Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Couldn't we now play pokemon games with Retroarch and OCR? Unless Retroarch doesn't support ds/ gameboy roms?Grryf


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

@55 Yeah, I've tried going fullscreen. At least for generations 2 and 3, it doesn't help with OCR at all. I don't think I've tried with later games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

If you're talking about on the actual hardware, that is incorrect. You absolutely need to use the touchscreen. Believe me I've tried buttons in both those cases.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Think in both instances you can use buttons.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rubyel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Ok I'll try NVision, just to compare it with Seeing A I. Thank you for the tips, I didn't know you could check your inventory by checking the save files. The thing is, when you play with an emulator, how do you manage to aim with the mouse when you have to select something on the touch screen? For exemple, at the beginning of platinum you have to click on the pokeball that is in the center of the screen, I have never managed to do it myself except by pure luck! And you have a moment like this in black and white, when you have to select costumes for your pokemons...


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Also can confirm, OCR with the newer games works fairly well right from the get go.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

@53Really? I use it all the time. Have you made sure that the emulator is full screen? To make it even more accurate, you could make either the top or bottom screen full screen, depending on what you're trying to read.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi,@51NVision is an app on the iphone, and to be honest, i find it working way better then seeing ai, but it is all about personal preference One major downside is, that NVision after 14 days requires a paid subscription or a one time payment of 100 euro's, don't know on how much this will be when dollars or pounds are kept in mind, but i asume they stick with the 100 amount. That's where seeing ai is very strong, free and in my oppinion reasonable recognition.Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I've tried OCR on the computer itself with an emmulator many times, it almost never reads anything back to me, and when it does it's mangled beyond recognition. Seeing AI works a little better, but is still pretty inefficient. In the end it's faster for me to just use a save editing program to check things like stats and my items. PKX Delta is a fantastic program for generations 1-3, and Pokesav, while a little clunky, works for gen 4. I haven't found anything accessible for later games. This is all a lot easier to do with an emmulator.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I've tried OCR on the computer itself with an emmulator many times, it almost never reads anything back to me, and when it does it's mangled beyond recognition. Seeing AI works a little better, but is still pretty inefficient. In the end it's faster for me to just use a save editing program to check things like stats and my items. PKX Delta is a fantastic program for generations 1-3, and Pokesav, while a little clunky, works for gen 4. I haven't found anything accessible for later games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

If you play oon a DS, I would use Seeing AI. If you are playing on an emulator, I would use OCR.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rubyel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Thank you for the answers. Maybe it's obvious, but since I haven't a 3DS yet I don't know what NVision is or how you use it... Could you explain this a little more please?


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi,@48I am using NVision with hard copies on the nintendo 3ds Sometimes when i can't make any sense out of the information NVsision gives me, then i call in help from sighted people around me, but mostly i am able to get things done with NVision.Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hmm I played them on original hardware with my brother to read the screen, but you could just as well use seeing ai these days. The bag is accessible.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rubyel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hello all,I red all this topic, and it gives me the will to return to pokemon games like never! The last I played a lot of time was emerald, and yes it was nearly completely accessible. But since, I didn't play very much, not enough time and also, I was convinced that it was nearly impossible. But I have a few questions. First, can I be added to this wonderful dropbox folder? I downloaded the files and it's amazing! And some questions for those who played the forth and fifth gen a lot, is it better to play on a real DS or with an emulator? What support offers the more accessibility? Do you use seeing I A to read what's on the screen or another application? Is the bag accessible in those games, or do you have to do the game without healling... That seems unlikely, particularly when you are battling the four I guess... Thank you in advance for your answres! And merry Christmas to all!Rubyel


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

@ross:Oh interesting re the HGSS music thing, for some reason I thought it was something you could only get online. I'll stand corrected on that.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi,After defeating the third gym yesterday evening, i decided to call it a day for then, but now i am facing a tidious challenge, finding the npc who gives rock smash  no matter, will find him soon enough.@Stirlock,Thanks for sharing that archive with us, what a lot of directions and guides, that certainly will come in handy. And, if the folder gets expanded upon, then please, if you can, add me to that folder too, they're very helpful.@rossI agree with stirlock, for what i have read on your website, those parts are very clear and that'll make the game even more doable, so, if you want and can, please go on with your walkthroughs Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Honestly, if you could create some sort of walkthrough for the first sun and moon trial that would be awesome. It's literally what killed the game for me.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

