Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KG4RDF via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

That's totally understandable. Also, keyboard support for Say The Spire is apparently coming soon. So then you probably won't need Text The Spire at all.


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Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

Oh thanks, that helps and explains why mine isn't working. That's pretty much what I was planning on doing. I want to use Text as well so I'm not tied to a form of external input, but I figure a controller will be a nice way to play.


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Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KG4RDF via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

My suggestion would be just buy a $20 wired XBox controller from Amazon and just use Say the Spire instead of text when you're, say, at home and can really dedicate some time to it. This is quite a complex game and being able to scroll through and read information as a new player is very helpful for learning how to play the game effectively. Mind you, I'm still not quite there yet. The only two controllers that it's apparently fully compatible with are the XBox and PS 4 controllers. Unfortunate for sure, but if you really want to dive into this game, that's the cheapest way to do it as far as I know.This is just my two cents.


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Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

OK! The battle has been won!No, not in the game, I died. I got Text The Spire to let me play cards. For some reason, play 1 0 doesn't work, but 1 0 does work.So a couple of questions, in case anybody's paying attention. I slogged through the "Slay The Spire is accessible" thread and haven't really found anything after at least ten pages.1. Could somebody explain map and path in Text? I've just been typing proceed when I win, and it's taking me to another floor. I don't see a way to pick a path or anything. For instance, at the beginning say I get choices 1 2 and 3. I pick choice 2. Then I kill however many monsters are there. I just get proceed after picking my gold and card and anything else that shows up, and then I go to another floor. So I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to be doing.2. Now that it's working, I'm going to snag an X-Box controller. Is there a video or recording of how to play with one? Liam uses one but he doesn't explain things, which is cool. But I mean, I don't know how to pick a card, or a room you can go to, or what have you.  But whatever Liam was doing for mapping and such seems simpler, as long as I can figure out how it works. So far Slay The Spire is pretty fun, but it makes me feel really dumb anyway.


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Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

Man, sorry for the triple! I feel like this game hates me.I set up Text. Everything reads, great! But I can't play any cards. I google. I find out it's some sort of bug with controllers. My controller's unplugged but I thought maybe having Say enabled was a problem. So I disabled it.So I tell it to start. I get to the character selection screen. I can select ironclad or thesilent. If I type one of those in, I get no new choices. So I have no idea how to continue, since neither start nor continue do anything. I also have a feeling I still won't be able to play any cards. If anybody has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. This would be a cool game, if I could actually get it to work.At this point, I wonder if I have to get rid of everything and reinstall from scratch. I'm also kind of wondering about Say. Apparently suddenly not being able to play any cards is some sort of issue when using a controller, and the only thing you can do to fix it, that I've seen, is save and quit and run the game again. That's why I thought maybe disabling Say would do something, if it made the game think there was a controller present. But apparently not. I sure hope somebody has an idea so I can play this thing, with a controller or without. It sounds amazing and I doubt Steam gives refunds, not that I want one, I want to play this cool game damn it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

OK, never mind, at least with that last post. I've figured out how to get it working. Now I have a controller issue. I'm using some sort of Logitech rumble pad. The buttons in the diamond, 1-4 or what would be X Y A and B on an X-Box controller I think, seem to be working. The directional pad seems to be working. However, both joysticks do nothing whatsoever, so far as I can tell, and I'm not sure about the left and right trigger buttons either.Any tips on figuring out what's going on? I could just spend some more money and buy an X-Box controller I guess. But if I don't have to, I'd rather not. Plus I don't see why parts of the controller should work, but not others. That makes me wary of just throwing up my hands and dropping money on another controller.I'll probably end up installing Text just so I don't have to have a controller with me to play, in case I'm out somewhere or put it away somewhere and don't feel like getting it or whatever. But being able to play with a controller sounds pretty cool. I did manage to pick the only map choice and start fighting something. I moved through cards but I don't think I actually picked anything, so my turns did nothing.I did manage to move around to things, using the directional pad. The monster, a jaw worm I think, had its HP and aggression and all read, but for me it just said "ironclad". I assume I'd use the right stick at that point to move up and down through my stats, but since the sticks aren't working, well ...Anyway, thanks for the help so far. I checked out Liam playing it last night which is what made me decide to get it, looks like a pretty cool game, and I know the basics work, so I didn't waste my money. I just have to actually figure out how to play it now, well, and get Say fully working and install Text and figure that out I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

