[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: splitting the rca outputs of the sb

2007-01-10 Thread jeffluckett

chiefersone;168919 Wrote: 
 Has anybody used a standard splitter for the rca out cables/jacks
 without loss of sound quality?  
 I have a stereo system downstairs with a rca cable running there that I
 want tyo connect so I can listen to sb down there too.

I am using the optical out on my SB to receiver in my primary listening
location.  Then I've split the RCA outputs to go to another (fairly
decent) Alpine receiver in the other room and a sony boom-box in my
workshop in the basement.

Since the two receivers on the split RCA are more for ambient
listening I've never noticed any loss in audio quality at those two
listening locations.

Works fine for me. Whole-house synchronized audio from one SB :).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado sr60, sr80 or something else

2006-12-29 Thread jeffluckett

sc53;165519 Wrote: 
 Jeff, if you want to ruin your life (and wallet) check into
 www.head-fi.org and read about all the options, tweaks, upgrades, and
 other insanity you can get into if you find you are enjoying your
 SR-80's. Believe me, your journey has just begun!

Lalalalallaa I can't hear you lalalalalalalal :-D


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC signal levels

2006-12-27 Thread jeffluckett

MeridianMan;164646 Wrote: 
 Slightly OT, but does this remain the case on the TP?

Yes ... they both use the same code to generate the display.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado sr60, sr80 or something else

2006-12-23 Thread jeffluckett

I bought the SR80s ... but now DW is holding the line that they are a
X-mass present, and has cruelly wrapped them and put them under the

Thanks for the advice ... looking forward to the audition.  

Anyone care to comment on the burn-in period I've read about here and
there ... I've seen folks say there's a marked improvement after 24-48
hrs of use.  Is that voodooo, or a real phenomenon?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best way to convert FLAC to MP3

2006-12-19 Thread jeffluckett

acm;163613 Wrote: 
 What's the easiest way to convert CDs that I've already ripped with
 EAC/FLAC to MP3 for IPOD portability. I've downloaded a couple programs
 that sure seem difficult to use compared to what I went through for the
 intial EAC/FLAC rip.

I find foobar2000 to be about the best around for transcoding, as well
as a truckload of other tasks.

You can find it here: http://www.foobar2000.org/


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

Did you in any way blind this test?  How can you be sure your
expectation of better sound from the high-dollar cable didn't color
your perception of sound quality?

What factors could possibly affect signal transmission over a short run
in an optical cable enough to produce an actual audible change?

In cables that rely on electrical conduction (especially in the analog
realm) I can see, up to a point, how a quality cable could outperform a
cheapo. This is not to say I beleive that price-point translates to
quality after a certain point ... there is a point at which I think
people are paying for peace of mind and brand recognition, and some
cable-makers boat.

In optical transmission, how much signal degradation could possibly
exist over a 3-6 foot run assuming that the cable is above dirt cheap

I'm not posting to be a wise guy ... I really want to know technical
details (not back of the package marketing-speek) how a $200.00 toslink
optical cable outperforms a quality cable at a more reasonable price


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

P Floding;152328 Wrote: 
 That could possibly be because they are identical, and the Monster label
 costs the additional $40.

I recently purchased an HDTV, and was agape at the cost of HDMI cables
that were readily available, so I started reading reviews of the
various cables to see if the cost could at all be justified.

I found a review that tested a range of cables from a $10.00 no-name up
to the top-shelf offering from Monster costing over $100.00.

In bench tests, they could find no measurable difference.  In viewing
tests they actually found a difference ... the cheaper cables actually
ALL fared better than the Monster cable.

The reason the Monster cable fared worse than the competition was due
to EXACTLY the reason that Monster justifies thier extreme cost.  HDMI
connectors have no locking mechanism.  The Monster cable turned out to
be so thick and heavy, it was pulling on the connector causing signal
dropout. Ironic, no?