@CJ89Yeah I don't really like what they did in HGSS with the music either. I know you used to be able to get remade version of the old chiptunes from within the game, but don't think that's a thing you can do anymore because that service was shut down a long time ago. I don't understand what you mean by this. The songs are built into the game and you can unlock them after you make it to Canto.Also, for everyone that is reading this, you do know you can use emulators to play these games? Even X and Y, ORAS, and Sun and Moon.@HijackerYou keep speaking like every wall has round edges. Pokemon games are still intrinsically easy to navigate due to their linear structure.As far as the first 2 trials, you've made it clear that you're a little misinformed. In the first trial, the Pokemon don't run randomly back and forth. You literally have to investigate all of the caves/holes until you find all the Pokemon. There's only one scene where a Pokemon runs to a different hole, and it's not even random.On the second trial, you don't even have to chase after Pokemon. You literally surf up to the Wishwashi and click on it. You do that 3 times and that's it. They don't even move around and they make a stereo sound.I sometimes stream an Ultra Moon randomizer Nuzlock on my Twitch, but I haven't in a month or so due to me being out of town. However, I'm all the way on the 4th island, so take that for what you will.@Jayde1. I just checked and you're right, they sort of don't wrap. Most of them do, but the bag doesn't, and I think that's the most important part.2. Your first example I can agree with: difficult, but not impossible. For your second, I never had much of an issue with it. Third, I'll give you that one, I completely forgot about that. If I remember correctly, you have to type the password in, right?3. The ice puzzles are designed in a way where you're suppose to slide and change direction when you bump into things. I would argue that they're actually more accessible than you think because there are only a few set directions you can go. Also like what a lot of people have been mentioning, there are a lot of text walkthroughs out there, for the blind or not, that are useful.I wasn't implying that the controversy made it inaccessible, just to highlight that I have played the games because of it, and therefore could be misleading or misinformed.@StirlockMaybe you guys can get that folder moving again. I tried contributing to it when I was added, but it was pretty much DOA. Also, it's a main reason why I stopped creating walkthroughs for Pokemon. I would post them, they would get berried and people would keep asking the same questions as they did before. I enjoyed creating them, but there's really not much incentive to make them anymore.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

It does indeed, but I guess we'll have to stick with it for now.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

It appears that the exp. share in sword and shield is forced on you now, and that you can't turn it off. I dislike this. I don't mind if it's there, or if it can be earned and turned on at will later in the game, but having it on by default and unable to be turned off just de-incentivizes using anything but the two or three you wanna sweep with. Everything else just passively levels up without fighting. It feels cheap.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Well, to be honest, the let's go games wheren't ment to attract the hardcore Pokémon players, but where designed to grab all the Pokémon Go players and make them buy a Nintendo Switch, and it worked great that way. The difficulty isn't that high, but the most favourite Pokémon mascots are printed on the cover, the animations and overall integration was pretty cool and all the features known and loved from Pokémon Go were in there as well, like throwing the Pokéball by moving a JoyCon, you could even synchronize with Pokémon Go and take your let's go Pokémon with you into the park on your mobile. Sword and shield on the other hand are ment for hardcore players, although it seems that they missed the audience a bit.The exp share though... I don't like it either, but on the other hand Pokémon is still a JRPG, although it doesn't feel like it most of the time, and its pretty common in JRPGs to share the exp with inactive team members, so I pretty much adapted to it. If you want to play it the hard way, just put the inactive members onto the PC .


