Re: Berners and Horses

2002-11-26 Thread Walserj
Illusion of Cypress and Justcallmecharming, Quarter horse mares 
Serini, an aged Arabian mare, that I bought with the farm

Trail riding (English and Western), Hunter Paces, mainly animated lawn 

Rolex, the 8 month old Berner, and her partner in crime,  Molly the Border 
Collie, love nothing more than to sit on their side of the fence and watch 
the horses.

Jo Anne

In need of a berner fix - thank you!

2002-11-26 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers from MI,

Thank you so very much for your offers to have my Dad visit your furballs.  I 
have forwarded the several responses I received to him.  Hopefully, he does 
not have any critical plans this coming weekend because I know he would enjoy 
all the activities that have been scheduled.

So, if a 65 year old man that looks like Bill Clinton with a beard and 'tashe 
introduces himself to you, that's my Dad!!!  He'll be smiling the entire 

Thank you for your emails.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

Horses and Dogs

2002-11-26 Thread Marjorie Clark

Don and I live in Texas and have two Berners.  We also have three quarer
horses (bred for cutting).  We have 25 acrses but the dogs are not
allowed to wonder all over; kept in a fenced-in yard.
However, a lot of times we let them out to go with us to feed the horses
and they know and love each other; never any aggression shown.  

About four years ago, had a new puppy and I was just getting where I
could walk a little; cast on my leg and foot had just been taken off and
I took a young puppy out in the  back and Oh, gosh, she was headed for
the horses---fence between them but she could get under easily.  I was
hobbling  out there as fast as I could but could see I wasn't going to
make it before she was right with the horses and she would be new to
them; what would they do.  All of a sudden, Don's German Shepherd (bred
for tracking, herding) came out from nowhere and worked his way under
the horse fence and herded them back and then nosed the baby up to me
and then just looked up at me as if to  say you need to take better
care of your baby and off Bridget went to play.  

We also have a Border Collie who also herds the horses but really hasn't
been trained---she leads them in; doesn't get behind them.  As my
daughter says, Ben acts like a guy who parks cars, keeps coming at you
in your car and then runs ahead like, here, here, Park Here!.

Dogs and Horses---in my opinion, they get along great.

Margie Clark


RE: BERNER-L digest 4143

2002-11-26 Thread Karen McFarlane
This is my first time replying to the newsletter, and I dont know if it will
work, here goes.I have an 11 month old Berner boy who is the light of my
life. Stevie picked me out in Feb. and allowed me to bring him to my home
in March. What a joy. I don't think I new what puppy love was until then. My
husband and I have recently separated and Stevie has become my companion on
many a lonely evening. I also have a 5 year old quarter horse mare named
Zoey. She too is so very special to me. She is the first horse that I have
bought after taking a 27 year hiatus from horses. I ride western and entered
into a few local shows last year and surprisingly she did quite well. My
Berner adores her. He loves to hang around the farm where I board her and
gives her kisses and nudges on her muzzle. She is not quite sure what to
make of this little black horse! Stevie definitely comes into his own
when he is allowed to roam free at the farm. The owners and I are best of
friends so we are thankfully there alot. I bought my Berner boy from a
breeder who also breeds and raises quarter horses. There is a definite
connection with Berners and horses. I think it is true LOVE.
Karen McFarlane and Stevie

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bernese Mountain Dog
Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 2:01 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4143

BERNER-L Digest 4143

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Costco Dogs
  2) Horses and Berners Together
  3) Ohso close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Re: BERNER-L digest 4142
  5) Histio Roll Call  Berners  Horses
by Sharon Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Looking for Stepping Stone
  7) Re: Histio Roll Call But What About the Others...
by Janice Parky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Celebrating Seniors
by Sheila Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Power Tools + Animals
 10) Re: Berners  Horses
by Sarah Jarrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) horses  bernese
by The Hartzheims [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Horses Berners

2002-11-26 Thread Pauline
I, too, met my husband through horses -

I was between horses, living in an apartment, and went to a local gymkhana
with a friend.  There was this nutty guy there, running barrels on a mustang
that had come from out west and that he had trained.  He always had a funny
comment to make when the horse would do the opposite of what he asked her
to.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Our last horse was a pony that Hal had bought for his youngest son when
they were both five.  She was euthanized at the age of thirty, having spent
the intervening years as THE BOSS of everything on the farm.  No dog spent
much time scarfing up horse apples without her running them off.

