2005-05-03 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi folks:
After *much* too long, the Axis team would like to announce the release 
of Axis 1.2 final.  You can get it at:  (if your favorite 
mirror doesn't have it yet try another, it's propagating now)

A few words about this release -
* A LOT of things have been cleaned up/fixed since 1.1, but 1.2 is not 
yet a perfect beast.  We know there are still issues that, although they 
didn't block this release, are important to our user base.  We will be 
working to resolve these in the near term, which brings us to...

* This took way too much time.  We will (for the remainder of Axis 1.X's 
lifetime and hopefully all of Axis 2.0's...) be focusing much more 
aggressively on the release early and often mantra.  Expect to see 
more fixes and more official releases near term.

* Thanks to EVERYONE who submitted bug reports, patches, and 
(especially) good, concise test cases.  Without your help we wouldn't 
have been able to make half the progress we did.

* As always, please send questions/comments to, 
and development-related issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Issues may be 
checked and filed at

Onwards to 1.Next...
  on behalf of the Axis team

ANNOUNCE: Apache Axis version 1.2.1 RELEASE

2005-06-15 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi folks:

In the continued spirit of release early and often, the Apache Axis team 
is pleased to announce the release of version 1.2.1, an incremental change 
over 1.2 final, with some added functionality and of course bug fixes.  You 
can find it at:

A few words about this release -

* Changes can be found in changelog.html at the top level... Better cookie 
support, array handling, elementFormDefault in generated WSDL, SAAJ bug 
fixes, etc.

* As always, thanks to EVERYONE who submitted bug reports, patches, and
(especially) good, concise test cases.  Muchos gracias.

* Also as always, please send questions/comments to,
and development-related issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Issues may be
checked and filed at

Onwards to 1.2.Next...

  on behalf of the Axis team

ANNOUNCE : Axis 1.3 Release

2005-10-11 Thread Glen Daniels

Greetings, Web Services fans.

The Axis team is pleased to announce the availability of Axis (Java) 
version 1.3.  This version gives Axis the ability to run inside applets, 
more efficiently process attachments, and preliminary support for MTOM, 
not to mention the usual round of bug fixes.  More info is available in 
the changelog.html in the release.

You can find the release at:

The Axis webpage (which contains info on mailing lists, bug reports, 
etc) can be found, as always, at:

Thanks, and enjoy!

--Glen Daniels
  on behalf of the Axis team

Re: [Axis2]Axis2 Hackathon NEXT WEEK in Indiana University, IN, USA

2007-06-05 Thread Glen Daniels

This sounds great, I'm in!  Except...

Eran Chinthaka wrote:

The nearest hotel to the hackathon will be IMU Hotel :

Unfortunately the hotel is completely booked for Thurs and Fri nights. :(

There is apparently a Courtyard by Marriott and also a Hilton of some 
sort downtown.  I'm checking into availability there.


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[axis2] Re: switch from Callback/AxisCallback (with problems)

2007-07-20 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi Michele:

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

it looks to me that the callback API has changed a lot :(.

Yes, based on a couple of mailing list threads a while back.  The new 
interface is intended to be cleaner, richer, and more flexible.

How can I  manage the scenario when the same callback is used to receive
several responses?, how do I know when all messages have been received?

If you're talking about a custom MEP like OUT-IN-IN, for each in message 
you will receive an onMessage(msgContext) event.  Then at the completion 
of the MEP (as determined by the OperationClient, as per usual) you will 
receive an onComplete() event.

Furthermore, even if I don't want to switch from Callback to
AxisCallback, the setComplete() method is now final, which seems to
prevent me to use the same callback instance to receive/process multiple

setComplete() is final because it must call notify() to wake up any 
threads blocked on this object (this change was made before deprecating 
the class).

I'm not sure what you're getting at here exactly... can you explain your 
use-case in more detail?  If there's something we're missing we'll fix 
it, but I don't yet understand what you're trying to do.


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Re: [ANN][Axis2] Axis2 1.3-RC2 release

2007-07-23 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi Michele:

As it explains in the JavaDoc, onMessage(msgContext) is called every 
time a NON-FAULT message is received.  So if you had a custom OUT-IN-IN 
MEP, that method would usually be called twice.  The onComplete() method 
is *always* called at the end of an MEP, regardless of the outcome.  So 
for a standard OUT-IN MEP, you will get exactly one of [onMessage(), 
onFault(), onError()] followed by onComplete().

If this wasn't made clear by the JavaDoc, let us know so we can attempt 
to improve it.


Michele Mazzucco wrote:

oops... the two methods are actually onMessage() and onComplete() [1]



On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 21:45 -0400, Eran Chinthaka wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Michele Mazzucco wrote:


when shall I use AxisCallback.onMessage() instead of
AxisCallback.onMessage(MessageContext msgContext)?