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Well, to be honest, the let's go games wheren't ment to attract the hardcore Pokémon players, but where designed to grab all the Pokémon Go players and make them buy a Nintendo Switch, and it worked great that way. The difficulty isn't that high, but the most favourite Pokémon mascots are printed on the cover, the animations and overall integration was pretty cool and all the features known and loved from Pokémon Go were in there as well, like throwing the Pokéball by moving a JoyCon, you could even synchronize with Pokémon Go and take your let's go Pokémon with you into the park on your mobile. Sword and shield on the other hand are ment for hardcore players, although it seems that they missed the audience a bit.The exp share though... I don't like it either, but on the other hand is Pokémon still a JRPG, although it doesn't feel like it most of the time, and its pretty common in JRPGs to share the exp with inactive team members, so I pretty much adapted to it. If you want to play it the hard way, just put the inactive members onto the PC .


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Sword and Shield don't generally continue that silly naming trend. And hey, Gigasinge looks pretty good in comparison to Baddy Bad. Jesus.Emerald and Platinum could be legitimately hard in places. Same with Black and White 2, especially. There were some great fights in those games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Pokemon games have been way too easy since gen 6, what with getting the Experience Share very early and it levelling your entire party. The level curve doesn't scale appropriately, so you very quickly outlevel everything. Granted Pokemon games were never that hard, but you at least had to grind a little if you skipped too many battles. Not anymore.Nevermind the difficulty though, the new move names in the Let's Go games just make me cringe. Buzzy Buzz? Baddy Bad? What the actual fuck is this?


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I was pretty thoroughly unimpressed with what I heard of the Let's Go games. They felt pretty hollow, not very difficult, and really, did we need further reasons for Pikachu and Eevee, especially the former, to get more screentime? It gets to a point where you can damn near solo the game with your mascot, and that's just...bleh.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Nope it isn't, as I said multiple times earlier, all generations up to 5 are fine and most of them are entirely playable without sight. Things got worse from Gen 6 onwards though, with Let's go Pikachu & evee being the worst due to no random encounters anymore, but Pokémon running freely on the map and you having to throw the Pokéball directly onto them in battle in addition to all the other things.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

It's not true for gen 6 and up either. Lol, it's not a big deal. Not in the slightest. Maybe if you're trying to move diagonally, which you really shouldn't ever be doing IMO.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

This may be true in gen 6 upward, but it is not true in gens 1 through 5.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

You're technically right. Thing is that the one wall sound counts for corners as well. Imagine you're standing in a corner and bump into the wall to the right. Now you want to try and move upwards and to the right again. Instead of getting another wall sound when moving up, you just won't get one, not informing you that you are standing in a corner already. In fact, you'll get a walk sound instead, which you always do when you press the control pad, no matter if there is a wall or not. That makes things alot more complicated.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I've seen a few people talking about wall sounds only playing once when you bump. Why, exactly, is that an issue? You bump, you hear the sound once, you know there's a wall there. You don't need to keep hearing the sound to know there's still a wall there. If you take a step and try that direction again, you'll get another bump sound.I've beaten the Master Rank contests in Emerald once. It's totally doable. It helps that berries are always arranged in their numeric order in your bag, and their numbers are something you can easily look up. So as long as you keep track of which berries you have, you can always find them. Berry blending isn't too bad either once you get the hang of how quickly it speeds up. Of course the berry blending master guy is always helpful for that. The hardest part is, again, getting the right nature, since there's no way to check that without reading.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

THere are more where that came from, including the HGSS ice path, some of the tougher gym puzzles in black and white, a particular puzzle in x and y, and some others. Here is the contents of a drop box folder containing all of the directions and some gamefaqs walkthroughs. … on.7z?dl=1Enjoy.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Wow, that is one detailed guide. I had no idea it existed. I don't own Platinum, but this makes me wish I did. lol


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Regarding emerald contests:I found the berry mixing to be rather inaccessible, BUT there is a solution to that. At certain events in the game, you can unlock the berry master to be available for an entire day as far as I remember, and you can let him mix berries with you. He'll always mix them perfectly, and even if you don't do anything or miss the timing (which you'll always do due to not seeing anything), the results will still be near perfect. Just go ahead and mix all your berries with him and feed up your Pokémon, they will be almost near perfect at almost all, if not deffinitely all ranks with ease. Seriously, the berry master is overkill. I beat all the contests that way years ago.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