In the end, I bought a cheap cable off of eBay ... the picture is


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

P Floding;152337 Wrote: 
 There is no need to test HDMI cables. Either they work or they don't.
 The whole business of testing them is stupidity.
 There are no timing issues with HDMI that can affect picture quality.

Well, my point here was that HDMI is a digital cable ... as are toslink
and coax.

As long as it's capable of transparently delivering the bits from one
end to the other, there should be no effect on the delivered sound. 
I'd be surprised if a cable could introduce any meaningful amount of
jitter, as isn't that really a function of clock accuracy of the

Anyway, you could more easily sell me on there being problems from
induced currents in a coax than you ever could on an optical cable. 
Either the bits arrive at thier destination or they don't.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Looking for suggestions, newbie here

2006-10-23 Thread jeffluckett

You could use a tagging app like MusicBrainz Picard to get your tags
straight.  MusicBrainz provides tagging information from an online
database ... I find it quite useful, and you can configure it to
'rename' your files and organize them into the folder structure and
filenaming convention that you like.

There's also other apps that are better at guessing tagging information
from directory structure and filenames such as Mp3Tag.  Mp3Tag also has
renaming capabilities.

I typically use these two apps together.  I use mp3 tag to put in basic
information, and then MusicBrainz to fill out the remaining info.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Logitech

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

radish;148237 Wrote: 
 They have no control over Slimserver, it's open source and they don't
 own it. Softsqueeze is also GPL, although the primary (only?) dev works
 for SD (now Logitech). But if for some reason they did stop development
 of it inhouse, there's nothing stopping someone else taking it and
 moving forward.

While that's true, the part that isn't open-source and critical for
interoperability is the firmware.

So, if Logitech takes the software in a direction we don't agree with,
we'll be left with the last version of the firmware that did what we
wanted it to do.  Logitech -could- change the firmware in such a way
that it locked out SlimServer in favor of whatever proprietary
direction they (thoretically) take the device and software.

I'm not saying that Logi-Slim would do this, but the possiblity of it
happening does exist.  Perhaps before that happens someone will have
reverse-engineered the firmware code ... but then that starts treading
on shakey legal ground.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: minor problem

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

 Using Digital

It you're using digital out to a DAC or your receiver, it's important
to note that SOME devices have a delay from the time they first start
receiving a digital stream up until they start actually decoding that

Since you aren't using a native format, you aren't getting gapless
playback, so the stream is stopping between tracks, invoking that delay
(if it exists) in your device at the beginning of each song.

There is a setting in Player Settings, where you can set a playback
delay.  Gp to Player Settings - Audio and scroll down to Audio
Startup Time).  Play around with the delay setting and see if that
works for you.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Logitech

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

radish;148331 Wrote: 
 Sure, I was thinking about this at lunch time. They could indeed change
 the slimproto implementation to lock out slimserver, but the firmware
 upgrade can't be forced so those of us with existing units can just
 stick with the existing firmware. Look at the Sony PSP - many people
 are running old firmware versions just so they can exploit security
 holes to play old NES games on it. I'd certainly run an old Transporter
 firmware to carry on using Slimserver.
 So Logitech would end up having to:
 * Rewrite Slimserver from scratch (no small feat in itself)
 * Break compatibility with all existing plugins (thus losing a lot of
 the appeal of the system)
 * Completely p*** off the dev community, ensuring that SD's best
 customers never buy anything from them again
 And then, of course, the slimproto changes would be reverse engineered
 and put back into the GPL slimserver fork anyway. Reverse engineering
 for the purposes of interoperability is specifically permitted under
 copyright law (in the US, anyway).
 All this for no obvious upside...I just can't imagine why they'd even
 want to do any of this. So I'm not really worried about that. What I am
 worried about (in the longterm, I trust Sean  co as long as they're
 around) is lack of worthwhile new models, and lack of firmware updates
 pushing new features back to older models. The one thing we (as a
 community) can't do anything about is stagnating firmware development.

Right, I wasn't saying they -WOULD- do this only that they -could.- 
That is the one area where the FOSS community presently doesn't have
access and it is the critical link, and the only place Logitech could
exercise control.