Pauline Merrick
Rustic Farm
Brimfield, MA  USA
2 berners, no hosses

Berners and horses

2002-11-26 Thread Cherterra
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ADMIN: Replys, Signatures, etc

2002-11-26 Thread berner1
This is just a reminder, when you are replying to a message, please cut out just the 
specific part to which you are commenting. Do NOT copy the entire post, especially if 
you get the digest version.

If you are replying to the digest, please take a second to change the Subject line to 
something meaningful. It helps us all a great deal when you do!

And when you sign the note, please use a first and last name, and a geographic area at 
the very least. If you are 12 years old and your parents wisely wish you to post with 
only a first name, I'll happily make exceptions. But for the rest of us, it is 
considered courteous to sign the post with a full name. It helps those of us with 
swiss cheese memories to keep track of which Pat or Sue or Joe is posting.

Pat Long ( Luther)
List Co-Owner
Berwyn PA

Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

thank you to all

2002-11-26 Thread brandy marazzi
Hello all,
 I just wanted to thank everyone for emailing me regarding the big berners 
at Costcos. A local lister informed me they got a shipment in and I am now 
the owner of a giant stuffed berner.  My boy sniffs at it alot and even 
posed for a picture together.
Thank you to all who were so nice to write me and help me get one of these 
big guys!! I'm sure there are others who are looking for them!!
Thanks again,
Brandy and Bucca

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: Horses and Dogs

2002-11-26 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: Marjorie Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dogs and Horses---in my opinion, they get along great.

Unless, like me, you have a 1500 lbs warmblood (the my Cleveland Bayx) who
likes to stomp dogs and will go out of his way to do so . . . the girls and
my other gelding don't care if the dogs cruise by, though, although my
broodmare just about went through the fence after the dogs when the filly
was small.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Berners Horses

2002-11-26 Thread Imbrich
I just knew that a lot of berner folk were also horse people.  As both- and breeders 
of very large Maine Coon cats- I once had a friend ask me (after seeing our berner) 
what mental illness caused my need to be surrounded by giant creatures G I am lucky 
enough to be owned by Augustus, a 16 month old berner boy and Blue, my 20 year old 
morgan/standardbred gelding.  We used to compete in hunter/jumpers in small shows.  
Now we live to ride the trails.  Lucky for us, we live near and stable Blue next to 
the Rockefeller State Park.  It has miles and miles of trails through deep woods, 
country lanes, stone bridges and open fields- all just 45 minutes north of NY City!  
Sometimes my husband and kids bring Gus to meet us.  People get a kick out of seeing 
Gus and Blue (who is black with a white star and snip) together and hearing that they 
are brothers.  When we make that announcement, they usually touch noses.Berners  
Horses- meant for each other :-) Thanks everyone for joining this thread.
Betsy Rich

RE: Berners Horses

2002-11-26 Thread Rose Tierney
My horse breed was English Thoroughbred, I love their intelligence but they
are high maintenance. I had to sell Red Eric because I didn't have enough
hours in the day and I don't bounce off the ground as well as I used

When my mortgage is paid off I'd like a paint gelding:-)


berners horses

2002-11-26 Thread Krsmith1977
I'm sooo jealous of all of you! I've always wanted a horse!

I don't suppose there's anyone from the michigan area on the list with horses that 
would let me come visit? (Might as well ask)

Kelli  Oscar
Livonia, MI

RE: Gay Tails

2002-11-26 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Sheila,
There are all sorts of dirty tricks to tame a tail but I'm not going to
spill the beans because I don't approve of them. The big upside to a gay
tail is that it is seldom jammed between the legs!:-))


Horses and Berners

2002-11-26 Thread KMTWHITT
I don't know why it surprises me so much, but I am amazed at how many of us have had 
or have horses.  With the holiday's approaching, a very special Christmas eve memory 
comes to the forefront.  The stress of the holidays had really gotten to me and I had 
recently broken up with my boyfriend.  I left work and all I wanted to do was go home 
and hibernate.  I couldn't imagine facing people at the various merry gatherings I 
was suppose to attend.  The snow was coming down heavily and I stopped to pick up my 
beautiful berner girl, Magic, on my way to the barn to feed the horses.  I trudged 
through the chores and when the horses were all fed, blanketed and put up for the 
night, I sat there on the grain bin and listened to the comforting munching of hay 
while Magic worriedly sat at my feet.  I need to get out of this funk!!!  My wonderful 
POA pony who I had since she was 2 years old (then 20 years old) had her newly washed 
red winter blanket on.  I grabbed an old set of sleigh bells out of the tack room and 
a halter  lead rope off the hook.  I hopped on Dots, tied the bells to her blanket 
and hooked the lead rope on her halter.  With Magic, along side us, we ventured out 
into the night with the snow coming down all around us.  We trotted around 
neighborhood, bells a-ringing!  As we passed people, smiles came across their faces 
and by the time I returned to the barn, a smile was on my face as well.  Both Magic 
and Dots have left me now, but the memory of that one Christmas eve will never be 