Huh. Well, in theory, I have everything set up, but launching mts_steam.cmd brings up a window, that goes away, then nothing happens. Things I did.  1. Bought Slay The Spire. Random question, do you get music, or do you have to buy the sound track for that? I assume you have to buy it, but I figured I'd ask before just spending money I might not have to.2. A window popped up telling me it was installing Slay. According to the article on using Steam I was supposed to be able to see things in this, but none of NVDA's review modes gave me a thing, yes I added the -no-dwrite switch. I hit enter just in case and waited for a bit. i switched to Steam and as far as I can tell it thinks I have the game, when I clicked on it I got a play button/link.3. Went into the workshop and subscribed to Say The Spire, Mod The Spire, and Base Mod.4. Closed Steam, just because. Ran mts_steam.cmd. Like I said, I got a thing that popped up saying "window", that went away, and nothing happened.I'll have my wife take a look at it at some point, though I don't know if she'll see anything, that windows went by pretty quick. Everything should be in the default locations. Do I need to run the game first and enable mods? I wasn't really clear how to do that, I get how to move around in Mod The Spire, but not how to get it to come up in the first place. I'm sure I'm just missing something basic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

It says you need to install the JRE but as far as I can tell you don't actually need to, since the game comes bundled with a version of the JRE (since the game is a java application). The steam workshop lets you install mods for the game, to find it visit the Slay the Spire page and click on "Visit the Workshop". You can just install Mod the Spire, BaseMod, Text the Spire, and Say the Spire from there directly. Make sure to follow the instructions in either Text the Spire or Say the Spire's readme files to activate mods; they do not automatically activate. You can choose to run Text the Spire and Say the Spire simultaneously if you want to as well. Text the Spire does not work with controllers; it provides a fully text interface for the game (similar to muds or interactive fiction games), whereas Say the Spire provides support for browsing the game's interface directly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

Oh maybe that was just for Text the Spire then. I'm pretty sure it says you need to install Java, and actually, I'm pretty sure Say the Spire mentions java Bridge at some point. I'll install it, I just don't like it because it's clunky.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

You do not need to install JRE.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Setting up Slay The Spire accessibility.

Hi all.I'm looking into Slay The Spire. I was originally considering "Text the Spire", I think it is, but then saw "Say the Spire" that uses a game controller. That one seems simpler, but I've got a couple potential issues.First, I have some sort of Logitech controller. I don't have things like top panel square or whatever, I have a bunch of numbered buttons. So while I assume it will work, I'm not sure, and I'm not sure how the buttons would map, or if there's an easy way to find out what that mapping is, even if they do. Second, it seems like Say has far fewer features than Text. I understand that Say is a beta so I'm not trying to throw stones or anything. It sounds pretty cool and like I said, it sounds simpler to use.So I guess I have some questions.1. I see both Say and Text use the same two modules, base and I forget the other one. Can I just install both modules, or rather, Say and Text and the extra modules it needs? I see in Say's readme, it tells you to make sure to install the right version of base, so I guess what I'm asking is if they use the same versions of these modules.2. Assuming I can, is there a fairly simple way to switch between them? I know you can enable and disable modules, but just switching between a set would be nice, so loading either Say or Text and the extra modules it uses all at once.3. As I understand setup, I install the Java Runtime, gods I loathe the JRE, does the version matter? Or do I just go get the latest? Then I install Steam and buy the game.4. Then I see things about "Steam workshop". Say uses it, does Text as well? Do you just find that on the main Steam page/app? I'm honestly not quite sure how Steam works, I think I messed with it once ages ago but I might be wrong. Basically though, I'm wondering if they're both in there, because it seems like it would make for a much easier setup.5. Assuming I use Text, aside from the module made by a member whose names escape me, that reads windows automatically, I saw mention of a map module somewhere?6. I don't suppose Text also has controller support?7. I guess I may as well ask this too, which one would you recommend, and why? I feel like Text seems to be pretty full-featured, but I feel like people are really digging Say.


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