If it happened tomorrow ... I'd be plenty happy with my current SS
version and Firmware if I needed to be. However, I'm sure it won't and
I am eagerly looking forward to the official release of 6.5.1 and then
7.0. (I hope 7.0 will be a more careful release than 6.5 was, but I
know it was rushed to be ready for Transporter).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: minor problem

2006-10-19 Thread jeffluckett

bgrounds;147881 Wrote: 
 when one song ends and another starts, the first second or so is skipped
 from the song that is starting. What else can I add that would help?

Well ... answers to the specific questions Ceejay asked.

What operating system are you running SlimServer on?

What type of music file are you having problems with (mp3, flac, Apple,
WMA, etc...)?

What version of SqueezeBox do you have (Slimp3, SB2, SB3, Transporter)?

Are you using iTunes to manage your library?

Is your player wired or wireless?

Another question I will ask is what are you connecting your SB to, and
are you using the Analog or Digital outputs?  Some audio equipment
needs a delay at the start of an audio stream (this is configurable in
your player settings).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter DAC fed by DVD Issues?

2006-10-11 Thread jeffluckett

ezkcdude;145301 Wrote: 
 Yeah, but can he play back the DVD audio signal from SlimServer?

This is only a guess, but I imagine that as long as he goes digital to
the Transporter, then Digital to the Home Theater, then surround sound
should be unaffected.

I am basing this assumption on the fact that a properly encoded file on
your HD can stream 5.1 through a SqueezeBox to a Surround Receiver just

Transporter should be just passing that digital signal unaltered from
the DVD player to his Surround receiver.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: xmod :)

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

CardinalFang;142920 Wrote: 
 That sound like ideal hunting grounds for a lawyer! Someone surely is
 going to buy one and then slap down the law suit when they don't hear
 all that stuff...
 The graph is amazing though. I've tried measuring my experience before,
 but the tape measure keeps snapping shut and it brings tears to my eyes.
 From now on I just need to read it right off the graph.

See ... this is what I was saying in that other thread about
published data.  Creative (a reputable company ... or at least they
used to be) is publishing garbage data to make thier product look like
a first-class turd polisher.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speakers without cables

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

tomsi42;143037 Wrote: 
 I have a friend who has bought a squeezebox and want to use it in his
 living room. His problem is that both he and his wife are allergic to
 They have a reasonably OK Yamaha amplifier they wants to use, but as
 the speakers are to be placed on each side of a fireplace, there isn't
 any sensible ways to hide one of the speaker cables. There are 220V
 outlets on each side of the fireplace.
 Are there any wireless solutions out there at all - like active
 speakers with a wireless interface ?

The problem with any active speaker is that you sound is now only as
good as the speaker's amplifier.  It doesn't matter how good your
receiver or any other component in your system is ... sound degradation
can/will occur when the signal is modulated to RF (or IR in some cases),
and then re-converted to an audio signal in whatever electronics the
speakers have.

Do they own thier home?  Perhaps some careful drilling and running
good-quality cables under the floor will be an answer they're willing
to live with.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speakers without cables

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

Well, if they could kill the breaker to that circuit, and if there's
room inside the conduit ... they could try fishing the cable to the
other speaker through there.  

With the circuit deactivated, it wouldn't impart any hum and since
they're both 220 outlets, there's a good chance the conduit is a
relatively straight run from one to the other.