Do we have two methods? I can see only the latter now.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: Axis to Axis2 migration doubt

2007-08-01 Thread Glen Daniels


How to achieve same in Axis2? I can not able to find out way to define
parameter as OUT type with AXIS2.
could you please update me with way of achieving same with AXIS2?

Hi Deepak!

2 comments here.

First, the Web Services Application Server (WSAS) from WSO2, which you 
can find at, contains an Axis2 custom 
deployer for Axis1 services.  This allows you to drop your existing 
service classes (jars) and server-config.wsdd into the Axis2-based 
server, and get some of the benefits of Axis2 (Modules, etc) without 
having to rewrite your code.  You might want to check that out as a 
first step.

Second, I definitely think that the holder concept is of great value, 
and it would be nice if Axis2 supported it in the native ADB 
databinding.  Could you perhaps file a JIRA about this?


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Re: [Axis2][VOTE]Axis2 1.3 release artifacts (#take3)

2007-08-10 Thread Glen Daniels

+1... ship it!  (and let's get to work on 1.4 :))


Davanum Srinivas wrote:

+1 from me.


On 8/10/07, Deepal jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I have uploaded Axis2 1.3 (take3) into my Apache home location [1]
again . As a result of we found a few issues in 1.3 take2 I had to
upload the artifacts again and call for a new vote. I will keep open
the vote for 72 hrs from now and will do the Axis2 1.3 release on
Monday 13th Aug 2007.

You can find both IntelliJ idea and Eclipse plugin artifacts in the
tools folder [2]

Please try to cover the following areas when testing.
- - Code generation
- - Sessions
- - Web application
- - In different application servers
- - Both JDK 1.5 and JDK 1.4
- - Java2WSDL
- - POJOs
- - And whatever the JIRA we have marked as fixed.

You can find maven2 repository under my home directory as well [3]. I
have host the web site for 1.3 in [4] please have a look at that as well

I will do the final release on Friday (10th Aug 2007), here is my +1
for the release date as well as for release artifacts.

[1] :
[2] :
[3] :
[4] :

P.S : Please note that I need to have two more PMC vote to go ahead
with the release, so please give us the support by voting for the release.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[axis2] [IMPORTANT] JDK 1.4 compatibility - feedback requested

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi Axis2 developers and users!

There has been a bunch of discussion lately revolving around the 
question of JDK1.4 compatibility.  It has been suggested that Axis2 move 
to JDK 1.5, in order to gain the benefits of things like generics, 
built-in concurrency (no backport lib), and annotations.  Some folks 
feel that there are enough people out there still in a 1.4 environment 
that we should hold off, and others think we should bite the bullet and 
move to 1.5.


Are you using, or planning to use, Axis2 in an environment that is 
locked to JDK 1.4?  If so, please let us know by responding to this 
thread and telling us (if you can) about the particulars of what's tying 
you to 1.4 - is it your app server?  Company policy?  Something else?

We'd really like to take good care of our users, and doing that involves 
figuring out whether we can jump into 1.5-land or if we need to keep 
things working with 1.4.


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Re: [Axis2] Dynamic Phase support

2007-12-26 Thread Glen Daniels

Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

I just implemented and commit the initial implementation of the
dynamic phase support


I mentioned that I was working on this, didn't I? [1]  It's always 
unfortunate when there's duplicated work.  If I'd known you were 
planning to work on it, one of us could have saved some time or we could 
have worked together to spec it out.

I'll review your implementation, Deepal, but I think I want a little 
more functionality.  For instance, there may be multiple before/after 
phases - if my phase needs to be before phase2 AND before phase3, I want 
to be able to specify something like:

phase name=MyNewPhase before=phase2,phase3 flow=in,out/

Also, my implementation so far handles resolving constraints even after 
a module has been deployed, so if one module has the above phase 
declaration and there isn't a phase2 yet, when the next module gets 
deployed and defines phase2, it will try to put it after MyNewPhase 
(if it can't that's an error of course).  This means that some orderings 
for module deployment might not work, but we can grow the (currently 
very simple) logic into a more complex total-ordering system if we need to.

I'll get my stuff checked in ASAP, but if you're planning to do more 
work in this area, please let me know beforehand?



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[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 beta-1 is out and ready for testing!

2008-12-17 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi y'all!