The distortion world is inaccessible without a guide. Luckily a step by step guide exists. … s.txt?dl=1


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Platinum has the Distortion World, also. How accessible is that? Because if it's accessible, I'd say Platinum is the definitive fourth-gen experience.With Emerald, you will either need help or a better walkthrough than I ever found to beat Winona's gym, not to mention Liza and Tate, since the teleports and switches and whatever are different. Emerald does have a ton of stuff and more content, so it's definitely the better game. In fact, it's one of the best in the franchise, IMO. I'd still go back and play it, to this day.Re: contests: if the contest itself is playable, are the blocks accessible? How do you know which berries you've found, which blocks to make, which personality your pokemon is and consequently which blocks to feed it?


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

OK, so I need to clear up something. X and Y are completely, 100% doable. The sliding along walls thing you mentioned? That's not a thing until sun and moon. X and Y does have psudo angular movement using the thumbstick for skating, but you can still use the DPad just fine.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Platinum is totally fine and you can do it after getting through Ruby. Just be aware about the additional obstacles when facing X and Y. It won't be the same than the earlier games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Contests in ruby sapphire and emerald are like contests in breed memorial, except every move has a category like cool, tough or beauty or smart or cute. They also have different effects on the crowd. I remember devoting an entire morning to trying to figure them out, and yes, contests are totally doable without sighted assistance if you know what is what, what blocks to feed your pokemon according to their contest traits. I'm really partial to emerald over ruby and satire because you get to go after both factions and there is a lot of other extra stuff that I dont wanna spoil here. Suffice it to say that emerald is just as playable, and the first time you start the meet and potatoes of the post game content, it will feel like the exciting start of another brand new journey.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi all,Thanks for all the replies, it seems i have a lot of catching up to do before i even will try my hand at sword or shield.For what i could gather in the replies, is platinum a good game to continue with after i did beat ruby. As well as black & white 1 and 2, and possible x & y. At least, these catch my interest to try given the replies i read.Btw, i did beat the second gym and completed the dewford caves for the first time in my life and on my own as a blind user. So euphoric. I did beat the magma grunts in slateport city and am preparing myself to continue after the second rival battle toward mauville city. Right now i have:combusken lvl 17wingul lvl 17ralts lvl 15shroomish lvl 16electrike lvl 13geodude lvl 9.I intent to get them raised to at least lvl 18 before i continue toward mauville.Thanks again for the replies Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Few things here:1. Ruby/Sapphire I was able to beat without any actual sighted help. No, I couldn't fish, but I didn't care. I couldn't do contests either, but the core game was entirely beatable. Also, Ruby/Sapphire do not, as far as I remember, have wrapping menus. Heart Gold/Soul Silver are way, way worse for this; the bag system in that game is brutal. In third generation and below, the bag is really simple.2. Black and White 2 are very accessible in a lot of ways, but they, too, have weird features of the bag I believe where things cascade. In addition, there are a few issues. First, there's that area near Vurbank City; it's pretty optional, but it's hard to get through that area by following walls since there's a raised walkway in the center and it's difficult (not impossible) to navigate it without falling off (while you're walking on raised piping, I mean). Second, there's Skyla's gym, which I have never been able to do by myself. Third, there's the Plasma base with the switches and password; not 100% inaccessible, but very difficult to do without sighted help. Ruby-Sapphire have no such issues.3. I can confirm that heart gold/soul silver, while they do have step sounds in some places, do not make noise when you slide on ice. With both an inability to hear when you're sliding and the fact that those ice puzzles make the ones in Manamon 2 look like child's play, that's a hard stop for a lot of people.So I'm still set on ruby-sapphire being overall the most accessible gen. Black and white 2 are a close second though, and they did improve a lot of things.I can't speak to any gen past the fifth. I hear that X and Y are playable, but tricky. I hear ORAS are playable as well, but again, tricky. I don't know how playable the seventh gen games are, and I'm not sure about why Sword/Shield's controversy informs how accessible they are.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