Since Dots, I have owned Promise (QH/Arab cross) who has been donated to a handicap 
riding program, Tess (TB) who is being leased by a young lady and showing in 
hunters/equitation and Panda (Paint) who still provides my neices and nephews with 
rides when they come to visit and me when I have time to ride.  The horses have slowly 
been phased out as most of my time is spent with the dogs.  You have to admit, it's a 
lot easier to load up the dogs to go to a show, than it is to load up the horses.

Karen Thoubboron
Maibock Kennel
Pittsfield, MA

Re: close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!

2002-11-26 Thread Dino Candelaria
Okay okay enough twisting.
But me down for $20/8 tickets on the puppy.
Check is in the mail today.


RE: BERNER-L digest 4143

2002-11-26 Thread info
Dear List Members,

Could you please take me off your list.  Thank You, Maureen Benson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bernese Mountain Dog
Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1:01 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4143

BERNER-L Digest 4143

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Costco Dogs
  2) Horses and Berners Together
  3) Ohso close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Re: BERNER-L digest 4142
  5) Histio Roll Call  Berners  Horses
by Sharon Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Looking for Stepping Stone
  7) Re: Histio Roll Call But What About the Others...
by Janice Parky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Celebrating Seniors
by Sheila Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Power Tools + Animals
 10) Re: Berners  Horses
by Sarah Jarrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) horses  bernese
by The Hartzheims [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Berners and horses

2002-11-26 Thread Susan Bemus
Don't have any now :(  but it's fun to watch the Berners line up along the 
fence and play bow to the neighbor's horses.

I was as horse-crazy as many girls are when I was a kid, and about the 
first thing I did when I got my first job was to buy my own horse, a 
line-back dun called Babe.  Babe was poorly broken and a poor choice for an 
inexperienced handler, but I loved her.  She took to flinging herself over 
backward when she didn't want to be ridden, and on one occasion caught me 
underneath her.  I fractured 2 vertebrae and dislocated both knees (and am 
paying for it now!) but it was still a wrench to sell Babe when I got 
married and moved to Los Angeles.  At the same time I had Babe I also got 
Dixie, a POA/Welsh pony, for my younger sisters, and Dixie threw a 
Quarterhorse mix foal we called Beau.  After moving back to Arizona I got a 
grey Thoroughbred cross named Wellington, a blue Quarterhorse called Sugar, 
and an Appaloosa called Jack.  But our very best horse was a chestnut grade 
mare named Taco Belle, who was bombproof and the perfect all-around 
horse.  My 5-year-old son learned to ride on Taco, and she'd stand 
perfectly still while he swung from the stirrup and saddle strings, and 
shinnied up her front leg to reach the saddle.  Steve rode 4-H and gymkhana 
on Taco, my husband roped off her and worked cattle, and she was my parade 
and trail horse.  She ran the barrels in under 17 seconds, but moved like a 
snail with a small child on her back and never let a kid fall off.  She 
lived to nearly 40, and I miss her still.  Wish I could afford to keep 
horses again, but I know I'd never find another as good as Taco.

Susan B.  menagerie :)

Berner Parade Nose to Nose Nov. 29th on Martha Stewart Show

2002-11-26 Thread blkcat123
I went to the Martha site to check the tv listings  the parade is listed for this 
Friday's show. 


I'll have to set my VCR since I think it is on in the wee hours of the morning here in 
the Philly area.

Happy Holidays, 
Beth Schmoyer
Snowden  Misha
Bethlehem, PA

question about front legs part 2

2002-11-26 Thread DanniYell
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Berners and Horses

2002-11-26 Thread Penny Pollock-Barnes
I showed quarter horses for 11 years.  I started with a palomino mare named
Skip-N-Jewel and after a few years switched to another palomino mare named
Skips Cashette, the winningest palomino ever!  Both mares were technically
owned by my parents, but I own a black gelding (also a quarter horse) that
lives in Oklahoma.

I showed in all of the classes, Western, English even halter.  But, Western
was my favorite BY FAR!