I've put the first beta version of Axis2 1.5 up here:

Major Changes Since 1.4.1:
- Refactored, pluggable transports (separate jars, with deployer)
- Clustering improvements (works with EC2)
- Over 100 JIRA issues resolved

This is an initial beta, so there are still a few bugs we expect to nail 
before 1.5 goes out, and we'll be doing a once-over of the docs/etc 
before we go final as well.  Thanks to the team for all the good work so 

For now, please pick it up and kick the tires if you can, paying 
particular attention to any JIRAs you might want to confirm fixes for. 
As always, file new issues (or comment on old ones) at:

If we can manage to get the final version out before the end of the year 
that would be great.


[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 beta-2 is out and ready for testing!

2009-01-12 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi y'all!

I've put the second beta of Axis2 1.5 up here:

This is a beta, so there are still a few bugs we expect to nail
before 1.5 goes out, and we'll be doing a once-over of the docs/etc
before we go final as well.  Thanks to the team for all the good work so

For now, please pick it up and kick the tires if you can, paying
particular attention to any JIRAs you might want to confirm fixes for.
As always, file new issues (or comment on old ones) at:

We're hoping to get a release candidate out by next week.

Beta 2 incorporates a bunch of recent Axiom fixes, and will be pointing
to the 1.2.8 release as soon as it's finalized.

Changelog since 1.5 beta 1:

Revision: 733940
Author: gdaniels
Date: 5:32:50 PM, Monday, January 12, 2009
Update version to beta-2

Revision: 733780
Author: gdaniels
Date: 10:18:30 AM, Monday, January 12, 2009
Remove lcmn option as per revision 73776 on the trunk.

Revision: 733620
Author: gdaniels
Date: 11:30:37 PM, Sunday, January 11, 2009
Merge Amila's changes for better XML-Java mapping.

Revision: 732089
Author: gawor
Date: 3:04:24 PM, Tuesday, January 06, 2009
deal with circular dependency between axis2 and axis2-transports

Revision: 731790
Author: gawor
Date: 7:31:19 PM, Monday, January 05, 2009
handle elements without namespace

Revision: 731328
Author: veithen
Date: 1:49:54 PM, Sunday, January 04, 2009
Merged changes in r731315 into 1.5 branch.

Revision: 728681
Author: veithen
Date: 8:22:56 AM, Monday, December 22, 2008
Merged fix in r728674 (invalid test case) to 1.5 branch.

Revision: 728441
Author: veithen
Date: 9:10:37 AM, Sunday, December 21, 2008
AXIS2-4187: Merged fix in r728440 in ListenerManager to 1.5 branch.

Major Changes Since 1.4.1:
- Refactored, pluggable transports (separate jars, with deployer)
- Clustering improvements (works with EC2)
- Over 100 JIRA issues resolved


Axis2 1.5 beta 2 - perms fixed

2009-01-13 Thread Glen Daniels
Philippe Mouawad wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 first of all I wish you health and love during year 2009.
 I don't know if a new link has been published, but I am getting 403
 Forbidden when downloading one of the files:

Hi Philippe:

Thanks for the note - my scp session yesterday had the wrong umask, so
the files were not world-readable.  Fixed, please try again!


[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 Release Candidate ready for testing

2009-04-15 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi all!

After a failed set of attempts to use the Maven release plugin, I've built
and uploaded a Release Candidate for Axis2 1.5.  Please check it out, kick
the tires, etc.  If I don't hear anything back in the next day or so I'll
start a VOTE to release these bits as 1.5.

You can find the distribution files in here:

And the M2 repository with everything is of course:


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 Release Candidate ready for testing

2009-04-16 Thread Glen Daniels
Thanks, Andreas.  Martin, the test you refer to doesn't fail for me when I
build... are you seeing this error when doing a mvn clean install?

Incidentally, I'm in the midst of fixing the poms to include NOTICE and
LICENSE files in all the jars (thanks to Dan Kulp for pointing this out on
IM).  Keith just let me know this morning that the WSO2 folks found an issue
they'd like to fix as well, so pending those changes I'll roll out another RC
hopefully by EOD tomorrow, then maybe get a VOTE started early next week.


Andreas Veithen wrote:
 The code for the Version class in the codegen module is generated by
 an invocation of the maven-antrun-plugin plugin during the
 generate-test-sources phase. Please have a look at the pom.xml file.
 Note that this class has nothing to do with the version service that
 is part of the distribution.
 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 13:39, Martin Gainty wrote:
 Good Morning Glenn/Andreas

 noting the version of from the distro located t

 package sample.axisversion;
 public class Version {
 public String getVersion() throws Exception {
 return Hi - the Axis2 version is  +

 i see this error in /modules/codegen/target/surefire-reports/

 testcase time=0.11
 error message=sample.axisversion.xsd.Version
 at Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.forName(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
 at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
 at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
 at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
 at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

 seems like the package sample.axisversion.xsd.Version
 is not the actual java class version located at

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 de déni et de confidentialité

 This message is confidential. If you should not be the intended receiver,
 then we ask politely to report. Each unauthorized forwarding or
 manufacturing of a copy is inadmissible. This message serves only for the
 exchange of information and has no legal binding effect. Due to the easy
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 Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
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 Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie 

[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 Release Candidate refreshed and ready for testing

2009-04-30 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi all!