@ross:Well, I didn't say that Generation 6+ games aren't playable, I just don't recommend to try. They are beatable, yes, but thanks to nitpicky details like Wall sounds playing only once when walking against them, even though the step sounds continue to play due to round edges and the 3D world, things got alot harder since then. I didn't try Sword and Shield yet, they're still lying around in one of my shelves right now, got more urgent games at hand ATM. I played all games from every generation up to this point and tried them on my own as well, same goes for all the spin-offs, and X and Y, Sun And Moon etc. were modified in a way that it quickly killed the fun for me playing those without sighted help. I'd however love to see a blind Let's Play on them one day, because I cannot believe that someone would really go through the huzzle to do so without sighted help. Round edges make it that you cannot properly remember the map anymore, because you can slide on walls and end up far more up than you expected to when you just pressed the left or right control pad and such things. I also want to see how you handled the Ultra Sun and Moon's first or second island challenge, where the Pokemon have to be lurked out of their caves and they'll run from you into any random direction into another cave, and you can literally play this game forever in a loop if you don't know where to look for them, and you deffinitely need vision for that to see. The only way I can think off is that you got massively lucky, and I played that game for like 2 hours without getting that lucky until I finally gave up and called for help. I'm a bit sceptical to be honest. But maybe i'm getting old and am not as creative as I was years ago .


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Well, I didn't say that Generation 6+ games aren't playable, I just don't recommend to try. They are beatable, yes, but thanks to nitpicky details like Wall sounds playing only once when walking against them, even though the step sounds continue to play due to round edges and the 3D world, things got alot harder since then. I didn't try Sword and Shield yet, they're still lying around in one of my shelves right now, got more urgent games at hand ATM. I played all games from every generation up to this point and tried them on my own as well, same goes for all the spin-offs, and X and Y, Sun And Moon etc. were modified in a way that it quickly killed the fun for me playing those without sighted help. I'd however love to see a blind Let's Play on them one day, because I cannot believe that someone would really go through the huzzle to do so without sighted help. Round edges make it that you cannot properly remember the map anymore, because you can slide on walls and end up far more up than you expected to when you just pressed the left or right control pad and such things. I also want to see how you handled the Ultra Sun and Moon's first island challenge, where the Pokemon have to be lurked out of their caves and they'll run from you into any random direction into another cave, and you can literally play this game forever in a loop if you don't know where to look for them, and you deffinitely need vision for that to see. The only way I can think off is that you got massively lucky, and I played that game for like 2 hours without getting that lucky until I finally gave up and called for help. I'm a bit sceptical to be honest. But maybe i'm getting old and am not as creative as I was years ago .