Penny Pollock-Barnes
Haddonfield, NJ

Draft harnesses

2002-11-26 Thread Workndog
Unless you are looking for an ornamental leather parade harnesses, you can get a great 
nylon webbed siwash harnesses for under $60.00. They are the standard for most draft 
tests and practical day to day duty. They will outlast many dogs but they do need to 
be sized your dog in most cases. Please check the Dogworks website ( 
or Nordkyn outfitters, ( Happy carting and Happy Thanksgiving.
Jim LaFrom
Draft Judge
San Jose,Ca
now get out there and work dem workn' dogs

RE: Dremel Tool Advice

2002-11-26 Thread Nancy Melone
I use a Dremel ($39 variable speed, set at the LOWEST speed to manage heat
and to take nails off very slowly - I use the drum tool for fine sanding) on
my 6 mo pup.  I started exposing her early just to the noise (first, I just
held her paw and did nothing -- gave her a treat at the end) and now she is
fine with it.  We use extra care like one would/should with any tool --
e.g., my husband holds her paw when I operate the tool do it to keep tails,
etc. out of the way.  I go slowly which is why I use my husband's help.

What I have observed is that there is a tendency for people to get in a
hurry and use the tool at too fast a speed.  This generates heat in the nail
and risks injury because of loss of control (taking too much of the nail off
at the time).  I do not use a Dremel on my two other dogs because they were
not exposed to it as pups.  If you go slowly and exercise normal caution,
the Dremel is a very nice tool for nails.

Basically, I use whatever tool my particular dog finds most comfortable.
Nail cutting is not something that I enjoy doing and my dogs probably sense
that.  It might also be because my husband is helping -- he usually leaves
dog things to me so it's a big deal when there is a joint operation in my
house.  In general he is squeamish about these things -- you should have
heard him when I gave my dog an injection!! Oh, I couldn't do that!  I
don't know how you can do this to our Hannah.  Oh, that looks like it
hurts!and on and on...until I told him to please leave the room while I
did it because it was the first time for me and I couldn't handle a husband
that was freaking out -- my dog was perfect.

Nancy Melone


2002-11-26 Thread Bernd Guenter
Info on the tile and on-line ordering and framing
options now available at

Bernd Günter

(not affiliated in any way with the company)

Special: cooking w/dog hair: This won't be on Martha :0)

2002-11-26 Thread blkcat123
Bet ya won't find this on Martha's show Friday w/the Berners :0)

I received this from a friend.  It's a cute one.
Having a berner we have multiple ingredents below.
Just in time for the holidays. :0)

Happy Howlidays, 
Beth Schmoyer
Misha BARC's Alot
Bethlehem, PA

 With Thanksgiving just around the corner these cooking tips might come 
 in handy 
 The proper way to cook with dog hair--by Mary E. Wooley 
 Do you remember the last time you had company for dinner and how 
 embarrassed you were when you dug up several dog hairs from your best 
 gourmet effort? That is because there is a right way and a wrong way to 
 cook with dog hair. 
 First, we must remember each dish calls for a different variety. If you 
 are unfortunate enough to own only one variety, I'm sure you can come up 
 with a friend who will be willing to exchange the proper variety of hair 
 with you. Or one could send off an order for a rare variety as they are 
 light and easy to mail. 
 There are many dishes that are basic to most menus these can always be 
 spiced up with the Buff variety. These are especially useful when baking 
 biscuits, pastries and yellow cakes. The Black and Tan hairs go well 
 with fall dishes, Thanksgiving turkey, mince, or pumpkin pies or even 
 yams. Black of course is for your roasts, steaks, ribs and hearty dishes 
 including stews which carry blacks well. 
 Naturally, Chocolate will go well with most desserts, unless it is a 
 very light Jell-O type dessert. then go back to the Silver Buff. If you 
 are especially interested in foreign foods most varieties can be used in 
 Mexican Japanese and Chinese cooking. In fact, any nationality food will 
 accept most dog hairs without hurting the food. 
 A good rule of thumb to remember which dog hairs go with which dish is-- 
 use them as you would a good wine-- white wine and light hair with the 
 delicate dishes. Dark wine and dark hair with the more robust, heartier 
 Use your dog hair in Good Health! 
 (Comment overheard at a dog show.  one sure way to tell a real dog 
 person, if we find a human hair in our food, we immediately say oh 
 yuck, I can't eat that it has hair in it! If its a dog hair we just 
 flick it out and go right on eating. Think about it ) 

Re: berners horses

2002-11-26 Thread gwebara
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berners and horses (not really berner related)

2002-11-26 Thread gwebara
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berners and horses