If they can't kill the circuit ... you might as well give it a try
anyway ... it's a cheap enough solution and maybe you'll get lucky.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

CardinalFang;142449 Wrote: 
 I love music, that's where the emotion is, not in the boxes that sit at
 the other end of the room. I don't want to measure the music, but I do
 want to know that my stereo is an accurate reproducer of that music and
 does not add to or subtract from it in any way. 
 Deviation from accurate reproduction can be measured. Listening tests
 are really just confirmation of a design or a substitute for more
 careful measurements. If a resistor sounds better in a audioo chain for
 some reason, then there will be a measurable reason why. Audio is a
 highly complex set of interactions, but design the test rig correctly
 and you will be able to measure it. We wouldn't get much science done
 if we followed the same lines of thought as sometimes gets voiced by
 professional reviewers. I remember when reviews were accompanied by
 actual measurements and they backed up what was heard.
 We wouldn't apply this to any other field of engineering to do with our
 senses, why audio? I don't read about cameras having immeasurable or
 mystical properties and they convey just as much information and

This reminds me of when Bose sued Consumer Reports when they first
introduced thier reflecting speaker technology a while back.

CR had done thier testing in an anechoic chamber, and as a result
reviewed the speakers very poorly. (Now, say what you will about Bose,
I know they're not very popular with the Audiophile crowd..)

Bose sued CR because the testing conditions weren't valid ... you can't
test a speaker that RELIES on reflections in an anechoic chamber.

I don't remember the outcome of the suit, but this does prove one
point.  If the test conditions aren't appropriate, all the fancy
measurements you can make don't mean diddly.

To that same end, it's pretty easy to set up a test that makes your mod
or whatever look better by carefully crafting the testing conditions.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

 That is bad science. You have to define the hypothesis first, then
 test, then confirm or disclaim it.

I wasn't putting that forth as an example of good science.  My point is
that manufacturer's (or modder's) published numbers (if any exist) are
suspect at best unless you carefully study thier test conditions. It's
very likely that they will set up the test condition that paints thier
product in the best light. Even if the test was conducted by an
impartial third party (Like CR in the Bose anecdote I gave), you have
to be very careful that the published results mean what you think they

In the end ... all this published numbers stuff is ok as a jumping off
point when comparing bits of kit, but ultimately it doesn't mean a
thing until it's measured by the only piece of test equipment that
matters ... your ears.  It's also why so much voodoo exists in the
Audio industry ... such as the $485 beechwood and lacquer pot-knob. 
It's pretty easy to CONVINCE yourself that something sounds better ...
especially after plunking down a bunch of cash.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

 Lastly, it's not an art. It's science and engineering. It isn't
 evolving, electronic theory is still as valid as when it was first
 understood. We may have different views on sub-atomic processes, but
 they do not have audible effects otherwise we'd all be running around
 screaming about the din of electron spins being all tangled up now that
 we know they are probability clouds and not orbits.

Well, really it is part art, and part science.

The fact of the matter is that all audio equipment fails to faithfully
reproduce the original sound to one degree or another.

The Science is getting as close to that ideal as possible.  The art is
dealing with how the inacuracy 'colors' the sounds being reproduced.

This is especially true with speakers.  There are well known equations
about cabinet dimensions, driver design, etc...  But the fact is that
no speaker can -accurately- reproduce a singers voice as it was
originally produced by a wet throat and vibrating vocal cords.  They
all introduce some 'coloration' to thier sound reproduction.  That's
why listening to a speaker set anywhere but your own listening
environment is essentially useless.

Now, granted you can get a -pretty good- idea of how a speaker is going
to sound by examining its specs and narrow down your choices. (Ignore
price-point, because there is actually little correlation there after a
certain point)  But ultimately, you have to bring them home and audition
them in your own room with your own equipment and see if the sum-total
of imperfect reproduction is acceptable to your own wet-wear testing
devices on either side of your skull.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Optimizing PC Sound

2006-09-29 Thread jeffluckett

I have a SoundBlaster Extigy, which is an external version of thier
Audigy card.  It's been highly reviewed by most of the tech publishers.

It connects via USB and also comes with a remote.  It's got lots of
digital and analog inputs and outputs, and even will operate in stand
alone mode if you want to play a source with the computer off ... or
put it to some other imaginative use. I used to used it as my
computer-to-stereo interface device before I got my SqueezeBox.  Now I
use it for ripping LP's to digital, and my 'regular' sound card. 
Another nice benefit is that you can sit it on your desk ... so you
don't have to crawl behind your computer every time you want to connect
a different source to it.