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Well, I didn't say that Generation 6+ games aren't playable, I just don't recommend to try. They are beatable, yes, but thanks to nitpicky details like Wall sounds playing only once when walking against them, even though the step sounds continue to play due to round edges and the 3D world, things got alot harder since then. I didn't try Sword and Shield yet, they're still lying around in one of my shelves right now, got more urgent games at hand ATM. I played all games from every generation up to this point and tried them on my own as well, same goes for all the spin-offs, and X and Y, Sun And Moon etc. were modified in a way that it quickly killed the fun for me playing those without sighted help. I'd however love to see a blind Let's Play on them one day, because I cannot believe that someone would really go through the huzzle to do so without sighted help. Round edges make it that you cannot properly remember the map anymore, because you can slide on walls and end up far more up than you expected to when you just pressed the left or right control pad and such things. I also want to see how you handled the Ultra Sun and Moon's first island challenge, where the Pokemon have to be lurked out of their caves and they'll run from you into any random direction into another cave, and you can literally play this game forever in a loop if you don't know where to look for them, and you deffinitely need vision for that to see. The only way I can think off is that you got massively lucky, and I played that game for like 2 hours without getting that lucky until I finally gave up and called for help. Overall a pretty interesting thing.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I also beat at least one game of every generation and the respective remakes up to the release of white 2. Then I started mudding and life got in the way, so I'm a little sad to say that I fell out of touch with pokemon series progression half way through white 2, because I always found every new generational release exciting. In spite of the controversy surrounding sword and shield, in a timeline where I never fell out of touch with the series, I still would buy and play at least one. The furthest i actually got back into playing pokemon again was with crystal scripts and various hacks, but those were games i beat before. I wanted to go back and finish white 2 since i still have it, but it feels a little weird to play on a 2ds xl with an internally cracked screen. Yeah I'm blind and dont need it, but I do want to be able to read the text now that I have a way to do so. I will say that I am extremely proud of my blaziken from emerald that I trained solo to win every beauty contest rank, which I then brought with me into platinum, soul silver, white, then I think white 2. I can say for sure that i soloed emerald, and played all 3 of the original games in that generation.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Does anyone have any idea why Pokemon games have inherently been fairly accessible outside of the whole, reading text thing? It's one of the only game series I can think of that has paid as much attention to it's sounds in the way that it has. For example: Health beeps when in the red, but in Gen 3 they improved that even more by lowering the pitch of the cry when at half health. Obviously I can understand most Pokemon having their own cry for personality sake, but it's still cool. Doors and walls make noises and text makes noise too. In Gen 4 (can't speak for Diamond Pearl or Platinum though,) terrain noises become a thing. You get the idea.@jayde:Yeah I don't really like what they did in HGSS with the music either. I know you used to be able to get remade version of the old chiptunes from within the game, but don't think that's a thing you can do anymore because that service was shut down a long time ago. I love what they did in Black and White with the battle music at low health, kinda wish they'd bring that back. Though I'm not complaining about the newer system where it only beeps 4 times, either. Can't speak much further for anything past Gen 5 though, don't have a 3DS and not really planning on it. What I watched from Oras was pretty cool, I watched some sun and moon stuff and thought it was neat that they were finally! Trying new ideas. I know next to nothing about the newer games past that point though.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Does anyone have any idea why Pokemon games have inherently been fairly accessible outside of the whole, reading text thing? It's one of the only game series I can think of that has paid as much attention to it's sounds in the way that it has. For example: Health beeps when in the red, but in Gen 3 they improved that even more by lowering the pitch of the cry when at half health. Obviously I can understand most Pokemon having their own cry for personality sake, but it's still cool. Doors and walls make noises and text makes noise too. In Gen 4 (can't speak for Diamond Pearl or Platinum though,) terrain noises become a thing. You get the idea.@jayde:Yeah I don't really like what they did in HGSS with the music either. I know you used to be able to get remade version of the old chiptunes from within the game, but don't think that's a thing you can do anymore because that service was shut down a long time ago. I love what they did in Black and White with the battle music at low health, kinda wish they'd bring that back. Though I'm not complaining about the newer system where it only beeps 4 times, either. Can't speak for anything past Gen 5 though, don't have a 3DS and not really planning on it.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I can't bring myself to agree with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald being the most accessible, because of one word: Fishing. Thankfully they fixed that minigame in later games to have a sound. I think Platinum and HG/SS are the gold standard. Well Diamond and Pearl too, but why play D/P when Platinum exists? Unless you need a specific Pokemon from one of them, that is. Later games are playable, but have some barriers like has already been stated.I've beaten every game in the first 5 generations, though I needed to cheese that inaccessible gym in BW2 with a walk through walls code. I never got around to beating X or Y, and when I realized the soaring feature in ORAS needed to get a lot of Pokemon including many legendaries was inaccessible, I just lost all heart to continue playing. I was already losing enthusiasm because I no longer had sighted help readily available for breeding competitive teams, but that put the nail in the coffin for me. I still enjoy watching playthroughs and competitive matches though, and once in a while Showdown is fun to play.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

And yeah, I've played every game from gen one up until sun and moon as well. Black and white 1 are great. X and Y are pretty fun except for the sections with lunious city, which we have some walkthroughs for so it's fine.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Black and white 2 have a gym puzzle that as far as I know is unpassable by a blind person. It can't even be written out as a guide due to the way it works. Stick with black and white 1.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