2002-11-26 Thread Bugsotis
berners and horses...what a perfect match!!Duke my first berner loved to go for walks 
while I rode my first beast..Prince..he was a spooky throughbred..we attempted 
hunter/equitation. beautiful 9 year young berner..used to help at the farm 
I worked at. Years ago I used to give her the lead rope from the pony's halter and she 
would hold it in her mouth and walk the pony into the indoor ring!! It was the cutest 
thing ever!! My other berner Big Otis... recently lost him to histo..wasn't very fond 
of the horses..then again I did not work/ride much when he was a puppy. Today I dabble 
in eventing and Maggie acts like a puppy when we are at the loves it!!
happy turkey day to all!!
Maura and Maggie

happy dog

2002-11-26 Thread Maggie Geiger

Just wanted to report that my Basil is a happy dog. 1 inch of snow on the 
ground in chicago, and still falling steadily. Gotta hurry home to let Basil 
out to sleep on the driveway. What bliss.

Llove and berner hugs,

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

Fw: Bernese Tile on the Web

2002-11-26 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Received this concerning the Berner tile... thought some of you/us might be
interested.  Jeanne
- Original Message -
From: Len Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jeanne Schoech' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:24 AM
Subject: Bernese Tile on the Web


 I just put up a special web page for the tile with framing options.
 Here is the link.

 The tile can be order directly from the page on a secure server/

 If you would like to post this to a list, we would be delighted.

 Be Well
 Len Goodman

Re: Horses Berners Together.

2002-11-26 Thread jean cheesman
Wow, just got today's Digest in and already loads of replies! Looks like we
Berner Folk also love horses!

We have two Welsh Mountain Ponies, Arthur and Andy, in our Gang. Much loved
by all three of my Bernese,

I am particularly interested in hearing from someone who has or had
horses and Berners who interacted in some interesting, humorous, loving,
etc. way.

Recent adoptee Barney was a bit nervous at first
but now loves to stand at the gate and rub noses with them.

Come Winter Feed time and Sunny always stands real close and has perfected
the Oh, she starves me look. Both ponies will take pity and flick bits of
the feed at her which she catches in mid air.

Find pictures of my lot together on my Longlease Site.

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Re: Everett, MA Costco - Stuffed Berners

2002-11-26 Thread MUFFA1
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Re: Celebrating Berner People and the AKC CHF Fundraiser......

2002-11-26 Thread Hugh Hayes

Thank you for posting this, I have the same thanks to give.  A generous soul
bought some tickets in my name too, and I really should have remembered to
give a thanks to all.


- Original Message -
From: Nancy Melone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: RE: Celebrating Berner People and the AKC CHF Fundraiser..

 I, too, want to thank the anonymous person who bought me tickets in my
 honor.  What a lovely gesture that packs a double benefit.

 This is community of some of the most caring and generous people in the
 world.  Just when I think that they have done all that they can do, they
 more.  While I have not personally had a dog with this dreaded disease, I
 know that it is just because I have not had Berners long enough. I am
 hopeful that the research we fund today will benefit our dogs and any
 creature with this terrible disease tomorrow.  Thanks, again, kind mystery

 Nancy Melone
 Mt Tops Hannah Anna (Hannah-Anna), CD, CGC, TDI - 4 years
 Lionhearts Caruso v Pioneer (Caruso), CGC - 2.8 years
 Elmiras Fleur de Lys (Lillie) - 6 months
 Asia (Seal Point Siamese) - 6 years
 I.M. Pei (Chocolate Point Siamese) - 6 years

Re: Berner_Tile

2002-11-26 Thread Boris
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd Guenter)

Info on the tile and on-line ordering and framing
options now available at

I hate it when people post me shopping opportunities,
it always ends up costing me money ;-) ;-)

The dog did look familiar though
Lovely looking dog. I wonder who it belongs to.

BTW for those of you looking for even more shopping
opportunities - I've just had a custom portrait done of
Boris and Tanja by the man on ebay. Very nice work!

Wendy, Boris (Tanja  Tyra)

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canda
Boris's Books -
Get your FREE personalized e-mail at

OT-to Yellah's (alias Aurora) guardian

2002-11-26 Thread Penny Pollock-Barnes
I'm posting this for someone else:

To Nancy owner of Yellah (alias Aurora)

I'd love to see Yellah again to see and say hello and talk and see how she
is.  I could meet you anywhere you want I think of her every day.  Just a
request.  Thanks


Thanks list,

Penny Pollock-Barnes
Haddonfield, NJ

Owner of Cabot

2002-11-26 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
I feel like an idiot asking this again, my apologies to all!