It's probably not an Audiophile device, but I think it sounds better
than any installed card I've ever heard.

I don't know if they're still in production, but it looks like they're
fairly available on Ebay for short money.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-12 Thread jeffluckett

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Here's my setup.  As they say it ain't much but it's what I got...

I have to say there's some really impressive looking rigs in this
thread, and some really nicely designed rooms/systems.

My setup is strictly middle of the road equipment, but it works well
in my room, and I've fiddled and tweaked to get it to sound nice to my
ear.  Some of you folks may cry with dismay if you heard it ... but
maybe not. :-P

It is a home-theater setup, but I only use the front pair and the sub
for music ... unless I happen to listen to something recorded for DTS
or Dolby.  The antiquated tube TV is next on the Must Upgrade list
... softening up the wife for a 32 LCD.

All music is encoded as FLAC, and I'm using the optical connection to
my receiver.  I honestly couldn't hear a difference between Sony's
built-in DAC and the SqueezeBox's, so I figured digital transmission
was the way to go to avoid any noice getting introduced via the analog

Front Pair (and surrounds): Cambridge Soundworks New Ensemble
Center Channel: Cambridge Soundworks Center Stage
Sub: Cambridge Soundworks Basecube 10s

Sony STR-DE875

Soney PS-LX100

DVD (doubles as CD) player:
Sony DVP-NS725P

PS: can someone clue me in on how to get my images to appear in the
post instead of as attachements?

|Filename: P9121340_s.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1683|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using Transporter with DVD-A, SACD, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

adamslim;134576 Wrote: 
 Illegal music sharing is all MP3s - people aren't going to want to share
 5GB files for a single album when 99.% do not have a system that
 will resolve the difference between that and a 500MB CD (or even a 50MB

People regularly share multi-gig files on BitTorrent.  File sharing is
far from limited to MP3's.  Go to piratebay.com and search for FLAC,
people share whole albums ... then look for virtually any movie title
... there will be 4+gig .ISO's of ripped DVD's available.

I can understand why the media providers are so paranoid ... and it's
unfortunate.  However, it's difficult to overcome the idea of free
for many people.

That said ... I think that they are going about it all wrong, since
they are punishing the fair use of people that shell out the money for
the material.  I don't claim to have the answer for how they can
provide Fair Use and still protect thier investment ... just pointing
out that they actually do have reason to be paranoid.

I am not an advocate of DRM nor a fan of the tactics of the RIAA/MPAA,
even though this post may seem as though I'm stumping for them. It's
just important to understand both sides of the problem.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using Transporter with DVD-A, SACD, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

tommypeters;134719 Wrote: 
 BTW, DVD-A is rippable digitally on a computer, SACD is rippable
 digitally in a rebuilt player (like a Denon 2900) connected to a
 DVD-A is continuing as Dolby True HD in Blu-ray/HD-DVD and you can get
 the same quality with DTS HR Audio and better with DTS Mastering.
 SACD is dying. In 2005 DVD-Audio sales passed SACD sales - at a very
 low level.

That's very true. But even if they were to devise a PERFECT digital
protection scheme, there's always the analog hole which is nearly
impossible to plug.  Someone with a bit of know-how could very easily
capture the analog signals (by tapping into the speaker-outs if need
be) and simply remaster a distribution.  

Granted, there will be some quality loss, but if done carefully, most
people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. ...and by most, I mean
anybody without a golden ear and a high-priced system.  Look how happy
people have always been to trade cassettes of copied music from LP's or
tape-to-tape in the old days.

Ultimately ... this is why all this DRM crap like guarding the prison
gates while the inmates are climbing over the fences.  In the long run,
they're penalizing the honest media user, while the bad-guys continue
doing what they've always done while hardly missing a beat.  AND they
create a whole class of 'hackers' who go after thier DRM schemes simply
to see if it can be done.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Ripping DVD Audio

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

See this thread.  Well written tutorial:


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27196

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