There's a bit of misinformation going around here, so I'll clear a bit of that up.Jade has mentioned that Ruby/gen 3 is the most accessible, and I'm inclined to strongly disagree with that. They are very accessible, yes, but I would probably make Black and White 2/gen 5 the most accessible, simply because they don't have wrapping menus.Also, post 5 mentioned that Gen 6 and up aren't accessible, when they are actually one of the more accessible generations. that includes Sun and Moon. As of now, the only core Pokemon game that isn't accessible is Let's Go. I haven't played Sword and Shield, and most likely never will because of the entire controversy around them. However, they do have step sounds and wall sounds, so I would imagine they would be accessible.Source: I've beaten every single Pokemon game, bar let's go and shield, without sighted help at all.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

thanks for that.  I was thinking black/white two due to the fact you can battle all leaders from previous gens after the game. Will definitely have a shot at these.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Emerald is great, as well as Platinum. Black and White 2 are no definitives though, but tell a different story later in time. In fact, Platinum was the latest combined edition in the Pokémon series until now, with Black and White 2 being the first which continued the story a bit. X and Y didn't even get a sequel, and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon tell the same story again, but a bit enhanced, with some additional post game content, but they are still two games instead of one.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I'd love to give emerald a go, as isn't it supposed to be the deinative gen 3 experience with the battle tower and such?  also considering platinum and black/white 2 for the same reason.  Though any suggestions on which ones are the best experiences would be great.  I've already found a load of fantastic guides on gamefaqs.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

HG/SS bugged me a little bit because of its music. Some of the music retreads are good. Some of them (trainer battle theme, for instance) have way, way too many grace notes, it just feels overstuffed.Also, there are bits of the original gold and silver that I needed help with, most notoriously the ice path. I've never listened to someone do the ice path in hg/ss, but if ice is similarly silent and you don't know when you're sliding, that's another stumbling-block. Which also means that Price's gym is kind of tricky. Also, finding and catching that damn Farfetch'd in Ilex Forest.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Heart gold and soul silver has some pretty decent audio  feedback when it comes to moving around on the ds games As for keeping track of levels, I used the learned moves and evolutions as indicators. Otherwise once a pokemon learned its last nove I just trained it until it stopped gaining experience and that's how I know its level 100.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Simple. I did it from memory, and I used the internet. For instance, if Claydol tried to learn Explosion, I looked up what level that was at, and reacted accordingly. Or if I knew that Absol was going to get Swords Dance at level 37 (I'm wrong, certainly, I can't actually remember what level it is), and then it tries to learn a move in the late 30s, I'm gonna know that's Swords Dance. I also save religiously, and my memory is extremely good for things like cries, finding where stuff is, item placement, etc.Also, none of the pokemon games have continuous wall sounds. When there is no alternative, you get used to wall bumping. I did it for five generations.Admittedly I've never played anything from the sixth generation onward. Frankly they started mangling pokemon cries in gen 6 and I hate it enough that I just didn't want to keep riding the train. I'm happy with that. I still watch VGC matches on YouTube, still study metagame articles when I'm bored, and would still consider myself far better than a layman for the most part. Put it this way: I was watching a video this morning done by Aaron Zheng on YouTube, where he was fighting former world Champion Wolf Glick. I was following everything, in the sword-shield metagame, without having to have read dozens of articles first. So I'm by no means as conversant with the meta as those two are, but I can still keep up. It's why I'm so picky with manamon. I have seen all the ways that pokemon got it right, and also got it wrong, and I don't think most of those things are being taken into account.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi,@hijacker,Thanks for your words of causion  But i have omega ruby laying around somewhere but i thought continuesly bumping was still the case, however less good to hear then with the original gba ruby. But i agree regarding in lets go pikachu, i quite miss the bumping sounds. But the pokemon sword game seems to have bumping sounds still, i am watching a lets play on youtube ... But i keep them in mind @kenshira,perhaps, but i also did grow up playing pokemon ruby when i was sighted, but i think we may call it a blessing that ckind of devices now can aid us indeed@jaydeI have to admit i was quite surprised when i encountered my ds lite laying loose on top of my desk, i completely forgot it laid there and after browsing my bag of cables i also found my charging cable, so yeah  But one more question, how did you keep track on which level your pokemon were? I use nvision, but however a good help, it isn't very useful in some ways, cause i have to aim the phone directly on top of the part i'd like to read it out. The moves are no problem, cause when i take a look on bulbapedia most of them can be found easely. But i am very curious on how you guys did it when the iphone wasn't around back in the days.Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Hi,@hijacker,Thanks for your words of causion  But i have omega ruby laying around somewhere but i thought continuesly bumping was still the case, however less good to hear then with the original gba ruby. But i agree regarding in lets go pikachu, i quite miss the bumping sounds. But the pokemon sword game seems to have bumping sounds still, i am watching a leet play on youtube ... But i keep them in mind @kenshira,perhaps, but i also did grow up playing pokemon ruby when i was sighted, but i think we may call it a blessing that ckind of devices now can aid us.@jaydeI have to admit i was quite surprised when i encountered my ds lite laying loose on top of my desk, i completely forgot it laid there and after browsing my bag of cables i also found my charging cable, so yeah  But one more question, how did you keep track on which level your pokemon were? I use nvision, but however a good help, it isn't very useful in some ways, cause i have to aim the phone directly on top of the part i'd like to read it out. The moves are no problem, cause when i take a look on bulbapedia most of them can be found easely. But i am very curious on how you guys did it when the iphone wasn't around back in the days.Greetz mike