I have a beautiful puppy photo of Cabot that was emailed to me ages ago,
I'd love to send a copy of it to an artist to use as a subject for a
painting for a future fundraiser, but I'd like to get permission!!

Whose puppy? I know I was told this earlier this year too, which is why
I feel like such an idiot!!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re: getting Teddy to NJ

2002-11-26 Thread Sylvia Katvala

Years ago when people needed help with a transport, they told us why they
needed the help. Knowing why makes the difference.

If people cannot tell me they why if asking for help and don't sign the
emails with First, Last Name and address.
Guess, why should we bother to help?
Yes, I want the Berner-l to stay a friendly place.

I'm very frustrated with the many people on the list who are rather rude by
not signing their emails, not following the rules, ignoring what Pat ask
them to do, etc.

Sylvia Katvala
Tucson, AZ

Re: close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!

2002-11-26 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
THANK YOU, Dino and the others who have responded to my pleas!!   We are 
'inching' towards our goal of $3,000, but we are not there yet, so your 
donations are a BIG help not only in helping us hit our target, but also in 
helping to fight Malignant Histiocytosis in Berners.   We still have almost 
two days to reach our goal.   If you haven't made a donation yet, there is 
still time to enter the drawing and to help Berners.   What more could you 
want?   Here is the website:			

Be sure to send a message telling me how much you are donating and how you 
want me to distribute your tickets into the envelopes for the drawing.   I 
know that we will make our goal, but it will take all of us to make it 

Joye Neff and Winston (so happy that the snow is coming down, that he wants 
to lie and let it cover him) (Samantha and Ben - both have short hair so 
they are happy to do their business and hurry back into the warm house)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Christmas Stockings

2002-11-26 Thread Liz Steinweg Crew
Go to and click on the stocking
picture. Then scroll down to the Bernese Stocking. It' s needlepoint  cute.
Cost is $27.99.You'll have to fill it yourself though!

Same stocking is also at for $22.00.
Or at for

Or another one which can be personalized at

Hmmm, I think I need a life!

Liz Steinweg  The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte Baloo - our rescue Berner-boy!
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio  Sahara (the Rat Cats)
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00)
Colorado Springs CO

- Original Message -
From: Doug Kohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am not sure what the appropiate stocking is?
But, I think it would resemble a traditional stocking of the Berner
Mountains - if there is such a thing?

Any ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

RE: close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!

2002-11-26 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel

What day are you drawing the winning ticket (I should say MY winning
ticket!)? How much time to I have to tell you how much additional money
I'll be sending?

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

Sounds like a step in the right direction

2002-11-26 Thread nbmws6
I was having a discussion with someone who bought a 4 month old Doberman
puppy at a pet store, and got into an anti-petstore conversation. He was
saying that the poor thing doesn't know how to be a puppy, just life in a
cage. He is working with him to encourage normal puppy life.  I was
surprised (happily) when he  informed me of the following (why cant all the
states do this?):
In Connecticut pet stores that sell dogs must have all paperwork on hand
every dog. They had a file cabinet with a folder for each dog. When I
purchased him I received the folder that includes his family tree back 6
generations, breeder's names, birth date, AKC info and so on. They also get
inspected every month by the state for upkeep on records, shots,
cleanlyness(sp?) of the store, health of the dogs and so on. It's a
checklist with 50 or so checkups they do.

Dawn Wells, Manson, Rio
Watauga, Texas

Longlease Update!

2002-11-26 Thread jean cheesman
Where can I begin??

Well, have just posted while ago re. the Berners and Horse together and
haven't even got the mail back in yet on the Digest tonight! Oh, this has
been a very busy one! Cannot believe how many of you out there love horses
too. Well, yes I can!  I love horses and ponies too! Guess if you love big
dogs mostly you will love other big animals!

Hmm! New poll suggested here! How many Berner Owners have Cats? I have three
of each and my Berners love small critturs too! (could include rabbits,

You know I have my Gang that is Berners, cats, goats, ponies and sheep! All
shapes and sizes! All get on very well most of the time!

Back to Longlease Updates! Sorry been so behind. Bad gales here in the UK a
few weeks ago and power and phone line were down. Have barely been keeping

Hah! But first things first! Have kept pace for the AKC CHF raffle, yes,
biased as I was. My Sam's picture as puppy that Willem captured so
beautifully for one of the paintings! All paws crossed here for the winners!
(Whisper says that Willem is doing new painting for new Raffle!)

