mainstream game's performance as you're stuck with the so-called graphics display drivers that vmware provides...unless someone knows a work-around for that. So it makes perfect sense for people to request there to be an option for graphics be disabled. However, it doesn't really have to be a separate executable for that to happen. Have you considered making it a configuration switch to launch the game without graphics, maybe a batch file?That will certainly be done in the future, yes. I don't know how to make in-game setting controls yet. I am purposefully developing this game on an average office computer. It is NOT a gaming rig, it doesn't even have a graphics card, only an integrated one. I'm doing this because if I can't run it on this machine then I need to optimize it. I can run it but it's a bit jumpy visually, but all the backend logic and au
 dio works fine, which is why I'm going to release a demo with visuals here soon. I would love to not have two separate versions of the game but it might be an inevitability depending on the feedback I get from this community. I really need to know the average gaming experience of this game on the computers of people with vision impairments.  Also though, it wouldn't be a separate executable. It would simply be a mode once you opened it, I can have the game call whichever version of each map, visuals or not, that the gamer chooses.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

Hi there. [[wow]], what an awesome game idea. Very well done. Keep it up. I'd really love to help in testing this one. If you'd like help. please email me atchipper0...@gmail.comI'd be glad to help in any way I can. But, I can only help with the audio part as I don't have vision enough to see anything on screen. As far as types of missions, Maybe you might have to rescue someone from drowning, or maybe rescue someone from a house that has started burning. These could be set up to be timed. Finding criminals would be another thing you as the dog have to do. Maye aside from finding the criminal, you have to help a person from being captured. Take care and, again, Thanks for this new kind of concept.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : firence via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

[[wow]], the game sounds so good.I love the concept and idea, is something new that have a lot of potential.The sounds design is great.As for the missions or other ideas, the only thing that  come to my mind right now may be a police dog that instead rescue will have to hunt a criminal or something like that.Anyway, Welcome to the forum and thanks for this amazing work!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

@8Thanks for letting me know.  I've heard of this bug happening, but never actually had it happen to me.I've edited post 2 as best I can in order to reflect the sentiment of the originals, combining everything into one long wall of text. Apologies if there's any confusion, but I wanted to try and rectify the issue asap.  If there's anything you need to clarify, just ask and I'll see what I can do, though note that my posts do reflect my own opinions on the matter.Mods, suggest you look into the use of quotations and why that might cause this strange bug to occur.


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

@8Thanks for letting me know.  For god's sake.  I've heard of this bug happening, but never actually had it happen to me.I'll see if I can edit the posts to reflect what I said.Mods, anyone know what causes it and how to avoid it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : daisyalesoundworks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

@Sightless Kombat I think something is happening to your responses. Both of them have been cut off and I was looking forward to reading them!@SljYou're right, the vocal audio is too low. I'll raise it. The vocal instructions do say you can press the middle mouse button, or the F key, they both work for that function. Although it's good input, I didn't consider that, thank you. @Haramir Maybe, about the music. I think it's going to feel crowded. There are some levels that are just incredibly lush with sound design, and others like the snow level that are an extreme contrast as snow is silent and seems to absorb sound. Maybe I'll put music in that one but right now, ALL the music in the game is diagetic - meaning the in game characters are aware of it.@sanslash332 That was actually input I received from someone I know that is a blind gamer. He said that a lot of people with vision impairment don't bother
  to upgrade their computers because they don't need graphics systems. Maybe you're right though, maybe I could just add options in the menu. I agree, I didn't want to split it into two versions. I think the design idea is strong enough to serve both needs of sight and audiogame.  Thank you for your input!I am using 3d audio, yes. I think maybe you need to be controlling the character to feel the spatialization of it. It's really, really 3d in the sense that literally every tree has a different sounding creature in it. from all the other trees in the area.  And the bark sounds are a function! You can bark as much as you want lol it's a mouse click. Are you saying I need more for variety? I'd agree with that. I think I'll have a test version of the first level, audiogame only, within a week. Thanks for your input everyone!! If you have any ideas please let me know!


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Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

hello @daisyalesoundworks  and welcome to the site!First of all, I had listening the demo and trailers, and the game consept sound really awesome. The sound dessign is beauti, and the concept of a game of a rescue dog is really cute.Well, some things that I've noted:1. why create a version that have the graphics disabled? I don't understand this idea. All of us, have a regular pc, that include well, as minimal  a internal graphic card, or some have a discrete graphics. And, if the graphics are too heaby for some internal intel cards, you as all other games, can add options to adjust resolution, shadows, antialiasin, etc. I don't think that is a good option split the game in two versions.2. The game sounds really awesome. But, are you using 3daudio? I can't recognize that in the game are included some of that.and 3. add more random bark sounds and patrons for the cute dog :3 ^ ^ For more, nothin. waiting for can
  test a first version!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

2017-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game in development: Lost and Hound, a rescue dog RPG

@3***incoming wall of text***What I mean is that when you say to a sighted person


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