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

X and y as well as ORAS are playable. They don't have continuess wall sounds, but the movement is still like in the old pokemon games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I heard people had success soloing the 3ds games.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

battle tower or that kind of things are very playable on sword&shield. i am now rank 4 in battle tower.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Just keep your fingers away from Sword and Shield. The sound design got worse regarding accessibility. You don't have continuous wall sounds anymore, the movement control is 3D instead of tile-based, means you slide on walls and stuff, it causes headaches and you still won't get through it properly. Same goes for all the other 3DS games, X Y, Sun/Moon and Ultra Soon/Ultra Moon + Omega Ruby/Alpha Saphire as far as I remember. Played all of them, but only with sighted help. Ah yeah, and Let's Go Pikachu etc. as well.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

I've been trying to find it, but I used to have an insanely cool reference for Pokemon cries. The super neat thing about Gen 3 and onward is that any pokemon local to your location would make cries as you walk around. I never beat it as a kid, but I'm considering picking up Emerald again. I've been watching all these crazy challenges on youtube. Nostalgia for Emerald is pretty high for me. I used to have people at school who would help me with certain parts. Pretty sure I got into the trading scene for a little too. Again though, I somehow managed to never beat the game.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Learn the pokemon cries, and the sound of each move. That will save you a lot of reading. My brother's friend used to laugh his head off because I could tell a pokemon soly by its cry but that's not too hard to do once you play for a while.Pay attention to wall sounds, use them to draw a map of a location in your mind as you travel. Spam a as you do this, in case you bump into a sidney, locked door, item or npc or interactable objectlike a tree or truck or switch or pokemon or body of water or waterfall or trainer.Learn the layout of the menus, the party, the item bag, generally pokeballs and their betters are at the top of a normal pokemart. Save often, but be aware that you only have 1 save slot, so be careful also. First example, once you begin a pokemon league challenge, you cannot leave to heal at a pokemon center, in that instance, you maybe want to save before challenging.I think that is all you need to know to get you through a pokemon game without emulation. If you have a phone to read the text, that's way more than we had growing up and should make things much easier.


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Re: any tips for playing pokemon

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any tips for playing pokemon

Ruby is actually really, really accessible as far as pokemon games go. No, you won't be able to figure everything out, but most things can be found by following walls and/or reading guides from Gamefaqs. In particular, there's a walkthrough hosted there which gives the exact solution for the sixth gym.I have completed this game on my own several times with absolutely no sighted assistance. It will take a lot of trial and error and memorization, but it can absolutely be done. I've made some pretty competitive teams this way (except for knowing personality, that is beyond me within the game without help), to the point where I was able to take down what postgame content there was. There are little things (contests, some of the areas with currents) that I do find tricky, but most of the game is playable. Good choice on choosing the most accessible one.If you have more specific questions, let me know.


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