No new pics from Longlease as yet, still have the last camera upload to
sort, oh, teasing! It will be my cats and dogs cuddling up together now
Winter is coming on!

In the meantime, catching up!

Just uploaded Friends Gallery, wonderful pic of Willem's Dingo having Big
Breakfast! Belated Halloween Snow Witches from Beth, Snowden and Misha! And
Karen Alexander's, Hazel! Christmas Angel or Not?

Biggest Berner Hugs Ever, check the Updates on the Longlease Site

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

RE: Longlease Update!

2002-11-26 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
 I love horses and ponies too! Guess if you love big dogs mostly you
will love other big animals!

Nope. No way. 


[no subject]

2002-11-26 Thread squillyb
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Re: Our Tonka is gone

2002-11-26 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
 I know we will never replace him.
I am so very sorry to read of your unexpected loss.

But we are a family that simply loves our
 pets and we know we will want to get another dog in the future.  Right now
 hurts too much to think about, but what do those of you with experience in
 this kind of loss think?  Is there an appropriate length of time to wait
 before we begin our search for a new dog?
I always had a little overlap when I lost a dog companion until I lost my
Rohan four years ago; in other words, I always had an older dog and a
younger dog, so when I lost my older companion there was still a dog in the
house. When I lost Roh, since he was an aggressive breed dog and would have
been unable to accept a younger dog pal, I was left with an empty house for
the first time since I was a little child. I freaked, honestly, and I
brought Micawber into my life as soon as possible after my loss. It was a
long two months with no dog in my home.

There is no right length of time. It might be days, it might be weeks,
months, years . . . every family is different. I truely beleive there is no
therapy for a broken heart like puppy breath, and I am willing to bet Tonka
will help pick you out a new puppy when you are ready, and nudge him or her
your way from the Bridge.

Remember the love, and hang in there.
Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re:Berners and Cats

2002-11-26 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hmm! New poll suggested here! How many Berner Owners have Cats? I have
 of each and my Berners love small critturs too! (could include rabbits,

Yep. Seven barn cats (Ceirce, Dusk, Faust, Another Doodle, Banjo,
Rumpleteaser, Squiggle) and two in the house (Rimble and Obsidion); we had
four in the house but we lost one to cancer and one old age within this past

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Berners and Cats

2002-11-26 Thread Kelly
Taking the initiative here from Jean. I have one cat who loves the dog.
Matter of fact he is mostly dog himself, he just doesn't know he has a cats
body and makes cat noises! My fondest memory is of when we first brought
Tuxedo (the cat of course) home. The first one to investigate the cat was
Dillon with Hope following a close second to see what this new fellow was
made of. Boy did he ever fit right in. The dogs and him got along perfectly.
He is one of the dogs (figuratively speaking), he begs, sits, sits pretty
and comes when called. He also runs to the door with Hope when people come
to visit.

In our book he definitely fits right in with our family.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: Looking for Stepping Stone

2002-11-26 Thread Jennifer Popp
Dag-nab-it, Kim. There is a site that sells dog stepping stones. I think it
came up here a couple of years ago. I'll search my favourite links, but
can't promise anything. I'll post if I find it.

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Kim Morrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| I'd like to buy my neighbor a Berner stepping stone for Xmas but I'm not
| having any luck finding one.

Bone cancer, be gone!

2002-11-26 Thread Lisa D Allen
Moses, like the trooper he has always been, braved his first round of 
chemotherapy today for osteosarcoma, having had his leg amputated on Nov. 
13.  He was admitted to Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston for the 
day for his treatment, spending about 7AM to 8PM there; this is because in 
addition to the chemo., they do extensive blood work and testing of the 
urine samples that I brought from Moses.  Plus, as a part of the treatment, 
they must flush the dog's system.
They noted, on his discharge summary, that he is a very sweet dog!
He is under the expert supervision of Dr. Brum, who coordinates his 
treatments at Angell.  Dr. Brum and all the staff at Angell treat me and 
Moses, and, I would imagine, all clients and patients, with great respect 
and gentleness and patience.  Moses had adriamycin and cisplatin for chemo. 
and was also given medicine to prevent tummy upset.  He seems fine.
The chemo. is necessary because bone cancer tumors are notorious for 
sending, even before amputation, microscopic cancer cells into the body.
I am so proud of Moses!
Lisa Allen

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RE: close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!