New version of Axis2 1.5 Release Candidate is ready, including a)
NOTICE/LICENSE files in the jars, b) some JiBX fixes from Dennis, c) some
fixes from Amila, d) a README which is more clear about building from
scratch.  Please check it out if you get a chance, and let me know if there
are any issues.  If I don't hear anything back I'll start a VOTE early next
week to accept these bits as 1.5 proper.

You can find the distribution files in here:

And the M2 repository with everything is of course:


[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5

2009-06-09 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi all:

The Apache Axis2 team is pleased to announce the release of Axis2 version 1.5.

Major Changes Since 1.4.1:
- Refactored, pluggable transports (separate jars, with deployer)
- Clustering improvements (works with EC2)
- Over 100 JIRA issues resolved

You can find the new version at the usual location:

Please report any issues via JIRA:

As always, we welcome any and all feedback at: - for developer-related questions/concerns - for general questions, usage, etc.

Thanks for your interest in Apache Axis2!

--Glen Daniels

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5

2009-06-11 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi Andreas:

Good catch - I just added it to svn.


Andreas Veithen wrote:
 Glen, where is the Subversion tag for this release?
 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 14:36, Glen wrote:
 Hi all:

 The Apache Axis2 team is pleased to announce the release of Axis2 version 

 Major Changes Since 1.4.1:
 - Refactored, pluggable transports (separate jars, with deployer)
 - Clustering improvements (works with EC2)
 - Over 100 JIRA issues resolved

 You can find the new version at the usual location:

 Please report any issues via JIRA:

 As always, we welcome any and all feedback at: - for developer-related questions/concerns - for general questions, usage, etc.

 Thanks for your interest in Apache Axis2!

 --Glen Daniels

[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5.1

2009-10-23 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi all:

The Apache Axis2 team is pleased to announce the release of Axis2 version 1.5.1.

Major Changes Since 1.5:

*  Fix for the dreaded CLOSE_WAIT problem (JIRA issues 935, 2883, etc).
We now share an instance of HTTPClient across each ConfigurationContext (i.e.
each Axis2 server or ServiceClient) - connection reuse is now automatic. This
means the REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT flag is no longer necessary or useful, nor is
creating your own MultithreadedHttpConnectionManager.  We also now throw a
useful exception after 30 seconds if you DO run into connection starvation

* Transport deployer is now actually functional, and getListenerManager()
in ConfigurationContext now creates a new LM if there isn't one already.

* Fix for AXIS2-4034, module versions now support real versions like 1.5.1

* NPE problem (see AXIS2-4114) fixed in MessageContext while retrieving

You can find the new version at the usual location:

(please note that it may be an hour or two before all the mirrors update)

Please report any issues via JIRA:

As always, we welcome any and all feedback at: - for developer-related questions/concerns - for general questions, usage, etc.

Also, don't forget that ApacheCon 2009 is around the corner, November 2-6 in
Oakland CA!  Many of the Axis2 / Apache Web Services developers will be on
hand, and we're running a track day for the project on Thursday.  We hope to
see you there.

Sign up today at

Thanks for your interest in Apache Axis2!

--Glen Daniels

[ANNOUNCE] Axis Top Level Project!

2010-01-09 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi all:

Just wanted to officially (and a bit belatedly) announce that as of the
December board meeting, we've agreed to create a new Top Level Project for
Axis1, Axis2, all the modules (i.e. Rampart, Sandesha, Kandua, Savan), and
the commons transports.  In other words, everything that has to do with Axis
will now live under instead of

I'll follow up with a more detailed note in a day or two, including a FAQ and
descriptions of the logistics.  We're going to do our best to make sure that
the community is disrupted as little as possible during the transition, and
you'll get warning before we do the actual moves of things like SVN and the
mailing lists.

I'm going to temporarily be the chair for both projects.  The rest of the
subprojects under Web Services are going to be reviewed over the next few
months and we'll decide their dispositions - the plan is basically to promote
the active ones to TLPs, and retire the inactive ones to the Attic.  It's
possible that the WS project itself may remain to house a few subprojects
into the future, or that it will disappear after everything has been moved.
Stay tuned.  In the meanwhile, business as usual for all the non-Axis projects.

This is a great step forward towards focusing the development effort and
community around Axis, and thanks to everyone who helped to discuss and vote
upon this resolution over the past year or so.