2002-11-26 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Pat,

What day are you drawing the winning ticket (I should say MY winning 
**  Well, I think that you'd have a lot of people who could say the same 
thing - they all want their ticket to be the winning one and who can blame 
them when you see the lovely paintings that Willem did for our fundraiser!! 
The drawing will be on Thanksgiving Day (probably late in the day since I'm 
having ten people for Thanksgiving Dinner!!!)

How much time to I have to tell you how much additional money I'll be 
**  As long as you tell me before I do the drawing, I can put your tickets 
into the envelopes.  Be sure to tell me how much you are sending and how 
you'd like me to distribute your tickets for the drawing.

It's really down to the wire now - so you procrastinators can't hold off 
much longer!!!   Here is the web site so you can see the beautiful Berner 
paintings and see the instructions for sending in those 'last minute 
checks' to me:			
Thanks to Karen Pickel for creating such a wonderful website for our 

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

I tried, but forgot my password

2002-11-26 Thread BBrendaDale
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Re: Unexpected jealousy

2002-11-26 Thread Michelle
Speaking of talking, has anyone else got a puppy that can't go to sleep or
wake up without all sorts of noises and thrashing about?  Since he's taken
to sleeping in our bed this is particularly noticeable.  There's whining,
single barks, moans, groans, and noise that defies description.  This is a
boy about 6 months old.
He's also very jealous of our other puppy.  We thought he had a problem with
taking walks.  With some experimenting, we discovered he's jealous of me
giving the other dog attention.  I can hold him and Chuck the other, or I
can hold both, or he can hold both; but I can't hold her and Chuck the

- Original Message -
Cc: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: Unexpected jealousy

 Yes, and we discovered our female BMD pup is so much more VERBAL than our
male...all kinds of talk always going on...must be a girl thing :~).
 Anne (with Maddie and Titan)

Re: happy dog

2002-11-26 Thread jean cheesman
 Just wanted to report that my Basil is a happy dog. 1 inch of snow on the
 ground in chicago, and still falling steadily. Gotta hurry home to let
 out to sleep on the driveway. What bliss.

Envy, envy, Maggie and Basil

Still Humid and Very Wet UK. Hmm! Supposed to be cold here

Global warming?

Love Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Re: Big Costco Berners

2002-11-26 Thread Michelle
None left in Huntsville, AL.  Never were many.

- Original Message -
From: Karyn Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 6:38 AM
Subject: RE: Big Costco Berners

 I was in Costco last night and the one by my house seemed to have alot
   Yesterday the bin it was in was full.  I really do not know if Costco
 ships, but it's the Costco in Tennessee.  Cool Springs, Tennessee to be
 exact.  I think it's the only Costco in TN.

 It's $34.99 at this Costco.  I'm not sure if the price is the same all

 Take care,
 Karyn Waugh

 Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Two training problems for the group to advise me

2002-11-26 Thread Karen Alexander
 My first problem and question is that I have an old wicker love seat that I
just discovered has been nibbled on. Please suggest what to put on it to
stop my delinquent. Its on the back leg so staining isn't a problem. Next,
Hazel, my SAS one year old, is going wild at night playing in the now cool
night air and I have trouble getting her inside. I do not play with her when
its time to come in and turn my back as suggested by someone on the L. I
have the German Sheppard from you know where next door barking all the time
I am outside. This has escalated to the neighbors no longer speaking to me
because I mentioned their barking dog. I am afraid Hazel is wanting to play
with this dog and could care less about me. I give up and go in the house
and when I return, there are several craters of dirt she has dug. I finally
have to go get the garden hose, turn it on and squirt water up in the air to
get her attention. Then she makes a line for the door. Once in the garage, I
have to wash off her feet. While washing her, I can tell she is winded. She
comes in the house and crashes for at least an hour. This behavior can't be
good for her heart. Please advise me on what I need to do.
Karen Alexander

Re: Berners and Cats

2002-11-26 Thread stmaybe
oh absolutely! baka has two older kitty brothers  loves them to death. 
unfortunately they both rather wish she'd go back to where ever she came 
from, though they're tolerating her presence fairly well.

baka even plays like a cat, using her paws all the time. we have to look 
out - those clodhoppers she calls paws pack quite a wallop. she learned 
that from her best friend, simon the tuxedo kitty. she's been a bit 
lonely since he died this past fall. i've been wanting to bring her a 
new brother or sister, kitten or puppy, but have been threatened with 
major relationship problems if i do it before we find a bigger home. 
kirk just needs a little convincing, that's all. ;)

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Hmm! New poll suggested here! How many Berner Owners have Cats? I have three of each and my Berners love small critturs too! (could include rabbits,